#but they also didn't make a law here specifically targeting this method
zinger-begonia · 2 years
How to collect & use kitchen grey water to conserve water and water your garden all at once!
1. Soap* up/scrub your dishes:
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2. Put a big pot in your sink:
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3. Start rinsing your dishes:
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4. Mmmm, dirty dish water**:
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5. Let cool a bit if you used very hot water, then water plants of your choice***:
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Do look up the grey water regulations in your area, at least so you know them. Read up a bit more on greywater systems. This may or may not be legal in your area, but understanding why it is or isn't can help you decide how to safely incorporate water reuse into your life.
One of the common big ones is that your not allowed to just let the water sit there, or pool on the ground. A common tactic is to divert the water below the surface of the soil, which can be accomplished easily. Some people don't want you to use kitchen grey water because of concerns around bacterial contamination from raw meat, etc, so consider how you're going to deal with that.
* don't use chlorine or borax (I don't know anyone who does for dishes, but you can't be sure on the internet). If you're quite concerned about your soap, get one that's labeled environmentally friendly or whatever.
** I'm a vegan so I don't have to worry about this, but if you're not, make sure you don't use waste water from dishes that had contact with raw meat or eggs. Because of potential bacterial contamination.
*** soap is basic, so don't water acid-loving plants with this. Never allow the water to pool for any length of time. Here you can see that I'm watering a cucurbit, which are thirsty plants that appreciate extra nutrients.
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terrence-silver · 1 year
Any Terry headcanons you have please! 🙏
Terry Silver is ambidextrous, not because he was born that way but he simply trained himself to be that way; something or other about him merely having a greater command over both of his hands regardless if he plays the piano, fights or is busy signing documents and contracts, teaching himself to utilize his arms as if though they're both equally dominant. And of course, not to forget that he loathes to have limitations of any variety and loathes even more to be controlled by them, even if they're of an entirely arbitrary nature nobody could possibly have a choice in. Well, Terry has a choice in it, because he made that choice for himself --- he gave himself that choice; namely, to overcome and teach himself to be better. Always striving to be greater than he initially started out as.
Dynatox started out as an elaborate, indirect revenge for the things Terry Silver experienced in Vietnam, specifically targeting places he considered, pardon my language ''Third World Hellholes'', because if he couldn't enact what he felt was justice and emotional closure in the literal sense, he would do so in a roundabout way, ensuring he pollutes said Global South, developing countries as much as legality allows (and even pushing the red line of international law on the regular) utilizing every method, venom and tactic he observed in the army and making a hefty buck out of it too. Agent Orange galore. Sure, in the end, it is all business, and Terry considers himself a shrewd, calculating businessman, but it is undeniable there's a shred of the extremely personal involved. It is revenge. A form of warfare. War part two, where Terry gets to win.
Terry Silver has never attended a single military reunion, club, gathering, or anything of the kind. Not in over fifty years. Never. He simply had this odd feeling that such things are for those who survived and that he didn't. He died, metaphorically, on the battlefield, a long time ago, or was at least meant to, and he lives now in this odd limbo, through someone else's usurped visage, neither here nor there, too dissimilar from most of his peers to ordinarily mingle and too similar not to re-traumatize himself, and his awkwardness and guilt was always too big to visit such commemorations in person. Not that he'd ever admit to that! No, no! He's too busy! He has to be in New York, on business, by Monday! Sure, he might be the shadowy hand donating to some Vietnam War Vet. charity or fundraiser because he does care, but he is never present in the flesh. Could also stem from the innate fear that someone will recognize him and refer to him as Twig again.
He has no living blood relations. Not since the late 70's and early 80's and all until present day. Truth is, Terry has spent most of his life as quite literally the last living Silver; the sole remaining member of a formerly great dynasty that has reached its ultimate and utter decline in his youth somewhere after the time the only confirmed person he was connected to, in the form of his father, undoubtedly died. Sure, the perks of that are that he was also the sole inheritor of all the movables unto which he's added the fortunes of his own successes and business endeavors after he returned from Vietnam, but the downside was that the price of that ultimately came with it being fairly lonely on top of the world. Again, another thing he would never readily admit to because it would mean he'd admit to having a vulnerability and being controlled by a sensation so mundane, but Terry is, regardless, the only Silver.
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