#but we all separately and independently ended up writing drarry
sillywives · 7 months
WFAUFF Reveals Day Four
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Happy thirsty Thursday from WFAUFF!! @myrtlefics and I are observing by bringing you E-rated fics hot off the WFAUFF presses. Tonight @jtimu blesses us with a love letter to the inherent sluttiness of rescue missions, while xalandrix proves it's actually super hot to play with your food. Enjoy <3
I Know the Sound of Your Heart
Author: xalandrix AU: Werewolf Pairing: Harry/Draco Rating: Explicit Word Count: 2,378 Summary: “I could eat, I suppose, if you're offering,” Draco says with nonchalance. He meets Harry's gaze and gives him a predatory smirk. “But I want to play with my food.” He only gets to suck Harry's blood for the first time once, and he plans to make it memorable.
The Only Thing Caught
Author: jtimu AU: Pirate Pairing: Harry/Draco Rating: Explicit Word Count: 4,300 Summary: Draco’s fingers rested against his skin, but he didn’t move. “Why are you here?”
Harry twisted around to stare incredulously at him. “Have you never seen a rescue before?”
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gameofdrarry · 6 years
Drarryland: Info & FAQ
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Drarryland is the second iteration of the Game of Drarry game/fests where Harry and Draco and your imagination are the perfect winning combination. 
The game/fest is open for writer and artist signups! 
Signup here! 
Designed to be fun and stress-free, players dictate their pace to fill fun yet challenging prompts. Drarropoly, the previous game/fest, had prompts that were oriented toward HP-themed locations, Drarryland prompts have been crafted based on popular tropes like Eighth Year, Aurors, Creature!Fic, and many, many more. 
If you’re seeing this, hopefully, you are a bit familiar with the game/fest concept. If not, you may view a shorter info and explanation post here. Or read the full info and FAQ under the cut! 
Everyone! In the survey we put out at the end of Drarropoly, so many people admitted to being new writers or writers who had been on hiatus for a long period of time. 
Writers and Artists can try their hand at shorter stories or smaller/simpler art projects in a super low-stress environment: 
I loved the prompts and how it allowed me to try my hand at writing without starting from scratch.
I did really enjoy it, I’ve never been involved in a community before.
yes, it was very nice! although i’ve never done a game like this, or any sort of fanfic exchange of any kind, drarropoly made me want to participate in more in the future!
In addition, Drarryland now offers access to the Game of Drarry Discord server where players can connect with others in the community to get advice and support. 
What kinds of art is accepted? Anything from simple sketches to fully illustrated scenes, and mood boards. Some art prompts have colour and perspective parameters but can be met across different kinds of media. 
We asked for feedback after Drarropoly and listened to a lot of your comments! Word count limits are higher, there are more opportunities to pass on a prompt, and there are 6 bonus prompt opportunities. 
There are so many opportunities to earn points and be creative, either as a single player or in optional pairs/groups in the larger Game of Drarry community. Your game/fest is what you make of it, and your level of participation is on your terms! 
Drarryland gameplay (individual), the House Round Robins (groups), and The Owlery Exchange (pairs) are the three parts of the game, and players may participate in one, two, or all of them.
Players who sign up will be assigned a Hogwarts house at random. The mods have created four new houses (Pennydew, Rowandark, Shadowrose, and Dragonwick) and each mod is a Head of House. All submissions are worth 1 point toward the House cup. 
There are lots of opportunities to earn extra points through bonus prompts, Round Robins, The Owlery Exchange, and commenting on other players’ submissions. More on that later. 
Players are tasked with making their way up the board, weaving their way through the Hogwarts grounds toward the House Cup/End of the year. 
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The road through Hogwarts is comprised of an array of six coloured squares: 
Blue = Potions Class = Angst prompts
Green = Transfiguration class = Non-Drarry POV prompts 
Yellow = Charms class = Fluff prompts
Orange = History of Magic class = Epilogue Compliant/Older Drarry prompts
Red = Defence Against the Dark Arts = Aurors/Adventure prompts
Purple = Divination class = The Fates know you’ll write the right thing - prompts open to wide interpretation 
While prompts are grouped in these categories, players are not required to fill a prompt based on the category unless the prompt specifically requires it. Someone could land on angst and end up writing the fluffiest drabble ever!
What are the prompts like?  
Fic prompts: Many of the prompts will have the same format that was prevalent in Drarropoly: (example) a situation or scenario with either 1) this thing -OR- 2) that thing - Minimum: 276 words - Maximum: 788 words. But this time around there are also photo prompts, song prompts, and a wider array of tropes and situations. 
Art prompts: We are hoping to entice more artists to take part! The art prompts have been quite fun to come up with and vary from vague thematic scenarios to stricter palette restrictions or perspectives. Drarry in a video game to Harry and Draco are two sides of the same coin - use an element of gold, silver, or bronze in a depiction of this. 
What if a player ends up exceeding the word count? The word count restrictions are there to serve as an exercise, pushing writers to think more about the word choices and styles they use. But if someone ends up writing 3000 words (or 20,000 - as was the case with a team of players in Drarropoly!) who are we to stifle your creativity! Every player is allowed one Free Period which gives them a pass to change the prompt in any way they see fit.
What if a player doesn’t like their prompt? It’s bound to happen! Whether it’s just not your thing or you can’t get a shred of inspiration from it, players will have the chance to pass on a total of (3) prompts. But it comes at a price. Players who pass on their prompt will have to serve Detention. At the beginning of the game, players will be given their Detention Punchcard which has three prompts to choose from that serve as replacements for ones that will be passed on. A player doesn’t need to inform the mods that they are passing on a prompt, the Return Player Form will afford them the opportunity to indicate that when they turn it in for their next move. 
Once a player has filled the prompt assignment, they’ll head to the Returning Player Form to request a new prompt from the mods, who will roll the dice, move them on the board, and send out the new prompt. 
As a player makes their way up the road, every 10-12 spaces they’ll be offered a Bonus Prompt to complete at their leisure. They may submit them at any time until the game cut off on May 5. 
There are six bonus prompt categories, one for each landmark on the board. 
Hagrid’s Hut = Creature!Fic 
The Great Lake = Other Realities 
The Quidditch Pitch = Competition 
The Library = Odd Jobs 
The Forbidden Forest = Hidden Things 
The Whomping Willow = Let’s Get Physical 
The board has a handful of wildcard spaces that have one mysterious prompt. 
Players can land on spots that are connected to various Hogwarts secret passageways which will either take them forward or backwards on the board.
Players will have the optional opportunity to join their housemates in writing collaborative stories. The mods will match players together with similar interests, likes/dislikes, and rating preferences. Groups of 5 will receive a prompt and craft a story together, each writing at least one section (250-word minimum / 1000-word maximum). 
*If a player only wishes to participate in the Round Robin, they still must sign up to play the game. They’ll receive their first gameplay prompt, and can simply ignore it, opting to join the Round Robin group and create a delightful, collaborate masterpiece.*
Participation in this is dependent on the player joining the Discord server, where chat options and house channels make it easier to communicate with other players and the mods/Head of House. 
Artists can also join a round robin group. An artist is only required to create one work for the project but can create more equal to the number of rounds completed by the writers. 
Every “turn” by a player in the round robin is a point. Every “round” completed by the group is another point to each player. A completed story is an additional point to each player. 
The Owlery is independent of the game but can be a bonus opportunity to earn points for your House by exchanging letters with another player. You do not have to be a Drarryland player to participate in the Owlery Exchange. It has a separate sign up. 
How does it work? When a player signs up, they can specify a preference to write as Harry or Draco or no preference.
They will also commit to a minimum number of letters and a schedule:
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The Pen Pals - You’ll fill in your favourite themes and tropes in the sign-up form, as well as squicks, rating preferences, and word count ideals. The mods will match you with a Harry or a Draco that has similar preferences. Pen Pals will remain anonymous until the exchange is complete. This is part of the fun! All letters will be submitted to the mods via email, who will then pass them along. Instructions for this process will be delivered with your prompt information.
The Deadlines - Because this is a round-robin exchange, we’ve set deadlines to ensure that each player has ample time to draft their letters. Of course, you don’t have to wait for the deadline to send in your finished letter. At the same time, do not feel pressured to send it in faster if your pen pal replies quickly. In addition, you can send anecdotal messages if need be to your penpal via the mods, and if you both agree to write more than the required amount of letters, we encourage it! If you finish early, the mods will finalize your exchange and reveal your pen pal. You’ll be able to discuss and edit before being required to post.
Word Counts - The exchange has no minimum or maximum word count limits. We ask your preference on the signup form to try and match you with a similar writer.
Betas - We encourage you to use a beta! We have Harry-beta and Draco-beta rooms on the Game of Drarry Discord server where you can talk about your letters, get ideas, and ask for someone to look over your work.  
Pinch Hitters - If you are interested in saving a life helping out and are super enthusiastic about this exchange, please sign up to be a pinch hitter. You may do this even if you are already signed up for the exchange. Simply check yes on the sign-up form. Or reply when the mods send out messages.
Points - If the exchange participant is also playing Drarryland, each one of their letters counts as a point to their house. A completed exchange also counts as an extra point. 
Sign up for the Owlery here. 
Other Awesome Things About Drarryland 
The mods are super excited to connect with the players on the discord server and have lots of fun things planned. The discord gives players the opportunity to reach out and meet other people in fandom, share ideas, offer help, and generally flail over the ship we love so much. 
Have questions? Send us an ask or contact the mods below. You can also email us at gameofdrarrymod AT gmail DOT com 
Spooky @buttertyrant  // Fanny @fantom-ftnoise
Sara @glittering-git // Jess @nifflers-n-nargles
We want to answer any questions or concerns you might have, so please reach out! 
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