#lotf period
agent-jaselin · 2 years
He’d barely been home an hour when he got a call from the Curascantii authorities. Luke idly wondered what could be so dire to the police that they’d not only need a Jedi, but the Grand Jedi Master. 
“I’m sorry to interrupt your day Grand Master Skywalker, but there is an urgent matter that needs you and your wife’s attention.”
Both of them? That was strange. The officer looked nervous as well. He didn’t even need the Force to see their distress.
“could you explain?”
“A teenager crashed into a minor government building in a modified X-wing two days ago, covered in someone else’s blood and injured.” They explained. “While normally this would remain as internal affairs, several bizzare elements require a jedi’s expertise. We felt it was best to call you first.” 
“And why is that? What details would lead you to call me and not Jacen, or another Jedi?” 
He crossed his arms. He hadn’t called Mara in yet, he wanted to know the full situation before he bothered her. Though the force pulled at him as he listened. He knew this wasn’t a waste of his time at least. 
“Well firstly, the X-wings model, year and serial number match yours. And yet you’ve not announced a theft, and it can be easily seen parked outside your domicile in cam footage.” They began. “And the blood the girl is covered in is a perfect match to Han solo, and yet when checking his status he seems perfectly unharmed. He seemed to think our call to check on him was a prank.”
Luke nodded for them to continue. Could it be an issue with clones? And yet that wouldn’t explain the x-wing. Or why they met a girl covered in a dead clones blood instead of the clone. Meanwhile, the officer continued. 
“Besides that, there was an unknown caustic substance on her clothing. We’ve collected it but can find nothing similar,” They said. “And the girl has no records whatsoever, and no sign that any were wiped by splicers. Not even a birth certificate. When we finally chose to run a paternity test, it was a match for yourself and Mara Jade. When questioned about this, the girl refused to give so much as a name. She also refused pain killers or any medical attention for what seem to be extensive wounds.”
“And this paternity test is why you need both myself and my wife.” 
“Yes sir. Especially because she is a minor, we hope your presence will at least convince her to submit to medical treatment, if not to give us more information.” They explained, “she has been in custody for two days sir, and while there doesn’t seem to be an immediate threat, the mystery of her existence is beyond our capability to investigate.” 
“Understood, I’ll be there shortly.”
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toxicaltomb · 13 days
lord of the flies but they’re all girls and jack only did that cuz he got his period
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vessel214 · 1 month
hi lotf fandom👋
im considering making a post island au (+ a blog for it) and im curious about if anyone would be interested
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fly-away-flynn · 1 year
I have returned from another Mental Health Break. Hello. How may I assist you.
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franz-katka · 2 years
this is just an observation I’ve noticed for a while, but... what is up with the Lord of the Flies community continually erasing or vilifying Piggy...
he’s one of the major characters in the plot and isn’t even THAT bad morally, yet he seems to get little fanfare compared to everyone else, even relatively minor characters. it’s... odd, to say the least.
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lilacs-echoing · 4 months
"if the boys in lotf were girls they wouldn't kill eachother-" no. imagine getting your first period stranded on an island. id establish castle rock at chapter 4.
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thatcreepydoll · 10 months
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roger-d0dger · 6 months
Inspired by “Mulberry if LOTF was placed in the 2000’s” - @piggyintheflesh 2k24
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(And bonus period appropriate edition)
Og image:
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saturns-ringg · 11 months
for genderbent lotf, no it's definitely not gonna be better. in my head jack (do we use the boy names?? idk I'm doing that) is going to still be feral asf, a feral girl who has just pent up her feralness. and it's all gonna play out the same?? like just because they're girls doesn't mean they're going to be all civilized. they're gonna be gay, feral, scared, uncivilized, and on their period you can't change my mind >:(
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dangermousie · 1 year
On "upscaling" of covers ie why are we so boring now?
So, my recent desire to reread some Robin Hood retellings I used to love led me to Jennifer Roberson's Lady of the Forest. Roberson wrote a LOT of fantasy (Tiger and Del series is amazing) but she also wrote period novels now and then, and LotF is a historical take on the Robin Hood legend with focus on Marian.
I adored that novel back when I first read it many years ago and every time I've reread it since. My paperback copy is somewhere it's a pain to get to and is probably falling apart, so I went on amazon to get a kindle edition. It's there, I own it, yay but it also made me discover the new cover for it.
This is the original cover. This is the edition I first read as a young Mousie back in the 1990s:
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And this is the current cover:
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Notice the difference?
The first cover would definitely make me pause and check the book out a bit in a book store. It has a gorgeous old tale vibe that actually does convey a lot - it's heavy on romance (which it is), it has our protagonists (no wonder it's one of my favorite versions - I am a total sucker for blond with PTSD MLs.) The new cover is so depersonalized and generic I'd never pause twice.
This cover, like so many others, has gone respectable. No pretty people (no people at all), no romance no nothing. Some medieval weapon or two, a bland pattern and color. WHY?
The first cover you may like or not but it conveys a story! It catches attention. The second I wouldn't even pause in front of.
I know that romance novels have (sadly) moved from those gonzo covers with shirtless dudes clutching busty ladies but this is not even that. This is just boring.
Two corollaries.
One: I miss 1990s fascination with blond dudes holding their OTPs. Here is Melanie Rawn's Dragon Prince (a delightful old school fantasy read I totally recommend.)
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Two: I can't say I get the romance novel cover switch either. This is the old cover for Justine Davis' Lord of the Storm:
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This is the new cover:
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It's not any less eye popping but it's kinda odd to leave off the heroine (though as someone who's read this novel more than once (it hits some VERY specific kinks; if you read it you know which ones. This is my judgment free zone :P) I am still not sure where she was clutching the dude's leg while wearing a nightie and 1980s hair.)
There are some amazing relatively recent covers that fight the bland and photoshop:
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I mean look at this beauty! I checked out this trilogy because of that cover! It's just as gloriously pulpy as the cover promises (side note if you like fucked up x fucked up battle couple, dude finding meaning of life and learning to trust because of one deadly woman, and hot blond guys with supernatural powers and hot dark haired ladies with a huge kill count, boy do I have a series for you.)
Anyway, I don't even know where this is going any more except you should read all the novels I mentioned.
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bobemajses · 2 years
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King Ahashverush and the maidens, from a Persian Jewish manuscript, 17th century.
The Jewish community was a very ancient Persian community and its prolonged contact with the Persian culture produced profound acculturation, especially in literature and applied arts. The period of the production of these Judeo-Persian manuscripts coincides with a very difficult time of anti-Jewish persecutions: a number of anti-Jewish incidents took place during the reign of Shah Abbas II. Along with Jews, Sufis as well as other religious minorities, such as Armenian Christians and Zoroastrians were also targets of religious intolerance. Most of the major Jewish communities appear to have converted in 1656, and their members became anusim (“forced converts”) for about seven years, outwardly complying with Shiite Islam while practicing Judaism in secret. A practice ironically similar to that of taqiya (dissimulation), followed by the Shiites for many centuries. The events are retraced in the Ketāb-e anusi, “The book of Converts” by Bābāʿi ben Lotf, a Jewish witness in Kashan.
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conch-blower-3000 · 9 months
LOTF as things said at my school 2:
Simon: Yeah, then Ralph said... what did you say again Ralph? Tell Jack.
Ralph: I'm not talking to Jack.
Simon: Just say it out loud then.
Ralph: *crosses his arms*
Jack: Oh my God, stop being a big baby Ralph.
Maurice: What happened?
Jack: Ralph was crying last period.
Sam: Why were you crying?
Eric: What did he do?
Piggy: He shoved a cookie into Ralph's face as he was eating it and the cookie cut the inside of Ralph's mouth.
Roger: ...What kind of stale ass cookies were you eating?
*Literally 5 minutes later Jack and Ralph are trolling random men on snapchat together*
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toxicaltomb · 3 months
making a lotf the outsiders au and idk who would be jack…….
heres my reasons for why they would each be fitting for merridew:
equally as passionate and fiery as jack
bad temper
also started out liking pony (he’s ralph in this au) before ending on somewhat bad terms w him
idk i wanted to give her a prominent role
also imagine being a woman stranded on an island and getting ur period…..yeah id get murderous too
equally as violent and aggressive
bad temper
not power-hungry but could easily get a bit murderous if pony was THAT annoying
somewhat charismatic (to be determined…….) so could probably influence the rest of the guys like jack did
idk he’s evillllll
equally as violent and aggressive
bad temper
not exactly power-hungry (?) but is used to having all the breaks so would probably go crazy
also the villain…..idk
would definitely try to kill pony
also if bob isn’t chosen then he’ll be roger okay bye
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simorys · 1 year
Because so many people (no one) asked, I wanted to share some of my hcs about the lotf boys :3 (yeah some of it might be "cringe" but idc cry about it)
✧Rulf - 12; 🇫🇷🇬🇧; Lower middle class; He/him, MLM, Autistic and ADHD, (post island - Hallucinations and sleep issues)
✧Jackass - 13; 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿🇬🇧🇮🇪; Rich; He/him; Bi, ADHD, OCD, Bipolar (post island - hallucinations, worse/more nightmares)
✧Piggy (Peterkin) - 12; 🇭🇺🇳🇬; Low class; He/it; Unlabled; Autism, Anxiety
✧Simon - 12; Roma (there needs to be a roma flag ffs)🇹🇭🇱🇦; Upper Middle; He/they; MLM; Autistic, Anxiety, Anemic, Epileptic (TLE),
✧Sam - 12; 🇩🇪🇪🇸; Low Class; He/they; AroAce, Demi-boy?; ADHD (post island - Sleep issues, anxiety)
✧Eric - 12; 🇩🇪🇪🇸; Low Class; He/Him; Pan, ADHD (post island - Sleep issues, anxiety)
✧Roger - 12; 🇰🇷🇮🇩(Indonesia); Upper Middle Class; It/he/they; MLM, Agender; Autism, OCD, ASPD, insomnia (post island - Hallucinations)
✧Maurice - 13; 🇦🇷🇨🇴; Upper Middle Class; He/they/she; Pan, Genderfluid, ADHD, Anxiety (post island - Hallucinations)
✧Robert - 12; 🇳🇴🇳🇱; Upper Class; He/Him; Bi; Insomnia (post island - Depression and Anxiety)
✧Mulberry (William) - 5; 🇷🇺🇱🇰; Lower Middle; He/Him; He's scared of the dark 👎
(Btw for the pronouns, they are how they view/talk about themselves in their head, ik in this time period they wouldn't be open about that stuff)
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lord-of-simons-ghost · 11 months
This is going to be a list of my on-island/book time period headcanons (HINT NOT CANON). The majority are my own, and some are my "adopted" headcanons. Each section will be headed! Pre/post island headcanons will be done later since this is super long already
I'm sorry for any grammatical errors or inconsistencies
TWS: Mentions of character death, religious stuff, Implied child death
This is LOTF content, so expect it to be a little dark! Take care of yourself <3
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Island/Time Period
- Took place in the late 40s/early 50s. Not during/post WW2 but instead during a new fictitious war caused by nuclear threats in Europe. This is why the boys were sent away from their boarding school in the UK (I'll elaborate on this in a bit).
-The island itself was decent sized with 3 beaches: The meetings/crash took place on the largest beach of the island, which faced West.
-The center of the island was dense woods and heavy foliage. Pig runs ran throughout the entire center and led out to the eastern side of the island.
-Castle Rock and Fire Mountain were to the north, meaning shelters/bathing pools were on the southwest side of the island. Shelters were originally going to be built closer to the mountain.
-After the first fire, the northern side of the island lost the majority of the trees around the mountain. This is one of the reasons the shelters were shifted to the West.
-The island had amazing sunsets, so Ralph would try to have their non-emergency meetings around this time to have as many of the kids witness them as possible. Usually worked.
-Castle Rock was lower down in elevation than Fire Mountain, but it had a very good view of the whole island. It had a ledge above a part of the Eastern beach (where the pigs often lay. This is where Piggy dies. The feast took place in the westeast).
-The boys were on the island for 5 1/2 months.
The Biguns
Choir boys will be highlighted blue
Ages (oldest to youngest): Jack (13), Maurice (13), Roger (13), Ralph (13), Simon (12), Robert (12), Piggy (12), Eric (11), Sam (11), Bill (11)
[sorry if I forgot anyone, these are just the ones I have ages for. Choir has roughly 6 more members in my hcs. ]
-Took the choir a week or so to remember everyone else's names (-Piggy).
-Didn't really mind if someone stayed behind during hunts earlier on, but as time progressed, Jack and Roger would get more and more annoyed. Ralph, Simon and Piggy never joined but helped prepare the pig once or twice before roasting it.
- The majority of them, even Jack and Ralph, would have nightmares later on (think around the time Samneric found the parachutist) and it would put everyone on even more of an edge.
-Arguments would break out within the Choir boys frequently (mainly Roger and Maurice), and Simon or Ralph would have to mediate them. It became the norm until Jack overtook as chief.
-Roger was really the only biggun that wanted to join Jack in the end, even though Ralph kinda sucked. None of them really liked Jack OR Ralph (- Simon, Piggy and Samneric).
-Roger got the most into the final hunt, commanding everyone and instructing them how to hunt Ralph alongside Jack. They scared the littluns that were a part of the tribe and the younger biguns. Everyone enjoyed it in the moment, don't get me wrong, but like. Once that Naval officer showed up, they were INSTANTLY feeling guilty and horrible. (-Jack and Roger. They took time)
Individual Biguns
- Kept his choir uniform throughout the duration on the island. Reminded him of when life was less complicated.
- Would still rehearse with the choir for the first month or so before everyone got too involved in the island to care. Jack would still sing whilst doing busy work, fire duty, or meetings to bring comfort to himself.
-Never hated Ralph. He felt very conflicted when interacting with him and was jealous of his authoritative role. He ultimately didn't want Ralph to abandon/hate him, and when this happened, Jack felt extremely betrayed. Even when hunting him at the end, Jack never felt hatred but rather power hungry.
- He and Ralph were friends for 3 or so months and would hang out often. They confided in each other and were actually really close.
- Suffered with anxiety episodes on the island.
- His hair grew so long to the point Simon showed him how to tie it into a bun with plants. He kept it like that for the rest of his time on the island.
- Watched the sunset with Simon, and they would hang out and rely on each other during the night. Jack didn't want to be seen with him during the day, but he would always pick him for hikes and stuff if he needed to bring someone else along.
- Speaking of Simon, Jack didn't realise it was him during the dance until it was too late to do anything. He grieved with the other choir boys and remained to feel guilty for a while. Jack (and sometimes the others) would go out to the beach where he died and make flower crowns, plant boats, stuff like that, and would send them into the ocean as a way to remember and say thank you to Simon.
- He and Roger are besties, and it's very cheesy
- Bathed a little more regularly than the others but not as often than he should have
- Rarely got sleep on the island and when he did it wasn't good sleep. Ran on adrenaline most days
- Loved being able to put on the clay mask because it covered his "ugliness"
- Lost a significant amount of his hearing during the plane crash/war and had a hard time navigating that on the island. Never really mentioned it to anyone until months after being rescued (this is partly @mccall-me-maurice 's headcanon and I love it so much)
- Gremlin, always caused problems and blamed it on Roger (I hc them as cousins)
- Smiled so frequently to the point it freaked Ralph out. The choir boys are used to it.
- Smiled as a way to mask since he hated talking about his feelings and felt if he smiled no one would ask if he was okay (mecore)
- Not very helpful but did what he was told....sometimes
- Didn't get along with the littluns (stupid sandcastles) and would tease them/stick his tongue out at them.
- Hyped up Jack's ideas but also listened to Ralph when he was chief
- Extroverted
- Didn't really put on a mask when hunting since it inched his face but he would paint his body to blend in better.
- Stinky boi
- Friends with the biguns and felt a little disappointed Ralph didn't want to join Jack's tribe
- Quiet (unless he's being snarky) when in large groups but would become extroverted around Jack/Maurice
- Got bored so often he just caused chaos
- Had a hard time communicating his genuine thoughts into words so Jack would help him talk to the other boys.
- Sarcastic and kind of a smart-ass, especially to Ralph and Piggy
- Always mixed up the twins and started just pointing and calling one of them "you"
- Middle-child syndrome.
-Felt he did everyone a favor when he dropped the Boulder on Piggy.
- Friends with Simon, but they really only interacted pre-island (Kinda like with Jack, didn't want to be seen with him becuase he thought it would make him "batty")
-Perfered to do things in solitude or duos
- Had a very dark way of thinking about things and people. He still longed for authority and normalcy but thought of people as evil, and only a select few were "good." It's very contradicting, and Roger has a hard time navigating his thoughts.
- Always had intricate paintings whenever the group would redo their masks.
- Saw the beach and was all like "So much room to do cartwheels"
- Would watch the sunrises with Simon
- Got really bad migraines often and would have to be out of commission for a few days. Jack would take over and make a small army
- Always thinking about how life was before, what his family/friends were up to, etc...
- Didn't actually want to be chief and hated it for a while but grew to enjoy the authority that came with it
- Stole all of Piggy's ideas and would act like they were his own
- Would help the littluns but never enjoyed it
- Slept like an egg 🥚 (curled up in a ball almost)
- Would go on walks frequently to try and clear his head. Overthought everything, often stressing himself out over it and needing to then take another mental break
- Loved loved loved watching fire burn, even in the end
- Friendly towards everyone (on occasions) but only considered Piggy and Simon to be his friends (+ Jack for a few months)
- Felt really hurt that Jack turned on him. Ralph hated him for a bit but got over it eventually (like waaaaay post island)
- Loved catching critters/bugs and showing them to Ralph. He would tell him their species, what they ate, etc
- Nocturnal. Literally was up almost all night just roaming the forest, doing fire duty, helping littluns, stuff like that
- Helped paint intricate designs on the choir boys the first time they proposed the idea to him because he wanted to paint something.
- Would make patterns in the sand, let the sea wash them away, and repeat the process
- Very calm and quiet. Didn't hate anyone
- Had a crush on Ralph but tried very hard to hide it. (Worked pretty well!)
- Loved the littluns with every bone in his body because they reminded him of his younger siblings. Did everything in his power to make sure they were comfortable.
- Despite being "friends" with Jack, Simon never agreed with his morals/ideas and found Ralph's more sensible. However, he didn't like either in an authoritarian role and thought they all should have been in charge and involved in making decisions.
- Knew he was going to die that night but wanted to warn the others/see them one last time
- Poetic. He would tell poems to anyone who would listen
- Calmed down fights, anxiety attacks, etc....
- Epileptic and hypoglycemic (constantly growing faint, so he tried to stay out of the sun as much as possible and take breaks when needed)
- Thought that the Lord of the Flies was God punishing him for his sins (he literally had none)
- Prayed often to bring comfort to himself
(I have literally no headcanons for Robert ;-;)
- Actually 🤓☝️ (I'm joking I swear)
- Got his feelings hurt easily but tried to hide it when he was sad
- Always thought of what he was going to bake with his Auntie when he got home
- Constantly came up with actually good ideas but never got to share them since Ralph kinda blew them off
- Had a few asthma attacks on the island (like 2 + the Canon one) and Simon and Bill would help him out
- Got very overwhelmed by the littluns but tried to keep them accounted for and safe
- Did the analytical jobs on the island and was helpful with counting supplies
- Enjoyed watching fish swim in the streams/ocean
- Constantly feared for his safety when Jack/Roger were near
- Didn't want to share his name in fear of being even more humiliated and ultimately forgot who he was other than "Piggy"
- Knew he wasn't coming back from Caslte Rock
- Bad at emotionally heavy situations
- Enjoyed hunting even though he wasn't very good at it
- Always did the rough/physical jobs when possible since he hated feeling weak at home
- Corrected the others when they called him Sam
- Loves his brother but got annoyed with him frequently
- Didn't swim more often than needed because he was scared of sharks
- Wanted to protect Sam so he stayed close at all times
- Had probably the most fun out of everyone on the island because he had Sam with him
- Always eager to try new things/help out
- Seemed to get comfy quicker than everyone else
- Favored Jack and his tribe in the beginning but quickly changed up when Jack started going coo coo
- Had an attitude
- Hated hunted. It grossed him out. He went anyway to stay near Sam
- Perfered to swim on the beach and hang with the littluns rather than helping Ralph with labor
- Loved the ocean
- Got annoyed with how protective Sam was of him since it made him feel small
- Enjoyed Castle Rock and the view that came with it
- Favored Ralph from the beginning and would do *somethings* that he told Sam to do. Was quick to suggest to Eric that they helped Ralph when possible
- Bird watched with Piggy and Simon
- Just overall a sweetheart to everyone
- The only headcanon I have for Bill is that he was essentially the nurse of the island, and everyone would go to him for help. He learned all this stuff from his mom, who was a war nurse and just was super super helpful with keeping everyone from getting too badly hurt (this is also another adopted headcanon!)
- Tried to start their own tribe and overthrow the older kids (didn't work)
- Has opinions about things and felt ignored most of the time
- Like 80% didn't make it off the island....
- Really just chilled in the sun all day
- Had fun throwing spears at Ralph in the end
- Really just did what they saw Jack do
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lovezzxxie · 6 months
Hello! List five things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox of the last ten people who liked or reblogged something from you. (not forcing ofc<3)
Uhh idk but I’ll try 😈
1) My sisters but don’t tell them that 🤫
2) when there’s no school
3) my online buddy 😋
4) my 5th period
5) making stuff related to lotf
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