#fucking ellen moose ruined my fandom experience and now i gotta relearn how to interact with cool people instead of 40 year olds
akumaasylum · 2 years
Hey y’all, long time no see. Well, I guess I’m back here again, now that it looks like twit’s going belly up? So over the course of the next couple.... days? weeks? I’m going to be slowly changing my blog up. Might change usernames, unsure of that though since I use this one everywhere, but it has been feeling uncomfy for a bit now. I’ll give a heads up ahead of time
Anywho... a lot of my interests have shifted since the nsfwpocalypse and since covid, and my follows have been cut in half. My happy-brain chemicals pretty much only come from Dimension20, Critical Role, NADDPod, and video games now, so apologies to the people who followed me for homestuck content way back when. That’s not gonna be showing up as much, if at all, anymore. If anyone has some good blogs for those aforementioned interests, though, send them my way, please!
I guess that’s it, that’s the post. 
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