#but the shading on jokers shoulder was very nice. just imagine it ok
juliasgoodusername · 2 months
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the mortifying ordeal of being known
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Dangerous Love (Pt. 05 of 13)
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Pairing: Bruce Wayne (Batman) X Harley Quinn's sister!Reader
Word count: 2.5K
Summary: You're Harley Quinn's sister, Havoc, one of the many villain's of Gotham. But you've been caught, and has been tortured constantly for an year in Belle Reve. But when your think your life can't be anything else than the nightmare you find yourself into, Bruce Wayne, the Batman, takes you in for a project. He has a program to rehabilitate villains, and you're his lab rat. But soon enough confusing feelings start getting in the way. You know falling for Bruce is stupid. But can you keep your heart under control?
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{Justice League - DC Masterlist}
You just finished the book. Four days must be a world record. So you put it down on the nightstand, going to the window. Your heart starts beating fast when you see Bruce down there. He told you he'd have a busy day today, so Alfred will be bringing the meals. Bruce looks good, suit and tie. A small group of people is with him, with cameras and microphones. Another interview.
Dreams Are Better Than Reality
He suddenly looks up, straight at you. The smile that comes to your lips can't be controlled. And... There's a small smile on his lips too. Hesitantly, you wave at him, placing your hand on the glass. He nods, slightly. But his attention is claimed by a woman. She comes walking, throwing her arms around his neck and kissing his cheek. She's beautiful, blonde hair and a dark red dress.
There's a knot on your stomach, and you quickly step away, closing the curtains. A man like Bruce is never alone. He can have anyone he wants, and many women want him, you're sure. It's stupid to feel this way. Bruce is a free man and you... You're a criminal.
Deciding not to think about it, you take the book, reading some parts again. Hours later, after dinner, when you're curled up in bed, you take the drawing you made of Bruce. It's hard to see the details in the darkness, but you already memorized his features. But you force yourself to put it away, back inside the book. Closing your eyes, you try to get a little bit of sleep.
• Bruce's POV •
The reporters follow me, and I tell them to choose a place for the interview. Today had been a hectic day, and it's far from over yet. Guiding them through the gardens, I look down at my feet. Did she eat something already? Did Alfred remind her that I won't be able to visit today?
“By the pool seems like a good place.”
“Maybe over there.”
Nodding, I don't pay attention to the chattering. I suddenly realize I'm by her room, and something makes me look up, at her window. My heart starts beating faster when I see her face, looking down at me. (Y/N) seems so different from when she got here, more innocent. Even though the distance, I take in her beautiful eyes, and her lips, breaking into a smile. I'm smiling back before I can notice, admiring her delicate face. She waves, her hand laying on the glass.
“Bruce.” Angela, today's interviewer, gets my attention. Our long term friendship gives her the opening to hug me, and place a kiss on my cheek. But as I loosely return her embrace, I'm aware of (Y/N), looking at me. At Angela and I. What will she think of it?
“Angela. I hope you're having a good day.” I tell her, my eyes quickly going back at the window when she pulls away. But the curtains are closed. She's gone.
The interview is the same as many others. I smile politely, answering the same generic questions. Hours later, I'm at the gala I'm forced to attend. The music, the people, nothing makes me stop thinking about her.
My mind starts wandering, and I picture her here, with me, in a beautiful dress, with her hair rolling down her shoulders. I would have her by my arm all night, show her around this place. Something tells me she would like it.
I can't think of (Y/N) like that. I've been telling myself over and over again, but it doesn't seem to work. I even considered the possibility of stop visiting her for a while again, but I couldn't. I have to see her.
It's past midnight when I'm back home, after leaving the gala earlier than usual. I go straight to my room to shower and check Gotham streets before deciding if I should go out today. But on my way to the cave, I walk by her room. Stopping on my tracks, I look at the closed door. Maybe she's awake.
Careful not to make any noises in case she's asleep, I unlock the door. (Y/N) is lied down, curled up. Slowly, I walk in. Her book is opened beside her, and a piece of paper is coming out from among the pages. Walking closer to the bed, I bend over to take it. The paper is from the book, folded. Opening it, I hold my breath to see a drawing of my face. She's talented. But why is she drawing me?
Putting the paper back where I found it, I walk around the bed so I can see her face. She's not peaceful. It looks like she's in pain. The nightmares. (Y/N) must be having another one. Carefully, I sit on the bed, trying not to move the mattress too much. I need to give her something for a dreamless sleep. She furrows her eyebrows, clenching her fist. She's scared.
I want to tell her I'm here, that whatever is happening in her head, it can't hurt her. What haunts her? And how can I chase it away? Reaching out my hand, I touch her cheek, softly. Her skin feels so delicate under my touch, so fragile. It kills me to imagine everything they did to her. The image of Belle Reve's guards beating her is too much to handle. Rubbing my thumb on her chin, a smile comes to my lips. I was right. (Y/N) is improving, and I meant what I said when I promised I'd never let her go back to that prison.
My eyes wander through her face. The roots of her hair, and all the rest, in a light shade of lilac. Her eyebrows, nose, and lips. When I look at her eyes, I find them open, innocently looking at me. I freeze, unable to move my hand away from her face.
• (Y/N's) POV •
In your sleep, you're drowning in darkness. You're struggling to breathe, but suddenly, you feel something. Whatever it is, it brings you back, slowly returning into consciousness. You feel something on your face, so softly, that it can only be a dream. It must be a good dream this time because when you open your eyes, it's Bruce you see.
Not Joker, or Harley, or some of the guards... Bruce. You're finally having a good dream. His touch feels so delicate, like it's not even there. Smiling, you take his hand.
“Bruce,” you say, pulling him. “Stay with me.”
He doesn't resist, so you keep pulling him until he's lying down, your head on his chest. You know this may turn into a nightmare any time soon, but for now, you can enjoy it. It feels so good... So peaceful. You hold onto him as if you could force the good dream to remain for a while longer.
“If you stay here I won't have nightmares,” you mutter, taking in his scent. You love his cologne, it's familiar. You wish it was real. You're listening to his heartbeat, feeling his chest moving as he breaths. You wish it was real, that this was really him. But it's ok. At least in your dreams, you can have him this close.
“I think I could fall in love with you.” It comes out, as you close your eyes again, bracing yourself for whatever may happen next.
“Me too.” His illusion answers and you giggle.
You really wish this could be real.
You're happy. Beyond happy. Maybe, whatever Bruce is doing is actually working. Brushing your hair, you need to tell him about last night. He will be happy, right? To know his project is going well. You hear the door opening and run out of the bathroom, as fast as you can despite the pain, smiling to see Bruce.
“Good morning, (Y/N). How do you feel?”
“Good.” Taking the cup of juice from the tray he's carrying, you take a sip.
“We need to talk about something.” He sounds serious, and whatever is it, it might just ruin the mood.
“Sure. But I need to tell you something first.” You sit on the bed crossing your legs. “Yesterday, I had a good dream. A really good dream.” Of course, you would never tell him what it was about. How you held on to him, your head on his chest... That he can never know. “It started bad but... It changed and then it was good. I can't even remember the last time I actually had a nice dream.”
Bruce seems confused, thinking. You watch as the puts the tray on the nightstand, as usual. He doesn't seem so serious anymore, just... Different. “That's very good to know.”
“What is it that you wanna talk about?”
“Nothing. Let's begin with your therapy session, as you like to call. Eat.”
Weird to say the least. Shrugging your shoulders, you eat the sandwich before sitting on the armchair before him.
“Alfred told me you went to a party yesterday. How was it?” You take a blanket with you, wrapping it around your shoulders.
“Boring, as usual. But the place was beautiful, I think you would like it. The Hall had high walls, with a huge crystal chandelier and its light reflected through the place as if starts had fallen to Earth.”
The image fills your heart and you smile. It sounds amazing, but... The people there would make you nervous, you're sure. “Did you dance?” You ask him, and the memory of that woman comes back to your mind. How she hugged and kissed him. “With that friend.”
“I didn't dance at all. I had a lot in my head. By the way, I'll be hosting a gala next Saturday. So Alfred will be the one to bring you dinner.”
“Alright... So... Batman does know how to dance. That's impressive.” Smirking, you tease him.
“You must be a great dancer too, to speak like that.” A smile crosses his face.
“Not really. Someone like me doesn't get the chance to go to parties like that... All we have are the night clubs. And I never enjoyed night clubs.” Every passing day, you take less pleasure in remembering your life. Before coming here, before Belle Reve. The adrenaline of some moments still get to you sometimes, and you find yourself missing it. But sometimes... You feel embarrassed to tell Bruce those things. You're starting to see that what you used to do wasn't right. But then again, how were you supposed to have anything in life? You're supposed to be graduated from college, and maybe be in a good job. But the truth is that you don't have anything but the money you stole. Being a villain is the only thing you know how to do.
“You're different from the others. It gets more clear every day.”
“Then you must be proud of yourself for choosing me.”
“No, I'm proud of you. When I first got in touch with the direction of Belle Reve and exposed what I wanted to do and who I wanted to try it on, they told me I'd fail.” Bruce's stare is intense, like fire. Not the type that burns, but the type that keeps people warm... Or maybe you're just cold today. “That you fight and run, constantly, never allowing any human being but those you command to approach. Never would open up, because they think there's nothing in you.”
“Maybe they're right.” Looking down, you pull your legs up, hugging your knees. “When nobody believes in you, you stop believing too. So that's what I did. They treated me like an animal, so I became an animal.”
“I believe in you.”
Your eyes meet his again, and you can't control the smile that comes to your lips. “I did give you a hard time, didn't I? In the beginning.”
“You definitely did. But I'm glad I didn't give up on you. It would be a huge mistake.”
Nervously, you run a hand through your hair. It's hard to admit, even to yourself, that you're glad too. “Well, Bruce Wayne. What is it we'll talk about today?”
“Harley.” He simply says.
“My dear sister. Is she still out there?”
“Yes, but I'm closing in. How's your relationship with her?”
You wanna tell him about the dream... The last thing you want now is to talk about Harley. What the hell is happening to you? Why did you dream of Bruce in that way in the first place? Was it because you got jealous of that woman? A beautiful, normal, mentally healthy woman Bruce could fall for? Wait, were you jealous? Is that what jealousy feels like? Like you want to punch that woman in the face until she's bleeding mess? No, you shouldn't do that. How do normal people deal with jealousy?
It doesn't really matter because you can't feel this way towards Bruce. It's like emotional suicide. Focus on Harley, focus on the therapy. “Harley cares about me. In her own way. She just cares more about herself. We...” Closing your eyes, you can't shake the image off my head.
Bruce's fingers caressing your cheek, so delicately. Your head on his chest, his arms holding you. It felt like... Home. How can someone feel like home? It's illogical.
“(Y/N)?” Bruce's voice gets your attention and you open your eyes again. “What are you thinking about?”
“The dream, I... It was good to have a nice dream, that's all.” His expression softens as if he's remembering something too. Maybe he remembered a good dream he had. “Harley and I were close when she started taking me out with her. As I learned things for my own, we eventually parted ways. It didn't help that I was in constant war with her beloved Joker.”
“Don't you have anyone who's a friend? Someone you would trust?”
“Boomy is like my best friend, I guess.”
“Captain Boomerang. We're rarely in touch, but whenever we bump into each other, I know he'll have my back.” You smile to remember him. He's a nice guy. At least to you. “Deadshot too. He's the one you look for when you need some actual advice.”
“Do you miss them?”
“Yeah, a little...” Why is he asking that? “It-It doesn't mean I want to go back–”
“You're not going back to Belle Reve,” Bruce reassures you, reaching out his hand, which you're quick to take. “Never doubt that.”
His touch is warm, and it burns like pure electricity. You don't know why he doesn't let go, his fingers caressing the back on your hand. “Thank you for... For not believing them. For... Everything. Everything you did for me, I... I never thought anyone would be this kind to me.”
“You deserve it. You deserve more than being treated like...”
“It's ok. I get it.” Smiling, your eyes fall on your hands, still together.
You have to be careful not to misread the signs. Careful not to confuse gentleness with something else... Bruce would never look at you differently. He needs a woman like the one you saw. Elegant, beautiful... Normal. You're too much of a trouble, and you always will be.
@redwolf-7 @glitterypinkkitty @mybabyboytony @chipster-21 @agustdpeach @yaakimoon2 @chloe-skywalker
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diyunho · 6 years
The Joker x Reader -“The Golden Boxers”
The Joker stumbled on the gold boxers by accident and didn't even care for them until he realized they have some kind of strange power over Y/N. What is a man supposed to do with such intoxicating ability? He's going to use it, of course. 
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1.  First contact
Gotham’s royal couple is choosing some new clothes for their wardrobe at “Sauvage Coeur”, a very chic boutique belonging to one of The Joker’s business partners. The venue is closed to the public for the night, this way Y/N and her boyfriend can roam around and enjoy the shopping spree.
“What about this shirt, Pumpkin? Do you think this purple shade is too light for my skin tone? Should I get it?” J asks for your opinion, not sure he wants it yet.
“…U-hum…” you reply, completely absent minded.
“OK then, I’ll take it,” he adds the item to the pile in the cart and gazes your way just to see you staring at a mannequin wearing a pair of golden boxers next to the “Intimate Apparel” male section.
You seem totally smitten, almost in a trance.
Y/N grabs some socks from a nearby display table and rolls them in a hurry, stuffing them inside the underwear afterwards.
“Pretty close,” you grin to yourself and The Joker is confused.
“What are you doing, Princess?!”
“This…” you point out towards the plastic model, “…this would look great on you!” the excited girlfriend shouts.
“Hmm…” he huffs, analyzing the skimpy, tight boxers. He takes more socks from the table and shoves them inside the garment, finally pleased on how the crotch appears. “That’s more like it,” J grins, full of confidence. “Size matters, Pumpkin!”
“Oh!” you enthusiastically exclaim because it is actually closer to the truth. Your eyes are so big and you seem so captivated he reads the tag out of pure curiosity:
“One of the kind, made out of 24 karat gold thread. Exclusive for our boutique. Price: 10,000 dollars.”
“I guess I’ll take them,” J lifts his shoulders up because why not?
He loves gold anyway.
2. Discovering the Hidden Powers 
The Joker crawls in bed next to you, resting his chin on your arm.
“What are you reading, Doll?” he pretends to be interested in your magazine.
“Meh, boring things,” you sigh and glare his way, ignoring the fact that he’s naked. Y/N goes back to turning pages while J sulks, not happy about your reaction.
He pulls down on the strap of your lacy nightgown and you pull it back up, kissing his forehead in the process.
“Not tonight, baby. I have a terrible headache.”
“Do ya’?” he squints his eyes, suspicious on the reason. “I must point out that shopping for new clothes tonight got me quite aroused, especially after you tried on those pretty dresses,” he lifts your already short nightgown higher, softly pecking your thigh.  
“Maybe tomorrow, hm? I really do have a terrible headache,” you explain and go back to reading.
The King of Gotham pouts more, his pride hurt after the obvious rejection.  
“Fine!” he growls and rolls out of bed, grabbing the freshly washed boxers waiting on his side of the bed, getting ready to sleep since it’s clear he won’t do anything else this evening. One leg goes in, then the other. The soft fabric hugs his hips and…
“Oh!” you gasp and ogle J as he adjusts his pillows, suddenly paying attention. You scoot over, biting your lip so hard it hurts. “You look really sexy in this,” you walk your fingers on his abs, seductively battering your eyelashes.
“Do I?” he sneers, in a bad mood because you told him no moments ago.
“Yeah…” you gulp and slide on top of him, starting to kiss him in a frenzy.
“I thought you have a headache,” The Joker points out and you don’t even remember uttering the words.
“It’s gone now!” you scream with such determination there is no doubt about it.
Interesting…, your boyfriend has time to think before his Queen goes crazy on him.
Not bad for a woman that just miraculously got rid of a migraine in a few seconds. A true mystery!
3. More Powers
The next morning J is roaming around in his gold boxers, searching for one of his guns. You keep on following him like a lost puppy.
“You need something, Pumpkin?” he frowns, not understanding why you’re acting weird.
“Nope,” you fastly reply, pinching his butt when he bends over to peek under the sofa in the living room.
The Joker kind of jumps, rubbing the sore spot.
In the two hours since he’s been up, his butt wrapped in the golden fabric got slapped, pinched and groped more than humanly possible. Not that he doesn’t enjoy the extra attention.  
“Stop it, Y/N! What got into you?” he scoffs, groping you back.
“Nothing,” you innocently answer, playing with your hair.
“I’m going to go take a shower, wanna join me?” he takes the underwear off and you have a change of heart.
“I already took a shower before you woke up, plus my headache returned. I’ll go make coffee, OK?” the Queen loses interest and heads towards the kitchen.
The Joker wants to test a theory building up in his mind and slips into the enchanted underwear again.
“Are you sure, Princess?”
You turn around to say “yes” but your brain can’t focus when you see The Clown Prince of Crime with the glorious flimsy garment.
“Oh!” escapes your mouth and you get rid of your nightgown and bikini so quickly he almost missed it.
You rush in his arms, dragging him towards the master bathroom.
“Come on baby, hurry up. I wanna have some fun too,” you impatiently cling to him and J sarcastically chuckles:
“I thought your headache returned!”
“It’s gone,” you nonchalantly conclude and push him through the opened door, not being able to control the urge of making him yours.
I might be onto something here, J debates before Y/N makes him forget about the newly discovered feature of the magical golden boxers.
4. Booby trap
Frost is waiting for his boss to get ready and The Joker wants a guy’s opinion regarding his hypothesis, that’s why he decides to ask the clueless bodyguard a few questions.
J emerges from the walk-in closet in his underwear, halting a few steps away from Jonny.
“So what do you think Frost?” he grouchily sucks on his silver teeth. 
“About what, sir?” the henchman is not sure what’s going on.
The Joker gestures towards his mid-section and Jonny panics.
Oh my God, a booby trap! What do I say?!  flickers in his brain because when The King of Gotham asks trick questions you better give him the correct answer, otherwise you’re a goner.
“Looks very…e-hem… nice on you, boss!” Frost confidently blurs out.
“How nice?”
Shit! This is a Mega Booby Trap! Jonny thinks and starts sweating. Slightly, but he’s starting to. Why?
The Joker’s Mega Booby Traps or MBT’s (as the crew named them) are very dangerous to get out of and lethal to a fault.
“Very nice, sir! Gold suits you.”
“Hmmm…” J sneers, not particularly thrilled with his bodyguard’s reply. “If you were a woman, for example Y/N, would you go ballistic at the sight of these boxers?”
Fuck! An Extra Mega Booby Trap !!! I’m screwed ! Frost loses the track of his thoughts, seeing the imminent end galloping his way. Why?
The Joker’s Extra Mega Booby Traps or EMBT’s (as the team named them) are the hardest to escape with your life: if the boss doesn’t like the first letter of the first word coming out of your mouth, you can kiss your existence goodbye.
Jonny takes a deep breath, already picturing his funeral:
“Only a sophisticated and refined woman like Y/N would know, sir!”
J puckers his lips, deeming the response to be acceptable for his wacky standards.
“I supposed she would…” the green haired plague announces before walking back into the closet.
Frost feels the need to sit down, entirely drained after the experience.
He has no idea yet, but after today he will become a legend among his peers: the first one to ever survive The Joker’s horrific EMBT. They will even open a blog in his honor, entitled: “Jonny Frost, The Unsung Champion of EMBT’s and Other Crap He Survived.”
5.  Karma
The King and Queen returned to “Sauvage Coeur” boutique because they both want to choose something special for their date night.
You didn’t find a dress yet.
“What about this red one, baby?” you inquire, maybe he can help out with a decision.
“…Yeah…,” J’s flat opinion reaches your ears.
“Alright, I’ll take it,” you conclude and gaze his way just to see him standing in front of a mannequin dressed with a gold bra plus matching thong next to the women’s “Intimate Apparel” section.
The Joker seems hypnotized, almost in a daze.
He finally snaps out of it and grabs a few socks from the display table nearby, rolling and stuffing them in the bra.
“Close enough,” J smiles, incapable of taking his eyes off the golden top and bottom.
“What are you doing?!” you skeptically interrogate.
“This would look awesome on you!” he purrs, already imagining you wearing the two-piece he would love to take off your body as soon as possible.
“I don’t know…” Y/N hesitates but rolls more socks that she places in the bra, backing out to see the results. “That’s more like it. Size matters, J !”  
“Daddy loves,” The Joker purrs louder and he’s so excited it makes you read the tag although you don’t care for the outfit:
“One of the kind, made out of 24 karat gold thread. Exclusive for our boutique. Price: 12,000 dollars.”
“I suppose it won’t hurt to add this to my wardrobe,” you accept to get it because why not?
You like gold anyway.
6. Flip side of the coin
The Joker didn’t pay attention to you after the date last night. He locked himself in the office all day and ordered not to be disturbed since he’s planning an important heist. You sure missed him and you realized how much the second he showed up to go to sleep; your boyfriend seems pissed and that makes him more delicious.
“Hi baby,” you shove yourself into him and kiss his neck, cuddling under the covers.
“Not tonight, Y/N! I’m tired!” he growls and pushes your hand away.
He hears you whimper, the spoiled Princess kind of fake cry.
“But you didn’t pay attention to me since this morning,” you complain and slide your fingers in his sweatpants.
“I’m tired, woman! Are you deaf?!” he snaps, ready to give you the speech about his manhood and how the crown jewelry works on his terms, not yours. He will definitely underline that there’s nothing you can do: when the King says no, it’s no. “I told you before, Y/N…” he initiates the rant and you try to avoid it.
“Fine, fine, I get it! OK? Fine!” you get annoyed also and dart out of bed. “If you must know, I went through the trouble of washing the stupid gold bra and panties for you. Almost broke a nail when I started the washing machine. A nail !!! Can you imagine the scare?!” the irritated Y/N mumbles, letting the silky robe she’s wearing fall on the floor. “My heart skipped a beat, J! It was terrible and you were in your office, not given a damn!” you continue to admonish, unaware The Joker’s heart skipped a beat also since now he can see the revealing gold two-piece acquired from the boutique yesterday.
“Which nail?” J suddenly pretends to be interested since he pretty much distinguished only that part; the rest went blank.
You lean over to show him your pinky, sulking.
“This one.”
“My Poor Pumpkin,” The Clown Prince of Crime whispers, carefully squeezing it like it’s about to explode. “Does it hurt?” he displays a seductive smirk as he pulls you on top of him.
“Not anymore…I thought you were tired,” you wiggle to escape when his arms go up and down your back, certainly wishing to initiate something.
“Me?! Tired?! When did I say that?” he grinds his teeth, forcefully holding the feisty pain in the ass.
“Just did!” you squirm harder, breaking free and distancing yourself from him.
“You must be hallucinating, Y/N,” The Joker gets on his elbow, intrigued.
You’re intrigued too: all the wrestling made his sweatpants glide lower on his hips, exposing the top part of the golden boxers.
“Oh!” you gasp and your reaction makes J remember he’s wearing the secret weapon. With a swift move he removes the pants and he’s not even finished when you basically attack him.
I think I possess a weapon of mass destruction, The Joker contemplates before not being able to concentrate anymore.
I think I found a weapon for total annihilation, Y/N reflects since her vigilance noticed the switch in her boyfriend’s mood as soon as he saw her in the golden minimal attire. Further testing will be required.
7. Another booby trap
You summoned Frost to the Penthouse, probably in regards to the heist J is planning. A fool’s expectations…Not even close!
Jonny steps out of the elevator and freezes: Y/N is waiting for him, wearing nothing more than the golden two piece. Frost immediately feels he’s about to faint, his eyes tensely searching around for the deadly threat.
“J is not here,” you correctly guess the reason for his anxiety.  
Jonny leans on the coffee table closest to him, avoiding looking at you but it’s hard not to.
“Frost!” you sulk. “As a man, what do you think about this outfit, hm?”
OH. MY. GOD! Another Booby Trap!!! Why me??? the bodyguard is on the verge of a nervous  breakdown, imagining how cute he’s going to look in his silver casket. Already picked the color. Why?
Y/N’s Booby Traps are by far the most atrocious you can come across besides The Joker’s.
“Ummm… It looks stunning on you, Y/N!” Jonny stiffens and his luck has left him.
“How stunning?” you lift your left eyebrow in contempt, displeased with the short reply.
Fuck me, a Colossal Booby Trap!!! runs through his mind, believing the cemetery on Gimmer Street has the best tombs available. Why?
Y/N’s Colossal Booby Traps or CBT’s (as the team named them) are plain and simple death sentences: one single sound that comes out of you wrong and you’re history.
“Impressively stunning, gold is your color for sure!” Jonny affirms with the utmost flair.
The Queen sniffles, meditating on his answer.
“So Frost, if you were J, would you immediately want me no matter what right in the moment you see this skimpy lingerie?”
Lord have mercy, a Gigantic Booby Trap!!! and the room starts spinning as he hopes somebody will bring flowers to his grave. Why?
Y/N’s Gigantic Booby Traps or GBT’s (as the gang named them) offer no possibility of an escape: if you make it to round three like he did, you’re literally dead.
“Only a person with amazing swag and class like Mister Joker would know,” Jonny babbles a bunch of nonsense since he reached the end of the line.
You roll your eyes and arrogantly push him out of your way, scoffing:
“Hmm… I suppose he would!”
Frost watches you walk upstairs, his heart racing like crazy.
He has no idea yet, but after today he will become more than a legend among his peers: a living and breathing myth! The first one to ever survive Y/N’s horrific GBT! They will even open a second blog in his honor, entitled: “Jonny Frost, The Ultimate Victor of GBT’s and Other Shit He Survived.”
Gotham’s true hero! Batsy has nothing on him. 
And that’s a verified fact.
Also read: Masterlist 
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