#but we are one saranghaja fr
dmumt · 9 months
junmyeon too hold on a second man hold on a second
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wongyukheis · 5 years
contestants on talent shows be like
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rnbsoo · 6 years
I was into Big Bang for my first few months of Kpop and didn’t even glance at Exo’s name
Once I discovered exo and bap(at the same time honestly) I was way more into bap bc they were more my style
I really liked bts until like 2015 when I just.. idk fell out of love with them. And then next thing I know they’re on my tv😂
Once I got into exo I got OBSESSED, like even my friends worried I wasn’t ok in the head. I’d skip school SO MUCH for a year so I could listen to their music and watch their videos in peace(it was really bad FR)
I got into 4minute at the same time I got into Big Bang and I was so into how pretty they were I tried to lose as much weight as I could to look as thin as them(I was in like 8th grade at the time and was already relatively thin so this was not good, not good at all)
I wrote a lot of exo fanfics in freshman year and they actually got a lot of notes on my old tumblr account, but I stopped writing when one of my friends saw them as we scrolled through my tumblr app on my phone and even though she said that ‘it’s cool, we all have our quirks, but i didn’t take you to be the type’ I felt so embarrassed I deleted it all and didn’t even listen to Kpop for like 5 months(I was becoming popular in high school during this time and idk i felt like Kpop would hurt that)
Since I was relatively popular and “cool” throughout the following years, I hid my love for Kpop, even though there were plenty others that openly liked it at my school they were considered ‘eccentric kids’ so... idk I wanted to keep the facade
Im going to a new school for senior year so I’ve decided I’m not going to be a “closet Kpop stan” bc it’s so much stress over something so mundane. Like.. fuck it, if I like it I like it and that’s that on that.
And on a more shallow and superficial perspective, I don’t care about popularity anymore cause I’ve realized that even though I talked to all the upperclassmen and still talk to all the alumnis from the past 3 graduating classes, I truly only have 3 friends and they’re the same ones I’ve known since elementary so why am I trying so hard to be liked by ppl that I’m not all that hot about?
Especially if it means hiding something as meaningful to me as Kpop
I’ve been dumb
Exo saranghaja
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