#but the idea that you can temper an ancient summon/weapon/creature with these ancient materia as vincent does would make sense
rainbowcarousels · 8 months
I was looking at the shots of the new weapon that looks vaguely like a it came out of discworld and I couldn't shake the feeling that there was something familiar about the giant ball of what looks like materia within it.
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This was when I realised it looked a lot like the materia (if that even was what it was) that Minerva had in CC/CCR.
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Which was about the point that I realised that this sphere looked familiar too for another reason: it looks a hell of a lot like the hibernation circle thing that Genesis sleeps in after CC.
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Which in turn looks a hell of a lot like the protomateria in DoC, a special 'one of a kind' materia like the white and black materias. In this case, instead of being able to destroy or save the planet or weild the abilities of a Weapon.
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We know that Genesis found the red globe goddess materia and activates it shortly before taking his avatar form. Another interesting point is that the purple stone (likely independent materia) is exchanged for a red one - a summon materia - when he becomes Genesis Avatar after the materia absorbs a crap ton of the lifestream.
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So here's my question/theory: does Genesis still have this Goddess materia and if he does, is it another core materia like the black, white and protomateria? If it is, is this materia essentially the summon of the Lifestream's guardian and is this why Genesis can hibernate in a way that's not dissimilar to the weapons, only waking when the need arises?
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