#but this man has the most intense case of character derangement syndrome i've ever seen
thevioletcaptain · 2 years
Y’know, over the past couple of years I've seen a lot of like, ~Jackles Longcon~ folks saying that they think Jensen had a big DeanCas awakening during the confession scene, but if we're gonna clown then I have an alternate take.
I think his italicized oh moment was actually when they were filming 15.08
Specifically, in that one scene where Dean says "And if you wanna stay here? Then maybe you should stay here." 
Let me explain. So, in the episode Dean is saying it because Cas thinks it's a bad idea for Sam and Dean to go to Hell just to speak with Michael in the cage. In context, the line means essentially like, "Fine! Don't come with us if you think it's such a stupid plan, just stay put in the bunker until we get back." 
It’s basically just Dean being pissy about Cas disagreeing with the plan, because they haven’t actually made up yet after Cas walked out in 15.03, and things between them are tense and unresolved.
But!!! There’s this one clip in the S15 gag reel where Jensen delivers this line differently. 
Initially, it’s obvious that he’s just hamming it up and playing around, but then... well, he starts kinda breaking down with it. Putting the emphasis on different parts of the line so that it takes on a different meaning than it has in the actual episode. 
It basically ends up sounding like Dean is distraught about Cas leaving him all the time, and begging for him to stick around. He’s on the verge of tears. The way he delivers the line, it has the energy of like "If you really want to stay, then why won't you just stay? Why do you keep leaving me?"
Like. Look at this:
Anyway, it’s November 5th Eve and I'm going through it, how's everyone else doing
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