#but why would the nurse be Queen of England?  lol   I laughed soo hard at that for some odd reason!
We need Camp Camp characters the look like Donald Trump (camper. He's orange because he ate too many carrots and fake tans. He eats nothing but carrots.), Justin Trudeau(camper), Kim Jong Un (camper), Queen Elizabeth The Second of England (Campbell camp nurse), Vladimir Putin (a kid, woodscout, the woodscout's secret weapon), Cara Mund (flowerscout junior counselor, 17yrs old total bitch), Paris Hilton (at CC for political debate camp but switches to flower scouts. remember, Paris4Prez.) 1/?
Or Paris is a Camp Campbell JC who switches to Flowerscouts (her skill’s still political debate), Xi Jinping (a woodscout.  another secret weapon), Pope Francis (anyone),Alain Berset (Nurf’s dad), Sergio Mattarella(Candy’s new boyfriend), Ryan Seacrest (a woodscouts counselor who no one takes seriously because he doesn’t like the military aspect and tries to add fun to it.), Michael Collins (spacekid’s dad), Holly Starr(spacekid’s mom), Amy Farrah Fowler (Neil’s mom)  2/2
I’m both laughing and going ‘what the fuck’ at the same time.Please, don’t send religion here.  Or politics [even though that’s kinda funny.  And Yes, I know they’re not all political or religious figures are in here.]I sadly had to look up some of these names….
Thinking about it, I agree with you.  I can picture Neil’s mom looking a little like Amy.
On a side note:I think Hwan looks a little like Kim Jong Un to be honest.  
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