#does he just want demon king as a personal assistant or......
fisheito · 9 months
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Dude i don't know
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nuhuhwinniethepooh · 2 months
Thinking about (Series)
God Gojo who couldn't care less about the mortals and Goddess Reader who couldn't care more about the mortals.
God Gojo who considers you a friend, maybe more he's not sure and he doesn't want to be sure. If his feelings for you was love then it'd be a taboo, you only see him as a friend- he's not in love, that was just a hypothetical situation. The uncomfortable, bubbling in his stomach when he sees you cheerfully talk with other Gods wasn't his problem neither was the tiny clench in his heart at the sight of your smile.
God Gojo who's actually worried about the mortal realm this time because the situation was going from bad to worse, the drought on the mortal realm was killing everyone and everything. A disruption in the balance of life. Though omnipotent Gods they were, they needed worshippers.
Worshippers that were rapidly decreasing.
So he watches in horror as you volunteer to be the sole individual to go down and save the remaining mortals, your kind heart no longer able to ignore their prayers and cries.
"Your golden blood is hardly fit to step on that defiled land." He urges you to change your mind but all you do is shake your head with a smile.
It was your duty you say, your responsibility as the Goddess of Life and that he should know better as the God of Heaven and Earth to stop you.
God Gojo who gives in reluctantly, unable to refuse your plea to do your job, it was only right.
So he grasps your hands in his as he makes you promise him to come back. Back to him once everything was done and over. All he remembers is the adoring smile on your face, the squeeze of his hand and the two words whispered back to him before he watches you descend. Your back towards him and the scent of life fluttering in the air, the cheers of the crowd all but silent when your presence finally disappears from the ethereal abode.
God Gojo who can't help but smile to himself when he sees the dying earth blooming with life again after a few decades. Living up to your name as you single-handedly bring forth the very thing you were sent for, speckles of pride blossoming in his chest when he hears praises of your name resounding from every corner of the the once dreary place.
New temples erecting in your name, the population growing ever large and kingdoms rising to it's fame again. All he can do is excitedly wait for your return and perhaps start preparing a small welcome back party? Nothing grand, of course. He'll just invite half of the heavens and maybe some more. It'll be very small. A very, very small gathering.
God Gojo who can't seem to sit still, tossing and turning in his seat uncomfortably in the middle of his work as his heart clenches painfully- too painfully. His skin crawls with invisible bugs and dread as his assistant, a lower God in-training, hurriedly rushes in.
The mortal abode was no longer occupied, he says breathlessly. Worry etched in his face at the sight of the stone-faced God in front of him.
"The mortal abode is available to be entered again, the Goddess of Life's presence is no longer"
God Gojo who doesn't wait for a moment longer, pushing past everyone as he rushes towards the gate separating the mortal and ethereal abode. Their screams to stop all but a buzz as he crosses the gate, quickly falling down to Earth with his heart in his throat as his feet touches the soft grass beneath him.
He needs to find you. You're either dead or in the demonic realm, dead or kidnapped. He wishes for the latter- exactly who does a God pray to? He doesn't know but he prays, he hopes, he wishes that you're anything but dead because he'll come to save you then, even if it means war.
God Gojo who wanders the mortal abode in a human form for a year, searching the ever changing gate of the demonic realm only to hear of a King who struck gold. Enough gold to last him till generations forgotten, they whisper, which was impossible.
He knows every gold vein, had personally counted the amount of gold deposits in the mortal abode, that shouldn't be possible unless-
God Gojo who can't believe his eyes, his six eyes not doing justice to the sight in front of him as he stumbles forward to your ancient temple's courtroom in the far end of the world. His body weighing heavy at the sight of your lifeless body hanging upside down, hands tied behind your back and feet binded by coarse ropes to the ceiling, hanged like butchered meat for sale- drops of your sacred golden blood splattered below you and on rusty buckets besides you.
All life drained from your body. All blood drained from your body. Your beautiful blood of gold, the rosiness of your cheeks, the large slit in your neck- all he can do is shakily claw at the rope with blurry eyes, desperate mutters of no's pouring out of his lips as he hugs your cold body and presses his face against your stomach.
Gently undoing the ropes and bringing you down, he traces the indented marks in your hand as he brings it up to his lip. Kissing it and quietly curling into a ball with you on the cracked marbled floor- he doesn't know for how long, he doesn't care. All he can do is mutter gentle incoherent words and caress your bluing cheeks.
All humans have two choices when they die, the demonic realm or the ethereal abode but what about a God? Where does a dead God go?
God Gojo who finally brings your body back to the ethereal abode, placing your body in a glass case between the Calla lilies and chrysanthemums in his castle's garden - away from eager eyes to see an actual dead God. He personally sees to the appointing of the new Goddess of Life who suspiciously resembles you- no one dares to point it out, his mood is bad enough as it is.
God Gojo who declares war against the mortal and demonic realm, dead set to personally see to the extinction of your murderers and instigators entire bloodline.
Blood for blood, no drop will be spared.
Tryna get my groove back 😔
Masterlist ♡ Serieslist
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infrequent-creator · 5 months
A Little Assistance ~
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Summary - Vox needs a little help so he calls his assistant up to take care of his need.
A/N: I don't believe vox's assistant has a name so I'm gonna have Vox call him the name "Sharkbait" 🤭((Also Cutie, Baby boy & various other teasy nicknames))
"Ah- fucking shit! Owowowow!" Vox cursed under his breath. He has spilled coffee on the floor around his chair on the wiring that surrounded his seats.
While they weren't parts of his body, he still was connected to them, like the roots on a tree. So when things happened to them like being stepped on or burned with hot coffee, it does hurt him a bit. He sighed looking around somewhat urgently for something to wipe up the now cooled sticky liquid off his attachment cords.
Nothing... damnit.
He signed, pinching the bridge of where his nose would be. He looked down at his wrist, pressing a button.
"H-Hello.. Mr. Vox, S-Sir, do you need me?" The face of his personal assistant Sharkbait popping up on the small screen. Stammering like always. Always looking a little flustered in a way that Vox couldn't help but find adorable. He cleared his throat from the distracting thought.
"Yes of course. Why else would I call you?"
"O-Oh I'm sorry S-Sir I didn't mean--" the shark stammered out an apology before Vox cut him off.
"Stop, I don't have all day. Bring some papertowels and warm water to my production room. A cup of coffee spilled on my wiring." He brushed off the lad's apology, trying to get this icky feeling off his wiring fast.
"R-Right! Yes sir!" With that, Vox hung up. He sighed again.
A minute or so passes before there's a knock at Vox's door. He waves his hand, an electric current hitting the door 's button panel, causing it to slide open for his guest. There he was. Sharkbait carrying a cloth & a small bucket with water. His feet moving quickly as his king tail swished behind him.
"Bout time you showed up, I'm sticky as hell over here." The overlord groaned as the annoying feeling on his cables. He shifted uncomfortably in his chair.
"R-Right, yes Sir, I'm so sorry." He nodded quickly, kneeling beside Vox's chair. He dipped the cloth in the water a little, squeezing it to get the extra water out, then began making quick work of the dark brown coffee stains.
Vox could feel his touches just a little, they felt faint but it almost felt good. Like getting a head massage almost. Vox leaned back in a sigh, his back resting completely against the chair as he relaxed. His light blue claws tapping, gently and rhythmically as the cleaning continued.
After a moment, Vox noticed something thumping gently against his leg. Also some quiet mumbling from Sharkbait. The TV man opened his eyes to see Sharkbait's tail was the thing gently hitting Vox's leg like a happy dog. The sharkboy's were locked on the floor as he mumbled to himself.
"Now, tell me Sharkbait, what are you mumbling about? Are you perhaps embarrassed that you have to clean up my mess?" Vox's hand slowly reaches down toward's his assistant's tail. The young man turned, opening his mouth to deny his boss's words but a gasp was ripped from his chest before he got the chance.
"Or are you embarrassed that this cute little tail is giving you away?~" Vox's hand quickly took the tail in his hand before it could wiggle away with his assistant's movement. The TV's voice purred as he gently held the tail on his lap, petting it slowly. He could still feel the muscle wanting to still wag even now.
"M-Misteheher V-Vohox! Please be c-cahahreful!" The shark demon quickly broke into anxious bubbly giggles, dropping the cloth to reach for his tail slowly.
"Careful? I am being careful. You think I'd hurt my cute little assistant's tail? What do you take me for, a monster?" Vox looked down at him with an eyebrow arched, a wicked grin spread across his screen.
"N-Nohohohoho! S-Sihihir my tail ihihis sensa-AHAha!" The adorable creature now on his side, curled up like a cat, kicking his feet in laughter.
"Aw is this tail sensitive, little pup? How cute~" Vox's claws now raking gently downward towards the end of his tail.
Sharkbait's face explodes into bright blue blush as he hid his face behind his hands, squealing and gently tugging on his tail. Vox decided his poor little tail had had enough, but the rest of him? Not a chance~
While Sharkbait wasn't looking, the overlord grabbed his little pup around the waist , guiding him onto his lap. The older demon's fingers touching from the slenderness of his assistant's waist.
The tv man snapped his fingers , making a wire slither to life, wrapping around his assistant's wrists holding them above his head, causing him to yelp. He was truly helpless and exposed right now.
"Cute little giggles you got there, pup. Let's see what happens when I use my claws here~" Vox's bright blue claws gently scratched at Sharkbait's sides and tummy at the same time.
The media demon's fingers leaving no spot on his middle untickled , making the little shark squeal, snort, and laugh. The little shark holding nothing back. He couldn't see it, but Vox was smiling at him.
"So cute~" Vox thought, letting his gentle tickles continue. He's always grateful for his little assistant.
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androgynousblackbox · 5 months
My own Swap!Hazbin Hotel AU
I don't even know if I am ever going to do anything with this, but the idea won't leave me alone so here it goes: Basically the Vees exchange place with Appleradio+Charlie. Velvette as Charlie forms the Hazbin Hotel as a way to scam people and speedrun her way to becoming a fearsome overlord. It's entirely by accident that some souls actually get redeemed! Vox as Lucifer, king of hell, a virus that was passed down since creation as an error that gave birth to sin. He had countless bodies through the years, but his memories and personality remain. He supports the project of Velvette because it looks like it could be fun and is curious if something happens with it. At least it could be something different in hell after so long of the same old thing.
Valentino as Alastor. First, he wanted to see what Velvette was actually doing, then stayed because he liked her and then he just likes to fuck people (figuratively and literally) at the hotel to get his fun until Vox is there. Then he mostly wants to fuck Vox and become the queen of hell because he thinks that will be a life of luxury guaranteed. He and Velvette become best gossiping friends. Lucifer as Vox, the news demon that controls all newspapers, all news stations. He actually prefers written media over the TV, but goes with whatever is popular to grab people's attention. He does like to make movies, though. Ruthless when he needs to be, but also has a kind heart deep down that makes Alastor all the overprotective for him because he hates the idea of anyone taking advantage of that. Lucifer tried to reclute Valentino a long time ago and Valentino actually considered it, until he saw how he was always going to be second place to both Charlie and Alastor so he didn't take the deal and prefered to grow on his own. Alastor as Valentino, the radio demon that makes audio dramas and controlls the market for kinky media/snuff films outside of the public recognition because money, on one hand, but also because he is constantly looking for new ways to make the sex topic remotely interesting for him. It's just by chance that other people happened to find it interesting too. He and Lucifer have been together since they both started at the bottom, helping each other when no one else would as young rising overlords that had to fight with tooth and nail to get where they are. Charlie as Velvette, a inspirational influencer doll demon that Lucifer adopted off the streets with the hope of she just being a pretty face anyone could fall in love with and turning up to be a lot more when she started her own social media. She is still somewhat naive, more prone to anger, but still far more gentler so all of the souls she owns are happy to give themselves to her. Vaggie is her assistant that keeps her safe and reminds her to not trust so easily on her audience.
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ruddyhotelau · 5 months
It would be nice to learn little things about your Michael's personality or relationship with others, have you answered before? sorry if you did
Well we already answer a question about personalities before, I will screenshot it for you, and about his relationship with others... Michael in Ruddy Hotel AU also doesn't have many relationships, he is not someone who easily opens up to people he rarely interacts with.
+) To Emily: Michael didn't really like children, but back then when Sera just had a younger sister. Seeing that Sera was busy taking care of her sister but still had to do a lot of work as a high-ranking Seraphim and as Michael's assistant, he offered to let him take care of Emily to help Sera when she needed it. God thought it was okay so He agreed because a young Seraphim with great potential like Emily should be closely watched. Over time, the two became closer to each other, especially after Emily learned to speak, she immediately called Michael her uncle even though Michael and Sera tried to correct her but failed. In the end, Michael also considered Emily his niece. Emily then became Michael's only sunlight in the darkness of Hell, his family and eternal pride.
+) To Sera: Michael only sees Sera as a colleague, an assistant and a friend, nothing more and nothing less. Usually, their conversations would just revolve around work and Emily. Michael respects Sera and so does Sera. On rare occasions, they will also talk about what happened in Heaven but not too much because they both still carry scars from the old battle.
+) To his siblings: Michael really loves and misses his younger siblings, in Heaven they are the few people he can truly open up to and who truly understood Michael. Now, he wants to avoid causing any more harm to his siblings, so no matter how much he misses them, it's best not to meet them because their status are no longer the same as before... Now there's only the King of Hell and the 7 angels protecting Heaven...
+) To the other Deadly Sins: The 6 Deadly Sins were born right from the moment Adam bit the forbidden fruit and Hell was created. At first, they didn't like Michael very much because of his unapproachable, rigid and stubborn personality. However, since they are all leaders of each Ring, they meet to work quite often. Gradually, the Deadly Sins realized that Michael might not be as bad as they thought. Although Michael does not like Hell, demons and sinners, he still gives opinions and makes changes to help Hell become more orderly, manageable and well developed. As time passed, the Deadly Sins also became closer to Michael, although he repeatedly avoided them or showed discomfort, but all 6 Deadly Sins knew that the King of Hell was slowly accepting them.
+) To sinners: Hate, disgust and contempt. In Michael's eyes, they were nothing more than the scum of the world, and it was for this reason that Michael initially did not support Emily's hotel idea. But in the end, it was still thanks to her that Michael understood a little more about his people...
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skylark325 · 2 months
Omniscient Readers View Point Read Through
Ch 53-73
Beginning: Ch 1-10
They knew the prophets would gather here and decided to use this opportunity to wipe out those who stopped reading early.
>thats… dark
[The constellation 'Abyssal Black Flame Dragon' is looking at the black flame dragon.]
>…dude stop looking at his black flame dragon
"I really thought you were dead!" "But I survived."
> sigh
"In some cases, people need to be killed…" "Don't worry. I'll kill them for you."
>i need a Heewon in my life 😭
The head rolling like a toy was covered with a cloak with '1' on it. It was the 1st Apostle.
You have to hold hands with me to defeat Anna Croft and the Zarathustra!"
'I am different! Yoo Joonghyuk, hold hands with me.
>hsy REALLY wants to hold yjh’s hand huh
"He was a mouthy bastard."
This jerk, he must think he was so cool. …Honestly, he was a bit cool.
>Dokja you fucking simp he just squashed a head like it was grape
"Then try it. Is your sword faster or my tongue faster?"
"Writing is so difficult… writers are great…"
>couldn’t agree more
>the way the story distinguishes between characters and ‘real’ people is so interesting. And kind of tragic when you’re the only one who will likely stay aware until the end
The quality was so bad that if it was serialized in Textpia, it would've bombed. But that didn't matter right now.
>lmao this is why y’all need ao3
–I see. I feel an unknown wall with hyung. I can't explain it well but I like the feeling.
>like…the fourth wall or a tsundere wall?
He says that any beautiful or handsome man and woman will become concubines, while any ugly people will be killed or become slaves."
Jung Heewon frowned. "If Dokja-ssi is caught, you will become a slave."
>Lmao i adore their friendship
The character and I needed to be thinking about each other at the same time.
>does that mean yjh was thinking about kdj back when kdj was using the skill to be in his body?
…that sounds wrong
"Yoo Sangah-ssi. You will be disruptive if you keep acting like this."
>Oof why did that hurt me
>ok see this is what i meant in my post about kdj’s difference when describing the other characters and when describing yjh. he’s literally talking the king of beauty that leaves everyone spellbound and the best he could manage was ‘outstanding beauty but not his type’ and ‘objectively as beautiful as Sangah’? dokja you gay ass
However, the future that Lee Sungkook knew was only near the prologue. The evolution of the current scenario surpassed the information he knew.
>how long was that prologue for this guy to have his memories till CHAPTER 62?
[The character 'Min Jiwon' shows a weak liking towards you.]
…All my thoughts collapsed at this absurd message.
>honestly relatable
[…There is a lingering attachment, please understand.]
"Gyebaek, let's meet in the next world."
>what is this old man yaoi.
"…Won't it happen one day? If I give birth to a child, I will surely tell them what happened today."
>is…is dokja embracing the mpreg
What was this? I looked up and found that my limbs were tied up with magic power. It was a chrysalis-like appearance. Yoo Sangah's face was completely red.
> …right. Not gonna ask what’s currently going through Sangah’s head.
Everyone is the book is either kinky or gay like damn
[The character 'Cha Sangkyung' has discovered that you are a demonic enemy that shouldn't be touched.]
>Damn the foreshadowing
"Oh, I haven't introduced myself yet. I am Han Sooyoung. I am Cha Sangkyung's assistant."
"There is someone. Someone is killing the kings!"
>my little murderous bean i missed you
A furious voice rang through the battlefield.
"Kim Dokja…"
I smiled and waved towards him. A large black flag flew behind the person heading towards me.
"You came…"
"…Kim Dokja!"
Yoo Joonghyuk was chasing after me at a scary speed.
>YJH: i just had such a cool entry, PAY ATTENTION TO ME
> yjh really loves saying kdj’s name huh going KIM DOKJA! every three sentences
>god the little sister is just as grumpy as her brother
It was because there wasn't any king in Seoul who had more coins than me right now.
>kdj: you may be op but you forgot the power of INVESTMENT MUHAHAHAHA
The flying Yoo Joonghyuk hit a barrier, bounced in the opposite direction and hit another barrier and landed on the ground after repeating this ping-pong action five or six times.
>I…dokja what the fuck 💀
Next- Ch 73-92
Prev: Ch 32-52
Beginning: Ch 1-10
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lavendernlilac · 2 months
“I’m so excited to meet grians father figure! I know this is a person he really trusts and who has done a lot for- HUH” -scar gooditmes upon first meeting impulse
Grians really like “this is my dad :3” and it’s the king of demons destroyer of worlds eater of souls impulsesv. Then he’s like “this is my boyfriend :3” and it’s an immortal incubus who feeds off lust. My man you are hanging around some interesting people
Anyways how does impulse react to scar and vice versa?
grian is hanging around some truly interesting people. giggling at the “king of demons destroyer of worlds” bit btw it’s really funny
as for how they react to each other !! timeline wise it’s waaaay before scar and grian start dating. it’s probably even a lot closer to when scar began working as grian’s assistant
they’re introduced purely because impulse and Skizz were tagging along on one of grian’s ghost hunts, and they all meet earlier in the day. impulse shows up and he’s not expecting to see scar there (no grian didn’t tell him he had an assistant now), and ofc he recognizes scar immediately. he’s Not happy to see an incubus so close to grian
meanwhile scar is having a pretty nice day up until the king of demons walks in with his angelic husband and scar’s like “this is it, this is how I die” poor guy is shaking in his BOOTS. he’s terrified of impulse because y’know. KING OF DEMONS. and I think scar just has an innate fear of other demons 🤔
grian is introducing them and impulse and scar are getting an award for best actors because they smile and shake hands and everything. grian doesn’t have the slightest clue anything is wrong. and after intros, skizz looks at grian like “hey g sharp, mind helping me out in smth I left in the car??” because he knows his husband
impulse and scar are left alone and I think it’s a very funny image for scar to honest to god squeak the moment impulse glares at him
aaaand then it becomes somewhat of a grilling session where impy demands to know what scar wants with grian, all that fun stuff. scar now has to very earnestly tell impulse that he doesn’t want to feed on grian, he’s just there because he genuinely likes grian
I think scar is the first demon impulse has met that likes humans. and he can pick up on scar’s slight fear which has him, hm. impulse does warm up to scar pretty quickly during the course of the night, esp after he sees how much scar does to protect grian on ghost hunts <3
he has impulse’s seal of approval
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trancylovecraft · 1 year
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• Okay. Lucifer, King of light. This is probably the worst yandere in aoex you could get (apart from Mephisto but that’s for another time.)
• Possessive, Overprotective, delusional and manipulative TO THE MAX. Lucifer’s a narcissistic monster so you can see how this goes.
• Possessive in the way he just won’t let you go. He views you as his and nothing more. There’s no debating him on this, You have no voice.
• Overprotective in the way that he does not let any harm come to you. Health check-ups every day, Padded room you’re locked in with no sharp edges. That kind of thing
• Delusional in the way he believes the two of you are somehow bound by fate. He may be scarily intelligent but that does not make him sane in the least.
• And manipulative in the way.. Well, Come on. He’s a glorified cult leader. Lucifer controls every aspect of your life from your clothes to your schedule. All so he can display the image he wants you to see.
• I’m going to go with a Romantic route on this one. I’ll do platonic later if anyone wants it.
• Lucifer at first is shocked. Demon’s don’t feel emotions, Not the way humans do anyways. But his heart beats when he sees you. He’s confused at first, Believing it to be an ailment or illness
• However after a while he comes to terms with it, A shocking realisation. One that amazes him deeply.
• Even though love is a laughable matter for demons, Lucifer doesn’t deny it. He believes that you’re an exception and no matter what his siblings or Homare says, It wont deter him
• Being the egoist he is, He believes you must feel the same way. No matter how much you fight or argue he knows you’re just playing hard to get.
• How it started I can see it happen two ways. One, You’re a recruit in the Illuminati and you somehow catch his eye. Number two, You’re a member of the True Cross Order and you catch his attention.
• If you’re in the Illuminati then that just makes it easier for him. Lucifer is the commander in chief and their idolized leader. You and your colleagues practically worship him. (Rose tinted glasses)
• So it’s a breeze for him to get close to you. Suddenly your assigned as his personal guard or caretaker, Suddenly he requests more time off the clock with you.
• You see it as a blessing, The commander in chief wants more time with you. And from there on there really is no escape
• In the second scenario he might of seen you while spying on the order or when he was declaring war. I’m imagining him announcing his speech before his eyes lock on you from behind the mask, He pauses mid sentence to just stare before Homare coughs and breaks him out of his trance.
• He continues on but his eyes keep lingering back to you. It makes you feel uncomfortable more than you already were, This organisation was declaring war on the order and their creepy leader kept eyeing you up and down.
• I feel like Mephisto would catch on, He’d probably deduce it easily but for the sake of plot he wont here.
• When they leave, Lucifer can’t help but drift his mind off to you. He hated human beings, He envied them for their healthy bodies that they wasted doing nothing while he rots.
• And due to that and the fact that he is bedridden most of the time makes it very hard for him to do anything. Instead he relies on Shima to tell him things about you.
• You’re a teaching assistant at the academy, A middle-class exorcist with the meister of doctor and knight. The more he learned the more he felt his heart beat.
• If you have any other romantic partners or interests (even just friendships) he starts to feel another emotion. It’s not a good one, It makes him disgusted.
• Even though what he feels for you is intense and overwhelming, He will not show it at all. Cold and mechanical
• Lucifer wants to get you away from them. He doesn’t like people touching what’s his.
• After confirming this feeling isn’t illness, He has his mind set dead on you.
• Lucifer believes that you must feel the same way. This is love, Something he had never experienced before so he knows it must be mutual right?
• He has Shima gather items from you. Photo’s, Clothing and trinkets. He has them surrounding his bed.
• So when you come along with the exwires to rescue Izumo and he views you on the camera’s his heart skips a beat.
• Lucifer orders the entire staff not to lay a hand on you. If they do then they will suffer by his hand and he MEANS this.
• So when you and the exwires are separated and shoved into different rooms, There was no demon to fight you.
• You were confused. It was just a padded cell. All until a ray of light manifested on the other side of the room
• You bared your weapon. Lucifer appeared in a fresh clone body and full uniform, Wanting to look his best for finally meeting you.
• Of course you ready your weapon but its instantly dismantled by a blinding flash, Making you drop it to the ground.
• Lucifer approaches you and takes no time to proclaim his infatuation and love for you. He says it outright because of well.. He’s convinced that you feel the exact same way about him even though you only met once on really bad terms.
• Lucifer expects you to run into his arms or confess your love back. But to his shock and dismay you only scream obscenities at him, Which is a weird way of showing your love but go off I guess.
• Or not. Lucifer doesn’t like you saying that stuff. Even though he knows you don’t mean it he still takes great offense.
• Lucifer straight up offers you to join the illuminati. A pretty high position (And conveniently works close to him)  Tells you about his ideals. His goal of making a paradise, Reviving Satan and making an equal world
• You’re rightfully disgusted. You say no again and curse him out. No way are you joining some glorified cult.
• He sighs, A tad irritated as he steps closer to you. You cant do anything but back away into a corner looking terrified.
• He approaches. The distance closes and he casts a dark shadow, His eyes glowing as he looks at you.
• You’re frozen in fear as he reaches a hand out to cup your cheek. His hands are dead cold.
• “I understand your fear, But sleep well now and you’ll awaken safely in due time.” 
• He says that to you and he places a single kiss onto your lips. His are freezing similar to that of a corpses.
• You black out afterwards, Lucifer catches you in his arms as he carries you away.
• After that its the “domestic stage”
• You sleep in a room in the Dominus Liminus. It’s both warded and protected to the nines.
• You wont speak much to anyone. A few staff here or there but Homare is the one tasked with keeping you secure and safe.
• Wherever you go (If you’re allowed out) Homare will be close behind. It wont even be hidden, Saying with a cold face that she is to escort you around the place and assist you.
• But you know it’s just Lucifer keeping an eye on you.
• As soon as your on board you instantly gain the title of ‘The Commander’s Fiancée’
• Its disturbing until you find out why. Once you meet him again he explains that your days are now leading up to your marriage with him.
• He could marry you right now. But Lucifer wants to have a ceremony, An official wedding that will involve a demonic binding to him.
• You curse him out again and try to attack him in his bed. But the Lundström pull you back escort you to your cell. Lucifer calling out your praises as you go.
• You’re fed the highest class food. It doesn’t matter what you prefer since Lucifer claims “You deserve the best”
• You also get a lot of gifts like clothing and furniture. Nothing dangerous or sharp though, Cant let you getting hurt.
• If you get close to anyone but him or maybe Homare he will not hesitate. He’s jealous and will order their death, Sometimes he’ll do it himself depending on the situation.
• Health check-ups daily. Human beings are fragile and if you died he doesn’t think he could go on without the one thing that numbs his pain. 
• Unfortunately enough you’re being taken care of by a greasy little doctor Geodinn. Of whom sucks up to you even though you can tell its an act
• If you do manage to escape he will go on a rampage. It’ll be the blue night pt2. He doesn’t care who he kills or what he destroys, Only calmed when your back with him.
• Besides. His siblings as well as all their lower class demons would be on high alert, Its impossible.
• He’s always in bedrest and it annoys him. He can’t spend as much time as he wants to with you and his rotting body wont let him.
• Sometimes when he misses you too much he’ll get Homare to drag you in and lie with him. He likes holding you to your displeasure, Its the only thing that takes away his constant pain
• When his body is new however he makes it count.
• He takes you out on little trips in preparation for your wedding.
• Him, Homare and a group of his most trusted men take you dress shopping. They make you try on a shit ton until Lucifer and you find the perfect one. You both must be in agreement.
• You try to escape but you are instantly caught by Homare and co. Who drag you back to a disappointed and confused Lucifer.
• He still doesn’t understand why you’d want to leave. You’re both in love, Right?
• He takes you out to the final shop. A jewellers where he alone picks out the ring. A silver ring with a diamond centrepiece (Also one that he made a demon under him possess to tell him your location at all times)
• Afterwards its basically time for your big day. His at least, Lucifer is overjoyed and excited for once in his life.
• You walk down the isle with a veil to cover your distraught and defeated face all while carrying a bouquet of white roses. It’s a massive cathedral. The entirety of the Illuminati is there along with his siblings..
• Once you reach the altar, Lucifer is standing there in his full military uniform. For once his expression doesn’t look mechanical and dead, It has life now and his eyes look at you with an organic gleam.
• Iblis, Egyn and Astaroth are standing off to the side. They’re very confused but they don’t question him.
• Iblis thinks its cute. Egyn is confused and Astaroth just got here
• Shima is near the front row and is currently on FaceTime with Mephisto, Whose hysterical and laughing to high hell at what’s happening.
• Homare is ordaining the ceremony. She says her part and then Egyn comes up with the rings as well as a contract.
• Lucifer lifts your veil. He hands you the contract with a pen and urges you to sign it.
• You have no other choice. You sign the paper while trying not to cry. The deal is done, You’re unable to leave entirely now
• He leans down and kisses you as the crowd goes wild cheering. Through the noise you can hear him say one last thing.
• “You look absolutely stunning.. Once I get a working body and once you become a demon eater.. I hope to see you like this for the rest of time..”
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blenselche · 26 days
Why do you ship finn/fern? I want to know what you see in it. You don't have to answer if you don't want to, I think rare ships and why people like them are interesting.
how can i not when the show literally
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ok but forreal, this is long so I'm throwing it under a cut, my fern brainworm really got away from me here...
Finn and Fern's story at its most bare bones is: someone incredibly damaged by abandonment is torn in half and those halves abandon each other. Fern does it literally, Finn more so emotionally. Only when it's too late does one half try to rectify the situation, showing unending patience and unconditional love and being met with vitriol and avoidance. And then... acceptance, and with that acceptance is the ultimate abandonment: death. Tragic, hurts just right. Add onto that-- their relationship references The Green Knight and the Narcissus Myth. The Narcissus myth comes through loudly in CAWM especially. My fav of Ovid's Metamorphoses and all Greek mythology, so that's def a factor. My dad said I cried when he read it to me for the first time lmao.
I don't ship them during/in canon. In canon all I can see is something nebulous and one sided, and we don't need to read into subtext for that, we can just appreciate the show as it's written: Finn helps create this person that 100% gets him after being the odd one out his whole life, Fern's existence even soothes his abandonment issues with a curse that binds them together forever, but he clings too close and doesn't give Fern space, reminding him of how he falls short. Ultimately this want to be "even closer" (very smooth, Finn) is what drives them apart. It's good where it is, it's a great starting point for shipping.
Where I ship them is past canon, blowing subtext up into large print font to pull Fern out of plot device hell into his own character, piggy backing off what we know about the grass demon.
The grass demon/blade was not made to serve the powers of good, but it actively changes/curbs its behavior for the approval of its hero wielder. It helps Finn with anything that deeply emotionally moves him (holding on to Martin, building the tower) keeps him out of unneeded conflict (refusing to attack the vamp king) helps impress his romantic interest (flute spell) it even reverses his arm nullification twice. The grass demon keeps him safe but it goes above and beyond its purpose for Finn's happiness. It reluctantly joins the fight against Bandit Princess because that sword is still Finn, and when its blade pierces/breaks the quillion it even cocoons the Finn Sword's essence safely away. Though, no matter how much good it might do it is still a demon. It has no morals, and doesn't understand them, all it cares about is Finn's safety and well being. When one of Finn's loved ones hurts him it doesn't hesitate to protect him, but (of course) Finn retaliates-- and so it creates a Finn of its own, one that won't hurt it for trying to keep him safe and happy. (OOPS! that backfired.) I love the grass demon, I love what we can glean about it because of its actions through the show and what that could mean for Fern and Fern's feelings surrounding Finn. This is the foundations of the ship to me.
I like to ship them when Fern remembers all of this/what he is (a demon that basically consumed half of Finn's soul), has accepted himself and has integrated his two ego states. We don't need to do any legwork on Finn's end. Dude's already weird enough about Fern canonically, but I do like to build his guilt up until he's a mess on the floor, crying over his past mistake of assuming Fern needed saving in the first place (the thing that leads Finn to ignorantly prompting/assisting in his suicide), haunted by the words of Fern's time echo from the The Beginning of The End comic, never truly being able to trust if he's actually helping someone again.
I like to play in that space of au/hc: a demon and the man he's bound to/he shares a soul with who loves him unconditionally, reunited somehow (a wish, diverging from canon, Penelope and Fern's next incarnation finding one another, etc) and coming to terms with the baggage of all the shit they inflicted on one another. Then maybe Fern can finally hear Finn out without the cloud of festering insecurity when he tells him again how he'd still like to be "even closer".
At its simplest I like finn/fern because I love Fern, and finally accepting and seeing Finn as a completely different person (enough to engage in a relationship, whether sexual/romantic/queer platonic/something that no label fits because of what they are, whatever) speaks to an ultimate form of self actualization, and Fern really deserves to feel that level of "himself" imo.
Hope that was adequately interesting.
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the-monkey-ruler · 1 year
how hardworking is bajie in the novel? fanart gives off the impression that he’d rather do anything but work
And he WOULD! HE DOES NOT LIKE TO WORK! Rather nap and kick back.
But honestly, next to Wukong, he does do the second most amount of work when it comes to fighting demons and getting food.
Don’t get me wrong man will complain the whole time while doing it but he is a competent fighter in many regards. Man was the Marshall in Heaven that only answered to the Jade Emperor himself, a navel officer so he knows a thing or two about fighting and tactics he just doesn't apply himself often. Not since being pig shaped.
There are many times he was the one to fight demons alongside Wukong, sometimes they even coordinate attacks with one another to get the drop on their enemy.
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He was able to kill Princess Jade Face, Great King Fox Number Seven, the Wansheng Princess, all six of the tree spirits, White-Faced Vixen Spirit, King of the Southern Hill, King of Heat Protection, and King of Dust Protection. That isn't even included in the assistant kills that helped with Wukong and in enemies such as the Pythron Demon.
Funny enough he gets pretty protective of Sanzang when it comes to him being sexually harassed as well. I like to think that is his own personal turning point when it comes to respecting other people's boundaries.
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But also he 'sacrifices' himself for Sanzang's place XD
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I've always read it as it's more of a threat than a promise. Because he also knows that women won't go for him being a pig. Which is a little sad but also him using his appearance to his advantage to scare women in the Women's Kingdom. Says he won't be turned into a fragrant bag cause no one would even want him.
The main reason he is so antagonistic is that he IS THE CLOWN. There is a scene Bajie is being cooked by a GAINT streamer and he complaining he is going to come out wrong if the fire tenders (that Wukong is stopping) don't cook him RIGHT. Also that Bajie knows Wukong in diguse by seeing his cheeks and thinking "I KNOW THOSE CHEEKS ANYWHERE!"
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Literally, his role in the book is to make laughs and to be the verbal and literal punching bag. Wukong himself is funny, absolutely, but he needs someone to play off him as well. It is very like that one group of Abbott and Costello vibes in some scenes where they just verbally poke on one other, and often there are cases were they pull pranks. Mostly Wukong at Bajie but still.
Like Wukong letting Bajie get captured by an enemy just so he can save him later. HE DOES THIS TWICE. He was mad Bajie thought he died (legit thought he died) in the first one and he took money from Bajie the second time he saved him XD told him it was the 'groups' money and they should share.
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And I know people give Bajie hell for being a shit to Wukong but also… Wukong is ALSO a shit back to him. Wukong isn't one to be walked over and he definitely has his fair share of making Bajie feel that revenge for being a shit in the first place. They are shits to each other. Which makes them ever more enjoyable. Wukong is even the one to put a paper saying "I can heal the king" in Bajie’s back pocket when he falls asleep FACING THE WALL NOT TO SCARE ANYONE WITH HIS FACE. Man was legit trying NOT to get into trouble and Wukong knew this was going to be hilarious.
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Also Bajie carrying Wukong thinking he could 'trip' and send Wukong flying. But Wukong anticipated this and made a clone of himself to be on Bajie so when he trip the clone drifted away as Bajie and Wujing just looked on in horror as their brother MELTED before their eyes. And Wukong turning into a woodpecker to peck at Bajie to wake him up.
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That one was elaborate.
He does have some good ideas even from time to time despite his laziness. He knew how to get Bailong to walk across ice safely and for once USED THE RAKE AS A RAKE to clear a forest. Also that he knows a bit about farming because he was a farmer for a least three years with the Gao family.
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So again he is capable and knows a bit despite his ignorance in other matters he just hates to admit he is wrong and hates to admit even more when he can’t do something. Which is hard to do when you are working with someone with MUCH more knowledge and power like Wukong.
I really think that Bajie looks up to Wukong while also being incredibly jealous of Wukong as well. That he relies on him as a companion but lets his own insecurities and jealousy get in the way of working with him, rather purposefully trying to make things harder for Wukong as if to get back at him. But I really think Bajie knows they need Wukong. Even when Wukong is knocked out and unconscious from the Red Boy fight Bajie doesn't believe for a second he is really dead, rather just going straight into reviving him. He also tells others they should treat him with high respect, make it sound like Wukong is danger but also that he is just so powerful in general and that he deserves to be regarded as such.
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I don't think it's a coincidence that Bajie is the one after Wukong's first banishment that he has to go get him to save the rest of the group. Because he is the one that messed up by convincing Saznag Wukong was lying. But he also knows they can't do this journey without Wukong. He might be big talk but I think he's going to get Wukong was a humbling moment for him too cause he knows they are going to lose. Another way he shows that is when he thinks Wukong really dies he gets MAD. Because he knows now there is no chance, they are really going to DIE and he is upset.
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I still think that Bajie just wanted to get back at Wukong for making fun of him in when GuanYin strung him up to a tree after the Ginseng Fruit arc. But he really didn't know what the fillet implies as he has never seen it used until then. It doesn't make it right but I do think it explains himself a bit more.
And even when Bajie went back to get Wukong, Wukong gave him a tour of his mountain AND STILL pulled a fast on him by having him think he wasn't coming when he was right behind Bajie the whole time. He just wanted Bajie to sweat a little longer. But there was something about Wukong having Bajie see how whole home and what he is leaving but also that Bajie really enjoyed seeing where he lived… even if the Little Suns threw Bajie around like a sake of flour weighing nothing… BUT HE STILL HAD A NICE TIME.
Bajie seems to have a lot of faith in his brothers, even if he rather run away and avoid a fight altogether because he is a bit of a coward he is more often overconfident on taking on demons with his group.
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But when he thinks Wukong might actually die after they think they lost Sanzang to a demon he tells him he can't else they will have too much to grieve. And how he only feels confident in battle when he knows Wukong is behind him. I do love it when Bajie and Wujing look on in awe at Wukong and his power he thinks they might be gossiping about him and gets suspicious, leading to another prank.
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And I feel like he gets that kind of confidence only later throughout the series, where he actually stops trying to divide the luggage when things go bad and tries to see to the end of the journey to get the scriptures. He is still a lazy guy that rather sleep and eat all day but he gets a bit better along the way, participating with his party in the journey and starting to see the goal to attain the scriptures as something he also wants to and actually trying harder to prove that to himself. It takes him a lot longer than Wukong and even Wujing but I think he really comes around to being a team player.
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This kinda turned into a Bajie apologist post but I just really love this pig. He is a lazy asshole that starts shit he needs a good slice of humble pie because he cares a lot
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shen-liqin · 2 years
Craving Mobei-jun POV fics rn ngl.
I wanna see a fic that shows just how much regret this emotionally constipated demon lord has for treating Shang Qinghua like shit. Like yes he stops beating him at some point but I want a fic where someone straight up tells Mobei-jun or at least says in his presence that no, beating up the person you love DOES NOT SHOWCASE YOU LOVE THEM.
I want this man to realize just how different human and demon culture is. I wanna see him react to realizing that beating up someone in human culture (for the most part) means that you absolutely loathe or dislike them. Sure, he started off that way during the early years of Qinghua helping him but we all know that he learns to love him in a sense.
I just want the angst to be honest, with or without comfort doesn’t really matter. I just wanna see this demon lord with abandonment issues realize just how much he actually hurt Shang Qinghua and how badly he was misunderstood by him.
Just imagine that during the month (or two??) Shang Qinghua was hiding from Mobei-jun, Mobei ends up desperate enough to ask for the assistance of some of Qinghua’s disciples (like an au where after it’s revealed Qinghua was colluding with demons and the people on An Ding Peak just accept it because majority of them probably understand where he’s coming from, minus having wet dreams starring the northern demon lord).
Imagine at some point he overhears the disciples gossiping and doubting why this cold and stoned faced demon is even looking for their shizun when they all know that he “despises” him and probably only needs him because he actually knows how to handle finances.
“But I thought the Northern lord was infatuated with Shizun-“
“YOU FUCKING IDIOT, STOP READING THAT LIU SU MIAN HUA’S NOVELS!!! Everyone on this damn peak knows that the demon despises our Shizun. He’s probably only looking for him because he half-runs the northern kingdom.”
Mobei-jun is in shock for two reasons.
1. He’s being slapped once again by the reality off how much he actually relied on Shang Qinghua and how much his kingdom depends on the mousy man (plus angst points because from his POV he actually trusted him and got abandoned)
2. When and how the fuck did they think he hated Shang Qinghua? Qinghua? Qinghua who saved his live more times than he can count? Qinghua who actually stayed left despite everything they’ve been through? Qinghua who he secretly daydreamed being wed to and living in domestic bliss-
Then he gets hit with what’s probably the most bone-chilling news he’s ever heard.
“B-but the Tales of the Northern Consert say-“
The moment Mobei hears that he feels nauseous. He remembered Qinghua listing it as one of the wrongs he committed against him but didn’t really comprehend why it was a bad thing. Up until that point he had only associated it with being a reason Qinghua left, which is why he felt sick every time he remembered once being proud of the bruises he left on his advisor.
He never really knew it’s meaning amongst humans.
Meanwhile, Shang Qinghua is just lamenting the fact that his king hasn’t found him yet and is spending the next few days avoiding wife plots that have sprung out of nowhere (they were probably meant for cucumber-bro and his demon puppy Luo Binghe).
Just some random thoughts.
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Gus Porter Appreciation Post
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I have been wanting to do gull analysis of the important characters in The Owl house since like 2/3rds of the way through season 2. Now that the first season 3 special is right around the corner It feels like a good time to make posts and get views again.
Gus is a character I find particularly interesting. In season 1 and for part of season 2 Gus is there, but he is secondary comic relief, very token, and almost never seems to move or affect the plot. He slowly grows as a character with and develops arc’s though, and whats interesting to me is that unlike with characters like Luz/Eda/Willow I cannot really say when his character hit the turning point. I mean I know when his character had shifts, or started to focus more visibly on certain aspects of his character, a lot of the big moments his character goes through and core aspects that come to spotlight in episodes like “Through The Looking Glass” and “Labyrinth Runners” on re-watch actually start more subtle in the back ground of season 1 episodes.
Warning very long post underneath
Things with Gus that could have been done better
Okay first lets address some of the weakness’s of Gus’s character. I want to get those out of the way so that I can spend more time speaking his praises. Up top I call him 3 things “Secondary comic relief” “token” and “unimportant plot wise”. I stand by all three being true (at least for a lot of the series) and all three can be problems with his character. For the “secondary comic relief” one... King is out main source of comic relief. King is voiced by Alex Hirsch, who many fan’s recognize as the creator and voice actor for many Gravity Falls characters. He is a very funny man. King himself is also a funny character, because he sees himself as big and ferocious, has a large personality, and all of this is wrapped up into a like 2.5 ft tall fluffy little dog body. Gus’s first ever job in the show was to come assist Luz on adventures and mishaps where she would be away from Eda and King. Unlike King though Gus does not have a large personality, and with his a main trait being “Self-proclaimed “Human Expert”, when actually everything he says is wrong” he just never seemed as funny. Also King despite being mostly comic relief had lore and backstory from the beginning, taught Luz about demons and life with Eda, and was able to come up with clever ways to help defeat foe’s. Gus... shares his food, and can do basic distracting.
I called him “token”. that is a word that I know gets thrown around a lot, and there is some argument as to when it is appropriate and what it means. So let me give the definition I learned for “token”: One or a few characters that are different from the main cast in a noticeable way, and are added in mainly to give the illusion of this show/book/game being inclusive.” You know how in 90′s and early 2000′s shows about super hero’s/crime fighting a team will have that one (or maybe two if its a big team) female character because otherwise the show writers can be accused being sexist “don’t you think girls can be hero’s too”? Plus without her they will have more trouble doing cliche romance tropes. Or how about in Christmas specials you always have at least one who is briefly stated or shown to be Jewish, because of course the show runners know that Christianity isn’t the only religion, and Christmas is not the only holiday. Gus would qualify as a token character for two reasons. One is that he is one of the only few boys at Hexside who is learning magic, and is also important enough to have a name. The score for that I believe is Girls 11, Boys 5. Of those 5 Jerbo and Barkus were intended to be one off characters and while we saw them again they got no focus and virtually no development (Barkus is in a hexsis holdum club, Jerbo flew for that jerk professors flyer derby team that one time). Edric only shows up spuraticaly and rarely is shown at school. Mattholomule also rarely shows up, and when he does it is to be a parallel foil to Gus (more on him and that later). So Gus is our only frequently occurring boy to actively bee seen trying to become a witch.
Secondly he can count as a token Black character. The Owl house has prioritized  including 3D characters of different sexuality, and learning types. Its disability representation has also gained positive notice and appreciation by its audiance as well. But is does have some problems and struggles in race. I will start by saying that I am white, and as such I do not notice as many things as a POC would when it comes to racial inclusion, and my word should always come second to a POC’s when talking about this. But even I can notice that Amity’s character seemed completely thought out and written with fluid direction when Dana and the crew were still throwing Mabel, Webby, Star, Anne, every other off-beat, family carton, female protagonist of the last 10 years, and multiple popular teen cliche’s all against the wall to see what stuck as character for Luz. Even I can note the racism on giving Luz a new White Mom when she already had a Latina Mom. Then treating White Mom as her main/better/more fun mom, because Latino Mom tells tries to change Luz (get her to tone down her more destructive behavior while at school) but White Mom lets Luz do whatever she wants, up to and including praising her for crime. And even I can notice how Gus got way way less screen time and focus than characters who had lighter skin than him. Now here I want the opinion of POC fans: in season 2 Dana and the crew added 3 more POC characters (Raine, Darwin, and Darius), brought back 2 existing characters (Katya and Mattholomule) and, admittedly more towards the end of the season 2, gave Gus and Skara more focus. Did this feel to you like Dana and the Crew noticing and correcting an issue, or did it feel more like the damage control?
Gus’s plot relevance in episodes is kinda self explanatory. In 1B he does not even participate in shenanigans and mishaps that Luz,Willow, and Amity do. He is the group cheerleader. Which would be fine if they let him do all the cool tricks, acrobatics, and full on routines cheerleaders do. Combining his illusion powers with all of that would have been really awesome. But instead of doing any of that they just gave him two small flags that he waved back in fourth from the stands. That was his whole cheer routine, and most of his 1B character... Okay now I am finally done with writing out the flaws/problems with his character, remember I do love this character, and can move on with praises.
Gus’s magic abilities
Gus’s learning trope is that he the “stressed out gifted kid”. He is a protege magician when it comes to Illusion magic, and have even skipped 2 grades. Okay We do not know that much about how different grades work at Hexisde (it’s an all grade school) since Luz our main character see’s the school for the first time at 14. Given that Luz enrolls during a Summer semester I am guessing that Hexisde is a year round school (how do grade levels work at those? I do not know) that does like 4 three week breaks during each season. But I am going to guess that Elementary level kids learn about the different coven tracks and opportunity’s in them, middle school kids pick their track and learn the basics/early lessons, then High school kids perfect their magic and take more advanced lessons. We have never heard Lilith or Raine or any of the Blights mention Colleges, so maybe its not a thing on the isles and kids only leave when coven recruiters come and take them away...
Gus again skipped two grades and “Labyrinth Runners” implies he does it pretty young, he looks like 9 or 10 in his flashback of his first week in advanced classes. If Willow’s powers came late, could Gus have developed Illusion powers early? We also see that he wasn’t then and still is not now in complete control of his powers. My guess is that when Perry and Bump saw what Gus was capable of they moved him up those grades because they believed the best thing for Gus was to get help from an experienced illusion professor who could help him learn more control and mastery of his powers. We can see how great the Illusion professor is in “Labyrinth Runners”, and how much she cares about Gus.
In season 1 Gus mostly sticks to what seems like advanced basics. He could sentences in the air, and make copies of himself, and he was amazing at it. He was not doing one letter at a time, or even one word at a time, he could magic whole sentences into the air at once with great theatrics. His can make multiple copies at once. His copies still remain fully functional when he is away from them, and they can all talk. For clones made by a child, they are very advanced copies. In “Looking Glass Ruins“ Gus makes an illusion large enough to cover a small grave yard, and then In “Labyrinth Runners” his school. In that episode he also pockets a powerful magnifier glass that lets him peer into foes heads and call fourth bad memories. This gives Gus a way to cause actual damage to Belos in “King’s Tide”.... But Gus may have been hit some recoil on that.
This brings me to another part of Gus’s character that I love: He gets progressively stronger through out the show, but he never reaches the ceiling of his potential. He can give his copies more advanced mobility and speaking skills, But when he does they are less likely to do what he wants. See the that only pretended to take notes for him when he skipped, and the one that he made when he wanted to interview himself who promptly told him “I would rather die than reveal my secrets”. He is not able to make large illusions in season 1, and in season 2 they tire him and he still loses control if they go over a certain size. He learns to use the magnifier glass quickly, but he can only us it on an already subdued opponent and using it may pose danger to him in the process. Gus has all the potential to become a mater illusionist, and the dreams and ambition to become even more. But all of this will be one day in the future. For now he is a kid who needs to keep studying and practicing so he can get better, smarter, and wiser.  This brings me to my next point about Gus
Relatable Fears
First off let’s look at the pressure Gus puts on himself. He loves to brag about getting to skip two grades. He can be a show off with his magic, and when mentioning that his dad wants him to become a master illusionist he laughs says “That’s easy”, and declares that he will become this powerful and new figure in relational politics and end a long standing feud between the boiling Isle residents and the Giraffe’s.
When tries to help Willow deal with a pixie infestation with an illusion and it doesn’t help at all, and she gets hurt anyway, He goes through a huge existential crisis and starts wondering openly questioning if the illusion track is even worth studying. Some bullies trick him into helping them clear a way to the graveyard for them, before revealing they do not want to be his friends and do not care about his feeling’s or opinions. Gus blames himself for all of this. Who was he kidding thinking Bria actually cared? Well it’s not his fault. HE thought Bria cared because she did a really good job of putting on a show of acting like she cared. Its pretty high key hinted that he does this all the time at Glandis and that’s how she keeps her three “friends” and probably others under her thumb. Heck its low key hinted that she got Mattholomule in so much trouble that his parents took him out of Glandis at least in part to get him away from her and the members of their group. Gus isn’t stupid, Bria is just a skilled manipulator.
After Bria Gus and the cast, unfortunately meet, Adrian Graye Venworth. Gus see’s through his first illusion and saves Edric and the other kids from being tricked into getting sigiled. But Later Gray and a member of the Emperor’s Coven trick Gus into almost going with them by casting an illusion to make the Coven Scout look like Willow. Hunter See’s through the Illusion and grabs Gus yelling that it is a trick. Gus is devastated that he could not tell the difference between his best friend and an illusion and concludes that he must be stupid and have something seriously wrong with him. A few things that I will point out here (and I am so glad Hunter points out to Gus in the episode). Gus is not at fault at all. The coven guard pretending to be Willow fooling him? They showed up when Gus was in danger, scared, and desperate to find help so of course he feels a wave of relief at Willow. Hunter saw through it because he has rained himself to never drop his guard (he has had to) But Gus has no reason to distrust Willow. Even if he was fooled it was never a fair fight. Gus is a gifted kid, but he is still only a 12 year old kid, and is still learning. The Emperor’s coven is made up of all the most ambitious students and highest scores AFTER they graduated school, past tons of vigorous recruitment tests, and devoted their lives to nothing but improving their magic and serving the Emperor. Adrian is a Coven head, a.k.a the top ranking Illusionist on The Titian. Him and all he guards are older and have both more training and experience than Gus. They were able to fool Bump and the Hexside teachers too, and none of them are fools. Gus’s only problem is the pressure he puts on himself.
To go a bit deeper into Gus’s fears, we see him began to work through his fears in season 2 but I think his arc with fear and overcoming it actually starts in season 1′s ‘Enchanting Grom Fight”. Remember at the end of it when Willow and Gus are helping with the clean up and that peace of Grom morphs into their fears. We see that Willow is afraid of ladybugs (???) and that Gus is afraid of clowns. Now Clowns are a pretty common, it would be enough to assume Gus is scared of their big red grins, yellow teeth, or giant stomping feet. But in “Through the Looking Glass Ruins” through that Illusions are not able to help solve his friend’s issues like Gus hopped he loses faith in them and himself. Then h starts calling Illusions “party tricks” and himself a “clown”. Which descends to “Stupid”, “Fool”, and “Kidding himself” in “Labyrinth Runners”. You add all this together and it equals Gus not being scared of clowns because of creepy make-up, oversized cloths, or how in-your-face some clowns are. We only see the clown image Grom used on Gus from the back but I am gonna gus its front looked kinda similar to Gus himself. “Clown” is the bad name Gus calls himself when he gets angry/scared/or frustrated at his own mistakes. Gus is scared that maybe he is destined to be a clown. Maybe his dad, teachers, friends, and himself are all fooling themselves when they call him someone special, and maybe everything he is good at is just stupid, unimportant, party tricks.
THAT IS NOT TRUE. Gus’s is a great friend and his support has done a lot for Willow, Luz, King, Mattholomule, and Hunter. He has been a real light and the dark for them all. While his illusions have limits, he starts finding knew things he can do with them throughout the season as he improves (and we thankfully say god bye to the Gus the uninspiring cheerleader and the two tiny flags that all he does is flick back and forth). Gus’s own magic feets even hit Heroic status on at least three occasions “Through the Looking Glass Ruins”, “Labyrinth Runners”, and “Kings Tide” where if not for him things would have gone much worse and potentially innocent lives could have been ruined or lost. Gus can, is, and will be great witch. He just needs to take some time, and come into it in his own way.
Gus’s development into a more empathetic friend and his growth and maturity through out the show.
Just a small heads up most of this will be about Gus’s relationships with other males. I know, I know Willow and Luz are his best friends. I am not trying to undervalue his relationships with them, they are great friends and very important to him. The reason I am not talking much about them is that his friendships with them start from their first meeting and remain really consent throughout the show. There is never really any change. They are all friends, Willow and Luz know he is younger by a couple years but they do not treat him any different for it. Gus loves this and is super protective of both of them, trying to jump on or “Gus chomp” any big kid who calls one of the Trio “losers’ or tries to give them a hard time.
Let’s start with the first time we see Gus in his element. Gus’s time as the President of the Human Appreciation Society (a school based club he started). This was Gus at his absolute worst, most jerkish, and it got him nothing. Gus says in the episode that he created the club because being the youngest kid in his grade he was always overlooked and wanted to create a place where that would not happen to anyone. When he says that it is the only time that he is either kidding himself or just being stupid. Because Gus is a tyrannical leader that and overlooks every other person there. No really he is. Gus calls himself “The President” but also made himself a crown, like he’s the king. He has a huge list of rules that he made himself and that no one else is allowed even comment on. He is the only person allowed to touch the objects, He is the only one allowed to make decisions (he legit see’s the group wanting to vote as anarchy), and judging by his reaction to Matty dumping out his backpack Gus may even be the only one who is usually allowed to bring in artifacts. Gus made himself a place where he would get to be in charge of kids older than him and they would have to listen to what he says. Well later in the show we see that Bigger Kids used to take advantage of Gus’s trust and trick him into doing their work for him. These are his worst memories.So seeing that I can see why Gus would want a place like the H.A.S., but that is an explanation for his behavior and not a excuses. He is acting like his old bullies and it is getting him nowhere. The bigger kids in his club must stay because they are interested in learning more about human culture, because they do not seem to care for or like Gus. When Mattholomule challenges him for leadership two kids support him and one just proclaims himself “an undecided voter”; none of them back Gus. When Bump kicks Gus out of the club none of the kids care or ever speak to him again.
Losing the club was painful for Gus in the short term because it was a club he cared about (and it led to 1b Gus and his boring obsession with two tiny flags. They really could not have also given him a horn, some lights, or put the flags on a baton), but after the way he had acted I cannot say he did not deserve to lose it, and he did grow from this. His relationship with King is the first one to show his growth. In “Really Small problems” Luz gets the day off from school and decides to take King to the carnival. While there she runs into Willow and Gus and asks King if they can join them. Gus is really condescending to King here, but King agrees to let them join for Luz. Willow and Gus do not listen to what King wants to do, gradually take more of Luz’s attention, and eventually fully exclude King. This drives King so crazy that he buys a potion to make Gus and Willow temporarily disappear. Which of course he bought from a con artist, its actually a scam that gets everybody in trouble, and King has to apologize and explain his loneliness to the other kids. He tried to make peace with Gus and Willow by offering them both pieces of broken friendship necklaces which they both take. Gus thanks King saying that he has always wanted “A jagged piece of cheap metal”. Willow gets on to Gus, I guess believing he is still being condescending, but I do think Gus was checking himself. Two episodes later when everyone is getting excited about Grom Gus gets to be the announcer and he goes to King to ask if he would like to be his assistant. When King gets stage fright Gus finds him and helps him through it in a much more tactful and friendly way. Gus is 3-4 years older than King, so to King Gus is a big kid. When King confessed the way Willow and Gus made him feel, I think this was the first time Gus was able to see his former bullies in his own actions. He did not like it and he makes steps in later episodes to be more friendly to King and treat him like one of the group.
Now Let’s go to Mattholomule. Gus was a jerk to the other members of his club, but when Mattholomule does his whole “scared and lonely new kid who just wants friends act (which I know was not completely an act)” Gus believes it and really does seem genuine in wanting to be Mattholomule’s friend afterwards. When Mattholomule turn on them and sends Luz to the detention pit, Gus goes to save her, and Mattholomule gets literally dragged along in the crossfire. Gus could have left Mattholomule to rot down there. There is a few options as to maybe why. Maybe Gus feels responsible since he kinda started this whole mess. Maybe since Mattholomule has the most experience with dentition pits Gus and Luz thought they could need him in the escape. What ever reason Gus shows genuine kindness in recusing Mattholomule as well as Luz. That is not an act that Gus gets repaid back to him right away. As soon as they get out and Bump see’s what they did to the pit, he tries to blame Luz. Gus takes all the blame, part of which should got to Matty, but Matty only speaks up when he see’s that he still has the opportunity to steal Gus’s club. Just to be clear on Mattholomule as H.A.S.P: He is a jerk, he will be just as tyrannical as Gus was, and like Gus the club made him no friends, no more popular, and any power he thinks the title gives him is in his head. Gus has to leave and become better.
But in “Through the Looking Glass Ruins” we get more back story on Mattholomule. We meet his old crew (whom his brother does not seem to like him hanging out with anymore) and see that they are all better than him at magic and hear how his lack of polished skill led to other kids making Glandis very difficult for him. Mattholomule essentially dealt with the same issues as Gus but on the opposite end. Mattholomule tries his best to keep Gus away from the other kids, and Gus thinks this is just him being mean. Only to find out to late that these other kids are just using them both. Because Gus was once kind to Matholomule, something that try as he might Matty has apparently not been able to stop thinking about or being grateful for, Matty goes back to help him. After watching Gus defend the graveyard from his old crew Matty finally makes the right choice for the right reason (reasons other than power or dept) and offers to help fix it up. Then, at hearing the illusion history may have to be hidden away, Matty suggests that he and Gus can build it a stronger defense system. Gus has a new friend now (who may one day also become more than a friend, they do share interests and passions) and has renewed faith in both that illusion magic matters, and that people aren’t all bad, and are capable of changing for the better.
These lessons all come to play during Gus’s relationship with Hunter. Gus does not really like Hunter when they first meet. Hunter or “Caleb Jasper BloodWilliams” is a strange, rude mouthed, big kid, who Gus has not seen before, but getting Willow’s flyer derby team approved suddenly depends on him... It turns out “Caleb” is really Hunter, a.k.a the Golden Guard, and he is here to trick them into the roughest coven of them all. Yes Hunter regrets it and goes back to save them (actually he may have done it more for their palisman than them, but he still helped them). He did the right thing, only after lying to them, scamming them, and putting all of them in danger. Gus is not obligated to forgive Hunter or try and be his friend the next time meet. When they meet again Gus half expects Hunter to try and pull the same crap, until he learns that Hunter is on the run. Then he offers him help and a listening ear. Gus did this because he knows that Hunter is not 100% bad, feels empathy for how alone/confused/scared Hunter is, and he knows people can change for the better. Gus has come along way from the bratty, vindictive, kid he sometimes acted like in season 1a. To him these basic acts of kindness do not seem like much, but to Hunter, who is going through so much, they mean the world. It’s because of Gus’s influence that Hunter finds the courage to come out of hiding and publicly supports the rebel side. This indirectly helps lead to all 6 kids (I included King) being together on the day of Unity and able to help each other against Belos.
Gus Porter All and All
Gus is a really great, well thought out character. He is in the background more than some others, and I wish the show had brought him to the forefront more (I do believe that if the show had run longer we would have gotten more of him and Matty protecting the graveyard, Matty introducing him to his favorite book series, and Gus meeting Steve. Grrr). But even when Gus is stuck in the background he still has some really interesting arc’s going on and you miss out if you just dismiss him. I also appropriate Gus getting to do important things and be a hero from the background, he reminds me of Codename: Kids next Door’s numbah 5 in that respect. She mostly stayed out of the spotlight by choice, but was indisputably the backbone of her team. Gus’s journey through school and the insecurities that he deals with remind me a lot of myself when I was younger as well as friends I had back then. I am willing to bet a lot of kids in school can relate to Gus and I like how so much of his feelings and situation are shown to us instead of told. Its nice that kids can see him, and have him to help learn to not doubt or be so hard on them selves, You are special, the right people will see you as such. IF the voices in your head call you names, then tell them to shut up because they do not know.
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blaackbiird · 6 months
How does Paimon react to Lucifer being revived as human on Earth. Would he try to ‘help’ Human Luci regain his memories? And then be angry that Luci’s archangel family is there trying to take away his king. Oh is Luci fully human with none of his angelic/demonic powers
Paimon is equal parts relieved and horrified. Relieved because it means that he's alive, but horrified because it means he's vulnerable and out of Paimon's reach. As Lucifer's most loyal and dedicated follower, Paimon considers it his personal responsibility to assist him.
However, his dedication is widely known. There's no one in Hell who doesn't know that his loyalty is to Lucifer alone(there are very few people who don't know how obsessed he is with Lucifer, either). For this reason, he has been barred from seeking Lucifer out. There is no reason for Paimon to go to Earth(especially since he left those duties to his many children), so it would be incredibly suspicious if, just after Lucifer's death, Paimon leaves for Earth.
Not a great idea if they want to keep his revival a secret. Further more, as Lucifer's right-hand man, he has the most intimate knowledge of how Hell is to be run in his absence.
Lucifer may have been remade in a human body, but he still has an angelic soul. He has powers, but he doesn't know about them so he can't use them. They are out of his reach, but not gone.
And being in a human body does limit the strength of those powers, as the more he uses them(if/when he remembers them), the more likely they are to damage his body. A human body is not built to contain angelic or demonic powers, after all.
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igotanidea · 2 years
Counterparts: Morpheus x OC chapter 10
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Chapter 1: sometimes reality sucks
Chapter 2 : Welcome back to reality
Chapter 3 : A rough nightmare
Chapter 4: Crumbling
Chapter 5 : Falling to pieces
Chapter 6: Reunited
Chapter 7 : Remedies
Chapter 8 : The Fates
Go check my other story: Raven's daughter: Morpheus x Matthew's daughter
Chapter 10
Opposing sides.
Dream’s pov
I watch her walk away angrily without any regret of what I said. However, Matthew seems to think otherwise.
-You have something to say? – I ask
-Just that while you have your conversation with Kay the woman who has your sand left.
-Not that. There’s something else. Just go ahead. Speak your mind.
-Well….. sending Kay away seemed a bit… excessive.
-She’s your friend, isn’t she?
-She is, boss. Is that important to the matter?
-You lack objectivity. You don’t know her as long as I do so you can’t possibly understand all her flaws. She can be … dangerous to both herself and others.
-So? She’s still human. Flaws are part of what makes them special. Besides from what I know about her, apart from rough-ish outside she’s the one you can always count on. No matter if It’s about advice or any action needed to be taken. She’s the one to be there for her friends.
-Perhaps that’s true – I pout – however, she’s gone so now the two of us must find Constantine.
-It’s night. We got five or six hours until she’s on the move again because she’s probably resting.
-If she’s dreaming then I know exactly where to find her. 
Kayleen’s pov.
This was not our first fight. Definitely won’t be the last. He’ll come around as always. In the meantime I can at least make sure Johanna is safe and sound. I know exactly how Dream can behave when he wants something. Threats and nightmares are on the agenda to reach the goal. This woman doesn’t seem like the one to get intimidated easily but everyone has a breaking point and he won’t stop until he reaches it. Unfortunately, she’s most likely asleep now which means – out of my reach. I have to wait to feel her consciousness again. I take that opportunity to get lost in the night London. Peaceful and quiet, so different from the buzzing city it is during the day.  Not many people can actually experience and appreciate this side of it.  The lights on the London Bridge makes it look almost magical and unreal. The atmosphere however is tense. It’s almost like the Universe knew that some supernatural forces are meddling with Reality. I take a quick stroll to warm myself up when I sense Johanna in the Waking. Dream has already found her and brought her back which means I have no time to waste. I follow the lead I get straight to Johanna’s flat in the old tenement house in the city center. Good thing that wasn’t far since I can’t really travel with the wind. When I enter, no passcode needed I hear her talking (or rather arguing) with the Dream.
-I’ll help you find your sand. First thing in the morning. And I work alone.
-No. We go now.
-Will you leave me alone then? – she asks angrily and opens the door – Oh, it’s you again – she spots me. Dream does not show a single sign of acknowledgement.
-Hi. I though you may need assistance in dealing with this one, here. – I smirk – he can be …  intense.
-I’ll take that action, sister – Johanna smirks back – he’s a pain in the ass and I know him barely for five minutes.
-I’m coming with you – Morpheus walks past me not a word said – you, Constantine, have a gift for disappearing.
When we arrive at Constantine’s office me and Dream are both shocked with the mess in this place. She doesn’t seem like a collecting kind of person.
-Why do people love objects so much? – Morpheus ask and I glance at him.
-Not everyone – I mutter.
-They come in handy – Johanna answers – and you seem pretty attached to your sand too.
-He doesn’t treat it like an object – I shake my head.
-It’s a part of me – Dream clarifies.
-So how come did you lose it?
-It was stolen. By a self-appointed magus called Burgess.
-Wait. Roderick Burgess? Old Demon King himself? He claimed he had Devil trapped in his basement . How fucked is that? – Constantine blabbers but stops abruptly noticing Dream’s  face expression. – Oh, shit. It was not the Devil, was it? – she looks at me and I shake my head.
-You were there all this time? – the woman steps closer to Dream and looks him straight in the eyes demanding answer. As if at this point it wasn’t obvious.
Morpheus looks down, he’s so …. broken and hurt. It’s not every day he lets himself get vulnerable but I suppose sitting in a glass cage for over a century is not something he wants to remember. I may be angry with him but at the same time I don’t want him to start moping and acting like a sad cat. Damn the human instincts inside me! Damn my protectiveness over this idiot! Damn my silent promise to Lucienne that I will watch over him!
-Is that you? – I quickly change the subject spotting a strap of photos on the desk. It shows Johanna with some other woman clearly having fun.
-Do I look different now? Or older?
-Happier –Dream chimes in with his hoarse voice taking the strap from me, his fingers brush mine and I’m not sure whether that’s on purpose or by accident. Thank God he get himself together. – Who’s the woman? 
-Her name is Rachel. Rachel Moodie. And shit, I know where your sand is.
-You left it with her? – I ask perplexed knowing exactly what effect it can have on a mortal
-I didn’t left it. I sort of… left her… and the sand.
-Does she do the magic? – Morpheus really is back to his cold, old self, focused solely on the task
-No. God, no. She’s a decent person. Proper job, nice family. Wants nothing to do with  any supernatural things.
-Why did you leave? - I ask. I can sense there’s more to the story
-Well, as you might have noticed – she looks at Dream and that means he saw something while she was sleeping – people around me tend to get ripped off and send to Hell.
-But you…. Have something, didn’t you? – I am not the one to let go easily
-It’s never easy. You should now – she looks at me and since I know what she means I just nod my head.  
-What? – Morpheus seems confused. – What is never easy?
-Love – Johanna says looking right at him and then back at me.  
- I suppose it’s not – I roll my eyes to hide emotions rising inside - well, it’s not like he has a perfect track record of relationships – I add mockingly, but Dream does not budge. 
-This is her place – Johanna stops – It’s been six months, maybe she switched places. Maybe we would be lucky…. – she mutters but the doors open – This is going to be awkward – she’s clearly nervous.
- Johanna – I catch her attention and take a step forward - Breathe– I lay a hand on her shoulder making her calm down instantly – It’s going to be ok.
- I’m coming with you – Morpheus moves towards the door .
-No! – me and Constantine say in unison.
-This Rachel was left abruptly and get to reunite with the ex-lover after 6 months. Can you imagine how that feels? – I say grabbing his arm – and it was barely half a year, not…. more.
-Can you imagine how much she hates me right now? – Johanna adds – do you have any ex-girlfriends? No offence to the current one.
-We are not… - he starts as I chuckle remembering all his ex-girlfriends. Apparently Dream has the same memories since he becomes silent instantly.
-That’s a good one, Johanna. Thanks for lifting my spirit – now go, I’ll hold him back.
-We will not wait long – he warns pursing his lips.
-She will probably slam the door in my face just like I’m going to do to you now – she shrugs and enter the building leaving me and the Dream Lord alone. Speak of the awkwardness.
-Why are you back?
-Back? I’m not back. I’m not here for you if you get any wrong impression. I do what I was meant to do and which you pointed to me. Guard the Waking, protect people. Well, Johanna is “people”. Don’t stress, we’ll deal with that and then we  will only contact on business matter.
-Reality, I am… - he starts but doesn’t finish as he feels something in the air – did you sense that too?
-I did. Come on, we have to hurry – I rush towards the building with him on my tail.
We hear the muffled conversation at the end of the corridor.
-…. selfish, ruthless coward who ruins everything she touches – the woman who is probably Rachel turns into dust as we burst through the door.
-What did you do to me ?! – a terror in Johanna’s eyes as she looks at us is undeniable.
-It was the sand – Morpheus says.
-Where is Rachel?!
-Come with me – I lead her into the bedroom– this might be hard on you, but it’s the only truth you will get - I  open the door and let Constantine inside. It truly is saddening. There’s a dying woman in the middle of the bed, so small in the surrounding space.
-I’m sorry Johanna – I whisper as I watch Johanna reunite with her former lover, who clutches to Dream’s pouch of sand. This insensitive prick just grabs it and walk out of the room not minding anyone else.
-Give it back. It hurts. – Rachel whimpers and I feel her real pain inside me. It does hurt like hell.
-We can go now .
-Morpheus….. – I start clenching my fists trying to hold back the aching I get from Rachel.
- Kayleen, you know the sand was not meant for human – for a second a shadow of pain crosses his face when he sees how I wince in pain. However, it vanishes as fast as it appeared.
-We can’t leave her like that! – Johanna yells
-The sand was the only thing keeping her alive. We can’t help her.
-What is the point of you? – Johanna continues angrily, yet helplessly – you wanted your sand to save humanity well here she is! But we are all just like Burgess to you. All you care about is your sand and power. And what about you?! – she looks at me – Reality, damn it!
-You know there is one thing we can do, Dream. – I say softly making him think. I wonder if after everything he would even want to work with me.
-Wait outside – he says to Johanna coldly.
She nods her head as she says her final goodbyes. When she leaves I grab Rachel’s hand getting through her memories giving her something to hold on to before Morpheus puts her to sleep and his sister come to collect a soul. When I exit Matthew lands on my shoulder.
-Were you there all this time? – I ask
-Most of it.
-He’s not going to like it.
-I hope you can protect me.
-I don’t know. Dream is different than before his capture. I can’t predict any of his behavior. But – I won’t let him do any harm to my friend. – I smile faintly as I spot Johanna standing in the gate
-I’m sorry, Jo. – I stop next to her.
-I guess that’s what you get dealing with Endless. You should watch yourself around him. Hettie told me about you – she says – all those stories… I know time doesn’t make it easier. 
I’m about to answer when Morpheus appears behind me.
-She died in peace in her sleep
-I’ll her dad know. She was a good person. There are only a few of them in the world. Not all of them are like me and Burgess
-You are not Roderick Burgess. – me and Dream says in unison.
-What’s the name of your friend? The Raven? – she doesn’t seem to care about our answer
-Matthew, but he’s not…..
-Look after him Matthew. You too, Kayleen. He needs it – with those words she walks away opening her umbrella to shelter from the rain
-Constantine! – Morpheus calls her name and she turns around - That nightmare won’t trouble you anymore.
She smiles gently and this time walks away for good. I got a feeling we will meet again.
-That was nice what you did back there – Matthew caws .
-Don’t ever spy on me again.
-I wasn’t spying. If I was you would never know it – the raven still sits on my shoulder just in case Morpheus might turn rage on him.
-Well, it was nice but the work is done. Guess it’s my cue to leave then, Dream Lord – I straighten ready to walk.
-Wait – Dream grabs my hand.
-Ok, quick reminder – I turn to him - At first, you wanted me to go with you. Then you wanted me gone practically saying I’m a menace. So what is it now?
-I… never should have said those things to you.
-Oh, you should have. How you describe me - all true. – I mockingly raise my eyebrows – I’ve learnt that the words spoken in anger are the reflection of how we really feel. Only high emotions give the proper incentive of saying harsh words out loud.
-That doesn’t make them bad traits. They…. make you who you are.
-And that’s a bad thing - I state.
-No. They make you one of a kind. I’m sorry, Kayleen. Kay – he uses my nickname - I want you to stay.
-You said “sorry” to me twice in a couple days. Is everything all right there? – I point at his head
-There’s a lot going on right here – he smirks looking into my eyes and again standing too close.
- I’ll come. But that doesn’t mean we’re good – I say moving away
-I suppose that’s something we will have to work on.
-So what’s our next move? – Matthew jumps slightly in anticipation.
-I’m going to get my helm. Kayleen is coming with me.  And you are going back to the Dreaming.
-Or…. hear me out – the Raven insists - Take me with you we would never have to have that conversation again
-That does sounds tempting – Dream hesitates. - In fact, when we’re going I may have need of you.
-Yeah. Where are we going?
-Hell – I answer daring Matthew’ intentions to follow.
-Hell - the Raven repeats - As in Hell hell or were you being metaphorical, because either way we should probably check in with Lucienne first, right? – he babbles as I motion for him to move from my arm to my hands making a cradle for him. – Let’s see how she’s feeling about it. I’m going to see her and I’m sure she will not be in favor of Hell going. – I just smirk about  how much more this bird needs to learn about Morpheus, who already reaches for his sand and is about to teleport us -  I don’t get a sense you are listening so fuck it, let’s go to hell!
Yes. I’ve just voluntarily agreed to go to Hell with a Dream Lord and his talking raven. A perfect picture of fully stable embodiment of Reality.
@pinksirensong (you wanted a tag in everything, so ... :D)
@amandarobertsboyce -you asked fot it :D
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foreverambrosia · 8 months
Omg I have a hazbin hotel f/o too!! This is a free gush pass now, I wanna hear everything about your new loveeee <3
Nice ! I'm happy you also found a special dude !
Thank you for letting me yell. Like, I just adore his look, his lil hat and suit, his snakey grin, and everything; his personality is also awesome like he is a misguided yet loving dad, he's goofy, and canonically eats pussy, he's amazing. My s/i is actually just an angel, she and him meet when after Charlie's visit to speak to the angels, Gill had listened to her and began sneaking to visit them and learn more about the demons and started helping attempt to redeem people too. Lucifer had been super reluctant, he wasn't super into being around an angel just because of his own feelings, but Charlie begged him to help show her places since he's one of two people she knows who knows a lot about the angels. Then he agrees, starts spending time with her. Gradually he warms to her, they start getting close and like lowkey feelings develop. Then when the fight happens with the hotel, the angels had realized Gill was sneaking there and captured her and brought her with them chained. But she escaped, helped the hotel, and when the angels left stayed; essentially she's like "welp fairly certain if I return they're gonna take my halo". Like, she now has good thoughts towards demons, but Lucifer also understands this that she wants to keep hold of that connection to her friends. She helps rebuild their hotel. That's where she stays, does after a bit move and live with Lucifer. She talks to him about things how it feels to be hurt by the people who they knew and feeling unable to return. They bond more. They start actively seeking each other out. They are silly fr, like they're an adorable pair. A first not actually a date outing is they walk around lu lu world, which is the theme park Lucifer created. He gifts her a rubber ducky he made while she's sneaking back and fourth and she thinks it's lovely but is unsure if she could bring it he tells her he can keep it and she can come visit it at his home. Neither knows how to start a relationship, she's inexperienced and he's rusty but it's nice when he finally confesses and they agree to go out. People know that she's fully an angel there, but she wears a hoodie to kinda cover her halo, yes it looks like she's got something floating under her hoodie, when she goes places; she'd worn it when she was hiding being an angel from people outside of the hotel, and she continues using it because lots of demons are wary of angels. When she begins dating Lucifer, some demons are super negative about that. Like at a particular point she's kidnapped because Angel took her to a club, side note she loves Angel and Husk and everyone and while she's trying to redeem them they're lovingly also corrupting her, and she's taken. She partially frees herself and after a bit of yelling about how he got the king's girlfriend kidnapped, Angel gets Lucifer to assist with freeing her also; and kinda high on being drugged she confesses to Lucifer she went a little too much into trying to be like the demons because she worried others were thinking negatively about him for loving an angel, but he reassures her. They're in love. I ADORE them. They're good.
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fruiteggsaladit · 10 months
Brain going brrr a yyh fan may speak at length on how Keiko and Kuwabara are parallels of a close and romantically coded bond with Yusuke and from there speak on how the two may mirror each other with Yusuke as the plane of glass and metal, but who will speak on how Yusuke and Yukina are parallels of a romantically coded bond with Kuwabara?? And could therefore be parallels too!
Something something about needing to take care of yourself when you're at your most vulnerable and need to forgive yourself for having vulnerabilities with Yusuke needing to accept Puu, only for Toguro to pull Yusuke two steps back from that huge leap in self-acceptance because he doesn't want Yusuke at his personal best, he wants an executioner that mirrors his own past self, overlaid over the scene of Yukina's birds being crushed* before her own eyes when she had decided she wasn't going to "allow" Tarukane to benefit from her pain anymore and then she was forced into doing so anyway. And Toguro tells her to train herself to cry**
Something something Yusuke speaking with Kuroko the first SD and when she expresses that humans are inherently good, Yusuke thinks out loud that he thinks some humans are fine to kill and Kuroko interprets that in the most bad faith way possible, and Yukina telling Hiei she thinks that if a society is made up of cold-hearted people then those people should die only to seemingly give up when he tells her that she shouldn't rely on her brother when it might be more likely that she was exaggerating for the sake of hearing his opinion (you think a character can lie in a narrative without the narrator stating that they are lying? No, not possible, surely...)
Something something Yukina apparently leaving Hyouga to seek her brother for greater understanding and/or assistance of power... when this was a story initially told by Koenma, who we know by the end of canon has lied and omitted significant information from Yusuke and the others before, why wouldn't he now? And it's some time before we see Yukina again, having apparently returned to Hyouga after the rescue, surely enough time for Yukina to potentially have heard what "the official story" from the Spirit Office is and adjusting her story from there when she tells it to Shizuru, Botan, and Keiko. ... And Yusuke, who is forced to leave Earth because of his new status as a Mazoku distantly related to one of the Demon Kings, and chooses to leave before he strictly needs to be escorted from there in the hope that he'll return sooner if he does.
* Yukina's birds being crushed: Interesting, because Toguro comes across as someone who knows how to torture someone? He has a whole company of individual people who want him dead because he seeks someone "who will give him a worthy fight" (fucking liar if he meant that he would have settled for forcing Genkai to fight him or if it had to be Yusuke, he could have issued an invitation when Yusuke was an adult and not fourteen years old! This man pisses me off! I digress!); at many points he's fought a person and then left them alive so they'll return to him in the hope of revenge, even inviting them into this silly company so he can keep easier track of them and they of him.
I said I digress and then I lost my tangent!! My point was that if this man seems well-versed in torture and using a person's loved ones against them for a goal he has in mind, why kill all the available birds at once? The anime sticks to two birds, the manga has three and may be implied to be more than that, but I feel like he could have said "kill one" or "leave the other/rest alive" to use them again. By murdering the birds all at once, this was just one instance of getting Yukina to cry, when Tarukane has asked for a way to make her cry again, implicitly not just once.
** And Toguro tells her to train herself to cry: Where are the yyh-fans w daddy issues on this topic, one would think they'd eat this part up! An initial first-time reading of this could be that he's telling her to harden her heart because he feels for her and the only advice he knows is to turn oneself into a killing machine as a response to grief. This is annoying to me bc that's far more sympathy for Toguro than I feel he deserves (I hate this man! He's an effective antagonist in that way). Also, it just makes Yukina yet again into a reactive subject?
Idk, all I know is that I had the thought the other day that Toguro hadn't seen or fought Yusuke yet at that point, and had the following thought of "What if Toguro intended to have Yukina join his stupid evil lackey company bc he saw something in her that reminded him of himself" (namely: the determination not to let herself be harmed; the inability to protect her loved ones in spite of that determination; finally, the despair that washed over her following it). Also notable, is that Tarukane stole Yukina from Sakyo. One can wonder what would have happened if Yusuke and the others hadn't arrived when they did: I think the original plan in-narrative by Sakyo was to re-capture Yukina from Tarukane. And I think Toguro considered Yukina for being an executioner candidate. Aaah this might not be a very radical theory out there but I see so few speculations about canon that isn't "who would win" or "whats the best ship" or "kurama: demon and human but mostly demon" or "hiei my comfort gremlin".
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