#but this is how I imagine book Luke would meet Kida
agent-jaselin · 2 years
He’d barely been home an hour when he got a call from the Curascantii authorities. Luke idly wondered what could be so dire to the police that they’d not only need a Jedi, but the Grand Jedi Master. 
“I’m sorry to interrupt your day Grand Master Skywalker, but there is an urgent matter that needs you and your wife’s attention.”
Both of them? That was strange. The officer looked nervous as well. He didn’t even need the Force to see their distress.
“could you explain?”
“A teenager crashed into a minor government building in a modified X-wing two days ago, covered in someone else’s blood and injured.” They explained. “While normally this would remain as internal affairs, several bizzare elements require a jedi’s expertise. We felt it was best to call you first.” 
“And why is that? What details would lead you to call me and not Jacen, or another Jedi?” 
He crossed his arms. He hadn’t called Mara in yet, he wanted to know the full situation before he bothered her. Though the force pulled at him as he listened. He knew this wasn’t a waste of his time at least. 
“Well firstly, the X-wings model, year and serial number match yours. And yet you’ve not announced a theft, and it can be easily seen parked outside your domicile in cam footage.” They began. “And the blood the girl is covered in is a perfect match to Han solo, and yet when checking his status he seems perfectly unharmed. He seemed to think our call to check on him was a prank.”
Luke nodded for them to continue. Could it be an issue with clones? And yet that wouldn’t explain the x-wing. Or why they met a girl covered in a dead clones blood instead of the clone. Meanwhile, the officer continued. 
“Besides that, there was an unknown caustic substance on her clothing. We’ve collected it but can find nothing similar,” They said. “And the girl has no records whatsoever, and no sign that any were wiped by splicers. Not even a birth certificate. When we finally chose to run a paternity test, it was a match for yourself and Mara Jade. When questioned about this, the girl refused to give so much as a name. She also refused pain killers or any medical attention for what seem to be extensive wounds.”
“And this paternity test is why you need both myself and my wife.” 
“Yes sir. Especially because she is a minor, we hope your presence will at least convince her to submit to medical treatment, if not to give us more information.” They explained, “she has been in custody for two days sir, and while there doesn’t seem to be an immediate threat, the mystery of her existence is beyond our capability to investigate.” 
“Understood, I’ll be there shortly.”
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