#but this scene was the one who won me over completly
no head thoughts empty just S5 being an ctual coming of age. so will and the other kids are prob liek 17 on last year of high school. they´re all friends and there is no supernatural monster to hunt them down. el dumped mike´s ass and now they´re real friends. she spends her days doing things she likes. we get more scenes of her and the rest of the party. with lucas and dustin. also dustin is def the hellfire boss by now. he´s well know by everyone and has he option to be more of a smart ass. but also about el. max and her reunite and are besties again. lucas stays in basketball bc he deserves to try new things without his friends being douches abt it and them understanding his experience and own personal troubles. also the new team is not filled with shitheads. and all the party goes to his games. will makes him signs. and he el and max are always making the most noise and cheers. also. max´s wounds have healed and is now she´s more open with her friends and finds that vulnerability doesn´t mean weakness. also el who´s trying to find new things to entartain herself learns barille with max. also max and mike are kind of besties now. agressive besties. the kind of besties that have a dicthing class schedule just to talk shit on the school parking lot by themselves. also. mike. yeah. he goes for a super identity crisis after el dumps his ass. and though he gets over el. he´s still figuiring things out two years later. bc he´s mike. and max definetly makes fun of him over it. even though she doesnt really specify. after all they are agressive besties. so yeah. mike´s a little confused but with max being kind of his comfort friend atm he can kind of trust her. she´s more open minded and feels like they have a lot on common. even though they won´t say it. also. speaking of mike´s confusions. will. even though they are friends atp. they still don´t completly get their shit together. and since now they understand. the whole party. that they can try new things out without bretraying the party of some sort. so will gets into new clubs and makes new friends cough cough robin. this is again super cool with everyone. if everyone made friends so can will so there´s no betraying here. but mike´s mike. and he´s oblivious. and probably won´t stfu abt it with max. still. I imagine will finally getting to share his gay teenage experience with robin. they talk and hang out. they watch movies and aren´t scared to say when they thinks one of the same sex characters are attractive. also. even though it´ll be kind of hard. I imagine them being able to connect with other queer people of hawkins. hell. even going to parties. also. fun scenario where the first gay club in indiana opens up and robin and him sneak out just to experience that together. just will getting to be with people who can understand his experience. let him have fun. and let mike get him home from a underground gay party and have his own realization when he sees girls and guys making out under bisexual lighting with sweet dreams playing in the backround. give me them having their jancy halloween party-roadtrip moment. let them be teenagers. anyways gn.
this is MY ideal s5
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steelycunt · 1 year
Ridi, I am so sorry that I just saw your new fic! I read it as soon as possible - with many breaks because christ my heartstrings are going to break soon when your not carefull! - and I really regret forgetting my ao3 login, but I'll tell you what I love about this one here, I suppose.
Remus folds the newspaper in half, watches the last of his milk marbling his tea for a moment, before stirring it in (white mug, yellow-and-black Wolverhampton Wanderers F.C. logo—Sirius found it in a charity shop, presented him with it back in Talgarth: look—wolves, Moony, wolves!). There’s not quite enough, so it’s still a deep, dirty brown; the colour of tobacco. His shower this morning ran cold.
This is such a perfect picture for the quiet misery that eminates from r in this fic, like fog eminates from the sea, I want to hug him. And the wolves! And s getting him a mug!
The part of Remus he keeps muzzled often considers himself lucky that his mother will never have to bury him.
God, oh god. I might like rs grief in this more than anything else.
A Welsh women calls him annwyl when he offers her his seat on the one-seven-seven bus to Peckham. It dislodges something important, and when he gets off at his stop, he starts to cry.
This reminds me so much of when someone called me "deern" (just "young lady" in low german, does not sound like the animal in English) after my grandpa died and I started bawling right that second.
R comparing s to paintings is such gay nerd behaviour I am going to get sick if I dwell on it for too long. But also r 🤝 me re: comparing our crushes to paintings.
I loved the friendships between the four of them so much!!!!! And the coin thing for j and s?? Just- won der full!!!!
And r feeling so awfull about his crush/being gay is so heartbreaking (and perfect. Having a crush on your friend is so hard)
R hating apperition is also wonderfull.
And well, now I have to ask how do you pronounce remus without enlonging the E?
R and s being from completly diffrent worlds is shown in so many wonderfull little details I just- the household magic!!!
This is so disjointed - sorry for that!! I love your writing style do much! It's subtile in a very charming way! And you have a way of weaving in detailes without losing focus that's very impressive.
agnes omg hi love hello!! not at all this is such a. sweet message to open my inbox to my god!! i'm so glad you liked it!! i think you definitely picked out the sort of. quiet little misery he carries about with him while muddling along in this one :-) both for s and for his mum! i really enjoyed writing the bits about his mum honestly they were super fun in a sad sort of way and just not something i get to write about an awful lot (<- says guy who has full autonomy over what they write). he is SUCH a little freak about describing s also i. got a ton of art books for christmas and i found id keep trying to describe him and a specific image id seen in one of them would come to mind so i just thought hm okay. guess that's what he'll do. i feel like you mentioned quite a few of my little. favourite bits i had when i was writing like the little details and objects which are honestly my favourite things to put in (in my planning document i'll have a plan for a scene which will literally just say something like: BIKE GREASE or TATTOO) which i could probably talk about for far too long about but just!! thank you so much bab this is so lovely :-))
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andyoumattertome · 7 years
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robert week 2017
↳ Day 6 - Robert + Best Scene (11th November 2015)
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akane171 · 2 years
You definitely don't have to worry bout that😂🙈
Yeah, I don't get why it did that in the first place...It's been doing that with my "asks" to LW too and I still don't get why it would do it either there or here🙈😅
I was exaggerating but there are definitely A LOT more people where I live compared to your 12k😅 But lol, 35 People? That IS kinda just two streets😉🤣🤣😶 The peace and quiet sounds very nice tho🙈
Yup, they do😅
Ahh, right, the priests 🤦🏻‍♀️ Sorry, I half-forgot about those already, what, with the whole message didn't get through thing🙈🙈😅
Cakes are REALLY awesome and same, I want some, too😅🤤
HAHAHAHAHAHA well, that escalated quickly, tho rap-song-writer!you sounds like it could be funny af🤣🤣😉
Yeah, okay, that really sucks if they only reused older "scenes" and didn't care to give characters their own "twist"🙈🙈🙈
...Putting feelings into boxes? Oh god, that sounds so unhealthy, I'm actually kinda glad I have seen barely anything after Season 3😅😅🙈🙈
Jup, agreed, her story would have been awesome like that and a nice little message for everyone watching, too🙈😅
Hmm, good point🤔😂 Okay, so Lex as the headmaster🤣 Ohh, imagine Lillian and Rhea being on the School Board/Comittee/Board of Education🤔🤔😰😅 
But wouldn't Max be able to deduce that because he's brilliant?🤔 Tho I imagine he'd clearly not be impressed, tho I doubt anything involving Kara impresses him😅😅🙈
🙈🙈🙈 Still, sorry!
PS2: Exactly!☺🤗
Ohh, well, my condolensces then?😅🙈 *hands over a few boxes of tissues*
Thanks, you too and happy Monday!😉😊
Problem sooooolved then xD
Who knows, tumblr is a void and eats the messages?
It's exactly two streets, one hidden behind a forest xD
It is nice. Minus the fucking birds at 5 am sitting on your balcony and screaming HELLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO like madmen.
On the other hand I can go to the forest and theoretically scream too, so.
Our talks are so messy I'm still not sure why you murdered kangaroos :P
Yeah, day later I still didn't eat it. But I had pancakes for the dinner, so I guess it's good too and well, KARAMEL ALL THE WAY!
...no, thank you.
I mean there for sure were some original cute scenes, whatever, but I was already annoyed and didn't care.
SEE? You didn't even watch and you know how stupid it sounds! And here we had Lobotomizer, the genius of the series, corrupting idiots with her ideology. I fucking hate it. I fucking hate it, how they made her look sympathetic, made her say half ass sorry, how they didn't make her pay a single thing for her horrible actions and she is "redempted" just like that. Because she is pretty white privileged powerful woman. Fucking show for a kids. Giving them this message. *throws up*
Sorry, but this shit annoys me like hell.
But I guess it would be soooo difficult to write, right? And would take away screen time from Lobotomizer and her sister, right???? And who needs a powerful, well written mine character to shine and be simply awe and some, right?????
That would be heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeell. All tou know, maybe we would not need dramas and no villains, just making them a little crazy and annoying. Like Lex being a lazy headmaster, cool and not giving a fuck, Lillian and Rhea being intense competitors in the WHO IS THE BEST MEMBER OF THE COMITTEEEEEEE etc xD And Lobotomizer could die in some explosive experiment or something
I think his brain woul dprotect him from mentally imaginating what the fuck (pun intended) happened there, involving his little naked brother wrapped in completly naked krypotnian :P
LET'S JUST STOP APOLOGIZING TO EAHC OTHER! But not like karamel, but really xD
PS HE WON, so it was a happy cry xD thanks :D
Have a nice... evening? night? day? sleep?
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thefatdrunkdragon · 6 years
The Worst RPer I have ever met (Nemo Saga Chapter 6)
 Okay, so here we go with another standalone Nemo chapter that discusses the one thing about Nemo. His fucking temper.
 As demonstrated in the Spooky RP, Nemo has a short temper when it comes to people actually messing with him or belittleling him. Now, it’s understandable that in RP’s you can sorta make a character based on people you don’t like and have em be killed off or defeated. I havent had much RPs about those but Nemo’s case is that he resolves everything with vauge threats and murder.
 For example, before the Spooky RP, Nemo first met the Dragon Cafe Crew.
 The Dragon Cafe Crew is composed of the following:
Rubelle “Ruby” Black - The Chubby Dragoness
Calvin “Cook” O’Hara - The Alcoholic native of Philly
Jill Xhiao - The Shy Panda woman.
Oswald “Ozzie” Hempshey - A fat East End Drake
And Dexter “Dex” O’finnigan - The Irish Yang to Ozzie’s Cockney Yin.
 Out of all of those, It was Ozzie and Dex who didn’t come to immidietly like Nemo. And in character, they like to mess around with other people. So let’s say that Ozzie and Dex make some dumb jokes about the Vampires or admit that “We ain’t really friends.” What does Nemo do? He brutally murders Ozzie and Dex. But has them revived. If this were a moment in an RP with a good friend of mine, this scene would not be as brutal and would be played off for poorly done dark comedy. But Nemo was very serious about it. He really REALLY hated Ozzie and Dex simply because they didn’t wanted to be his friends right away. It get’s better.
 Another example comes when a Zombie Virus is loose in Puerto Rico. Aiden thankfully survived in a farmland, enjoy the spoils of the apocalypse and the catharsis it brings. God-Nemo, offended that Aiden can rebel in a bit of normal power fantasy in a role play, calls him an evil man who doesn’t want anything to change so he decides to leave Aiden to his lonesome... with a fucking bomb that is suppose to kill him. I playfully have Aiden Brush off his death as cartoonish as possible, but Neem’s says “no no, let him die.” And I’m like “Excuse me bitch? I couldn’t kill YOUR characters but now you want me to let you kill mine because he thinks differently than you? FUCK YOU!”
 It was after those two events that Nemo realized he shouldnt be having his marty stu kill me for not agreeing with him, he decides that he needed to add excuses for why he was killing me. And I mean excuse that would justify why he would kill my characters. And those excuses came in the form of either Demons or Rabies, and no matter what happens, there is no signs of that behavior until AFTER killing my characters.
 While it wasn’t murder, there was an obvious threat of murder for this next example. Nemo kept bringing up a Mercy Brown Video Game (Which Only Exist to him) and he made moments where he tried to act like he was some Big shot letsplayer and blahblahblah. I have never heard of this game but Only had small understanding of what it was about, so I decided that, since I was into Zero Punctuation at the time, to make a sort of faux Ben Yatzee Review of a game. I didn’t do the whole thing because Its a fake game within an RP but the first few minutes was just me channeling my inner yatzee.
The small thing I wrote as Ben Yatzee:
Ben Yatzee: i hardly do reviews about indie horror, my last one being too scary to even continue. But when you have a cult of people simply worshipping an unknown horror game for being a bloody masterpiece, you end up witth your entire fanbase asking you to review. While i really dont take request, the number of people desperate for my thoughts on the game is just staggering so here we go...
Ben: Mercy's Autumn Nights is an indie horror game created by who else? Mercy brown. The title should be so completly obvious that she made the game as its not enough for her to simply put her name in the credits, you need to make it pretty bloody clear she made it.You play as, big surprise, Mercy blooming Brown as she tries to escape an angry mob thats chasing her down. Why? I dont fucking know?! Maybe mercy brown, being the obvious killer vampire, killed some people and she just not doing a good job at hiding it. Or maybe she hasnt showered in a while and the villagers are just getting sick and tired of smelling her greasy hair...
*ben continues to critize the games story and the use of mortal things when the character plays as mercy, complements the graphics and the controls.*
Ben: in conclusion, the next time someone sends me a request, my answer will simply just be "Mercy Bloody Brown!" Why? I dont care, its there. Have a nice day, internet.
 Nemo took the Review as an offense and tried to get in contact with ben yatzee because they talked to each other once for a while like a year. Neem’s words, not mine. And this is ignoring the fact Yatzee has Social Anxiety. Ben tried to explain to Nemo that his video is only there as a means to both critique the game and be a comedy but Neemo kept trying to convince Yatzee it was a good game and that he was a good youtuber, ignoring the fact Ben reviewed the game not the Youtuber. But it was after being presented with Mercy Brown and the grave and how annoying he was, Ben basically shut him off, the video still remained though so no one won.
Mercy’s response:
Mercy: That takes care of it. See ya.
 I told nemo that it didn’t really change anything and that the thing was just a video talking about the game, not him.
Neem’s Response
Nemo: I see. But if we see another negative video about us, you know what we'll do to him. He'll never know.
 Like I said, It may not be a violent moment, but he generally demonstrates the same kind of mentality the secret police has. Censoring any form of criticism and killing off those who don’t like him
I already presented one example in the spooky rp but there is also another major example with this small rp moment. It was during the mercy saga, and it was a moment where "our dear friend and vintage American sweetheart Mercy Brown” contracted a disease just to get us to feel bad for her and give her some attention. Aiden and Ruby, not wishing to risk getting the mary sue sickness, decide to come in Hazmat suits. It’s as exaggerating as it sounds and for the time, it was just played for giggles. But later that day, she got better and Aiden und ruby had nothing to do, so they decided to call a helicopter to pick em up. This big fucking osprey shows up, lands on the garden but no one takes off because it turns out, one of the guys in the osprey, Dave, was getting married and everyone took the opportunity to celebrate it... while still in the osprey and still on Nemo’s Lawn.
Nemo, understandibly tried to get everyone out of the lawn but they ofcourse couldnt listen due to the fucking loud music inside it. He later got a megaphone, letting the message get through to them and forcing em to take off. It was there were a drunken Dave decided to just walk out on the osprey doors and flip nemo the bird, sealing everyone’s fate with that gesture.
Nemo’s Words after the vtol flew off:
Nemo: Yeah. That'll teach you how to disturb some neighbors, you mind-fucked bitch.
 Nemo went flying in the air (Somehow) and gun down the entire vtol. Killing or injuring everyone, and leaving Ruby and Adrian in a catatonic state. He later flew back and acted as if nothing happened. Before that, he made a comment that was suppose to sound like the kind of snide remark of “Oh, I wonder how that horrible accident happened” kinda  That is until Kate shows what happened , and this was the one time posession was actually close to making sense but since the RP always had Nemo act like a normal person and showed very little signs of posession, making this the only time he actually had it plan off.
Nemo’s word’s after being shown what happened?
Nemo: *whispers and closes the door* Oh my God. What did I do? What did I do? *drinks a can of A&W Root Beer* I'm getting crazy. I need blood. *licks his own lips and chewed his own lips. He grabs a meat and eats it and there was blood spilling on the floor* Master Velora. You promised me eternal life! And you did.
 Funfact: Before Velora became a Valentine Girl and was part of a trio of marceline clones, she was supposed to be evil.
 Pretty soon, Nemo suddenly had demonic powers and ordered his vampire clan to make the world a supernatural place for vampires and werewolves, and he will assend to become a Vampire God. Starting a fucking apocalypse and building a castle for him in Rhode Island.
 When Kate, freaking out over what the fuck was going on, Nemo tried to be as hidden and “evil” as possible while signs were made quite fucking obvious he was starting a vampire apocalypse. But then when asked why the fuck he started fucking armageddon, here’s his response:
Nemo: No. Not ending the world. It's my parents. My parents should pay for what kind of stuff they did to me. Sending me to dangerous places and tormenting me. They have gone too far.
... At no point has Nemo’s folks EVER appeared in the RP. And Let’s not forget, He was fucking 19 at the time, so...
 The apocalypse breaks out and the world seems like it was going to be in for one dicking of a terrible time. But we got to remember an important Detail: This is Nemo’s world. 
How it really happened:
*Then Nemo was almost killed. But then he was fighting against a Wendigo. A Native American cannibal creature. People were watching Nemo and the Wendigo have a brutal fight in Providence, Rhode Island. He grabbed his medieval sword and stabbed at the creature and killed him. The Wendigo was killed and everybody was saved. Nemo thought it was himself, but it was a Wendigo. So Mercy had to send him to a church in Exeter, Mercy and the priest got rid of the spell that cursed him for so long. Nemo was finally saved and happy. He can now live however he wants. Even Kate was happy that he is now saved. His friends and family was happy that he's not possessed anymore. So in December, in Mercy's house, the presents are under the Christmas tree and everybody was having a good time. Nemo was waiting for all his friends to come.*
After the battle:
Nemo: I hope nothing possesses me again.
Mercy: God will always be there for you.
Nemo: I know.
This was the stupidest thing to have ever happened in RP history and I just needed to share it with you all because this was fucking insanity
The point is: Nemo is a violent dick. Anything that doesn’t apppease his ego simply results in a death setence and later revival so that you can apologize to him and kiss his ass. And to be fair... it’s fucking scary. And it’s only made worse with the following subject: The Line between reality and fantasy.
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Valentine's ship ask for ofc Gravity Falls
I don’t completly understand what you mean but I think you mean all of the meme questions for only GF?
Your favourite non-canon ship?
Is there a ship you didn’t like at first but ultimately started shipping?
Fiddauthor again, yeah I was more into fiddlestan when I started this fandom but then fiddauthor won me over because of the promise of angst from Ciphford abuse.
What is the rarest rare pair (that you ship)?
Riddleford (Fidds and Rick). I ship Fidds with everyone who I think will love and take care of him and is the same age as him though.
Name a popular ship you don’t get the appeal of.
Bill and anyone. The incest ships. Don’t care for any of those ships. I’m also not a fan of Mabel and Pacifica. Ship what you want but I don’t really care for those ships and they are popular.
What is your most fluffy + happy ship?
Mabel and Candy, no angst here.
What is your most angsty ship?
Fiddauthor. I did mention how ciphford abuse was what got me here, right?
A non-canon ship that should be canon?
Fiddauthor. They have good chemistry ok!!!
Your oldest ship; the one you’ve shipped for the longest time?
What ship represents the kind of relationship you’d love to have?
Mabel and Candy. Cute nerd girls who just love each other.
Is there a ship that makes your skin crawl?
I answered this one pretty thoroughly before. Anything that is lazy writing, rivals to lovers, incest being played cute and loving, my OTP being written terribly to only focus on one character, etc.
What is a character you can only imagine in one particular ship?
Ford. I only like him with Fidds.
What is your favourite canon ship?
Starla, Blubsland and Tyler and Dan
Name a ship that deserved more content.
Fiddauthor, mabel x candy, fiddlestan, starla, blubsland, any ship that doesn’t involve Bill or twin brothers being together in a non platonic way.
Is there a ship you feel gets undeserved hate in fandom?
Fiddlestan. Why the hate? Why so much hate towards this very harmless ship?
What is the first ship you had?
Fiddlestan in this fandom
Is there a ship that made you realise something about yourself?
Not anything I didn’t already know lol
Is there a type of ship you always go for?
Friends to lovers
Is there a ship the writers have ruined for you?
Is there a ship the fandom has ruined for you?
They are ruining fiddauthor for me by constantly chucking Fidds under the bus and ignoring his canon mental illnesses and traumas to only focus on Ford and make Fidds his care giver.
Have you ever created fan created content for a ship?
Yup. found here.
Favourite thing you’ve ever created for a ship?
Um, I’m pretty proud of all my work.
Is there a ship you’ll never admit you have?
I can’t say it out loud if I wanted to keep it a secret ;)
Have you ever started shipping a ship because of the fans?
Fiddauthor and Fiddlestan.
What is one scene you want to see happen for all your ships?
Them going through lots of angst and living happily ever after. That’s the perfect thing for a story to have
I there a ship you wish you didn’t know existed?  
I once saw porn of triangle Bill and I sure wish I didn’t know that existed.
Name a ship that ended like you wanted it to.
Blubsland, its canon and pure
Name a ship that deserved better in the end.
Starla, its actually canon and yet gets ignored or hate
Is there a character you have several ships for?
Fiddleford, I ship him with all the old people who will take care of him and give him lots of love
What is the ship you ignore 98% of canon for?
Fiddlestan. It exists in the mystery trio AU only really.
Is there a ship you like but you dislike the fandom?
Fiddauthor, there are very few of its fans who don’t cause discourse and they are my friends and I love them.
And that’s my OTP….
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Ok so picking up right after the Kiku and Tekeru thing,  I am both jelly and salty that Takeru got a cute final scene with his girlfriend AND got to mention his admiration/crush on Yusaku while Aoi didn’t get such scene with her girlfriend D: only talked with Kusanagi about her own admiration/crush on Yusaku (and Kusanagi keeping the store in place so Yusaku has a home to come back ;w;) which was cute as well but come one! saving her friend was her main drive during the second half of S2 and said girl is also one of the “lost children” like Yusaku and Tekru, come one not even a couple of seconds of her arriving where Aoi is or something!?!
it was nice finale I think~ glad it got around three episodes for its final duel
while truth be told I didn’t feel the duel was super engaging regarding the actual plays of the duel, which I feel like that was one of VRS weekness among many, it didn’t have that many “WOW” duels, it did still have good moments
for one the obvious Ai having a monster for each of his fallen friends and creating an ultimate monster with them
there was a bit of a hearbraking moment when Yusaku did a surprise fusion summon of one of Revolver (his rival) dragons and Ai commented something on the lines of “so this is the power of your new friend” which seems like a reference to the end of S1 where Ai was on Yusaku’s side against Revolver and when they were losing he told him to think on the bonds and friendships he had, but at that point he really wasn’t there yet, so he only watched sadly at revolver since he was the “friend/special person” he was trying to reach
(also characters using other characters’ cards in their decks for surprise moves is so cool and such a shame it happens very rarely)
another bit that I like was that, the monster Yusaku used to summon Revolver’s dragon looked kinda like Revolver’s first design, the one with the empy yellow-ish eyes, with smile and darker skin included and Yusaku then used that monster alonside two other, one who had a bit of a Takeru expression and the other with Blue tones like Aoi which may be just a coincidence but I like to think all three were a reference to Yusaku’s team sort of being there in spirit helping him summon his super ace
the obligatory “final draw” which was a card that had Yusaku himself in it and gave it the ability to draw three more cards lol but said cards were also the first three monsters he used with Ai in their first duel which was pretty sweet
the one thing I feel  was a bummer is that only two of the “code talkers” appeared (https://yugioh.fandom.com/wiki/Code_Talker_(archetype)?file=Code_Talkers.png)
which, considering their designs invoke the image of the ignis, and that they all combined could form a “complete link” alonside Yusaku’s ace dragon, is such a shame they didn’t appear in the end
that being said I am glad that the main one, “Decode Talker” made the final move
I also liked that the final move was a case “if you hadn’t done that extra move you could have won” “yeah I knew what you had prepared but still went ahead with it”
and I will admit before ending Vrains did manage to make me cry a second time in its run, granted I cry with anything but still lmao
once the duel was over and Ai was “dying” it got me, specially because of the talk about Ai’s name, meaning “love”, and how despite Yusaku giving him that name in a whim (becaise of the artificial intelignece but also because at the beginning he was just an “eye”) Ai really did love his name, and he learn to love Yusaku as well, he even got the second ever in YGO history “aishiteru” after GX’s Yubel
(or third if you count the Zexal manga which had Astral also saying it, the anime one didn’t say it but anyone who has seen it knows that Astral also feels the same)
then epilogue was your usual and quick where is everyone right now, with the first opening playing included, and a final “AI IS ALIVE, somehow!” surprise lol
I wonder if it’s only to give the fans a bit of a happy surprise or it may actually be sequel hook? Zexal also had an open ended ending, so it’s probably nothing but who knows maybe YGO7 will be a crossover season like some people theorize
speaking of Zexal, while I haven’t watched the final arc of vrains completly, I do like Ai’ development that sort of mixes zexal’s Ryoga and Astral with the “partner with a completly opposite personality whose relationship with the mc is the core of the story and both have the final duel of the show” and the “best friend turned antagonist to fight for the sake of his “people” in what its clearly a suicide mission while making sure all their friends hate them so they won’t hold back”
and for that matter: https://barianmao.tumblr.com/post/187906576567/literally
and to give Vrains credit, Ai’s change of side feels like something that was bound from the get go and always alluded during the confrontations with s1 and s2 antagonists, revolver and Lightning, even Zexal’s Ryoga wasn’t quite like that
ah well, in the end vrains was quite a weird, super flawed ride, I don’t think it reach highs quite like GX, Zexal or even A5 for me personally, but still had some good stuff and characters (I will forever love Aoi despite how many times the narrative/writers seem to hate on her constantly) so I don’t really regret following it, even on its meh-ish and actually bad moments.
that being said it still on the lower tier for me, and certainly woulnd’t really recommend it
now to wait for YGO7, whatever that one is
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