#but whatever this is what y'all're getting from now on
akumaasylum · 2 years
Hey y’all, long time no see. Well, I guess I’m back here again, now that it looks like twit’s going belly up? So over the course of the next couple.... days? weeks? I’m going to be slowly changing my blog up. Might change usernames, unsure of that though since I use this one everywhere, but it has been feeling uncomfy for a bit now. I’ll give a heads up ahead of time
Anywho... a lot of my interests have shifted since the nsfwpocalypse and since covid, and my follows have been cut in half. My happy-brain chemicals pretty much only come from Dimension20, Critical Role, NADDPod, and video games now, so apologies to the people who followed me for homestuck content way back when. That’s not gonna be showing up as much, if at all, anymore. If anyone has some good blogs for those aforementioned interests, though, send them my way, please!
I guess that’s it, that’s the post. 
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sleptwithinthesun · 1 year
y'all're way too nice. i genuinely forced out the last fic i posted and might just end up rewriting it later, but i'm trying to write the au chronologically so there aren't continuity errors, and that one needed to be finished before i could work on the next few.
here's ~1.2K detailing the first time s/teve and n/ancy try inducing j/onathan :) hope you like it because THIS is where the fun starts
"Is this okay?"
Jonathan shrugs, his knees tucked up to his chest and parted slightly for Steve and Nancy to access his face. His back is against the headboard of their bed, and he's twisting his fingers together nervously. "I think so," he says, managing to prevent his voice from curling upward at the end and turning into a question.
Nancy smiles at him, and Steve reassures, "Don't be nervous, Jon. Whatever happens is fine. Don't feel pressured because of us."
He nods, but the anxiety building in his chest is too much for him to speak around. It's taken a while for him to come around to the idea of letting them induce him, despite how willing he initially was to put it on the table, and now, he might be regretting it.
"Hey," Nancy says, putting a hand on his knee. "Be honest, Jonathan. Do you not want to do this?"
Jonathan swallows. His throat is too dry. "I want to," he says. "I do."
"Are you sure?"
He nods. "Yes." His voice comes out a little steadier that time, and Nancy and Steve relax a bit.
"Alright," Steve says, picking up one of the pillows and examining it for a long moment before plucking out a feather. "We're going to start small, okay? Tell us if you're uncomfortable at any time, and we'll stop as soon as you say so. We've both done this before, so if anything gets to be too much, we know how to dial it back. Okay?"
"Okay," Jonathan whispers.
It's... kind of awkward. Likely because Jonathan feels awkward sitting there and letting Nancy slide a feather into his nostrils, but also, just because the situation itself is fairly unorthodox. He's never been into anything specific, in regard to sex, and has no experience with this particular kink.
"Does it tickle?" Nancy asks quietly, using her fingertips to slowly twist the feather around. She's hitting all the soft walls of his nostril, getting the barbs to brush right up against the mucus membranes.
Jonathan hums in affirmation, then pulls away a second later to bring his shirt up over his face and sneeze quietly, suppressing it the way he always does. "Sorry," he says the second he pulls his shirt down, and Steve only smirks at him.
"Don't apologize. That's kind of the point, though, it would be nice if you lost the shirt so that you couldn't hide your face," he says, and Jonathan flushes. "Stick to your boundaries, though."
He takes the feather from Nancy, inserting it into the other nostril and wiggling it around. They have different methods, he realizes; while Nancy prefers to take it slow, teasing him, Steve goes quickly, almost rushing, and it's a matter of about thirty seconds before Jonathan pulls away to sneeze again. "Oh," he says, blinking.
"What's going on?" Steve asks.
Jonathan sniffles. "That one felt, like, uh... more than the first one. Does that make sense?"
Nancy nods. "Yeah. Harsher?"
"I... think so."
"It looked like it, too," she comments. "You backed up more urgently."
And that is definitely not a normal thing to notice.
Something must show on his expression, because Nancy's eyes suddenly go wide. "Oh, shit. Was that too weird?"
"It's weird, but good-weird," he says. "Because it's you-weird, and Steve-weird, and I love both of you."
"You're so fucking sappy," Steve says, and kisses him. "Are you ready for more?"
"Yeah," he says, actually feeling confident this time. "Keep going."
"If you say so," Nancy sing-songs, then slides the feather back in. "This time, try not to sneeze for as long as you can, okay?"
Jonathan nods, wincing when the position of the feather changes. Nancy's careful to adjust it, spinning it slowly as the itch and irritation builds up slowly. He scrunches up his nose a couple times in an attempt to alleviate the feeling, and Steve laughs a bit.
"You look like a little bunny rabbit when you do that," he teases, and Jonathan bites his lip to keep from either talking back to Steve or sneezing.
He scrunches his nose up again.
Nancy giggles. "You're right," she says to Steve. "He does look like a bunny rabbit. Very cute, Jonathan, thank you for that."
Jonathan laughs a bit, then does his best to clamp down on the rising urge to sneeze, the feeling blossoming quickly in the very back of his sinuses and buzzing in his face. His breath hitches once, twice, before he takes back control of it, forcing himself to breathe steadily.
"You getting close to needing to sneeze, Jon?" she asks, pushing the feather in just a tiny bit further and twisting it again.
"Y-yeah," he mumbles, sniffling again.
"Keep it back," she demands, a second before she lefts the feather brush against the very back of his nose, right where he assumes the olfactory nerves must be, and he gasps before throwing a hurried string of four into his elbow. He manages to stifle all but the last one, and it slips out in a tiny "hgk'sh!"
"Bless you," Steve murmurs, his eyes practically glinting with lust. "That was good, Jon."
He ducks his head. "I still have to sneeze," he confesses.
"You need help?" Nancy asks, offering up the feather. She waits for Jonathan to nod shyly before tracing around the edges of his nose in a figure eight pattern, and Jonathan shakes his head slightly at the sudden irritation.
Nancy's face breaks into a grin at that, and she beckons Steve over. "Do the thing," she says, still working at him, and Jonathan is given no time to even wonder what that means before Steve's finger is tracing lightly down the bridge of his nose.
"Nancy, that reahh! Really tickles," he murmurs.
"It's supposed to," she teases, and finally moves the feather back into his nostrils, attacking the areas just below Steve's finger. Jonathan's breath stutters, but he doesn't sneeze, not yet. Nancy's being careful not to let him, and he feels tears of irritation prick at his eyelashes. He's not even allergic to feathers, and yet.
"You almost there, Jon?" Steve asks, and he nods, closing his eyes. "Alright, we'll wrap it up."
The feather suddenly twists, changing direction, and brushes up against something that's really sensitive, because he's sneezing down into his lap with absolutely no warning and no ability to stifle them. "hk'sHhu!"
"Bless you."
"Bless you." From Nancy, that time.
"Bless you."
"Nance, he's gonna—"
"Bless you," Nancy emphasizes, running a hand through his hair. "Shit, are you alright?"
"I'm fine," he replies, blinking shyly up at her and Steve. "Was, um... was that okay?"
Steve grins. "That was perfect, Jon."
He smiles back at them, a bit sheepish. "You want to do any more of that tonight, or wait?"
"If you're up to it, then I'd definitely want to do more," Nancy says, and Steve nods in agreement. "Jonathan?"
"I'm good," he says. "That was... good, I guess."
Nancy snorts and Steve laughs a bit. "Baby's first time," he teases, and Nancy only laughs harder. "Alright, Jon, round two."
He nods, and it begins.
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mishafletcher · 2 years
i'm sort of enjoying the influx of new people, but feel like there are a few tips i've seen left out of many welcome-to-tungle posts, so:
unlike most platforms, it's hard to tell who's following you on tumblr! if you have even a moderate amount of activity, it's super easy to miss the notification, and the only other way to tell if someone is following you is to go manually search your followers. sometimes this is a blessing, sometimes this is a curse. (mostly a blessing, tho.)
if you're a writer or a podcaster or an artist or whatever, put that info somewhere obvious! put it in your header, even if it's just "i wrote this thing!" i know you make cool stuff, but some of y'all're making it real hard for people to find out that you make cool stuff.
embrace tags as commentary. if you're adding substantive content to the post, sure, add it to the post, i guess. if it's a post about what you have for breakfast, though, or a meme about which [whatever] are you, just throw it in the tags.
if someone added stuff to a post that you don't agree with, or that isn't adding anything to the post, it's fine to fish around in the notes to find a version that doesn't have that addition.
back to tags. i literally can't overstate how much we love tags here. metacommentary on the post? throwaway comments? vaguely related anecdote? put it in the tags! tags are so much a part of tumblr's conversations that the options for filtering reblog notifications are "reblogs with comment" and "reblogs without comment"—and if you select "reblogs with comment", you'll still get the ones that have had tags added.
side note that you can filter your activity feed, which is where you can see how people are interacting with your posts. i personally try not to engage with mine—not my business—but if you want to look at a specific thing, like who's followed you recently, or replies on your posts, hit the little filter button above the feed and you can be very specific about the types of activity that you want to see.
nope, sorry, i'm still talking about tags. bonus to embracing tags as commentary: you can say whatever weird shit you want! tags are delightfully ephemeral. you want to search the tags? best of luck! you probably cannot. choose to view this as a feature, not a bug.
sometimes your tags pass peer review, as we say, and someone will screenshot or copy them and add them to the post. this is a compliment.
the queue function is the unsung hero of this website. are you posting in real time? are you posting from a queue? are you mixing it up and doing both at once? who can say? congrats, you're ✨mysterious✨!
another important function of the queue is that helps you make *your* blorbos into *our* blorbos. twenty-seven untagged posts about your new hyperfixation in two hours is the soul killer, the thing that makes your followers super tired of even hearing about it. the exact same twenty-seven untagged posts spread out over the course of a day, though, scattered among other posts like seeds on the wind, are somehow charming—compelling, even. wow, that sad wet cat of a man *does* seem awfully sad. i wonder what terrible thing has happened to him!
anyhow, these aren't rules and i'm not the boss of you, but if you were looking for unsolicited advice from a gremlin who's been on tumblr for way, way too long, now you have it.
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wildcatofgreen · 2 years
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"You said her artifact can teleport her, correct?"
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"Well, yeah, but--"
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"Then there is nothing more that needs to be said. If you can be with her, then call her to you. Failing that, go to her. Enjoy her presence, bask in her love.
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"You might never know when it's your last time to do so. I would rather you not suffer the same fate as me."
The centurion stood, and without another word, left the metallic chamber, left this personal hell, to move on to another.
That wildcat...
It reminded her too much of Cordelia. From how the hatchling described her, she had that same snark and joy, even down to having a similar stone, though, her's sounds much more powerful than Cordelia's.
Curious. How a stray like her landed upon power like that?
The centurion can only hope she doesn't abuse it, or let it fall into the hands of bastards.
Anonymous asked: So, are you gonna go visit her?
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"I mean... I wanna, right?
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"But that ain't how the gem works!!! Like, I like Cory's idea as much as the next guy, but it ain't like I can just think really hard an' be brought 'ta her!!! It ain't how it works!!!"
#''stupid cory. she doesnt understand anything.'' #''think she's hot shit yeah well TOO BAD YOU AINT NOTHIN' SIS. 3:<''
Anonymous asked: How are you gonna see her again?
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"I... I don't know. Outside of just telling her to fly over here.
"I'm not even sure if what Merga said to do was a good idea. I mean, Carol's probably super busy being the Battlesphere Champion by now. I wouldn't want to interrupt that. Especially for something not important."
#I have this pit in my stomach... #Was I really so easy to read...?
Anonymous asked: Do you think she feels the same?
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"Noooot even slightly, bub. She's 'prolly smoochin' with some guy down there, wherever she is.
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"Stones, she's probably not even gay!!! What the hell am I thinkin', man??? Cory's got all these stupid ideas in my head now. Stones damn it!!!"
#''when this is all over im kicking her ass.''
Anonymous asked: Do you think she feels the same?
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"I don't know. I mean, I've thought about it before. She always gets a little bit flustered around me, whenever I get too close.
"I didn't think much of it back then. But, maybe...
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"Oh, who am I kidding? That girl's probably straight as a board. I think she just wasn't used to being touched back then. Last time we were together, she was perfectly fine."
#This whole idea is stupid anyway.
Anonymous asked: Do you want to be with her?
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"More than anythin', really.
"But I jus'... I can't even see it happenin'. It dun't feel possible."
#''she's gonna reject me i already know it i already know it i already know it''
Anonymous asked: Do you want to be with her?
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"I didn't realize it before, but all of those feelings... all of those times I felt safe and fuzzy around her...
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"I guess I do.
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"But it's too late now, isn't it? It's not like I can talk to her again without going mainland."
#Maybe /this/ is my biggest regret...
Anonymous asked: Isn't there ANY way you contact her?
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"Look, I'mma text her right now. An' when it says ''service unreachable'', y'all can get on all fours an' eat my ass, got it?"
#''y'all're stupid as shit i swear'' #''what part of ''i havent talked to her in weeks'' are y'all not gettin' here''
wildcatofgreen: sup lyli i know this message aint gettin to ya but im try'na prove a point.
The water dragon froze.
Her phone just lit up.
Was that... Carol?
But... how??? What???? She doesn't have reception!!! How is she...
lilmissheropants: Lol! Idk how you're texting me right now but whatever you're doing, keep doing it!!!
The wildcat froze, almost dropping her phone out of her hand.
Excuse her??? She responded??? But, what? How??? She doesn't have reception!!! How's she supposed to--
Out of the corner of her eye, she caught something.
That stupid green gemerald--it's glowing brighter than usual.
Hell, of course this would be that thing's fault. Of course.
Well, she can actually thank it for once. This was only purely a good thing.
wildcatofgreen: kkay i figured it out on my own blame the gemerald lilmissheropants: Again? How much trouble has that thing gotten you in??? wildcatofgreen: lmao how much do you think lyli lilmissheropants: Way too much!!! lilmissheropants: You should totally get rid of that thing sometime. wildcatofgreen: girl we literally wouldnt be talkin rn if i didnt have it wildcatofgreen: be thankful lilmissheropants: Good point LOL
The two had texted each other for hours, speaking about the past couple of weeks, catching each other up on their lives. Lilac would tell a story about foraging, Carol would tell a story about Neera. Lilac would tell a story about all the pretty sights and the new people she's met, Carol would tell a story about another one of Milla's potions. On and on and on this would go, until the dragon finally said something different.
lilmissheropants: Hey... can I tell you something? wildcatofgreen: duh. we wouldnt be besties if you couldnt
They both would wince at the word--Carol for having to use it, Lilac for seeing it.
lilmissheropants: I...
The dragon stroke her fingers across the phone's keyboard, a collection of characters appearing in the bar--the letter combinations made nothing but words of gibberish. It seems like she was stalling.
lilmissheropants: Merga told me something. wildcatofgreen: big fish lady droppin the DEETS wildcatofgreen: what she say? what she say? lilmissheropants: That you should come visit!! wildcatofgreen: i aint stealin another plane that shit's exhaustin lilmissheropants: No like, with you're gemerald! lilmissheropants: Dummy! wildcatofgreen: *your :3c wildcatofgreen: sdi this is what cory said too lilmissheropants: She wants you to visit? wildcatofgreen: somethin like that wildcatofgreen: she wants me to just teleport to you usin the gemerald but how tf am i gonna do that wildcatofgreen: you and i both know i cant CONTROL this thing wildcatofgreen: last time it threw me anywhere i was neck deep in an alternate brevon's business and you KNOW you dont want me to go through that shit again lilmissheropants: Don't remind me. XC lilmissheropants: I don't know then lilmissheropants: Maybe I could go over there? wildcatofgreen: lmao with what money girl wildcatofgreen: you got enough money to catch a plane? lilmissheropants: I mean, I don't need money to go over there. I got over to Parusa by ''hitching a ride'', if you know what I mean! X) wildcatofgreen: never thought id see the day where MY lyli is stealing free plane rides wildcatofgreen: for shame for shame lilmissheropants: You'd do it too and you know it! wildcatofgreen: yeah and stealin's like wildcatofgreen: my THING wildcatofgreen: you'd think you'd know that by now. ;/ lilmissherpants: LOL I'm gonna beat your BUTT when I get back up there! wildcatofgreen: mhm yeah okay try me lyli wildcatofgreen: im an amazin kung fu kitty ill be all like WATCHA WAHBAM WHABLAM!!!! and youll be on the floor like ''oh no carol please have mercy wah wah wah'' lilmissheropants: LOL XD lilmissheropants: Suuuure you would! Like I don't win most of our sparring matches!!! wildcatofgreen: and besides i dont think itd be a good idea for you to come back up here for like wildcatofgreen: what wildcatofgreen: a day? wildcatofgreen: you got your dragon stuff i got my battlesphere stuff wildcatofgreen: we'd just be wasting each other's time really
A pit fell into both of their stomachs.
The dragon stared at the feline's words, solemnly rubbing her thumb against the screen. She... she had a point, didn't she? Why would she bother? Her time would be better spent just... studying. Figuring out that language, learning about her people, things like that.
A groan, a whimper. When she's right, she's right.
Meanwhile, the wildcat was holding her head in her hands, screaming (internally, for once). What the hell was she doing??? Why was she just pushing her away like this??? What the hell's the point? To make herself even more miserable than before? To create her own special hell, to dig herself deeper to that pit???
She wants to see her--she desperately wants to see her. It's the least, the very least she can do. And hell, if Lilac's offering, then...
The two responded, their timing near identical.
wildcatofgreen: i mean ofc this aint to say that you shouldnt come i think you probably should lilmissheropants: Yeah I don't know what I was thinking. It was a silly idea anyway.
They blinked. A lull in their response time as they looked over the other's sent words.
Then, they responded again.
wildcatofgreen: i mean shit we've done sillier but if you dont wanna come im cool with that that's fine lilmissheropants: Though if you WANT me to come I'm not opposed to it.
Another lull, another blink.
The wildcat was the first to respond this time.
wildcatofgreen: okay okay okay what the hell are we doing here wildcatofgreen: are you visiting or not we cant keep going around in circles like this lilmissheropants: If lilmissheropants: You want me to come? I'll come! wildcatofgreen: alright then its settled wildcatofgreen: but like wildcatofgreen: when?
A final lull, and a final identical timing.
lilmissheropants: I could come over tomorrow if it's not a problem? wildcatofgreen: maybe tomorrow so all this can be done faster
This caused the two to erupt in laughter. They knew each other so well, been around each other for so long--they were just steps away from finishing each other's sentences. It was so stupid, so very, very stupid.
But it was great--incredible, even, that they were like this. That they were so in sync like this. A bond that could never be broken. A love that could never be stomped.
wildcatofgreen: well alright then guess tomorrow it is! lilmissheropants: Alright! lilmissheropants: It's a date!
Anonymous asked: You two are dating now?
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"What? No. She didn't mean it like that, you dope.
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"A calendar date. Get your head out your ass."
#''wait'' #''could she...?'' #''nah thatd be stupid'' #''its just a normal friends thing thats all''
Anonymous asked: A ''date''?
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"Do you think that was too forward? Do you think she'll know before tomorrow...?
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"I don't know why but, the thought of her knowing, it just..."
#I shouldn't be so scared #But I am... #I don't know why #It doesn't make sense...
Anonymous asked: Do you think you're ready to see her again?
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"As ready as I'll ever be. Stones, Iun't even know what 'ta say. Do I jus' like, act normal? Or do I like say somethin' right off the bat? Or maybe I jus' dun't do anythin' and act like it's just friends bein' friends! Right?"
#''fuck dude you got no idea the anxiety runnin through my head rn'' #''i know she doesnt like me i know she doesnt like me i KNOW she doesnt like me'' #''but why is this givin me so much fuckin' HOPE?'' #''UGH''
Anonymous asked: Do you think you're ready to see her again?
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"I don't have much of a choice but to be ready, right?
"Whatever happens, happens. And I gotta deal with it."
Anonymous asked: How will this affect your Battlesphere Champion try out?
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"Right. Those things are on the same day, y'know. Almost forgot about it, really.
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"I'm thinkin' I jus'... skip it, right? Like, if it comes in between me and her... it should be her everytime. No matter how cool it is."
#''and if shit falls through i could always ask to do a redo right'' #''or i can jus focus on my mechanics stuff more'' #''like i got options i aint gonna be broke if i dont do this thing'' #''i think.''
Anonymous sked: How's this going to affect your learning?
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"It's just a day off, right? Leave tomorrow, come back the next day.
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"And... Merga told me to do it, so I should be fine both ways, right?" Right?
#It'll be like I never left. #I just hope everything goes well tomorrow...
The wildcat rolled over in her bed, groaning all the while. She's never felt more dread in her life. This idea was stupid, just exceedingly stupid. Damn it, why'd she convince herself into this!!! Why'd she convince Lilac into this??? It's just gonna end in regret and sorrow she knows it she knows it she knows it!!!
She knew she had to get up, she knew she had to get up, but stones she really, really did not want to.
Hell, Lilac might not even come, right? Who knows how many planes there are out of Parusa? That place is barely an island!!! No way would it have consistent flight schedules--
lilmissheropants: Good morning, sleepy head! lilmissheropants: Just got on the plane! I think I'll be up there an about an hour. lilmissheropants: Wait for me, okay? Talk to ya soon! <3 lilmissheropants: Oh! And don't tell anyone I'm coming, okay? I don't want to hang out with anyone but YOU today!
The dragon clicked her phone off then shoved it in her pocket. A sigh escaped her maw. She looked up at the plane's hull, then nodded to herself, encircling herself with her latent energy and using it all to boost herself on top of the hull. She landed with only a little bit of trouble, steadying herself upright only after a moment or two. She smirked to herself, rubbing her nose with her index finger in a fashion much like Carol would.
She can run faster than this thing can fly. This is gonna go without a hitch.
wildcatofgreen: talk to ya soon lyli wildcatofgreen: your secret's safe with me :3c wildcatofgreen: have a safe flight <3
Hell, this was really happening, wasn't it? She was already coming up here, as if it wasn't a thing at all.
Well, if she was the only one who didn't show up, it'd be embarrassing on both their parts.
So, with a sigh, she'd drag herself out of bed.
She was gonna see Lyli again! She needs to calm down.
Because seriously, what's the worse that could happen?
"Okay, okay, okay, but like," the wildcat couldn't help but wave her hands at the dragon as they walked, "I expected ya 'ta be in the plane, girl! Not on it!!!"
"What, you've never seen a flying dragon before?" There was this aura of smugness in the dragon's tone, with an equally smug smirk attached.
"Not one like that! That's dangerous!!!" She elbowed the dragon's shoulder, "What, 'cause ya been on one giant flyin' dragon ya think ya can tame planes, too?"
She put her hands on her hips and stopped to stare at the feline. "This is coming the girl who does wheelies on her motorcycle on guardrails for fun. On the highway!"
The feline does a heel turn, putting a hand on her chest as she moon walks away from the dragon. "Y'see, that's different! You can easily fall off of a plane. I could never fall off my bike~." She radiated that same smugness the dragon did just a moment ago.
And to this, the dragon crossed her arms against her chest as she walked forward again, an eyebrow raised at the cat. "Yeah, sure, tell that to the walls."
"Oh come on!!!" She threw her hands in the air! "You know walls are my mortal enemy. They'd put a stop 'ta me no matter what!"
The two couldn't help but burst in shared laughter, the feline turning back around and waiting for the dragon to come next to her again. And, once she was in range, she'd put her arm over the dragon's shoulder, walking along with her as she does so.
It felt so nice to be together again, even if it was just for a day. It felt so comfortable, so relaxing, to have your best friend by your side. Knowing that she'd always have your back, knowing that you could always chill out and not have to worry about anything anymore. As long as she was there.
"So, Lyli, what'cha wanna do first? Go to our favorite sushi place? Or maybe we can get some udon? Oh, oh! Maybe we can be fancy and get some unagi, too!!!"
At this, the dragon had to think, putting a hand to her chin.
"Carol, have you ever had Adobo before?"
And to this, the wildcat stared blankly. "I... dun't think so? What is that?"
The dragon wasted no time, grabbing the wildcat's arm wrapped around her and running off to... somewhere. "Then lets not waste any time!!! I wanna show you all the awesome foods I had in Parusa!"
Apparently, Parusian food's been around the three kingdoms for a while. Lilac and Carol remembered seeing some of their food spots way back when, but never bothered actually going in and checking it out. Thankfully, because of Lilac's time on Parusa, and finding what little bits of crystals she can around the area, she had a pretty decent knowledge of their food going in. Sure, most of the time she ate fish, but whenever she could she'd buy something from the restaurants. It was just that good.
Carol seemed to think so, too! She gobbled up everything that was thrown at her--adobo, sinigang, kaldereta, longganisa, she loved it all!!!
Meanwhile, Lilac noted that, while it was good, it seems like Parusian dishes had a certain charm if they were made in Parusa.
After their little food escapade, the two just hung out! As if they hadn't been separated to begin with. They raced, watched T.V., hit the local arcade, people watched--they tried to do anything and everything they could in the time allotted!!
Though, they did have a mutual agreement--nothing too close to the Royal Palace or Shang Mu. Which, Shang Mu wouldn't be too hard to avoid--it's an entirely different kingdom, all they had to do was not go on that highway.
The palace, however, was a different story. A lot of times, they sort of just absentmindedly wandered over there--one would think that, with these two being in Shang Tu so much over the years, they'd know the layout by heart. But apparently not--or if they knew it by heart, it very obviously wasn't well.
But, luckily, it seemed like they weren't spotted, at least.
Eventually, the sun started to set and the lights of Shang Tu started to turn on. Their time was running out.
Yet, there was one more place, one last place that the dragon wished to visit. A place she hasn't been to in a while, frankly.
She wanted to go see an old friend.
0 notes
a-casual-egg · 3 years
A collection of random Fawkes thoughts I wanna talk abt but I cant really
In case you dont have any of these blocked but you don't wanna read smth with this stuff in it self doubt tw/cw, jealousy tw/cw
Also Fawkes gets called Ky and Kyre in this. Kyre is the name he chose for himself but he normally introduces himself as Fawkes or Fawkes-Fatale so people know him as Fawkes more than Kyre.
That's all the text said, his name. Then another.
"Can we talk?"
Fawkes stared at his phone, trying to figure out what he could've possibly have done to make Lorelei want to have a talk with him.
Fawkes' anxiety yells at him to answer but his body can't. He doesn't wanna face whatever he's done wrong. So he tries to ignore the texts. He stares up at the sky trying to distract himself.
Yet his anxiety got the better of him and he texted back "yeah? What's up?"
"Are you ok?"
"Whaddya mean?"
"You havent been yourself lately"
"Oh? What is myself?"
"You're a very sweet person and very energetic but lately I feel like youve been pretty cold and distant."
Fawkes paused for a moment. Not wanting to worry Lorelei but not wanting to lie to her either.
"I've just been a tired lately don't worry"
"Alright, do you think you could try and take a nap then?"
He wasn't going to do that. I mean sure he was tired but he wasn't that kind of tired. It was his emotions and brain that was tired. He felt like a gold medalist in the emotional labor Olympics.
His brain telling him Lorelei cares because of course she does. Lorelei always cares, Lorelei's always so kind, Lorelei's always so understanding, Lorelei's always so smart, Lorelei's always so talented, Lorelei's always so good. Lorelei's an angel.
Fawkes loves her and knows he shouldn't be upset or jealous but he can't help it. Why does she have to be so perfect? It's not fair.
Fawkes wrapped his hands in bandages. He sat there in silence and in moonlight, staring down at his hands. He sits on the porch looking at his hands deep in thought until he feels a hand on his shoulder.
"Y'all right there kid?
Fawkes looked up to see the old man he's been traveling with for a while. Jed, wasnt your typical old man but rather he seemed to be insane with his talk of his ghost wife. It was charming though, in a way. A love that transcends life and death.
Admittedly Fawkes was jealous, jealous Jed had someone that cared so dearly for him and would wait for him even if it meant waiting for him to die. Fawkes wanted that, but then again who would ever love him? Romantically to be specific.
Fawkes simply smiled and asked "what?"
"Y'alright kid? You've been out here fer a while."
"Oh! I just, like the stars, y'know."
Jed's kind smile turned to a worried frown and Fawkes felt his anxiety get worse.
"Kiddo. . . I know that's not why you're out here."
"Then why'd you ask?" Fawkes asked trying not to sound angry.
"I asked if yaz was ok, not why yer out here."
Fawkes averted his gaze, not wanting to look at Jed's kind eyes. It hurt for some reason, like he'd done something wrong and is getting scolded for it.
"I ain't upset, little guy."
Fawkes continued to avert his eyes. He felt tears start to form and he doesn't want anyone to see him cry. Minutes passed and Jed caught on to Fawkes' trying not to cry.
"Can I touch ya or would you rather I don't?" was all Jed asked and Fawkes held out his hand for Jed to hold.
Jed slowly moved his hand to Fawkes back to rub it for comfort and Fawkes leaned into Jed's chest. Suddenly Fawkes' guard broke and his tears started pouring out like a river.
"Hey, hey, it's alright let it out. Y'all've been keeping your emotions locked up fer a while now, huh?" Jed says as he pets Fawkes back.
"It's ok, if y'all're scared or sad. Everyone feels like that sometimes."
Fawkes clings tighter to Jed.
Fawkes lays in bed, mindlessley scrolling through his phone. Suddenly he gets a notification. A text from Sidney, apologizing for not being there yet cuz of work. Fawkes sent a quick message telling him it's ok.
Fawkes stared back up at the ceiling. He runs a hand over the collection of movies Sidney put out for them to watch when Sidney got home from work.
More minutes have passed and the thoughts slowly crept in. Sidney has realized that he deserves better than him and he's leaving him. He's realized Fawkes isn't worth it. Fawkes knew it was too good to be true. He's so stupid. Such a wonderful person like Sidney would never actually wanna be with him. He's werewolf trash. He ran a hand through his hair and pulled on some strands of hair a bit.
Sidney did eventually come home. With snacks from a local convenience store nearby as another apology. Sidney flops onto the bed and hands Fawkes a chocolate bar. He has to push it into Fawkes' hands for Fawkes to realize what's happening and take the chocolate bar.
"So didya pick one ya wanted to start with?"
"The movies, Ky. Have you chosen which movie you wanna watch first?"
"Oh. . . uh, no sorry."
"Hey, it's alright. We can watch one of the silliest ones I've got in this pile."
Sidney picks a movie out of pile and plays it. It's about a knight who is they're own horse. They turn into a horse at night. It was one of Sidney's favorite movies when he was smaller. It makes Fawkes laugh quite a bit.
Sidney looks fondly at Fawkes while he's laughing at a joke he made in response to the movie and smiles to himself.
"How'd I bag him? He's so cute and funny." Sidney thinks to himself.
Sidney puts an arm around Fawkes and pulls him closer. Fawkes pauses from shock but then leans into Sidney's chest. Sidney plops his head on top of Fawkes’ and Fawkes playfully boops Sidney’s snout, which gets a chuckle from Sidney.
Then it’s one movie after another, some that Fawkes love and others not so much but he tries his best not to show his displeasure. He doesn't want Sidney to be upset that he didn't like some of the movies he picked out for them to watch. He'd definitely realize they aren't meant for each other. Fawkes runs a hand through his hair.
After hours of of only hearing Sidney's breath, Fawkes hears "hey,". He turns his head up to look at Sidney who has now taken his head off Fawkes'.
"If you didn't want the chocolate you could've grabbed something else from the bag, y'know that, right?" Sidney smiles slightly to show he's not upset.
Fawkes looks confused and Sidney points to his hands. Fawkes looks down to see the chocolate bar he was handed at the start of the movie marathon. Still unwrapped and a little broken from Fawkes unconsciously digging his nails into it.
"Oh! Uh, I'm just not really hungry I guess." Fawkes says as he scratches the back of his hand.
"Oh, alright well I'll put it away for Buggs then."
"Ok . . ." Fawkes says slowly letting go of the bar to see his nails got all chocolate-y.
"I'll get you something to clean your nails off with too, I'll be right back."
With that, Sidney got up from the bed and the bed adjusted due to the lack of weight, thus bouncing Fawkes up a bit. He didn't really notice, all he could do is watch Sidney walk away. It made him even sadder somehow, even though he knew he was just gonna put a chocolate bar in the fridge cuz Buggs likes them cold and get a damp paper towel to clean off Fawkes' fingernails.
But the emotions only got worse and the overwhelming feelings caused him to flop backwards onto the pillows and make his lip quiver. He closed his eyes tight and ran both his hands through his hair.
He feels weight be added to the bed causing it to sink down a bit. Then, a hand taking one of Fawkes hands in it. Dampness pressed against his fingernails. It felt cold. He wasn't sure if he liked it or not.
He didn't respond. He couldn't bring himself to.
"You're shaking." Sidney continued.
Fawkes hadn't realized he was shaking but he is. He can't bring himself to open his eyes.
Fawkes gets picked up and cradled in big arms. He pushes his face into Sidney's chest as to not have to look Sidney in the eyes. He feels Sidney pet his hair.
"Hey, hey, it's ok. You can let it out."
Fawkes buries his face farther into the softness of Sidney's hoodie.
"Ah, I see"
Fawkes punches Sidney's side, not with really any force. Sidney frowns at Fawkes' fist and his brows furrow in worry. Sidney pulls Fawkes closer to him and kisses Fawkes' head and rubs his back.
After a few minutes of them sitting in silence, Sidney hears a muffled "fuck you, asshole" in an affectionate and sad tone along with the sounds of tears. Fawkes wraps his arms around Sidney's middle, somewhat digging his nails into Sidney's back, desperately not wanting to let go. Sidney doesn't seem to mind, only focusing on comforting the poor werewolf that he calls his significant other.
After what felt like a long time yet still not enough time, Fawkes pulls his tear stricken face away from Sidney's chest. There's a puddle of tears on Sidney's hoodie now. Fawkes apologizes but is stopped by Sidney reassuring him it's ok.
"Do you want me to go-" "NO!"
"I was just asking if you wanted water to get water back into your body after all the tears shed but I'm not gonna go anywhere if you don't want me to."
Fawkes stared at Sidney for a while, Sidney stared back and smiled softly while running a hand through Fawkes' hair.
"I'd . . . like some water . . . please" Fawkes whispers.
"Do you want to come with me then?" Sidney asks putting his hand out for Fawkes to grab.
"Y-yes please." Fawkes answers placing his hand in Sidney's.
Sidney helps Fawkes out of bed and they make their way to the kitchen. Where Sidney picks Fawkes up and places him on the counter. Then he gets a cup out of the cupboard and fills it with water. He hands it to Fawkes, who takes it in shaky hands.
Fawkes takes a sip from the cup before whispering a thank you. Then slowly drinks the rest. When it's all gone he asks for a refill and Sidney refills the cup.
After he finishes drinking another cup of water he sets it down. Sidney picks it up to fill with water again but instead Fawkes places a hand on Sidney's hand. Sidney places the cup in the sink then takes Fawkes hand in his and leans down to kiss his partner's forehead.
"Would you like to go back to bed now?"
Fawkes places his head onto Sidney's collarbone and sighs.
"Can we stay here for a little while longer?"
"Of course, my love."
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miedei · 3 years
you're so easy to talk to too that i'm surprising myself with how much shit i'm spewing out from the get-go 😭😭 & yesssss i love hcs with longass and detailed discussions 😩❣
but maniac drummer couple 😭😭😭 what a TITLE 😭😭😭 the reputation y'all would have djfjdd omg & i can totally TOTALLY see both your bands being pushed to perform last bc y'all're just GODS 🤩
WAIT EJDHJS yk how there's usually a little break between bands when performing & yoir bands play one after the other... i just imagined one of riki's drum solos in the end where you just sit down with him, get into it as well anD BOOM THERE YOU TWO ARE, THE MANIAC DRUMMER COUPLE K!LLING IT AS PER USUAL SDHKSHD all the while his bandmates try to get their stuff off the stage & yours prepare... in the middle of flying drumsticks HAJDBSJD sorry but the idea of stick tricks with e/o got stuck in my head 😭😭😭 flying drumsticks all over the stage while the rest are dodging them like fucking bullets (never tried it but bet it'd be just as bad 💀)
and then when riki's part's done & he gets up bet he'll probably look @ you like "fuck YEAH that's my cool s/o absolutely K!LLING it, AGAIN" before cartwheeling off the stage from the post-performance adrenaline & excitement of getting to watch you perform or something 😔💔 shhdjshd & backstage he'll be jumping & vibing along to everything you play then try catching your attention by doing dumb dances/funny faces in hopes you'd mess up so he can tease you about it later 😭💔 lmao he's lucky that 1. he has good reflexes & 2. we're talking about "y/n" here lol cause if it was me he began teasing in the way he teases like jay or the other guys, i'd literally throw my drumstick or like whatever's in my hand/closest to me like a sniper straight at his head 🕳🚶‍♀️
(ok ok maybe i should make it a bit less obvious i bias riki & just shut up but then my brain's like,,,, NO BUT IMAGINE- 😭😭😭 plus tmi: i miss performing sjfjjd my classmates & i were preparing for an inter-class battle of the bands but mfing covid happened RIGHT before the big day 😭 ok NOW ig i shout stfu 😭)
glad to know you had a good nap 😙 but like out of curiosity, what do you see enha as in like a band since we're talking band!au 👁👁
(also side note, i stalked your blog & found your mafia!enha works and love that so much too tf i love the way your brain works 😩✋)
- drummer anon 🤩 (fuck this got way too long sorry 💀)
seriously im like an open book with you it's so weird i love these hcs though I'm good w it
i think i love that phrase, i mean 'maniac drummer couple' sounds like a newspaper headline where they like murdered someone or smth dkdnskdnd
THATS SO CUTE RIKI AND Y/N JUST JAMMING INBETWEEN SHOWS AHHHHH everyone would be so annoyed about the actual missiles onstage but they're fucking adorable no one can stop them
riki cartwheeling off stage is canon now he cartwheels out of every room ahahaha
he also gives me the vibes of those people in high school theater who try distract the others in the wings (i def did) he'd be doing the MOST like full tumbling sequences in the curtain and pulling james bond moves to dodge imaginary (or real) drumsticks
i mean he's so obviously my bias too i daydream ab this au now dksundks
OH NO YOUR BATTLE OF THE BANDS i miss performing before covid too, like music and everything else it's so sad 😭
i kinda based their band off of one i had with some friends a year or so ago (i played keyboard and electric violin 😎) i hc heeseung as frontman/vocalist, jay electric guitar, jake as guitar/or violin since he plays it already, sunghoon as bass, sunoo as electric guitar, jungwon as a keyboardist, and riki on drums!! i figure all of them would do vocals as well but heeseung does most of the verses n stuff 👍
omg you like the mafia works??? i love that au so much thank you <333
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