#but was originally looking for a less crunchy version of Mutants and Masterminds
"i love you. so much.”
“your hugs are the best.”
“could you get any cuter?”
I couldn't choose between these three, so I'll let you pick how many and which ones you do.
Ed happened upon DVDs by chance at the local Hastings. Technically, he was supposed to be grocery shopping. He promised Sonic chili dogs for dinner on Saturday, and he needed to restock on food, anyway.
He passed the game and book store on his daily commute, and decided to stop there on a whim. He didn't usually see the need to visit, as he didn't really have anyone to play the games he used to enjoy with.
Except now he had a family. A family that, weirdly enough, seemed to keep getting bigger. Somewhere after gaining Hal and Sonic, he somehow managed to add Alan and Sam to the family after reuniting Tron with his user.
Families were supposed to spend time together. Game night was supposed to be a normal family activity, right? Ed was pretty sure it was, even if he never had that with his family when he was growing up. There was one that he particularly liked, called Traveller, that he thought Clu and Hal would like, and he was pretty certain he could get Sonic and Tron on board as well.
What was intended to be a quick trip to the store to see if they had the rule book ended with Ed carrying a stack of books for various games he thought his family would enjoy. Which had led him to wander the store, looking for other things he could do with his sons.
And that was how he found the boxed DVD set of Carl Sagan's Cosmos television series. He also found a cartoon based on one of the superhero comics that Sonic liked, and added it to the pile
Admittedly Ed had been so excited to show Clu, Hal, and Sonic what he found that he almost forgot about the groceries.
(Ed got the grocery shopping done in record time.)
Ed was greeted by a blue blur when he arrived home. "Hi, Daddy!" Sonic chirped, giving Ed a hug.
"Hi, sunshine!" Sonic's excitement was adorable, and Ed smiled as he hugged Sonic back, planting a kiss to the top of his head.
Could he get any cuter?
(The answer was yes. Always. Sonic only seemed to get more and more adorable every day.)
The grocery bags disappeared from his hands moments later.
"User?" Clu called, emerging from the office.
"Ed? You're home early," Hal said from behind the Administrator.
"Hello, my brilliant Nebula!" Ed greeted Clu with a hug. "And hello to you, my radiant Nova," he greeted Hal, just as warmly.
By the time Ed had turned around, the groceries were all put away (Ed swore Sonic and Clu were conspiring to keep him away from the groceries since they knew he would never ask for their help. Ed didn't understand it, but he knew trying to fight it was futile.
"Daddy, what's this?" Sonic asked when he got to the last bag.
Ed shifted, suddenly nervous, although he had no idea why. "I thought maybe we could do a family night," he admitted. "Watch a movie or play a game?"
Clu and Hal went over to see what Sonic was looking at.
"The justice league cartoon is for you, Sonic, the Cosmos is for Clu and Hal, and I thought everyone might enjoy Star Trek... Although the plan is to watch all of them together. The books are... Well, I used to enjoy Traveller when I was in high school and college, and I thought Hal and Clu might like it. The rules are a bit number-crunchy, though. I haven't played Prawlers and Paragons—it's a newer one, but the rules look a little easier, and I thought it would also be fun."
Ed wasn't certain how he expected his sons to react, but Hal hugging him was a surprise. He usually wouldn't go for it unless Ed offered. Ed suspected Hal was still uncertain of whether or not he belonged with Ed and his family, despite Ed's efforts to include him.
"Thank you," Hal whispered. "Chandra used to read Carl Sagan's books to Sal and me."
Ed hugged Hal back. "You're welcome,"
A moment later, Ed was sandwiched between Clu and Hal in a hug, and Sonic's arms were wrapped around Ed's neck in a hug.
Ed laughed in surprise.
"Thank you, User!" Clu said, at the same time Sonic said, "thank you, Daddy!"
"Your hugs are the best," Ed said softly, practically melting in his sons' embrace.
"Whose?" Sonic asked.
"You think I could pick?" Ed chuckled. "All three of you. I love you all so much."
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