#but they canonically stab each other in the spine and bodily enter the collective unconscious to reproduce
ajskal tumblr has a (weirdly functional) blacklist for a reason. if someone doesn't tag something you (general) think they should... use the secondary blacklist.
you can put in words that show up in the body of tags. like plantcest. or if you don't want to see them at all? put their url and it'll catch it!
Yep, I've used xkit's blacklist myself for years (not sure if you're saying this for me or for the last anon). There was one word in the fic description that should've been caught by any blacklist of the word "plantcest," but clearly that anon would rather send hate than take responsibility for their own fannish experience.
So I said what I said. If somebody can't handle using a blacklist, then they should block me, because my blog is not a safe place for them. Folks who don't know better than to put their hands on a visibly hot stove need to stay out of the kitchen.
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