#but then when roe v. Wade got overturned and all her secular liberal friends were posting about it
queen-esther · 2 years
Honestly, the liberal Christians who relentlessly throw their fellow Christians under the bus in order to look good for all their little secular friends are the most annoying people in the world to me. You know, the ones who conveniently only talk religion and politics when posting some essay about how “true Christians” shouldn’t let our religion get in the way of abortion or gay marriage being legal, the ones who always post about how they’re “not like OTHER Christians” and slyly share their secular friends’ posts dunking on Christians, the ones who co-sign all their secular friends’ stupid takes about how “the real Jesus” is actually, like, a super chill hippie who is totally okay with everyone doing whatever they want as long as they’re “nice.” I promise you guys your “friends” won’t like you half as much if they ever get the rest of us out of the way, lol.
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