#this is not like a slight on casual viewers god i wish that were me
mummer · 2 years
If the show does go on long enough to do the anthology idea, how would you like them to handle it? Blackfyre rebelion is the most obvious point to right after, buuut I feel like that would be wee bit too similar to the Dance, on the surface level anyway. Wonder if there is a way to do Dunk and Egg stories before actually showing the rebelion.
honestly my concern about expanding house of the dragon to other targ eras (if they want to make something on the same scope/the same genre conventions as got & hotd) is purely marketing based. like from hbo's perspective. the only f&b stories i think could maybe Work As A Show would be mmaaaaybe aegon's conquest (i have gripes with this idea but it's at the very least marketable, tho iirc it already got pitched and rejected), or maegor's reign (go full gothic horror with it you COWARDS). jaehaerys' era is too longwinded and not enough big stuff happens to justify a big franchise tv show (rip rhaena desperate housewives). as much as it pains me, you really need a war! but either way, they can't exactly go... backwards in time right? how confusing would that be for 20 million casual viewers? they already had to spend like a hundred mil marketing hotd. hotd is the GOT prequel, and then hotd: the conquest or hotd: the cruel would be... the prequel to the prequel? how do you sell that or communicate the timeline clearly? it would all be under the same title so how would they differentiate the eras? idk how they would pull it off, though it's not impossible i guess
so what seems like a better root is a post-f&b story (which has the additional challenge of not having any previously fleshed out grrm lore, just some even lighter barely-there outlines)-- aegon iii's reign + the rogare crisis would be sick as hell but also wouldnt fit a prestige franchise tv show, it's just too pedestrian. daeron i + dorne is kind of anticlimactic, baelor CANNOT carry a show, etc. so i think the 1st blackfyre rebellion maybe starting with a season of aegon iv is probably the most likely (though balancing out the sides so the blackfyres arent obviously The Worst would be difficult, i feel). it would benefit from syncing up some characters with dunk and egg which iirc is already p deep in development. anything after that conflicts too much with d & e and would be better covered there, until basically robert's rebellion lol (sucks to suck, jaehaerys ii) and i dont think grrm is interested in doing a show about that even though it would probably be the biggest bang for hbo's buck. like a bajillion bajillion dollars instantly. sooooo it's kind of a bizarre situation for them and i do not envy them
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bye-bye-sunbird · 3 years
Cotton | Yan!Diluc x Maid!Reader
This is part of the Porcelain Collection, you may find the first part, "Porcelain", here. Not gonna lie, posting this continuation is making me nervous (?), but I truly hope you enjoy this one just as much. As always, Ask box is open for any comments, questions, or anything you want to tell me really <3
Credits: The idea for this series comes from a post in @ddarker-dreams 's blog <3, I'm sure most of you are already familiar with her amazing work, but if not, make sure to check it out!
Warnings: Dub-con, very slight N-SFW, be mindful that this is an unhealthy relationship founded on unbalanced power dynamics that is romanticized here for the sake of entertainment purposes only, and that I do not condone this type of behavior, viewer discretion is advised. General Dark and Yandere themes. "Reader" is female.
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“To burn with desire and keep quiet about it is the greatest punishment we can bring on ourselves.” ― Federico García Lorca
He felt a strange kind of sadness every time he looked at you. The kind that feels peaceful and comforting, but far away. Like the aftermath of an embrace whose warmth lingers long after it's over.
Sitting by the window, you formed a heavenly image. The rays filtered through the delicate curtains depositing soft kisses on the back of your neck. Attentive to your work, your eyes were fixed on something beyond the shirt you were mending, and it would have been said that your soul wandered in the depths of meditation.
In his eyes, you could easily turn the most mundane of tasks into a picturesque scene. It was easy for Diluc to get lost in the way your mouth opened with a slight smile, in how your chest rose delicately with each breath, and although your clothing was modest and impeccable, he devoured that image with pernicious delight.
He wanted to feel close to you... but not in the shameful way he had gone about it before, or at least not now that you incite in him something much more profound than mere desire.
He imagines being confident enough to casually sit by your side. You would gift him the most beautiful of smiles as you raise the cotton shirt you've been spending all afternoon on, asking him to wear it tomorrow and tell you if it fits properly now. He would chastely kiss your lips after promising to do so, making you blush in the process.
... That illusion breaks as soon as you notice his presence, however.
You don't greet him with a smile, instead, you immediately stand in a move comparable to a child ready to be scolded after being found. As always, your eyes are pinned to the ground, devoid of the warmth and familiarity he craves.
It pains him.
"My apologies, Master Diluc," you say after what feels like an eternity spent in awkward silence, "I hadn't noticed your presence. Is there anything I can be of assistance with?"
You hear his slow, sonorous footsteps nearing you. Your hands start to tremble as you try to fold the cotton shirt that's worth more than your entire wardrobe. "I am nearly done mending your clothes, sir. This room has good lighting for such a task, but I can finish it elsewhere if you wish."
No, gods no. Stay, let him fall on his knees, let him yield everything he has to you. Kiss him, kiss him, kiss him.
His lips feel like fire on top of yours, flickering in shallow, hesitant bites. You press the cotton shirt against your chest, your knuckles turning almost white as you cling to the soft, delicate material. This is the first time he has ever kissed you, and while it's nothing compared to his other displays of affection, this feels much more intimate.
This burns.
He raises your face gently to ease into the kiss in a smooth, feather-like move, his gloved fingers barely touching your neck as if your skin was the most valuable, fragile thing in the world. The soft sound of his tongue against your lips was a hundred times more sinful than every other interaction that came before, the way his frame leaned, towering over you, felt forbidden.
Your brows furrow in worry. You can hear the rest of the servants making meal plans in the kitchen, the workers loading barrels of wine onto the wagons. You can even hear Miss Adelinde scolding Hillie for not polishing the silverware properly. Anyone could walk into that room at that moment, or look out the window next to you, and see what was happening, you would no longer be able to hide behind the safety of secrecy then.
As if sensing your tension, Diluc's fingers curl in your jaw in a soft, soothing manner. His thumb caresses your chin as he goes for another feeble, tender kiss. It's like he wants you to trust him, to forget who you are and who he is, for both of you to be someone else, somewhere else.
But you don't manage to convincingly portray any ease. Even now, he remains every bit the imposing, menacing man whose presence intimidates you. Even if you closed your eyes, the unmistakable, dark impression of power would linger like a shadow that is all sin and mystery. No matter what, you remain a small, insignificant servant stripped of any free will, trembling at her master's touch. You feared every small, wicked delight he could bring you as much as you feared fire itself.
He seems to notice, as he parts from your lips, slowly opening his eyes that seem to hold every last piece of sorrow and longing in this world. His thumb brushes your lower lip tenderly, his expression revealing an internal war of thoughts.
"Go." He says, gently taking the shirt off your hands, avoiding your gaze as if looking at you would weaken his resolve. You feel a sting in your heart, but don't know if it's still fear ...
... Or just sadness.
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iwakitsune · 2 years
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I just think he’s neat! And character associations are as well; I’ll ramble (quite a bit) under the readmore about that. Image description there as well.
So first things first, if Wally was a pokemon he would definitely be in the Ralts line (my heart says Kirlia by the time you meet him before the league or in other tournaments, but if he were a final evo then he’d be a Gardevoir--he’s not really the physical attacker vibe so a Gallade doesn’t quite work, even if he is very much associated with it) (Also as a reference to RSE and that his pose in main and side games is a hand reaching forward, like some Gardevoir sprites).
The other two are partially because of AU ideas I had seen while looking around here, @dittolicous' Halves and Wholes AU and @greenix’s aspect AU (hi sorry for the tag you two). In my mind they fit because:
Jirachi is a Steel/Psychic type so there is the Psychic type connection (undeniable Ralts line connection and it being Psychic/Fairy), there’s the whole thing of wishing and working hard for those wishes that feels fitting (which reminds me I wanted to do a thing regarding that because hc of paper stars/paper cranes combo), and that one official art of Wally and May seeing Jirachi. Also Jirachi is very sleepy and tired and I can’t say that I don’t hc Wally has low energy at times because chronic breathing issue.
Now, Rayquaza is kinda because hehe third protag of the game goes with third legendary, the green-association thing, and also because it IS kinda funny that the asthmatic kid is related to the God of the Skies. I do like the idea that Wally climbed the Sky Pillar to help wake Rayquaza and has met the green noodle (thanks pokespe), as well as a little reach-around logic: if you are used to the thin air of the upper-atmosphere, the ‘heavier’ air of the surface would be harder to breathe (I’m using sszelda-hc logic here but shh).
And that’s it that’s my rambling either way I like how these came out. 
[ID: Three full-colored + rendered busts of Wally, a young person with floofy green hair, tied in a low ponytail and wearing a white collared shirt and a light gray-blue sweater, looking in the direction of the viewer. He is gripping the strap of his bag on one hand, and is wearing a pendant with a green string. He has pale gray-blue eyes and mild eyebags. The background has splotches of red tones that somewhat resemble abstract flowers. There is an inner border square in white and the word 'ikit' on the top right.
On the first one, there is an outline of Jirachi over him, with splotches of yellow and teal, and his smile is more mischievous. There are small teal triangles on his cheeks.
The one in the middle has the outline of a Kirlia over him, with splotches of red and green, and his smile is casual. There’s a reddish tone over his eye.
The one on the right has the outline of Rayquaza over him, with splotches of green, yellow, and red, and his expression is a bit more serious, only a slight quirk of his mouth. His eyes are black and yellow. End of id.]
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beencaughts · 6 years
OMG the emoji!!! 💏 !!
⊰ v. no reason ⊱  
…out of anger
Iola wished that she wasn’t such a jealous person. Jason had only been gone for 10 minutes, but her mind couldn’t stop racing - her emotions couldn’t stop getting the best of her. She was angry he was being secretive about meeting up with her. She was angry that this was the first time in a week that she was finally home and Jason was bailing on her. She was angry that his ex had him in the most intimate ways imaginable. Iola was just angry. And maybe all of the reasons why she was angry was all her fault, but the blonde all of her capability to rational when all she could see was red. Deep down, Iola knew that all of this was stemming from her own insecurities about losing Jason again. Their breakup made her realize that Jason was the only person for her in every sector of her life, and it really hurt her that during that same time he was looking for someone to replace her with. The clock read 10:23pm, the inside of her cheek sore from her chewing on it for the past hour and a half. Iola felt restless, deciding to busy herself with packing for her next business trip in a few days. At 10:47pm, she heard their front door click open and close which only made her heart pummel against her chest. God, she tried so hard to fool him that she wasn’t angry when he walked into their bedroom to greet her, but Jason was just too smart for that. “I’m sorry that I don’t like my boyfriend hanging out with girls that he fucked. Especially since you tried to dance around the fact you were going out with her anyway!” She griped, her face turning a bright red from all the adrenaline pumping through her body. Iola ran a frustrated hand through her hair, taking a deep breath before she moved closer to her boyfriend. “I don’t see why it’s so hard for you to understand that. I know I’m crazy as hell, but why can’t you see it’s because I don’t want to lose you? I just—I see you going off with them and I — fuck— I just get so angry.” And she was still so pissed, but with all this emotion building up in her and looking at the love of her life, Iola just couldn’t help herself, and she forcefully pressed her lips against his. Iola did it because she was angry, but she also desperate. Desperate to know that she had nothing to worry about, that he wasn’t going anywhere. She pulled away, her lips now matching the color of her face. “I just love you so damn much, Jason.”
⊰ v. what if ⊱ 
…as a ‘yes’
Arianna and Ashton had so much chemistry that no one ever truly understood even from watching the show. Their friendship was portrayed just like that — a friendship— when what they had was so much more than that. The editors and producers knew focusing on her relationship with Zayn was much more interesting for viewers because Ari and Zayn were complicated. They were an absolute mess together even before they began dating. And of course, that had been their downfall after they began dating and even married. Those moments where it was calm, were never truly that way. It always before a storm, and the storm was always at Arianna’s expense. How much longer was she to put up with a man that constantly put her through pain when she had another one ready to love her as is? Cheating on her husband was never apart of Arianna’s plan; she wanted to believe that eventually, her marriage was going to be stable. But with Ashton, there was never a moment where she had to wait to feel stable or that her heart wasn’t safe with him. The time she spent with him was the highlights of her week, and Arianna had to realize that the things she felt with Ashton were what she should’ve been feeling with her husband. Arianna’s hands trembled as she rung Ashton’s doorbell, taking labored breaths as she waited for him to answer. She had never been this nervous in her life, but once Ashton opened the door with his messy curls and beautiful hazel eyes, Ari knew that she was making the right decision. The blonde took a step inside, a slight smile etched onto her face. Of course, Ashton was asking her a million questions because the only time she showed up unannounced was when Zayn pissed her off, but she just laughed and took his hands into hers. “Ashton, nothing happened. I just wanted to see you. Can’t a girl just casually visit her friend?” It was painfully obvious, though, from the way she was beaming at him that it wasn’t all she wanted, but luckily, Ashton didn’t ask too many questions. However, three hours later, Arianna couldn’t sit there anymore without telling him why she was really there. “I have a present for you,” Ari announced, handing over the folder she brought with her with a shiny red bow on it. The petite woman couldn’t hold in her excitement when Ashton opened it and looked at her with shocked eyes, asking if she was being serious. She nodded, “Yeah, I’m really getting a divorce.” And then his eyes grew bigger once he realized why she was telling him that. Arianna’s smile reached her eyes at this point as she moved closer and closer to him until their faces were inches apart. Ashton asked her if she was being serious once more, but instead of offering him a verbal answer, Ari closed the gap between their lips — a smile still on her face.
⊰ july 17th ⊱  
…out of joy
1 year. 3 months. 2 weeks. 6 days. That is how long Arianna and Zayn had been trying for their fourth child. They weren’t quite sure why it was so hard this time around when they conceived their first three children fairly easily — planned or not. Zayn had a lot going on with his music and other projects these days. Arianna was trying to finish the book she began writing with the very little time she had because she had to be a mom before she was anything else, the same going for Zayn. And top all of that onto trying to keep the spark in their relationship alive, Arianna was starting to figure out that maybe they were just too busy to get the job done. Maybe it wasn’t the right time for them to have another baby, and the world was just trying to tell them to wait until their lives weren’t so hectic. But it had been a while since the two of them had a baby in the house; their kids were all in primary or nursery school now. Their nest felt empty. Essentially, they were the living example of an oxymoron. Ari dragged her feet as she entered the room, absolutely exhausted from helping the kids get ready for bed. She plopped down next to her husband, cuddling close to him with a pout on her face. “Babe, I’m so tired I don’t know if I can deal with looking at another negative test right now,” the blonde whined, throwing the rest of her body onto Zayn because she felt being that dramatic tonight. They had really been trying these past two weeks, and they had told themselves that they would take 10 minutes of their day to see if their hard work paid off. That was before they realized they wanted that 10 minutes to relax. Zayn had tried to convince Arianna that maybe it would be positive this time, but it was a 50/50 chance and with their track record, she just couldn’t do it tonight. But the next night Arianna was completely prepared for disappointment again. She had learned that they shouldn’t get their hopes. Yes, she was being pessimistic but the whole situation was honestly taking a toll on her mental. But when she looked at the test after 5 minutes, Arianna couldn’t help the pure joy that overtook her body. She started jumping up and down, running into their bedroom and jumping onto her husband’s lap and kissing him as hard as she could. “Look, Zayn! We did it!” Ari giggled, planting another kiss on his lips. 
⊰ v. princess and the moon ⊱  
…out of jealously or envy
The music vibrated the room as Luna made her way through the thick crowd of people to find her best friend. She had been busy finishing up an important paper when Cassandra left, but Luna promised her she would come out as soon as she was done. The brunette weaved through the last of the crowd as she approached the kitchen because wherever the drinks were, she knew Cass would be there. But as she stepped into the kitchen, her eyes landed on an unexpected face. Of course he was going to be here, Luna, what did you think? Everyone from school is here. It wasn’t that Luna didn’t want to see Prince, but whenever they were together they either had amazing sex or the worst fights because they did, in fact, ‘hate’ each other. She wasn’t sure if she was quite in the mood for either, but just as she was about to make a run for it she heard her best friend calling out her name. “See? I totally didn’t lie to you about meeting you here. Are you proud of me?” Luna chuckled, wrapping her arms around Cass before following her into the party. It had gone pretty much like any other party. Drinking. Dancing. Matt trying to hook up with Luna. More drinking. Luna needed a bit of a breather, so she started to make her way to the terrace but something made her stop in her tracks. She saw Prince talking to a girl, her hand lying flirtatiously on his thigh. The girl was leaning awfully close to him as she wearing a low-cut top. Now, Luna wouldn’t ever describe herself as a jealous person especially not over a guy she was casually sleeping with, but the sight of Prince with that girl made her heart beat with envy. Even if she wasn’t sleeping with him, he still couldn’t go sleep with anyone else. That was their unspoken rule. They were each other’s even if they couldn’t stand to be around one another half the time. Granted that no one else knew about their ‘relationship’, but she still expected Prince to respect it. Luna hadn’t even noticed she started walking that way until she was standing in front of Prince, the girl he was talking to looking visibly annoyed. “Uh, I think I heard that Matt was looking for you. It sounded important,” she lied, grabbing his hand and pulling him away before he had the chance to answer. She didn’t even care if people saw them together. She just wanted to get him away from whoever the hell that was. Luna pulled him into the closest room she could find, locking the door behind them. She wasted no time, connecting their lips in an instant, their bodies pressed against the door. “You’re such a fucking asshole, you know that?” She cursed breathlessly, reconnecting their lips to help him forget whatever-her-name-was.
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vanbwi · 8 years
Webcam -m.
Chimcums: Would you like a Cam on Cam, private session? ;)
members: Jeon Jungkook, Park Jimin
genre: Smut, Camboy!au
warnings: Nsfw, Mature Content, Masturbation, Video tape, Slight daddy kink, MxM
↠ words: 2.4k
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It was a boring day at school, it was the usual over and over again and Jungkook was sick of it. He wanted to be finish and graduate as fast as possible, their were no excitements in his life. He had good grades without even trying, except in math. But he doesn’t even try, he had already given up on math. 
The sun has already set, the streets lights were lit up and people started to travel back home. He sat on the bus with his head leaned against the window. The bus was packed with smelly adults and loud teenage kids. Jungkook turned on the music on his phone even louder to block out the irritating voices, he looked out the window at the same dimly lit view of the ocean.
Though he could notice the girls staring at him, desperately trying to push their bodies against him.  One of the girls were showing way too much, her cleavage was exposed and that little show off made him instantly itch down under his pants. He gulped and decided to look down at his caked muddy sneakers instead.
It wasn’t long until he squeezed his way out from the girls and tussled back home with his backpack lazily draped over his shoulder.
He was exhausted once he finally arrived. His mom greeted him with a “Have you bought cat food?”
“Yes.” Jungkook rolled his eyes and dumped his shoes along with his backpack on the floor. The moody white cat followed him into the kitchen. She snaked her way between his legs and purred. 
Jungkook sighed, “You only like me when you get food.”
He emptied the cat food into the tray and opened the refrigerator to find some food for himself too. He grabbed a bottle of cold Coca Cola, the dinner that mom have cooked for him and a bag of chips. He called out to his mom in the living room, “I’m gonna do my homework, don’t disturb me.” 
“I expect straight A’s when you graduate!” His mom half-shouted back.
Jungkook walked up the stairs to his bedroom, locking the door almost immediately behind him. The smell of his own bedroom welcomed him, it smelt like a mix of cologne and sweat coated with the air. His bedroom was a disaster, dirty clothes laying all over the floor and he noticed that he tried to hide a bottle of beer under the swamp.
The homework and the cleaning could wait. He had more important business on the computer. 
Being a typical teenager with raging hormones, he had to relief himself from the stressful day at school. He plopped down on the bed with a bag of chips beside him. Munching on the chips loudly. Spilling the oily crusts onto his white t-shirt, but he didn’t mind. 
 “What should I watch today?” He wondered, placing the computer on his lap comfortably. Porn was the only thing on his mind.
The first time he watched porn was when he was only 13 years old, he remembered Namjoon, the older hyung accidentally sent him a link to a porno-website. That was when it all started.
Jungkook went on incognito mote so that the websites won’t remain on his history files. He plugged on the headphones and headed to his favorite porn website instantly. 
The flashing images of naked girls didn’t shock him anymore, he was so used to it. The usual rated  porn videos showed up, but he didn’t hesitate to click on one of the video and turned the volume up even further. 
“Oh, yeah. Fuck me, daddy. Abuse me with your thick fat cock, I promise that I won’t tell mommy.” The porn star whined, dressing up like a young high schooler. 
It wasn’t long until they started to tear each other’s clothes off and the blonde girl was on her knees, slurping and deep throating the big cock that belonged to her ‘dad’. Jungkook wished that she was sucking him instead.
“Fuck, you suck it like a good little girl.” The man grunted, spitting down at her face and gripped her hair. He picked up the speed and started to fuck her abused face. It was a big digsuting mess, the saliva mixed along with spit covered her face.
But it was so fucking hot. 
Jungkook controlled his shallow breaths, throwing his head back onto the wall as he focused on himself. His tall stiff member throbbed, yearning for release. He started to buck his hips into the palm of his hand, tightened his grip a bit. 
However once the ten minutes long video ended, he haven’t release a single drop of cum yet. 
“Aish...” Jungkook complained and heavily sighed, scrolling down for another video. Nevertheless the more videos he watched, he started to go soft since it didn’t turn him on. He searched for everything, including his weird kinks but it was no longer interesting since he have watched the same videos over and over again.
He was irritated and it was getting underneath his skin. He furiously ruffled his hair with his sweaty palms and before he exited the website. An ad popped up on the screen and caught his interest. It showed a streaming webcam site with images of both girls and boys who masturbated in front of the camera.
Jungkook quickly clicked the ad before it disapeared and it took him to another URL ‘xlivewebcams.net’. It was a sensual homepage filled with the most popular camboys and camgirls, ranked by views and hearts they got. It also showed what they were interested in and where they lived. So it was regular horny people who earn money by live streaming sexual videos.
One of the camboys captivated Jungkook’s attention completely. He was so attractive and beautiful. And never thought that a man, at the same gender as him could be so pretty. The boy had a sharp jawline, alluring eyes and lavish plump lips. Not to mention his perfect toned body with beautiful lush skin
‘Chimcums’ was their username and he was ranked at the top of the list. Jungkook slowly dragged the mouse to click on their profile account and he suddenly felt nervous. 
Name: Park Jimin
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Destination: Busan, South Korea
Sexual orientation: Bi
So he’s from Busan too. Jungkook thought and wanted to meet him, he was just two years older than him, probably on his second year in university. Jungkook was curious and the sexual appeal the male oozed of was driving Jungkook crazy.
He couldn’t believe that he was that attracted to him, he was the same gender as him. Although Jimin also liked boys, Jungkook didn’t know that him, himself was attracted to boys. 
Jungkook wanted to sin for him. He scrolled further down onto the videos that Jimin previously streamed and the sights of him naked made him instantly hard. His eyes glanced at the locked door, afraid that his mom would caught him looking at a naked male. 
His mouth began to water and that drove him to press play on the video. But obviously it wasn’t free, he had to make an account and pay $5.80 per months. Jungkook rolled his eyes in exasperation, quickly filling in the requirements to watch the videos of Chimcums.   
He had to fill in the information about himself too but only revealed some, since he doesn’t want to be caught. 
Name: Jjungcock
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Destination: Busan, South Korea
Gender orientation: Bi-curious
Jungkook instantly hearted Chimcums and added him to his favorite list. However, before he could press on the video a message popped up on his computer screen. 
‘Chimcums is doing a live stream!’
What a perfect timing, Jungkook grinned and almost punched the mouse pad so he could click on the message. The screen flashed and showed Jimin, the same looking guy who Jungkook stared at earlier. He was seated on his bed, with his fluffy hair ruffled to the side and he was fully clothed. 
“Hello, welcome to my live stream.” Jimin waved with a smile, making his eyes squinted cutely. His voice was so dreamy and sweet. 
Jungkook licked his lips and turned on the volume even louder, he was getting impatient and a trail of pre-cum already started to leak at the sound of Jimin’s voice. 
“Oh, wow. Already 40k in one minute?” Jimin smiled even bigger and adjusted his camera. His eyes traveled down to read at the bursting comments and Jungkook held his breath, he felt like Jimin could see him through the computer screen. 
Jungkook opened up the comments section and saw that a lot were already begging Jimin to take his clothes off. Tons of the fans he had was girls, Jungkook couldn’t help but feel small since he had only see two or three male viewers. 
“Take off my clothes? Fuck me?” Jimin read the comments, smirking darkly. Jungkook noticed that his mood changed so quickly, first he was all cute but now. God damn, Jungkook would like to call him daddy. 
Jimin did as the viewers said and took his shirt off swiftly and started to unbuckle his belt. Jungkook blushed and his heart pumped inside of his chest. He stared at the defined muscles and the veiny V-lines. 
“This live stream would last for about 1 hour, sadly. I have to finish my assignment for college tomorrow.” Jimin said so casually and walked up to pick a bottle of oil. 
 The girls sent sad emoticon faces and begged him to do longer. 
“I can’t do it longer than that, I’m sorry. I promise tomorrow, I’ll do a 3 hours stream.” Jimin sinfully winked and pulled down his pants along with the leather belt. 
Jungkook slightly gasped once he saw the big tent over Jimin’s gray underwear. Jungkook started to touch himself slowly and stroked the tip of his cock gently with his thumb.
Jimin pressed the oil onto his palm and coated himself, roaming his hands over his toned body and wet noises made Jungkook shifted on his position. Jimin stared into the camera as he continued to rub himself. “I bet you would like to ride my thighs right now.” 
He oiled himself down, showing off his thick muscular thighs. He made the wet spots on his underwear, he started to tease in front of the camera by not taking off the underwear to show his junk. 
“Daddy will make you feel so good.” His words were venomous and he had the effects on Jungkook. It wasn’t like the porn videos he previously watched. This was live and he felt like he knew Jimin. The tension between him and Jimin felt so real. 
The tease he performed was torture. Jimin splayed his hands over his chest, down his abs, gently palming over his hooded mountain. Jungkook picked up the speed by stroking his cock even faster. More and more of the pre-cum started to leak out and wet his sweaty hands. 
Jimin turned around and showed his round shaped ass to the camera. “Fuck...” Jungkook grunted and gritted his teeth, wishing that he could stick his stiff cock into Jimin’s big ass. 
“You want to fuck my ass?” Jimin whispered sensually as if he knew what Jungkook was thinking, he pulled his underwear down slightly to slap his own ass. Making the loud smacking sound that rang through Jungkook’s earbuds. 
Jimin licked his lips and hooded his lustful eyes, coming closer to the camera. Turning around once again and inserted his index finger into his hole, making the ‘plop’ sound as he pulled back out.
Jungkook shivered in pleasure and his mouth were gape wide open, “Yes. I’ll fuck your ass so fucking hard..” 
Jimin finally sat back down on his bed and spread his legs open, dragging down his underwear. Making the tall stiffed cock slapped against his abdomen. Jungkook wanted to take it all into his mouth, he wanted to Jimin’s cock dry. “You like what you see, baby?” 
Jimin’s other hand reached down to palm his balls while the other started to shake his cock back and fourth. Slapping it against his lower stomach. His member was colored a shade redder while the tip was throbbing painfully. 
He looked directly into the camera once he stroked his cock rapidly, making the slick noises that echoed into Jungkook’s ears. “God...” Jungkook begged, feeling fuzzy and the blood buzzed in his ears. He was drowning in intense pleasure. 
“Fucking, yes. Just like that, I like it.” Jimin encouraged him and bit down on his plump lips. 
Jungkook couldn’t control his moans any longer, he choked on his own breath and howled in ectasy. Feeling the yearning release coming fast, his bed started to shake with his movements. 
“Cum for me, I’ll lick it all up, baby.” 
That was the last straw, Jungkook growled and winced as he came. His vision started to fade to black and he felt the electric waves through his body, making he curl his toes. He lurched forward and threw his head back in bliss. Spurting out hot semen from his member onto the computer and the sticky white liquid poured over his hands. God, he came loads.
 “Hmm... You taste so fucking good.” Jimin exhales deeply and came as well. It took a while for both of them to come down from the cloud nine, Jungkook’s mind was still fuzzy and he breathed in silently. 
“That’ll be all for today.” Jimin started to clean up himself with his towel, his face peered over the camera and read the comments. Smiling sweetly. 
Jungkook wiped his own cum from the keyboards and started to type a comment to him. He felt like he needed to say something to Jimin, maybe a thank or a compliment.
Jjungcock: ‘Hey, I’m a dude. I hope you don’t mind me watching’
He watched Jimin’s reaction quietly. Shockingly he grinned and winked, “I hope you liked it, daddy.” 
Jungkook felt a weird feathery sensation inside his stomach and closed the video tab in nervousness. His heart started to beat faster again and he could hear the thumbing sounds in his ears. 
But a notification from the website perked startled him.
‘Chimcums sent you a private message!’
Jungkook widened his eyes, clicking to see the message and held his breath as he read it, over and over again.
Chimcums: Would you like a Cam on cam, private session?? ;*
Chimcums: I’ll give you a sweet discount ;)
> Masterlist 🌹
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heather1815 · 8 years
My little test subject: Chapter 6
Chapter 1, chapter 2, chapter 3, chapter 4, and chapter 5
Angsty Tomtord fic with slight Paultryk on the side.
WARNING! This fic contains: Foul language, torture scenes, blood, use of medical tools, drug use, suicidal tendencies, self-neglect, violence, self-harm, and a little bit of stockholm syndrome and force feeding. Viewer discretion is advised.
Silence. There was only a dead, awkward silence after Tord and Patrick left the room. Neither Tom or Paul made any effort to talk, making it seem like a long game of: "who talks first". Tom was too busy glaring at the ground to pay the soldier any notice anyway. His mind kept replaying his recent encounter with Tord. Stupid Tord, with his stupid army, stupid soldiers, stupid robotic arm, and stupid f#cking serum. He thought angrily. He thinks he can boss me around and treat me like trash just because I gave him permission to.
Meanwhile, Paul simply didn't know what to do. Tord ordered him to get done with the procedure, but on the other hand, Tom seemed unstable and unpredictable; who knows what he'll do in the state he's currently in. Sure, he's restrained, but still highly dangerous. Especially if what Tord says it's true. If Tom does indeed have a part of the monster serum inside of him, he could potentially change at any given moment and attack him. Regardless, Paul was not looking forward to this at all.
So, until Tord gets back or he musters up the courage to just go ahead and do it, Paul just stood there; shifting his legs uncomfortably and rocking back and forth while humming a little tune in his mind.
Tom caught movement in his visual perimeter and saw Paul, trying to distract himself. Tom almost could've laughed at the sight, but he quickly crushed whatever speck of humour there was in him when he remembered that said soldier was the reason he was there to begin with.
"Aren't you supposed to be experimenting on me?" Tom questions irritably, breaking the silence and snapping Paul out of his daze.
Paul stops rocking on his feet and blinks at Tom in surprise. The brit just glares at him, raising one eyebrow, waiting for him to say something. Paul felt himself shrink under the intense eyeless glare. He cleared his throat uncomfortably, fumbling with the collar of his uniform while trying to think of what to say.
"I- uh, to be honest, I'm not very good with this science junk." Paul stammered nervously. "It's better be safe than sorry, especially in such a delicate procedure."
"Won't Tord get mad that you disobeyed him?" Tom prompted curiously. "He did say for you to go ahead and do it."
Paul chuckled slightly, rubbing the back of his head sheepishly. "Oh, well, maybe. But I don't worry too much about it, even if I screw up a lot." He says. "I'm already use to leader's temperament issues, and unlike most of the other soldiers around here, Patrick and I are a lot closer to him. We're friends."
Something about the way Paul said the last part made Tom feel weird. And not in the bad way, or the good one either. Just the weird… Weird category. It was hard to explain to say the least. Tom can clearly tell Paul isn't trying to be mean with his statement, in fact, he looks rather nervous and frightened in his presence; which is a good change of pace considering his current position the last few hours. Paul was simply explaining to him his relationship with Tord, but something he said made Tom want to laugh and cry at the same time.
"Friends? Tord?" Tom echoed sceptically before giving a harsh laugh. "I know Tord since Kindergarten, he grew up with Edd, Matt and I; and although I never considered him my friend in particular, Matt and Edd were clearly attached to him. You would think after all these years together they would be inseparable, but look how it all turned out. Tord betrayed them, and he will do the same to you. He doesn't have friends."
Another awkward silence met his words. Paul didn't say anything to argue against his statement; his eyes cast downward and a dark look came to them. After a long, uncomfortable silence, Paul mumbled under his breath. "If you say so." But Tom heard him. He groaned in exasperation and tried to pull on his restraints with little success.
"So, what? Are we supposed to just stand here until they come back?" Tom says, still struggling.
Paul stared at him, one eyebrow raised and twirling the needle in his hand. "Do you rather take the chance of becoming paralyzed from the waist down?" He prompts challengingly, earning a glare from the brit but he did not answer him. "I thought so- Ops!" He accidentally drops the needle on the ground, bending the tip. He quickly tried to pick it up again and pretend like nothing happened, but the needle was clearly damaged. He heard Tom chuckle, and looked up to give the restrained man a slight, furrowed glare. "You didn't see anything." He muttered.
Tom grinned slightly. "Sure, my spine is so tough that the needle broke." He joked. "I'm sure Tord will believe it."
Paul chuckled before it faded into a frown. He sighed and looked up at Tom. "I know I'll probably never make it up to you properly, but I would just like to say that I am truly sorry for tricking you into this." He murmured apologetically, his gaze casting downwards. "You must understand; I was simply following Tord's orders. But I am aware this doesn't excuse anything, and I really hope you can forgive me. I truly believe that, under the right circumstances, we could be friends."
Tom, letting his guard down, looked at the soldier genuinely surprised and, dare he say, touched? But he shook the feeling off, glaring at the man who's to blame for all of this- Second! That's right. He's only second to the commie bastard.
"You really think your petty apology is enough to earn my forgiveness? No can do, buddy. You'll have to try a lot harder to win me over again." He spat, turning his head away. "If you do really feel bad for what you did, you would let me go and help me escape."
Paul flinched, his eyes showing hurt and worry. "You know I can't do that." He rubbed his arm uncomfortably. "Besides, you agreed to submit to red leader's experiments in return for your friends' safety. If you escape now, the deal will be off and there is no guarantee he won't do as he had threatened."
Tom stopped his attempts to glare at Paul. He was just about to open his mouth and argue when the door opened. Looking over to the respective direction, Tord and Patrick casually strolled into the room. Tord's face was grim and somewhat sombre, while Pat remained stoic, his face giving away no emotion.
"Paul, did you do the lumbar puncture yet?" Tord asks, making his way over to them with both his hands folded behind his back.
Paul scratched the back of his head. "Well- not really, sir. The thing is- I- the needle-" He stammered nervously, as he tried to get the excuse out, but Tord raised his hand and silenced him wordlessly.
"Good, because we still need to put the tracking chip on test subject 1826 to monitor his vitals more closely." Tord explained, glancing at Tom who was glaring at him in his restraints, then turning to Patrick. "If you can set up the necessary equipment while I have a little talk with our favorite little test subject I would appreciate it."
"Yes, sir." Patrick dipped his head, walking over to the wooden desk.
Tord glanced at Paul and tilted his head. Paul raised an eyebrow in confusion when Tord tilted his head again, motioning towards where Patrick currently worked. Paul understood what he meant and hurried over to join his companion. He passed by Tom, shooting him another apologetic look before turning away, leaving Tom and Tord to face each other once more.
They stood in front of each other, staring down in apprehensive silence. Tom raised an eyebrow as he waited for him to begin, and wondered what Patrick might have said to him in the other room for Tord to want to speak to him again.
Tord calmly strolled forward, one foot at a time as he kept his single gaze fixed on the restrained brit. He stopped when he was right in front of him, barely a meter away from him. Tom narrowed his eyes. He doesn't like the short distance between the two of them and wished he was free to move away. Oddly enough, Tord seemed strangely silent. Even his breathing was quiet, while Tom's heart hammered against his ribcage and blood rushed into his ears, drowning out the noise.
Tom, feeling bored at this point, just wants to get this over and done with. "Ugh, can you stop with the silence and the staring already, commie?" He complained, slumping against the restraints. "If you have something worth saying, just spit it out already! God!"
Tom looked back down at Tord, and was surprised to finally see some emotion in his one, exposed eye; other than smug victory, mocking sympathy, or wicked glee. There was a flash of sadness gleaming in his eye. Tom shook his head. That can't be right.
Much like it had appeared, the flash of emotion was gone, replaced by his air of authority as Tord straightened his back. He cleared his throat, bringing his hands out and pulling out a tablet from behind his back.
"Alright Tom, first things first." Tord says. "I will ask you a couple of basic questions, and you will answer them truthfully and accordingly."
Tom raised an eyebrow curiously. "What kind of questions?"
"just the usual health protocol." Tord answered, flicking through the device, his eye glanced up momentarily above the screen to shoot a quick look at Tom before going back down. "Which I will be in charge of, as of this moment."
Tom's eyes widened. "Wait, what?!" He exclaims, barely believing in what he just heard. "You? You will be monitoring and taking care of MY health?"
If somebody else had come up to him and said Tord was going to take care of him, he would've laughed in their face and called them stupid. Heck, he was feeling the urge to do it so right now. But something in Tord's facial expression seemed genuine and halted his actions before he could even get a laugh out.
"You're serious about this, aren't you?" Tom prompts, earning a deadpanned expression from the Norwegian leader.
"I don't see what the fuss is about." Tord spoke, tapping down into the device. "I'm just going to be responsible in making sure you're always in top notch condition for the tests. Last thing I want right now is you, transmitting some kind of deadly disease all over my base. Lord knows how high the probability is with you in the equation." He muttered the last part under his breath, but still loud enough for Tom to hear.
Tom frowned in discontent. Great, I have to spend my time answering a bunch of stupid questions for the commie. He thought dryly, until realization finally hit him as he slowly placed the puzzle pieces together. Wait, he's going to ask me about my health conditions. Patrick took him out the room to talk alone. He was in charge of verifying my weight. And if he said what I think he said to Tord, this means… Oh no. Tom began to panic, his breathing quickened as he tried to calm down again.
No. No. No. NO! Last thing I need right now is for him to ask me questions about my condition! He thought frantically. I need to get out of this! Anything! Think Tom! What can I do to avoid this? He looked wildly around the room for any type of diversion. His eyeless, black sockets landed on Paul and Pat, who were murmuring quietly to each other over the wooden desk. Tom narrowed his eyes at Paul, remembering the certain night when they first met at the pub. Suddenly, a lot of questions flood his mind. Questions he completely overlooked until now and he never thought of asking. Maybe this could be his chance. Tord, after all, has a lot to answer him and he should give Tom that much in return for his compliance. Reluctant, as it is, it still is compliance.
Tom tilted his head, narrowing his eyes down at Tord as he continued to type in the tablet silently. He cleared his throat. "Hey, uh, Tord? Since we're in the subject of questions, I-I h-have some of my own as well." He says, mentally cringing and cursing himself for stammering and appearing so weak. Be more assertive!
Tord chuckled, his one eye glancing back up at him with amusement. "Oh? Is that so?"
Something in his tone of voice made a shiver run down Tom's spine. He mustered up his courage, glaring back down at Tord as he gained back his confidence. "Yeah! And I won't answer your stupid questions until you answer them!" Tom gave himself a proud pat in the back; mentally that is.
He heard Tord hum. Looking down again, he saw him scratch his chin with his robotic hand, deep in thought. He stopped humming, looking at Tom with his trademark grin on his face. Never a good sign.
"Alright Tom, I get your point. So why don't we make things more interesting?" Tord prompted, still grinning. "Let's make it a game of twenty questions. I will ask you one question, you'll answer them honestly, then you get to ask me any question, and I will answer back truthfully. How does that sound?"
Tom Inwardly cringed at the thought. Tord would still get to ask him questions about his condition. He as to avoid it from happening any way he can.
"But how can we even trust each other to answer honestly?" Tom asks. "Nothing is stopping us from lying and it's not like we can disprove it either."
"Well, how about this? If one of us lie or avoid giving complete answers, the other gets the right of giving a short answer in return." Tord proposed. "So, unless you don't want answers that badly, I recommend you answer these questions the best way you can."
"But how will we know the other is lying?" Tom asks.
Tord placed his robotic hand over his chest, above where his heart is. "As leader and commander of the red army, I give you my word that I will answer all your questions in the best of my capabilities." He vowed. "I can only expect the same kind of respect from you in return." He gave Tom a lopsided grin.
Tom glared and scoffed, turning his head away. "Your word means nothing to me." He snarled, but eventually sighed in defeat as he turned back to Tord. "But, I still want answers, and If this is my best bet in getting them, so be it." He murmured. "Fine Tord, I will play your stupid little game."
Tord clasped his hands together in glee, the tablet being held under his normal arm. "Excellent! Then I'll begin." He took out his tablet once more and began to flicker through it. "Now, let's see here…"
"Wait, why do you get to begin with the questions?" Tom demanded, feeling irritated at this point.
"First of all, I am the one in charge here, and I can do whatever I want." Tord spoke smugly. "Second, you asked me two questions already; three, counting this last one. Third, while my questions can be rather simple and easy to answer, I suspect otherwise of your questions, and they will require longer explanations to satisfy your curiosity. Fourth, so far I have answered all of your questions with equally satisfactory answers. Need I say more?"
Tom blinked at Tord, impressed by how ready he was to answer him. He rolled his sockets, groaning in irritation. "Alright Tord! You can start."
Tord chuckled once more before flipping down on the tablet. Tom watched him in apprehension. What is he going to ask him?
"Alright Tom, here's my first question…" Tord began, making Tom grasp the chains of his restraints in horrid anticipation. God, here it comes. He thought, already expecting the worst and how he can explain himself.
"When was your last doctor's appointment?"
Tom let's out the breath he was holding in relief. Tord blinked, waiting for him to answer. Tom bit his lip as he thought about it. When WAS the last time he went to a doctor?
Well, he did need to get treatment for his arm that one time… wait, no, he bandaged it himself. There was that time he got hit by a car… Oh wait, he walked it off. There was also that one time when he got sick; food poisoning from eating a rotten fish, and he vomited constantly, sometimes even blood… No, no, he isolated himself in his apartment for days until it passed, that's right. What about that time he got jumped in an alleyway and- Definitely not!
Tom cringed at the memory with a shudder running through his body. He still remembers their fear stricken faces and motionless bodies in front of him; torn members and ripped flesh all around him. Blood soaked his hands. Iron taste in his mouth and bile rising up his throat.
Tom clutched his eyes shut, shaking his head to get rid of the horrible memory haunting his mind. Not now. It's been a couple of days since he'd last had any alcohol, and even then he got drugged in the process. The alcohol withdraw was finally taking effect on him, and the memories he tried so hard to forget were coming back.
Tord's voice snapped him back to reality. He looked down to see Tord, still patiently waiting for an answer. As much as he did try to remember, Tom could not recall the last time he'd seen a doctor; any doctor for that matter. Regardless, he tried to answer his best.
"Sorry, I blacked out a little there. Uh, to be honest, I don't remember." Tom says. "But if I had to guess the estimate date of my last appointment, maybe, uh, two years and a half ago?"
Tord frowned, narrowing his eye. "I see." He muttered, typing down his report. "Now, I believe it is your turn to ask."
Tom pondered his options. With this opportunity open up to him, he realized how many questions he had accumulated within the short time of his captivity. Especially in the aspects regarding Tord. What should he ask first? He thought maybe something a little simpler at first, then ask the real questions as they go on. The one question that kept popping into his mind constantly was the one he decided to go with, since it's been plaguing his mind since he arrived in the facility.
"The pub, the one where I was taken, both Paul and Patrick were there; with Pat even working there. So it's safe to assume you own it." Tom deduced. "Did you build that pub just to lure me in?"
Tord laughed, so much so he had clutched his sides and bend over. Tom glared at Tord, flushing with embarrassment and feeling completely flustered. Was he too quick to assume?
"Oh, classic stupid Tom, you are such a riot!" Tord laughed, wiping a tear from his eye and regaining his composure. "I know you are a very important and essential part of my project, but do you think so highly of yourself to honestly assume that I would build and own a pub just to get to you?" Tord pointed his finger in Tom's direction, so close he flicked his nose mockingly.
Tom growled. "Then why do you own a pub for?" He asks irritably.
Tord grinned in return. "Why do you think? This facility isn't going to pay itself, and none of the equipment or weapons sprout from the ground." He explained.
Tom's sockets widened in surprise. "You? Paying for this?" He echoed. "Are you kidding me, Tord? You have no qualms in going on a murder spree, shooting down any civilians you see on your way; heck, you destroyed our house and nearly killed Matt, Edd and I with your stupid giant robot! Why don't you just steal the money and materials that you need?" He pointed out angrily.
"I do not have any qualms in stealing whatever my organization needs. But I do have qualms with police, and when they were getting too close for comfort I just had to find other means of supporting it all." Tord explained calmly. "I started out little at first, finding any jobs I could and take whatever money offered. Paul and Patrick helped. Eventually I got enough money to keep us afloat, and I created our own business to cover up all of our activities."
"Yeah, before the pub we used to have our own theme park; ASDF land!" Patrick spoke up from the other side of the room. "It was quite the business we had going, until the outbreak that is…"
"I worked so hard in making that roller coaster…" Paul mourned, with Patrick consoling him.
Tord shot them a look, clearing his throat. "I appreciate the impute, but try not to spoil the game you two." He scolded lightly. "It would be no fun otherwise." He grinned.
"Wait, you created ASDF land?" Tom exclaims in shock, even more questions raising in his mind. He distinctively remembers the park he and his friends spent the day in, until they realized the place was swarming with zombies. Were they the cause of it?
"Ah ah ah." Tord waved his robotic finger condescendingly. "You asked three questions already, now it's my turn. And to make things fair, I get to ask you three questions as well. Wouldn't want you getting greedy now."
Tom fumed, but remained silent; giving him permission to carry on.
"Does your family have any history with diseases?" Tord asks, reading it off from the tablet. "Diabetes, cancer, heart conditions; any of the sort?"
Tom just gave him a deadpanned look. "My mother was a bowling ball, and my father a pineapple. I don't think I'm running any risks with this." He replied, like the answer was obvious.
There was an awkward silence as Tord typed down the answer. Tom glanced over to Paul and Patrick, both of which were confused and astonished, as they tried to understand the logic behind him. Tom rolled his sockets. "Don't ask about it. It's a long story." He muttered.
The soldiers shrugged and went back to work.
"Have you had any broken limbs as of late?" Tord asks.
Tom thought for a moment. The only real time he remembers breaking anything in his body was when he tried to destroy Christmas with the use of Zanta's sled, which he had stolen, and was blown to smithereens by a missile. He ended up with most of his body broken that day. But nothing of the sort happened to him lately. After all, breaking bones and immediately having them fixed as his body re-shapes doesn't count, right? Right.
"Nope. Last I had it was six years ago." Tom answered simply. "Broke almost all of them; had to wear a body cast." No need to give him the full details of the situation.
"How often do you drink alcohol?" Tord questions, looking up from the tablet.
Tom stiffens. Shit. He is aware Tord knows he is an alcoholic, everyone knows he is one. But he started to drink a lot more after the first few incidents. He even switched actual food for Smirnoff just to keep it under control. He is already dreading the question Tord might be building up to, so how can he explain this without raising any red flags?
"Uh, one- no, at least three bottles a day for the past month." He said only half the truth.
Tord narrowed his eye at Tom, tapping his robotic fingers over the tablet in a rhythmic fashion. He sighed. "You know; you would make things a whole lot easier for all of us if you just say the truth to begin with." Tord murmured in disappointment.
"But I am telling the truth!" Tom insisted, throwing himself forward in his restraints as far as it would allow him. "Why would I lie about this anyway? It's not my fault you're too stupid to tell a lie apart from a truth." He became aggressive fast. A common trait when you are being defensive.
Tord shot him a glare, composing himself. "Fine." He placed down the tablet. "So, to answer your last question: yes, we were the owners of ASDF land. It used to be one of our bases. Above ground my soldiers worked as employers, entertaining the blissful ignorant masses, and earning money for our cause, while I worked on my project underground."
Tom heard him explain until he paused. He was waiting for him to carry on and give more information, but Tord took out the tablet again. Tom realized because he had lied, Tord wouldn't give him anymore answers until it was his turn to ask again. Tom hissed in frustration.
"Have you been suffering from back pains or aching joints?" Tord asks, not looking at him.
Yes! Tom almost blurt out but reframed from doing so. "Kind of. I mean, drinking and sitting on a couch for long periods of time does take its toll on my back. But no joint aches." He answered truthfully. "Now it's my turn, how many test subjects were there before me?"
Tord looks up, a mischievous smirk present on his facial features, making him look rather sinister. "Let's just say… there's a reason why you are called test subject #1826." He answered cryptically. "After getting enough resources to finally carry on with my work, I held my project in secret; right beneath the theme park. Of course, to test the serum out I would need test subjects, so I would abduct some of the park's visitors and try it on them." He proceeded to explain. "But unfortunately, the serum has drastic side effects when there's too much of the primary element. Not only does it burn the subject from the inside out, melting most of their organs in some cases, they die and come right back as zombies."
"We didn't dispose of the failed test subjects. Instead we placed them in a containment cell for further evaluation for future references." Patrick added, walking up to them with a rather large needle on his hand. Paul trailed after him. "But we didn't count on having so many failures; and so after many tries, the cells were too populated and there was an outbreak in the park. We had no choice but to evacuate the premises after our failed attempt in cleaning up the mess."
That would explain the zombies then. Tom thought grimly, watching Patrick walk around him. He tried to crane his neck, look over his own shoulder and see what the soldier was going to do. Suddenly, the bottom part of his hoodie was lifted up and he felt the tip of something sharp poke his back.
Tom immediately started to struggle in panic, already expecting the worst. Patrick tapped his spine lightly with two fingers, searching for the right spot for the procedure. But with Tom moving around too much and disrupting his focus, Patrick frowned, reaching out his hand and grabbed the brit by the back of his neck to still his movements.
"Stop moving, please. You'll just make it hurt more otherwise." Patrick advised, putting the needle to position.
Tom started to hyperventilate in panic until his frantic thoughts were cut off by muffled giggling. His eyeless gaze landed on Tord, who was covering his mouth with his hand, trying to stifle his laughter while watching Tom struggle. He bared his teeth and growled down at the norsk. Tom took a deep breath, clenching and unclenching his fists as he calmed down and braced himself for the pain that was about to come. Come on Tom, you are stronger than this! You've been through worse! Don't let that commie bastard get to you now!
Tom took a few more deep breaths, feeling completely calm now he nodded for Patrick to carry on. He raised an eyebrow in return, as if asking: "Are you sure about this?" Tom nodded again, bracing himself.
The pain was immediate. Tom clenched his fists, grabbing onto the chains of his restraints, trying to distract himself from the sharp pain spreading across his lower back, and raising up his spine. He bit the inside of his cheek, preventing from crying out and show Tord any sign of weakness. But the strange thing about it, is that it wasn't quite as bad as he thought it would be. He still fell immense pain, and it hurts like hell; but he had already endured so much over the months with the feral side that it barely compared.
Tord watched Tom with interest, one eyebrow raised. He barely moved or made any sound. Tom's face was clenched in pain, but that was his only indication he was feeling anything at all. Tord made sure to note this down for further evaluation.
Tom let out a sigh of relief when he felt Patrick pull away the needle from his spine. He shook his entire body to relieve the rest of the lingering pain. The faint sound of clapping brought his attention back; metal against wool. Tom looked at Tord to see the norsk clapping his hands with a smug expression on his face.
"Well, well, well; I must admit Tom, I had underestimated you." Tord says, still clapping slightly in a condescending way. "I was completely certain you would have started crying during the lumbar puncture, especially when you're doing it without any anaesthetic. But, once again you have proven me wrong."
Tom glowered at him. "Good thing I haven't lost my touch then."
Tord walked closer. "To keep me entertained?"
"To prove you wrong!" Tom snarled, shooting forward and being inches away from Tord. He did not flinch at the sudden proximity, as he is fully aware of the powerful restraints keeping the brit from coming any closer or doing him any harm.
Tord smirked. He grabbed Tom's chin with his metallic hand, bringing him down to his eye level. Tom scowled in response. "Is your pain tolerance direct consequence of the serum currently running through your veins?" Tord questions. "Or, is there something deeper going on?"
Tom glared at Tord, not breaking away eye contact. He didn't want to say it. Not to Tord. Not anyone. But if he doesn't, he won't get answers. At this point, Tom could care less about the answers now. He could probably have an easier time convincing Paul or Patrick to tell him things rather than play games with the communist prick.
"No." Came his simple reply, tearing his head away from Tord's grip and slumping back against the restraints. "And even if there was, I sure as hell wouldn't tell you." He huffed.
Tord let him go with a frown. He sighed, crossing both his arms behind his back and turning away from Tom. "Fine, I can see that you have grown tired of our little game." He murmured, voice dripping in disappointment. "I will leave the remaining questions for our next round."
"And what makes you so sure there will be another round of questions?" Tom asks indignantly, failing to notice the presence creeping up behind him.
Tord looked back at him over his shoulder, a smirk spreading on his face. "Oh Tom, I know for a fact that you will ask again, because you still haven't asked the right questions!"
Tom was taken back by surprise. He wasn't expecting that kind of answer. He was just about to demand what he meant when he felt a sharp pain hit between his shoulder-blades. It was quick, and felt much like a stapler but the pain still registered. Tom wasn't expecting that and gave a yelp.
"Ow! What the-?!"
Tom twisted his head around and saw Paul, standing behind him and looking up at him with an apologetic expression, holding a syringe in his hand. Tom glared at the soldier. "Is this how you expect me to forgive you?" He exclaims angrily.
"Well, you are certainly doing a dang good job in proving me wrong." Tord speaks up jokingly. "And here i thought you grew immune to pain."
It's easier when you have alcohol. Tom thought grimly. "What did you do anyway?" He demanded.
"Paul just implanted a chip into your spine, granting us access to your vitals for better management and check-ups to your current physical state. So if there are any sudden changes to your condition during the procedures, we'll know right away." Tord explains. "The chip also serves as a tracking device, so if you ever attempt to leave or go into any unauthorized areas, we could be alerted. As well as some rather… interesting features."
Tom turned away from Paul, switching his eyeless, dark gaze back to the Norwegian leader. Patrick walked up to Tord and handed him a couple of files, dipping his head slightly in return. Tord thanked him and returned his attention back to Tom.
"Well, I guess that is all for today. I have other business to attend to, so I'll let Pat and Paul escort you to your quarters now." Tord waved, shooting Tom a sly grin, earning an infuriated scowl from the brit in return. "See ya tomorrow, old friend!" He called, walking out of the room.
Paul and Patrick tried to approach Tom and free him from his restraints, but Tom just trashed around in them. "Wait! What did you mean by asking you the right questions?" Tom demanded.
Tord nearly reached the doorway when he stopped walking and turned back around to face him. A smug look on his face. "I'm sure you'll figure it out eventually." He reassured. "Much like I'll do to find out what you are hiding from me." He promised wickedly, raising his robotic hand to just below his chin. "Time to use one of those features!"
Before Tom could get another word out, Tord pressed one of the buttons on his arm and a jolt of electricity shot through him. The shockwaves coursed through his entire body, feeling immense agony, convulsing with pain. Tom tried to hold in any sounds he might emit, stubbornness making him refuse to show any weaknesses. But the move itself was just so unexpected that he accidentally let out a few agonized screams.
Paul and Patrick watched Tom get electrocuted right in front of them in mixed expressions of horror and sympathy. But essentially, they knew it was needed for their plans. Tord just watched silently in morbid fascination. Something about watching the eyeless man howl in pain as he struggled against the chains holding him up was fascinating. But yet, at the same time, Tord felt… bad for him? Something in his agonized screams in particularly caused that feeling on him, but Tord couldn't quite explain why.
He snapped out of his thoughts when his robotic arm started beeping, alerting him that Tom had fallen unconscious. He pressed the same button again and the electric zaps stopped. Tom has his head and arms hanging down by the restraints, and was completely motionless. Tord frowned at his immobile form. Now that Patrick mentioned it, Tom really does look thin and weak. Is he not eating properly? Tord exhales in contemplation. I guess i'll just have to fix that up too.
"Escort him to his room and make sure he stays there!" Tord orders as he turns around and leaves.
"Yes sir!"
Rain poured outside and stained the windows. Inside his little apartment, Edd paced around his living room in worry. His footsteps echoed throughout the space as he walked around the couch from one side of the room to the other. He bit his lip and chewed on his fingernails, occasionally checking his cell phone before shoving it back into his pocket.
A knock sounded on his door. Edd jumped and hurried over to open it, feeling hope fill up inside his chest, but immediately felt disappointment when he realized it was only Matt on the other side of the door. He was soaking wet with his hoodie raised and carrying grocery bags on both hands. Edd stepped aside to let him in.
"Did you find him?" Edd asks worriedly.
Matt shook his head. "There's no sign of him anywhere." He murmured sadly.
Edd groaned, sighing exasperatedly. He ran a hand through his hair and went back to pacing, taking out his phone once again. Matt watched him, placing the groceries on the counter desk before turning back to Edd.
"Where could he have gone to?" Edd wondered. "It's been three days, Matt! He should've come back by now!"
Matt fiddled with his fingers, not exactly sure what to do. He wanted to comfort and reassure Edd, but he was worried for Tom too. It's unlike him to be gone for so long. Usually he would just go to the nearest bar, get drunk and return, at the very least, on the following night.
Matt was snapped out of his thoughts by a loud bang as Edd punched the wall in frustration. He rubbed his injured hand, hissing at the pain. His gaze cast downwards, and his bangs covered his eyes. "It's my fault, I shouldn't have pushed Tom over the edge." He lamented. "I thought, maybe, that if I pestered him enough he would finally open up to us. But instead I just pushed him further away."
Matt frowned, reaching into the plastic bag and taking out a cola can. He smiled a little, trying to appear more reassuring. "C'mon old chap, don't be like that." He called, walking up to the green hooded man and offering him his favourite drink. "Tom is… well, kind of mysterious in his own right and keeps a lot of things to himself, but maybe he has his reasons to." He argued.
Edd looked up at him through his bangs with sad eyes. "But, we're his friends." He pointed out. "Whatever it is he's going through; he should tell us. I know that I will always count on you and Tom to help out with my problems, so why can't he do the same?"
Matt shuffled around on his feet, adjusting his position. "You know Tom; he is more introvert and closed off. It is unlike him to admit things so easily, especially if it concerns his emotions." He pointed out, putting his arm around Edd's shoulder, still offering the can out to him.
Edd gingerly took the can from him, still a little hesitant to open it. "But what if he never comes back? What if this time I pushed him away for real? Or worse, what if he turns out like Tord did?" He murmurs worriedly. "He did say not to expect him back so soon…"
"Look, people tend to exaggerate things when they're angry. He'll come back!" Matt reassured him. "He just needs some time for himself, think things over, and reflect for a bit. I'm sure once he realizes his mistake he'll come back."
Edd started smiling a little now. "You really think so?"
"Of course!" Matt grinned as Edd cracked open his can and took a sip. "In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if Tom showed up at the doorstep right about now."
The doorbell rang.
Edd choked on his drink and nearly dropped the can if it weren't for Matt holding him. They looked at each other in astonishment, then at the door, then right back at each other. Edd's eyes were wide, and his mouth opened and closed without any sound. Could it be? Edd asks silently, and as if he could read his thoughts, Matt nodded. Suddenly, a rather large grin made its way onto Edd's face and he rushed off towards the door; not caring if he spilled his favourite beverage along the way.
Matt breathed a sigh of relief, running after his friend in excitement. Things were finally going to get better form here.
When Edd made it to the doorknob, he gripped it tightly in his hand, twisted, and swung it open without any hesitation.
However, his ecstatic expression faded almost instantly once he realized it was not his friend who stood at his doorstep. Instead, two police officers towered over him. One was leaning against the railings of the stairs with his hat covering most of his face, arms crossed over his chest, blonde tufts of hair could be seen poking out from beneath his cap, and a lit cigarette poked out of his mouth. The one who presumably ringed the door bell was a tall man with ginger hair, one-o-clock shadow, blue eyes, sideburns, and pale white skin. As soon as Edd opened the door, the man straightened his position, removing the cap from atop his head.
"Mr. Edd Gold?" The Officer asks.
Edd looked at each of them nervously, taking a step back inside and closing the door a little. "Um, y-yeah, that's me." He answered hesitantly.
The officer dipped his head a little. "I'm officer Bennet, and this-" He introduced, then turned back and motioned for the other cop standing behind him. He gave a little wave of acknowledgement in return. "Is my partner, Lenny. I'm afraid we've come to give some bad news for you, sir."
"Edd? What's going on?" Matt asks, coming up behind Edd and taking notice of the two stranger at the doorstep. When he saw their uniforms and badges, he realized then that they were police. He gulped, afraid as to what this might lead to.
Officer Bennet narrowed his eyes at Matt. "Is he your relative?" He questions.
Edd looks back at Matt nervously. "No, he's just a, uh, friend…" He stammered. Getting a sudden burst of courage, Edd closed the door a little more and proceeded to glare at the officer. "Look, we're kind of busy right now, so if can just say what it is already-"
"It's about Mr. Thompson, sir."
At his words, Edd shut up immediately and opened up the door fully now. His eyes were wide and held many expressions; notably worry and hope.
"You found him?" Edd asks taking a few steps forward. "How is him? Is he okay? Where did you find him? We were worried sick! Can I see him?" He kept blurting out questions.
Officer Bennet looked uncomfortable, fiddling with his cap and avoiding eye contact. "Mr. Gold, I'm sorry. It is with great displeasure that I must inform you that, Mr. Thompson is dead."
Time seemed to slow down for Edd. His heart stopped only to give a mighty leap and beat against his ribcage. Oxygen escaped his lungs and for a moment he felt like he couldn't breathe. His hands were shaking and he let go of the cola can, still on his hand, spilling it all over the floor. His eyes remained fixed on the officer in front of him and he took a hesitant step back. He barely heard Matt gasp beside him, or feel his hand touch his shoulder. He felt as if he was fading in and out of existence; he wasn't feeling the moment, but feeling too much at once to be something concrete.
"H-how?" Edd managed to ask rather shakily. Breath wavering, his throat dry, and already feeling tears clog his vision.
"We found Mr. Thompson's body in a ditch earlier this morning." Bennet reported. "He had several bullet wounds and deep lacerations to the skin. Autopsy still hasn't confirmed if he had died instantly or struggled with blood loss."
Matt placed both hands to his mouth to muffle his gasp of horror. "H-he was… Murdered?"
Bennet nodded solemnly. "I'm afraid so." He confirmed. "Though, we still haven't found any clues that could lead us to the perpetrator."
Not bearing to hear any more of this, Edd turned around, shoving Matt out of the way and bolted back inside.
Ignoring Matt's cry, Edd continued to run. His world was spinning out of control, all noise was drowned out with blood rushing to his ears and his hammering heart. Tears already welled up in his eyes, trailing behind him as they fell. Despite not being anyone else in his apartment, Edd felt the urge to cover his eyes with his sleeve.
He made it to his room and slammed the door shut, locking it behind him. Edd rested his back against the door, breathing heavily and trying to regulate it back to normal; arm still over his eyes. He let the officer's words finally sink in and the reality of the situation took its toll on him.
He lowered his arm, tears welling up until he couldn't contain them anymore and they streamed down his face. Edd allowed himself to cry. He covered his face with both hands and sobbed as he slowly leaned down, slumping against the door frame until he was on the ground hugging his knees. Many thoughts were running through his mind at that moment, but only one kept repeating itself and coming back constantly.
"I'm sorry, Tom. I'm so sorry!"
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