#it was infuriating to see tbh
ganondoodle · 1 year
i have grown kinda tired of all the studio ghibli and totk comparisons bc i love most of miyazakis movies and its so annoyingly obvious that if totk actually took inspiration from them its all just the surface level aesthetic and none of the good story telling
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art-appreciation-dog · 2 months
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(Src) I am so sick of people doing this 🫠
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This crab day thing has gotten so frustrating so fast. The person who suggested it is an anti-abortion anti-feminist right wing christian transphobe. Many of the people spreading additional posts and info are ALSO anti-abortion right wing christian transphobes. Seriously. Start clicking their blogs when you see these posts. Search "abortion" and "feminism" and "trans" and "gender" and "groomer." This is really easy to confirm. But people don't give a shit because "crabs fun." okay.
And its not like people aren't aware of it at this point. Search "crab day" on tumblr and a good chunk of the results are asks saying "hey btw crab day was started by a transphobe/right wing christian." and most of those people have responded with something along the lines of "Um okay but like its a good idea though??? You guys can't even collaborate with conservatives for like a second to achieve a political goal? UGH this is why nothing ever gets done 🙄." or "Um okay but like that post had nothing to do with their political beliefs. so like its fine lol. Crab fun." Or "oh no omg im so sorry thats so gross i deleted the post but im still gonna keep reblogging all the other posts by the conservative transphobic anti abortion right wing christians whos blogs i wont check because we need to save tumblr!!!!"
Let me make this really fucking clear for those who don't get it: it doesn't matter if the post is not about their political beliefs. You and all your mutuals are reblogging them. You are making it easier for them to network and find each other. You are bringing them new followers, a bigger audience, a bigger platform and a bigger pool of people who will spread their oh so relatable non-political posts. Which will bring in more followers. And some of those new followers are going to be young dumbasses who are going to see all their posts about "groomers" and "mutilation" and the evils of porn and the horrors of abortion and how feminism actually harms women and do i need to tell you how that story ends?
You are showing that "crab fun" is way more important to you than the safety of trans tumblr users. You are giving them a bigger platform and a wider net with which to potentially harm trans people. By saying that you're not going to let their political beliefs ruin your fun, you're making it very clear that trans people are less important than your fun. And you're making it VERY fucking clear that you'd RATHER tumblr become a safe and welcoming place for anti-feminist anti-abortion right wing transphobes than give up fun crab.
You are showing that your need to throw money at a corporation is more important to you than trans tumblr users. I get where you are coming from. I do. You want tumblr to keep existing. I want tumblr to keep existing. I also want the other trans people who use this fucking platform to keep existing because frankly, they are the only reason i'm here. and if they aren't safe here and if you will throw us away just to keep tumblr shambling along a little longer then I have no fucking interest in tumblr.
"Okay but we need to save tumblr uwu!!!!" Look I'm just some dumbass and I don't know shit (and to be PERFECTLY honest, so are you), but I think this is a little more complicated than "if we raise enough money we can save the school/family farm/community centre/(insert cozy heartwarming thing that needs to be saved)!" As other smarter people have said, tumblr is operating at a yearly $30 million deficit. Thats $30 million just to break even. For one year. not become profitable. Its not a bail them out once and its all good forever situation. Tumblr is not a small message board run by volunteers who actually use donations to stay afloat. They are not a non-profit. They are not running a pledge drive. Throwing money at a corporation does not a nonprofit make. It makes you a consumer.
Your response to "tumblr making bad changes" is "give them money for making the bad changes to show that we don't like bad changes!! A reverse boycott'll show 'em!!" You sure about that??? (And some of you are calling this """""unionizing?"""" Put that word back on the shelf.) You don't know what you're doing and you're not listening to the smarter people who have tried to explain it to you. And once again, you're showing that this half baked scheme is more important to you than trans tumblr users. because crab fun.
And @everyone whos clambering over each other to "collaborate with conservatives for a good cause," we already fucking know that you love to do this shit. You are the same people who will say "yeah but theres bad people on both sides!!!" and who wont give up your Harry Potter or your Chick-Fil-A. You will throw us under the bus the SECOND it gets you something you want. Even something as stupid and small as pickle brine or a shitty videogame or fucking "crab day." And guess what. The second all your "shared goals" are accomplished and the conservatives get what they want FROM YOU??? You're going straight under that bus too.
And also, isn't it maybe a little hmmmm. SUSPICIOUS that CONSERVATIVE CHRISTIANS want to throw money at the site that we've been bitching and screaming at for how unfairly it censors any display of queer sexuality????? They don't have the same problems with tumblr that you do. You think that collaborating with THEM is gonna stop that? Gonna get the porn ban reversed? Gonna turn tumblr into a co-op? Gonna "unionize this bitch?" Hello????
If you must. MUST participate in this because crab oh so fun and tumblr is oh so in need of saving then for the LOVE of FUCK make your OWN POST and STOP PLATFORMING THESE PEOPLE. i don't want to hear "Oh but its a good idea it doesn't matter if a bad person came up with it separate art from the artist lol" if you're not MAKING AN ACTUAL EFFORT TO EXCLUDE THEM FROM THIS. BLOCK THEM. CHECK THEIR BLOGS. BLACKLIST THEIR URLS. ITS EASY.
and then maybe go give your $3 to an actual non-profit. or to an actual leftist independent organization. Or wikipedia. Or inaturalist. Or to one of the many hyperspecific message boards out there who are struggling along on donations from like 5 people. Or maybe, maybe, give your fucking $3 to an abortion fund or to a trans person's go fund me so they can buy food. Or to a womens shelter or a fucking homeless person or to any of the other people who anti-abotion anti-feminist right wing christian transphobes want to stop existing.
My partner is afraid to leave the house alone because people with these exact same political beliefs are in power. People are getting their HRT ripped away from them because people with these exact same political beliefs are in power. People are being forced to give birth because people with these exact same political beliefs are in power. Every day I'm ready to get the news that the state my partner is in is no longer safe and we have to figure out an escape plan. These people do REAL HARM in the REAL WORLD and their beliefs are, tbh, way more fucking insidious and mainstream and tolerated than those of TERFs.
But fun crabs are more important. okay.
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ancient-day · 1 year
Okay, so… I’ve seen it said a good few times that in 3rd semester, Akechi is the only sway Joker really has to consider staying in Maruki’s reality, and that’s not the whole truth. There are two points that can lead to the “Stay” ending.
The first prompt happens when Joker and Crow go to rescue Sumire from Maruki on 1/9. Maruki asks if Joker can accept this reality, and after flashing through all his friends’ words over the past week, he can choose to accept it. This is the part of him that places the needs of others above his own. The part of him who loves his friends so dearly that he would be willing to set aside himself to save them. He can choose Maruki’s reality for their sakes because their happiness is incredibly important to him.
What makes the “Stay” ending hit so much harder for a lot of us on 2/2 is probably because that’s the more selfish part of Joker that we rarely see outside of his thieving habits. Wanting Akechi to live is something that he wants specifically, and it has nothing to do with the greater good or anyone else’s feelings. He can pretend it’s for Akechi’s sake, but when Akechi’s standing his ground so fiercely about how much he doesn’t want that, it’s hard to keep up that lie.
While I personally think that 2/2 is more compelling, I think it does Joker a bit of a disservice to say that it’s the only time he considers giving up on reality. He loves his friends, and he loves Akechi. He loves them all and wants them all beside him, happy and healthy and safe.
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catgirlreisuwa · 2 years
While I understand that people are disappointed about the backstory re: Kazuki’s wife and blame the writing for making her yet another bland, soulless side character who fades into the background without leaving so much as a strong imprint on us, the audience, I have been thinking about it and even though it can be because of poor writing, falling into clichés that make the story progress easily without delving too much into things… I can also see why Karin described her sister as “happy” and “she loved flowers”. At the end of the day, when we experience loss, all that remains are the memories we have of that person. If we do not move on, or until we move on, like Kazuki, those memories will be rooted in grief. And, don’t get me wrong, the grief will always be there! But with time and conscious effort, it will get easier. Karin has moved on, and she remembers her sister the way someone who wishes to be happy without her does.
At the end of the day, isn’t those things the sort of things people say during wakes and funerals? She was always so happy and full of life. She loved flowers and long walks on the beach. She lived for her family and friends. She was always nice to people. Sure, they’re things people say about those who are no longer with us, that do not really have much depth to it. I’m not denying the lack of profoundness in those statements. But, at the end of the day, it’s the trivial, menial things that get said about those who left us. And I think it’s important to remember that.
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hideandseaking · 8 months
bruh a friend of mine and his wife talked shit about the house i bought to my brother and it was def out of clear jealously like wtf. sorry you mega overpaid for your house. i didn't say one thing about anything they were buying cause not my life not my money. but apparently they thought it was appropriate to say to my brother that the house i bought is grody looking. like you're SO jealous of my central A/C and two car garage and solid brick and big kitchen and the basement family room. go seethe man wtf
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prismbearer · 2 months
I like how I couldn't make loose files penumbra work any way I could find in a guide but managed to make it work a different way.
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Dark brows to Vanilla Brows to White Brows and Lashes...
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daughterofsarenrae · 10 months
Man we hit a good dosage for angus's meds and hes like. Acting like his old self right now. Def with the energy down like 90% but hes exploring my room and playing with toys and his back legs are holding his weight and it's so nice to see again
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izzy-b-hands · 4 months
Some days are just for making and then immediately deleting multiple vent posts, then allowing yourself one (1) vague one while you try to force yourself into a better mood after a morning of bullshit and frustration that, ultimately, either doesn't matter or is something one person can't directly stop, but that your brain is stubbornly holding onto it all regardless.
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whippedcloudsofcream · 5 months
I’m severely annoyed that there’s still no option to knock Gale the fuck out and steal the Crown of Karsus for yourself. l don’t want to fucking become Bhaal’s Bitch or some mindflayer lackey. That’s not real power and it’s strange to see people acting like it is. I want to be my own God, with my own rules. I’d pull off the silver look 10x better than Gale ever could.
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unforth · 9 months
Unpopular opinion: the heavy push toward anti-advertising on Tumblr does nothing to harm the advertisers you hate but is doing a huge amount of damage to small businesses who rely on reblogs to get the word out about their stuff.
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todayisafridaynight · 2 years
Personal tier list of main yakuza antagonist deaths ranked from Least Aggravating to I’m Going To Eat Drift Wood ok it goes mine → nishiki → ryuji → aoki
#spoilers#snap chats#my opinion and heres why#Redeemed Through Death is such an aggravating trope but mines is the only one i can vaguely let slide#like richardson couldve been clocked out cold or just straight-up died in that scene mine didnt have to die but w/e#at least i can justify it by being like. This Is Why Daigo's So Depressed Afterwards LMAO (˘・_・˘)#still pisses me off/makes me sad though. i would love to see how he bounced back from uhh Everything LMAOO#nishiki- that shit was senseless like bro stumble out of that room right now and shoot the briefcase you prick#youre so dramatic GOD#nishiki and mine are tied tbh im only slightly more at peace with mines death#ryujis just. ryujis just the funniest character period bro was just here to beat up kiryu#see ryujis death is more funny than aggravating like kaoru was really like 'hey lets go home now yeah'#and ryuji was like 'NO i want to KILL HIM' and. FUNNIEST SHIT plus i live by dead souls canon. hes fine hes chill hes selling takoyaki#theres nothing funny or redeeming about aokis death like. like that shit was just depressing and infuriating#like there was legitimately no reason he had to die- you can justify it for the other three to an extent#but aoki's was just like. they had to fill out a quota in the most Are You Fucking Kidding Me way#its like when youre playing fire emblem on classic mode and youre at the very end of the map and suddenly one of your units gets killed#and youre just like Are You Fucking Kidding Me x2 Where Did That Come From cause you didnt check EVERYTHING before making your move#aokis death pisses me off the most like at least i can laugh at the other three or like be Whatever about it#god just let him rot in jail im begging you i hate it here#ok bye im gonna do those six fanarts challenge#might be more than six idk i dont know how to say no LMAO
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soymikki · 2 years
Splatoon 3 is very fun but what makes it for me is that Normally I avoid any and all form of multi-player functions in games bc I have a fear of being bad at video game in front of people
However, I don't have to worry about being bad in Splatoon bc 1)this game has no chat function so I don't have to worry about being called a slur for being new/bad at the game and 2) even if it Did have a chat function, the game is so cute and colorful that any gamer pilled dudebro who Would call me a slur is physically repelled by this game. It's so colorful it has the same effect to them as those toxic tree frogs. Like "oh youre gonna call me a slur? In the cute squid nintendo game for kids? Thats what youre gonna do? Here? Okay loser" It's great.
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the-kipsabian · 1 year
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suncakeartcive · 2 years
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Olaf gets appreciation here too!! 
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vagueconfusion · 2 months
My schedule for next week is messed up again in terms of hours and I'm also scheduled for six fucking days
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