#but the guilt threatens to swallow her whole so she turns to luck and flips coins to make her decisions
dullahandyke · 2 years
Me when I remember that my ocs have interpersonal relationships
#like obvi i love ames and ringo to death#but man recently ALL my thought have been on the sacrificial triad <- need to come up w a better name for them#like mfw thea and miren and shirley fuck each other up irreparably while raph spurs it on#and thea died long ago but he needed to live so badly#and MIREN miren the eldest sibling with nothing but their brother needed him to live so badly#that thea commandeered mirens body through possession and miren let him#and mirens entire life was consumed and theyre constantly exhausted from the energy theyre giving up#but thea is There and thats enough for them#and maybe they've been looking for something to devote themselves entirely to and not have to make decisions for#SPEAKING OF WHICH. SHIRLEY!#shirley who helped thea hide his own body and tried to help him find his killer#who bonded to the diez siblings and fell in love with thea#but shirley is a detective in a corrupt police force and the guilt of all the cover-ups is killing her#and she knowingly causes more situations like theas for the sake of protecting their triad#but the guilt threatens to swallow her whole so she turns to luck and flips coins to make her decisions#and she turns to thea and he comforts her and reassures her and tells her that the only thing she can do is go along with it#to make sure that none of their necks end up on the plate bcos she could never hope to defect and get away with it#so shirley throws herself into that mindset with theas encouragement#and THEN she sees that she CAN make differences that she DOESNT have to take everything lying down#and she realises that she is deep in this hole and thea is the one who told her to dig#thea whos the only one that shes trusted and confided in for years and all that trust shatters in a second#meanwhile in the leadup to this thea himself has been slowly realising that defiance is an option#but he cannot make the leap because he died by defiance before and if he dies again it will be mirens body that goes#and hes been digging this hole with shirley for so long that he doesnt know how to stop#so he hopes that if he keeps digging he can make it out of this unscathed (he will not)#um ja so basically forthea divorce arc mystery solved arc miren lost arc#they are in my thoughts and brain
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rmg91 · 5 years
The Woes and Antics of Living Together-19
Aaah! We're getting close to a climax guys!!! I can't tell you how excited I am! But first we have a few more things to go through first, heehee~ Anyway, this chapter starts just a few hours after the last one ended and I also did not want to write a good portion of this for Reasons! But it had to be done.
Anyway, I hope you all enjoy!
Previous Chapter/Next Chapter; AO3/FF.Net 
@writerofberk-Things are starting to happen! Aaaahhh!!!!!
It was later that same day, the rain still falling steadily, that found Poppy stretched out on the couch with her laptop, replying to her viewers' messages. Branch had left her for work, grumbling about going out in the rain, not too long after breakfast and she'd had the apartment to herself since. She had talked to the Snack Pack individuality throughout the day, assuring them she was feeling better but was gonna hang around at home until the rain let up. Suki and Biggie had told her they had returned to the university and started cleaning up some of the decorations but others would have to wait until it was less wet to work. Which was fine with her, as much as she wanted to go clean up like she always did after a party, it was wet and cold outside. Even she liked to stay inside sometimes during rainy days. Humming a happy tune, she posted another response to an adorable fan who told her they couldn't enough of her vlogs, when a knock came to the door.
“Just a second!” She called, scooting her computer off her legs and untangling herself from her blanket. She then almost tripped but managed to catch herself in time. Giggling, she wandered over to the door, wondering who it could be. Opening it she greeted, “Yes-Oh...Creek. Hi.”
The ombre haired man flashed her an apologetic smile, “Hello, Poppy. Mind if I speak with you for a moment? If I'm not intruding?”
“Of course!” She blurted out just a little loudly, opening the door for him, “C-come on in.” She hoped he didn't notice how odd she was acting, she was actually a little shocked at it herself. Then again Poppy also wasn't expecting him to just show up after he failed to show up at his own party, especially after she had also failed to contact him that morning. She had thought maybe something had happened to his phone but in either case she was still...feeling rather hurt over what happened so she wasn't sure how to act now.
Closing the door, she scurried into the kitchen to see if they had anything to he'd like to drink, she was still going to be a generous hostess, “So...would you like anything to drink?”
Creek flashed another weak smile at her, “No thank you. Listen, Poppy...” He heaved a great sigh, “I've come to apologize.”
“O-oh?” Poppy wrapped her arms around her, trying not to let it show how much just hearing that much made her feeling ten times better.
The guru came around the counter and placed his hands on her shoulders, looking down at her, eyes flashing with guilt, “I've done a terrible thing by not showing up at your party last night..which I may have found out was meant for me.”
“Now, now. Don't say it's okay.” He grabbed one of her hands and held it gently, “What I did was completely inconsiderate! And I'm afraid I don't have a very good explanation.”
Poppy was trying not to let too much of her curiosity show but she just had to know, “What happened?”
Creek sighed and ran a hand through his ponytail, “Well...you see some colleagues came by after we had our morning chat and took me out to a lovely little meditation ground just outside the city. While I had managed to get Guy's text before we arrived, fully intending to show up, we had then turned off all electronics before we began. We then lost tract of time I'm afraid.” He looked at her imploringly as he continued, “We had then gotten caught off guard by that nasty storm and decided to stick it out there. And I would have called but all our phones had tragically gotten all soaked.”
“Oh no!” Poppy gasped, That was horrible! How could she still be upset with him when all that rotten luck had happened? “Could anyone save their phones? I heard that if you put it in rice it might save it!”
Creek smiled at her and patted her hands, “You are too sweet.” He cooed before sighing, “And while I've yet to hear anything about theirs, mine is currently sitting in rice at home. It's why I haven't talk to you sooner. I'll let you know if it's been saved.”
“Alright,” Poppy breathed a sigh of relief. She had been worried just for a moment that maybe, for some completely ridiculous, why-did-she-ever-think-that, moment that maybe Creek hadn't wanted to call or see her.
He frowned then, “It is not alright. I still performed a great injustice by not showing up or letting you know I wouldn't be arriving at what I assume would have been a wonderful Poppy-Brand party.” He cupped her cheek, “You mustn't forgive me that easily.”
“Creek,” Poppy stressed, taking both his hands in hers, “It was an accident! You hadn't meant to miss your party! You didn't mean to get caught in the rain or for your phone to have, possibly, gotten ruined! Don't apologize for something you couldn't control.”
“You are simply the most generous person I know, Love,” He complemented, “But I still must make it up to you.”
���Creek, no,” She shook her head, “It was your birthday party you missed. You don't have to make it up to me. You apologized for missing it!” And what a great deal better than made her feel, “That's all that matters!”
“Nonsense! I still missed something I'm sure you were excited to do for me. I insist you let me do something to make up for it,” He paused for a moment, “You could even count it as my birthday gift if you want.”
“I, well...” Poppy bit her lip, she still felt it wasn't necessary that he make it up to her since he already apologize but if he was insisting... “What did you have in mind?”
“Perhaps...” He shyly looked deep into her eyes, “A date? A real one.”
Poppy's eyes winded and she felt her heartbeat pick up as her cheeks turned pink. A real date? With Creek?! Dinner, possibly a movie or maybe even dancing?! She bit her lip again to prevent the full grin that was threatening to take over her face. It was all she'd been wanting for, “I...Okay.”
Creek grinned then, raising her hand to kiss her knuckles, “Fantastic. Tomorrow night?”
“Yes!” Poppy cheered before giggling shyly, “I mean...Yes, that sounds great.”
“I'll pick you up at six then?”
Poppy nodded excitedly, barely containing her glee.
The guru chuckled at her before letting her hand go, “Now, that I have properly apologized and asked the lovely Miss Meadows out, I'm terribly sorry that I must leave now.”
“Aww,” Poppy whined, “Couldn't you stay a little while?”
“I would love to but I have a class I must get to soon.”
“Oh! Right! Your Psychology class!” She giggled before walking him to the door and opening it for him, leaning on it with a smile, “Have fun~!”
“Ta-ta for now, Sweet~ I shall see you tomorrow evening.”
Another giggle, “Okay!” She waved him goodbye with a big, excited smile, “Bye!”
After closing the door, Poppy let out the loudest squeal in her arsenal before dancing around the apartment. She had a date! With Creek! A real, honest, dress up nice, going to a restaurant date with Creek!!! She couldn't believe it! She was so excited! The pinkette paused for a moment, realizing she had to call the Snack Pack! They were going to flip! Squealing again, she dove for her phone where it was sitting on the coffee table, elatedly starting a group call. This was going to be so great!
Branch curled up in bed facing the wall the next evening, trying and failing to block out the sounds of Poppy and the Snack Pack. They were all currently helping her get ready for her date with Creek and he couldn't stand it. When he had heard about it from the pinkette herself he could only stare in disbelief, because not only had she forgiven that sleazy, condescending bastard but she also believed that, quite frankly, terrible excuse he had fed her! Branch knew he had to be lying! Stuck out in the woods during that storm? With conveniently wet and unusable cellphones? Ridiculous! But it's not like Branch had any proof Creek was a lying weasel. And now he had to listen to Poppy, oh so excited and cheerful Poppy, get ready for a date with another man. He couldn't have even gone and hid at Gristle's! He and Bridget had their own date planned and Branch wasn't going to intrude on that. So, he was stuck here pressing a pillow hard into his skull to block out the noise and hope something came along that would just swallow his heart whole so he wouldn't have to feel like this anymore.
He cursed every known thing he could think of for making him fall in love with that beautiful, bright, generous, excitable, outgoing woman in the other room and for not giving him the courage to tell her. Not to mention there was absolutely no way she would ever return those feelings. Why would she? He was nothing but a miserable, irritable, reclusive, gloomy good for nothing! He honestly deserved to go live in a bunker in the woods so maybe now would be a good day to start looking into it. There was no way he was sticking around to watch Poppy and Creek date, and then move in together and then get married and have five kids, all whom would be overwhelmingly positive and-!
Branch growled and tried to buried himself further into his mattress. Maybe if he was lucky he'd suffocate and save himself from any more heartbreak. Then again the universe hated him so that probably wouldn't happen, as much as he'd like it to.
He heard a big commotion then, delighted cries and squeals of 'He's here!' and Branch had to scowl, they were acting so ridiculous over this. It wasn't like Creek was some big time celebrity or anything, he was just a crumby jerk who had somehow charmed Poppy into liking him. Branch didn't trust the guy to not hurt Poppy in someway, if he was honest. Yes, watching Poppy wind up with the hippie would be horrible but watching Poppy get her heart broken would be equally so and something in Branch's gut told him Creek would find someway to do just that.
And he couldn't say anything about it! Poppy and the Snack Pack would just stick up for the creep and said creep would just say something that sounded 'oh so wise' in the ears of his friends that would make Branch seem even more crazy and paranoid than he already was! It made Branch sick just thinking about how Poppy was so strung up by that smooth-talking bastard that even if he did somehow get up the nerve to tell her she shouldn't trust him, or at least question him a little, it would probably just come out as a jealous ramble and that was more than Branch was willing to chance. Even if he did somehow find the courage to say something he would probably just wind up outing his own feelings and then it would all be over! Because Poppy was honestly his reason for living most days and if she rejected him well...there really wouldn't be any point.
Sighing roughly, Branch sat up and scrubbed at his hair, pulling it as he clenched his hands, Why?!? Why did he have to be in love with the most lovable woman ever?! Why couldn't he be a normal human being and be upfront about his feelings no matter what the outcome may be?! Growling, Branch curled in on himself, questioning so many things that were wrong with him and was so wrapped up in his misery that he failed to hear someone knocking on his door. It was only after the third or forth time that he focused in on someone calling his name.
Glaring at his door, he did not want to deal with any of Poppy's friends right now, he barked, “What?!”
A pause before Suki's voice floated in from the other side of the door, “Chill out, Dude. Just me.” She paused again, maybe waiting for a reply from him before continuing, “Pops just left and we're all about head out too. We were gonna catch a movie and well...You wanna come?”
Branch blinked, unbelieving they really wanted him around before frowning, there was no way he wanted to go anywhere right now, “No.” And that was that.
“Well...Alright.” Suki responded, sounding unsure, “Text if you change your mind.”
Not likely, Branch thought as he listened to them leave. Then when the door closed and silence reigned he buried his face in his knees, once again left alone with his thoughts.
Poppy giggled sweetly at the story Creek was telling her about some amusing misunderstanding at the spa he worked at as he walked her home. This night had been just as she always wanted and she couldn't be happier. When he had picked her up earlier, the guru had brought a small bouquet of red roses, which had made the Snack Pack 'aaaw' in delight. Poppy had blushed and accepted them gratefully before asking Smidge to please put them in a vase. They had then said their goodbyes before Creek had whisked her away for a romantic night.
He had opened and held open the taxi's door for her before whispering the destination to their driver, stating he wanted it to be a surprise. She had playfully pouted and tried to ask where it was but he refused, before turning the subject to some new meditation technique he had heard about. Something he thought Poppy and the Snack Pack might be willing to try. After a medium length drive, they arrived somewhere on the other end of Bergenville at possibly the fanciest restaurant Poppy had ever seen. She had felt a little overwhelmed and under-dressed at the sight of such an upscale place but Creek had assured her she looked lovely and that the twins had once again designed a perfect dress for her. As they had entered, Poppy couldn't help but marvel at the place's décor, all of it a mixture of gold, white and red, and Poppy almost took out her phone to snap a picture before Creek had stopped her, saying it probably wasn't very appropriate for such a place.
After checking with the maitre d' for their reservation and being led to a table, Poppy had still been gawking at the place when Creek had gently chided her for it. Blushing and apologizing for it, she explained she just couldn't help it, it was so much more than any place she had ever been to. Creek had smiled charmingly then and said only the best for her. They had ordered not too long afterward, some fancy French dishes Poppy'd had a little trouble pronouncing before gently clinking their glasses of champagne together. It had gotten a tiny bit 'First Date Awkward' while they ate, mostly because Poppy had been trying not to talk too loudly over the soft violin music. Creek had told her to just be herself and to relax when she mentioned it but the young woman had still felt a tiny bit like she had to tone herself down. It was after possibly the most delicious desert Poppy had ever had, and she'd have to try to recreate it one day, that they left for another cab ride to the local movie theater.
The movie had been fun, some amusing new Rom-Com that Poppy had really enjoyed before Creek had taken her for a walk throughout the nearby park. They had talked and just wandered, lit up by the parks lanterns and moonlight before Poppy had yawned. That was when Creek had insisted it was time to end their date and that he walk her home. Now they were riding the elevator up to her floor and Poppy would be lying if she said she wasn't wishing for a good night kiss goodbye.
Creek escorted her to her door and she turned to smile up at him, “I had a really good time tonight~”
“It was entirely my pleasure, Love~” He replied, reaching up and cupping her cheek gently in his hand, “I hope we can do it again soon?”
“Yes!” Poppy cheered before blushing and giggling as she twirled a lock of hair around a finger, “I mean-I'd like that a lot.”
Creek chuckled, shaking his head at her exuberance before he started to lean in. Poppy gasped softly and closed her eyes, trying to hold in her excited squeak, as she tilted her head back and waited for his lips to meet hers. And when they did it felt...well it didn't feel like Poppy had always thought. Yes, his lips were warm and soft but...she had always thought her stomach would flutter like there were butterflies in it and that maybe there would be some sort of spark. But there wasn't and it made Poppy feel...like it was...like it just wasn't right. She tried not to frown as he kissed her with all these sudden and odd emotions running through her but Poppy honestly wasn't sure why she felt like this suddenly. She had always thought when Creek finally kissed her she wouldn't want him to stop but that's all she wanted him to do now.
When he did pull away, Poppy ducked her head down, hoping to hide her emotions as she worried her lips between her teeth. She wasn't sure why she felt like this but she didn't want to hurt Creek's feelings cause it wasn't his fault, maybe she was just having an off night? No, that wouldn't make sense as to why she felt so...not right about kissing Creek, she'd been dreaming about it for years after all. And she wasn't a stranger to kissing so why did she feel so odd?
“Have I truly made the princess speechless?” Creek's voice suddenly interrupted her thoughts.
“Oh!” She looked up and hopefully smiled something convincing enough that he couldn't tell something was off, “It-uh...It was nice!”
He smiled at her, well smirked was a little more like it, and leaned closer again, “Perhaps, if you liked it so much, we could...continue this inside?”
“Um-Oh...” Poppy really wasn't sure how to feel about what he was insinuating with the other feelings coursing through her currently, or just why her stomach suddenly squirmed, but she did know she...didn't want that, “I uh...Branch is probably home so uh...that might be a little awkward, don't you think?”
Creek had a definite smirk on his face now as he leaned in and caged her against the door, “Aww, we'd be quiet.”
Poppy wasn't sure where this sudden change in personality was coming from or if she liked it but she also knew she didn't want to do what he did, “N-not tonight.” She hoped he would take that answer and go back to the Creek she knew and the one that didn't make her feel all funny and squirmy.
“Very well,” He sighed as he flashed her a much more relaxed and Creek-like smile, finally leaning away and stepping back, “I shall see you tomorrow then?”
“Y-yeah.” The pinkette was still reeling from whatever it was that just happened as she nodded, “S-see you tomorrow...”
Smiling, he leaned in to kiss her once more before taking his leave. Poppy watched him go, heart still hammering but not in a good way, before slipping inside the door. She slumped against it and sighed forlornly, that hadn't exactly been how she had thought their date would end. The kiss, yes, the rest and the odd feelings making her stomach churn...not so much. Poppy let her face fall into her hands as she tried to make sense of all of it and why she felt so much better now that he was gone when Branch's voice cut through her thoughts.
“So how was the date?”
She jumped with a screech and whipped around the corner to see Branch leaning against the counter with a mug of coffee, “Branch!” She cried and try to force a smile onto her face, “Wha-what are you doing up?!”
He shrugged and looked down at the liquid in his cup, “Couldn't sleep.” Which was true enough, his insomnia had kicked in, but she also didn't need to know that he may have also been waiting up for her. Purely to know she got home safely, not because he was a damned jealous bastard who couldn't help but be curious about her date. “So?” He prompted again, “Your..date?”
“Oh!” Poppy exclaimed, forcing her smile bigger in the hopes he'd ignore how fidgety she was and how much higher her voice became. She was still trying to figure out how to feel about the last bit of her date, which Branch did not need to know about, “It-It was great! Yup! Super wonderful!” She grinned, hoping it looked less crooked that it felt as she shuffled by him, “Creek was handsome, I was cute, he was a gentleman, I was charming. There was dinner and a movie and a walk in the park! Super romantic! But anyway-” She gave a fake yawn, “Boy, am I tired! Gonna go to bed now! Night, Branch!” And she all but fled to her room.
Branch blinked and watched her disappear down the hall, wondering just what the hell that was. Yes, he may be jealous, he knew that, but he also knew Poppy. He'd known her longer than anyone! So he knew that wasn't proper Poppy behavior just now and those were not genuine smiles from her and it wasn't just him looking for a reason to suggest Poppy break up with Creek. Something had made her not gush in detail about it like he had excepted, something had happened on that date to make Poppy act weird, he just...didn't know what.
This chapter had too much Creek in it for me but had to be done -_- Also poor Branch and Poppy. I promise that's sort of the last time I'm really mean to Branch, obviously there's still a little more to go but it's all gonna work out, trust me. As I said, we're getting close to the climax! Anyway for now, I hope you enjoyed and look forward to the next chapter!
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