#but there is just something special between Edwin and the Cat King that I ADORE
8verity8 · 4 months
My uncanny knack for rare-pairs has led me to consume every Edwin/Cat King fiction I can get my hands on in less than a week and I must say, I have absolutely fallen in love with some of the head canons I've come across!
Head-canon 1: The Cat King is one of Desire's children. I would love to explore this idea more... like one of the reasons he can see through Edwin when they first meet is because he can smell desire/see WHAT people desire. And I bet he 100% would/has used other people's desires to manipulate them, but at the end of the day, it's about their desire and their choice to LET him. Because without consent, it's no longer a manipulation of their desire. If they don't give in to it willingly, then it's no longer interesting...
Head-canon #2: If/when Edwin submits to the Cat King and let's him "mark him as his," he ends up gaining additional abilities through his bond with the Cat King...
Head-canon 3: (This one is pretty uncommon), but I like the idea of the Cat-King being more of a rare entity. And that being a Cat King is what he IS, not just a title which he obtained. That he came into this world a Cat King rather than evolving into one or into the position--this ties back to the whole idea of loving the idea of him being one of Desire's children.
Head-canon 4: I like the idea that the Cat King may be a lot more powerful than he lets on and is a lot older than anyone suspects (or will ever know). I head-canon him as actually immortal (along with any other existing Cat Monarchs who would essentially be his siblings). Even if he plays up the I only have 9 lives bit. After all, he is a shape-shifter too... how is anyone going to notice if he doesn't let them?
Head-Canon 5: I haven't really seen this one, but I really don't see the Cat King as being possessive of Edwin. I think he would be more than happy to share him as long as his needs were being met... and the individual in question was treating Edwin right.
And that brings me to Head-canon #6: I think the Cat King dislikes Charles because he knows (even before Edwin does) that Edwin loves him, and he also knows that Charles does not love him like that back (at least not yet) and is all twitter pated over Crystal... which HURTS Edwin, even if he doesn't understand why yet. I think it's quite possible even that if the Cat King had met Charles and Edwin prior to the addition of Crystal to their friend group , he may have had less of an issue with him.
And the Cat King doesn't like Monty because he knows he is manipulating and tricking Edwin.. once again. Hurting him.
I head-canon that the Cat King can feel/sense strong emotions connected to desire, and Edwin keeps choosing these people who hurt him (with desire(s) as the root cause) while not giving into his desire for the Cat King, which that Cat King KNOWS he has!
I see the Cat King as a protective BAMF who is fascinated by Edwin and wants protect him and make him happy... and is frustrated all to hell because Edwin won't LET him and keeps choosing pain and sorrow instead.
Note that the Cat King had no problems at all with Niko. Just saying.
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