#but who much he help pecco and is alwys to this day defedninf him las year when they wer tyting to push the jorge narrative aspar stuck say
muxas-world · 5 months
waiiiiit pecco speaks spanish?!??
Yup this is my opotuny to drop pecco lore his spanish is even better sometimes tha his inglish ;)
Pequito when he was in moto3or junior gp was in repsol honda program so he espent most of his 12/14 years competing in spanin then hi espent his flop/dark years of moto3 whit a spnish team more concrete whit the team mahindra now aspar team (he alwys talks great abaut those times who being whit them and getting help of people like aspar make him grow up alot and actully that team was the one make him being notice by chabatti and ducati ;) they promise pecco if hi wins whit team he could ride a ducati and went pecco won (mind you one of the worst bikes ) he ended testing the ducati 😭) in my mind his aspar days wher one of his more happies he was alredy in the acamedy but in moto3 the vale camp influence was much smaller and there is where pecco god spanish comes for spanding 3 years in apsnish team , being a th time friend whit jorge etc he say thats why his spanish is good
And again more lore to this day pecco love his moto3 team, his alwys suporting team , hi even pick david thi year to win and is alwys suportin team so yea 😭🩷 last year he say"There have been difficult years in 2013 and 2014 where everything has been a disaster, but I have been lucky to have the 'Academy' and Aspar ,since I arrived at Aspar with an incredible team, I have only started to feel like I was again on the Alzamora team and to push again. It has been a very important fortune for me in my sporting life"
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