#but then realized he looks too much like my fan cast for Gale only light colored
rogue205 · 7 months
Okay so both Katniss and Gale have been all but whitewashed in the Hunger Games movies(I love Woody Harrelson to bits but damn, Haymitch sure got makeover too).
Nothing against Liam or Jennifer but I’m curious to see how people would cast them based on their book descriptions. I don’t really have a fan cast in mind for Peeta but I wouldn’t have cast Josh Hutcherson given Jenn had no real chemistry with him(or Liam really).
But my fan cast for Gale Hawthorne and Katniss Everdeen would be these two(her with grey eyes of course)
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What are some others or what do you guys think?
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everlarkficexchange · 3 years
On the Other Side of the Fence
Prompt 13: Katniss is “just one of the guys” and the only girl in school who’s never been asked for a date by any of these guys. One day she’s “discovered” by a modeling agency and whisked to the Capital. She returns 3-months later with a new look, new found confidence, and cash. How will Peeta deal with the new Katniss and all the attention she gets from everyone?  [submitted by @567inpanem​] 
Author:  @jhsgf82​ 
Rated:  T 
Word Count:  5,713 
Author Note: In-Panem AU, no games.  The class distinctions between Seam and Merchant are still there but aren’t quite as prominent, so Seam and Merchant sometimes hang out together; although, some folks do still have prejudices.  Also, Mr. Everdeen is alive!  So, this became more about the childhood love story between Katniss and Peeta than the modeling, at least this part, but I hope you still enjoy my take on this prompt.  This will be a Part 1 of 2, and it will be posted on A03 under my account as well as on the EFE A03 collection page.    Edit by @mrspeetamellark​.  Thank you, thank you!  I love the fan casts for older K and P!  
P.S. I’ve been listening to Ruelle’s “I Get to Love You” quite a bit while writing this, and it’s giving me major Everlark feels, particularly for this story, so let’s call it the theme song for this fic. 
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Part I 
Peeta’s POV “Wait up, Katniss!”  Peeta chased after Katniss as fast as his skinny twelve-year-old legs could carry him.  
But Katniss Everdeen was like a bird, free-spirited and not to be caged, and when she set her mind to something, more than likely, she was going to do it. 
Peeta loved that about her. 
Today, Katniss had gotten it into her pretty head to climb to the top of the apple tree in his backyard.  When she’d found out his mother wouldn’t be home, she’d thought it’d be the best time.
They played in secret, for Peeta’s mother had clearly expressed her dislike and distrust of Seam kids, plenty of times.  Merchant Circle kids and Seam kids didn’t usually interact, but Peeta had no problem with those from the Seam, and he especially loved being around Katniss.  He didn’t see the big deal, honestly.  So what if they lived on the outskirts of town? So what if they didn’t have as much money‒Peeta was used to eating stale bread and leftovers, anyway.  Not to mention, Katniss and her father’s squirrels had made many a dinner for his family.  He wondered if his mother knew where they came from, for it was always his father or him who did the trading.  
Peeta didn’t get to see Katniss as often as he would like‒he was almost always stuck at the bakery, and rarely unsupervised‒but times with her were his favorite times.  Sometimes they were alone, which he preferred, but other times, they hung out with her small group, consisting of Thom, Gale, and occasionally, her sister, Primrose.  
As if his life (or hers) depended on it, Peeta raced to catch up to Katniss.  She was already three or four branches up when he made it to the tree.  Unfortunately, he was running so fast that he didn’t stop quick enough, and…Thwap!  He smacked his head against a low branch.  
“Peeta!” gasped Katniss from her perch.  “You okay?!”  
“Fine!” he called up.  He rubbed his forehead, feeling like a complete idiot.  It smarted a bit, but his pride was far more wounded.
As if preparing her, Peeta shouted, “I’m coming up!”  And then he reached out for the lowest, sturdiest-looking branch he could find.  He wasn’t quite sure how this would work.  He’d never climbed a tree before, and it looked tough.  Katniss was small and nimble, but he was bulkier.  He wasn’t completely uncoordinated, but he was much better at lifting things than doing anything requiring agility or balance.  Even so, he had to try.  And so, he found his footing and pushed himself up.       
Turned out, his upper body strength (from lifting sacks of flour) came in handy in getting him up the tree.  But there were two problems:  One, his footing.  And two, the relatively young apple tree wasn’t quite liking his size, and some of the thinner branches were bending under his weight.  
“You’re almost there, Peeta,” urged Katniss, and all he could see was her encouraging smile.  He reached out to take her hand for a boost but felt his shoe slipping against the bark.  And then, his body weight and that thing called gravity were pulling him downward…  
“Peeta!” shrieked Katniss as she reached out desperately for his hand.
But in those few seconds, Peeta knew he couldn’t grab hold.  Katniss may be strong for her size, but she was tiny, definitely not strong enough to hold him up.  If he did grasp her hand, he would surely drag her down with him, and he would never put her in danger.  
Peeta dropped to the ground, left foot first, a sharp, white-hot pain shooting up his leg on impact.  He groaned and fell flat on his back, his head smacking hard against the ground.  
Katniss was down the tree in a heartbeat, kneeling beside him.  A bright light silhouetted her; she looked like an angel.  Was he dead?  Or dying maybe?  If so, hers was the last face he wanted to see…   
“Peeta!  Peeta!  Peeta, are you okay?” cried Katniss.  She was touching his shoulder and chest only as if she was afraid to go near his leg. 
He murmured something and reached out to try and touch her, but his head was spinning and his vision was blurring.  
Amidst the excruciating pain and confusion, he heard her muttering, “Oh no, oh no, what do I do?!”  And then, she started to cry.  
No, no, no.  This was no good, at all.  He couldn’t deal with Katniss crying.  He probably had a broken leg; he didn’t need a broken heart, also.     
“Don’t…”  He attempted to reach for her again, and this time, he felt her take his hand in both of hers and rest it against her face, her tears wetting it.  There was a persistent ringing in his ears, and then he passed out.  
While he was unconscious, Peeta dreamed of Katniss‒of the first time they met.  They were five years old.    
Katniss’s father brought her by the bakery to trade, and while their dads were talking, he played with her.  At first, she was shy, only peering out at him from behind her father’s legs, but he managed to convince her to come out. 
She wore a red plaid dress, and her hair was in two braids.  He’d seen her earlier that day in school‒his father had pointed her out to him and told him how he’d wanted to marry her mother but she’d run off with a coal miner (this coal miner, with the singing voice that made bird’s stop to listen)‒and he’d heard her sing.  Her voice was every bit as lovely as they said her father’s was. 
Once he got her to come out, they talked a little and ended up chasing one another around the bakery.  Of course, his mother wasn’t home that day.  
In retrospect, Peeta had been a goner for Katniss from the start, completely mesmerized by her singing voice and her beautiful gray eyes, which he got a closer look at in the bakery.  Then there was her smile, which she didn’t give freely, but when she did, it was so worth the wait.  She didn’t talk much, but he’d been able to get her to laugh that day in the bakery, and the noise, much like her singing, was music to his ears.  Oh, and her braids‒he’d always been really fascinated by her braids.   
Before she left the bakery, Peeta couldn’t help leaning forward and smacking his lips against Katniss’s, just to see what it would be like.  He’d seen people kiss before, even his parents, though not often.  It was weird when his mom and dad did it, but he liked it better than when they yelled at each other.  
To his surprise, kissing Katniss wasn’t bad or weird.  He liked it.  And he wanted to try it again, someday.    
After the kiss, Katniss’s cheeks were reddened, and she turned away from him, dashing back behind her father.  He was so afraid he’d done the wrong thing and that she’d hate him forever, but when they went to leave, she smiled and waved at him.  
Peeta came to with a start, jerking around and whimpering as he clutched at his throbbing leg.  He realized he was in his bed, though he didn’t know how he’d gotten there.  Also, he wasn’t alone‒Mrs. Everdeen was at his side.  
“Peeta, honey, lie still.  I have to set your leg,” Katniss’s mother spoke in her soft, doctor-like voice.  She was a healer.  He assumed Katniss must have gotten a couple of boys or a man, maybe her dad or his, to carry him to his room after his fall. 
But where was Katniss?  And was his dad here?  
Before he could look around for them, Mrs. Everdeen told him she was going to give him some medicine to take away his pain.  She injected him with something, morphling, he heard her say, and instantly, he felt his entire body relaxing.  He looked over, then, to see Katniss entering his room and approaching his bedside, followed by her father.  Her arms were folded, and her forehead was all scrunched up like how it got when she was really worried.  Her eyes were puffy, too, and her cheeks were stained with tears; she’d definitely been crying.    
Peeta raised his head and tried to smile and say something reassuring. “Kat…it’s…o-”  But his words trailed off as a strange, dizzy feeling overtook him, and his head dropped back onto his pillow.  Katniss came over and took a seat next to him, slipping her small hand into his.   
This is nice, he thought. 
But the euphoric feeling was quickly broken by his mother’s loud voice as she barged into his room. Uh oh.  
His mother discovering the Everdeens in their home was bad news.  She basically hated all the rest of them as much or more than Katniss, especially Katniss’s mother.  Maybe it was because his dad used to love her?  
“What’s this?!  What have you done, you stupid creature?!” his mother screeched at Katniss.    
Peeta’s eyes shot to his best friend who immediately dropped his hand.  He saw the look on her face; her cheeks had gone reddish, and her eyes were filling with tears, which she was clearly fighting back.  She looked scared, upset, and angry.  
Just another reason for him to hate his mother.   
“Katni…” Peeta tried to say her name, to comfort her, but his words caught in his scratchy throat. 
He tried again, but he was cut off. 
“Listen here,” Mr. Everdeen’s voice boomed, loud and clear, “you will not speak of my daughter that way!  I won’t allow it.  My wife has been kind enough to help your son, so show some respect to my family.” 
That should shut his mother up, Peeta imagined.  Mr. Everdeen might be a friendly, quiet man most of the time, but he could be intimidating.  So, Peeta didn’t expect his mother would say another word.    
Mr. Everdeen placed a hand on his wife’s shoulder.  “Honey, fix up Peeta, then we’ll be on our way,” he said softly.   
Peeta’s mother was silent after that; in fact, he thought she might have left the room.  But he was in and out of consciousness, and next thing he knew, it was dark, and he was waking up in his bed with only his father beside him.   
Groggily, Peeta asked, “Where’s Katniss?” 
“She’s at her house, son,” his father replied, tucking his covers nearly up to his chin. “You should get some rest.”  And with that, he was left alone in the darkness. 
Peeta recalled his brothers stopping in briefly, and then his mother.  He imagined she only cared about him being injured because it might hinder his work at the bakery.  He was sure she’d still give him plenty to do, though.  What did she care if he was in pain doing it? 
His mother was mainly condescending, railing on him for being so stupid, which he expected and accepted, but what really made his blood boil was when she set in on Katniss.  
“That’s why you don’t play with Seam children,” she chided, casting him a dark look.  “They’re wild heathens with no regard for rules or safety.” 
They’re kids, Mother‒just like me.  They just want to play and have fun.  They don’t want anyone to get hurt. 
What his mother said next lanced his heart.  “I forbid you to see that girl anymore.” 
Peeta squeezed his fists beneath the covers.  She really cared nothing for him, did she?  Of course, if his mother didn’t care that he had a broken leg, why would she care if forbidding him from seeing Katniss ripped his heart out?  
But it didn’t matter.  There was no way he was going to stop seeing Katniss; nothing his mother, or anyone, could say or do would ever stop him.  
Katniss snuck into his room later that night.  She must have climbed the tree next to his window and crawled through.  She was next to his bed rousing him before he even realized what was happening.  
At her touch, Peeta woke.  “Katniss, what are you doing here?” he hissed, trying to sit up.   
She held out her hand as if to stop him.  “I brought these for you, from my mother,” said she, handing him a small package.  “Medicine for the pain and a salve for the inflammation.  Instructions are inside.” 
It sounded like the delivery came from her mother, and he didn’t think Katniss would have taken the items on her own without permission‒mainly because she probably wouldn’t have known what to take or what to do‒but he doubted she had permission to be here this late.  He glanced at the clock.  It was nearly 11 PM.
“Are you okay?” she asked, fidgeting with her fingers.  
“Does it hurt?” 
“A little.”  
“I’m so sorry.”  He could see her eyes glistening in the moonlight.  Was she going to cry again?  
“It’s not your fault, and hey, it probably earned me some time off at the bakery.  So, thanks.” 
Most likely, he wouldn’t get any time off, though.  Or, if he did, it wouldn’t be much.  His mother would probably have him back to work as soon as he could move, but Katniss didn’t need to know that.  He tapped her playfully on the nose, and she laughed a little. 
“Katniss, thanks for bringing the medicine, but you better go. I don’t want you to get in trouble.” Peeta sighed.  He didn’t actually want to send her away; he wanted her to stay with him, forever. 
Rather than listening to him, though, she did the exact opposite‒she pulled back the covers and climbed into bed with him.
Wow.  Were wishes being fulfilled tonight?  
Okay, so, Peeta had just discovered the absolute best medicine for any of his ailments‒having Katniss Everdeen in his arms.  
“Am I hurting your leg?” she asked as she tentatively snuggled in closer.  
“Not a bit.”  He smiled.  “That’s my good leg.”  
“You sure?  I could move.” 
“Don’t you dare move,” he said, wrapping his arms completely around her and holding her in place.  He kissed the top of her head.  For a moment, he wondered if he shouldn’t have done that.  They had only shared that one kiss when they were 5, and it had never been brought up since.  She probably didn’t think anything about kissing him, anyway.  
“Okay, good,” she said, shutting her eyes and resting her head and a hand on his chest.
He looked down at her.  She looked so peaceful and seemed close to falling asleep, but he shouldn’t let that happen.  If his mother found Katniss here in the morning, in his bed, they were both toast!    
But it was too nice having her here, and he wanted to enjoy it for a little while longer.  He took the chance to play with her braid, like he’d always wanted to, and she let him.  It had just become his new favorite thing to do.  Katniss always wore her hair this way, except for a couple of times when she had it down, and Peeta loved her braid.  But he was also kind of curious to run his fingers through her hair while it was down.  He imagined it would be so soft and silky. 
“Peeta,” he heard her murmur just when he thought she was asleep.  
“Your mother…she hates me.” 
“Don’t lie, Peeta.��� 
“Okay, maybe she does.  But, remember, she’s not too fond of me, either.” 
Peeta felt Katniss shake her head against him, and he gave a small chuckle.  It was so sad, it was funny, in a way. 
He looked down into her face; she wore a sad expression.  “Heyy,” he soothed, stroking her back lightly.  “Hey, Katniss, listen.  I don’t care.  Don’t give another thought to what my mother said, because it’s not true.  Nothing she says means anything to me or matters, at all.  You’re wonderful and amazing, and it wasn’t your fault I got hurt, and nothing anyone says or does will ever change the way I fee-think about you.” 
How did he feel about her?  He didn’t quite know the exact word for it, but whatever it was, it was pretty strong.  Like right now, he could feel his heart beating wildly like it was trying to escape his chest.  She always made him feel this way, as if his heart might run away or explode into tiny pieces.  
Katniss softly sighed.  “Okay, Peeta.  If you don’t care, I don’t care, either.” 
“Good.”  He stroked her hair once, twice, three times.  
They remained curled up together until just before dawn, and then Katniss slipped away.  Right away, he felt the loss.  Despite the discomfort in his leg and the fact that he barely slept, for he was either watching Katniss or the clock (in fear they might sleep too long and be discovered), Peeta had never known such a peaceful, wonderful night.  
It took nearly two months for the leg to heal, and it did earn him some time off bakery duty, but as expected, his mother had him back to work soon, doing what he could while hobbling around on crutches.  
On the bright side, Katniss visited him almost every night, sneaking into his room and into his bed, saying she was checking to make sure he was okay.  Peeta got used to having her there, and he enjoyed it, yet he was surprised they were never caught.  
Once he was healed, much to Peeta’s disappointment, Katniss stopped coming by; although, it might have had something to do with him suggesting she should stop.  He hadn’t wanted her to stop, and he hoped it hadn’t hurt her feelings; he was simply worried they’d be caught and his mother would say more terrible things to her.  He didn’t care if she said terrible things to him, but he never wanted Katniss to be called a name again or be made to feel bad, by anyone.  
After that, Peeta had to be sneakier about seeing Katniss, and he did see her less.  Seemed like, after he healed, his mother gave him extra work at the bakery, in theory, to make up for the time he’d missed.  But no matter how much work she gave him or how often she warned him against having anything to do with the ‘little dirtbags’ (one of the kinder nicknames she attributed to the Seam children), nothing‒not even President Snow, himself‒could keep him from Katniss.
He did worry, though, about his mother trying to cause harm to Katniss and her family.  She was surely spreading the incident around, making it sound like it was Katniss’s fault‒as if she’d bullied him up that tree then pushed him out or something.  She was probably trying to gain sympathy from the townsfolk and hurt the Everdeens’ business, but Peeta assumed everyone would continue to buy Katniss and her father’s game.  It was too good.  And if not, they would be fine because her dad had his job in the mines. 
Even so, Peeta sometimes hated the way things were.  Sometimes, he even considered running away from home, off to the Seam or even beyond the fence and into the woods, with Katniss.  On the other side of the fence, they could be together everyday and live happily without anyone’s interference.  
It was a nice dream.     
The next summer, Katniss announced to Peeta that she was going to teach him to swim, and she showed him her father’s lake for the very first time.  
“You ready?” she asked excitedly.  She was dressed in a t-shirt and shorts, he in just shorts.    
He stared deep into her eyes, then nodded.  “Yes.” 
They waded out further into the lake until it was up past his shoulders and came to her chin.  She went behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist, and forget drowning, Peeta thought he would die right then and there, over this. 
See, he’d been having…different sorts of feelings about Katniss lately, in the last couple of months…  He cared so much for her, as always, but he’d also been thinking more and more about things like:  kissing her, touching her, and feeling her pressed against him.  He wished she’d sneak into his bed again, but he was also kind of afraid he wouldn’t keep his hands to himself if she did.  He knew he would never hurt or mistreat Katniss, but sometimes, it was tough to think straight around her, and sometimes his body seemed to have a mind of its own.  
It was frustrating.
Right now, Katniss was hugging him, and it felt nice.  No, not hugging–supporting him in the water.  But it felt like a hug, and he didn’t get them often, his father being so busy, and his mother, well, not being the hugging type.  
Katniss’s hands briefly ran up his stomach, to his chest, and back down.  It made Peeta shiver, and his breath hitched.  And he had to wonder, did she get the kind of feelings he did, too? 
“You okay?” she asked.  He could feel her bangs brushing his bare back, tickling his skin a little, but in a way he really liked.  
He tried to answer coolly, but it came out as a choked “Y-yes.” 
“Okay.”  Katniss shifted a little, instructing him to dunk his head and practice holding his breath.  “I’ll hold onto you.” 
“You won’t let go?” he asked.  More so, he wanted the reassurance of having her there, because she emboldened him and made him feel safe, even if she was much smaller than him.  
“Never, Peeta,” she assured.  He smiled and rested his hands atop hers.  
“Okay, I’m ready.”  And with that, he dipped his head under the water. 
Katniss was a good teacher, even if he was kind of a bumbling idiot when it came to the water.  He’d never survive in D4.  Not like he’d ever have any reason to go there.  But they had fun, swimming around and splashing one another.  Peeta even picked her up and tossed her in a couple of times, and she came right back at him, latching onto his shoulders and dunking him or wrapping her legs around his waist and climbing his back.  
Peeta got better at staying underwater, and he took to swimming around her and tickling her beneath the waves‒in innocent places, of course, like her feet or her sides.  One time, though, the water caused her shirt to billow up and he accidentally slid his hand across the bare skin of her stomach.  It was so flat and smooth; it felt nice.  For a split second, his hand took over before his mind could have any say in the manner, and he squeezed her side a little.  Katniss sucked in a sharp breath and reared back.  And instantly, she was throwing out her arms and kicking her legs to put some distance between them.     
“Katniss, I’m sorry!  Di-did I hurt you?” 
She shook her head rapidly, but she could barely look at him.
Again, Peeta apologized while slowly moving toward her.  
“It’s okay.”  She swallowed.  “I’m just…ticklish there.” 
“Oh.  Okay.”  
Things were a little weird after that, and Katniss kind of kept her distance from him, despite Peeta apologizing quite a few more times.  She finally told him to just forget about it.  
But Peeta didn’t want to forget.  He wished he could touch her anytime he felt like it, and that she would want that, too. 
After their swimming lesson at the lake, Peeta started having dreams about Katniss, embarrassing ones.  More embarrassing, still, was the way his body reacted to the dreams, even in his sleep.  It was a bit upsetting, and she would be mortified if she knew.  But he couldn’t seem to help himself.  And it occurred almost every night.  Peeta considered talking to his father about it, but that would be weird, and talking to his older brothers would be even weirder.  But they were actually helpful in a way.  Hearing them talk, he came to understand that it was normal to feel what he was feeling.
Those feelings continued‒oh, did they continue!‒and Peeta started to notice other girls, too, but none of them left any kind of lasting impression on him as Katniss did.  
Was it normal for a boy to be so obsessed with a single girl his entire life?  
Eventually, Peeta decided he needed a distraction from Katniss, and so, he joined the wrestling team at 15.  His older brother wrestled, and he’d always thought that was pretty neat.  
Turned out, he was really good at it, even came in second in the school, only to his brother.    
The wrestling built up Peeta’s body and his popularity.  Although he’d always been stronger than most boys his age, due to working in the bakery, he developed, growing broader and stronger but remaining lean in the waist.  He made more friends, and girls were starting to pay attention to him.  Save for one‒the girl he’d noticed all along.  Unfortunately, Katniss still treated him like her pal, and even worse, she was spending less time with him and more time with Gale Hawthorne…
Peeta didn’t like it.  
But he supposed he couldn’t blame her; between wrestling and the bakery, he’d had next to no time for her.
Or, maybe Katniss was finally figuring out that he didn’t belong in her world.  Not because she was a Seam girl and he was from town, but because, he didn’t seem to fit in with her and her friends.  For instance, he wasn’t good at the same kinds of things as they were.  It didn’t matter to Peeta, but maybe it mattered to her. 
Regardless, if she would allow it, he would remain by her side, for always.  Whether they were doing something he was good at or not, whether they were going someplace dangerous or unpleasant, no matter what, wherever she went, he wanted to go, too.  
But over the next year, things began to shift between them.  Peeta’s popularity in school only seemed to push Katniss away, and whenever he tried to remedy the situation, she either ignored him or flat-out made up an excuse.  It was a crushing blow each time she did.  
One day, a girl asked Peeta to go to the slag heap with her.  He knew what that meant, of course, and he actually considered it, if only to give himself the chance to feel something for someone other than Katniss.  But in the end, he just couldn’t go through with it, and he told her no.  She was pretty, but if her name wasn’t Katniss Everdeen, then Peeta Mellark simply wasn’t interested. 
That was the day it hit him‒he loved Katniss Everdeen.  No, not just loved her; he was in love with her.   
Maybe he should tell her how he felt.  
But how could he?  She would never reciprocate‒she didn’t think of him that way‒and he didn’t think he could take the rejection.  Best to leave things the way they were because having Katniss as his friend was much better than not having her at all…
Katniss’s POV (Age 16) 
Several days later… 
“So, where’ve you been lately, Peeta?” asked Gale.  “Been wondering where the other half of Peetnip’s been.” 
“Actually, we prefer Everlark,” said Peeta with a grin.  
Katniss hugged her legs to her chest, blushing over the combining of hers and Peeta’s names, even though she knew it didn’t mean anything.  Gale was just fooling around, and Peeta was playing along.  
“Yeah, so what gives?” barked Gale.  “You too good to hang out with us all of a sudden?”  
“No, not at all, I-”  Peeta glanced over at her.  “I’ve just been really busy with wrestling.” 
And his new friends…
And that girl…
Katniss was sure she wasn’t coming close to hiding the disdain on her face.  Of course, she’d heard about that pretty girl asking Peeta to the slag heap.  And it had hurt way more than it should have; she’d actually felt like a part of her died inside that day.      
Katniss wasn’t sure why, but lately, she’d been thinking about Peeta a lot.  About old times.  When he fell out of the tree; when they slept in the same bed; that summer at the lake…
How had things changed so much between them, and somehow, not at all?  Part of Katniss wanted so badly for things to always stay the same, but another part of her kind of wished that things could be…different between Peeta and her.      
She shook off her thoughts and turned her attention back on Gale.  
He was looking as skeptical as her over Peeta’s excuse.  Not for the same reason, probably.  It was because Peeta was a merchant’s son.  And that meant Gale was always paranoid that Peeta was only pretending to be their friend for some ulterior motive not yet revealed, or that he’d ditch them all at the first opportunity.  Honestly, Katniss was surprised Gale had even accepted Peeta into their circle in the first place.  But, as with her (and everyone), it had taken him some time.   
“Seriously, man, it takes up almost all of my free time.  And then there’s my…”  Peeta stopped short.
“Your mother,” Gale finished for him.
“Yeah.”  Peeta looked to Katniss then, probably because he knew it was a sore subject for her.  Katniss glanced away.    
Peeta’s mother.  As much as Katniss disliked her, Peeta still seemed to care about what she thought, even if he said he didn’t. 
Not that she could blame him.  Angering his mother was dangerous, and she wanted him to be safe.  Simply associating with her, as Peeta was doing now, could earn him a beating.  And Katniss felt constant guilt over it.  He shouldn’t be here now; she should tell him to stop coming, once and for all.  But she just… 
“Katniss, who’s that man leering at you?” Gale’s voice broke Katniss’s train of thought.    
“Leering?”  She blinked several times in succession.  No guys ‘leered’ at her.  Guys barely even knew she existed, aside from her small group‒and they didn’t exactly think of her as a ‘girl.’  She was just one of the guys; she’d never even been asked on a date.  Not that she’d want to go on one…except maybe with…  
Shaking off the ridiculous notion, Katniss shielded her eyes from the sun and looked over.  Gale was right; the man was actually staring at her.  He was an older man, wearing dark, fancy clothing and gold eyeshadow.  He definitely wasn’t from around here.  
“I don’t know.”  Katniss shrugged.  “Never seen him before in my life.  And he’s not leering.” 
“Nah, I think he is,” Gale smirked.  “He’s looking pretty hard at you, Catnip.” 
Katniss’s cheeks flushed.  It felt so strange and uncomfortable having a man, any man, look at her that way as if he was evaluating her… 
“Well, all I know is, he can’t be from District 12,” remarked Gale.  “Look at those fancy clothes.” 
Her old hunting partner had read her mind, and instinctively, Katniss looked back at Peeta for his take on the matter.  Peeta didn’t even seem to notice her; he was focused on the man, and he seemed none too happy about the situation.  
The man with the gold eyeshadow came over then, and he introduced himself to Katniss.  His name was Cinna, and he was from the Capitol.  
The Capitol.  What could a man from the Capitol possibly want with her?  
“I’m sorry to stare, but let me explain,” said Cinna.  “I’m a stylist in the Capitol, and I’ve been searching for the perfect girl to model a new line of clothing I’m designing.”  
Yeah?  And what does that have to do with me?
He was going to have to spell this one out for her.  
“I think you’re it.”  At his words, Katniss’s eyes widened.  She glanced back at her group, the entire lot seeming as thunderstruck as her.  “Miss…?”  He extended his hand.   
“Katniss Everdeen.”  She accepted his hand and shook it.  
“Katniss, what a lovely name.  May I call you Katniss?” 
Numbly, she nodded.  
“Well, Katniss, you’re just what I’ve been looking for.  That skin, those eyes…I could do wonders with your unique look.” 
Katniss blinked several times, opening her mouth and closing it like a fish out of water.
“No offense,” she finally managed to say, “but I think you have the wrong girl.  As you can see,” she motioned in presentation of her dirty clothing and disheveled hair, “I’m no model.” 
Cinna grinned.  “Not yet, you aren’t, but that’s where I come in.”  
Katniss couldn’t understand it.  What was this man thinking?  People from the Capitol were known for their exotic tastes, but this was a bit much.  So what if he thought she had nice skin and eyes?  Couldn’t he find plenty of other girls with far better skin (that wasn’t caked in dirt and the faintest hint of coal dust) and with much more alluring eyes.  A unique look?  Well, the Capitol was full of people like that, wasn’t it? 
“There must be better choices than me in the Capitol,” she spoke her thoughts aloud.    
“Yes, well, I want a girl who’s real,” explained Cinna.  “An ordinary girl.  One of the people.  From the districts, not some fashion icon from the Capitol.  I’ve worked with plenty of those, and they’ve left me…wanting.”  
Katniss stared blankly at the man before her.  
“Just think about, Katniss,” he said, taking her hand and patting it gently.  “It would only be for about three months, and it would pay a lot of money.” 
Money?  Her eyes lit up at the magic word.  Now that the mine was temporarily shut down after that accident, her family could certainly use the money, but a model?!  She couldn’t be a model.  And the thought of leaving behind her family and Peeta…well, she didn’t like it one bit. 
Katniss glanced back at her blue-eyed boy with the bread, who seemed perturbed and maybe a little sad.  Their eyes met, and pleadingly, she stared into his, hoping for a silent answer.  What do I do?  
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ship-ambrosia · 5 years
Heavens Bringer, part 5
Can you believe this idea started out as a one-shot? Yeah, me neither! Here it is, the final chapter of Heavens Bringer! I’m so proud, and relieved it’s done, but thanks to everyone who read this! Not only is it my first big multi chapter fic, but it’s also been a blatant showcase for the type of writing I’ve really been practicing - action and fights. This is the shippy chapter though, fair warning. I wanna dedicate the nalu to @a-fairy-tail44, the gale to @mountain-c (even though you cant read it yet boo), the jerza of course to @sweetmemories2606, little taste of albis to @allie-and-her-fandoms, the gruvia to both of them, and the kinabra to myself~ I’ve gotten a lot of new followers recently however, especially since posting the last chapter, so I’m leaving the link to Heavens Bringer on AO3 both this chapter and chapter 1. Chapter 1 Chapter 5
  Demons were powerful beings, that was undeniable. But this was at the loss of a sense of caring, honor, or will. The instant that Keyes recognized those mortals he had so amusedly looked down upon had backed him into a corner, he began to crumble.   “You foolish, weak humans!” He growled, though he stepped back as Jellal narrowed his gaze at him. “When will you learn to quit when faced with overwhelming, superior strength?”   “There is no such thing to Fairy Tail!” Erza yelled, having re-equipped into her Adaraxia Blade Wing armor. The impressive swords that made up her wings fanned out around her as she stepped up next to Jellal. “When we stand together, we overcome anyone who calls themselves our enemy! Haven’t you learned that by now?”   “We beat your ass once back in the war between us and Tartaros, so really this shouldn’t have come as a surprise,” It was Gray who was the first to step forward. Though his chest rose and fell at an elevated pace expressing his exhaustion, he still looked willing to fight some more. “Even if you’ve gotten stronger, you’re still alone. Natsu and the other dragon slayers proved the will of your heart combined with those around you can overcome any amount of power when they beat Acnologia.”   Keyes followed Jellal’s gaze, where the resurrected body of Hades was finally fading away into nothing. With Levy’s enchantment negating his demonic powers, his seemingly-permanent Necromancy curse had also finally been canceled out.  “We’re gonna end this now! For real this time!” Natsu slammed his fist into the ground, a burst of flame erupting once again from the impact. “I’m sending you straight back to the Book of Zeref!”  From around him, a blazing dance of flames rushed at the demon, congregating into a single pillar that consumed Keyes in a brilliant display of magical power. Wordlessly, Gray created a bow of ice just as he had when they fought Mard Geer, and the excellent marksman that he was, saw his demon-slaying arrow fly true. Erza spread her arms, and her wing blades all at once converged on him.  “We still need more magic? Damn!” Gray grunted in dissatisfaction.  “That’s fine, leave it to me,” he turned back just in time to see Jellal take off into the sky once again using Meteor, darting across the sky in a familiar pattern as he drew magic circles at his breakneck speed.  “May you be judged by the seven stars of the heavens!” Jellal’s voice echoed through the courtyard with iron-clad conviction while casting the spell he was most recognized for. “Grand Chariot!”  The intensity, the measure of Fairy Tail’s combined hearts beating as one, finally was too much for Keyes to take and Jellal’s Heavenly Body magic, as the one to start the fight, was also the one to end it. The Demon Gate let out a roar of agony, but instead of dissipating into smoke this time, melted into the ground as shadows before they too, scattered and disappeared under the light.   Each wizard could feel it in their chest as the bane particles ceased to exist with the demon who had created them. Despite this, a silence hung over the courtyard as the walls of Levy’s enchantment came down, as if they still couldn’t believe everything that had just occurred.  “Oh my gosh! You guys! Natsu! Gray! Erza!” A young voice suddenly called from the sky, breaking the silence. “Gajeel! Are you all okay? Jellal! Erik!”  Jellal rose his head at his name and spotted three silhouettes with wings descending from the sky. Wendy was the first to land, having been the one who yelled for them. Carla appeared beside her as the other two wizards landed. To everyone’s surprise, it was Lyon and Chelia of Lamia Scale who joined her, carried by Pantherlily and Happy respectively.  “Natsuuuuuuuu!” Happy wailed, rocketing himself like a missile into Natsu’s chest, sobbing.  “Hey little buddy. You’re okay!” He exclaimed. “I was starting to get worried about where you were!”  “What do you mean ‘starting’? Natsu, you’re so mean!”  “Lyon!” Meredy exclaimed, a comically exaggerated blush had appeared on her face when she realized he was standing in front of her. “Wh-what are you and Chelia doing here?” She shot Erik a glare and elbowed him hard when the dragon slayer began chuckling beside her.  “Carla, Happy, Lily and I got away when Hades first started attacking the guild,” Wendy explained to the confused, battered wizards as she and Chelia dispersed to heal the injured members of Fairy Tail. “We flew to Lamia Scale because I knew Chelia could help me heal everyone, and I thought Lyon might be able to help fight him off.”  “I’m quite relieved to see you no longer need my assistance,” Lamia Scale’s ace wizard replied while still looking at Meredy, before his attention was diverted to his rival ice mage and brother. “You too, Gray. I can’t help but get worried about you, my little brother. Especially when Juvia is unable to help you.”  “Shut up,” Gray grunted, but the smile on his face gave away his true feelings. He turned back to the glacier holding her, Laxus, and the Thunder Legion, pushing both of his palms against the ice as he worked to take it down.  “Gray, what is this?” Lyon asked, studying the ice as he walked up beside him. “I’ve never seen anything like it,” it was then he noticed the wizards suspended within it, noticeably the water mage who was carrying Gray’s child and whom he previously also had feelings for, and his expression hardened. “Why is Juvia in there? Did Hades do this?”  “No, I did,” Gray huffed. “It’s some sort of healing ice. It protected them from bane particles and caused them to regain consciousness. I still have no idea how I did it. Keyes tried to attack Juvia... and I just remember feeling furious, that I couldn’t let him touch her.”  “Keyes?” He echoed in confusion.  “That’s right,” Jellal grunted, from where Wendy was working on healing his injuries. Levy was also casting another ‘PURIFY’ solid script over the group for good measure. “It was Keyes who attacked Fairy Tail. The Hades we fought was just a reanimated version of the true Grimoire Heart master. Hades is still dead.”  “I thought all of Tartaros was gone! Especially Keyes. Juvia killed him,” Wendy was shocked to hear the news as well.  “Yes, but he said it was because of Zeref’s death that he was able to use Necromancy to revive himself,” Erza answered. “Hopefully now he stays that way.”  With a sound somewhere between crumbling rock and shattering glass, the icy cocoon protecting the wizards within it opened. The onlooking group watched in awe as Laxus and his Thunder Legion appeared, unscathed, as Laxus reached up to help the three of them down off the ice.  And all the gathered fairies watched as Juvia slumped forward into Gray’s chest, who had already been rushing to meet her the moment he opened the glacier he’d put her in. She looked up to him, smiling as Gray shifted his arms to slip one under her knees and lift her off the ground.  “Wendy, will you check her out for me?” He called down to the dragon slayer with some desperation. “Can you make sure Juvia and the baby are okay?”  “Of course!” She waved back at him. In response, Gray slid back down the ice with her before letting her down back on her feet at the bottom.  Juvia reaches up and placed a gentle kiss on his cheek, whispering something in Gray’s ear that caused both him and Wendy - who had been standing nearby, along with her enhanced dragon slaying hearing and perpetual bad luck in always overhearing the wrong things - to blush across the entire width of their faces. She smiled innocently at him as Wendy nervously got to work.  Jellal let out a bit of a chuckle, watching as the rest of his guildmates gained their wits again, reuniting with relief for one another. Gajeel and Levy had joined back up with Lily, and all three were gathered around Jet and Droy as they came to. The Strauss siblings had joined Laxus and the Thunder Legion not long after they all woke up, with both Mira and Lisanna beginning to examine the group’s injuries.  He saw as Erza made her way toward the doors of the guild hall where Alzack and Bisca had appeared, the former cradling their daughter in his arms. Asuka was still unconscious from having what little magic was in her drained from her body, but because neither parent looked extremely worried he figured she must be okay, perhaps even just sleeping after waking from the whole ordeal. It was a moment of relief for all who had experienced the pure terror Keyes had subjected them to, as life had been breathed back into Fairy Tail.  “Damn it’s loud again,” Jellal turned when he heard Erik speaking, and he saw the dragon slayer and Meredy nearing him.  “Oh stop pretending like you aren’t happy everyone is all right,” the petite wizard scolded him.  Erik yawned, indicating he was purposefully ignoring her statement. “Even though it’s loud again, I can still hear what you‘re thinking, pinky. Why don’t you go talk to Lyon instead of bothering me with both your lovesick voice and thoughts? It’s too bad he didn’t get to play hero for you, huh? Although, I must say you’ve got quite the imagination.”  She blushed again. “H-hey, that’s...! You’re horrible! Agh, get out of my head you ass!”  He rolled his eyes and looked to Jellal, a look of bored annoyance on his face. “Look, if we’re done here Jellal, I’m just gonna-“  “Erik!” His composure, however, was caught off by the sharp cry of his name that also echoed from the guild hall entrance. And there stood Kinana, the very sight of her which immediately stripped his indifferent facade away.  “Kinana...” he gasped, and Jellal couldn’t help but chuckle at him too, as his mind seemed to instantly stop, relief flooding his face so quickly that the Poison Dragon Slayer looked as though he were about to cry. The next instant she had crossed the courtyard and flung herself into his arms, nearly knocking Erik over in the process. He held her tightly though, wrapping a hand around to cradle the back of her head like he couldn’t believe she was all right.  “You’re okay... you’re safe...” he was mumbling. “Kinana...”  Meredy rolled her eyes and continued over to Jellal’s side. “Can you believe him? Such a softie when it comes to her.”  Jellal smirked and turned his gaze to her. He was about to ask her if she was all right when a sudden ignition of flames erupted from where Natsu stood. Surrounded by so many reuniting couples, it was blatantly obvious what had him so upset when Jellal realized there were still two members of Fairy Tail who were not amongst the joyful crowd.  “Lucy!” Natsu’s despairing exclamation immediately darkened the mood of the celebrating guild members. “Where’s Lucy? And Cana?!”  When no answer came, only stunned realization from his friends, Natsu whipped around to glare at all of them. “We defeated Keyes, right? His curses should be broken too! Whatever he did to them, shouldn’t they be safe now?!”  “Calm down man-“ Gray started, but was cut off by another furious eruption of flames from the dragon slayer. Instinctively, he pushed Juvia back.  “How can I calm down when I still don’t know where Lucy is?!” He roared, causing the air around him to heat up and expand, his guildmates groaning in protest. “I promised to always protect her, and I did it, didn’t I? No... I fought Keyes with everything I had to bring her back, and it still wasn’t enough.”  When no one responded again, his shoulder slumped forward and the heat suddenly disappeared. “I-I promised,” This time when he spoke, his voice had dropped and he had never sounded more defeated. “I promised... I would tell her today.”  Upon realizing what he meant, Erza’s eyes widened. “Natsu...”  Despite being forced by Gray to stand behind him, Juvia pushed past her boyfriend and was the first to approach Natsu. She placed a cool hand on his shoulder, the effect instantaneous as all the tension began to disappear from his body, leaving him trembling. He rested his forehead on the water mage’s shoulder, pushing his nose into her. Happy, who had started to cry, flew over and landed on Natsu, clutching tightly as he sobbed for their missing partner.  “I- I’ve never seen him like this before,” Gray mumbled in somewhat of a state of shock. He knew the extent of Natsu’s feelings for Lucy, but he had never expected to see him so distraught.  “Could Keyes have done something to them that wasn’t a curse?” Erza wondered aloud. “But even then, wouldn’t anything he have done been canceled out when he was slain?”  “Yes,” Jellal drew their attention upwards with his face to the sky. “It just took some time to be undone. Look.”  A crack ran across the clouds itself, much like it had when the dragon slayers fell from the ethernano dimension just outside theirs after defeating Acnologia. The very fabric of time and space, opening up as Keyes’s power completely and finitely faded from the world.  And from that crack came the screams of two girls as they plummeted from their inter-dimensional prison. One brunette and one blonde, the members of Fairy Tail who had been missing when Jellal and his team had arrived. While most of the group on the ground were stunned by their sudden arrival, two of the wizards leapt into action.  “Lucy!” Cana shrieked, reaching for her friend, but the two of them separated quite quickly in free fall.  “Happy!” Natsu exclaimed desperately, and his partner gave an intensely gleeful ‘Aye, sir!’ as he spread his wings and pulled Natsu from the ground. The combination of Exceed and dragon slayer, familiar in its own right, rocketed through the sky toward Lucy faster than anyone had seen either of her boys move. Natsu plucked his partner out of her free fall effortlessly, and Happy was already a mess of emotions when he set them both on the ground gently.  Lucy screamed and gasped all at once, in shock that it was all over so suddenly. She stared up at her partner for a moment in silence before speaking, her voice trembling.  “Natsu...?” She sounded as though she didn’t believe it was really him.  At the sound of her voice, the tears that had been so close to falling, that had threatened him before spilled forth silently. But there was a smile on Natsu’s face, a smile of so many emotions all at once. Relief. Guilt. Anger. Frustration. Protectiveness. Love.  He placed a hand on the top of her head, reminiscent of the gesture he had once offered the Lucy of the future during the events before the dragons descended upon Crocus. And he pressed his forehead against hers as he closed his eyes and revelled in having her so close to him once again.  “Lucy,” was all he whispered, before she too, crumbled into tears.  It was Jellal who rushed to catch Cana before she struck the ground. With no Exceed to take him into the sky, Jellal positioned himself beneath her; he crouched, leaning his hand down in preparation as he gathered the little magical power that had returned to him.  And then instantly Jellal sprang up, surrounded by the blinding light of his magic. Like a celestial body, he swiftly met Cana in the sky and landed with the Cards Mage safe in his arms. As quickly as the moment had occurred, it was over and relief flooded his face with both Lucy and Cana finally safe.  “Thanks, big guy,” Cana planted a kiss on his cheek, which left Jellal stunned. “But ya might wanna put me down, wouldn’t want to make Erza jealous would we?”  With his face turning the shade of the aforementioned wizard’s hair, Jellal gently set Cana down on her feet.  As the guild took that cue to surround both girls and tears were shed, Jellal couldn’t help but realize he would’ve never felt like he did now if he hadn’t joined Fairy Tail. It was pride, but a pride that burst forward as magical power over the family that was their guild. His eyes settled on the flash of scarlet that wrapped around Lucy and shoved Natsu out of the way. He had protected this family.  It was a guild - a family - that he now belonged to.
~  “We do have something very serious to discuss, however,” Erza spoke authoritatively to the guildmates before her. Once the tearful reunions with Lucy and Cana and the rest of the guild had been calmed down, the wizards had all moved back inside Fairy Tail and several of them had left to fetch Porlyusica. “And that would be the information Keyes told us about why he had attacked our guild in such a manner.”  Erza had then gathered a group of the wizards who had been involved in the incident, including those present at the guild who had learned the secret of the Fairy Tail previously.  “Right, that there is a new Fairy Heart amongst our members, which someone could potentially use to create another Lumen Histoire,” Levy agreed.  “It troubles me as to how Keyes would have come across such information,” Jellal muttered darkly, his face concerned. “And how he even knew what the Lumen Histoire was. He believed that Lucy or Cana have the same abilities as the first master, because they’ve both learned one of the sacred Fairy spells of the guild.”  “But didn’t that happen because Master Mavis had the Ankhseram curse cast on her?” Gray crossed his arms. “She was immortal, but was left somewhere between alive and dead because Zeref’s curse had been around far longer, and was stronger than hers, and also because he loved her but she hadn’t returned that same love for him. That’s what we learned from Master Mavis and Zeref during the fight against Alvarez. The curse of Contradiction worked on another immortal because she was the one he felt for most in the world.”  “Realistically, he couldn’t make another Lumen Histoire with Cana or Lucy even if they were the next Fairy Heart either, because neither of them had the curse set upon them,” Mira expressed softly. “And I don’t think that curse is something you could force upon someone. It seems to me the person themselves has to wish to defy death or the cycle of life. Brainwashing, or mind control, that wouldn’t change the fact that the target wouldn't truly feel the way that makes Ankhseram punish people.”  “I think we’re giving Keyes too much credit,” Erza answered. “I can’t imagine he had the entirety of his attack planned out. If I had to guess, this is what he knew:  One, that Fairy Tail was hiding the secret of the Lumen Histoire. The only explanation for this would be Zeref telling him at some point, or he heard it from one of the Spriggan 12. Two, that the Lumen Histoire is created from a member of our a guild. Three, Mavis could perform all three of the Fairy Spells, and only passed down Fairy Law. No one besides her has ever used Fairy Glitter or Fairy Sphere, until Cana and Lucy,” She gritted her teeth. “I think he was going on a whim with what he was going to do to Cana and Lucy. He had no idea how to make them into the Lumen Histoire, only believing that one of them has the potential for it.”  “But we have no way of knowing which one it could be,” Gajeel pointed out grimly.  “Is there any proof that one of them is it at all?” Erik suggested with a cynical sigh. “Or are people just gonna keep coming after them for no reason?”  Jellal was especially disturbed by this thought as he glanced at Erza.  There was the soft sound of whimpering, which drew everyone’s attention. It was Lucy, trying desperately to hide the tears that were coming down her face. Every member gathered there understood why. Both she and Cana had described the dimension that Keyes had locked them in. The unending darkness had made time stretch on forever. If they hadn’t had he each other - grasping hands the entire time so as not to float apart - they could’ve easily been driven insane. Undoubtedly, she was upset over the thought of having to go through something even remotely like that again. That the lust for power was so great in some people, some dark wizards or corrupted masters or something of the like, that there was a very real possibility of having to endure worse. Though she was already tucked against him, Natsu pulled his partner in closer to comfort her. Jellal sighed. “Unfortunately, I don’t really think there’s a way of determining which of them it is, or if either Cana or Lucy are truly the Fairy Heart.”  “You’re kidding right? It’s obviously Lucy,” Cana got on her feet, leaning over the table. Everyone’s attention immediately went to her. “And I’d bet she really is the new Fairy Heart! There’s no one else who’s ever been in Fairy Tail more similar to Mavis Vermilion than her. Not only did Lucy use Fairy Sphere against Acnologia, which is what made her the target, but she loves Fairy Tail more than anyone else I could ever know. She believes in Fairy Tail more than anyone else. Remember during the end of the Battle of Fairy Tail, when everyone was arguing, yelling at each other even while Gray made it apparent that we were running out of time?” She threw her thumb in the direction of Lucy. “She was the only one who rallied everybody, because even though she hadn’t been in our guild all that long, she loved it more than all of us back then. She showed us all up, I even remember Macao congratulating her on getting all our heads out of our asses. During our war against Tartaros, she saved all of us by herself! And after the guild broke up... she kept track of everyone, was the only one willing to reach out and ask everyone to return to our home. She barely knew me as more than a guildmate, no where near the level at which she knew Natsu and Gray, and yet she partnered up with me against them for the S-class trials on Tenrou Island. We might’ve ended up fighting Freed and Bickslow, but we could’ve very well been put up against Natsu and Happy, her damn partners! Lucy went against them for me, because I asked her! Because I needed her help!”  When no one said a word, Cana sneered and crossed her arms, continuing her point. “This isn’t about just the damn spells... what makes Lucy the Fairy Heart, what makes the Lumen Histoire such a powerful weapon... is the love she has for the guild. No one alive loves Fairy Tail like Lucy Heartfilia.”  The aforementioned female stared in shock at her friend, listening to her long speech. After a while, she drew in a shaky breath. “You’re right... I love Fairy Tail more than anything. But that makes everything so much more painful,” her voice was soft, but when she spoke again it got even quieter. Jellal had to strain his ears to hear her. “If I’m the new Fairy Heart, then I’m putting everyone in danger by being with the guild.”   Immediately, everyone around the table began to protest. Even Jellal himself; Lucy had been part of the light that saved him, too. He’d just as quickly put himself between her and danger as he would Erik or Meredy. The protests seemed to only hurt Lucy more, however, as he saw her bite her lip, holding back something whether that be tears or anger. He understood her frustration. She didn’t ask for this. When Lucy joined Fairy Tail, she wanted a family that she could live with, laugh with, love so wholeheartedly and where she could be herself; none of them could anticipate it would only lead to making her a target for those who might learn of the Lumen Histoire.   Natsu got to his feet, instantly silencing everyone. Lucy looked up to him, and in that moment Jellal wasn’t sure what they communicated to one another but he saw Lucy’s eyes widen. Her partner clenched his fists, and Jellal was almost worried he would burst into flames just as quickly as he had while fighting Keyes - he looked so furious.  “After everything, we would never give you up Lucy,” Natsu answered through gritted teeth. “We wouldn’t do it back against Phantom Lord, and we sure as hell wouldn’t do it now. If anyone other than you even suggested it, I’d torch them on the spot!”  Lucy looked down to her lap, smiling gently to herself. “You’re right, Natsu... I shouldn’t have even thought of it. I would never want to leave, I... will always fight to protect Fairy Tail.”  The group of wizards were silent for a moment, until Erza cleared her throat.  “We’ll have to be extra vigilant in who knows this information,” she concluded. “The secret of the Lumen Histoire was exposed by Zeref, but that doesn’t mean people have to know it can be created again. And, if at all possible, I’d like to keep the people who know Lucy is the new Fairy Heart to those present in this room.”  “I’m the new secret of Fairy Tail,” Lucy said softly. “But I can’t promise that I won’t give myself up if something like this happens again. This guild means everything to me. My family means everything, and you all got hurt because of my love for Fairy Tail.”  “And we love you too, Lucy,” Mira answered in her melodically sweet voice, reaching over and putting her hand on top of Lucy’s on the table. “That’s why we won’t let you do anything like that.”   “You really are just like Master Mavis, Lu,” Levy shook her head. “Willing to do anything to protect the guild. You’re more important than the secret. You’re our family.”   “I suppose we’ll just have to protect Lucy from anyone who might come looking for the Fairy Heart,” Jellal smirked, looking at the dragon slayer beside her. “Think you can handle that?”  Natsu clenched his fists at his side. “I’d already do that. No one’s ever getting through me.”  Lucy got to her feet, grabbing his arm. Natsu looked down at her for a moment, and for the first time his expression softened. When he spoke again, the same determination was there, but his voice was gentle.  “No one’s ever gonna hurt Lucy again.”
 “You should be celebrating with everyone else, Jellal.”  Jellal broke his gaze from watching the other members of the guild. He was particularly unable to keep his eyes away from the dragon slayer and his celestial wizard, who couldn’t have separated for more than a few minutes since being reunited. He looked up to see the source of his strength, the brightest beacon of hope in his life, join his side. Erza gave him a sly smile.  He groaned and leaned back against his hands. “Nah, think I’ll leave the celebrating for the people who weren’t at the real party. Wendy’s magic is getting better and better all the time, but I’m still almost too exhausted to stay awake.”  “Hm, you could lean on me then. I don’t mind,” he heard her laugh.  Jellal made a slight guffaw in protest. “Are you making fun of me?”  “Hardly. I don’t think anyone fought more than you did. Natsu and Gray might have fueled their magic with their fury, but there was one point at the beginning where you were the only thing standing between Keyes and our guild.”  “They were driven like that because Keyes had hurt the girls they love,” Jellal glanced up at her. “I was furious like that too, at first. When I saw you had been hurt.”  There it was, that sweet blush she did that he found so endearing. Erza was always so confident, but he found she shied away a bit when he was as open with his feelings as he wanted to be. His smile widened a bit more when he felt her take his hand.  Jellal looked back toward the guild again, toward the wizards he had been watching before.  “I’m sorta disappointed. I thought Natsu would’ve taken the opportunity I gave him to confess how he feels to Lucy like he said he was going to. So he chickened out in the end, did he?”  “I knew he wouldn’t be able to after that,” Erza spoke fondly of her guildmate. “It seemed like the perfect moment of course, especially after what Lucy said about leaving Fairy Tail to make sure no one gets hurt again. But Natsu has never been one to do things the same way other people do. I think it’ll happen either in the middle of a guild brawl or while he’s on a job with her, just the two of them.”  He chuckled. “Still, it would’ve been something rather nice for the guild to celebrate after the day we’ve had.”  “We are celebrating; that everyone is safe now. Besides, I can’t imagine Lucy is completely unaware of how he feels,” she continued. “When Natsu first confided in Gray and I that he had feelings for her, he actually wasn’t that bad at hiding it. However, as time went on he became more obvious and once Mira knew pretty much the entire guild did. So I think that Lucy has at least some idea.”  He turned his attention toward the two of them again, where Natsu sat next to Lucy with his arm around her shoulders as he argued with Gray. His rival was sitting with an arm drawn around Juvia’s waist. Honestly the only difference Jellal could see between the two pairs was that one was dating and expecting a baby.  “Lucy isn’t exactly subtle with how she feels either, but Natsu isn’t well versed in social cues like that,” Erza noted with a smirk.  “Unbelievable,” he shook his head. “They both told you, and you aren’t going to do a thing about it?  “I intend to let it happen naturally.”  Once again shaking his head at Erza’s answer, he waited a moment before speaking again.  “She’s his strength... just like you are mine.”  Erza stumbled over her words in response, but Jellal didn’t even notice as he sat up, brushing his hand over her cheek. But he kept going, leaning over and  stealing a kiss from her.  When he pulled back, her face matched her hair and there was a dreamy look in her eyes. It never mattered whether she was in the middle of a fight, scolding Natsu and Gray for their antics, or simply caught flustered in a moment like this; she was always the most beautiful woman in the world to him. It was almost embarrassing how much he was enamored with her, if Jellal wasn’t completely sure of himself and their relationship. All was well - perfect, even - until Erza gathered her bearings again.  “Shouldn’t you not be kissing other woman, lest your fiancée finds out?”  Jellal choked on the very air. “Are you ever going let me forget about that?”  “Not for a little longer,” she teased, before boldly returning the gesture.
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Epic Movie (Re)Watch #128 - The Wizard of Oz (1939)
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Spoilers below.
Have I seen it before: Yes
Did I like it then: Yes.
Do I remember it: Yes.
Did I see it in theaters: No.
Format: Blu-ray
1) This film is a classic of American cinema. If you ever want to learn how to tell a slick story, watch this film. Because outside of one or two musical numbers, there is nothing in here that doesn’t need to be. It is all entertaining and slick.
2) Judy Garland’s iconic performance as Dorothy Gale.
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In the original tale Dorothy was a pre-adolescent eight year old, where as Garland was 16 upon playing Dorothy. They had to have her in a tight corset to keep her boobs under wraps. Now that I’ve said that fun anecdote...
Garland is pretty great as Dorothy. She is able to perfectly capture her childlike wonder, heart, and innocence in a way which makes the audience feel like a kid. It brings us into this world of youth and fairytales through a compelling and fun character. Dorothy comes off as compassionate and loyal, and while a bit of a damsel towards the end we understand that she is just a child who is thrust into this world and desperately is trying to get back home. Garland is perfect in the role and the film needs her to be as iconic as it is.
3) The decision to have various characters and lines (“Well your head ain’t made of straw you know!”) be echoed in Oz gives the film a sense of magical realism (a literary genre or style associated especially with Latin America that incorporates fantastic or mythical elements into otherwise realistic fiction). I would not go far enough to call the film an example of that genre, but it definitely has some of those elements.
4) “Over the Rainbow”
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Without a doubt THE most iconic song in the film. In my opinion there are two songs from cinema which perfectly capture a child’s imagination: “Pure Imagination” from Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory and “Over the Rainbow” from this film. The song was almost cut from the film, with studio heads fearing it would bore kids! Can you even imagine? The film’s light melody and childlike innocence is what truly carries it. It connects with anyone who has ever longed for someplace better, for a far off land filled with adventure and intrigue. Garland’s vocals do the beautiful composition amazing justice, making the two inseparable. Honestly, it’s THE moment from the film and the movie hasn’t even gone to color yet!
5) The relationship with Dorothy and Toto is wonderfully strong. I wonder if there’s a backstory to that. Like maybe Toto was a gift to her from her late parents or something like that. Either way, any dog lover will appreciate it.
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6) The fact that Professor Marvel (played by Frank Morgan, who later plays the titular Wizard) is a total phony doesn’t have so much weight the first time you watch this film. It does however become wildly important after the film’s end. Also the fact that Dorothy is so quick to believe speaks wildly to her youthful innocence.
7) It took me a while to realize why Dorothy is so desperate to return home when she has a whole song about wanting to be elsewhere, and only recently did I realize why. She thinks her Auntie Em is sick! Professor Marvel told her that her running away made her sick and heartbroken, and it is this belief and love for her family which drives her through the rest of the film.
8) Dorothy looking out the window in the middle of the twister has some wonderful sight gags.
9) The transition from a sepia tone world to a color one is remarkably seamless. Credit to the director, cinematographer, and editor(s?) who worked on this film for that. Bravo.
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10) One of the reasons the film is such a classic is largely because of its wonderful imagery. All of Oz is wonderful fantasy, using the brightness of technicolor to its full advantage and creating a storybook world that appeals to the eyes of children and adults everywhere. The entire color palette is like that of a rainbow, something very fitting considering the main song of this film.
Glinda [upon meeting Dorothy]: “Are you a good which, or a bad witch?”
Oh, if only it were that simple.
Glinda [after she hears Dorothy’s opinion that all witches are ugly]: “Only bad witches are ugly.”
Beauty’s in the eye of the beholder, dude.
13) While watching this film I kinda thought Glinda was being a little TOO chipper, and that the ready celebration of death was a bit odd. Then I remembered a fan theory which painted the supposed Good Witch of the North as the villain. Read at your own risk of childhood ruining.
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14) I don’t love this film as much as others, although I do admit its pretty damn great. So it’s at risk of offending the purists out there that I say I think the whole Munchkinland song goes on a little too long. Also some of the Munchkins - probably because of their costumes - freak me out. Mainly the Lollipop Guild.
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She’s so freaking evil, I love it! The Wicked Witch of the West is one of the most iconic film villains of all time, possibly even more iconic than some legends as Darth Vader. Margaret Hamilton plays the Witch with DELIGHTFUL villainy! You can tell she’s having a lot of fun in the part and we as the audience are having fun because of it. The Witch is simultaneously both in line with the stories we hear as children while at times being truly threatening. Even as an adult there are times I go, “holy cow, this woman is EVIL!!!!!!” That is amazing to me. Hamilton was a fan of the books and was delighted to hear she was being considered for a part, and that enthusiasm just infects ever green skin cell of this baddie. Some stories are only as good as their villain, and The Wizard of Oz has an INCREDIBLE villain.
16) The Ruby Slippers.
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In the original story the slippers were silver, but the filmmakers changed it to ruby in order to take full advantage of the technicolor process. These days the ruby slippers are such an iconic piece of film that there’s a pair in the Smithsonian institute. Just like everything else in Oz, it captures our imaginations totally and completely.
17) Follow the Yellow Brick Road.
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Okay, but what happens if you follow the Red Brick Road? Am I the only one curious about that? Where does the Red Brick Road lead? Wonderland? Neverland? Cleveland? CAN WE GET A SPINOFF ANSWERING THIS QUESTION PLEASE!?!?!?
18) The Scarecrow.
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(Let’s all take a moment to realize how relevant and awesome that line is in 2017.)
Out of the trio, the Scarecrow may well be my favorite. He is just so sweet and kind, despite of (or because of?) his naivety. Some fun slapstick comes about from his character, and...I don’t know what else. For some undefinable reason he’s just my favorite of the bunch!
19) This film does have some nice humor.
Dorothy [after interpreting the rusted Tin Man’s words]: “He said oil can.”
Scarecrow: “Oil can what?”
20) According to IMDb:
Ray Bolger was originally cast as the Tin Man. However, he insisted that he would rather play the Scarecrow--his childhood idol Fred Stone had originated that role on stage in 1902. Buddy Ebsen had been cast as the Scarecrow, and now switched roles with Bolger. Unbeknownst to him, however, the make-up for the Tin Man contained aluminum dust, which ended up coating Ebsen's lungs. He also had an allergic reaction to it. One day he was physically unable to breathe and had to be rushed to hospital. The part was immediately recast and MGM gave no public reason why Ebsen was being replaced. The actor considered this the biggest humiliation he ever endured and a personal affront. When Jack Haley took over the part of the Tin Man, he wasn't told why Ebsen had dropped out (and in the meantime, the Tin Man make-up was changed from aluminum dust to aluminum paste as one of its key components). However, his vocals remain whenever the song "We're off to see the Wizard" is played. Jack Haley's vocals were never used during the song, but were used for "If I Only Had a Heart" and "If I Only Had the Nerve." Ebsen's vocals are also heard in the extended version of "If I were King of the Forest," though the spoken segment has Jack Haley. Although no Ebsen footage from the film has ever been released, surviving still photos show him taking part in the Wicked Witch's castle sequence.
21) The various reprises of “If I Only Had _____” (A Brain/A Heart/The Nerve) are some of my favorite songs in the film. Not only is the tune itself sweet and memorable, but they each serve as slick simple introductions to each character’s core conflict.
22) Lions and tigers and bears, oh my! I don’t have anything to say about that line I just wanted to include it in my recap post.
23) Although the Scarecrow is probably my favorite of the trio, the Cowardly Lion is the funniest I think.
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The idea of his cowardice allows for a great amount of physical humor and humor in his dialogue. He’s the comic relief in an already very funny and sweet cast.
24) Apparently the actors playing the trio of characters would often show boat and try to steal the scenes from one another, to the point where the director (or whichever director was working that day, as this film had a lot) had to shout at them to let Judy Garland be the star because it was her story.
25) Man, these guys get to the poppy field WAY sooner than I remember!
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I also didn’t remember that it got resolved by “Deus Ex Glinda” just casting a magical spell to kill all the poppies with snow. Which is weird considering it should be one of the most memorable scenes in the film.
26) Frank Morgan - the actor who played The Wizard and Professor Marvel - also plays the sentry in Emerald City, the coach driver in the city, and a third guard in the city. Now that we know of The Wizard’s tricky ways, I wonder if all three of these are not meant to be the same character.
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27) There are parts in the Emerald City sequence I find a little on the lengthy side, a little superfluous. The songs where all of Dorothy’s squad is getting treated well is fine, it’s short enough. But I totally forget about the entire “King of the Forrest” number any time I watch the film and honestly don’t think the film needs it. But that’s just me.
28) I think part of the Witch’s truly threatening nature is through the strong visuals this film uses. “Surrender Dorothy” is a particularly memorable sight, as black ash fills the sky of an otherwise happy place.
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29) I will say though, even though I find the whole “King of the Forrest” song a bit pointless, it does have this nice bit:
Lion: What makes a king out of a slave? Courage! What makes the flag on the mast to wave? Courage! What makes the elephant charge his tusk in the misty mist, or the dusky dusk? What makes the muskrat guard his musk? Courage! What makes the sphinx the seventh wonder? Courage!
30) Probably the time the Lion is at his funniest is when the group is approaching The Wizard.
Also The Wizard is kind of a jerk.
31) Dude, there’s a door just a few feet away. You DON’T need to go through the window!
32) Where the heck did the Scarecrow get a gun? Where’d the Tin Man get a giant wrench?
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This movie is weird. I love that.
33) The Flying Monkeys!
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Another example of incredible imaginative imagery.
34) Okay so...why does the Witch want the slippers? I mean we have theories in all OTHER forms of Wizard of Oz media. They belonged to her sister, they have the power to jump worlds, she wants a little color in her wardrobe, but the film itself never gives a reason. She just WANTS them.
35) I always really appreciated the devotion the three friends had when going to rescue Dorothy. I don’t know, it just sort of moves me the friendship they were able to craft in such a short time.
36) So this scene with the guards singing:
I did a production of Our Town YEARS ago and there was this girl in the cast who said she grew up thinking these guys were chanting, “Oreo! O-RE-o!” Which, you know, makes sense. That was funny enough on it’s own. Then Wreck-It Ralph came out...
37) For some reason “Night on Bald Mountain” plays as Scarecrow, Lion, and Tin Man go to rescue Dorothy from the which. Because why not, I guess.
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38) The fact that water melts the witch - while iconic - sort of comes from nowhere. Was there something earlier in the film that was supposed to foreshadow this? It’s very Deus Ex Machina.
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39) The Wizard revealed!
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A for effort dude.
40) The scene where The Wizard is handing out the gifts for everyone (a diploma for Scarecrow which works as a brain, the “heart” for Tin Man, a medal for lion) is very funny. Frank Morgan benefits from his fast talking yet sincere nature.
Scarecrow [after receiving his gift]: “How can I ever thank you enough?”
The Wizard: “Well, you can’t.”
And then I love this too.
Dorothy [after The Wizard talks about getting here in a runaway hot air balloon]: “Weren’t you frightened?”
The Wizard: “Frightened? Child, you're talking to a man who's laughed in the face of death, sneered at doom, and chuckled at catastrophe... I was petrified.”
41) I either don’t understand the lesson here or I do and I dislike it. Dorothy has this line of how if she ever wants something again, she’ll just look in her backyard because “there’s no place like home.” While I appreciate the sentiment of, “There’s no place like home,” the idea of home is not defined by the place you grow up in. It’s the place where you feel the most safe, the most comfortable, the place you miss when you’re not there. It’s usually defined by people, not location. Good people who treat you well. So while Dorothy does have that back in Kansas, the line about her backyard throws me.
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The Wizard of Oz is a classic and for good reason. It’s colorful and vibrant imagery will stick with children of all ages, and through all its parts combined it just captures the imagination of childhood perfectly. It’s mostly pure, innocent, but not in a naive or babyish way. It’s an entertaining treat everyone should see at least once.
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mrmichaelchadler · 5 years
Home Entertainment Consumer Guide: March 28, 2019
"Kung Fu Hustle" "The Lives of Others" "A Separation"
At its best, James Wan's "Aquaman" is a live-action cartoon, complete with armies astride seahorses and sharks. It has a fantastic cast, including great supporting work from Nicole Kidman, Patrick Wilson, and Willem Dafoe. It's refreshingly goofy from a company (DC) that too often takes itself way too seriously. Really, the only problem with "Aquaman" is one common to the genre: bloat. There's no reason for this movie to be 2.5-hours long, and you can feel its charm washing away as the length sets in. My kids were excited for about an hour and it almost felt more like an obligation to finish it. I recommend watching it in installments. And focus on the fun stuff. 
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Special Features Going Deep Into the World of Aquaman Becoming Aquaman James Wan: World Builder Aqua Tech Atlantis Warfare The Dark Depths of Black Manta Heroines of Atlantis Villaneous Training Kingdoms of the Seven Seas Creating Undersea Creatures A Match Made in Atlantis Scene Study Breakdowns Exclusive Sneak Peek of Shazam!
"Detour" (Criterion)
An acknowledged classic of Poverty Row, Edward G. Ulmer's 1945 noir is as pitch black as the genre comes. Restored recently after years of people watching degraded copies, "Detour" has probably never looked this good. As expert Noah Isenberg explains in an excellent special feature, "Detour" was made for almost no money in roughly a week, depending on who you believe. It's a stunning piece of work, containing one of the best femme fatale performances of all time from Ann Savage. Ulmer and Savage's take on the role is instantly mesmerizing. Gone are the typically glamorous looks of the femme, replaced by grit and sweat and dirt. Savage's character feels threatening in such a perfect way that we know the minute our protagonist crosses paths with her, he's doomed. 
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Special Features New 4K digital restoration, with uncompressed monaural soundtrack on the Blu-ray Edgar G. Ulmer: The Man Off-Screen, a 2004 documentary featuring interviews with actor Ann Savage and filmmakers Roger Corman, Joe Dante, and Wim Wenders New interview with film scholar Noah Isenberg, author of Edgar G. Ulmer: A Filmmaker at the Margins New program about the restoration Janus Films rerelease trailer PLUS: An essay by critic and poet Robert Polito
"I Wanna Hold Your Hand" (Criterion)
Robert Zemeckis has been working with American nostalgia since his first film, 1978's "I Wanna Hold Your Hand," now available on a bonus-packed Criterion release. The film itself is a sweet comedy about not just Beatlemania but those years in which one had the time and energy to commit their lives to something like a band. A cousin of "American Graffiti," this ensemble piece is about a bunch of teenagers trying to get to "The Ed Sullivan Show" on the night that The Beatles would make TV and music history. It's a light-hearted comedy that doesn't hit every mark but is also truly hard to dislike. And it's particularly interesting as a stepping stone in the careers of both Zemeckis and Spielberg, who get together with Bob Gale for a fantastic special feature on this release about the making of the film. 
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Special Features New 4K digital restoration, approved by director Robert Zemeckis and cowriter Bob Gale, with 5.1 surround DTS-HD Master Audio soundtrack on the Blu-ray New conversation among Zemeckis, Gale, and executive producer Steven Spielberg New interview with actors Nancy Allen and Marc McClure Audio commentary from 2004 featuring Zemeckis and Gale The Lift (1972) and A Field of Honor (1973), two early short films by Zemeckis Trailer and radio spots PLUS: An essay by critic Scott Tobias
"If Beale Street Could Talk"
This might be the final great film of 2018 to be released on Blu-ray. There are some interesting films that came out the final few weeks of last year still to hit the market ("The Mule," "Bumblebee," others) but this is the last essential movie, one that you really need to see before you can close the book and move on to 2019. Barry Jenkins' adaptation of James Baldwin's book has been written about so many times since its TIFF debut, on this site alone, that there's not much I could possibly add to the conversation. Read my TIFF review. Read Odie's brilliant 4-star review. Read about it in our ten best. Read my interviews with Barry Jenkins and the stars of the film, KiKi Layne and Stephan James. I hold this movie very close to my heart and will for the rest of my life. It's gorgeous, riveting filmmaking and a true must-own on Blu-ray, especially given it has a commentary track by Jenkins himself. 
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Special Features Deleted Scenes Featurette: If Beale Street Could Talk: Poetry in Motion Audio Commentary by Barry Jenkins
"Mary Poppins Returns"
Everyone involved in this movie should give Emily Blunt a gift. Her prodigious charm is really the fuel that keeps this film moving (with no offense to Ben Whishaw and Emily Mortimer, who are always good). Blunt gets the film over its several dull passages, although even she can't save original songs that sound fine in the film but that I dare anyone to hum a section of outside of it. Like so many of the Disney live-action films, there's a magic missing here - the magic that allows a movie to live on in imagination when you're done watching it. This one is better than some (I'm still angry about "Alice in Wonderland" and "Beauty and the Beast") but that's mostly just because those movies didn't have a performer as charismatic and committed as Emily Blunt. For the record, my five-year-old STRONGLY disagrees. He loves this movie. But even he can't sing a song from it. 
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Special Features Deleted Song — "The Anthropomorphic Zoo" The Practically Perfect Making of "Mary Poppins Returns"  Seeing Things From a Different Point of View": The Musical Numbers of "Mary Poppins Returns"  Back to Cherry Tree Lane: Dick Van Dyke Returns  Practically Perfect Bloopers  Deleted Scenes Play Movie in Sing-Along Mode 
"Perfect Blue"
Satoshi Kon is an interesting enigma in that his name isn't as much of a household one as Hayao Miyazaki or Brad Bird but those who do know his work absolutely adore him. Kon's ambitious, visually breathtaking style is arguably never more brilliantly realized than in this 1999 masterpiece FINALLY getting a Blu-ray release for its 20th anniversary. That it took this long for a movie that so many people love to even get an HD release is telling in terms of how Kon's reputation doesn't seem to be at the level he deserves. 
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Special Features BRAND NEW REMASTER OF THE FILM NEW Lectures by Satoshi Kon featurette NEW Into The Blue featurette - New Interviews Original SD Version of Feature (Japanese mono Dolby Digital 2.0 with English subtitles) Angel of Your Heart Recording Sessions Angel of Your Heart Full English Version Theatrical Trailers and TV Spots—includes new trailers from US and UK re-releases Cast and Crew Interviews
"Spider-Man: Into the Spider-verse"
For months, it felt like Disney's "Incredibles 2" was the runaway favorite to take the Oscar for Best Animated Film. Who could have guessed that an animated superhero movie, which is usually the genre of straight-to-DVD fare, could be good enough to topple the highest grossing animated film of all time? Make no mistake -- this is no ordinary superhero movie. This is no ordinary animated movie. It may only be a few months old, but it feels like a classic already, a movie that I know I'll see at least a dozen times over the course of my lifetime. It gets richer and feels more ambitious each time I see it. This is a very strong edition of the HECG and I hope you got a nice refund from the IRS because this one is a must-own too. It also comes with some fantastic special features, including a cut of the film that includes several scenes that never got past the sketch phase re-cut into the movie. 
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Special Features We Are Spider-Man Spider-Verse: A New Dimension The Ultimate Comics Cast A Tribute to Stan Lee & Steve Ditko The Spider-Verse Super-Fan Easter Egg Challenge Designing Cinematic Comics Characters Heroes & Hams Alternate Universe Mode: In this all-new viewing experience, discover alternate scenes, plotlines, characters, and more with the filmmakers as your guide. "Sunflower" by Post Malone and Swae Lee "Familia" by Nicki Minaj & Anuel AA (feat. Bantu) All-New Original Short "Spider-Ham: Caught In a Ham" 
"Wanda" (Criterion)
I'll admit to not remembering having heard of Barbara Loden's "Wanda" until the Criterion edition showed up in my mailbox. It's a stunning movie, a bleak de-glamorization of the criminal life. A blue-collar woman named Wanda can barely make ends meet and has her kids taken away in a divorce. She basically stumbles into the life of a petty criminal, and the two form a strange, mesmerizing Bonnie and Clyde duo. He's abusive. She seems constantly uncertain, almost as if she could just wander off the face of the Earth. It's Loden's only film and it's a fascinating piece of work, almost akin to Cassavetes in its dirty, sweaty, naturalistic style. It's a shame Loden never got to make another movie, but I love that this one is getting appraised again a half-century after it was produced. 
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Special Features New 2K digital restoration by the UCLA Film & Television Archive, The Film Foundation, and Gucci, with uncompressed monaural soundtrack on the Blu-ray I Am Wanda, an hour-long documentary by Katja Raganelli featuring an interview with director Barbara Loden filmed in 1980 Audio recording of Loden speaking to students at the American Film Institute in 1971 Segment from a 1971 episode of The Dick Cavett Show featuring Loden The Frontier Experience (1975), a short educational film about a pioneer woman’s struggle to survive, directed by and starring Loden Trailer PLUS: An essay by film critic Amy Taubin
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