#but those who arent Slavic or those of us that ARE but dont have significant connections to our roots likely wouldnt know it
motorclit · 7 months
Actually a bit disappointed that the Fandom wiki for the Witcher 3 (which I use frequently as a walkthrough) doesn't list a bit of trivia that was blatantly obvious to me (unless it's there and I don't know what entry to find it in).
So, I've picked up the Witcher 3 again after my period kicked my ass and then covid wanted a piece of me, and I just need to complete the Blood and Wine DLC before I move onto taking a crack at the Witcher 2.
I don't know how far I am technically in the story, but I had just finished helping Regis concoct the Resonance potion thing and Geralt drank the hand-juice to find out what Detlaff did.
Well, Detlaff killed Count de la Croix in a flour mill... located next to a body of water. And I've yet to find any trivia pieces where it states how it references the famous legend of the Serbian vampire Sava Savanovich. It was believed that vampires lurked in flour mills, which was why many refused to be in there at night unless proper precautions were taken (commonly garlic was famously involved).
Of course, Detlaff probably couldn't give two shits about the flour in the mill, but where Count de la Croix was killed stood out to me, and I'm not seeing any reference to it in the Fandom wiki page anywhere about it.
I'm also speaking as someone who has very limited info on many other Slavic regions and their legends, as I'm lucky to find out anything about my Serbian heritage and what the culture and myths are like over there, as I have not learned the language and only know English. (I hope to change that, of course.) So there could be other references.
Also when you help Lambert fight an ekimmara in the main storyline, that also took place in a water mill. I just looked at the page for that and saw no references there, either.
I don't know if there is a reference somewhere and I just overlooked it or what. But it's bugging the shit out of me.
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