#but what of the poor imperial soldier whose body their soul was forced into?
sae-mian · 5 months
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pamphletstoinspire · 6 years
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Gospel Reading and Commentary for December 16th - Third Sunday of Advent - Roman Catholic - Luke: 3: 10 - 18
10. And the people asked him, saying, What shall we do then?
11. He answered and said to them, He that has two coats, let him impart to him that has none; and he that has meat, let him do likewise.
12. Then came also Publicans to be baptized, and said to him, Master, what shall we do?
13. And he said to them, Exact no more than that which is appointed you.
14. And the soldiers likewise demanded of him, saying, And what shall we do? And he said to them, Do violence to no man, neither accuse any falsely; and be content with your wages.
GREG. In the preceding words of John, it is plain that the hearts of his hearers were troubled, and sought for advice from him. As it is added, And they asked him, saying, &c. ORIGEN; Three classes of men are introduced as inquiring of John concerning their salvation, one which the Scripture calls the multitude, another to which it gives the name of Publicans, and a third which is noticed by the appellation of soldiers. THEOPHYL. Now to the Publicans and soldiers he gives a commandment to abstain from evil, but the multitudes, as not living in an evil condition, he commands to perform some good work, as it follows, He that has two coats, let him give one. GREG. Because a coat is more necessary for our use than a cloak, it belongs to the bringing forth of fruits worthy of repentance, that we should divide with our neighbors not only our superfluities but those which are absolutely necessary to us, as our coat, or the meat with which we support our bodies; and hence it follows, And he who has meat, let him do likewise. BASIL; But we are hereby taught, that every thing we have over and above what is necessary to our daily support, we are bound to give to him who has nothing for God’s sake, who has given us liberally whatever we possess.
GREG. For because it was written in the law, You shall love your neighbor as yourself, he is proved to love his neighbor less than himself, who does not share with him in his distress, those things which are even necessary to himself. Therefore that precept is given of dividing with one’s neighbor the two coats, since if one is divided no one is clothed. But we must remark in this, of how much value are works of mercy, since of the works worthy of repentance these are enjoined before all others. AMBROSE; For other commands of duty have reference only to individuals, mercy has a common application. It is therefore a common commandment to all, to contribute to him that has not. Mercy is the fullness of virtues, yet in mercy itself a proportion is observed to meet the capacities of man’s condition, in that each individual is not to deprive himself of all, but what he has to share it with the poor.
ORIGEN; But this place admits of a deeper meaning, for as we ought not to serve two masters, so neither to have two coats, lest one should be the clothing of the old man, the other of the new, but we ought to cast off the old man, and give to him who is naked. For one man has one coat, another has none at all, the strength therefore of the two is exactly contrary, and as it has been written that we should cast all our crimes to the bottom of the sea, so ought we to throw from us our vices and errors, and lay them upon him who has been the cause of them. THEOPHYL. But some one has observed that the two coats are the spirit and letter of Scripture, but John advises him that has these two to instruct the ignorant, and give him at least the letter.
BEDE; What great virtue there was in the discourse of the Baptist is manifested by this, that the Publicans, nay even the soldiers, he compelled to seek counsel of him concerning their salvation, as it follows, But the publicans came.
CHRYS. Great is the force of virtue that makes the rich seek the way of salvation from the poor, from him that has nothing. BEDE; He commands them therefore that they exact no more than what was presented to them, as it follows, And he said to them, Do no more than what is appointed to you. But they are called publicans who collect the public taxes, or who are the farmers of the public revenue or public property? Those also who pursue the gain of this world by traffic are denoted by the same titles, all of whom, each in his own sphere, he equally forbids to practice deceit, that so by first keeping themselves from desiring other men’s goods, they might at length come to share their own with their neighbors. It follows, But the soldiers also asked him. In the justest manner he advises them not to seek gain by falsely accusing those whom they ought to benefit by their protection. Hence it follows, And he says to them, Strike no one, (i.e. violently,) nor accuse any falsely, (i.e. by unjustly using arms,) and be content with your wages. AMBROSE; Teaching thereby that wages were affixed to military duty, lest men seeking for gain should go about as robbers GREG. NAZ. For by wages he refers to the imperial pay, and the rewards assigned to distinguished actions. AUG. For he knew that soldiers, when they use their arms, are not homicides, but the ministers of the law; not the avengers of their own injuries, but the defenders of the public safety. Otherwise he might have answered, “Put away your arms, abandon warfare, strike no one, wound no one, destroy no one.” For what is it that is blamed in war? Is it that men die, who some time or other must die, that the conquerors might rule in peace? To blame this is the part of timid not religious men. The desire of injury, the cruelty of revenge, a savage and pitiless disposition, the fierceness of rebellion, the lust of power, and such like things are the evils which are justly blamed in wars, which generally for the sake of thereby bringing punishment upon the violence of those who resist, are undertaken and carried on by good men either by command of God or some lawful authority, when they find themselves in that order of things in which their very condition justly obliges them either to command such a thing themselves, or to obey when others command it. CHRYS. But John’s desire when he spoke to the Publicans and soldiers, was to bring them over to a higher wisdom, for which as they were not fitted, he reveals to them commoner truths, lest if he put forward the higher they should pay no attention thereto, and be deprived of the others also.
15. And as the people were in expectation, and all men mused in their hearts of John, whether he were the Christ, or not;
16. John answered, saying to them all, I indeed baptize you with water; but one mightier than I comes, the latchet of whose shoes I am not worthy to unloose: he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with fire.
17. Whose fan is in his hand, and he will thoroughly purge his floor, and will gather the wheat into his garner; but the chaff he will burn with fire unquenchable.
ORIGEN; It was meet that more deference should be paid to John than to other men, for he lived such as no other man. Wherefore indeed most rightly did they regard him with affection, only they kept not within due bounds; hence it is said, But while the people were expecting whether he were the Christ. AMBROSE; Now what could be more absurd than that he who was fancied to be in another should not be believed in his own person? He whom they thought to have come by a woman, is not believed to have come by a virgin; while in fact the sign of the Divine coming was placed in tile childbearing of a virgin, not of a woman ORIGEN; But love is dangerous when it is uncontrolled. For he who loves any one ought to consider the nature and causes of loving, and not to love more than the object deserves. For if he pass the due measure and bounds of love, both he who loves, and he who is loved, will be in sin. GREEK EX. And hence, John gloried not in the estimation in which all held him, nor in any way seemed to desire the deference of others, but embraced the lowest humility. Hence it follows, John answered. BEDE; But how could he answer them who in secret thought that he was Christ, except it was that they not only thought, but also (as another Evangelist declares) sending Priests and Levites to him asked him whether he was the Christ or not?
AMBROSE; Or: John saw into the secrets of the heart; but let us remember by whose grace, for it is of the gift of God to reveal things to man, not of the virtue of man, which is assisted by the Divine blessing, rather than capable of perceiving by any natural power of its own. But quickly answering them, he proved that he was not the Christ, for his works were by visible operations. For as man is compounded of two natures, i.e. soul and body, the visible mystery is made holy by the visible, the invisible by the invisible; for by water the body is washed, by the Spirit the soul is cleansed of its stains. It is permitted to us also in the very water to have the sanctifying influence of the Deity breathed upon us. And therefore there was one baptism of repentance, another of grace. The latter was by both water and Spirit, the former by one only; the work of man is to bring forth repentance for his sin, it is the gift of God to pour in the grace of His mystery. Devoid therefore of all envy of Christ’s greatness, he declared not by word but by work that he was not the Christ. Hence it follows, There comes after me one mightier than I. In those words, mightier than I, he makes no comparison, for there can be none between the Son of God and man, but because there are many mighty, no one is mightier but Christ. So far indeed was as he from making comparison, that he adds, Whose shoes latched I am not worthy to unloose. AUG. Matthew says, Whose shoes I am not worthy to bear. If therefore it is worth while to understand any difference in these expressions, we can only suppose that John said one at one time, another at another, or both together, To bear his shoes, and to loose the latchet of his shoes, so that though one Evangelist may have related this, the others that, yet all have related the truth. But if John intended no more when he spoke of the shoes of our Lord but His excellence and his own humility, whether he said loosing the latchet of the shoes, or bearing them, they have still kept the same sense who by the mention of shoes have in their own words expressed the same signification of humility. AMBROSE; By the words, Whose shoes I am not worthy to bear, he shows that the grace of preaching the Gospel was conferred upon the Apostles, who were shod for the Gospel. He seems however to say it, because John frequently represented the Jewish people. GREG. But John denounces himself as unworthy to loose the latchet of Christ’s shoes: as if he openly said, I am not able to disclose the footsteps of my Redeemer, who do not presume unworthily to take unto myself the name of bridegroom, for it was an ancient custom that when a man refused to take to wife her whom he ought, whoever should come to her betrothed by right of kin, was to loose his shoe. Or because shoes are made from the skins of dead animals, our Lord being made flesh appeared as it were with shoes, as taking upon Himself the carcass of our corruption. The latchet of the shoe is the connection of the mystery. John therefore can not loose the latchet of the shoe, because neither is he able to fathom the mystery of the Incarnation, though he acknowledged it by the Spirit of prophecy.
CHRYS. And having said that his own baptism was only with water, he next shows the excellence of that baptism which was brought by Christ, adding, He shall baptize you with the Holy Spirit, and fire, signifying by the very metaphor which he uses the abundance of grace. For he says not, “ He shall give you the Holy Spirit,” but He shall baptize you. And again, by the addition of fire, he shows the power of grace. And as Christ calls the grace of the Spirit, water, meaning by water the purity resulting from it, and the abundant consolation which is brought to minds which are capable of receiving Him; so also John, by the word fire, expresses the fervor and uprightness of grace, as well as the consuming of sins.
BEDE; The Holy Spirit also may be understood by the word fire, for He kindles with love and enlightens with wisdom the hearts which He fills. Hence also the Apostles received the baptism of the Spirit in the appearance of fire. There are some who explain it, that now we are baptized with the Spirit, hereafter we shall be with fire, that as in truth we are now born again to the remission of our sins by water and the Spirit, so then we shall be cleansed from certain lighter sins by the baptism of purifying fire. ORIGEN; And as John was waiting by the river Jordan for those who came to his baptism, and some he drove away, saying, Generation of vipers, but those who confessed their sins he received, so shall the Lord Jesus stand in the fiery stream with the flaming sword, that whoever after the close of this life desires to pass over to Paradise and needs purification, He may baptize him with this laver, and pass him over to paradise, but whoso has not the seal of the former baptisms, him He shall not baptize with the laver of fire.
BASIL; But because he says, He shall baptize you with the Holy Spirit, let no one admit that baptism to be valid in which the name of His Spirit only has been invoked, for we must ever keep undiminished that tradition which has’ been sealed to us in quickening grace. To add or take away ought thereof excludes from eternal life. GREEK EX. By these words then, He shall baptize with the Holy Spirit, He signifies the abundance of His grace, the plenteousness of His mercy; but lest any should suppose that while to bestow abundantly is both in the power and will of the Creator, He will have no occasion to punish the disobedient, he adds, whose fan is in his hand, showing that He is not only the rewarder of the righteous, but the avenger of them that speak lies. But the fan expresses the promptitude of His judgment. For not with the process of passing sentence on trial, but in an instant and without any interval he separates those that are to be condemned from the company of those that are to be saved. CYRIL; By the following words, And he shall thoroughly purge his floor, the Baptist signifies that the Church belongs to Christ as her Lord. BEDE; For by the floor is represented the present Church, in which many are called but few are chosen. The purging of which floor is even now carried on individually, when every perverse offender is either cast out of the Church for his open sins, (by the hands of the Priesthood,) or for his secret sins is after death condemned by Divine judgment. And at the end of the world it will be accomplished universally, when the Son of Man shall send His angels, and they shall gather out of His kingdom every thing that has offended. AMBROSE; By the sign of a fan then the Lord is declared to possess the power of discerning merits, since when the corn is winnowed in the threshing floor, the full ears are separated from the empty by the trial of the wind blowing them. Hence it follows, And be shall gather the wheat into his barn. By this comparison, the Lord shows that on the day of judgment He will discern the solid merits and fruits of virtue from the unfruitful lightness of empty boasting and vain deeds, about to place the men of more perfect righteousness in His heavenly mansion. For that is indeed the more perfect fruit which was thought worthy to be like to Him who fell as a grain of wheat, that He might bring forth fruit in abundance.
CYRIL; But the chaff signifies the trifling and empty blown about and liable to be carried away by every blast of sin.
BASIL; But they are mixed up with those who are worthy of the kingdom of heaven, as the chaff with the wheat. This is not however from consideration of their love of God and their neighbor, nor from their spiritual gifts or temporal blessings.
ORIGEN; Or, because without the wind the wheat and chaff cannot be separated, therefore He has the fan in His hand, which shows some to be chaff, some wheat; for when you were as the light chaff, (i.e. unbelieving,) temptation showed you to be what you knew not; but when you shall bravely endure temptation, the temptation will not make you faithful and enduring, but it will bring to light the virtue which was hid in you.
GREG NYSS. But it is well to know, that the treasure which according to the promises are laid up for those who live honestly, are such as the words of man cannot express, as eye has not seen, nor the ear heard, nor has it entered into the heart of man to conceive. And the punishments which await sinners bear no proportion to any of those things which now affect the senses. And although some of those punishments are called by our names, yet their difference is very great. For when you hear of fire, you are taught to understand something else from the expression which follows, that is not quenched, beyond what comes into the idea of other fire. GREG The fire of hell is here wonderfully expressed, for our earthly fire is kept up by heaping wood upon it, and cannot live unless supplied with fuel, but on the contrary the fire of hell, though a bodily fire, and burning bodily the wicked who are put into it, is not kept up by wood, but once made remains unquenchable.
18. And many other things in his exhortation preached he to the people.
ORIGEN; John having announced the coming of Christ, was preaching the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and the other things which the Gospel history has handed down to us. But besides these he is declared to have announced others in the following words, And many other things in his exhortation preached he to the people. THEOPHYL. For his exhortation was the telling of good things, and therefore is fitly called the Gospel. ORIGEN; And as in the Gospel according to St. John it is related of Christ that He spoke many other things, so also in this place we must understand Luke to say the same of John the Baptist, since certain things are announced by John too great to be entrusted to writing. But we marvel at John, because among them that are born of women there was not a greater than he, for by his good deeds he had been exalted to so high a fame for virtue, that by many he was supposed to be Christ. But what is much more marvelous he feared not Herod, nor dreaded death, as it follows, But Herod the tetrarch being reproved by him. EUSEBIUS. He is called the tetrarch, to distinguish him from the other Herod, in whose reign Christ was born, and who was king, but this Herod was tetrarch. Now his wife was the daughter of Aretas, king of Arabia, but he had sacrilegiously married his brother Philip’s wife, though she had offspring by his brother. For those only were allowed to do this whose brothers died without issue. For this the Baptist had censured Herod. First indeed he heard him attentively, for he knew that his words were weighty and full of consolation, but the desire of Herodius compelled him to despise the words of John, and he then thrust him into prison. And so it follows, And he added this a above all, that he shut up John in prison. BEDE; But John was not imprisoned in those days. According to St. John’s Gospel it was not till after some miracles had been performed by our Lord, and after His baptism had been noised abroad but according to Luke he had been seized beforehand by the redoubled malice of Herod, who, when he saw so man flock to the preaching of John, and the soldiers believing, the publicans repenting, and whole multitudes receiving baptism on the contrary not only despised John, but having put him in prison, slew him. GLOSS. For before that Luke relates any of the acts of Jesus, he says that John was taken by Herod, to show that he alone was in an especial manner going to describe those of our Lord’s acts, which were performed since the year in which John was taken or put to death.
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tcb40k · 4 years
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Nocreature in Equestria would have believed in the early years of the 11th century that they were only one drop in the vast oceanic multiverse. Few considered the possibility of life in other dimensions, nor did they consider what such inhabitants would be like. If ever an Equestrian thought and contemplated this question, the answer they would come from would be the same as the other races Equestria had encountered and gathered into her bosom: a few inhabitants dwelling in a single dilapidated village, lost and in need of the teaching of the magic of friendship. Should they encounter these poor souls, these few thinkers reasoned, they would no doubt accept a helping hoof or claw and be accepted into the fold of Equestria in no short order. However, across the abyss between realities, minds cold and unfeeling drew up plans that would unwittingly and irreversibly bring Equestria and her sister universes together.
And as the 42nd Millennium over the Imperial Agri-world of Boltzmann dawned, so too would the great disillusionment of Equestria.
The Governorate-General of Boltzmann is an agriworld located in Marienburg Sector, a region of space located at the edge of Segmentum Pacificus near the Halo Stars. An agri-world reduced to serfdom after its conquest in the Macharian Crusade, Boltzmann was known for its particular squalour and poverty even before the eponymous Boltzmannian War of M42.
Boltzmann was first colonised in the Dark Age of Technology, the natives of the planet retained their advanced technology even through the Age of Strife. The planet remained isolated until 395.M41 during the Macharian Crusade, when Lord General Konstantin Boltzmann, supported by Imperial Guard troops and Navy assets, demanded the immediate capitulation of the natives and its peaceful integration into the Imperium. The planetary governments refusing to comply with these orders, Boltzmann ordered a full scale invasion of the world. After defeating the primitive space navies in orbit, Boltzmann’s forces launched a planetary assault, their numbers and technology overpowering the native armies.
After the conquest of the world, Lord-General Boltzmann was named Governor-General of the planet that now bore his name. However, though the formal armies of the native states were defeated, vast numbers of resistors remained, both in the southern, habitable zone and as partisans operating in the vast tundras. In retribution, Konstantin I ordered a vast genocide to be carried out. 7/8 of the native population was to be exterminated in death camps and the survivors would be serfs for the guardsmen settled on the planet, who formed the new ruling class of Wehrbauern (or soldier-farmers in the local dialect of Gothic).
Over the course of the genocide, entire cities were levelled and replaced with landed estates. Indigenous cultural institutions, from religious centres to higher institutes of learning down to individual schools were banned, as was all education and literature in the native Boltzmannian language on pain of death. Almost all industry and infrastructure was destroyed, and the planet was officially designated an agri-world to ensure the planet would never be a threat to the Imperium again.
The new order Konstantin I built was one that meant a life of virtual slavery for the surviving enserfed Native Boltzmannians. The Wehrbauern, who owned virtually all the arable land on the planet, demanded harsh tributes from them in the form of a high percentage of their crops that ensured only the barest needs of survival were met. Healthcare and other social services were virtually non-existent save for those provided by the Church, and education for the serfs continued to be prohibited even into the end of M41.
The vast majority of the serfs lived lives of drudgery, spending their days growing breadroot (a tuberous starchy root that was the planet’s main staple), dawnbloom (a flower whose seeds could be processed into a savoury oil) for their landlords in exchange for a meager sustenance. Dissent was punished by heinous tortures, culminating in a tortuous death and mutilation of the body in event of rebellion. The only way to escape this life was service in the planet’s main Imperial Guard regiment, the Boltzmannian Serf-Soldiers, where service was for life and brutal punishments like running the gauntlet were prescribed for even the most mild of offences.
In stark contrast to the squalour of the native serfs, the Wehrbauern lived in obscene luxury, built off the near-slavery the natives were kept in. Vast manors and palaces were erected for these nobles’ own glory, and they adopted ever more ostentatious forms of dress, diet and customs as they grew rich off exports of crops to other planets (the mandatory tithes to Marienburg notwithstanding). The Planetary Diet which elected the Governor-General of Boltzmann was peopled almost exclusively by the Wehrbauern, who proclaimed the planet to be a “Nobles’ Republic”, blessed by a “Golden Liberty” while brutally suppressing any attempt by the free yeomanry, middle classes and especially the serfs at representation.
In the long term, however, the agrarian nightmare created by the Imperium was unsustainable. By the end of M41, the planet had reached its carrying capacity of 4 billion people without alchemical fertilisers (which the serfs were largely unable to afford). The soil being pushed to the breaking point, and much of the planet being deforested to make way for farms, the Boltzmannians were forced to endure cataclysm after cataclysm from mudslides to floods to famine.
The final breaking point was the appearance of the Great Rift, which caused the Astronomican’s light to permanently recede and left the sector isolated, leading to the planetary economy’s collapse into recession. With absolutely nothing to lose, the serfs exploded into rebellion as peasant mystics and radical preachers declared the Ecclesiarchal leaders to be corrupt and the Wehrbauern sinful degenerates.
This first wave of rebellion was crushed unrelentingly by the Inquisition, who conducted uncountable massacres and gruesome executions of its leaders across the planet. At the height of the repressions, the concentration camps of Konstantin I were re-opened and expanded for the mass extermination of rebels. Now bereft of an Ecclesiarchal justification for their cause, the impoverished, desperate peasants of Boltzmann were ready to throw their arms into anyone, no matter how outlandish, who could promise them their salvation.
Why doesn't the Imperium just bomb Equestria from orbit/perform Exterminatus?The barrier is impervious to both life, non-living matter and psionics, and the sector otherwise lacks the capacity to perform Exterminatus on the planet.
If the barrier is impervious to matter and psionics, wouldn't this cause *physical/psychic effect*? I am handwaving this. The point isn't to write a detailed work on the physical consequences of the ISOT, but to explore the interactions between Equestria and the Imperium
Will Aliens/Chaos feature in this? No, at least not directly and not in this stage of the project. Here the main focus is Equestrian/Imperial relations.
 Sci-Fi World Generator: donjon.bin.sh
Konstantin VII Portrait: FFG
TS Portrait: :AndoAnimalia
Aquila: seeklogo.com
Celestial Crown: Wikimedia Commons
Equestrian Flag: dalea1
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logh-icebergs · 7 years
Episode 7: Iserlohn Taken!
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May 14th, 796/487. Infiltrating Iserlohn fortress in the guise of a damaged Imperial ship, the Rosen Ritter swiftly overpower the control room. The quick thinking of one Imperial soldier temporarily locks them out of the fortress computer, forcing Yang to stall for time while Schenkopp and co. rush around Iserlohn kicking ass and taking names—names and computer passwords, I guess, since they unlock the system and allow Yang’s ship to dock. The Thor Hammer makes quick work of a large chunk of the Imperial fleet, although Oberstein flits away like the cockroach he is.
Technical Aside: Character Redraws
As I mentioned, when LoGH was released on DVD the episodes were remastered. By and large this involved evening out the colors, fixing the lighting when it was too washed out, sharpening lines, etc., and it’s beautifully done and deserves a lot of credit for making this show such an aesthetic joy to watch.
However. For reasons lost to the sands of time (at least, unknown to us) some scenes were entirely reanimated, primarily in the first and early second seasons. These redraws go beyond the touchups of other episodes—sometimes in ways that have little consequence (changing backgrounds, slightly different positioning of the characters in the scene), but sometimes in ways that significantly alter the emotions conveyed on the characters’ faces. This poses a problem for us, since the whole thesis of this project is that the animators of LoGH intentionally conveyed a ton of important information about emotions, thoughts, and relationships of the characters specifically via the details of the expressions and body language.
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As an example of an inconsequential but unfortunate change, they made this random dude’s hair way more boring. Poor guy.
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The original here conveys much more character though the body language.
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Our policy will be to base our analysis off of the original animation when we believe there’s a real difference. In these cases we’ll give a heads up and include plenty of screenshots for those who don’t have access to the laserdiscs on which it was first released. Episode 7 is one of the handful of episodes that was actually about 90% redrawn, including a few key character moments, so in some of the discussion below I include both versions to illustrate the differences. In the future we may not even show the comparison, but just analyze the original animation. It’s annoying that the version on hidive is the redrawn version, yes, but these are the hurdles one must contend with in pursuit of true LoGH scholarship…
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Believe it or not, changing poor Julian’s outfit and pose here is not the most egregious example of straightwashing in the redraws—we’ll come to that later in the season.
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Ideals, Pragmatism, and Tea
Okay, with that out of the way, let’s get into the substance of the episode. One main theme that’s woven throughout the entire Iserlohn mission (dipping back into episode 6 as well) is Yang’s distaste for the abstract ideals that are commonly invoked as justification for the continuing war and destruction. We saw this a bit in his reactions to Trunicht’s speech in episode 3, and we see it again when he addresses the newly-formed 13th fleet:
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(From episode 6.)
I love the tea speech. While at one level it’s humorous—silly Yang, so awkward and out of his depth giving a speech to thousands of people—it’s also a really pithy expression of Yang’s priorities. In two sentences Yang undermines the fundamental concept of this war: that they’re fighting for an ideal, for honor or love of their country or hatred of the empire. Circumstances have led the people in this fleet to find themselves facing a battle, and given that reality, the motivation he offers them for fighting is that living is preferable to death. And not just living, but living pleasurably. For Yang it’s drinking good tea that pops into his head, but it’s not a leap to substitute a more general idea of tangible, visceral experience of the world: being alive to do the things that make life enjoyable.
Yang believes that life is the sum of choices and experiences, and he hates the war not just because of the unnecessary death, but also because of the way it cuts off people’s choices and individual agency—his own, for example, and as he sees it, Julian’s.
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Never mind that Julian claims to *want* to fight; in Yang’s view Julian’s agency is an illusion since it’s so shaped by societal forces. Hmm, projecting much, Yang? We’ll come back to this, of course. (From episode 6.)
Toward the end of this episode we see again how frustrated Yang gets with rigid adherence to ideals of honor at the expense of actual lives. We saw this in episode 1 when his commanding officer refused to abandon the already-defeated fourth fleet; here Admiral Seeckt of the Imperial Iserlohn fleet refuses Yang’s offer to let them withdraw, instead responding with haughty phrases about the honor and glory of soldiers. Yang’s reaction here is the single biggest difference between the original animation and the redraws, so I’ll show both here:
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The redraw exaggerates Yang’s reaction in a way that feels inconsistent with his character. He is angry here, yes, but the composed, sad anger of the original fits him more than the seething, almost explosive rage of the redraw.
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Also he is just so much more beautiful in the original, damn.
Yang’s hatred of the rhetoric of war is palpable here, and his reaction—to concentrate fire on the flagship—accomplishes the dual goals of allowing the rest of the fleet to go ahead and withdraw, and eliminating the Admiral whose attitude he found so harmful.
But despite hating the war and wanting it to end, Yang accepted this mission; and when Schenkopp grills him about it in episode 6 we get insight into his specific goals.
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Yang’s pacifism is of a highly pragmatic flavor: As a historian he views cycles of war as inevitable and lacks the hubris/ambition to think that anything he does will change that in a lasting way. But the value he places on individual freedom and self-determination means that he sees full surrender to the autocratic government of the Empire as worth avoiding, and his hope in taking Iserlohn is that it might be the bargaining chip they need to conclude a peace treaty that would allow the Alliance government to remain independent.
His desire for peace is intimately tied in with his desire to leave the military and go back to the life he finds more enjoyable: drinking tea and studying history. And indeed when the mission succeeds, he initially attempts to do exactly that, going so far as to hand over a letter of resignation to Admiral Sitolet.
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This is obviously a huge turning point for Yang. Nothing is actually stopping him from resigning here; it was his plan from the beginning of the mission and he has the power to do it. But Sitolet, who was his instructor back at the military academy so has known him for a long time, knows exactly how to play him. 
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While Yang scorns the typical lofty ideals that his government puts forward to justify the continued death toll of the war, he believes deeply enough in the value of individual human lives that Sitolet’s guilt trip works on him. He can’t quite bring himself to put his own aspirations above the futures of the people in his fleet when faced with what amounts to a threat on their lives. Yang has served under other commanders and seen them, for example, advocate suicide attacks in order to play a game of attrition; Sitolet’s words are not abstract to him. While he urged his soldiers to fight so they don’t die, he himself feels the burden of fighting so that other people don’t die, so that other people have the choices he’s turning down himself.
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I introduced Yang as a man of paradoxes, and we see that here: his belief in the ideals of freedom and self-determination pushing him to stay on this path he doesn’t feel suited for.
We already met Paul von Oberstein when he accosted Kircheis in episode 4. (In fact he’s been around lurking in the background since “My Conquest.”) Here I would just like to point out that Oberstein is set up as a clear parallel/foil to Yang. Remember in episode 1 when Yang is the only one to see through Reinhard’s plan but his commanding officers won’t listen until it’s too late? Oberstein plays exactly that role here, seeing right through Yang’s delay tactic of pretending to control the weapons of Iserlohn before they actually did, but Seeckt refuses to listen to his logic.
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(Yang shots from episode 1.)
Like Yang, Oberstein is deeply pragmatic and keenly intelligent. His vibe here comes across like “what if Yang but no soul?” We’ll keep an eye on the parallels and contrasts between them as we get to know them better. (Well, get to know Yang better anyway; can anyone ever really be said to “know” the enigma that is Oberstein…?) 
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The Rosen Ritter
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In case you thought the Rosen Ritter were all sexy swagger and no action, here we get to see them actually doing their thing—hacking people to death with battle-axes. This fight sequence is beautifully choreographed, incredibly badass, and starkly brutal to watch. 
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Yang may be sitting out in his flagship doing his best to craft a strategy that minimizes loss of life, but that doesn’t mean much to these soldiers who are sacrificed to his plan. Again, war at all levels of zoom.
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Stray Tidbits
I can’t resist ranting a bit more about how much they change Yang when they redraw him. Fortunately it’s pretty rare—we won’t see redrawn!Yang much more until episode 39. But just...why...did they change the shape of his face and make his skin so red? Why? Original!Yang is so beautiful and sad and sleepy. 
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This scene makes me crack up every time. Between this and the waitress scene in the last episode we’re amassing quite a “Blumhart waves awkwardly at random women” collection.
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Documentary History Channel
All that awesome learning of Galen and Hippocrates, those doctors that showed that sickness was caused by pathogenic operators was laid to squander amid my rule of fear and the early Christian Church excitedly hurried to fill the restorative void, getting to be specialist to body and soul and subsequently held up the headway of therapeutic science until likely late in the seventeenth century. The Congregation, in its new part as healer compared infection with bad habit and sin, the discipline for individuals driving an errant life and not tuning in to the voice of Rome. Their journalists, whose abstract torment show was the Book of Disclosure, advanced and delayed this thought. There was John of Ephesus who unmistakably said that the apocalypse was close by, or Zachariah of Mytilene who said that the torment was a scourge from Satan and even the more sensible Gregory of Visits said individuals must be spared by going to St. Annoy. All things considered, include a couple of marvels like the crumple of the first arch of Hagia Sophia amid the quake of Constantinople and it's little ponder that the religiosity of the Byzantine Realm drastically expanded amid this period. It resembled the twin towers falling without a legitimate reason.
Anyway, to return to poor Justinian after whom I am so honorably called. Oh my goodness a little about him. In his day he was otherwise called Flavius Petrus Sabbatius Justinianus, the considerable Byzantine Head whose building landmarks still lie strewn around Instanbul and past. Express gratitude toward God, they didn't call me after his genuine name. In 525, at 42 years old, he got the title of Caesar and after two years the rank of Augustus. It was a period of incredible wonder as Justinian raised brilliant structures, enlisted armed forces and framed codes of laws, which turned into the premise of European Equity. Individuals took after the lessons of dynamic doctors who were making the teach of therapeutic science. Into this honorable world, I came wreaking pulverization and shaping the most exceedingly terrible pandemic that has harrowed mankind. Today, the record of my devastation stays among three principle sources, John of Ephesus, who composed Historia Ecclesiastica, while meandering around the realm, the lesser known Evagrius Scholasticus and to wrap things up, Justinian's annalist, Procopius, who distributed the Historical backdrop of the Wars, in 550.
I began my long walk around the Realm in 540. In that year I become a close acquaintence with individuals in Pelsium, Lower Egypt and inside a month dealers and vagrant researchers had conveyed me to Alexandria and Palestine. Presently I won't contend with Procopius, when he said that the loss of life in Constantinople, in spring of 542 ended up plainly 10,000 a day, yet taking into consideration a little embellishment, this was a larger number of individuals than Justinian was losing in his fights against Italy and Persia. At any rate, following my stay in Constantinople, I spread all through the domain along exchange and military courses from the beach front urban communities to the inside territories. I surfaced in Italy in 543, and from that point, relocated to Persia, to contaminate the Persian armed force and Ruler Khusro himself, making them withdraw east of the Tigris to the torment free good countries of Luristan. Gregory of Visits tells how St. Irritate spared the general population of Clermont-Ferrand in Gaul from me in 543, and I went to Ireland for a sort period in 544. I cleared out as the barmen disclosed to me Guinness wouldn't be around for an additional 1225 years. In any event they couldn't accuse the Dark Stuff for the Dubliners that were softening out up dark rankles, retching blood and some others seized by franticness. Furthermore, the poor specialists, not comprehending what to do, just speared the buboes and took a gander at the shriveled thighs and tongues and trusted they were living in 1784, when a couple of the chaps from the recently opened Imperial School of Specialist's could help them in their work. In any case, these were different days, when in run of the mill prophetically calamitous writing style, John of Ephesus considered fantasies to be "ghosts" from another common domain, when men wore distinguishing proof labels with the dread of being left unburied and boats glided carelessly adrift, later cleaning up to shore with the greater part of their team having turned into my companions.
Despite the fact that the head Justinian gotten the illness himself, he valiantly endeavored to limit the debacle. Following the flare-up in Constantinople, Justinian told the castle protect to discard the bodies. Be that as it may, soon all the gravesites were filled past limit, and the living depended on tossing the collections of casualties out into the boulevards or heaping them along the seashore to decay. He reacted to this issue by having immense pits delved over the Brilliant Horn in Sycae and enlisting men to gather the dead. In spite of the fact that these pits allegedly held 70,000 bodies every, they soon flooded and Justinian requested that the bodies ought to be set inside the towers of the city dividers and to pour lye down the poles. At the point when the rotting cadavers caused a stench that invaded the whole city, he requested that the spoiling dead ought to be put on boats and set fire adrift. Procopius additionally recorded the human measurement of the disaster. The primary day the individual could feel the hard hubs or 'buboes' in the armpits and crotch. By the second and third day the fever created fierce ridiculousness in which the casualties fantasized, seeing 'ghosts of death'. He shrewdly watched that a man who hacked and spit up mucus kicked the bucket rapidly, for the most part by the fifth day. Understudies from the Illustrious School of Specialists today, God favor them, would reveal to you that I really came in three structures: bubonic, pneumonic (additionally called aspiratory), and the septicaemic.
The bubonic shape, which must exist before the other two strains can end up noticeably dynamic, isn't specifically infectious unless the patient harbors insects. Since Procopius did not express that the individuals who looked after the wiped out fundamentally gotten the illness, it is deduced that the bubonic frame was most dynamic in the Justinianic torment. The pneumonic torment happened at whatever point I chose to attack the lungs. This assortment is exceptionally infectious starting with one individual then onto the next, and is spread via airborne beads. Because of Procopius' perception that the torment was not specifically infectious, and the nonappearance of the significant side effects of pneumonic torment in the records, to be specific shallow breathing and snugness in the chest, this shape was most likely not extremely dynamic. Septicaemia happens when the disease enters the circulatory system, and demise is quick, for the most part before buboes can shape. In his record, Agathias detailed some of my companions biting the dust as though by an assault of circulatory trouble and from this a few researchers would deduct that my septicaemic frame existed amid the Justinian flare-up. Be that as it may, in any case, I wreak fiasco as bubonic torment brings about 70% passings; pneumonic torment in 90% and septicaemic torment leaves no survivors. To live for ten days was viewed as a marvel and gave time for one to offer extra supplications for an inescapable end.
It was normal for whole families and callings to be wiped out, their ancestry finished and their callings to be lost to history. Amid the 50 years that the Justinian torment seethed, no town or town was saved and one hundred million individuals kicked the bucket of the sickness. This implied initiates for the Roman Armed force ended up plainly hard to discover, with the outcome that the domain was for the most part served by savage soldiers of fortune. In Justinian's last years, there were practically no men either to volunteer or to be inspired into the administration. Since he was saved, he pulled back from open life and committed himself to philosophical issues. He trusted that Christ was totally divine and that his honest human body was only a fancy. This irreverence sometimes fell short for the Christians of the period and no one was astonished when he kicked the bucket two years after the fact. Luckily for the Romans themselves, the torment had additionally assaulted and debilitated the Persian Domain. In Italy, the Ostrogoths continued the war, and new revolts softened out up the already curbed African regions. Obviously, the Justinianic torment, aside from its overwhelming quick effect, undermined the political and sparing structure of the late Roman Domain, making conditions ready for fiasco. Combined with alternate fiascos, the torment diminished the number of inhabitants in the Mediterranean world by 40% by the year 600. Such a huge death rate caused elimination of the urban focuses and made a basic irregularity for the leave Middle Easterners. In any case, before I go down that street, let us simply say that I was a microorganism that really changed the historical backdrop of the world!
Documentary History Channel
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officialotakudome · 7 years
New Post has been published on Otaku Dome | The Latest News In Anime, Manga, Gaming, And More
New Post has been published on http://otakudome.com/section-23-announces-december-slate/
Section 23 Announces December Slate
Section23 has announced it’s December releases:
HOUSTON, August 22, 2017 – Home video distributor Section23 Films today announced its December slate of releases which includes the first of the three New Theatrical Initial D Legendmovies by Sentai Filmworks, INITIAL D LEGEND 1: AWAKENING!
      Product details follow, in order of release
  Coming December 2017
Published by:    Sentai Filmworks
Distributed by:  Section23 Films
Run Time:         1225 min.
Street Date:      12/5/2017
Format:             BD
Language:         English & Japanese with English Subtitles
SRP:                $149.98
  SYNOPSIS:  Ever since the death of his mother, Tomoyo’s life has been in a downward spiral. Nagisa’s declining health has been so fragile that she’s been forced to repeat a year of school. But when he agrees to help her restart the school’s disbanded Drama Club, they learn that sometimes, if you find the right people to help you, you can get a second chance at happiness. Join the ambitious Tomoyo, who dreams of becoming class president; Kotomi, a troubled genius with a secret past; and the mysterious Fuko, whose connection with the world has become so tenuous that she’s literally fading from existence. Discover the healing power of kindred souls, and experience the complete classic story of life, love, and the power of the human spirit in two extraordinary series: CLANNAD and CLANNAD AFTER STORY.
Published by:    Sentai Filmworks
Distributed by:  Section23 Films
Run Time:         650 min.
Street Date:      12/5/2017
Format:             BD
Language:         English & Japanese with English Subtitles
SRP:                $99.98
  SYNOPSIS:  Strangely, even though they aren’t brothers, Shino and Sosuke bear identical birthmarks.  And when a fire destroys their village, leaving the two of them and Hamaji as the only survivors, they are forced out into the world.  There they meet Genpachi and Kobungo, two soldiers who also have the same birthmark and whose confrontations with demons have left them irrevocably changed.  Now however, they are on the run as the Imperial Church tries to capture Shino and take his mysterious powers for themselves.  The unlikely quartet’s only hope is to discover the secret behind their birthmarks, which will lead them to eight magical gems and their owners.  Brothers-in-arms unite as one of Japan’s greatest works of literature is born again in the complete collection of HAKKENDEN: EIGHT DOGS OF THE EAST – Seasons One & Two!
      Title:                 INITIAL D LEGEND 1: AWAKENING
Published by:    Sentai Filmworks
Distributed by:  Section23 Films
Run Time:         60 min.
Street Date:      12/5/2017
Format:             COMBO
Language:         English & Japanese with English Subtitles
SRP:                $39.98
  SYNOPSIS:  When aspiring racer Koichiro Iketani witnesses an unplanned street duel between Keisuke Takahashi, a member of a rival race team, and a mysterious Toyota Sprinter Trueno AE86, Koichiro’s totally blown away by the skill of the 86’s driver. What Koichiro doesn’t know is that the driver is fellow gas station attendant Takumi Fujiwara, who was making a late-night tofu delivery for his father, a legendary Mt. Akina driver himself. Unforeseen events are about to springboard Takumi into the center of the street-racing world, turning the rivalry between Iketani’s Akina Speedsters and Takahashi’s Akagi Red Suns into an all-out street war! The legendary series that introduced the west to the sport of drift racing is reinvented in an all new feature film that’s even faster and more furious than ever before: NEW THEATRICAL MOVIE INITIAL D LEGEND 1: AWAKENING!
Published by:    Sentai Filmworks
Distributed by:  Section23 Films
Run Time:         575 min.
Street Date:      12/12/2017
Format:             BD
Language:         English & Japanese with English Subtitles
SRP:                $99.98
  SYNOPSIS:  The war with the Gaz Empire ended with the act of cutting the Emperor’s body into pieces which were then carried off across the kingdoms. Without a war to fight in, it didn’t take much convincing for unemployed saboteur Toru Acura and his sister Akari to join a coffin-carrying girl on her ghoulish mission of gathering those severed parts. But is Chaika the dead man’s daughter, picking up the pieces for burial, or is there something far more sinister in the works? As rumors come forth of other, identical girls engaged in the same task, the winds of war seem to be stirring, and there are those who believe that rejoining the Emperor’s scattered body could unleash a new nightmare! At long last, both seasons of the CHAIKA series are collected together in CHAIKA ~ THE COFFIN PRINCESS and CHAIKA ~ THE COFFIN PRINCESS: AVENGING BATTLE!
      Title:                 GARO TV COLLECTION 2 BLU-RAY
Published by:    Kraken Releasing
Distributed by:  Section23 Films
Run Time:         300 min.
Street Date:      12/12/2017
Format:             BD
Language:         Japanese with English Subtitles
SRP:                $39.98
    SYNOPSIS:  For thousands of years, the Makai Knights and their allies have fought a secret war against the Horrors. But now the threads of trust that have held the Knights together are unraveling. As Kouga and Zaruba continue to seek a cure for Kaoru’s lethal exposure to Horror blood, the tension between the current wearer of the golden Garo armor and the wearer of the silver Zero armor, Rei, hits the breaking point. Was Kouga somehow responsible for the death of Rei’s family? Why are the watchdogs forcing them to work together when they know what Rei believes? And meanwhile, will Kaoru’s trusted advisor turn out to have the darkest secret of all? Friends die, love shatters, heroes fall, and monsters reign in the spectacular conclusion to the first epic series of GARO!
        Title:                 WHEN THEY CRY COMPLETE SERIES BLU-RAY
Published by:    Sentai Filmworks
Distributed by:  Section23 Films
Run Time:         1400 min.
Street Date:      12/12/2017
Format:             BD
Language:         Japanese with English Subtitles
SRP:                $129.98
  SYNOPSIS:  It’s hard enough moving to a town where everyone has known each other their entire lives. Ever since Keiichi arrived in the picturesque town of Hinamizawa, he keeps discovering ominous happenings that don’t make any sense. Unsolved murders. Disappearances. Mutilations. The worst part is that he can’t be sure whether or not his new friends like Rena, Mion, Satoko, and Rika are aware of the events or involved in what’s happening. All he knows is that it’s not paranoia if someone really is trying to kill him, and escaping Hinamizawa alive may no longer be an option. All the buried secrets will be revealed, and all the horrors will be unleashed as the entire epic horror series that shocked Japan finally becomes available in the complete collection of  WHEN THEY CRY!
Published by:    Sentai Filmworks
Distributed by:  Section23 Films
Run Time:         625 min.
Street Date:      12/19/2017
Format:             BD
Language:         English & Japanese with English Subtitles
SRP:                $99.98
  SYNOPSIS:  Betrayed, stripped of her birthright, and declared less than human. Everything that Princess Angelise Ikaruga Misurugi of the Misurugi Empire thought she knew about her world was a lie. Now, for the crime of not being able to use magic, she’s been sentenced to certain death as a slave-soldier. The girl now known as Ange is no longer an innocent Princess: she’s learning how to kill draconic invaders, defending the same traitors who stole her life. However, they made a fatal mistake: they gave her access to an incredible weapon. Get ready for a stunning new epic in animation as giant robots, a princess, and dragons engage in the ultimate duel to the death in CROSS ANGE: RONDO OF ANGEL AND DRAGON – THE COMPLETE COLLECTION!
Published by:    Sentai Filmworks
Distributed by:  Section23 Films
Run Time:         1250 min.
Street Date:      12/19/2017
Format:             BD
Language:         Japanese with English Subtitles
SRP:                $129.98
  SYNOPSIS:  Between her poor spellwork and long name, the other students at the Tristain Academy of Magic have taken to calling poor Louise Françoise Le Blanc de La Vallière, “Louise the Zero.”  Things only get worse when the students summon up their familiars, because while others receive fantastic creatures like dragons, Louise summons a normal teenager from Tokyo! While Louise may be stuck with Hiraga Saito, and Saito’s stuck with the lousy life of being her familiar, maybe there’s more going on than meets the eye. Maybe Saito’s not quite as normal as everyone thinks, and Louise just hasn’t figured out what she’s good at yet. In fact, they might even have the makings of a great team once they start to get ‘familiar’ with each other!  One of anime’s wildest romances is unleashed in the ultimate complete collection of THE FAMILIAR OF ZERO!
      Title:                 TO LOVE RU COMPLETE SERIES BLU-RAY
Published by:    Sentai Filmworks
Distributed by:  Section23 Films
Run Time:         1600 min.
Street Date:      12/19/2017
Format:             BD
Language:         Japanese with English Subtitles
SRP:                $129.98
  SYNOPSIS:  The bathroom is the most dangerous room in most people’s houses, but when Rito Yuki’s washroom becomes the site of an unexpected close encounter, the fabric of the entire galaxy might unravel! That’s because fabric’s the one thing that Princess Lala of Deviluke isn’t wearing when she teleports into Rito’s tub, and on Deviluke boobie-touching is a proposal of marriage. Suddenly Rito has an alien girl with a tail moving in, a potential father-in-law who looks like the Devil, and, oh yes, Rito’s going to be the Prince of an alien planet if he can survive all the challengers, rivals, assassins, femme fatales and alien hangers-on who start showing up on his doorstep! At long last the complete series that answers the question “What do you say to a naked alien?” is available in the ultimate epic collection of TO LOVE RU!
0 notes
recentanimenews · 7 years
Section23 Announces December Anime Release Slate
Home video distributor Section23 Films today announced its December slate of releases which includes the first of the three New Theatrical Initial D Legend movies by Sentai Filmworks, INITIAL D LEGEND 1: AWAKENING, as well as collection of other popular anime. 
Published by:    Sentai Filmworks
Distributed by:  Section23 Films
Run Time:         1225 min.
Street Date:      12/5/2017
Format:             BD
Language:         English & Japanese with English Subtitles
SRP:                $149.98
  SYNOPSIS:  Ever since the death of his mother, Tomoyo's life has been in a downward spiral. Nagisa's declining health has been so fragile that she's been forced to repeat a year of school. But when he agrees to help her restart the school's disbanded Drama Club, they learn that sometimes, if you find the right people to help you, you can get a second chance at happiness. Join the ambitious Tomoyo, who dreams of becoming class president; Kotomi, a troubled genius with a secret past; and the mysterious Fuko, whose connection with the world has become so tenuous that she's literally fading from existence. Discover the healing power of kindred souls, and experience the complete classic story of life, love, and the power of the human spirit in two extraordinary series: CLANNAD and CLANNAD AFTER STORY.
Published by:    Sentai Filmworks
Distributed by:  Section23 Films
Run Time:         650 min.
Street Date:      12/5/2017
Format:             BD
Language:         English & Japanese with English Subtitles
SRP:                $99.98
  SYNOPSIS:  Strangely, even though they aren’t brothers, Shino and Sosuke bear identical birthmarks.  And when a fire destroys their village, leaving the two of them and Hamaji as the only survivors, they are forced out into the world.  There they meet Genpachi and Kobungo, two soldiers who also have the same birthmark and whose confrontations with demons have left them irrevocably changed.  Now however, they are on the run as the Imperial Church tries to capture Shino and take his mysterious powers for themselves.  The unlikely quartet’s only hope is to discover the secret behind their birthmarks, which will lead them to eight magical gems and their owners.  Brothers-in-arms unite as one of Japan’s greatest works of literature is born again in the complete collection of HAKKENDEN: EIGHT DOGS OF THE EAST – Seasons One & Two!
      Title:                 INITIAL D LEGEND 1: AWAKENING
Published by:    Sentai Filmworks
Distributed by:  Section23 Films
Run Time:         60 min.
Street Date:      12/5/2017
Format:             COMBO
Language:         English & Japanese with English Subtitles
SRP:                $39.98
  SYNOPSIS:  When aspiring racer Koichiro Iketani witnesses an unplanned street duel between Keisuke Takahashi, a member of a rival race team, and a mysterious Toyota Sprinter Trueno AE86, Koichiro's totally blown away by the skill of the 86's driver. What Koichiro doesn't know is that the driver is fellow gas station attendant Takumi Fujiwara, who was making a late-night tofu delivery for his father, a legendary Mt. Akina driver himself. Unforeseen events are about to springboard Takumi into the center of the street-racing world, turning the rivalry between Iketani's Akina Speedsters and Takahashi's Akagi Red Suns into an all-out street war! The legendary series that introduced the west to the sport of drift racing is reinvented in an all new feature film that's even faster and more furious than ever before: NEW THEATRICAL MOVIE INITIAL D LEGEND 1: AWAKENING!
Published by:    Sentai Filmworks
Distributed by:  Section23 Films
Run Time:         575 min.
Street Date:      12/12/2017
Format:             BD
Language:         English & Japanese with English Subtitles
SRP:                $99.98
  SYNOPSIS:  The war with the Gaz Empire ended with the act of cutting the Emperor's body into pieces which were then carried off across the kingdoms. Without a war to fight in, it didn't take much convincing for unemployed saboteur Toru Acura and his sister Akari to join a coffin-carrying girl on her ghoulish mission of gathering those severed parts. But is Chaika the dead man's daughter, picking up the pieces for burial, or is there something far more sinister in the works? As rumors come forth of other, identical girls engaged in the same task, the winds of war seem to be stirring, and there are those who believe that rejoining the Emperor's scattered body could unleash a new nightmare! At long last, both seasons of the CHAIKA series are collected together in CHAIKA ~ THE COFFIN PRINCESS and CHAIKA ~ THE COFFIN PRINCESS: AVENGING BATTLE!
      Title:                 GARO TV COLLECTION 2 BLU-RAY
Published by:    Kraken Releasing
Distributed by:  Section23 Films
Run Time:         300 min.
Street Date:      12/12/2017
Format:             BD
Language:         Japanese with English Subtitles
SRP:                $39.98
    SYNOPSIS:  For thousands of years, the Makai Knights and their allies have fought a secret war against the Horrors. But now the threads of trust that have held the Knights together are unraveling. As Kouga and Zaruba continue to seek a cure for Kaoru's lethal exposure to Horror blood, the tension between the current wearer of the golden Garo armor and the wearer of the silver Zero armor, Rei, hits the breaking point. Was Kouga somehow responsible for the death of Rei's family? Why are the watchdogs forcing them to work together when they know what Rei believes? And meanwhile, will Kaoru's trusted advisor turn out to have the darkest secret of all? Friends die, love shatters, heroes fall, and monsters reign in the spectacular conclusion to the first epic series of GARO!
        Title:                 WHEN THEY CRY COMPLETE SERIES BLU-RAY
Published by:    Sentai Filmworks
Distributed by:  Section23 Films
Run Time:         1400 min.
Street Date:      12/12/2017
Format:             BD
Language:         Japanese with English Subtitles
SRP:                $129.98
  SYNOPSIS:  It's hard enough moving to a town where everyone has known each other their entire lives. Ever since Keiichi arrived in the picturesque town of Hinamizawa, he keeps discovering ominous happenings that don't make any sense. Unsolved murders. Disappearances. Mutilations. The worst part is that he can't be sure whether or not his new friends like Rena, Mion, Satoko, and Rika are aware of the events or involved in what's happening. All he knows is that it's not paranoia if someone really is trying to kill him, and escaping Hinamizawa alive may no longer be an option. All the buried secrets will be revealed, and all the horrors will be unleashed as the entire epic horror series that shocked Japan finally becomes available in the complete collection of  WHEN THEY CRY!
Published by:    Sentai Filmworks
Distributed by:  Section23 Films
Run Time:         625 min.
Street Date:      12/19/2017
Format:             BD
Language:         English & Japanese with English Subtitles
SRP:                $99.98
  SYNOPSIS:  Betrayed, stripped of her birthright, and declared less than human. Everything that Princess Angelise Ikaruga Misurugi of the Misurugi Empire thought she knew about her world was a lie. Now, for the crime of not being able to use magic, she's been sentenced to certain death as a slave-soldier. The girl now known as Ange is no longer an innocent Princess: she's learning how to kill draconic invaders, defending the same traitors who stole her life. However, they made a fatal mistake: they gave her access to an incredible weapon. Get ready for a stunning new epic in animation as giant robots, a princess, and dragons engage in the ultimate duel to the death in CROSS ANGE: RONDO OF ANGEL AND DRAGON - THE COMPLETE COLLECTION!
Published by:    Sentai Filmworks
Distributed by:  Section23 Films
Run Time:         1250 min.
Street Date:      12/19/2017
Format:             BD
Language:         Japanese with English Subtitles
SRP:                $129.98
  SYNOPSIS:  Between her poor spellwork and long name, the other students at the Tristain Academy of Magic have taken to calling poor Louise Françoise Le Blanc de La Vallière, "Louise the Zero."  Things only get worse when the students summon up their familiars, because while others receive fantastic creatures like dragons, Louise summons a normal teenager from Tokyo! While Louise may be stuck with Hiraga Saito, and Saito's stuck with the lousy life of being her familiar, maybe there's more going on than meets the eye. Maybe Saito's not quite as normal as everyone thinks, and Louise just hasn't figured out what she's good at yet. In fact, they might even have the makings of a great team once they start to get 'familiar' with each other!  One of anime's wildest romances is unleashed in the ultimate complete collection of THE FAMILIAR OF ZERO!
      Title:                 TO LOVE RU COMPLETE SERIES BLU-RAY
Published by:    Sentai Filmworks
Distributed by:  Section23 Films
Run Time:         1600 min.
Street Date:      12/19/2017
Format:             BD
Language:         Japanese with English Subtitles
SRP:                $129.98
  SYNOPSIS:  The bathroom is the most dangerous room in most people's houses, but when Rito Yuki's washroom becomes the site of an unexpected close encounter, the fabric of the entire galaxy might unravel! That's because fabric's the one thing that Princess Lala of Deviluke isn't wearing when she teleports into Rito's tub, and on Deviluke boobie-touching is a proposal of marriage. Suddenly Rito has an alien girl with a tail moving in, a potential father-in-law who looks like the Devil, and, oh yes, Rito's going to be the Prince of an alien planet if he can survive all the challengers, rivals, assassins, femme fatales and alien hangers-on who start showing up on his doorstep! At long last the complete series that answers the question "What do you say to a naked alien?" is available in the ultimate epic collection of TO LOVE RU!
  ------ Scott Green is editor and reporter for anime and manga at geek entertainment site Ain't It Cool News. Follow him on Twitter at @aicnanime.
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