#but then him opening up to dusknoir......maybe the first person he opens up to since celebi
scribz-ag24 · 1 year
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I wonder if Grovyle's comment about himself not trusting people easily was refering to him not trusting hero and partner with a bit of crucial information.
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spirituallyghostly · 2 years
Insomnia kicked my ass into staring at a wall for 6 hours, so I'm giving up on that. It's gonna be easy mode challenges today at the gym ('help the Dreepy out of trees', 'round up all the Gastly that decided to haunt the janitor closets' 'remove the rotoms from the internet router' type shit), but while I'm still up against my will before my shift, I might as well ramble about my current team.
So, Baby is my starter, she's been with me since I was 8 or 9 (a lot of that time period is a blur in my memories, don't worry about it), and I personally hatched her from an egg. My family's lived in Unova for generations now, but my dad's side of the family started out in one of the islands surrounding Galar, and they send our side of the family random eggs every once in a while. Mom and Dad expected something like a Rookidee or a Galarian Meowth, maybe a Clobbopus or Impidimp at the high end (dad's starter is a Klinklang and mom's starter was a Gyarados within a year of her getting a Magikarp, they're not directly trainer-oriented professionals but they know how to take care of pokemon), so it was a bit of a shock to everyone to get a tiny little Ghost/Dragon instead. We spent years not even focusing on battling or anything, just kind of hanging out and learning how to communicate and exist together, until she evolved into a Drakloak when I was 16 and decided she needed to be more active in the competitive scene. We didn't do any official badge runs or anything, but we did go around to a few regions and hung out with other Ghost trainers and occasionally gym leaders, just learning the ropes and fighting for fun. She didn't hit her final evolution until 4 or 5 years ago, while I was beginning to leave my preschool work and began attending college, and she still has a super soft spot for little kids, which translates into the entire local Dreepy line colony hanging around the local schools and daycares. THAT was a weird conversation to have with the authorities, but it ended well, so no harm done.
Jade was a Duskull when we found him in Hoenn, not actually around Mount Pyre but in a field outside Verdanturf, off route 116. We still have no idea why he was there, but he seemed lost and stuck around with my team while we traveled the region and studied under Phoebe's family. Eventually, it was time for us to go, and he wanted to come with us, so he got his wish. He's been with me for 8 years now, and he's been a Dusknoir for about half that time; getting him the cloth to evolve took a bit of doing and a lot of money, but he was determined to become a Dusknoir, and I can't say no to that kind of thing. He tends to just hang around in my shadow most of the time, but he's very protective and has been known to mess with annoying challengers by untying their shoelaces, opening all their bags and pockets, and generally being as annoying to them as they are to me. He's a good friend, and an amazing helper on bad days.
Lady C is my newest pokemon, I've only been her trainer for a little over a year now. She came to the gym fully evolved, and the details of her life before the transfer are a little murky. I think she was a service pokemon of some sort before she evolved, since she's extremely practiced in taking care of people and younger pokemon, but she's very quiet and doesn't seem to want to talk about it at the moment. Originally, she was going to be one of the gym leader's gym challenge pokemon, but she never really took to the role, and isn't really the battling type in the first place, so he let her help me out in my non-challenge duties, and eventually she just came home with me and never left. She's a huge help with the younger challengers and pokemon, and usually makes sure I take care of myself. Her name is actually a reference to a video game I was playing, one of the antagonists is named Lady D, and she took a shine to the character over the course of my playthrough. I only realized she'd named herself when I called her Lady C on accident one day and she didn't even bat an eye.
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