#but they do and linh calms down and the rain. her rain fades and marella's sun comes out
bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
half-baked concept hear me out: Linh having some sort of breakdown or upset and she starts to lose control, heavy rain turning everything grey and soaked. she isolates herself outside for dramatic reasons and so she doesn't hurt anyone. Marella comes after her out of concern that's not entirely platonic. I don't know what happens in the in between but when they kiss the rain fades away and the sun comes out because Marella is the sun in Linh's life. it's symbolism. it's gentle. it's damp and cold but Marella's hands are warm because fire and also the sun. everything is still wet so rainbows in the sky because the sun is out now because Marella is there. they're in gay love
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song-tam · 4 years
Tam, Keefe, Fitz, and Dex Being in a Band
A/N: This is just me being an absolute simp and coming up with the idea of the keeper boys being in a band... an idea that I absolutely cannot get out of my head haha... anyway it’s finally finished so um, enjoy! (Also this is like a human high school AU, who knows maybe I’ll make a fic out of this idea in the future)
Word Count: 781
So Keefe was the one who first came up with the idea
He barged into Tam’s room one day
Fitz and Dex were there too because it was a study session
Keefe just blurted it out
“We should start a band.”
They all kinda stared at him like he was talking nonsense
In a way he was
All of them sang/played instruments
But that was just for themselves
Not to perform for anyone
Keefe still pushed for it though
“Come on guys, it’ll be fun.”
Tam just rolled his eyes
“You and I have very different ideas of fun.”
Fitz was pretty reluctant about it too
But Dex was kind of interested
He wanted to do something new for a change
“I’m in.”
That was all the confirmation Keefe needed to go ahead with the idea
He and Dex started nagging the other two to join
Fitz caved after a couple of days
“I mean, I guess it could be fun.”
The only one left to convince was Tam
He was being stubborn af about it
Which irritated Keefe to no end
But he was never discouraged
And sure enough, after a couple weeks his efforts payed off
The four of them were in Dex’s garage at their first rehearsal
Tam was on drums
Dex on lead guitar
Keefe had wanted to be the lead singer at first
But he eventually decided he’d be better off on bass and backup vocals
And Fitz was the lead vocalist and played rhythm guitar
The first few rehearsals were a bit of a wreck
Fitz and Keefe were both kind of control freaks
Arguing a bit over songs
Dex was always trying to calm both of them down
And Tam would be by his drums with his head in his hands
Eventually, though, the guys got everything sorted out
They started being incredibly productive during rehearsals
Practicing covers for some of their favorite bands at first
But they started doing their own songs later on
Tam was an amazing songwriter
Like, when his words made his way to paper, they were nothing short of poetic genius
And paired with Fitz’s voice singing the lyrics and all of them jamming out to the songs
The four of them had the ability to move people
Biana and Linh was their first ever audience
Fitz and Tam decided their sisters would be as good an audience as any
And they played for the girls
All of them were nervous they didn’t sound as good as they’d thought
And people would hate their music
Tam especially, that was the song he’d written they’d played
But Biana and Linh oved it
Linh dragged along her girlfriends Sophie and Marella to the next rehearsal
Sophie was kind of crying by the end
And Marella was just highkey vibing to the music
Marella was also the one who pointed out a fact the boys had overlooked
They didn’t have a band name
Keefe panicked at that
“Guys how the hell are we supposed to book a gig without a name?”
“Calm down Keefe, we’ll figure it out.”
Dex was the one who came up with the final name
Crystal Gambit (yes I know it’s a terrible band name but just roll with it)
None of them really knew what it meant but it sounded okay (well not really I’m not good with names) so they went with it
They landed their first gig shortly afterwards
They were playing at their high school for some weird festival thing going on
The four of them really didn’t pay too much attention to the details
But it seemed like a big deal with most of the other students
So they figured it’d be a good event as any to debut
They weren’t trying to become a professional band or anything
All of them had agreed they weren’t really too interested in that
Dex kind of got jittery before they performed
“Ohhh, I feel like I’m about to throw up.”
Tam calmed hin down though while Keefe panicked like crazy
“Deep breaths, dude, you got this, we can do this.”
He was really good at keeping his cool
Dex and Keefe soon cooled down
They went on stage and performed without a hitch
Seriously the audience loved them
Tam approached Keefe after their performance, when everyone was congratulating them
“You know… this actually was a pretty good idea.”
Keefe got so smug about the fact that Tam agreed with him
But he was also really pleased because inside Tam’s opinion mattered ro him
He didn’t tell him that though
Keefe was just cocky 
“You should have learned by now that I’m a bit of a genius, Bangs Boy.”
Taglist: @stardustanddaffodils @dreaminq-out-loud @sunset-telepath @summer-waves9764 @thoserainyrainboots @jenniecrushed @jaxtheshade @beautifuldaysahead @bloodred-roses @bianavacker-is-bi-as-hell @real-smooth @scribblesnsketches05 @the-sky-isnt-blueee @spreadyourwingsandfly @cadence-talle @linhamon2 @luminousrunes @xonar-verse @an-absolute-travesty @hershis-kotlc @turquoise-skyyyy @blxckh0les42 @completekeefitztrash @honorablescythe-faraday @honeymoon-fading-with-you @gay-paladin-of-etheria @falling-drops-of-rain 
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Thunder and Inferno- (Marella x Linh) Marellinh oneshot.
You asked for it. You got it.
Marella felt the water fall on her face, gently sliding down her skin. She sat on the grass, with the drizzle slowly soaking her clothes, but she didn't mind. She liked it, actually. The smell of the earth filled her nostrils and she laid on the green grass, looking up at the beguiling blue sky with soft clouds interrupting it. She could stay there, only her with the warm sky and rain. Calm settled over her. The worries and the flaws fading away, the good highlighted. The drops were falling quicker and bigger. Clouds covered the blue sky, turning the blue into a light shade of gray. But it was okay. She could still stay there, trying to grasp at the same feeling that encompassed her before. Then it turned turbulent, the sky turned a stormy gray. The drops fell on Marella's skin, hard. Lightning clapped the sky, a ray of thunder through the clouds. Fear creeped in. She was frozen, having no choice but to stay there, scrambling for a bit of warmth in the cold icy drops showering her. A bit of warm blues in the dark intimidating sky. A glimmer of the comfortable inviting sensation she felt earlier in the storm of emotions inside her chest. She didn't want to stay there, but she couldn't move either. All alone- Some warmth filtered through, the rain subsiding. It took Marella a moment to realise that the rainstorm was still going on. "I know you like a bit of rain, but this is just going to make you cold." Linh said, coming into view. Her lip was tilted in concern, but she didn't ask Marella what was wrong. She couldn't put that into words. Linh sat on the grass and placed her head on her knees. She glanced at Marella. A ray of lightning in the distance illuminated the silver in her eyes. She wasn't wet, but that wasn't a surprise. Thunder cracked. "It's pretty, isn't it?" Linh asked. Marella glanced up at the dark sky. It was beautiful in an unnerving way. Terrifying, but eye-catching. "Yes. " She whispered. Linh met Marella's eyes. She folded her legs together and tilted her head. "You'll get drenched." Linh shrugged. "You're worth it. And, well." She flourished her fingers, and Marella felt some of the cold fade away. Marella stared at her. They were so different, she couldn't believe how they got to where they were. Soft flames and drizzle, thunder and inferno. Marella placed her head in Linh's lap. Linh's fingers disappeared in her messy hair. "You don't have to do this alone, despite what you think. You can rely on me. Whenever you need someone. I"ll be here. For you." Linh smiled at her. Marella closed her eyes. The rain was soaking her again. It was strange, really, finding an element tranquilizing because of its association with a certain person, but that was why Marella found the rain calming. It reminded her of Linh, of how she made her feel. The gentle drip was more serene. "Okay."
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