#but what i dont get is making a targ *anthology* series and then starting with the dance. in the middle. and then hopping randomly
mummer · 2 years
If the show does go on long enough to do the anthology idea, how would you like them to handle it? Blackfyre rebelion is the most obvious point to right after, buuut I feel like that would be wee bit too similar to the Dance, on the surface level anyway. Wonder if there is a way to do Dunk and Egg stories before actually showing the rebelion.
honestly my concern about expanding house of the dragon to other targ eras (if they want to make something on the same scope/the same genre conventions as got & hotd) is purely marketing based. like from hbo's perspective. the only f&b stories i think could maybe Work As A Show would be mmaaaaybe aegon's conquest (i have gripes with this idea but it's at the very least marketable, tho iirc it already got pitched and rejected), or maegor's reign (go full gothic horror with it you COWARDS). jaehaerys' era is too longwinded and not enough big stuff happens to justify a big franchise tv show (rip rhaena desperate housewives). as much as it pains me, you really need a war! but either way, they can't exactly go... backwards in time right? how confusing would that be for 20 million casual viewers? they already had to spend like a hundred mil marketing hotd. hotd is the GOT prequel, and then hotd: the conquest or hotd: the cruel would be... the prequel to the prequel? how do you sell that or communicate the timeline clearly? it would all be under the same title so how would they differentiate the eras? idk how they would pull it off, though it's not impossible i guess
so what seems like a better root is a post-f&b story (which has the additional challenge of not having any previously fleshed out grrm lore, just some even lighter barely-there outlines)-- aegon iii's reign + the rogare crisis would be sick as hell but also wouldnt fit a prestige franchise tv show, it's just too pedestrian. daeron i + dorne is kind of anticlimactic, baelor CANNOT carry a show, etc. so i think the 1st blackfyre rebellion maybe starting with a season of aegon iv is probably the most likely (though balancing out the sides so the blackfyres arent obviously The Worst would be difficult, i feel). it would benefit from syncing up some characters with dunk and egg which iirc is already p deep in development. anything after that conflicts too much with d & e and would be better covered there, until basically robert's rebellion lol (sucks to suck, jaehaerys ii) and i dont think grrm is interested in doing a show about that even though it would probably be the biggest bang for hbo's buck. like a bajillion bajillion dollars instantly. sooooo it's kind of a bizarre situation for them and i do not envy them
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