#but yea i combined the mvs in my head or something
hiphopcherrrypop · 5 months
55! My lucky number
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lalalalala i like u!
this one uhmmmm.. halloween even tho it's december josuyasu 👍
except i realized too late that i was thinking of lovey dovey mv LOL.. but whatever they can be roly poly too i guess
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spiritcc · 3 years
Give me that spicy n'sync lore drop. 👀
aight i said i was serious about my 90s boyband opinions, which is maybe unnecessary as it is evident that nsync nSUCKS
now what is this! you may say, is this how you frame an academically-supported objective opinion, to which i say FUCKNIG WELCOME TO THE 90S, we OBJECTIFY sleazy underage boys, we have AWFUL takes, there will be NO objectivity here, it is year 1999 and i am rebekah at your high school canteen and we are about to throw hands!! 
let me frame it all with the fact that backstreet boys, bsb for short, are on the contrary god-shaped. the pinnacle of boyband quality. my life was unironically changed forever when i watched backstreet’s back mv, followed by larger than life. it was lifechanging, among many reasons, because it actually made me feel something, when i suddenly realised that i’ve seen nsync’s two vids years before bsb and walked away taking absolutely nothing with me. this bitch empty!!! yeet!!!!!
obviously the funny nsync lore drop everybody knows about is that them and bsb were literally under the same management. like literally under the same company, with the same composers and everything, the infamous rivalry was just happening between their rabid fans. their establishing producer was a big fucking scamming bitch, there was a story very familiar to all kpop enjoyers that he kept claiming that at least for nsync their earnings were still not enough to cover the costs of their training and shit and they were kept enslaved until they actually looked at their contracts properly and realised how bad they were. both bsb and nsync got their money and freedom, the scammy bitch went to jail bc his schemes went way beyond the pop scene, after which i think nsync exploded and bsb was kept afloat somewhat due to existing momentum. aka since 2000 nsync released bye bye bye, which was apparently meant as a fuck you to their scammy manager, followed by it’s gonna be me - both their staple songs, while bsb’s most iconic shit already occurred by then and kept them strong despite yea,,,, no giant hits following. why im mentioning all this is that after the change nsync somewhat got their own sound anD IT’S SO BAD LMAO
i think there are basically three stages of nsync’s sound: their european origins (and lots of techno as a result), their second hand status next to bsb, and their own style. compared to bsb, their own sound to me was empty as SHIT!!!! i dont know how to describe it im not a musical critic, but listening to nsync before bsb just put an ironic smirk on my face, like ha these were sure the funny 90s! empty-headed pop, frosted tips, cheezy clips, all the shit. bsb blew me the fuck away because despite their own fantastic awfulness in places, there was something that made me Feel. i dont know what it is or how, even with their generic BELIEB IN URSELF BABE XOXO songs that get forgotten the second they play, i still believed them because it felt to me like they know exactly what they are singing about. there was something extremely sincere about their generic statements, supported by what are probably very hard experiences in their lives. with nsync it’s just all empty pop. with all due hatred to j*stin t*mberlake, he did say he felt like some of his band members did not feel serious about music like he did and i can very much understand this statement, they sang just to sing and it always showed. with a comparative point now i simply do not buy them.
their old shit is of course, hilarious, this is the only mv i want yall to see of nsync and remember them like this
cackling i thought that hey, the song is pretty different from their usual style, it’s pleasant even! and what do you know, the song is a bsb reject, was given to the younger sibling instead. 
yes i do not like nsync but i do my dues and listen to their shit, and i very much do have an unironic favorite. a song that i genuinely, sincerely enjoy:
and it is a bsb reject :)) 
and this :)) is what i feel everytime i go back to listen to these songs again, because the only songs of nsync that i genuinely like were all meant for the better band and it fuckign shows. can you imagine lmao
so why do i like this song? still their early days, a good bsb feel sure, a gr9 mv in my opinion, but there is just something,,,,,,so nice about the atmosphere of it all. the boys all look sincere, the mv captures their simplicity and sicc moves (no secret here nsync were always the better dancers than bsb), they all looks so passionate about being on screen. i just watch it, listen to the song and get that yearning feeling for the days when like,,,,,can you imagine saying that,,,, there were real boybands and real pop. this is how it feels to me, there’s just something so special and simple about it that it feels almost genius. i cant even imagine bsb singing this anymore, they would not top jc’s voice here. but what i like the most about this song and clip is that it gave attention to all members, and this is where my biggest issue with nsync starts
with the no strings attached album, or what is their “new” sound, it all became jc, justin, and three backup dancers, and it is driving me fucking INSANE. since j*stin retrospectively already buried himself and we all hate him now, it already sickens me to look at this bitch who already at the age of like what?? 17??? became an opportunistic bloodsucker who was quick to drop the band, PR himself through poor britney and then fucking walk over her dead body just to stay relevant. absolutely sickening, like genuinely disgusting how every single piece of information i ever knew about him was basically his attempt to build his career while sacrificing others. all you see under nsync’s vids is cries of how jc was supposed to make it instead, not only is his voice not this fucking obnoxious, but he is genuinely a nicer person, AND allegations have it that timberlake indirectly killed his career too! after the superbowl incident, jc was supposed to perform at the next one with his tbh sleazy oversexual songs, but got removed since the organisers feared another backlash after justin. so this bitch even managed to kill his own band member!! 
i cant even watch bye bye bye as it switches to them dancing and all members wear black but justin, a little fucking king among his peasants, the only breakout star we need to look at, fuck you. that fucking pigeon nodding he always does as well fuck youuuuu. sure in bsb it’s mostly three people singing while kevin and howie are like, Contributing, but 3v2 plus how all the members are given attention and that no, they do all sing and it’s not a rare occurrence, is simply not to be compared with 2v3 and total obscurity that is happening in nsync. nsync were meant to be an a capella band, did you fucking know that, where you can hear why lance’s bass (hehe) is what keeps their sound alive, but the total dirty ass that was done to chris and joey is absolutely palpable. chris is a fucking countertenor and if their early songs were not an indication of that, his lead in a lion sleeps tonight should be a good enough of an awakening. not even mentioning i thought she knew where both him and joey show that they were fucking MILES ahead of j*stin and for what??? to be turned into backup dancers?? to spark thousands of surprised comments at their talent, with people sayng they thought these two were just lucky to be in the band like talentless background noise that they are???? what the fuck????? and their more or less final single GONE is the fattest full stop @ this embarrassment, where since justin wrote the song for michael jackson but it didnt make it into the album, he decided to give to nsync aka sing the entire song himself while the rest four get to utter GONE 4 times in the chorus?????? as the comments say, nsync was sure fucking GONE after this song and in more ways than one and i fucking hate it the most that why even have a band if 1.5 people is what you actually cared about.
did you know that bsb never disbanded? they are still very much together and active, they had their personal hardships, but they are brothers to each other and for nick especially they are more of a family to him than the toxic nightmare that is his actual one. they even released a new album in 2018 and their new songs, albeit written by sh*wn mendes, are actually pretty decent. like i wouldnt listen to them casually, not my type still, lyrics still cringe bc mendes, but there is still quality, and all members are clearly experienced performers by now, and they are still passionate and strong together. something that nsync is clearly not, and the fact that backstreet has stuck together for longer than most marriages in hollywood can maybe be the finishing testament to why they are superior, and as i have mentioned many times, sincere. i guess just look at the simple numbers that are their youtube views, where >900m on i want it that way alone is more than the views of all nsync’s clips combined. nsync were the big thing at the time, but as that time passed, it became clear which band has left the biggest impact.
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