#but ushi will be in da next chapter hopefully coming out this weekend.
bloomyn · 4 years
creme colored coffee
pairing: ushijima wakatoshi x reader
summary: your midlife crisis happens rather quickly, and its not midlife, you’re twenty three with a baby whose daddy just left with your best friend. peachy.
part of: pink peonies
prologue  x creme colored coffee x next
your son bounds up to your new bed, tugging the sheets to pull himself up. blearily you rub your eyes, opening them to the sight of your son staring right back at you.
“good morning!”
you tackle him in a hug, pulling him tightly against your chest and you can hear his laugh reverberating through you.
“i cant breathe! mommy help!” akio giggles. you smile down at his peeking eyes,
“its your punishment for waking me up so early!”
your words only draw a louder laugh from him. he hums against your collarbone, snuggling up underneath you. you’re pretty much all moved in save for a few boxes. it’s not much, your new house, but it’s a lot better than the cramped apartment back home, you can’t think of a reason why you bothered to stay.
but your new house already feels better, with its small front yard and decently sized backyard, you’re lucky you were able to find something like this. you son seems to be in love with it too, the first day you arrived he spent hours exploring the place.
“mhm hnfyr”
“what was that?”
akio looks up at you, lips pouting. “im hungry.”
your lips quirk up in a smirk. you shouldn’t do it, you really--
“hi hungry im mom.”
your son wails in disgust, you’re not quite sure if its because you didn’t say “okay let’s go eat.” or if its because he actually understands the joke, either way, you’re laughing.
you’re gripping the steering wheel tighter than you need too. you can’t help it, first day, first semester, new school. although this time you’re on the teaching side. you have your bag, your lunch, students don’t receive any work today because well, it’s the first week. (and you’re department head told you not to worry about it)
behind you your son is quiet, just gripping his little backpack (that hangs too big off his tiny shoulders and practically eats him up in the most adorable way) and cartoon volleyball plush with little hands on its side.
“ are you nervous baby?”
he nods quietly, “ a little.”
you don’t blame him.
“mommy’s gonna visit you at lunch okay? just gonna check up on you. you have your bento?”
he nods again. biting your lip, you turn around to your son.
“i love you akio.”
“i love you too mommy.”
“dr. [l/n]!”
you’re in the middle of your break when someone calls you from down the hall. you recognize the woman as, well, the only other woman teaching in your department. 
“oh thank god i caught you! i’ve been wanting to talk to you all day but, you know, classes.”
you nod. “it’s nice running into you professor hirugami. i’m looking forward to working with you.”
she laughs. “please drop the formalities, as the only two women in the department i’d like to think we could become friends.”
the thought a friend strikes a chord in your chest.
you smile back, “i’d like that very much.”
a good chord.
you’re going to throw up.
“are you kidding me?”
the female voice on the other side sounds annoyed at your question, like your bothering her, like you’re the one bothering.
“no, sorry, i’m not kidding.”
“mama?” your son calls from the other side of the room, he’ s just barely turned two and oh he’s still so small. 
“give me a second baby.” you reply, holding your hand over the speaker. he gives you a thumbs up, or what he thinks to a thumbs up - he’s trying his best.
“you’re leaving? with him?”
“look i’m sorry if you’re not grown up enough to deal with this--”
“you’re leaving, no, sorry, you’re eloping with my ex-boyfriend who left me pregnant alone-”
“he’s changed!”
“if he’s changed then why doesn’t he take responsibility for this?”
“you’re the one who decided to keep the damn thing.” she snarls back.
and then you’re stuck. she’s your best friend, was, your best friend. should you have seen it coming? the betrayal? i mean you’ve only seen this type of stuff in movies. you can’t say anything back, the malice in her voice is enough for you to hang up the phone.
you rush to your sons side, “sorry baby, mommy was busy. what is it?”
he holds up the volleyball plush one of your coworkers had given him.
“akio is absolutely adorably [l/n]”
you don’t hide your smile. “thank you, he seemed pretty enamored with you too.”
your coworker squeals in delight, “forget lunch with the department, i’m joining you two from now on.”
laughing, the two of you make your way back to the science building. you know akio’s okay, you know that, he even told you about the new friend he made, how he loves volleyball too. his teacher had even told about how well he was adjusting, even complimenting his japanese - yeah the pride bubbled up when she told you that - you were the one who taught him. 
“do you have any kids hirugami - san?”
when the woman doesn’t respond immediately you start to panic.
“i didn’t mean to intrude, -”
“oh you’re fine!” she returns rather cheerfully, “my husband and i aren’t really trying for kids right now.”
your mouth forms an ‘o’ shape at her words.
“what does your husband do?”
a grin immediately slides onto her face.
“he’s actually the captain of the schweiden adlers? the pro volleyball team?
you vaguely remember hearing about them on tv and it shows on your face. had akio mentioned them before?
“ah don’t worry if you don’t know, i know you’re new to the area.”
you raise your eyebrows at her response, “oh, do they practice around here?”
her smile is almost mocking, no, mocking isn’t the right word.
“i can’t wait to show you around.”
“--and then murata-san said that he likes to play volleyball too! and that my japanese was really good! so i told him my mom taught me and he said it was really really cool!”
your happiness is practically bursting out of your chest at this point. as he talked about his day and how everyone thought his bento was soooooo cute - he made sure to look at you when he said that - the tension in your jaw relaxed and your hands eased on the steering wheel. the worrying weight of whether or not your son was doing okay was finally lifted.
he’s practically bouncing out of his seat, “ i can’t wait to go back!”. 
you chuckle at his words.
when you two get home he’s the first one to the front door, and when you finally catch up you find him staring at the little potted plant in your doorway.
“it hasn’t grown yet.” his voice wobbles. you squat next to him, patting the dirt.
“pretty things take time to grow baby, we only planted it yesterday.”
his bottom lip juts out and the grip on his backpack tightens. you prepare yourself for a sharp wail, 
and then he breathes out, undoing his actions from seconds ago.
“oh, okay. i’m hungry now.”
you don’t know whether to laugh or cry because when did your son seem so grown up already? managing his feelings like that? so instead you deal with the immediate issue at hand, 
“wanna go out to eat tonight? to celebrate?”
his face lights up like that, as if the plant problem hadn’t even existed.
“can we get sushi? i already had a sandwich and grapes, and i finished allllll my lunch! i finished my food like a good boy!” he announces proudly as you make your way into the house. 
you hum.
“anything for you baby”
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