#but the crew (mostly luffy) stays next to the kitchen door to listen to him
beanghostprincess · 6 months
I like to think that Zeff has a surprisingly good singing voice and whenever Sanji had a nightmare or a panic attack, he'd hold him and sing to him until he calmed down
Sora did the same thing!!! And it turns out Sanji also has a very soothing and beautiful singing voice and he often sings while cooking so sometimes you'll catch the crew just sitting next to the door listening to him in secret
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stardustryewriting · 4 years
Nothing left unspoken
Zoro and Sanji shared a kiss days ago. Sanji refuses to speak about it. Zoro insists on speaking about it.
Also on AO3: here
Most of the time, Sanji’s annoyingly loud praises, that made everyone aware of his presence all the time, were the worst thing about Zoro’s day. When Sanji praised Nami and Robin for doing the bare minimum (something he always criticized about Zoro) his voice was something special between worship and sing-song, that was all Sanji’s own. And way too over the top, if you asked Zoro. So, usually he picked fights to get Sanji back to his normal voice and to divert his attention from Nami and Robin. Which Robin didn’t seem to mind at all and Nami only ever minded in the rare occasion she really wanted Sanji to do something for her. Also, when doing this, Zoro always had Sanji’s undivided attention. It was a nice added bonus.
Not that he would ever admit that out loud.
He didn’t have to either. Though what he did instead was objectively worse. How he had managed to turn their usual old I’m not going the wrong way, you do argument into a make-out session was still beyond him. In his defense, Sanji was hot when he was riled up, or annoyed or even just mildly inconvenienced. (Sanji was hot all the time, he wouldn’t admit that either.) And so, when Sanji was screaming at him about some directions that made no sense and were completely wrong anyways, he lost control and just kissed him. On the lips, with tongue, because he had thought Sanji opened his mouth because he wanted it too. He only realized way later, that Sanji’s mouth was open out of shock. In retrospect, that made more sense.
Sanji had fled afterwards, running faster than Zoro had ever seen him running, and Sanji wasn’t slow by any means. So, Zoro had expected that when he returned to the ship, he would get Sanji’s cold shoulder for a while. Or some passive-aggressive comments that would the turn into an active-aggressive fight. Or maybe some disgusted looks, because even though he never hid his sexual preference, he never openly stated it either, where as Sanji was very explicit about his favored gender. Which unfortunately wasn’t Zoro’s gender.
What he got instead was nothing. No looks, no comments, no cold shoulder. He got his normal treatment, Sanji nagging about him not doing enough, picking fights that were more about there respective prides than the thing they were actually fighting about, and Sanji still giving him a bottle of booze with every lunch and dinner. While this should have been good, their normal routine, same old Zoro and Sanji doing Zoro and Sanji things, it wasn’t. Because underneath Sanji’s normal, over-the-top surface he carefully kept around the crew, something was simmering. Zoro felt it in his bones, like Nami felt storms on the Grandline.
That wasn’t good. They needed to talk about this. (which Zoro didn’t really want to, but if it was to keep the peace on the ship, he could deal with it.) But every time he found Sanji alone - mostly in the kitchen to prepare food - the cook somehow managed to cut their talk short. It’s no big deal, was the best answer Zoro had ever gotten out of him and he would have loved to take it, but he knew there was more. Damn Sanji for not being able to give him a straight answer.
So Zoro decided to corner him on deck, when he came back from yet another delivery to Nami and Robin. He did more of those than usual, and Zoro had actually believed that he couldn’t possibly increase the frequency any further. Sanji just loved to mess with his head, it seemed.
„I need to talk to you.“ Straight and to the point. Cause if he said anything else Sanji would use that as a get away or a distraction. Or he would just flee again, which was so unlike him, that it made Zoro even madder, than the constant avoidance he had to deal with.
„I don’t think there was anything to talk about“, Sanji answered way too happy for his usual self. Certainly happier than he ever was talking to Zoro. It hurt, a lot. But it also was a serious test for his patience, and his patience for this situation was thin from the beginning. Zoro glared at him, hoping to convey that he was as annoyed and tired about this topic as Sanji was. And if they could just have one talk, to make sure that the Thousand Sunny stayed peaceful, he would gladly drop it forever. He would erase it out of his mind and hopefully never think about it again. (He wouldn’t be able to do that really. But he needed to try.)
„You can’t mean this. I know you’re not as stupid as you look.“
„Excuse me?“, Sanji sputtered, looking as insulted as he usually did, when one of Zoro’s compliments came out the wrong way. Zoro just didn’t have a way with words. And Zoro decided ages ago, when it became apparent that Sanji really had no interest in men at all, that it was better no one ever recognized his compliments for what they were. It did save him a whole bunch of explaining. And probably a lot of uncomfortable situations, too. But also, right now he was determined to make his point clear, no matter how much he had to shout at Sanji for that.
„Goddammit, we kissed, you can’t just ignore that“, and shouting that out in hearing range of the entire crew might not have been the smartest move, but Zoro hadn’t had it in him to care. Sanji seemed to care enough for both of them anyways, if his increasingly annoyed look was any indication. He also turned a little red in the face, which would have been cute, if the situation wasn’t as serious.
(„Zoro and Sanji kissed?“, he heard Chopper ask someone in the background. Thankfully not them. He really didn’t have the capacity for that right now.
„Yes a few days ago“, Robin answered patiently, and Zoro didn’t even want to know how she knew. There was just no hiding anything from Robin it seemed.)
„You wanna tell it to the newspapers too?“, Sanji whispered angrily and Zoro would have laughed, if he was any less tense. As if whispering would save anything now. He’s seen Nami collect money from both Usopp and Franky out of the corner of his eye, even though Sanji seemed to be blissfully unaware. Zoro was only surprised Robin hasn’t won. With her powers, she could have easily rigged the game.
„What, now you want a private talk?“, he mocked Sanji instead of screaming in frustration like he originally wanted to. Nami probably had a bet on that too, and he refused to let her win two times in one day. Also, mocking usually proved more effective when he wanted Sanji to talk to him, where screaming only ever lead to them fighting. A fight was the last thing they needed now. Maybe they could have one to get rid of some steam after all of this was over. Hopefully it was over soon. (It did hurt the first few days, now Zoro was just tired of it.)
Instead of giving him a verbal answer, Sanji grabbed him by the wrist of his hand and tugged him inside the ship, into the men’s sleeping room. Once there, Sanji grabbed his cigarettes and the lighter from his pocket pants and lit himself a cigarette. Zoro wished he didn’t, he hated the smell even under the open sky, but it was worse in closed rooms. Instead of starting a fight about the cigarette smell, he busied himself opening all two of the windows in the mans sleeping room. Sanji was trying to distract him, to change the topic, again. He wouldn’t let him.
„So what now?“, he asked, after he opened the second window and leaned on the wall next to it. Sanji still stood by the door, taking a long drag from his cigarette and disposing of the ashes in the ashtray on the night table next to him, seemingly having all the time in the world.
„Nothing, you wanted to talk, now talk“, Sanji answered him finally, tone carefully devoid of all emotions, making Zoro want to hit him in the head. And, for some reason, to kiss him again. Which was  a dangerous thought, that Zoro carefully got rid of, before he decided to say something to Sanji again. He moved from his spot on the wall to sit on the bed furthest away from the door, where Sanji was still standing. It was Luffy’s bed, standing against the wall separating the room from the ocean, because Luffy liked listening to the sounds of the waves when he fell asleep. Zoro wasn’t usually this sentimental, but even he could agree that they were soothing right now.
„You can’t keep pretending that it didn’t happen, cause guess what? It did. And it obviously still bothers you“, Zoro stated, way more defeated than he ever thought he would be. When Zoro had thought about having this talk with Sanji (and he did think about it a lot more than he was willing to admit) he was always mad and screaming and demanding an apology for Sanji leaving like he did. In his imagination he was always so full of rage, because he had showed Sanji his heart that day and Sanji had stomped on it and pretended he didn’t. But now, that he finally talked with Sanji he was just fed up with the entire thing. Let Sanji be mad him for this, he could even spit on Zoro’s vulnerability a second time if he wanted. Zoro really just wanted all of this to be over now.
„I never pretended it didn’t happen. I just didn’t see the need to talk about it“, Sanji defended, sounding entirely too cool in Zoro’s opinion. He had known Sanji for long enough to know that it bothered him more than he let on. He also knew he would have to provoke Sanji to get something out of him. Sanji would rather implode than let Zoro in on his feelings. (How he was ever stupid enough to believe something else, for even a second, was beyond him.)
„You -“, he was rudely interrupted by the sound of a door slamming and what was very unmistakingly Luffy screaming out a demand for food. Luffy was however very abruptly stopped, by what Zoro thought sounded like Nami hitting him. Her reprimanding their captain a second later („Not now, you really have no sense for what is important“) confirmed his suspicions. There really was no way to have some privacy on this ship.  
„You know that this is lie. As well as I do. If you keep it all in you’re gonna explode one day“, Zoro said, after the door slammed shut a second time, when Nami had dragged their captain back on deck. Sanji, who was well on his way to take the distraction Luffy had provided for him, froze in the middle of his movement and looked at Zoro with one eye blown wide. The next second it narrowed in anger.
„Don’t assume what I will or won’t do. You assuming things is what got us into this -.“ Sanji seemed like he lacked the proper word to describe their current situation, so he just gestured wildly with his hands. „- thing“, he finally ended rather lame. At least thing wasn’t wrong and it wasn’t as hurtful as ‚mess‘ would have been. Zoro had fully believed Sanji would use mess.
„Alright, I stop assuming when you tell me what your problem is“, he agreed, because it seemed like getting Sanji to talk would be easier than he thought. Lucky him.
„It didn’t hate it“, Sanji mumbled and Zoro almost didn’t catch it. In fact Zoro was sure he didn’t catch it and his brain just made up something he wanted to hear. Maybe he had some sort of spontaneous stroke that affected his hearing. Or he was laying on deck underneath the warm sun and dreamed. All those things were more likely than this.
„Excuse me?“, he said, because he was certain this wasn’t a dream, so he must have heard Sanji wrong.
Sanji sighed deeply, taking one last drag of his cigarette, before putting it out for good in the ashtray. Then he made his way across the room, dropping down on the same bed, Zoro was sitting on, close enough that their legs were touching. He leaned back, resting his head against the wall, looking at the ceiling and continued talking.
„I said, I didn’t hate. It was a nice enough kiss, even though you clearly have no idea what you’re doing. I was just really confused, during and after because YOU“, and he made a point of looking at Zoro now, „are not a women. You aren’t even pretty. So I was scared and I ran, because I couldn’t possibly fight my feelings. And then of course I insulted you, I might have even hurt you, so I couldn’t bring myself to talk to you. And you never talk about feelings, ever so I thought I was safe to just pretend, but suddenly you’re all ‚We need to settle this‘“, he did a horrible impression of Zoro’s voice here, „and I was just. I wasn’t prepared to talk about it so I didn’t. I honestly didn’t think it would bother you that much.“
Sanji’s leg twitched next to him, and Zoro couldn’t possibly ignore that way Sanji’s lean muscle moved next to his own significantly bigger leg. It made concentrating hard, but Zoro was determined to see this through to the end. He’d already come this far.
„I don’t just kiss people without a reason“, was everything his mind could come up with, because Sanji was still so damn close. And he smelt really nice, and he was still very hot, maybe even more so up close, but Zoro could say none of that out loud. And even though it wasn’t technically an answer to what Sanji had just confessed, the other took it.
„Why did you kiss me back then anyway? We were in middle of an argument! Full offense, you have the worst timing.“
Now, that got Zoro to concentrate on something other than the feel of Sanji’s leg against his own. (Not entirely true, it still stayed in the back of his mind.) Just what was he supposed to answer to that? The truth, he decided, because lying now, to save his face would get them into an even worse spot than before, if Sanji found out. And Sanji knew Zoro as well as Zoro knew Sanji.
„You’re really hot, when you’re riled up“, he confessed in small voice, in hopes Sanji wouldn’t catch all of it. He did judging by the way he laughed, and Zoro didn’t have it in him to be mad about. Sanji was more light-hearted than he had been in days and it was all thanks to Zoro.
„You’re also really hot, when you’re riled up“, Sanji confessed, after he had calmed down and leaned more towards Zoro. He placed his hand on Zoro’s thigh in the process, looking at him like Zoro was the only thing on Sanji’s mind right now. Zoro didn’t think he’s ever been happier.
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springwritess · 5 years
Relationship Headcannons With Usopp, Luffy, Zoro and Sanji
This was originally supposed to be a best friend headcannon, but im thirsty whelp.
This headcannon will include Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, and Usopp. I’ll do Sabo, Ace and Law another day.
Monkey D Luffy:
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Luffy is adventurous and a bit crazy. He’s also extremely loyal. It might take awhile to get used to his energy, but I’m sure after a few months of being together you’d be just as wild.
Luffy isn’t exactly someone who’s into kisses or anything inherently sexual. Kisses would most likely be on the cheeks. He’s a cutie though every time he kisses you. He’ll kiss you often. Just woke up? Kiss. Sitting next to him? Kiss. Walking by? Kiss.
Luffy is very tactile and affectionate however. He doesn’t really understand the concept of personal space, so he’ll get too clingy sometimes. He’ll cuddle with you in all sorts of positions. He’ll just want you to be around. He’ll want to feel you all the time - nothing sexual of course. He would bring you close and hold you tight. He wouldn’t be able to sleep without you unless he’s wrapped around his partner. He’d want to nap all the time with you.
Luffy is romantic without even trying. He’ll say sweet things that’ll end up leaving you flustered. “My heart beats fast whenever I’m with you! “I love your laugh! It makes me feel happy.” “Don’t worry, ill protect you.”
If you’re upset, he’d give you lots of hugs to try to comfort you when you’re upset. Sometimes it would be by joking with you. He would want you to get your mind of things. Luffy can have his serious moments though however. If he realizes you’re extremely upset, he’ll sit there with you as you explain what’s wrong. He’ll put his strawhat on you. His strawhat has a weird power. When he puts it on you, you’ll feel like everything is going to be okay.
Speaking of his hat, Luffy would trust it with you. He rarely trusts his hat with anyone. Aside from a few of the strawhats, he hasn’t let anyone else touch it. He wouldn’t mind if you wore it. He’d put it on your head. It’s his way of showing that he treasures you.
Whenever you guys go to a new island, you guys would explore and mess around. You guys went to Skypeia? You guys are going to jump on the clouds and laugh. He’d even convince you to explore Upper Yard, despite it being forbidden and where ‘god’ resides. Sabaody? You guys would be on top of the bubbles and float to the very top. Thriller Bark? You guys would explore the island to look for zombies. It’d be crazy, fun and exciting. Be ready to almost die while having Luffy as your partner.
You’d get used to his jokes and pranks, because he’s hilarious. Sometimes you would join in on it too. You two would sometimes prank Zoro or Usopp. Afterwards, you’d both get a scolding from Nami for being idiots.
Luffy can be an idiot sometimes. He’d be doing something stupid and fall into water. Be ready to jump in the water and have to save him! It most likely will get annoying after awhile. If you can’t swim, then get ready to drown with him.
Luffy would give you some of his meat. This will take awhile though however. Luffy rarely gives people his food. In fact, he takes it from others. When he does give you his food, this signifies how much he cares for you.
Luffy doesn’t care about how strong you are. He just would want you to be yourself. Strong? Weak? He doesn’t care! Be yourself. That’s all he would want. He wouldn’t ask you about your life story. It’s just not his style. If you opened up about your life, he’d be happy to listen. If you didn’t, that’s fine. He accepted you for the person you are today, not the person you were in the past.
Sanji Vinsmoke:
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Sanji loves all women, but he’ll treat you differently. He’ll be deeply in love with you, from your looks to your smile to your little quirky habits. He’ll love it all. He’ll definitely accept you too. You’re his best friend and his lover. Sanji treasures your relationship together, and will take it very seriously
Expect to be showered with little presents and food all the time. You’re going to be his queen. He’ll make sure you have the most delicious and nutritious meals. He’ll find out what your favourite meals are, and cook it for you. Expect every meal to be amazing. He’ll give you’ll small presents - mostly trinkets and things he finds cute from different islands. He might pick some flowers or some pretty seashells for you too.
You won’t be able to spend every moment together however. Sanji has his responsibilities on the ship, and you have yours. He’ll mostly be in the kitchen preparing the next meal for the crew, or cleaning up. It’ll make his heart flutter when you watch him, or offer to clean up too. He’ll obviously decline, because just having you there is enough. When he does have time however, you guys would sit in the gallery of The Sunny and just talk about life.
It doesn’t matter to Sanji where your from, but he’ll definitely be curious. He’ll want to know every small detail about you. He’ll want to know which sea you came from, your likes and dislikes, your hobbies and your passions. He’ll want to know everything. He’ll be patient if your not comfortable. Sanji will not open up about his past however. It’s too painful for him to think about. You might hear stories about his times with Zeff though.
Sanji will want to protect you. He’ll make sure no harm comes your way during battles and such. If anyone were to hurt you - even if it was a small scratch there will be hell to pay.
He’ll be delicate with you too. He won’t touch you if you’re not comfortable with it though. He might stare at you sometimes, to just admire your beauty. His eyes may wander down to your cleavage, but he’ll try his best not to.
Sanji gets jealous pretty easily. He trusts you a lot, but he can’t stand the thought of men staring at you. He’ll often pick fights with Zoro, if you get too close with him. It’s something you’ll just have to put up with. Sometimes you’ll have to reassure him and tell him you only love him.
Sanji tries to stay calm if you two were to get in an argument. He has self-control, and will swallow his frustration and anger. He’ll work with you to solve the problem in a much more peaceful manner and try to see things half-way if possible.
Sanji is your rock. If something is wrong, he’s someone you can come to. He’s someone you can lean and cry on. If it takes you a while to open up about any problems, he’ll be patient and wait for you. He’ll give you the time you need. He might prepare you a cup of tea to de-stress and a nice warm meal too.
Sanji loves PDA, but it usually is only hand-holding. There might be hugs sometimes too. He loves feeling the warmth of your hand in his. He loves having you close to him too. Kisses would be short too, anything more and he’ll die of blood loss in public.
The more your relationship progresses, the amount of affection will increase. Hugs will become much longer and more meaningful. Kisses will be longer and more passionate too. Things might get steamy sometimes, but you can’t go too far without Sanji getting a nosebleed.
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Usopp is a dorky, childish individual. He’s a coward sometimes, and hasn’t thought too much about women aside from Kaya. You however, mean the world to him. He loves you and will treasure your relationship.
You would listen to his stories (and lies) with eagerness. He would love seeing you engaged and playing along with him. You two would spend hours talking with each other on The Sunny
When you’re not talking, he’s mostly working on a new invention. You’d make stops to his workshop often to see how things are going. He likes having you there, and watching quietly behind him. Sometimes he’ll explain to you the invention you’re working on, and you’ll quietly listen.
Usopp would love to have a s/o who’s stronger than him, because he’s a coward. He likes having someone protect him. At the same time, he doesn’t want to feel useless or weak in front of them. You two would most likely fight side by side in battle, and back each other up. If you’re not able to fight, he’ll swallow down his cowardliness and try his best to protect you.
Similar to Luffy, Usopp can act like a child. He’ll pull pranks or tease you sometimes. You’d get used to his jokes and pranks, because he’s hilarious. Sometimes you would join in on it too. You two would sometimes prank Zoro or Luffy. Afterwards, you’d both get a scolding from Nami for being idiots.
Arguments can get heated. Usopp can’t always hold his temper, so when he’s upset he might take it out on you (similar to his fight with Luffy on Water7). He’ll always apologize, and try his best to make it up to you. You’ll have to be more patient with him.
Usopp is an artistic person too. He loves painting and drawing. When he’s not busy, he’ll often draw pictures of you. His sketchbooks are full of drawings of you on The Sunny or on various islands. He’s too embarrassed to show any of them to you, but he thinks your beautiful.
Usopp doesn’t mind PDA. It’s usually a short kiss and hugs. He’s not a fan of handholding because his hands get sweaty easily, so you two just stand close to each other. He can get embarrassed rather easily however, especially when the crew teases him. Most affection is behind closed doors. As your relationship progresses, kisses become longer and more passionate. He also hugs you more.
Roronora Zoro:
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Zoro isn’t necessarily the most romantic type of guy. The only things that seem to interest him are his swords and sake. He isn’t interested in dating or marrying anyone. Don’t expect him to announce his undying love for you or any grand gestures, just appreciate the little things
He’s not interested in PDA, so don’t expect for your relationship to be public. It’ll most likely be private, with the exception of the crew knowing. He’ll most likely blush whenever you give him a kiss or hug in front of someone. Sanji will definitely tease him the hell outta it, which will result in a fight.
Zoro secretly loves them though. He likes when you hug him. He’ll never admit it of course. The more your relationship progresses, the more you guys will hug and show affection. It’s always private however. He refuses to kiss you in public settings. Kisses are usually short, very rarely do they become deep and passionate.
He loves to take naps with you, or just have you in his arms. He’ll make you stop whatever you’re doing to come and make nap with him. He loves your warmth, your smell, your soft skin and just your presence warms his heart
When it comes to strength, he would prefer it if you were strong. That way, he wouldn’t have to worry about them as much. However, he doesn’t mind if you’re not strong either. He’ll go out of his way to protect you no matter what.
Zoro is level-headed and can be a bit blunt sometimes. He’ll tell you like it is, which can lead to arguments sometimes. He’s someone you can go to if you need advice about certain matters. He also helps you get your shit together too.
When you guys reach a new island, you usually cling to him. The last thing you need is for him to get lost. This usually embarrasses him, but he secretly loves it when you’re close to him.
Zoro loves to drink, so expect gifts of booze. If you’re not much of a drinker, that might disappoint him a little but won’t bother him too much. If you love drinking, it might worry him if you get drunk. He doesn’t want to see you wander off or get hurt.
At the end of the day, all 4 of these men love you. You’re their best friend and their lover. You make them laugh and feel important. They love everything about you; your laugh, your quirks and your smile. They love spending every day with you.
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