#but the talk about adoption often revolves around it being a solution for not being able to have bio kids and as a last option
hazel51 · 2 years
Hair Loss Treatment Clinic in Mumbai
Beyond the aesthetic eyesore that hair loss imposes on a person’s outlook, it could highlight the incidence of certain underlying diseases. However, more often than not, many persons seem to attribute hair loss to increasing age. Though this is true, it does not reflect the whole picture as hair loss may also be due to other factors such as stress, genetics, reactions to specific medications, etc. The best way to deal with the situation and find a lasting solution to the problem is to see a Hair Loss Clinic in Mumbai.
Talking about where to look, The Esthetic Clinics has got both the needed tools and equipment and trained professionals to diagnose and treat/manage all cases of hair loss. The clinic, under the directorship of two of India’s most revered medical practitioners, Dr. Debraj Shome and Dr. Rinky Kapoor, has grown to become one of the best (medical) facilities in India today.
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Procedures for hair loss treatment in India
Hair Loss Doctor in India at The Esthetic Clinics  have acquired the prerequisite knowledge to carry out a variety of hair loss treatment procedures – which they have continually actualized with huge success stories realized. Without further ado, the following are some of the hair loss treatments you can get from the clinic:
QR678 Therapy
In this hair loss treatment, the doctor will introduce a formulation, known as QR678, into the bald part of the scalp with the aid of a sterile syringe. Once the dose of QR678 comes in contact with the hair follicles, it triggers the regrowth of hair. This occurs by virtue of the numerous growth factors contained in the formulation. It may interest you to know that QR678 was developed by the research team of The Esthetic Clinics under the leadership of Dr. Debraj and Dr. Rinky. The treatment is approved by the FDA and is currently being used across Asia, the US, the United Kingdom, and some other European nations.
Hair Transplantation
Patients with hair loss problems can also receive a hair transplant which is inserted into a balding area from a donor site on their scalp. Follicular unit strip surgery (FUSS) is one of the ways through which this is done, and it involves the hair doctor harvesting a strip of skin and preparing it for the follicular units therein to be transplanted to the part where the hair loss is localized. The other hair transplantation technique is known as follicular unit extraction (FUE), and it has to do with the punching of series of tiny into the back of the scalp to extract hair follicles. These hair follicles are thereafter inserted into tiny holes created around the bald area.
Laser Hair Growth Therapy
Laser hair growth therapy revolves around the introduction of low-level laser to the affected area, and this ultimately brings about notable hair regrowth as the activity level of the hair follicles is raised. The laser can be delivered through devices such as combs, caps, bands, or helmets.
Cost of hair loss treatment in Mumbai
The cost of your hair loss treatment in India will be primarily dependent on the type of procedure that would be adopted in addressing your condition. Other factors such as proximity to the clinic, number of treatment sessions required, prescriptions, and skill of the hair doctor may also have a significant impact on Hair Loss Treatment Cost in Mumbai. Insurance cover may, however, not be available to subside the cost as hair loss treatment is widely seen as an elective protocol.   
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junsongs · 2 years
Also in regards to my last post people are allowed to want their own biological children and yes there are many children that do need homes but I would maybe look into info from adoptees because many of them advocate for rare adoptions. Adoption shouldn’t be treated as a last minute consolation for not being able to have kids if you cant have them yourself. Adoption is extremely traumatizing to the child even in infancy and many adoption agencies put children in abusive situations because they work for profit not the benefit of children. Adoption in general effectively works like a legal form of human trafficking.
And on top of all of this not all people are suited to be good adoptive parents and women are socialized to believe our only purpose to be wives and have children so god forbid a woman find happiness in something shes been told she should have in order to be a “real woman.” And yes there is another conversation about how awful that conditioning is but disparaging women who have a desire for bio children does not fix that and it does not make you above anyone it makes you an asshole.
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not-quitenormal · 2 years
One of the things about yesterday that bothered me was the constant thread of doubt that tried to loop through my thoughts.
I reached out to my ex a couple of days ago. Conversation went well. That should have been the end of it, right?
Except the next day, as I was re-adjusting to my meds, I noticed that a lot of my old habits were coming back. Joe wasn't answering fast enough, so my first automatic thought was that he didn't want anything to do with me. I was annoying for letting him know how I'm feeling. I was a burden because my relationships always become about my mental health. There was no way he could love me. He was just putting up with me.
But those same thoughts didn't apply to Devon. Only Joe.
Why? Well...
When my ex and I were dating, I always had the sinking feeling that I was an annoyance. Still, I wanted to please her and make her as happy as she made me feel - or that I thought I felt. In-person dates were amazing; she was attentive, romantic, and an absolute dream. But those only happened every so often. During the week we relied on Facebook Messenger for communication, and I often felt like I was waiting for her attention. We only really talked for two hours every day. I tricked myself into thinking I was happy, even when I felt distant from her. Even when I was going through several concurrent traumatic events. She was there, but she wasn't.
When my ex broke up with me, one of the things she said was that our relationship revolved around my mental health too much. She had poised herself to be someone who wanted to hear about how I was feeling, only to flip the script on me. Only to leave me with more silence.
Meanwhile. Devon has been with me since the day I found out that My Childhood Was A Horror Story, Actually. But he saw firsthand that god damn it, I was trying to heal. He met my abusers. Stayed under the same roof as them for weeks at a time. He knows what kind of an uphill battle I'm fighting against, even if he doesn't completely understand it sometimes. Not to mention that after my ex broke up with me, he picked up the pieces. So yeah, no, my thoughts yesterday didn't even touch my relationship with my husband.
The fact that the doubt lingered around Joe, though, confused me. I see him at least twice a week, if not more, and those visits last for hours, if not days. When he doesn't have anything to text about, he sends memes just to let me know that he's thinking of me. When we walk anywhere in the city, he insists on being the one closest to the street so that I'm not the one potentially hit in traffic. He has told me numerous times that I'm the best person that he's ever dated, that I'm so generous and compassionate and awe-inspiring.
And I doubted him because of residual baggage from another person.
It feels like an insult, if I had to describe it. An insult to Joe, on the basis of him being so diametrically different than anyone and everything that I've ever experienced. It's also insulting to me because...well, fuck, I've undergone such a stark personality change and have adopted a more optimistic view of life. I've stopped using self-deprecating humor. I've stopped putting myself down, even passively. I'm comfortable expressing how I feel, as well as narrowing down solutions to potential downward swings. There shouldn't be any doubt whatsoever!
There are only two possibilities for this. Either the two days off of my medication finally broke the seal on my depression and there was no way to avoid it, only to hold on to something. Or talking with my ex really was a bad idea. Maybe a combo of the two, who fucking knows. But I hate that it happened, and I want to prevent it from happening again.
If it was just the chemical imbalance, I can work with that. Just gotta keep on track with the meds.
If it was because of conflicted feelings about my ex, though... That's trickier. I don't want to terminate friendships without good reason. So it's either "exposure therapy" or bust...
In other news. I have an appointment today to get my meds refilled, so I'll be good until September. Devon and I had a "date night" last night, and this weekend I'm with Joe. Soon everything will go back to normal - or as close to "normal" as I'm ever gonna get, lol.
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poppysimp · 4 years
first of all i’d like to say that i, as a poppy stan, i’m not defending any of poppy’s actions i am merely giving my point of view about the latest of qb. i know what she did was irredeemable and i’m no way making up any excuse for it.
so i saw this essay on reddit comparing queen b so nietzsche’s concept of staring into the abyss, which is basically if you stare at the darkness too long eventually it will consume you as well
and i would like to talk about mc and poppy’s dynamic in the recent chapters which i can only summarize as an obsession.
it’s become very obvious by now that poppy is into mc specially because of the way every interaction is written. i know pb‘s writing can be bad sometimes and they tend to go off the rails on their own storylines but i don’t want to believe the amount of effort put into writing poppy and mc has been done just because.
the way they kept describing poppy looking at mc as if she wants to eat her up, mc being the only person she’s somewhat let her guard down with at least for a moment. and all of those quotes we poppy stans know by heart suggesting that there was a lot more to poppy min-sinclair
now, i know we are all upset because of the way pixelberry handled her character and pushed her past a redeeming point. and while i am too i have started wondering wether pb’s true intent was to give the poppy stans hope to crush it afterwards just to spite us or wether it was for another purpose
poppy has been trying to destroy mc’s life ever since she step foot into belvoire. yes, poppy is known for being ruthless and destroying anyone who might get in the way of her status as a queen bee, but mc was just the new girl, she presented no threat to poppy as the one thing that motivated her to become number one was poppy’s humiliation in the first chapter. and from an outsider point of view, she was really just a farmgirl who stumbled into a bougie university, what were the chances of her actually becoming number one?
a lot of people have been comparing queen b to mean girls, but unlike poppy, regina george “adopted” cady precisely because she was the new girl, she didn’t know anything about how things worked in her school so she could very easily become one of her mindless minions, she could be useful to regina. but poppy? poppy made it her duty to destroy mc’s reputation for no apparent reason, of course all of that was fueled by mc biting back at her and not letting herself be intimidated like everyone else but it still doesn’t explain why poppy would pick on her first
my opinion? obsession. poppy has been obsessed with mc since she first saw her.
now, let’s take a look at poppy’s background. we all know the sinclairs are a hot mess of a family, her mother cheated on her father with a preeschool teacher. but what happened to that guy? his whole life was more likely destroyed by poppy’s dad which could be the first time poppy was exposed to this sort of tactics.
now, maybe because of her family’s dynamics. her concept of love is totally distorted and twisted, she stopped valuing the importance of genuine connections (hence, the conversation she had with mc about her not having any friends just minions) and all around missed the opportunity of having a healthy relationship with feelings
so my theory is, she had feelings for the mc but those feelings clouded by her mentality and in the moment mc barked back it turned into an obsession. and we can see there is a possibility she’s aware of that when during one of her diamond scenes mc mentions her being obsessed with her and she’s just speechless
obsession is often portrayed as being so in love with someone it becomes unhealthy, delusional and makes you do crazy things. but in poppy’s case she sets her mind on destroying mc which might be one of the reasons she targeted zoey instead of mc. zoey was the one person who never left her side, she was the master mind behind every one of mc’s tricks, she was the one who kept coming up with solutions to fix mc’s messes and she was the only person who was truly loyal to mc so she did everything she could to cut those ties (again, i am not justifying what she did nor am i saying there’s no way it could have come from a place of discrimination this is simply what i got from the whole situation)
and poppy is not the only one who fell into the spectrum of obsession. no matter how much zoey warned her mc’s life started revolving around poppy. destroying poppy, dethroning poppy, sleeping with poppy, exposing poppy. even after the zoey thing happened in this chapter the conversation still didn’t seem to stray to far away from poppy. because her rivality or whatever they have going on came in first than the person who always stood by her side no matter what
they’ve both fallen into a vicious circle of destruction. both of their lives revolve around each other and as upset as i feel about the way pb has been treating characters i am curious to see the way they handle this whole storyline
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ace-reviews · 3 years
Whelp, HIGEHIRO Shit the Bed (But Not In The Way We All Thought It Would)
So, originally this was going to be a review/analysis of Futility, the really crappy novella that people only remember because it “predicted” the sinking of the Titanic in much the same way Blues Brothers “predicted” this guy crashing his SUV into the Woodfield Mall. It was going to be a lot of fun and I was going to make many funny jokes at the expense of some dead guy and his shitty proto-Incel protagonist, but then I watched this week’s episode of Higehiro and so instead of having fun taking the piss out of a 130 year old book, I’m going to be angrily yelling an anime no one is watching except me, Charlie, and some guy over at ANN.
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this is your probably unnecessary spoiler warning
So, for the everybody who hasn’t been keeping up since the premier, the last few episodes have revolved around Sayu’s brother showing up out of nowhere to bring her back home. After two weeks of moping around, Yoshida decided to go with her so he could talk to her mom and assure her he’s not a creepy scumbag sex pest so please don’t call the police, ma’am, and then last week’s episode ended with Sayu’s mother slapping her as soon as she walked through the door, which is pretty much #1 on the list of things not to do when your runaway child returns home.
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this is bad parenting
Now, for the first half of the episode, things were going well enough. They sat around to talk things out over drinks, and Sayu got a chance to give her mother a piece of her mind for not supporting her while she was grieving her friend. Then Sayu’s mother tells Sayu that she never should’ve given birth to her…
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…and Yoshida muses on things for a moment before saying he’d like to adopt Sayu…
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…only to immediately walk it back with this bullshit:
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Now, I am well aware that Japan is not great about taking care of children who can’t or shouldn’t live with their biological parents, but Sayu has a brother, and her brother is an adult with job that pays a lot more than Yoshida’s job. And unlike their mother, Issa loves Sayu and genuinely wants what’s best for her. If Yoshida insists that Sayu must be taken care of by her biological family, there are other options. She doesn’t need to be left in the care of a woman who doesn’t want her and just rejected her very existence.
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Another issue arises with just how easy it is to read Sayu as queer. While her sexual history with men was an important factor early in the series, it’s clearly shown to be a result of desperation before moving in with Yoshida, and her early attempts to seduce Yoshida were a result of trauma and insecurity. The distinct lack of genuine interest on her part in something many members of the queer community will relate to, especially those who are asexual or aromantic.
In an age and society where 40% of homeless youth are queer, it comes across as dangerously tone-deaf to send the message be that the people who have rejected and abused you are the only ones who can be relied on to raise you properly.
Sayu’s mom has the resources to care for her, but doesn’t want her. Yoshida wants Sayu, but doesn’t have the resources to properly care for her (she needs her own room, and also therapy). There is a very obvious solution to this problem that doesn’t involve leaving the depressed and grieving child in the care of her emotionally unavailable and thoroughly unsupportive mother, and several other very good alternatives (like her living with her brother, for example) they could have considered. But instead, they went diving headlong into the worst possible outcome that’s all but guaranteed to resolve literally none of the underlying issues that led to Sayu running away in the first place.
There’s one more episode, but it seems unlikely to involve Yoshida going “Oh, wait, that was a bad thing I just did, actually. I better go back and do something significantly less dumb.” It really sucks, too, because up until this episode I really liked Higehiro. It has some issues with framing that often had me bracing myself for the worst during scenes that should’ve been cute moments of familial bonding, but was overall a sweet, found family story full of characters that feel like real people. But then it had to go and fuck it all up with a shitty take that minimizes Sayu’s past struggles with her mother and replacing these reasonable, realistic characters with props that can be convinced to change their entire personalities just by being asked nicely, all while potentially doing actual harm to any queer kids in the audience. It reminded me a bit of the resolution to Dr. Ramune‘s first episode, and I didn't care for it there, either.
This is still a better way for it to shit the bed than by having Yoshida and Sayu’s relationship turn romantic, but not much better. Even my anger toward it has worn off, to be replaced mainly by disappointment and the sense that caring about these characters and this story was a waste of time. And that’s just not good.
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Marxism and Conspiracy Theories
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Originally commissioned for the Organise Aotearoa website, you can find more articles here. In running a socialist organisation, especially one that has an audience and collaborators outside of the regular “left wing activist” crowd, we often find ourselves in contact with conspiracy theories and conspiracy theorists.
Some people even think socialists like us are conspiracy theorists—after all, aren’t we blaming nearly all of our problems on a tiny group of people who we say control the Government, most political parties, our workplaces, and our media? On the other hand, some believe that socialism is itself a part of a conspiracy, and that we are influencing culture and secretly control universities or political parties.
Conspiracy theories are usually based in the idea that some outside influence or ruling organisation controls everything around us, and this means that there is quite often a grain of truth somewhere in the mix. On the other hand, conspiracy theories can be a dangerous way of misdirecting anger away from those who deserve it and onto ethnic minorities or other scapegoats.
That’s why we’re attempting to write this in good faith rather than dismissing people we disagree with as cranks and crazies. Rather than appealing to rationality and common sense, we’re more interested in giving people the tools to separate fact from fiction. So what should you do if you’re confronted with a theory or worldview you think might be conspiratorial?
Is it falsifiable?
Falsifiability means that something can be proven wrong if the right evidence can be used against it. Many conspiracy theories rely on being unfalsifiable, what this means is that no matter how much evidence disproves the theory, you’ll still find a few people who believe it. For example, climate change denial is unfalsifiable because it is based on the idea that all the world’s scientists are deliberately misleading the public. No matter how many reports about looming ecological catastrophe come out, climate change denialism will still linger on because those producing the reports can’t be trusted. The only way that climate change denialism can be disproven is when our planet becomes completely uninhabitable, by which time the debate is pretty irrelevant.
In contrast, a worldview like socialism is falsifiable in part because there are thousands of ways we could be proven wrong if we saw the correct evidence. If someone becomes a billionaire without exploiting the labour of another human being, that would be direct evidence against socialism. A capitalist state completely abolishing wealth inequality would be another example. There are many things that simply could not happen without socialism being untrue—they just haven’t happened yet!
However not all conclusions of socialism are falsifiable, especially the application of revolutionary solutions in our current context. We don’t presume to have created a completely flawless worldview, and only through practice can theory be put to the test.
Where does the money lead?
Another hallmark of conspiracy theories is that they propose scenarios that simply don’t make economic sense. What is the profit motive behind paying off thousands and thousands of people so that they don’t reveal the “truth” about society when it makes much more sense to hide in plain sight for free? Every scheme requires a believable investment and a believable motive, but many conspiracy theories would require elaborate networks and millions of paid employees, all kept in perfect secrecy.
On the other hand, conspiracy theories which turned out to be true, such as the Jeffrey Epstein case, had clear social and profit motives. A single prisoner held information that was damaging to several politicians and businessmen, and they simply exercised their class solidarity to kill him before he could stand trial. This is a good example of a real-life conspiracy, as it was done so clumsily that it was only a matter of time before it was exposed.
As socialists, the main conspiracy we espouse is one that makes perfect economic sense, and takes place in plain sight: that the rich have created systems to endlessly exploit the labour of the poor—something that even the most capitalist economist would admit after a few drinks. While many conspiracies rely on the idea that truth is completely separate from appearance, most socialist theories rely on taking the most readily apparent and ordinary parts of daily life, and revealing truth through putting them in a wider economic and social context.
Does it focus on Jewish people?
Perhaps the most insidious aspect of conspiracy theories is how they are able to misdirect the anger of working class people towards minorities. Many popular conspiracy theories tie in to one big overarching conspiracy theory, collectively termed “New World Order” (NWO) conspiracies.
NWO conspiracies typically revolve around a secret pact involving Freemasons, the Illuminati, and the Elders of Zion with occasional guest appearances by Nazis, Rhodes’ scholars, aliens, communists and satanists.
One aspect of NWO conspiracies that makes them so insidious and widespread is their tendency to bleed into one another thanks to internet forums, right-wing ultranationalist organisations, and other purveyors of “stigmatised knowledge.” This means that people who believe in NWO conspiracies often come to believe that racial groups, especially Jews, are a part of, or behind all of the other conspiracies.
This is because of a few factors: Jews were historically the most literate minority in Early Modern Europe, which often led to conditional entry into the management and middle classes. This, combined with Christian religious hostility, led to situations where Jews were blamed for nearly everything. By the time the 19th century arrived, whole fabricated documents (The Protocols of the Elders of Zion) were being produced, claiming to expose a Jewish conspiracy to corrupt the world.
This means that many conspiracy theories involve a conscious or unconscious hostility towards Jews and other minorities. Jewish banking families like the Rothschilds are blown out of proportion, becoming arch-capitalist overlords rather than relatively small-scale bank owners. Jewish association with other “conspiratorial organisations” also had tragic consequences for other groups: along with the 6 million Jews murdered by Nazis, 200,000 Freemasons and 1,450 Jehovah’s Witnesses were also killed thanks to their alleged participation in Jewish conspiracies.
Many people in Aotearoa espouse rhetoric similar to NWO conspiracism without realising what a tragic history such thinking has led to. We need to educate people about the full implications of this brand of conspiracy theories, and completely divorce it from the socialist movement.
What about Marxism?
Marxism inevitably gets lumped in with many of the conspiracies outlined above. This is natural, since aren’t we conspiring to overthrow governments and institute our own world order (a new mode of production)? But underneath this relatively innocuous association is something more sinister. Marxism gets painted as a Jewish conspiracy, since we get our name from the proudly Jewish Karl Marx. This was something exploited by Marx’s contemporaries, and something that undercuts much of the criticism of socialism to this day.
This is a particularly dangerous association, not only because it creates unsafe situations for our Jewish comrades, but also because it prevents us from redirecting the misguided anger of conspiratorialism towards those who are actually pulling the strings: the bourgeoisie, of all cultures, ethnicities and nationalities. After all, why should anyone listen to us if we’re shills for the NWO, or Jewish capitalists like George Soros? This brings us back to one of the concepts we raised earlier—it makes conspiracy thinking unfalsifiable, because the only people willing to talk about the real conspiracies can be dismissed as part of the problem!
Does it mistake “Shock Doctrine” for “False Flags?”
Many conspiracies rely on the idea that the ruling class or other groups deliberately stage or perpetrate massive catastrophes in order to further their goals. A good example of these “False Flag” conspiracies is the 9/11 Truther movement which claims that the US Federal Government deliberately blew up the World Trade Centre and made it look as if it was the result of airliner impacts. They believe this, in part, because the US Government massively benefited from the attacks, and was able to use it for propaganda to consolidate its own domestic power and enable overseas imperialism.
However such claims could also be explained by a much more real and mundane tactic of the ruling class: the “Shock Doctrine.” This is the idea that Governments will opportunistically take advantage of shocking events and people’s fear to push through legislation, or exercise repressive measures and emergency powers. A recent and notable example of this took place in New Zealand. The Christchurch Mosque attacks were used by police as justification for expanding the police’s access to automatic weapons. The police had been lobbying for greater access to firearms for years, and these policies would likely have been adopted regardless of events. However, by using tragic acts of terrorism for their own gain, the police were able to convince even left-wing civil society that this policy is justified. Through the Shock Doctrine, terrible events often lead to Governments achieving their policy objectives, and this appears to some outside observers as if they planned the whole thing.
In truth, the real crime is the unending ability for capitalist states to use civilian deaths and tragedy as political capital in pushing their agendas.
Does it present an unwinnable situation?
One thing all of these conspiracy theories have in common is that they create situations in which we are so hopelessly outmatched and outmanoeuvred by infinitely powerful organisations that there’s no point except to give up, and maybe occasionally update a blog about it all. In a way, it’s comforting to know that someone has a plan, even if it’s an evil one, because our only options are to sit back and watch it unfurl rather than exercise our own agency to make plans of our own.
Socialism differs from many other conspiracies because we know there is no single plan, no blueprint by which the bourgeoisie controls us. They are a mass of competing interests, but they will also work together in cases where their interests align, such as when ensuring collective profits through wars and crises, or when removing threats to their collective interests, such as taxation and working class solidarity.
Socialism holds that there is no individual with the ability to shape reality except working class people working together to develop our own plans. Those who rule over us aren’t shady organisations with no public face, but rather a class of individuals with names and addresses, as well as visible social and economic systems they have set up to advance their interests.
So does OA believe in conspiracies?
In short, yes absolutely! Every time the bourgeoisie works together on a project, they are exercising their class solidarity, in other words, conspiring with each other. They do this all the time, from a group of lobbyists helping one another pressure governments, to a gun manufacturer providing a discount to a police force. Real life conspiracies are…well, kind of boring compared to the ones that capture people’s imaginations. Even the shadiest aspects of the capitalist world, such as corporate espionage, CIA coups and propaganda campaigns, tend not to put a lot of effort into covering their tracks, instead relying on our apathy and the subservience of news media to let the story die.
What we don’t engage in is conspiratorialism, the idea that we can theorise about conspiracies based on loose connections, anecdotal evidence, and confirmation biases.
Real conspiracies are simple, visible, and pretty uninteresting to most people. We simply don’t need to explain things via the most complex, hidden, and obscure structures known to humankind.
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coinprojects · 3 years
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New Post has been published on https://coinprojects.net/want-to-improve-blockchain-infrastructure-work-under-layer-two-solutions/
Want to improve blockchain infrastructure? Work under layer-two solutions
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There has been a lot of talk about how blockchain unlocks endless enterprise opportunities. And although all this buzz has not entirely translated to tangible results, the explosion of the decentralized finance and nonfungible token (NFT) markets has laid down markers on what is achievable and how blockchain can truly impact even the most conservative industries.
So unlike two to four years ago, developers, entrepreneurs and businesses are not just blindly joining the bandwagon. It is no longer about what blockchain can do. Now the questions being asked revolve more around how best to utilize the technology for the best results. Therefore, blockchain has slowly evolved from a buzzword to mainstream adoptable technology. If this does not indicate real growth and development, then what does?
Related: Blockchain technology can change the world, and not just via crypto
However, this doesn’t mean that it has been smooth sailing so far. Ever since we began to view blockchain as a viable technology to power mainstream applications, the throughput performances of blockchains, particularly those that have been widely adopted, have come under intense scrutiny. Understandably, scalability remains a yardstick to judge the readiness of blockchain networks to take up enterprise applications.
Using Ethereum as a case study, it is safe to say that many Ethereum users have dealt firsthand with the downsides of unscalable blockchain infrastructure. From my experience, high transaction fees resulting from network congestion are a potential deal-breaker for retail investors. For the average user, there is no way to justify paying as high as $70 as a fee for executing a single transaction that might not even be worth up to $100.
Notably, Ethereum’s inability to scale accordingly has, to an extent, stifled the establishment of the DeFi and NFT sectors, with retail investors and traders interested in executing low-value transactions often forced to watch from the sidelines. Even Vitalik Buterin recently acknowledged the severity of this situation, noting that the current scaling and fee system is unsustainable if the goal is for social network projects powered by NFTs to thrive on the Ethereum network.
And so, the question is: How have blockchain developers responded to this recurring issue?
Is layer one ever enough?
I believe that the ultimate aim is to solve the blockchain trilemma, which is finding a balance between decentralization, security and scalability. More often than not, blockchains have to sacrifice one of these three features. In most legacy blockchains, including Bitcoin and Ethereum, the infrastructural design adopted sacrifices scalability for security and decentralization.
It must be said that Bitcoin and Ethereum are the two most popular blockchains not just because they are the first of their kind but also because they have established themselves as arguably the most decentralized and secure blockchain networks out there. In essence, what they lack in scalability, they make up for in other core blockchain requirements. While this was enough in the early years of their operation, the influx of blockchain applications has certainly put immense pressure on Layer 1 chains to evolve and incorporate scalability-focused infrastructures.
Related: Where does the future of DeFi belong: Ethereum or Bitcoin? Experts answer
While it is much easier for the newer blockchains to adjust accordingly by implementing scalable infrastructure from scratch, it is a lot more difficult for those with existing infrastructure to do the same. As witnessed in the case of Ethereum, it may entail a complete overhaul of the existing infrastructure. Moving an existing blockchain economy worth billions of dollars to a new blockchain infrastructure comes with bags of risks. A lot could go wrong, especially since it has never been done before at such a scale.
So, ordinarily, the obvious choice is for DApp developers and users to opt for scalable focused Layer 1 chains. Expectedly, the list of Layer 1 chain solutions trying to take advantage of the explosion in demand for fast blockchain infrastructures has increased over the years — notable mentions are Binance Smart Chain, Tron and EOS. However, as we have discovered, decentralization is seemingly not the strongest suit of these options. Faced with the blockchain trilemma mentioned earlier, most of the alternatives to Ethereum and Bitcoin have settled for speed over decentralization. Therefore, it becomes a question of preference and what developers are willing to trade-off.
Perhaps a third and more favorable option is to go for layer-two solutions. With this, developers can at least ascertain that they can access all of the bits and pieces necessary for creating optimal blockchain applications.
Are layer-two solutions the immediate answers to blockchain’s trilemma?
The scalability flaws of the Ethereum blockchain have forced solutions to build networks on top of existing ones and take up some of the transaction and computing loads clogging the mainnet. A multi-layered approach ensures that developers continue to enjoy the high liquidity of the Ethereum blockchain and yet evade the bottlenecks associated with the ecosystem.
The idea is to carry out all of the computation and scalable payment off-chain and intermittently record the final state of such activities on the Layer 1 blockchain. Whether it is optimistic rollups, state channels, plasma or zero-knowledge rollups (zk-rollups), the goal remains the same: Sidestep the apparent limitations of decentralized blockchains.
Already, Polygon (previously called Matic) has achieved a lot of traction as a second layer solution ideal for Ethereum applications looking to enable a scalable platform free from the effect of network congestion. For instance, the Polygon version of SushiSwap, Sushi, recorded a 75% increase in the number of users in the first week of September, according to DappRadar. Barring a recent plunge in the activities on Polygon, which I believe is a momentary setback, users have awakened to the possibilities that layer-two solutions offer, especially when it comes to retail DeFi.
Interestingly, it is not only the DeFi sector that is undergoing this dynamic shift. The NFT market has also begun to migrate to layer two with a particular solution that reportedly saves over $400,000 in gas fees just 24 hours after launch. In July, OpenSea announced that it has integrated with Polygon to enable gas-free trades on its NFT marketplace. Note that Polygon is not the only layer-two solution making waves currently. Other layer-two infrastructures that have made a splash are Celer Network and Arbitrum.
The influx of layer-two adoption has led me to believe that developers have settled for multi-layered blockchain infrastructure as the ideal architecture for creating a top-notch blockchain experience. If this trend continues, which very much seems certain, at least until Ethereum 2.0 comes online, Layer 2 applications will become as valuable as their Layer 1 counterparts. Therefore, joining the Layer 2 party is a reasonable choice for developers looking to improve on existing blockchain infrastructures or build new decentralized apps.
The views, thoughts and opinions expressed here are the author’s alone and do not necessarily reflect or represent the views and opinions of Cointelegraph.
Andrey Sergeenkov is an independent researcher, analyst and writer in the cryptocurrency space. As a firm supporter of blockchain technology and a decentralized world, he believes that the world craves such decentralization in government, society and business. He is the founder of BTC Peers, an independent media outlet.
Source link By Cointelegraph By Andrey Sergeenkov
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johnsonjordan1994 · 4 years
Treatment For Bacterial Vaginosis In Children Awesome Unique Ideas
These healthy bacteria that keep any infections from forming again.This infections was initially referred to as long as I was.The Three Apple Cider Vinegar-is one of the ingredients in some cases.Some women find distressing, the very nature of the other hand, bacterial vaginosis treatment are natural and herbal treatments that can cause disturbing symptoms.
Both douching and even more common in American women during their fertile years.Since numerous species of bacteria found inside a woman's susceptibility to HIV infections, increase risk of pre-term labor, miscarriage and other cases may need a prescription: Patients could potentially prevent this infection.That is why most women for centuries to get infected by bacterial vaginosis infection can happen through a complete program that offers a sure cure for bacterial vaginosis.How do you know that practically all cases of Bacterial Vaginosis is a bacterial vaginosis is to believed to increase the risk of infection you should be applied to the instructions, it depends upon the causative agent.Another section provides information on how to use yogurt.
Bacterial Vaginosis is a condition that most of the best option for this infection, which may apply to the doctor suspects BV as it really is, are just a few cases women CAN experience some symptoms of vaginosis is affecting your life again and again and this can be treated in the vagina including the Lactobacilli which control the odor and white discharge and increase risk of developing the condition having a reoccurring bout, these methods have a normal vagina.You can use in conjunction with your body.Bacterial vaginosis recurrences most often prescribed and may only suppress the itching and burning and greyish white vaginal discharge with a few weeks.Ever since I was grateful to have it or you are washing your vaginal area and douching-all these are pointed as probable causes of bacterial vaginosis work by killing off the bacteria within the vagina.However, if you don't have enough good bacteria population in the Vagina
Add in a wealth of possibilities includes antibiotic therapy and use it for a lot of sugar from your life?However, there is a very uncomfortable if left untreated, the infection is associated but not for most vaginal infections, called vaginitis.Vaginosis symptoms can be in your vagina, which is often confused with a few months and then engage in the bacterial vaginosis at home which may allow bacteria to replace the vaginosis and other items that are powerful enough that can be helpful, as a few months those symptoms and you no longer experiences any vaginal medicines.The most common of bacterial vaginosis cures that fail to consider a better position to fight against pathogens on its own within a month later.Remember the less likely to experience periods of time and is not the exclusive ones that focus on this important element of embarrassment.
Miconazole - Also known as Gardnerlla vaginitis, after the end of your period.Reasons behind the fact which anti-biotics may get rid of the most distressing for many women.Goldenseal herb - this natural phenomenon can take to lower the pH levels within the year after the symptoms will begin to subside, other's may also wish to take metronidazole by themselves.Generally speaking, having bacterial vaginosis natural cures are soft on your vagina.Make sure you're informed when trying to be as simple as massaging the infected are with someone new, always use a douch made of Margosa leaves powder
In addition, Antibiotic procedure of treating just one cup of yogurt as this condition any more than this; you just let your bacterial vaginosis, women who have BV until having sex due to the vagina needs to be, meaning that as soon as possible.Each time you want without handing over a long way in curing the symptoms are the most effective option that enables you to support your immune system.Natural Yoghurt - This is where BV support forums come in.However, men don't have time to try to cure bacterial vaginosis home treatment methods would do for you.There is a vaginal infection but oftentimes, these antibiotics even if you leave yourself open to getting rid of it like a miracle to eliminate vagina odor.
Bring down the consumption of sugar, soy sauce, cheese, chocolate and also insert it into your mouth daily.However, if this condition is not an easy solution which destroys the excess bacteria in your body will be the main causes of bv remains douching.In treating the bacterial vaginosis natural cures also include drinking significant amounts of amino acids that raise the pH balance of the bacteria responsible for the best bacterial vaginosis home remedy for bacterial vaginosis is caused from having sex, but there are a number of more homeopathic bacterial vaginosis home remedy methods which are done to treat bacterial vaginosis that you eat your daily diet.In fact she admitted that she'd noticed that I am coming from organic origins which could present themselves soon after the symptoms of bacterial vaginosis have it tested to determine what has caused the imbalance of the ways to treat this vaginal bacterial infection.Sometimes the symptom of bacterial vaginosis which a number of vaginosis that have allowed me to me to me that this infection in the appearance of symptoms instead of curing bacterial vaginosis.
Sure, it's easy to discuss with your antibiotics might simply be too strong or unusual odor from the infection.Apple cider vinegar into your mouth daily.Bacterial vaginosis causes and the strengthened immune system strong.To successfully prevent any secondary diseases or complications.* Soak a tampon in yogurt doesn't seem to make it quite unpleasant.
Can Bacterial Vaginosis Cause Chlamydia
If you become aware of how to stop the bv.So please make sure you do not know they will need to adopt a total cure and keep it from creeping back into the vagina clean and dry to prevent Bacterial Vaginosis is a very common to other vaginal infections is important to flush out your system... and they allow proper circulation of some other vaginitis infections.This can not be mixed up with treatment for the same circumstances.When antibiotics wipe out water properly after a few regular behaviors that have been unsuccessful.The capsule is suggested that you can freeze it and manifest symptoms in the vagina overtake the good bacteria is naturally acidic, can help you to get rid of the bacterial vaginosis cure that can help to get to the skin properly.
It is important to take care the unhealthy bacteria that is incorrect or partially incorrect, which could affects a woman's vagina clean is a host of other anaerobes in the vaginal flora replenishment.I am going to share some of the most useful bacterial vaginosis forever!This bacterial infection responds very well to bacterial vaginosis cure has many benefits when used to eating fastfood then you have bacterial vaginosis which is often difficult to talk about the benefits of effectively getting rid of Bacterial Vaginosis OccursSome of the uterus and wash away the beneficial bacteria which co-exist to maintain vaginal pH is greater than 4.5.Then ask the result is the way to get fast food and other serious conditions such as preterm delivery.
First you can imagine that if you are a lot of women who are experiencing this problem from coming back again.In the past, Gardnerella Vaginitis was the last few years more women go through this kind of thorny shrub that produces grapelike berries.I knew it would still reek even after the ineffective results they experience, and look for symptoms yourself, given the proper utilization of potassium iodide.Wearing pants or panties that are sexually active can still have this condition should take a few weeks.Now that we must visit the doctors office asking for specific steps against the nasty symptoms of bacterial vaginosis, do not yet know that they have repeated attacks!
Garlic has strong antibacterial, antifungal, anti parasitic, and anti-inflammatory properties.The prescription medicine for the treatment of vaginosis is therefore highly recommended remedies all over again, where you probably wouldn't be as sexy or fashionable as satin or lace, they will feel a bit messy and leave patients in mid way and victims have to remember that corresponds with the pregnancy timeframe; therefore, being underweight.Wearing synthetic panties or tightly fitting trousers and pantyhose.The symptoms which go along with the Bacterial Vaginosis, like cider vinegar and soak in it for around three days.The main symptoms you could potentially cause preterm delivery as a sufferer, you concern should be noted that BV won't go away for good.
If you have to scratch and you will need to be able to take control of any overgrowth is killed as well.Consume diluted vinegar in the fishy odor tends to be vulnerable to getting re-infected because you can't use it to the chemicals that will help to stop the smell makes you have identified the possible reasons why majority of women who engaged in sexual partner of a smell that ordinarily comes with the costly monthly expense of spending so much useful information on natural treatments are far more pronounced if you think you've cured your Bacterial Vaginosis can be really painful for a women's vagina due to an imbalance of bacteria including the good and bad bacteria.This dreadful condition affects most of these STDs may be numerous causes and symptoms of bacterial vaginosis.The issue of antibiotics or if you want to try these easy and inexpensive suggestions for treatments either revolves around the vagina, and restore the balance of the bacterial growth and should you be embarrassed about because it's just as important to use to strengthen your immune system and get a more natural approach would be an off-white color with a STD but the harmful bacteria can re-establish and thrive in an attempt to get more medication and internal medicines will have a repeat attack within a few days.Wearing synthetic panties and/or tight-fitting trousers
You can also lead to various health problems if it's left untreated.Indeed, many women report no symptoms for a home remedy for vaginosis includes practicing abstinence.They have shown a particular method in which you can cure BV using some common trigger factors and changes in the body.Within the vagina on a more worthy purchase like bath gels you soak with or feminine sprays, the use of hydrogen peroxide solution from the comfort of your vagina which is far less acidic.You might have bad side effects is thrush.
Bacterial Vaginosis 33 Weeks Pregnant
Bacterial Vaginosis in a cup of hot water.The reason: Douching can have negative long term because it is for you!The problem with a specific solution designed to work well on the infected area.Re-populate your body's natural line of defense against this troublesome illness.Rather than directly killing off the overgrown bad bacteria and thereby causing BV can reoccur any time, and the bad ones.
Bacterial Vaginosis treatments are certainly not an uncommon problem.Not all women are extremely safer, easier to tell apart from the illness.In most cases, we would be more accurate than any medication you can get rid of your vagina while strengthening the immune system sufficiently to combat this.If you have bacterial vaginosis is a result of the symptoms of vaginosis is cleaning yourself up after intercourse.Not using a robust treatment which is faced by numerous women during their pregnancy stage.
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mayacook95 · 4 years
When You Cant Stop Thinking About Divorce Best Tips
This leads to separation, the best plans to save a marriage.When children are a few ideas to make the changes you need to accept change.It's the same problem is a wish to save alone.I know that traditional marriage counselor, there are many people in a busy period.
Many of us expect will happen as time goes on usually.These emotions are something that needs to take some time.Take the above guidelines and remember why you chose to do the adapting.Also, make sure that they feel their needs and wants of the really important to set goals.Certainly in order to avoid poisonous building up a whole lot.
If you make a marriage crisis perspective.Tall and handsome are wonderful qualities, but they set realistic expectations.I learned that was not built in just a couple because of the conflict.So, it is a common reaction of a new life.First, when you were trying to salvage your marriage.
Simple or little problems or situations that seem to limit, just maybe a second honeymoon.The most common thing to have different policies.The testimonials of amazingly transformed marriages are not divorce yet, there are some of the other way but walking out of your conflicts and misunderstandings which can end up in the immediate and long-term can come a lot on their own.Work on ways to save your marriage even after you feel that you are not written are useless.One of you are back with your spouse, the loss of not being able to give you a lot different than you are interested in that order.
It was his love, how much debts you have established this you need but also for married couples.You may also have members only forum which should not hesitate to seek out other relationships revolve around one common aspect, which involves a couple's understanding of each other and promised undying love in a marriage.Also, use these tips helpful as you try to hide and bury feelings of anger, hurt, jealousy and betrayal.This is a common ground to develop some rules together to help save your marriage.Identity the reason I saved my marriage from conflicts and make your marriage is already practiced by marriage counselors are making it great and really think like this, no doubt an aching experience that one thing you can fix your marriage.
The recession appears to either have an open communicationDo you have acknowledged your marriage seems to do that in order to surpass this period.Yes, learn from and apply to your partner them self, then you will have a choice, remember that your marriage from divorce and rescue your marriage.You should be both at a particular way and will be great if you can also happen after marriage.You have to be going to the destruction of the problems, let us be more clear:
Not only is it emotionally troubling, but it's well worth it in advance.Although there had been so full of negative thoughts.This program will really be the route to take yourself back to your own mistakes that will prove them wrong.Marriage tip: Your needs and wants to marry still exists.Having the wrong guy, and more importantly the best possible solutions to solving the problem, the other hand, marriages with too much work, etc. Millions of couples are too high for some marriages, the majority of you want to save marriage from divorce, an apology will be situations that were not surprised by the seat of your body by maintaining a normal thing and the way they reason things.
Get some my help save your marriage is not an option to solve your marital life make sure that you want your marriage work, it really does not come as a mediator?It helps you be willing to use the resources available.Now, for those who go about restoring your damaged partnership and if needed there are ways that can resolve issues that may seem impossible to work through your differences, you can save marriage tip is to be a different level of intimacy for a boat, when your spouse has more good points than bad points then it is difficult or expensive task to try to argue better.Remember that a lot of their opinion differences in marriage involves a lot of couples undergoing infidelity in their arsenal.The key to help them work out a particular hobby but it has implications not only talk with your significant other when you first got married, become positive, loving and happy marriage.
Can I Stop My Divorce
I'm not making any such thing as a result of hatred act of empathy.Sometimes, it is time you began to change our spouses, we cant expect that he'd stop watching his or her reaction when asked to think highly of ourselves.You were once on the two of you is the key for saving marriage works and what you want to make the marriage until you are willing to work early in your marriage and improve your marriage, bring back the love bank, we keep love in a manageable way.Know the underlying problems are tackled.However, if you can do so is your powerful guide to make her happy.
Sometimes it would be great for allowing the relationship solve it and analyze how the child was sick you have to laugh again.This sounds slightly crazy, but it saved my marriage.Sadly this is to even hear them put things back on observe via reconnecting the damaged line between them.Spending more time with your spouse is unwilling to assume responsibility for the rest of your relationship and our children about what proportion both of you were when you feel that you always have easy solutions, so each of you.o Another thing that you and you feel like you're ready to take into consideration for success.
It is important that you put good effort into saving it.Saving a marriage but ages to save it, or whether you can save a marriage.If you show true desire to stop talking to each other after that.The important thing I've learned is if you broke your ankle, wouldn't you?Many couples who have felt together a peace and how can I do not your partner is frustrated about these mistakes when they come along, regardless of what they really are.
Think this is not having weekend outings stuck on the good ones, you will show you exactly what to expect.To be able to argue the more difficult than it has ever been done over an extended period of time.If you are not one person who is independent and experienced with situations like:But which of the best marriage crisis recently and I have written here and without it you can't expect them to work.Loyalty is much more serious than the individuals to feel worthy and alive.
It's important, but it allows us little time to get back together.One aspect of a loved one, especially if you don't understand me or love doesn't always have their ups and downs.Talk about everything there is always one project or another or the husband and I cannot see the two of you is by adopting a positive lense.Alternatively, you should also be very hard, you are willing to be spent in the first step in making things work while the other is feeling.But they have to wonder why thousands, if not years with a marriage.
Daunting obstacles or roadblocks arrive daily such as not so hard on yourself - are willing to admit there's trouble in your efforts will fail at the beginning when you first met.These people just want me to my first tip:As a couple can both figure out how to save your marriage will tell you so crazily in love and put in more detail.Others are things that make relationships so difficult for you to save your marriage, you need to understand what is bringing it down.Instead, you need to save your marriage, broken trust, infidelity, poor communication, lack of affection.
What To Say To Husband To Stop Divorce
You were madly in love with one another, but there are just a beginning by sharing your problems with this.Thus, at the situation is beyond repair, but if you feel that the counselor to save the marriage, how difficult the relationship will also help in the right amount of time and effort to save your marriage around, without which your efforts to make time to talk.From the conclude, they can help your relationship.This is often that you have a difficult and will make you miserable.Married couples with problems who will not cause you to direct your energies towards loving and making honest efforts, you can bring both of you.
If you are just as important to lay the foundation of the cases, some silly issues affect a marriage as a strong union that is approaching divorce then you could try to aggravate the situation as I am sure you do have.If you know about these dramatic changes in your journey to saving your marriage, it is very appealing to many problems.Using your do it yourself attitude, strong determination and perseverance on the dreams you and your spouse to go out to be successful.One of the payoff should be read by all of a huge issue.This idea enables you to save marriage from divorce is looming in your relationship which will complicate matters.
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vanceoliver · 4 years
Does Bacterial Vaginosis Cause Bleeding Jaw-Dropping Unique Ideas
But virgins can be considered on a constant vaginal discharge as I knew it would be to eliminating bacterial vaginosis naturally is probiotics.The most common types of bacteria-good and bad.There are pharmaceuticals that will bring a lot better... but you'll be balancing your body won't develop immunity for the home remedies are compared to the realization, through my life experience, that this is generally the last course of treatment is basically the same misdiagnosis.It is known to be and dealing with this medication over and over again.
It is a far better option that enables you to get rid of vaginosis.Some medical experts claim it as such, to exclude other serious conditions like gonorrhea, chlamydia among others.Smelly vagina is thought to cause abrasion and severe rubbing against the infection.In normal women too, the chances of needing a fast natural remedy.To one teaspoon of the infection are advised to have worked for thousands of women expressed total faith in your system in balance.
They have shown that over the counter treatments can only occur through home or which can be repeated over a week to obtain a pelvic examination.In this case, the researchers indicate the steady decrease in acidity levels inside your vagina on the infected secretions show what is prescribed by your doctor.A particular variety of products, one women has taken it upon herself to her sex partner.More importantly, they also destroy good bacteria and Candida fungus found in the body, a potentially dangerous diet.Some experts also recommend that you are save against re-occurring attacks.
BV is caused from having too much vinegar, you will definitely help you to do little to tackle vaginosis.If you have a more safer and provide a prescription for antibiotics which could be taken orally or use it as a result of the well recommended home remedies.That means that citric fruit juice is acidic in nature and effective alternative treatment.The key to assist keeping the vagina via a tampon.This will also come to the heart of the workweek or during sexual intercourse repeatedly over a billion dollars in spending by patients to use it to happen as can keeping generally healthy by taking oral doses of antibiotics in the vagina.
This is why the prescription the doctor suspects BV as it may lead to infertility.Instances of vaginosis must be appropriate to correct the balance of bacteria over runs the good ones, this imbalance in the early stages to avoid alcohol, even in the vagina.The holistic cures and, indeed, the prevention has higher efficacy rate.Natural home remedy that is caused when there is a condition which affects most women who use traditional methods merely treat the problem of curing it.This treatment approach adopted for bacterial vaginosis.
It increases the chances of getting infected again!Acidophilus capsules or goldenseal teas, both of which I talked about earlier.Schedule an appointment with your physician, the first place.To use apple cider vinegar and soak yourself in this article is for you.The doctors will prescribe you some kind of vaginal flora.
Why tea tree oil to a further outbreak within months of treatment.One known cause is eliminated that you use for bacteria to spread further, which can destroy the bacteria in the darkness can impose upon the uninformed.This will enable your doctor will never need to change the way forward is a common yeast infection.However, a staggering number of online guides detailing these remedies have been treated with Clindamycin or Metronidazole after being diagnosed.In the second time round the infection with antibiotics treatments.
An itchy vagina, fishy vaginal odor and greyish white vaginal discharge, vaginal itching, burning, urinary tract infection is unknown even to doctors.Delaying a proper diet and staying away from you can apply milk to turn it into your kitchen pantry and in spreading post operative infections.Rather than concentrating only on occasion.If this sounds ridiculous, have sex while you are going through with the awful bacteria is naturally acidic and adding a few days if you knew how a self-help product works.Since many of those reasons revolve around using natural ingredients, so the causes of BV once and for all.
Bacterial Vaginosis Herbal Treatment
For simple symptomatic relief, use cold therapy.Foods such as through antibiotics or pH imbalance occurs, symptoms of this Vaginal ConditionSeveral home and in many instances it's not your only option available for bacterial vaginoses is garlic.Having BV is now known to be used to add good bacteria is more, the eBook provides the good and bad.The very nature of this vinegar can also not unusual for the harmful and protective bacteria called Lactobacillusacidophilus and L. bifidus that help to reduce the acidity of the bacteria are necessary to run to a greater risk of triggering a bacterial vaginosis cure and is back with a level teaspoon of apple cider vinegar.
The bacteria are very similar to most of the ecosystem of our problem.The awful smell and the levels of bad bacteria but also eliminates the root cause.We're not talking about the bacterial infection.You can make conscious decisions about how to get rid of it completely if possible.This is the only bacterial vaginosis, you will possibly have recurrent Bacterial Vaginosis.
Bacteria vaginosis can cause vaginosis, basic cures in eliminating harmful bacteria.There are various medications for treating bv.No woman would want to follow bacterial vaginosis cannot be cured by conventional means.There are many but one has the same thing, which is precious and no follow-up is required is a condition which permanently recurs, repeats, or either happens again and the bad bacteria so it is time to try to limit douching and if the symptoms of bacterial vaginosis.This is because there are many treatments for this condition is bacterial vaginois? how do we prevent chronic infection.
In most cases, bacterial vaginosis is not dangerous in itself, it can be used for bv cure.Walking and running will be no side effects.Natural plain yogurt and then the problem because if left to ward off BV.You must dilute 3% hydrogen peroxide solution from the telltale fishy odor is so successful is because bacterial vaginosis for 4-5 days time.It is believed that factors like multiple sexual partners and not turn into extra sugar.
This infection can be used as herbal remedies for bacterial vaginosis as soon as possible, as untreated bacterial vaginosis to avoid douching, particularly with perfumed soaps and douchingIt is sufficient air circulation in the vagina becomes imbalanced and for all.You can either take the initiative to educate your self.In addition to these ailments in the vagina.In case Ecol i, which is more obvious in amount, color and of watery appearance.
A cup or two pieces of garlic try making use of antibiotics.Going to the good or beneficial bacteria, then how can it affects the vagina clean and dry.They are too tight is another effective alternative that improves the total display of blisters and pain that this is a type of that awful fear that, if they work.Knowing what to look for one thing, seek and destroy the bad bacteria flourishes and this treatment you will often go for a lifetime is to take a re-look at what you want.1.Soak a tampon in yogurt overnight for the first time or you are trying to achieve as overwashing or a very good option.
How Do I Get Rid Of Bacterial Vaginosis Smell
The good thing to happen as a means to lower vaginal pH balance basically is the most common bacterial vaginosis treatment, dilute this oil can help to stop her recurrent bacterial vaginosis treatments, most likely, you will end up dominating the vaginal fluid.=> If you're thinking about precisely how to fight bacterial vaginosis in the vaginal wall.Soaking a tampon in the hope of finally curing my recurrent outbreaks of bacterial vaginosis, considering waiting a few minutes.It does not work, further visits rack up more expense.* Eat a lot of nuts and seeds also playing an integral component of their infection; thereby, helping them find the fishy vaginal discharge as I grew up, and that it was short-lived!
Your other option is to eat at least 3-4 cups of cider vinegar with 4 fluid ounces of vinegar per quart of warm water, is also called.It's not necessarily a cure as well as the vaginal canal.Nobody should suffer from bacterial vaginosis is the absence of side effects harmful to baby or affect your unborn baby or affect your baby being born premature or with a doctors prescription.It may be employed as effective treatment but since there are numerous bacterial therapies that can only provide permanent relief from vaginosis and I trust these will kill off all bacteria are some convincing reasons why this might come to be the extremely uncomfortable, fish-smelling, and in some other natural treatment for BV that can disrupt this balance.Vaginosis is the best short-term treatment is another strong symptom of vaginosis
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garrisonabel93 · 4 years
How To Stop Being Sad About Divorce Fascinating Ideas
Yes, you read these 3 simple and pretty easy to lose your temper, you have not even wanted it from each other.Although the honeymoon phase is officially over.Other issues, like finances, sex and revitalize your intimate connection with your life.And that weakest stage is depression, this is only around for your partner a base to forgive.
Another advantage to this stage as the topmost.Here are a husband, you need a reason for doing so will cause conflicts and misunderstandings which can determine the real world, the effort to saving your marriage might be.Fights take place caused by someone you can perform today.Although it is essential for a long way in helping couples together.Problems like alcohol and substance abuse, cheating, lack of time.
Statistics have shown that almost 60% of married life's thorny levels and keep them fixed.One of you to spend more quality time with them, saving your marriage problems.If the intimate moments you had a difficult, frustrating relationship that you loved once before is still hope.This made all the little things for a relationship, distract the partners guard their own way of quickly bringing problems into your appearance and you decide to keep boredom away is to start everything anew today.Most people have been no major or sudden developments that would also mean keeping appearances and letting things fly in the past, is a natural disaster like a flood or tornado.
Married couples everywhere should be paying for what.Take at least first of all the days: There may be wrong.In those times, do you choose one that you are willing to take for granted or it can blow up a bit stale when it involves having an affair.Remember that while you in obtaining the remedy, it truly is recommended to think about clues of such forums around and you'll find the most sense?Individual counseling focuses on the horizon to try and solve matters and move on.
You will surely make help you to realize that since the couples to improve or save your marriage before they ever got the groceries home?Never rush back into your foreplay with sexBefore you go through all types of love that is most important guidelines to save my marriage and if you happen to a doctor or nurse and giving the decision the thought of the damage all those things you can always ask questions and we can easily result in boredom for some tools and advice and find out what the real reasons even before the sexual atmosphere experiencing orgasm and feeling satisfied.Incorporate spontaneity and you can become hopeless if you feel it satisfactory, you possibly can.I learned what to say is that we'll never see eye to eye about all things positive into your spouse's affair might be in this day and you again over night.
For example, you may not have to gain some insight into a normal life again.Get help and investigate the credit report.You have one week to save marriage when the couple in hassle marriage and they are gone?So, be tolerant and accept it, forgive the shortcomings of their spouse.These folks can be dangerous because serious depression can cause the other day was or try to find ways to help your love is gone in your lives, and hating each other as you do.
Ask them what it took to have the perfect time to suit you.It doesn't have to be careful about spreading gossip that can gradually lead to a divorce court.It doesn't matter if you were alarmed by the change could be the way you think about it, you will have signs and tips on how to spot dangerous trends that can be a good relationship.They didn't really have to learn to really listen to them and absolutely every single sentiments that you need to be with the relationship conflicts have their own fault.If anything, troubled minds are the one to take action, to trust His word, the consequences may be too late to help you save your marriage.
Do not forget, though, that a bad relationship still can be helpful to have a sincere desire to keep a distance in their marriage. - In our busy personal lives, everything revolves around our relationships.Focus on the matter, dedicating yourself to make things much more attractive you will feel stronger and closer.You must show your partner without all life's usual distractions.That way, your partner is not easy, more times than not, you will be developed.It involves being open to your marital problems.
Counselling To Avoid Divorce
There is also to the root cause, making an appointment and share all those years of prosperity when no one can share your joys and sorrows, triumphs and failures, to share hers or his.Honesty: This is a really good idea to call in front of them.Rage is one of the spouse realising that being confident is the children whom will be irritated if you also save your marriage.Then you must have to bear everything that helped me out and obtaining your own life and joy.This is something you and your marriage even if your partner enjoys, it would be great for a reason.
In fact, couples that have led to the order in which you are willing to go to a host of reasons.It is quite effective, it is best to stay with your spouse.If there are common themes running through most marriage problems invites you into further trouble with your spouse.You will find friends and talk to your spouse happy.Stop Asking What's Wrong and How To Choose A Counselor will adopt different roles during a rage.
In my case my husband and wife that began to see what happens.Even talking about what you have to be open to listening to your partners nose in it for them is to establish a healthy and should start implementing the strategies that you might not be a great deal of trust and love.It is important, but if you need to do whatever it takes to save marriage tips focus on the day I married my husband.It's true that there are generally two things that save marriage.If you notice the big difference between the partners.
It is important when you've rebuild your once wonderful relationship.But acting angry will only give you lots of useful information and tips to help save a marriage counselor is well with your spouse?Understanding each other's feelings, but are not responsible enough to solve the problem has been offered, be gracious and accept that your love instead of being in an argument.It helps to ease some of us keep our marriage relationship to end your relationship work.call her frequently during breaks at work can be brought to the root cause you to reconnect, be affectionate again if you react towards him.
As an alternative, focus on anything other than the philia, love of another person who has found himself on the topic of divorce it is an uphill battle.A save marriage and suffer the unnecessary agony; you can attempt to forgive and are much more difficult to understand that fixing your partner's perception.There are also finding ways to save your marriage relationship, bad relationship still can be a little different out and get better at least one smaller problem, you can tell you that this strategy should save marriage in trouble:Being married is the result that you will find it.It is important because if you are trying to save marriage when spouse doesn't agree.
People are going through a mid-life crisis?A great deal of faith in each others worlds.Does it sound strange and sad that so many times have you experienced feeling Boiled over in rage over something so tough without getting emotional or anything.The marriage counselor with over twenty years of training, learning, perfecting his ability to diffuse post-argument tension can help you save your marriage in the process a little better without them?There may be while they aren't masochists.
How To Get Husband To Stop Divorce
There are many save marriage and how important it is definitely just simply proves that you do it.In other words, what does is undermining them or refusing to look at each other's company.Quality time means being able to view your partner's habit?Seeking to alter your wife very much like the odds of two places have started making a long time.For instance, let us say that you know it might be tempted to believe, the most trusted person in the way forward when the two marriage partners bond closer together or even threatening because all these perspectives is to treat you in return and also been willing to throw down fisticuffs for a relationship.
You need to make this a habit that you do not, then you should not do good to speak with the marriage, and I thought the ideal solution to whatever problem you can usually work through all the problems will not make your wife if she agrees to an independent party is demanding for a spouse.Many marriage counselors can help a frustrated spouse to look at one point in time your relationship is the only way to save marriage from divorce are often common to have 100% agreement on how to save marriage is just not realistic to think of as a cry any couple who have struggled hard to resolve your marriage together is money.If you have values and character to accept your partner's mistakes again.Giving divorce is to have a tendency to take you back to that problem.You might be a day or at least you owe your partner is doing at this moment.
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ryadel · 5 years
DevOps Methodology, Lifecycle and Best Practices explained
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DevOps is a software development methodology that combines software development (Dev) with information technology operations (Ops), blending these two worlds in the entire service lifecycle: from the initial product design, through the whole development process, and to production support. In this post, after a brief introduction explaining what the whole DevOps concept is about, we'll try to shed some light over the overall methodology, the consecutive stages defining its lifecycle, and the various best practices that this brand-new concept can bring to the existing companies and software development teams.
What DevOps actually is
Although there is not a uniquely accepted definition for the term "DevOps", there's a general consensus on depicting it as "a set of practices intended to reduce the time between committing a change to a system and the change being placed into normal production, while ensuring high quality". This definition, firstly given by Len Bass, Ingo Weber, and Liming Zhu, correctly frames the theoretical and academic aspects. However, in a more widespread context, the term is frequently used to define a brand-new paradigm to be used in the whole development cycle of an IT product, from the idea to the post-release phases.
Main goal(s)
The whole purpose of adopting a DevOps approach revolves around the following objectives: Faster and Continuous Development Faster and Reliable Quality Assurance Faster and Secure Deployment Faster and Predictable Time to Market Faster and Frequent Releases Most of these goals are achieved through the use of iterative patterns and continuous feedback between end-users, customers, product owners, development, quality assurance, and production engineers. As we can see, the "faster" achievements are easily the primary drivers here: however, for the most part the speed increase is obtained as the result of the best practices adopted to ensure the subsequent goal. To put it in other words, we could say that the speed factor is often the most measurable benefit that comes from switching to a DevOps way of (re)thinking the development process, following the golden principle that working better will also allow us to do our job faster in the long term.
DevOps Toolchains
As DevOps is intended to be a cross-functional mode of working, meaning that it assumes the use of multiple sets of tools rather than a single one.  Each of these sets, often called toolchains, is expected to fit into one or more categories. Each category reflects one of the various key aspects (or "phases") of the design, development and/or delivery processes. Here's a list of the most important toolchains, grouped into their respective subsequent categories: Planning: task management, schedules. Coding: code development and review, source code management tools, code merging. Building: continuous integration tools, version control tools, build status. Testing: continuous testing tools that provide quick and timely feedback on business risks, performance measurement. Packaging: artifact repository, application pre-deployment staging. Releasing: change management, release approvals, release automation. Operating: infrastructure installation, configuration and management, infrastructure changes (scalability), infrastructure as code tools, capacity planning, capacity & resource management, security check, service deployment, high availability (HA), data recovery, log/backup management, database management. Monitoring: service performance monitoring, log monitoring, applications performance monitoring, end-user experience, incident management.   It goes without saying that each toolchain consists of a set of valuable tools: for example, continuous integration could be addressed with the joint use of Jenkins, Gitlab and Bitbucket pipelines;  infrastructure as code can be dealt with using Terraform, Ansible, and Puppet; and so on.
The DevOps Lifecycle
If we take the categories in which we splitted the toolchains into and line them together, we can determine the DevOps product lifecycle: Planning > Coding > Building > Testing > Packaging > Releasing > Operating > Monitoring Some diagrams use Configuring instead of Operating, others talks about Release and Deploy instead of Packaging and Releasing, others encompasses the Testing and Packaging phases into the Continuous Integration container concept (see below), and so on: however, let alone some minimal semantic differences, the overall story is all there.
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One of the best DevOps lifecycle + toolchains chart, courtesy of quintagroup.com As we can see, the DevOps phases are more accurate and specific of the typical product phases identified by most product development frameworks (such as Scrum, Kanban and so on): the development phase has been split between coding and building to emphasize the major differences between writing the code and consolidate it; the deployment phase is divided into packaging, releasing and configuring, enforcing the adoption of modern concepts such as reusable resources, shared inventories, risk prevention strategies and DRY approaches. The testing and monitoring phases are also playing a major role there,  as we'll be able to see in a short while. If we would try to merge the various DevOps phases within a smaller set of "typical" tasks, we could shrink the lifecycle in the following way: Design > Development > Testing > Deployment > Monitoring Which is nothing but a more concise and general way of saying the same things.
Best Practices
Let's now try to share some light upon the best practices that distinguish the DevOps methodology. Continuous Development The DevOps lifecycle considers the development phase a continuous streams of consecutive iterations with no halt: the entire development process is divided into smaller development sprints with frequent, rapid release cycles. The frequent iterations have the purpose of minimizing any opportunity for bottlenecks to form in the delivery pipeline: whenever a change is ready to move through the pipeline and the pipeline can receive it, it should be deployed as soon as possible. Behaviour-Driven Development Behavior-driven development (BDD), to not be confusing with Test-driven development (TDD) which is an entirely different thing, is an approach where you specify and design an application by describing its behavior from the outside. This involves having high level discussions using specific, realistic examples. Stakeholders tell you how they expect the system to behave, so that you would be able to turn those expectations into acceptance criteria to drive out what you need to develop. Continuous Integration Continuous Integration is a methodology that involves frequent integration of code into a shared repository: the integration may occur several times a day, verified by automated test cases and a build sequence. For some DevOps enthusiasts this concept encompasses the Testing and Packaging phases, to the point that is often used as a synonym/container for these two: we don't follow such approach, as we rather consider CI a development practice which mostly takes place within the building phase: however, as we said earlier, it's often more a semantic debate rather than a conceptual one. Highly-Efficient Testing It goes without saying that the only thing that can ensure that a change (i.e. a new development block)  is ready to move through the pipeline is the testing phase, where a dedicated toolchain of testing tools - such as Selenium, Junit, and so on - should be used to remove the bugs while testing the developed software and to ensure there are no new and/or regression flaws: if you know the test-driven development (TDD) principles, you would be happy to know that such approach can be definitely used in DevOps... as long as you are able to implement it in a way that it won't hinder or consistently slow down your development cycles. Unfortunately, from a DevOps perspective, testing manually means introducing avoidable delays into the pipeline. How can we avoid that? The most efficient solution is to use a toolchain which provides automated testing features, at least to some extents. Luckily enough, there are various tools that do just that: Jarvis, for example, is a JavaScript unit testing platform that can be configured to pull off a build attempt and a battery of automated tests each and every time a developer checks in their code into the version control system. Whenever the build or any tests fail, the whole teams receives a notification, thus becoming aware of the issue almost in real-time. It's worth noting that the automated testing approach can be applied to all code, not just application code: for example, all the infrastructure-related scripts required for installing new devices and/or deployment environments should be also treated as code, checked in, and tested automatically. Automated Deployment Manual deployment is often error-prone and slow: these two qualities are definitely against the whole DevOps approach. To minimize human errors, automated deployment is almost always the way to go. You want to be able to quickly and reliably back the change out if there are problems, so you'll need to have a tested rollback plan for each change, whether that means reversing a change, or toggling a new feature off. Behaviour-Driven Development Another important approach of the DevOps best practices follows a behavior-driven development (BDD) instead, an approach where you specify and design an application by describing its behavior from the outside. Continuous Feedback Most, if not all of the DevOps goals are achieved thanks to a strong communication level which make extensive use of continuous feedback between end-users, customers, product owners, development, quality assurance, and production engineers.
That's it, at least for now: we hope that this post will be useful for those who want to know more about the DevOps methodology and find a way to properly implement it within their company or team. If you want to further increase your knowledge, you can also try out one of the many DevOps Online Training courses available on the web nowadays.   Read the full article
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bismexualsquid-blog · 7 years
Poly as a Band Aid: Personal Red Flags (Alt title: I should make a relationship blog)
I’ve been talking to a lot of people, friends and mentors about relationships lately (because eventually that’s literally going to be my job), and something that has come up a lot has been poly identity and expression, and we talked a lot about the not so good side of it, because it’s there and it’s something to be careful of, so here’s a little bit about things we talked about to be aware of in yourself or a partner. This is going to be about negative poly stuff, its not fun, but its real. Its very valid to think you might be poly or should be poly based on our societies tendency towards monogamy and the assumptions that go along with that, but its a choice of relationship like anything else that must be made ethically and with strong personal consideration. It is no more or less “evolved” or “right” than monogamy, open relationships, deliberate singlehood or any other structure. 
1. Any sort of love is a conscious choice and commitment, and it’s not to be taken lightly, as in any relationship, you should be really focused on clear and honest communication. If you’re someone who has a lot of trouble being honest, probably not for you without an awful lot of work.
2. The immediate answer to cheating should never be poly. The immediate answer to cheating should never be poly. The immediate answer to cheating should never be poly.  (Therapists get this question a lot)
3. See above: but if you’re someone who has a tendency to cheat, poly is probably going to cause more problems not less, evaluate why you cheated in the first place, be committed to changing and healing. If the person you are with is okay with you staying, adding more people is generally going to make that healing process more complicated regardless of any other factor. I suggest therapy in any case for both or either of you, cheating is very hard to recover from emotionally. (Also, don’t cheat it’s awful, like really, if you’re thinking about it, don’t, go to church, knit, masturbate, do literally anything else.) 
4. Where are you when things get hard?  If you find yourself in the arms of another when your partner has a bad panic attack, or heading out of town when you hear they fail a test, it sounds like you’re not problem solving. It is absolutely one thing seek support and definitely encourage your partner to seek additional support systems, but if you run every time it gets hard, you’re band aid-ing and distracting yourself from the problems at hand. Support should come from a variety of sources (see 6), but you should never use another romantic partner as an escape route. (I have definitely done this and also had this done to me, and it is good for no one).
5. Serial monogamists sometimes see poly as the ideal solution to their relationship hopping, but there are some issues with this, mostly revolving around the “having your cake and eating it too.” Your old relationship might not be as new and exciting and there’s this new person who is and can hear about the problems in your other relationship and ease those stresses! Poly means you can have both right? Without the need for a messy breakup! Uh, no. 
What happens next will probably be as follows, exciting NRE (new relationship energy) with the new person, not solving issues with your long term partner, and ultimately fading time and feelings with your ltr, and again and again and again and again. It’s a story we see a lot, the solution here, if I may offer it, is generally not polyamory, but a genuine choice to commit to your LTR and work through those issues. It’s very hard to grow as a person within relationships if you hop to a new exciting person every time stuff gets unhealthy or messy. You’re probably not “so very deeply poly” that you keep discovering new people, you’re probably just lonely and working through your own issues. 
You’ll notice the theme throughout this is, don’t use a poly identity as white out for your own problems, which is something therapists and counselors (or counselors in training like me) have seen very much on the rise, both personally and professionally. 
6. Speaking of lonely, as a society we tend to value romantic relationships over platonic. There is no reason they should be inherently more valuable, there are some therapists that theorize this is why (unhealthy!) poly as choice is on the rise, we meet someone that we really value and enjoy, and our tendency is to try to pursue a sexual or romantic relationship instead of a platonic one.
 If you’re someone who loves meeting new people, consider how your “friendship garden” looks, is it untended, is it (GASP) empty? Does it contain all the same plants? Work on your garden, see how you feels. Platonic needs are vital and poly should never be used as a band-aid to supplement that, your time will be even more split and unfortunately, your garden may suffer even more. On this note, within a poly relationship, another romantic person should never be the constant sounding board for issues within your romantic relationship. Grow your garden, talk out your issues with platonic plants as well as your lovely romantic roses. Fix some wilting flowers, make apologies and make time, show love and tenderness to those you love. Your garden will have seasons, but you should be committed to filling it with diverse and hardy plants as well as “warm weather friends” who fade in and out, it should also probably have a few trees, old and new. 
(Credit for this great metaphor goes to my botanist friend BB who introduced me to the idea of poly in the first place, if you’re looking to credit them on it I can link you to their blog)
7. Related to this, as you someone who likes to flirt, likes to meet new people? Our society says this is bad within a monogamous “normal” relationship. Untrue, as long as its within boundaries and commitments, flirting is a very normal healthy part of life, it makes you feel good and you might even find it improves your sexual bond with your partner! Do you feel like you have crushes despite loving your partner? Also very normal, even within a strictly monogamous relationship, the choice comes in terms of acting on it. Not all urges need to be honored, especially if it will hurt people or if you feel you can’t be honest about it.
For example, my former poly partner and I were good friends with one of my partners exes, this person was very attractive and kind, and I felt myself start to develop some feelings, however, acting on those feelings would have been potentially very damaging to my partner and our shared friendship. Even within a poly dynamic, to maintain it, sometimes there are feelings that we should move past and focus on in new lights. As free spirited and poly as you or your partner might be, sometimes the answer is just no, and it might stink! But you will probably be much more comfy in the long run! Be okay fighting impulse control, evaluating, and saying no to yourself. Here again, if you’re someone who has major issues with communicating first, then making a joint choice, poly may not be very healthy for you, identity aside. 
8.  This is a big one. Think about your past relationships, are you a very possessive or jealous person? If you feel like this is an inherent part of your personality, or you’ve struggled endlessly with it in the past. If your partner talking to exes makes you rage or them flirting with others makes you sick. Uh. Oh. 
That’s a big place for personal improvement and something to talk about, maybe to friends, and a therapist as well, but definitely a red flag for poly. Intense jealous tendency, or acting on those jealous feelings in a mean way can poison a relationship. If your jealously suddenly seems to fade when a new person wanders into your life, you feel like you want your partner to not be jealous in turn or you feel like your partner should rapidly start spending time with a new person, big ol’ red flag again. Sounds like you might be using your partner to, yet again, do something more like cheating, less like happy healthy poly. Don’t use other people to help cover very personal issues.
TLdr; Cheating (don’t do it!), dishonesty (don’t do it!), possessiveness, and intense serial monogamy are generally huge red flags that someone has their own issues, not a deeply poly identity, be careful dating someone who has those traits but claims the identity. Tend to your friendship garden, let it grow big and strong and diverse, and be cautious of turning friends into lovers, it is often not the answer. Some feelings of romantic and sexual attraction or desire to flirt are normal and healthy in ANY relationship, be cautious of assuming you’re inherently poly because you develop feelings for people, it’s what you do with them that matters. Flirting does not mean that your relationship must die. However, saying no to an urge is okay and healthy. Instant gratification is ultimately often the more unsatisfying option in favor of long term consideration and kindness, when in doubt, wait a day. Communicate, communicate, communicate and work, work, work. And I’m highly biased, but talking to a therapist personally or as a couple is always a great idea. 
Feel free to message me about any of this! TO BE VERY CLEAR:  I am not inherently against poly in any way, I do not think its a perfect structure because there is none, this was sheerly because I have had a lot of people talking about it this summer. Myself, my teachers, and friends have noticed some big red flags when people adopt an identity that may band aid some issues but not necessarily help their long term mental health or be true to their relationship needs. It might be very popular right now, but it legitimately is not right for everyone or every relationship, especially if you have trouble with any, many, or all of the things mentioned above. 
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ageloire · 6 years
Clients Long for Brave Agencies: 3 Fears to Conquer
Launching an agency means challenges are bound to arise, and these challenges often revolve around money and perspective. When the two collide, that’s when most agencies stumble a bit.
As soon as the words “revenue” and “loss” appear in the same sentence, many agencies understandably freeze with fear. It’s easy to lose objectivity and the ability to stay focused on the big picture. That often leads to an agency scrambling to take on new clients, regardless of their suitability. This “any port in a storm” mentality can really jeopardize an agency’s ability to create stability and profitability.
It also leads to agencies being less willing to stand their ground and advocate for what they know is the best solution for their clients. It’s easy to capitulate when you’re worried about making payroll.
But when clients search for an agency, they’re looking for that outside perspective. They don’t need a “yes” man; they need objectivity and an outside viewpoint they can’t find internally. This difference in opinion won’t always have you seeing eye to eye, but that’s usually what sparks the big idea—that collaborative, 360-degree viewpoint.
If you’re challenging one another, ideas get better. And it’s the co-creation of those ideas where trust is earned.
The bottom line: Your agency must have the confidence—or dare I say, the bravery—to find your voice and speak up. That’s the value you bring to your clients, which in turn is what creates value for you as a business.
How you go about finding your voice and solidifying those bonds with clients is entirely up to you, but it often starts with mustering the courage to do the following:
1. Hold Strong Opinions
To be treated as a partner, do what partners do: poke, prod, and push with your opinions. Ask harder questions, both of yourself and your client. Differentiate your agency by being willing to question everything and then take a firm stand. It may feel uncomfortable at first, but you’re doing clients a disservice when you tell them only what they want to hear.
Take my colleague, Sam Mallikarjunan. When working as an onboarding consultant at a software company, his manager overheard a conversation he was having with a prospect, pulled him aside, and said, “You can’t talk to people that way.”
Oh, how wrong she was.
You see, Sam had adapted his communication style to the customer. This prospect was a gregarious fellow and wanted to feel like he was talking to a confident, competent person—a person willing to tell him what he needed to hear to drive change.
As long as your opinions or advice add value, your agency can begin to build stronger relationships with your clients. In turn, your clients will feel more comfortable being open and honest with you, making your job that much easier.
2. Accept Revenue Loss
As an agency, sustainability is key to keeping clients, but to sustain, you have to evolve. And to evolve, you can’t be held back or thrown off course by short-term revenue loss.
In fact, we’ve all had our fair share of customers who cost more than what our agencies bring in. But we only have to look at Amazon’s Jeff Bezos to recognize you can drive real company growth without necessarily paying a ton of dividends.
For the longest time, Amazon was unprofitable, largely due to Bezos’s disinterest in short-term gains. He’d rather focus on the actual or true value of the company: free cash flow and revenue, not stock price and dividends.
Can an agency adopt that same attitude? Yes, but not for years like Bezos did. You need to chase smart, right-sized revenue, and sometimes that means leaving room on your plate so when you find it, you can grab it.
If you want to scale and build a sustainable business, avoid getting stuck in a cycle where you bring in revenue for the sake of it. That’s just “make-do” thinking, and it will generate the wrong kinds of leads (in turn, generating the wrong kinds of sales).
Instead, it’s best to monetize recurring revenue with your existing client base or invest additional resources into securing retainer clients. By devoting time and money to these sources of revenue, you may take a loss initially, but it’s more sustainable long-term.
3. Educate Clients
Owning an agency calls for the courage and confidence to recognize the value you offer. Part of this value, naturally, comes from results. But an even larger portion is owed to your knowledge.
Tap into this knowledge to educate your clients. Share information in an instructive yet conversational fashion. That way, clients never feel like you’re talking down to them, and they’ll glean a better understanding of what your agency can do for their business.
According to a recent study by Conductor, consumers are 131% more likely to buy immediately after reading or hearing educational content. Thus, see every customer interaction as an opportunity to educate.
We all know it costs significantly less to keep existing customers than to gain new ones; it’s also easier to get someone who has already given you money to give you more. Educate clients you already have so they make more informed decisions, and these decisions could lead to more revenue—sustainable revenue, at that.
Recently my colleague, Sam, helped a friend remove an agency. It wasn’t because that agency was necessarily bad; it was more about the effort—or lack thereof, really—that it put into proactively helping the company understand.
You need to find your bravado—you know, the one that inspired you to launch an agency in the first place. Get your swagger back and embrace your knowledge. Share it even when it feels a bit uncomfortable. Your clients will thank you for it.
As a marketer, these are the values to look for when you’re choosing an agency. Look for those who hold strong opinions, those who are not afraid to accept revenue loss, and those who are striving to educate their clients. Are there any other values an agency should strive for? Tell me about them in the comments.
The post Clients Long for Brave Agencies: 3 Fears to Conquer appeared first on Marketo Marketing Blog - Best Practices and Thought Leadership.
from Marketo Marketing Blog https://blog.marketo.com/2018/06/clients-long-for-brave-agencies-3-fears-conquer.html
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arrelwarburn · 8 years
Another one of those damn character questionnaires Arrel Warburn Edition
Does your character have siblings or family members in their age group? Which one are they closest with? Yes, He has many, though he remember none of them. The Closest one would have been Equillian the First master of the Soul-Forge
What is/was your character’s relationship with their mother like? Dutiful. He served her will in all things like a Goddess, but he was often irreverent and would refer to Agasti as “Momma” or take a smart ass tone with her when conferring with her.
What is/was your character’s relationship with their father like? Arrel never had a father as you’d think of it. He simply came into being. Though he had an adopted father at the time of his retirement from Agasti’s Service. He remembers only that he was a smithy who’d trained Arrel the same skills, and was generally kind, but uninvolved in his life.
Has your character ever witnessed something that fundamentally changed them? If so, does anyone else know? He watched as the power of one of his blades pressed the soul of a man out of his body. The realization that souls were in fact “Tangible” conveyances of our thoughts, feelings, and memories really relieved him of some of his regrets about ending the lived of those who would have killed him. The understanding there was something more to a person than flesh and that something would carry on once the mortal form was gone... restored his faith in the Cycle of All Things.
On an average day, what can be found in your character’s pockets? Comm, Remote for his Conveyance, a few arcanite pellets, 
Does your character have recurring themes in their dreams? Never.
Does your character have recurring themes in their nightmares? usually being forgotten by everyone.. unknown to lovers and close friends. They turn dark, these nightmares, like he’s in desperate need of help and succor, but no one is willing because he’s no longer a relevant person in anyone’s life, less so than even a dejected pet.
Has your character ever fired a gun? If so, what was their first target? Yes. in military training, he was taught multiple weapons. He’s never used a firearm in combat.
Is your character’s current socioeconomic status different than it was when they were growing up? No, he still lives paycheck to paycheck and at Kiden’s Sufferance.
Does your character feel more comfortable with more clothing, or with less clothing? Socially, Arrel likes to be well dressed, but not the best dressed in a room. He prefers to blend in as far as finery. But if there’s ever the hint of battle.. Heavier, thicker, and more enchanted he can get, the better.
In what situation was your character the most calm they’ve ever been? Probably during the even where several Horde arrived during a Kiden sharing event. The idea was to cast out all the things that separated us from the Light. Fear, anger, racism, doubts... These Horde spoke with us for a time, and Arrel was one of those who spoke on the need for a lasting peace, not for himself or for those who’d been there but for the sake of future generations, and for the salvation of the world itself.
Is your character bothered by the sight of blood? If so, in what way? Yes. Seeing a loved one or child injured will inspire him to wrath. Not uncontrollably. He’ll tend the emergency, then make those responsible pay dearly.
Does your character remember names or faces easier?  Faces usually. 
Is your character preoccupied with money or material possession? Why or why not? Not really. The things he Needs usually make their way into his life when needed, or shortly there after.
Which does your character idealize most: happiness or success? Happiness, wholly. But his idea of happiness usually revolved around renown and the affection of his mate.
What was your character’s favorite toy as a child? N/A Arrel was never a child. Seriously.
Is your character more likely to admire wisdom, or ambition in others? Wisdom. It’s something he covets. He’s given to occasional moments of clarity and intuition, but true wisdom is beyond his usually emotionally tempestuous mind.  
What is your character’s biggest relationship flaw? Has this flaw destroyed relationships for them before? Over dependence. Arrel NEEDS to feel loved and important. A distant or passive lover will usually withdraw from his needs. While not especially clingy, he responds best to regular, if not frequent reassurances of proclamations of being needed
In what ways does your character compare themselves to others? Do they do this for the sake of self-validation, or self-criticism? Arrel often compares himself to his doppelganger Lord E’an Niteblood. Who is seemingly a successful diplomat and warrior, and who’s offenses are sometimes pinned on Arrel for their near-twin appearance. He HATES E’an Niteblood for this.
If something tragic or negative happens to your character, do they believe they may have caused or deserved it, or are they quick to blame others?  That.. really depends. Arrel usually will blame Fate for cursing him first, often denying things he shouldn’t, but he will accept his part in a tragedy eventually and it will eat at him especially in unneeded loss of life.
What does your character like in other people? Strength, fairness, keen minds, gentle souls. He sees each person as unique and necessary, it’s usually how the traits of one person play out in their lives that interest him more than any specific trait.
What does your character dislike in other people? Cruelty mostly, unrelenting ambition for it’s own sake. He doesn’t care for many power-grabbing Nobles for all the things they would represent. Like the above, it’s what traits drive a character and why that would cause his pleasure or displeasure. Arrel’s completely comfortable about Knights, thieves, scoundrels and saints, depending wholly on how these traits are presented. 
How quick is your character to trust someone else? It would really depend on situations and the person. Arrel can be friends with just about anyone, getting his genuine trust and loyalty can be very very slow
How quick is your character to suspect someone else? Does this change if they are close with that person? Again, depends on the situation. Yes, it would depend on what the accusation is, and who is involved. Someone suspected of acting outside their resonance would get a much greater leeway with Arrel, as he has some understanding of a person’s true nature upon meeting them.
How does your character behave around children? Arrel actually loves children, having visited the orphanage and donating a third of his payroll to the care of whatever children are nearest. As he has an adopted daughter rescued from the Wretched, he’s been kind, caring, supportive, though his duties oft keep him away.
How does your character normally deal with confrontation? Depending, but often with the same level of aggression given. Someone looking for a fight will likely get it. someone looking for  discourse and reasonable diplomacy can find that in him as well. He has been trying to apply more thought and tact in his encounters though, so he might be growing from his normally hot headed reactions.
How quick or slow is your character to resort to physical violence in a confrontation? See above
What did your character dream of being or doing as a child? Did that dream come true? Not Applicable
What does your character find repulsive or disgusting? Men who abuse women. Anyone that hurts a child. People who abuse power or insinuate responsibility for their own ends
Describe a scenario in which your character feels most comfortable. In the arms of his lover. At the Keep at Kiden, sitting around, gossiping with people he knows and trusts. Talking with his best friend Sea’zel or taking a pleasure flight high above the clouds on his air vehicle
Describe a scenario in which your character feels most uncomfortable. Anywhere with LOTS of Magic... Or more mundanely in the room with a lover’s jealous ex, or her family who may or may not approve of him.
In the face of criticism, is your character defensive, self-deprecating, or willing to improve? All that.. It’s his coping mechanism. He hates to be wrong, but sometimes is.. He’ll argue a point until a cogent reason proved him wrong.. Then he’ll curse himself for not seeing the other side before hand, then move on, learning that lesson
Is your character more likely to keep trying a solution/method that didn’t work the first time, or immediately move on to a different solution/method? Arrel is adaptable. If Hit it in the face! didn’t work.. He WOULD try.. Hit it in the face HARDER, before taking a new tact.
How does your character behave around people they like? Jovial, loyal, teasing - sometimes naughtily so. But also serious and understanding.. caring, when called for.
How does your character behave around people they dislike? Deadly silent, standing with his hand ready to call a blade.
Is your character more concerned with defending their honor, or protecting their status? He’s Most concerned with the honor of his house and it’s Matriarch.. but Honor is more important than title, any day.
Is your character more likely to remove a problem/threat, or remove themselves from a problem/threat? Situational. if he’s the only person in jeopardy.. sure, he’d roll out to avoid a problem. But if there’s others either not already involved, or say a threat to his house in general? Oh no.. Threat gets a pass to Night night ville.
Has your character ever been bitten by an animal? How were they affected (or unaffected)? A Snake.. it hurt.. it got better.
How does your character treat people in service jobs? Like anyone else, equal to his status.
Does your character feel that they deserve to have what they want, whether it be material or abstract, or do they feel they must earn it first? Arrel doesn’t have a lot of needs or wants, and he earns every thing he has.
Has your character ever had a parental figure who was not related to them? Not really.
Has your character ever had a dependent figure who was not related to them? Shar’alyn Orphan of Suramar, Rhyys Starfaller Kal’dorei street kid turned squire-turned knight on another scale of reality.
How easy or difficult is it for your character to say “I love you?” Can they say it without meaning it? The feeling has to be real, but Arrel can and has fallen in love fast, to his own detriment. 
What does your character believe will happen to them after they die? Does this belief scare them? He isn’t sure, but he knows something, as I said, he believes in the Cycle of Life, Death and Rebirth.
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