#but why didn't we see dante uh. elaborate
fisheito · 9 months
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Dude i don't know
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ricesoupremacy · 8 months
elaboration on the "not aro" part:
i met a girl. she's an eleventh grader. we started talking last year in june. in november, stuff started getting um. romantic. i think. there were a lot of hugs in november. december beginning we started to sneak away during event stuff to be alone. we knew something was up between us, but we didn't talk about it, just went with the flow. after vacations started, we confessed to each other at around 2 am in end december. she is so fucking beautiful and nice and adorable and she's an artist right? she made me a portrait 😭 it's not a replica of me but she tried to do the features but good god. i love her so so much. she crochets. she crocheted me a pink heart. her hugs are so damn comfy. i'm probably embarrassing myself but man i could pine forever.
so yes. yours truly is in love. and god it feels awesome.
off topic but the first line reminded me of bad girls club by falling in reverse omgs SNEAKING AWAY FOR ALONE TIME IS PEAK ROMANTIC BEHAVIOUR I'M SO PROUD OF YOU 2 AM ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME WHY AM I NOT LIVING A LIFE LIKE THIS WHY IS BEING GAY SO HARD DID YOU DO THE 3RD DECEMBER SWEATER THINGY I JUST FOUND OUT IT'S A THING in 2023 I'M LIVING UNDER A ROCK pardon the caps fuck it THE CAPS ARE BACK SHE MADE YOU A PORTRAIT?? SHE MADE YOU A- *screams* nah she CROCHETS TOO??? bye i need like 2 weeks of bed rest to recover nawww what do you mean embarrassing yourself i've said way worse to you. this is so cute i'm so happy for you hshjsjhsjsk can you adopt me please
INSANE i'm not gonna lie it is a good feeling when they love you back. wow. raag this is incredible. if i'm not wrong this has been a great year for you, what with finding love and being sports captain and winning races ooff they grow up so fast 🥹
and since uh. you shared. i mean it's not transactional or anything i really wanted to tell you but you were busy i guess and oh you'll be having boards rn i hope that's going well !! but. ALSO. YA BOI PULLED. I PULLED. FINALLY. BAHAHJAHAJA I SCORED A GUY FASTER THAN HE SCORES BASKETS HE'S SO PERFECT I LOVE HIM HE'S BEEN GIVING ME CHOCOLATE FOR A WEEK NOW BECAUSE APPARENTLY THERE'S SOMETHING CALLED VALENTINE'S WEEK. fuck. i finally understand what aristotle from the book meant when he said he was afraid of dante. i'm afraid of him. i'm afraid of how he makes my brain short-circuit when i'm with him and how we make the same stupidly corny jokes and pickup lines and how he chooses to not go home by bus and instead walks extra to the public bus stop just so he can wALK HOME WITH ME and gets all shy when he asks if we can hold hands and how he gets this look when random uncles on the road see us so i flip them off because i'm not afraid of shit anymore and how he laughs when i say some stupid shit and how he sends me recordings of him playing guitar and singing songs and by GOD his voice is beautiful and he's beautiful. he's beautiful. god.
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wildflowerwoodsworld · 11 months
You have so many interesting wips! And the crossovers too 👀
I am quite intrigued by the Clover Civil War AU, Spade gone wrong, and Captain Challenge... if you wish to elaborate! 🫡
I have too many ideas. Is it a blessing or a curse? Not a clue!
Crossovers are both incredibly fun and really timeconsuiming bc I like to be accurate with things (see the table of maths I did to work out wingspans for the wings au) so it generally means a lot of deepdiving into wikis.
The Clover Civil War au is, well, to be fair, calling it a Clover civil war is a bit of a misnomer. It's more Dante took over as Wizard King and now the general people (plus a couple of the captains who aren't captains) are rebelling. Of course, nearly all of the sitting captains want to help, but if they step out of line Dante will let Vanica brutally murder all of their squad and make them watch so, uh, they're toeing the line.
Spade Gone Wrong was the idea that, instead of kidnapping Yami and William seperately, the Dark Triad attack a Captain's meeting about a month earlier than expected and everything goes to shit from there.
As for the Captain Challenge, I actually have the opening of it written. Though, it is a pretty old peice and would need rewriting before I posted the actual fic. If I ever get around to finishing it.
"They're waking up," Charlotte called as the two figures on the screen finally started moving. It was supposed to be a standard test, she and her fellow captains were supposed to be watching Yami go through some challenges to prove that he was still fit to be a captain. Instead, two of the Bulls had got caught up in the transportation spell and were in the maze instead of Yami.
Finral Roulacase. First Class Junior. Spatial Magic.
Vanessa Enoteca. Third Class Junior. Thread Magic. Witch.
They likely didn't stand a chance in the maze, but Yami's squad had a history of surprising people, especially those two. Two thirds of Yami's infamous 'disaster trio'.
"Hey, Vanessa," Finral finally spoke, sitting up as he looked around the room. "I think we've been kidnapped." Vanessa groaned.
"Again?" she threw an arm over her eyes. "Captain's gonna killed us." Finral pulled a face.
"No. He won't kill us. He'll just make us wish we were dead." assuming that they had been kidnapped was a fairly logical conclusion, Charlotte had to admit, but to jump to worrying about how their captain would react rather than worrying about their potential kidnappers was- strange, to say the least. And, if she didn't know better, would paint some very unflattering implications about how Yami ran his squad.
"How is that any better?" Vanessa demanded. The two spent another few minutes on the floor before Vanessa pushed herself to her feet, sighing. "Well, either way, we should probably figure out how we're going to get out of here. We both know Captain's only going to be more annoyed if he has to come and get us. Again."
"Yeah," Finral agreed. "there's just one minor complication we need to consider."
"And that is?"
"My long range portals aren't working."
"What do you mean, they aren't working?"
"I mean, my long range portals aren't working. There's a barrier around this place that I can't break through."
"I thought that was impossible."
"Well, clearly it is possible." Vanessa groaned.
"Captain is going to kill us!"
"I have to ask, Yami," Dorothy, who was actually awake for once, said. "how many times have members of your squad been kidnapped?" whilst the rest of them were gathered around the screen, Yami was in the corner, blindfolded and with his back to the rest of them. The reasoning was so that he couldn't see his challenges ahead of time and cheat, but Charlotte was sure Nozel just wanted revenge for all the times Yami had embarrassed him.
"Depends on the idiot, but I generally end up having to save those two pretty regularly."
"Why them?" Rill asked, and it was things like that that reminded Charlotte just how young the Aqua Deer's Captain was.
"Their magic. Why else?"
"And you keep letting it happen?" Nozel scoffed. "Some Captain you are."
"I'd like to see you corral my idiots, especially those two, for any great length of time."
"Hey," Charlotte's attention was drawn back to the screen as Vanessa spoke again. "there's a door here. Captain can't be mad at us if we bust out before he even realises we're gone. We can just say we went to town or something."
"'Nessa, I love you, but there's no way Yami doesn't know we're gone. We were literally right in front of him." Finral said, wandering over and staring at the door.
"Shit, we were, weren't we? Hey, think we can use it as an excuse to get out of physical training? That stuff's brutal."
"You try that and Yami'll just say that it's another reason why we need to do it. I have no desire to do more because you wanted to get out of the thankfully small amount we actually have to do."
"You- you have to do the least!"
"It's called knowing when training's coming up and getting the hell out of there. Hardly my fault you can't portal."
"Oh, and here I thought it was your alternative methods of persuasion."
"Actually, that doesn't work anywhere near as well as you'd think it does. Yami's surprisingly hard to bribe."
"Wait, seriously? Then why the hell do you portal him everywhere and do the paperwork if not bribes?"
"It's called making a deal that's overall in my benifit-"
"It's called you being a pushover is what it's called."
"It's called knowing what the training plans are in advance and working out how to avoid them actually."
"Wait, you can figure that out from the paperwork?"
"Yeah. Yami has to get permission if he wants to do something that'll take us out of action for a while."
"Anyway, we're getting off topic. There's a door. How the hell do we open it?" Finral gestured to the large door next to them. "Dunno if you missed this little fact, but there's no keyhole. Which means we can't just pick the lock."
"Damnit. There aren't any hinges on this side of the door either, are there? No. Of course not. Because that would be too easy," Vanessa paused for a moment. "hey, are you sure this isn't some training exercise Captain thought up as punishment for dodging so many of his other ones?"
"You sound certain."
"There's no obvious time limit. If it was Yami, there'd be death spikes on a slowly lowering ceiling or something because he's a sadist."
"You'd know, wouldn't you?"
"Oh, shut up and help me find a way out of here!"
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