#but this was fulfilling to do. maybe I’ll make it a yearly tradition
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Happy 37th, Kid Icarus! Redraw from 2 years ago to celebrate
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jadekitty777 · 4 years
Chapter 3: Land Home
Time to end the little drabble series! This one is full of sugar and fluff.
Day 6: Rekindling @taiqrowweek
Rating: K
Words: 1400
Summary: On the cusp of his departure, Qrow has one last thing to do.
Ao3 Link: Path to the Sun
He finds Tai out on the porch, lounging with his feet up on the railing and a mug of tea in his hands. The night is surprisingly brisk for August, but despite the crispness in the air, the fireflies were out and dancing around the yard. Zwei, their new puppy, was racing back and forth, trying to catch the bugs between his teeth.
Tai turned from that show to smile at him. “Girls give you any trouble?”
“Well, Ruby tried to speed wash the dishes. Again.” Qrow said as he settled down beside him. “Didn’t work. So I had to make her start over.”
A snort. “Of course she did.”
It had only been a few weeks ago that Ruby had discovered her semblance was super speed, but naturally that had opened a curiosity in what she could accomplish with it. Particularly any chores that could be considered time consuming (which meant, all of them). They were getting kind of familiar with haphazardly folded clothes and water spots still left on the windows or the car.
Tai said she was being reckless – how would she learn discipline if they didn’t set some rules down? Qrow said she was being experimental – how would she know her limits if she didn’t test them?
They hadn’t yet come to agreement and today, Tai certainly didn’t seem inclined to start the conversation, merely resting further back in the cushions of the porch seat. “Thanks, for doing everything tonight.”
“Don’t get too comfortable with it. This is a birthday exclusive.” He slid closer, resting against his shoulder. “Tomorrow it’s back to the status quo.”
A kiss, featherlight, was pressed against his head. “I know, I know.”
They stayed like that for some time, enjoying the rare bit of calm provided under the light of the broken moon. Nestled together like this, Qrow could almost pretend that things were normal. That next week they’d be starting their classes at Signal together just like they had the past six years now. He could already picture the first day: He’d be improvising his lesson plans, Tai would be sticking to his down to the very letter, and they’d definitely be rushing to the breakroom at lunchtime to sign up for the yearly field trips together (No way they’d let Alma and Stoat get “Grimm Sea Life Studies Down at the Beach” again!).
But this time around, there would be none of that. Because Qrow had finally put in his resignation at Signal and returned his Huntsman status on the mission board back to “On Duty”.
He wouldn’t say he hated his profession as a teacher, but there was no denying he’d begun to feel like he had stagnated in life. Become a useless set piece at the school and even in the house; a decoration that was nice to look at but ultimately unneeded for the day-to-day. Of course, Tai vehemently disagreed with those notions, thinking perhaps he was letting his insecurities get the best of him.
Qrow had no idea how to verbalize to him that he had to be a part of something in which he felt like he was doing the most good. It was the only way he felt right. He needed something bigger, grander, more fulfilling and he certainly wasn’t fulfilling that as an eighth-grade professor.
But his desires had made things a bit rickety between him and Tai. Every time the topic came up, his lover struggled to respect his need to leave while combating the want to keep him close. Safe. Here. Battled against his inhibitions. His fears. Things that had laid in his heart like scars on the skin from previous losses.
In a way, it was comforting, to know he meant that much to Tai. That these four years they’d been together had as great an impact on him as it had for Qrow himself. It was something else, something rich and undefinable, being loved and wanted. To know this would always be his home and the people within would always welcome him.
Which was what led him to say, “I got something for you.”
“Oh?” Tai’s laugh rumbled against his ear. “So you didn’t forget my birthday for the 12th year in a row?”
“I was trying to go for an unlucky 13, thank you very much.” Qrow joked, pulling back to give them space. “Close your eyes and hold out your hands.”
A brow was arched suspiciously, but he straightened up, twisting his body to face him more fully. “I swear, if you put slime in my hands or something…” He murmured as he cupped his hands out and let his eyes fall shut.
“Don’t tempt me.” Qrow joked, aware how tight his voice sounded as his nerves started to get the better of him. He pulled out the trinket from his pocket, where it had been burning a hole all evening, and dropped it in his grasp. Ignored the way his hands started to shake. No turning back now. “Okay, you can look.”
Tai’s eyes opened and he looked down.
A second later, his gaze snapped back to him, shocked. “Qrow, is this-?” He trailed off, staring back down like he couldn’t believe what he was holding.
Laying in the palm of his hand was a necklace. The handmade pendant was the same shape as Tai’s emblem, but, to hold the halves of the heart together, Qrow had crafted a sun in the middle. Embedded in the face of that sun was a piece of the turquoise gemstone that had been sitting on his shelf for so many years now.
Yet, it wasn’t the flare and glitz of the design that captivated Tai so completely.
No, it was the silk blue cord that acted as the chain his eyes were locked onto, his fingers brushing along it like it was delicate as glass.
Delicate, like the question Qrow was truly asking him.
There was an old yet simple legend in Anima, one as ancient as Remnant itself, that told the tale of how the Sky and Sea created the world. It was said that before everything, the planet was nothing but a black husk. There was no light and no color. The dark Sea, growing lonely in its isolation, eventually called into the nothingness. A voice from far, far away, replied. It was the Sky.
Knowing they weren’t alone, they went on a blind journey together, trying to find one another. There were a lot of versions of what followed, tales modified from the story being orated for so long, but it all ended the same way: Eventually, the Sky and Sea fell in love with each other and that powerful emotion drew them together. The moment they touched, they turned blue and the horizon and the continents came to be.
Though centuries had passed and science and understanding of the world had proven such ideas ridiculous, Anima still held tight to their oldest fairytale in ways that could still be felt today. Like having their capital’s signature color be blue and bestowing children with aeronautical and marine-based names.
But the one tradition that stood out above all the rest was the Gift of Blue Thread. It was the act of presenting a lover with an item, typically jewelry, on a piece of blue ribbon. Because, as the saying went:
Give them something of cerulean thread, like sky and sea you’ll be forever wed.
Qrow felt his throat knot up, and the speech he had practiced got caught in the snare, only a few words from it escaping. “I was thinking, uh, maybe you might want something a bit more permanent, between us.” He paused, dipping his head. Felt his cheeks flare up as he managed to get the sappy sentiment out between his teeth, “So that you know, no matter how dark things get, I’ll always try to find my way back to you.”
A beat.
Then, predictably, Tai was laughing.
He ruffled up instantly. “What’s so funny? I’m being serious!”
“I know.” Arms wound around him, pulling him in until he was practically spilling along his lap. “I’m not laughing at you. I’m just really happy.”
“Then…” Qrow murmured where his face was buried against his neck, “It’s a yes?”
With as much gentleness as he had the necklace, Tai caressed his fingers along his face, down along his cheek and his jawline, before cupping his chin and pulling him free of his hiding spot.
He stared into blue, blue eyes as Tai lent close, whispering, “I can’t think of anything I’d want more than you.”
When their lips finally touched, Qrow swore he felt the start of their own world together.
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marmolady · 5 years
Broken Chains: Epilogue
Book/Series: Endless Summer
Main Pairings: Estela x MC/Taylor (f),
Summary: Part 8: Post-ending (Endless ending). Epilogue... June 2023
Word Count: 2194
Previous chapter
It’s finally finished.
June 2023
 Taylor blinked awake, her face against Estela’s chest, which rose and fell to the sound of soft, contented snores. After all this time, she could not get over the utter blessing it was to be there with her. She ran her hand over her wife’s tight and rounded belly, feeling for movement within. A fluttering bump against her palm made her heart soar. This was it… paradise.
“Good morning, baby…” she whispered, then looked up as she felt Estela stirring. “And good morning, mama.”
Without opening her eyes, Estela leaned down and kissed the top of Taylor’s head. “Morning…”
It was six years to the day since they first set foot on La Huerta, and as per tradition, the anniversary marked the first day of the annual reunion. Everyone had remained close, even having finished college and gone in different directions, but the yearly gathering on the island was always a great event. It was the third such reunion, and even in that short time, much had changed. Grace and Aleister, now with their infant son Reginald in tow, had taken over responsibility for The Celestial, and had seen to it that the resort was taken down. In its place, an impressive Vaanti-built structure now stood-- after the still-standing Elysian, the largest building on the island. Affectionately known as ‘The New Celestial’, it housed private offices for both Aleister and Estela, an art studio for Grace, a sprawling laboratory, and cosy accommodations and facilities specifically for times like these when the Catalysts were in residence.  The contents of Rourke’s jaw-dropping library had been saved, along with countless items that had taken significance to many of those residing on La Huerta. Oftentimes, The New Celestial hosted Vaanti visitors from all corners of the island, but when the reunion came along, space was happily and respectfully given. With most of the gang flying in imminently, Aleister and Grace been busy with preparations, assisted by Taylor, Estela and Diego, who were semi-permanent La Huerta residents themselves.
In their triple-storey shack in the old Catalyst village, a little house that was now truly a home, with photographs of loved ones and treasured memories looking down from the walls, Taylor and Estela got ready side by side. Packing a bag for the reunion was par for the course, but this time there were a few extra items put away in anticipation of the birth that could happen at any time. They wouldn’t be going far but… just in case.
Briefly rummaging through a drawer, Estela pulled out an envelope. “Taylor… happy birthday, mi alma!”
Taylor laughed and took it from her. “Oh, you shouldn’t have! Especially because it’s not actually my birthday.” She opened the envelope and pulled out a colourful greeting card. “And I am not turning six.”
Giggling, Estela put her arms around her and kissed her temple. “Look, it’s even got a badge for you to wear.”
“I am six,” Taylor read. “Great. I wonder how many of these I’ll get this year.” She opened the card. “At least you didn’t write a message wildly inappropriate for the card’s clearly intended audience. Like last year.” With a snigger, she hugged Estela back. Those six years had been a ride, and she was eternally grateful for every one. Joking aside, it was always a special occasion to reflect; six years since she’d come to being, six years since she met the eleven most wonderful people she’d ever know. Six years since she first met the gaze of the woman who would forever own her heart. “I love you, Estela.”
“I love you too. Always, always.”
While Taylor rushed around, gathering all the home-grown fruits she’d promised to bring for Raj, Estela found herself left behind, slowed down by the extra weight and a painful back. She couldn’t wait to hold her baby… and neither could she wait to have her body back to normal.
“Is there anything I can help you with?” she asked, a little frustrated.
A little smile came to Taylor’s face as she took Estela’s hand and pulled her into her waiting arms. “Maybe, just one thing…” She wove a hand up to Estela’s chin and gently drew her in for a warm and tender kiss.
“That’s exactly what I was hoping for.”
The New Celestial’s pool seemed to shimmer in the midday sun, the cerulean waters disturbed by the frolics of friends reunited once more. A big lunch cook-up and a lazy afternoon was tradition by this point, and the air was already filled with the most delicious scents as Raj got down to business. Naturally, Quinn had brought along a great selection of cupcakes for dessert, and already three or four had been snaffled by those who simply couldn’t wait.
At the shallow end of the pool, Aleister sat with little Reggie on his knee, kicking his tiny legs merrily as he babbled to himself.
Pulling faces, Quinn reached over to tickle the baby’s tummy, and beamed as Reggie gave a delighted squeal. “Oh Al, he’s gotten so big! Haven’t you Mister Reginald?”
Pride was clear on the father’s face as he held out his boy to splash around on his belly. “He’s so like Grace; bright… inquisitive…”
“Food’s out, doodlebugs!” came a holler from the central table.
Grace crouched beside the pool and took Reggie in her arms. “Come on, little man; let’s get you dried up and ready for some yummy lunch!” She leant to give Aleister a kiss. “Isn’t he doing so well? I thought he’d be shy with so many people.”
“I don’t think he’s quite sure of Craig still, but to be quite frank, that troglodyte scares us all.”
“Oh, you! We’ll save you a seat.”
Amid the chattering and scraping of chairs, Sean rose to his feet to begin the celebration.
“Well,” he said, “we’re all here, despite the ongoing concerns for the competency of our beloved pilot.”
His feet up on the table, Jake just shrugged it off. “Laugh it up, assholes. Without me, you’ll be walkin’ home.”
“So,” Sean continued, “I think it’s time for the birthday girl’s traditional speech to get us started.”
A party hat lopsided on her head, Taylor gave an exaggerated roll of her eyes. “It’s not my birthday, peeps.”
“Didn’t stop ya from accepting that three-tier cake last year, Princess…”
“Speech! Speech!”
Resigned to her fate, Taylor stood up. “All right, here goes.”  For her show of resistance, she actually loved this… it was almost like old times, and she lived for it. “So, uh, this has been a big one. In so many, so many ways. You think that you survive the end of the world, everything after that’s gotta be a cakewalk. But life is hard. Some days you wake up, and it feels like everything you ever dreamed of will always be just out of reach.” Her voice trembled, but she recovered herself. “There’s not one of you who didn’t have to put up with a blubbering phone call from me this past year; you comforted us when we lost hope, and celebrated right along with us when hoping and trying finally paid off.” Automatically, she looked over to Estela who glanced up from stroking her bump to meet Taylor’s eyes with a gaze overflowing with affection. She had to take a moment before continuing, wiping her eyes. “Michelle… truly a queen. I honestly don’t know how you do it--“
“Coffee. So much coffee.”
“--but you managed to kick the third year of med school in its ass, all the while being willing to drop everything in a heartbeat if one of us needed to talk. And that you’re here to help us out with the baby… there’s just… there’s no words for what it means. I am so over the moon for you both about your engagement; you are two of the strongest, kindest souls I’ll ever know, and you truly deserve each other.”
“Quinn just wants an excuse to make a ridiculously extravagant cake.” Michelle gave her a wink.
“Hey!” Quinn laughed, wrinkling up her nose in feigned offense. “Well, between your last year of school, my first public speaking engagements, and a wedding to plan, I think we’ll have earned a good cake.” She leaned into her fiancée for a kiss, and there might as well have been no one alive but the two of them.
“One of the greatest blessings in my life has been to watch Grace and Aleister become the most amazing parents to their sweet little man, Reggie. Who, I might add, said his first word yesterday…”
Beaming, Grace tickled under her son’s chin. “What can you say, sweetie?” She wiggled a finger in Aleister’s direction. “Who’s that?”
Another big cheer. The infant looked slightly perturbed by the outburst, and snuggled closer to his mother.
And so they reflected on another year; their trials, heartaches and triumphs. Quinn’s cupcake business had truly taken flight, and she’d begun her first forays into non-profit work. What Zahra did on her computer all day, no one was quite sure, and most were too afraid to ask, but she was happy, opening herself up to new avenues, and always heading up an unstoppable dynamic duo, supporting Craig as he found the confidence to make his way in the world and embrace his own successes. Sean was looking forward to his first season as a pro on the Condors, Raj’s runaway success with his cooking vlog had landed him talks about the television show of his dreams, and Taylor herself was taking a break from fulfilling youth work in San Trobida after having fast-tracked her degree and graduated after three years. Diego was contentedly living back in Elyys’tel, preparing to  knuckle down and make some progress on his book --as well as continue his role as the most sought-after story-teller on the island, and bond with the baby he’d helped bring into existence. Jake had returned home a free man several years prior, but now spent far more time piloting tourists around the Greater Antilles, with home bases on both La Huerta and San Trobida. Rourke International was now a distant memory, the company having been re-branded under Aleister’s direction as Catalyst International. It was only then, with Rourke’s influence scorched from everything he’d once touched, that Estela’s resistance to Aleister’s attempts to gift her a fair share of inheritance waned. Her objective was simple; to use the wealth she’d inherited to rebuild her war-ravaged home, and to offer its young people the opportunities her own mother had sacrificed herself to give Estela. With a family of Tio Nicolas in San Trobida; Grace, Aleister, Diego and Varyyn on La Huerta; and Taylor, right at her side wherever she might be, she was finally contented and at peace.
With tears in her eyes, Taylor wrapped up her ‘birthday’ speech, toasting to another year with a glass of fruit punch held high. Then, to do the rounds… picking up, as anticipated, a great stash of birthday cards, while cramming in as much catching-up as she could manage before the inevitable drunken shenanigans took over.
Taylor picked up a second glass with her refill and wandered back to the poolside hammock where Estela awaited her.
“You look comfy,” she said with a loving wink.
“Should hope so… I’m fairly sure I’m stuck here.”
Taylor giggled. “Thankfully, we’ve got a whole team of pregnant-lady-extractors on hand, so you can just take it easy.” Handing over the fruit drink, she rested on the edge of the hammock and kissed her wife’s forehead.
Closer now, Taylor sensed something… different… new. There was something in Estela’s expression, a look of holding onto a secret, some wonderful knowledge that was all hers. Her heart skipped a beat. Was she…?
An almost imperceptible nod confirmed her suspicions, and she had to hold back a gasp.
“So, uh… how long do you want to give it before I break up the party… and Raj’s heart?”
Estela leaned in close, sharing a clandestine smile and whispering so only Taylor could hear. “The contractions aren’t even a half hour apart yet; we’ve got time. Let poor Michelle relax for a little while longer.”
Gently wriggling up against her beloved, Taylor pressed a sweet kiss to her lips and cradled her rounded belly. As her heart pounded with elation, she looked over the gathering; her family. Raj and Jake were engaged in their annual drinks-mix-off. Jake, as always, was the obvious underdog, but keeping pace and already impressing the eager judges. Cocktail in each hand, Quinn reclined in a floating pool ring, taking her time in making her pick of the winner, while avoiding the wild splashing from the direction of Craig, Sean, Diego and Varyyn, who’d taken a break from drinks tasting for a two-on-two ball game.  Michelle and Grace were taking well-earned respite by the pool, watching the goings-on with their feet up in the most comfortable deck chairs. Clearly under the impression that no one bar the protective father was watching, Zahra was quietly singing for an entranced baby Reggie. Tucked up with the woman she loved and on the very brink of becoming a mother, Taylor smiled helplessly; completely, palpably content. So much had changed, and yet… so little had changed at all.
It was as though Taylor was looking at everything she could have wished for. They’d made it through… together, joined by bonds forged in fire and tempered in grief and hope. They’d survived, just as they’d survive the challenges along each of their paths, for the journey would never be walked alone.
We’re finally on our way…
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adoseofyukiya · 6 years
Since Then (Constant)
Fandom: Kuroko no Basuke
Relationships: MidoKise friendship, MidoTaka, hinted AoKise
Summary: Midorima Shintarou has long forgotten the last time when he actually didn’t celebrate his own birthday, all thanks to one Kise Ryouta whom he had the misfortune to call as best friend. He believed that this year would be like any other but it seemed like Fate has other plans.
A/N: This is me experimenting how to write Midorimacchi so please be gentle in rebuking me on how much I murdered his character here. Or maybe harsh, I’ll try to brace myself. I’m actually very stressed right now and it’s odd but I’ve began to turn into writing in order to cope. (I’m normally weird but a stressed me is even more so.) This whole fic spiraled out of my control to be honest. Simply because I got too engrossed in building the friendship for the two.  (シ_ _)シ
Of course the idea initially revolved around Midorimacchi’s birthday but the MidoKise was my innate desire and @nina3491‘s idea. So this is for her. I really do salute you for your efforts.
This is supposed to be a two-shot but I’ve only written like three words on the next part so it might take a while but I sure hope this won’t be the case.
Someone's at the door. Midorima Shintarou's sleep addled brain registered the words. The echoing sound of the doorbell evidently indicated it. And he has a good idea on who the culprit was. There was only one person who could possibly annoy him by simply ringing his doorbell.
Still a little groggy, Midorima forced himself to stumble out of his bed while fumbling for his glasses. He had to stop his idiotic friend from disturbing his neighbors. Not that it'd be the first time the idiot did it but of course with little charm and he'd get away with it.
Midorima dragged his feet towards the door annoyed and exasperated. He yanked the door open, eyes blazing ready to give the person on the other side an earful. His momentum was lost though as he saw the familiar sunny smile and heard the cheerful greeting.
“Happy birthday, Midorimacchi!” Standing outside his door at freaking four AM in the morning was Kise Ryouta, looking like he just stepped out of a photo shoot but in this case, Midorima was pretty sure that the blond was on the way towards one. 
The blond was carrying a cake with a lit candle on top smiling proudly and obviously feeling accomplished. Midorima only gave him an unimpressed look and crossed his arms all sleepiness and ire gone.
“Before you go into grumpy mode on me, you better blow the candle first. And don't forget to make a wish.”
Midorima internally sighed. He personally didn't believe in birthday wishes but indulging his best friend on their yearly tradition was well –tradition. He closed his eyes for a moment silently thinking for his wish. It’s a hit or miss, anyways. And it’s not the first time I’ve taken the shot. Opening his eyes, Midorima blew the candle out.
“I would give you a hug if I could but this -” The blond gestured towards the cake. “Just come in.” Midorima took the cake and allowed the blond to come in first. “Happy birthday again, Midorimacchi. I'm really sorry. I'd really love to stay and celebrate with you but,” Kise paused for a moment gave him an apologetic look before taking off his coat and hanged it on the rack. “I really can't skip this one out.  This shoot's a favor for a friend and I can't really refuse. So I thought that I'd at least wish you a happy birthday before I fly out. I must've woken you up.”
“I mean I know that Midorimacchi's an early riser but you must admit that four AM in the morning on a Saturday is too early even for you,” Kise chattered as he took out plates from Midorima's cupboard knowing exactly where they were placed at. Familiarity was obvious in the way the blond moved around his apartment. Given that they were childhood friends, Kise was practically entitled to know his way around his place. The number of times the blond had come to deliver his mom's cooking whenever he went back home while Midorima  was on his unending school works alone was countless.
“Where are you off to, again?” Midorima asked placing the cake at his table. Kise stayed silent and simply looked at him unimpressed, a pout on his face. Midorima sighed again, this time, loudly. He stood up and came around to the blond.
Kise placed the plates on the table and opened his arms for him. Midorima came closer and enveloped his childhood friend in a hug. The blond hugged him back placing his head on his shoulder. “Thank you.”
Kise's chuckle was muffled at his neck. “What?” asked Midorima in confusion. “Why are you so allergic to feelings, Shincchi? At this rate you definitely won't find the courage to talk with that cute –“
“Shut up, Ryouta. And I told you not to call me that,” snapped Midorima letting go of the blond and turned his back away silently hoping his best friend won't notice his burning face. The familiar use of the other’s name signaled his ire towards his so-called best friend.
“Shincchi~” teased Kise, finally taking his seat at the table.
“Seriously Ryouta, stop it.” Kise, the childish brat that he is simply winked at him. “Should I call you Rou-chan just like the old times, then? Shintarou was a little too mouthful for a two year old back then. We’ve been together for so long, huh?”
Midorima chose to remain silent and simply began slicing the cake, making sure that the blond’s portion was half the size of his own. The number of times the blond whined to him about his diet was innumerable. Though, Midorima did notice that this type of whining was practically saved for him. And maybe to Aomine. Most likely this counted as one of the privileges of a childhood friend. Lucky him. It has indeed been so long, they’ve practically been friends their whole life beginning that rainy day when the Kise family moved in the house across theirs when they were still both snotty two year olds and now they’re both almost on their way to fulfill their dreams.
“Just don’t call me anything. We both know your naming sense is non-existent.”
“Excuse you. My naming sense is excellent. Just ask Aominecchi,” sassily replied the blond before finally taking a bite off his cake. “This is great! Murasakibaracchi’s really well on his way to becoming a professional.”
Midorima also took a bite off his own slice silently agreeing to the blond’s remark about the cake. “He’s going out with you. So pardon me if I don’t trust his judgment when it comes to you. Besides Aomine isn’t really known for his intelligence anyway.”
“I beg to disagree, Rou-chan. The fact that he’s going out with me is a statement of his intelligence, don’t you think?” proudly replied the blond. Midorima would normally count this as one of his childhood friend’s insufferable bragging, yet another privilege reserved for him, but he knew that the blissful look the blond was sporting now was one that was only reserved for a certain basketball idiot. And Midorima, despite being exposed to the couple’s undeniable connection from the beginning, can’t help but be amazed on how the two of them made everything work. He internally shook his head. The exposure to the sap that was his best friend and the lack of sleep was definitely making him maudlin.
“Whatever, Kise. Won’t you be late for your flight?”
The blond looked at his wristwatch before replying, “I’m still good but I do need to get going soon.” Kise reached out for his pockets and placed two small rectangular boxes at the table and shoved them towards Midorima. One box had a green ribbon tied neatly around it while the other one had none.
“Happy birthday, Shin. Let’s celebrate the next one together, okay?” The happiness that can be seen in the blond’s eyes can almost make anyone think that he was the one celebrating a birthday instead. But Midorima knew that every celebration of his birthday meant a lot to his best friend.
“Thanks. And of course, my next year belongs to you. Again.” Midorima sighed dramatically before pushing up his glasses. Kise, understanding Midorima’s rare jab at humor, let out a hearty chuckle.
The promise to celebrate their birthday for the next year was one of their traditions. One that they haven’t broken ever since the near fatal accident Midorima had back on his seventh birthday.
The two of them had planned to have their own celebration that day on their ‘secret base’ but the blond was unable to come because he caught a cold. Midorima still went to their base that day to get ‘Mr. Fox’, the stuff toy that he knew his best friend favored. He hoped it’d help his friend get better faster. He was on his way back to their neighborhood when he saw a collision between a truck and a car. And it was then that the out of control vehicle sent him flying off. Midorima was in a coma for two days before regaining consciousness, thankfully without any lasting damage. And when he was declared to finally be well enough to receive visitors outside his family, he got himself an armful of blond mess. Kise was wailing out loud and kept on saying, ‘I’m sorry’ over and over again. It took him hours to calm his friend down and to make him understand that the accident wasn’t his fault. Despite Midorima’s best efforts though, the blond won’t budge on his accountability about his accident so in exchange to stop his friend’s irrational behavior a promise was made that they would always celebrate each other’s birthday together.
From then on, Kise became a permanent fixture on Midorima’s birthday and vice versa. They kept this promise until it became a tradition for the two of them. Throughout the years, their methods of celebrating ranged from full blown surprise parties to quick drop off of gifts to one another but there was one tradition that the blond never failed to keep, the blowing of candles for his birthday wish. As a result, his birthday cake also ranged from order made ones with elaborate decorations, disastrous handmade ones to store brought cupcakes.
The tradition used to annoy Midorima to no end but when he realized that the simple act of him making a wish meant more for his friend. To Kise, Midorima making his birthday wish meant happiness and hope. Happiness because he got his best friend for yet another year and hope that he could look forward for the next one. This mentality used to worry Midorima but he gradually realized that his friend was slowly overcoming his dependency to their friendship and the trauma from almost losing his best friend as both their horizons widened. In the recent years, their celebrations has simply become a tradition, one they both have no intention of breaking. Not that Midorima would ever admit this fact to his best friend.
Back to the present, Midorima first reached out for the plain box. Inside it, was a simple black fountain pen. At a closer inspection though, Midorima saw that the pen had something engraved around it. Dr. Shin.
Midorima looked up to the blond who was now grinning ear to ear at him. “It’s your lucky item for today. I checked Oha Asa in advance. I hope that the engraving won’t mess up any of its ‘luck’. It only said a fountain pen but then I realized how something like that could be used more than as a ‘lucky item’ for a day so I had the engraving made. You must admit it was creative of me, right?”
“I’m not a doctor, yet,” absentmindedly replied Midorima as he continued to trace the elegant letters of the engraving almost in fascination. Shin. Kise was the only person who called him that, refusing to use his full name because it was too old fashioned according to him to which Midorima strongly disagrees. The blond used it at times when he actually felt like cooperating to Midorima’s request of not adding any of messed up honorifics and when he was being serious or when he was reprimanding him (a rare occurrence ‘cause it is usually the other way around for them).
“You’re such a party pooper, Shincchi,” pouted the blond. “We both know it’s only a matter of time for you to finally have that title. Make sure you use it once you’re a practitioner, okay? Now get to your actual birthday present.”
Midorima slowly unwrapped the box, untangling the ribbon and laid it down the table. A bronze rectangular pin was nestled in a pristine white cushion. It was another engraved item. A caduceus was engraved on its extreme right while words that almost awed Midorima was centered on the remaining spaces.
 Dr. Midorima Shintarou
Medical Resident
 It was a simple gift, one that didn’t compare to the blond’s usual elaborate ones, but it was probably the one that meant the most to Midorima right now. His residency wasn’t confirmed yet but seeing his very own pin at his own hands made his goal more attainable and concrete. He had no idea how the blond knew about his inhibitions but Midorima recognized that in his own very Kise-like manner, his best friend was showing him his support and his confidence that he’d achieve his goal.
I really can’t win against this idiot. Midorima internally shook his head. His fixation towards the item must’ve took longer than expected because the blond broke the silence that enveloped the two of them.
“Did you like it? I made sure to ask your professor for the specifications and he sent me to the place where students usually have them made.”
Midorima continued to stay silent still looking pensive at the pin which unsettled the blond.
“I knew it! I was being presumptuous, aren’t I? Sorry. I’ll take it back and find something else,” panicked remarked the blond. He stood up and was on the motion of grabbing the pin from Midorima when the bandaged fingers closed around it cradling it almost delicately.
“No. I like it,” resolutely replied Midorima looking straight to his best friend. “Damn it, Ryouta. I love it.” Midorima swallowed thickly to control his emotions. Then he stood up and circled around the table towards his best friend.
Kise was too stunned to do anything when Midorima enveloped him in a hug for the second time. “Thank you. I didn’t even know that I needed this but I do. Quite badly in fact. You’re a handful most of the time but you’re not so bad to have as a best friend after all,” whispered Midorima his voice full of gratitude and appreciation.
“I’m a great best friend, Shin. And we both know it,” replied the blond before returning the hug. The two of them stayed silent for a few moments soaking in each other’s warmth. Midorima wanted to say more to his friend on how much he appreciated him and how Kise was not the only one thankful that they get to celebrate another year with one another alive and well but he was never good with words so he only hugged his best friend harder hoping to convey his feelings with it. He knew that Kise being Kise understood him even without the words.
“Are you crying in happiness, Shincchi?” started the blond when he deemed the silence long enough for the unspoken words to be relayed.
“No, I’m not, idiot Kise.” To Midorima’s embarrassment, his voice came out gruffer than intended as a result of his overwhelming emotions.
Kise only chuckled before replying, “As much as I like receiving this rare hug since you initiated this, I really need to get going, Shin.”
Midorima gave him one last squeeze before letting go of his friend. Kise took one last bite of his own cake and downed the glass of water. Midorima was thankful that the blond didn’t tease him about the moment they shared but he should’ve known after all, Kise always understood him, words or no words.
“Gotta go. Kyoto is waiting.” Kise went straight to the door with Midorima trailing behind.
Midorima watched Kise take his coat off the hook and wore it back on in a swift motion. “Don’t stay cooped up here, okay? Oha Asa said something about how the one thing you’ve wanted for a while can be found outside the house or something like that. And Cancer’s in second place and you already have your lucky item so don’t even think about making up any excuses,” admonished Kise perfectly knowing how Midorima planned to spend the rest of his day now that he was left on his own devices. And he knows he can’t refute the blond because he knew he won’t lie about his fortune ever, not after that one time when he tricked Midorima about a fake one as a prank and faced the consequences.
“Fine. Maybe I’ll check out the library or the bookstore for a new reference book,” reluctantly agreed Midorima knowing the blond would definitely check up on him.
Kise cringed at his reply. “You’re so boring, Midorimacchi. Maybe I should call Kurokocchi or Aominecchi? You might want to shoot a few hoops with them,” suggested the blond.
“No need. I’d rather deal with one idiot even just for today.” Midorima crossed his arms on his chest.
“Mean, Midorimacchi. Even though you’re so happy with my gift you actually cried.”
“I –I didn’t cry, idiot Kise! Just get going already,” protested Midorima almost red faced in embarrassment.
“Fine, fine. Happy birthday again, Shin.” The blond was grinning before he turned around finally opening the door out.
“Thanks. And be careful. I’ll see you tomorrow?”
“Yeah, I can’t have you miss me too much.” Kise gave him another wink before walking out to the hallway. The outside was still cold, dark and evidently silent as an evidence that their rendezvous was way too early for normal people to be up and about. Midorima shivered at the sudden drop in temperature and rubbed the sides of his arms for a bit of warmth.
Despite the cold, he continued to watch Kise on the hallway until the blond reached the elevator. The blond waved at him excitedly until the elevator door finally closed obscuring his view.
The smile that Midorima wore as he went back inside his apartment was a content one. The content feeling stayed with him until he finally went back to catch a few hours of sleep before he could fulfil his promise to his idiotic but definitely endearing best friend.
Oha Asa was right again. Today really is a lucky day. These were the last thoughts that drifted in Midorima’s head before he let himself succumb to the embrace of sleep.
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makingbabyk · 4 years
May 30, 2019
So here’s the beginning… well, really I guess the beginning was when I made this decision 10 years ago. But for our purposes, this is really where the fun starts. Let’s start with a disclaimer though.
Hi everyone. If you’ve come to this blog, you probably know me to some degree. So let me be clear, I’m using this space to chronicle my journey into the world of fertility, and the life events that happen around that journey. That will probably mean I spend some time talking about bodily functions that you maybe don’t want to hear about. Whether you’re a friend, or family, I don’t want to hear you complain because I talked about my vagina and you don’t want to hear about it. This blog is about making a baby. And if you don’t know how babies are made, you need to go talk to the person who raised you.
So why am I doing this? Well, I want a kid. I’ve wanted a kid since I was a kid. I’ve always known I was supposed to be a mom. It just took me a long time to realise that it wasn’t going to happen in the traditional way. Let me tell you a story…
When I was a kid, I was sure that all women did things the way my mom did. You got married at 20, you had your first kid at 22 and your second by 26…. That was just the way it was done. As I got older I of course knew that those ages weren’t set in stone, but the general timeline was still stuck in my head. I was 25 before I woke up and realized that getting married and having a kid before I was 30 probably wasn’t going to happen. I needed to change my expectations. 
And so I did. It occured to me that what I wanted was to be a mom… being a wife was secondary, just a stop on the road to mom. And honestly? I wasn’t all that concerned with finding a life partner. If it was going to happen, it would happen, there’s no time limit on relationships. There IS however, a time limit on getting pregnant. And my clock was starting to wind down. So I made myself a promise. If I hit 35, with no partner in sight, I was going to have a baby on my own. 
When I hit 30 I became less concerned with the 35 age limit, and more concerned with making sure I was capable of having a kid by that age. I needed to lose weight, save money, and make sure my income was such that I could afford this kid. That’s a multi-year project, and it was hard work. 
But now? I’m 34. And it’s baby time.
More to come….
September 6, 2019
So I haven’t written anything in the last few months because there hasn’t been anything to tell.  
After a very stressful end to 2018 and a hectic beginning to 2019 I’ve spent the last 6 months trying to get my eating and exercise routine back on track. It’s been an uphill battle and it took me longer than I like to realize I can’t do it on my own. So I hit the nutritionist for a kickstart on the food thing, and I’ll be seeing my old trainer for a kickstart on the workout thing. 
In addition to that, I got into my doctor for my regular yearly check up yesterday, and told her I wanted a referral to the fertility clinic of my choice. So in addition to the regular yearly check up tests, I also had to do extra bloodwork and then book an ultrasound, since the clinic would make me do all that anyway.
My doctor, Dr W, was very supportive and we talked a bit about what the fertility clinic would probably have me do once I got in for my initial consult. She also confirmed that she can’t be my primary care once I get pregnant, which is a bit of a downer, but not too much of a surprise.
Today I had the ultrasound appointment, which was ooddles of fun I can tell you. (If there was a sarcasm font I’d be using it here.) First the tech did an abdominal ultrasound, which wasn’t anything special. Then she sent me to go pee and it was on to the fun times. The transvaginal ultrasound. 
For anyone who doesn’t know, that is exactly what it sounds like. They shove a probe up your vaginal and take pictures that way. 
It wasn’t enjoyable by any stretch of the imagination, but it wasn’t painful or anything. The last part of if was a bit more uncomfortable because apparently my left ovary is a bit higher and she had to really press in order to get a clear picture for the measurements they need.
Overall it wasn’t the best way to spend my lunch hour, but I figure I’m about to have a lot of people all up in my business, so I better get used to it.
Next week will be my follow up with Dr W to go over all the results and then send them off to the clinic. Then it should be 6-8 weeks for me to get an appointment. Followed by a month or two of cycle monitoring, I’m sure. It’s going to be the new year before I even get to try and actually get pregnant, I think. But at least the process has been started!
More to come…
September 12, 2019
Today I had my follow up to last week’s physical. My Cholesterol is still a bit high, but only in the range of “cut back on the processed foods please” and not “you need to be on medication.” So that’s not too bad.
The ultrasound came back good, I have a couple of fibroids, 5mm and 9mm each, which aren’t a big deal, according to my doctor. 
And all the other bloodwork came back fine. 
So Dr W is sending the referral request to Create Fertility today. Hopefully they’ll give me a call in the next week, and I’ll be in their office inside 8 weeks.
Yesterday I got the news that a coworker and his wife are expecting their first baby. That’s starting to be a very annoying thing to hear. On the one hand I’m super excited for them, and for all the people in my life who are having babies (and there seems to be a lot of them). But on the other hand… I’m months away from even getting to start to TRY and get pregnant. And it’s going to cost me thousands of dollars to do it. It’s frustrating, and a bit depressing at times.
But I’m trying really hard to keep an upbeat attitude and not let other people’s successes make me feel like a failure. 
Easier said than done, but I’ll keep working on it.
Or maybe it’s just hitting me so hard today because it’s rainy and gloomy and I just want to curl up in bed because my stomach was messed up last night so I didn’t get a lot of sleep.
Yeah. I’ll go with that.
More to come…
September 21 (10:30pm)
Someone remind me why I can’t just go out and find a guy to have sex with on the right days who will then then fuck right off and I never have to see him again?
I may have woken up at 4am and had a full day of sun and alcohol. I need to go to sleep. 
More to come ….
September 30 (9:30pm)
I got the call from the clinic today. 
I was at work and when I looked at my phone to see who was calling me… I damn near cried. I was just so relieved to know it was going to happen. 
My appointment is October 29 at 11am. They say it’ll take 2-3 hours. That’s a Tuesday so I had to talk to my boss about what kind of time I should take off, since it’s right in the middle of the day. I also decided to tell him why I’ll be going to appointments. He was very understanding and said it wouldn’t be a problem for me to take the time when I needed it. 
So the appointment will include blood work and another set of ultrasounds. Apparently the previous tech didn’t do a follicle count, so that needs to be done. 
On the one hand I’m so excited and I want to talk about it with everyone. On the other I’m scared out of my mind. I’m doing this alone and some days I wonder how I can make it all work. I know I have support but when I start to think about going to birth classes alone. And going through labour and delivery alone. Midnight feedings alone.
 Some days it all feels like it’ll be too much. Then I see a mom with her baby and I ache for it. It scares me how much I want this some days. How much I ache to have a baby. 
I’m terrified it might not happen. And I don’t know what I’ll do if none of this works. I think I could be content without a child. But I’m not sure I’d feel happy or fulfilled. 
Truth be told, I probably need to start therapy. There’s so much going on in my head, it’s probably a good idea to talk it out with someone. 
Just another thing to add to the growing list. 
More to come ….
October 8, 2019
So on Friday last week I got a call from the Co-op housing building that I’ve been on the waitlist for the last 3 years. There’s a one bedroom available on December 1 and they were asking me if I wanted to come view it. I said yes and I’m going to look today. The problem is that I seem to be the only person in my life who absolutely doesn’t want me to have to move right now. I’ve already told my landlord I’ll be staying past the end of my lease, which is November 30. It’s also the holiday season, which is an insanely busy time for me. And I’ve got the start of my fertility treatments coming up. The thought of having to move right now makes me want to vomit and cry. 
Thankfully I’m pretty sure I won’t actually get the unit, there’s a couple of people in front of my on the wait-list who want it, apparently. So I probably won’t actually have to worry about it. But if they both change their minds, then I’m going to need to figure out if I can actually handle moving in December, AGAIN. But also if I can afford two apartments in December since I don’t have enough time to give my landlord the 60 days notice I’m required to. 
If I don’t get it/don’t take it if I do get it, AND if my promotion comes through this month. In the new year I’m going to ask to get moved to the two bedroom waitlist. If I wait until I’m in a one bedroom unit, I won’t be able to apply for the two bed until I’ve been there for a year. And I will need a two bedroom unit once the kid is here, or at least after they leave a crib.
Overall this week has sucked large and I’m so ready for it to be done. And it’s only Tuesday. 
But I’m going to Shady Queens, a charity drag ball, on Thursday night and I’m taking Friday as a personal day to reset my brain and go to Tweed early. Dad and I have the home opener of the Belleville Sens Friday night and Sunday is turkey day. So some family time, a four day weekend, and a chance to recharge my brain are on the way. I just need to get through these next three days.
More to come….
October 22, 2019
Remember when I said “Thankfully I’m pretty sure I won’t actually get the unit, there’s a couple of people in front of my on the wait-list who want it, apparently. So I probably won’t actually have to worry about it.”? Well… I got it. 
I went to the viewing and when I got there the property manager told me there were actually two units available and I could have my pick. Somehow 23 people in front of me on the waitlist decided they didn’t want either unit. So I went and looked and fell in love with the second unit, it’s on the 7th floor and is above the courtyard tree line so it gets lots of sun, faces south west and is generally awesome.
I left the place and called home to freak out with mom and dad about having to move in less than 2 months with everything else that is going on. They managed to talk me off the ceiling and I called the co-op the next day to tell them I wanted the unit. Since there was going to be reno’s happening in the month before my move in date, I also asked if it would be possible to move in a day or two early, December 1 would just be a really awful day for me to have to move. And that’s when the manager said the sweetest words I’ve ever heard, “Oh, the 7th floor unit isn’t available until February 1.” Folks, I damn near cried in relief.
I went back the next week to pay the deposit and get the hydro info I needed and now I’m officially moving February 1. Well, probably a day or two early, but yeah.
It was an emotional few days, but thankfully I now don’t have to worry about adding a move on top of all the other shit going on. I don’t even have to think about it until January, really. I just have to give my notice to my landlord and arrange the movers. 
And now I can focus on my consultation appointment in a week… holy shit, that’s in one week.
More to come….
October 28, 2019
Well I was doing fine, not really nervous, and not really thinking about tomorrow’s appointment. Then a coworker asked me if I was taking tomorrow off for my appointment and my stomach dropped and now I want to throw up. Of course that isn’t helped by the fact that I’m stress eating. So I’ve had too much sugar, am feeling nauseated. And I’ve got more than a half dozen other things going on this week that also need my mental attention. 
Needless to say, I'm feeling pretty freaked out and just want to crawl back into bed and cry. 
I’m not anticipating a decent night's sleep tonight, which will make tomorrow’s appointment all the more fun, I’m sure. 
I’m absolutely terrified that I’m going to get to that appointment tomorrow and they’re going to tell me I’m too fat to have a baby. I don’t even know what I would do if that happens. 
I keep starting sentences and then deleting them because all I can think to type is the same circular freak out over and over again. So I guess I’ll close this until I have something to say tomorrow. 
Although if they tell me to worst, I’ll probably just delete this entire thing; no point in a baby blog if there will never be a baby. 
Fuck. I need to find something else to focus on.
More to come… hopefully...
October 30, 2019
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Yesterday was the consult and it actually went well.
First I had a 30 minute wait then the pelvic and intra-vaginal ultrasounds, followed by another wait before getting in to see the doctor, Dr Dv.
We went over my medical history and what it was I wanted to have happen. She immediately recommended a high dose of folic acid, so I started that last night too.
She then ordered half my blood be drawn for tests, they took 12 vials yesterday and I need to go back for more today.
She also wants me to have a tube test done, that’s where they put a foam up through my cervix and use an ultrasound to see if my fallopian tubes are blocked.
I also need to go to a counselling session, since I’m using a sperm donor, which is fine because I wanted to do that anyway.
And then I had to get another pelvic exam with some swabs taken.
So the total for the day was 12 vials of blood, three times I had to get undressed and redress, and 2 different people up my vagina.
She did answer a lot of my questions, like:
I need to pick my sperm donor before my next appointment so we’re ready to go when it’s time
I only need 1 vial at a time for the insemination
She wants to try 3 rounds natural, and if I’m not pregnant after that then we will reevaluate the treatment plan
My BMI is high, but she’s happy I’ve been losing weight and wants me to continue what I’ve been doing, every pound lost will only help me and it’ll make pregnancy easier
Overall it was an emotional day, but it’s actually happening!
Next up is the last of the bloodwork today, tube test and counselling on November 26 and then my follow up with Dr Dv on December 4.
It’s gonna be a crazy month, but holy shit this is happening.
More to come….
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webart-studio · 6 years
Mail is for all times, not only for Christmas
Within the UK, we purchase extra greetings playing cards than another nation, at a median of 33 per particular person. Some traditions stay sturdy, and marking an event with a greetings card is clearly certainly one of them.
In keeping with the Greetings Card Affiliation, right here within the UK we purchased an estimated 1 billion Christmas playing cards final 12 months, along with these playing cards purchased via digital companies resembling Moonpig.
Ryan Higginson, Vice President & UK/ROI Nation Chief, World SMB Options, Pitney Bowes, explains that in a world through which we ship and obtain 269 billion emails yearly – a determine forecast to rise to round 320 billion by 2021 –  the worth and sentiment behind the shopping for and sending of greetings playing cards stays sturdy, significantly presently of the 12 months.
A research from the Royal Mail discovered that 80% of individuals would reasonably obtain a standard Christmas card than an e-card. Whereas e-cards are enjoyable and inventive, there’s one thing a lot extra fulfilling about taking inventory on the finish of a protracted day, sitting down and opening printed playing cards wishing you seasonal greetings from close to and much.
For companies, sending a personalised card via the mail to rejoice the festive season is a reputable means of partaking with purchasers and constructing a relationship. It’s considerate, valued and creates affect.
And it’s an effective way to face out in a crowded market: shoppers are supposedly uncovered to round 10000 model messages every day and are stated to have a focus span lasting lower than that of a goldfish.
Bodily mail isn’t only for Christmas, after all: it brings an authenticity to buyer engagement methods always of the 12 months. It has turn out to be extra appreciated, memorable and purposeful than ever, and builds a singular relationship between the sender and the recipient. Listed here are some key the reason why you need to combine bodily mail into your communication technique in 2019:
It achieves excessive open charges:a DMA research discovered that 57% of respondents open bodily submit in contrast with a median e-mail open fee of 15%, with common click on via of 8%.
It has endurance:Recipients preserve their submit, on common, for 38 days, whereas 51% of emails are deleted inside two seconds.
Its tangibility provides worth:a research from Joann Peck and Suzanne Shue discovered folks worth one thing they will see or contact 24% greater than one thing they will simply see.
You’ll be able to guarantee excessive ranges of personalisation: you’ll be able to personalise mail to extend response charges – not simply the letter or brochure, however print a focused message on the again of the envelope. A extremely personalised buyer expertise is memorable, differentiates a model and generates stand out.
Folks belief it:faux information and phishing scams have dented our belief in digital mail. Printed mail is reliable, genuine and credible, reaches its vacation spot and doesn’t get caught up in Junk inboxes.
It introduces what you are promoting and generates motion:Analysis has discovered that 79% of shoppers stated they might act on junk mail instantly, in contrast with solely 45% who would do the identical with e-mail. A research from IPA Touchpoints discovered 38% of individuals purchase or order one thing after studying junk mail.
It influences the way in which shoppers really feel about your model:a Royal Mail research discovered that 57% of people that acquired mail from companies stated they felt extra positively in regards to the model.
It’s memorable: junk mail has a recall fee of 75%, in contrast with a 44% recall fee after seeing a digital commercial. Bodily mail is memorable – maybe as a result of it’s learn at its recipient’s personal comfort, in a much less crowded house.
In contrast to emails, you don’t want specific consent to ship it:however you do want to achieve reliable curiosity. This offers companies extra selection relating to partaking with their audiences and guaranteeing they’re GDPR-compliant.
It’s correct and measurable: in the present day’s digitally-connected postal meters are constructed on SaaS platforms and built-in with cell apps. Some have in-built deal with validation software program and monitoring choices, to take away the complexity of various postal companies and show you how to be certain your mail reaches its recipient, with no funds wasted on undeliverable submit.
Digital and print needn’t be unique – they work collectively, integrating and complementing one another to create affect and drive motion. I’m undecided about you, however I’ve discovered myself a number of instances this vacation season receiving an organization’s brochure via my letterbox adopted by an e-mail in my inbox.
Generally I would go to their web site to search out out extra; possibly I’ll web page via a ‘What’s On?’ brochure of theatre listings, and ebook tickets on-line.  This bodily and digital integration extends to applied sciences, too, as highly effective software program platforms turn out to be the driving pressure behind bodily applied sciences resembling mailing platforms, making them work sooner and extra effectively.
Print’s endurance is certainly one of its most adorable qualities. Mixed with correct knowledge, inventive design and innovation in expertise, it rapidly turns into one of the profitable channels a enterprise has handy. And for me, one of the pleasant.
At present’s related shopper attracts data from a range of platforms, however the worth of bodily mail stays.
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source https://webart-studio.com/mail-is-for-all-times-not-only-for-christmas/
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