#but this is just a cartoon and mavado is mavado so
shiresome · 1 year
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nishymoon · 4 years
Kombat Kast - "With their kids"
I've been here on Tumblr for a year and I've only ever written things about Kabal and Fujin...so I thought it's time to take a step forward and try to write about other characters too. I would also like to add that @spacehologramcollection​ is an inspiration to me, I admire and respect this blog so much. I took courage today and thought of writing, I also decided to accept requests, so let’s go! I hope you like it!
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❥ Kabal - He loves them and will love them forever, they are his whole universe! Kabal would do anything together with his kids, he is a very playful father! He loves cycling with them, the fresh air is good for kids and you must always take advantage of the beautiful days! He also likes to be at home, of course, he pretends to have tea with them, he loves to see their smiles when he pretends to ask for more sugar cube or talks to their stuffed animals! Having said that, he reads the fairy tale every night, he likes to hear his kids around him, hugging him hard to fall asleep on him, making him feel good.
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❥ Fujin - There is nothing more precious in the world of his kids, he loved them from the first moment he discovered their existence. He often cuddles his little ones, his heart fills when they reciprocate those caresses. And if they had his powers?? that cool! battle of kites! the first one that makes it fly higher, wins! Unlike Raiden, he loves to have fun and also wants his kids have fun too...but in moderation, he worries and does not want them to be in danger!
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❥ Sindel (TheRealSindel) - She is a very sweet and protective mother, loves kids so much, loves to carry them around and have a picnic with them, teach them to ride a bicycle, does not want to miss a single second of them. She fills them with kisses and cuddles, she loves to take them in her arms and caress their heads and cheeks She always worry about them, is it too hot? remember to drink lots of water! It's cold? cover yourself well! Imagine only when she becomes Grandma.
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❥ Takeda Takahashi - THEY. ARE. ALL. Despite being frightened at first, be a father is the most beautiful experience for him. He is super present for his kids and enjoys spending time with them. He climbs on the swing with them making verses just to see them laugh, fills them with cuddles in the evening before going to sleep. He is also happy when Kenshi calls him to find out how they are and if he can come to their house one of these days, he is a very proud grandfather of his son and grandchildren.
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❥ Kitana - She loves so mich her babys, ever since she felt them kick in her belly. She likes walking, drawing with them, teaching them to read, to write. They are all that she has always dreamed of, every time they look at her and they hold her hand, she knows that everything is ok. She always wants to sleep nestled with them together with Liu Kang, she wants them to feel protected. Their parents will always be there to protect them.
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❥ Kurtis Stryker - He is a very understanding father, he likes when his kids chase him and pretend to be policemen like him, he stretches out and lets himself be pampered. "We got you daddy, now you can't run away anymore!" "Oh I know! You both were good!" The best part is when he wakes up in the morning and enters in their room to kiss them on the head before going to work, they are his lucky charms!
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❥ Liu Kang - Like Kitana, his children are everything he has always dreamed of. He wants to teach them everything he knows, he would like to meditate with them even if they are now too young to understand it. He enjoys the days with them as he talks about how he defeated Kronika and how he asked their mom to marry him. They are always happy to hear their father, he has a lot of adventure stories to tell!
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❥ Cassie Cage - She loves buying a thousand clothes for her babys and filling them with Selfies. She has at least 1000 selfie photos with her kids while they are at the sea, in the mountains, at a picnic, at home watching TV. She smiles when she sees that her children imitate her by pretending to take selfies with a plastic cell phone. They are so cute. 
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❥ Kung Jin - They are his whole world. He want his children to miss nothing. He doesn’t want them to suffer as he did, he will teach him everything but he will also be very playful with them. He will always keep them in his arms, he will always kiss them, he will cuddle them, he wants to give all the love he has to his babys. The best part of the day is when they lie on the couch watching cartoons in the evening. At that moment he has no thoughts.
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❥ Jade - She's a party mom! She loves to party at her home with her children's friends, she prepares many good things to eat, she likes to see her little ones have fun so much! She love costume parties, oh god, she could sew a thousand clothes, her kids want to dress up as witches? werewolves? vampires? Everything they want, she is ready.
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❥ Erron Black - He never imagined that he would become a dad but here he is, despite having been very surprised the first time ... he didn't mind the idea. He knows exactly how he doesn't have to compute himself, he doesn't want to do what his parents did to him. He is a little awkward when his kids ask him to take tea or similar but ... they look at him with so much love that he could cry. He loves them with all of himself.
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❥ Nightwolf - He immerses his children in the nature, he wants to teach them to speak also on a spiritual level, he wants a connection with them on a deep level. When he sees them playing with Hana, Kiba and Komo, his heart screams. They are so beautiful and they look so much like him, he is happy to see that with joy they want to learn more about the great spirit and would like to be like him a day.
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❥ Nitara - She is very proud of the children she is raising. She likes to be outdoors with them and take them to the sea or a river, she holds them by the hand and flies making sure that their feet touch the water, it's like surfing but without the board! Sometimes he picks them up in her arms and flies high, they can see the landscape from up here! Having a mom with wings has its advantages! they too will fly like her when they grow up!
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❥ Kuai Liang - Despite appearance, he is a very sweet father, he loves to see how his children chuckle while he prepares popsicles and ice cream for them. They always ask him to play skipping rope, he really tries, but he always fails and falls on the ground. At least he heard his little ones laughing, there is no better thing for him. He'll have to learn to jump that damn rope and he will. For them this and more.
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❥ Hanzo Hasashi - His kids are a new beginning, a new opportunity to be happy, a happiness that he has always deserved. He loves them, he loves them more than himself, they are everything, they have everything. They have him as a person, they have his heart. He spends a lot of time with them, he wants to see them grow, he wants to love them, he wants to pamper them. He loves to hold them in his arms and feel them close, he feels complete. Finally complete.    
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❥ Mavado - He is a very silent man and isn’t very cuddle man but he loves his kids and he likes to see them sleeping on his chest, he would do everything for them. They are his family. He knows that in the future they will have the same determination and strength. He will teach him how to fight when they are older, for now it is enough for him to see their admiring glances as they watch him read one of his book that he keeps in the bookstore of their home. Let's say he is affectionate in his own way.
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