#but the bizarre theories about harry sabotaging louis mostly and all the weird shit about who louis is supposedly fucking
statementlou · 7 months
are you a larrie? ik you’re a solo louie but i’ve seen you talk about larry so i’m confused
I am 100% sure Louis and Harry were together in band days (and think their sweet baby love was so fucking adorable and beautiful I want to die), feel certain they still were after the band and again after a split for a while, and consider it possible that they still are now, but I don't feel like I can know that so I'm also open to the possibility that they aren't anymore (I go back and forth! I kind of lean towards no they aren't, but I can't rule out the possibility that they're still together; we just don't see either of their private lives anymore, anything is possible.) So am I still a larry? I actually have wondered this, I feel like the fandom terms have gotten so confusing- you can be sure they WERE together but not be a larry if you think they aren't now I guess (solo louies) but that would have made people froth at the mouth and send death threats a couple years ago, and idk maybe it still does (guess I'm about to find out😂). There are plenty of other aspects of the solo louie agenda I find fucking intolerable though, so I don't identify as that even if I do seem to fit the bill EDIT: I take it back I'm a BIG OLD LARRIE!! I almost forgot the true meaning of larrie which is to flip a giant ass middle finger and FUCK YOU to the antis who go around harassing people, saying horrible things about the boys, and genuinely believe that Louis and Harry are heterosexual men who loooove boobs and stuff
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