#but yeah!! i honestly haven't really thought of exciting things in the future beyond finishing school lol
hecatesbroom · 5 months
For the ask game! Numbers 3, 25 (especially from a fashion POV!), and 30/31 as a double feature :)
Hii!! Thank you! You made me very happy with the opportunity to ramble about question number 25 haha.
What was the last song you listened to?
Technically, the intro song to The Golden Girls because I watched an episode yesterday before bed haha.
Other than that, I genuinely can't remember -- it's been a while since I listened to music! We recently got a piano and I've been listening to a a lot less music as a result, because I've been making it myself instead :) (very very simple tunes, but hey, it's still fun!)
What’s your favorite decade? (from a fashion POV)
OH this is hard!! I think if I were to pick just one, it'd be the 1970s -- but that's because it allows me to cheat & sort of include two of my other favourite decades (the 1900s and 1940s) in the process, because a lot of 70s fashion was inspired by those :) (and I have a weakness for pointy collars, what can I say?)
Idk, what I love about the 70s is how many contradictions there are? On one hand you have sleek a-line skirts and fitted blouses. On the other you have frills and ruffles, (slight) bishop sleeves and flowy maxi dresses, and those opposites (and the combination of them) are just really fun to me! (I also grew up on a lot of 70s media so honestly, I think it's also partly nostalgia haha)
But I think my favourite fashion decade is actually the 1940s. I love the silhouette, which is still somewhat reminiscent of the elegance of the 1930s, but a little harder in a way. Slightly more practical in its skirt lengths (for obvious reasons), a little more masculine in its shape (which is a fascinating trend you see more often in fashion history, during big wars. Fashion during the 1910s actually turned a little more masculine in shape as well, at the time of WWI!).
I'll stop here because I could go on forever, but yeah!! The 1970s because it's a cheat move to include 2 of my other favourite decades (and it's a lot easier to find 70s clothes to wear myself!) and the 1940s because... well, I just like 40s fashion haha
What are you looking forward to in the near future? & What are you looking forward to in the distant future?
In the very near future, I'm looking forward to visit my grandma for her birthday today :)
Honestly I don't tend to look more than a year or so into the future (and even that's a stretch at the moment haha) but I'm really looking forward to finishing school in 2,5 months!! It was only a year, but oh boy, was it a year. I'm mostly really excited to have more energy to be myself again, if that makes sense? I'll be able to do some more research for my writing projects (I've got a small stack of books waiting for me already), go thrift shopping, and see my friends again!! And my brain will also (hopefully) start function normally again lol. I'm really looking forward to being able to think at my natural speed again haha.
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If you haven't already been asked them, 4, 6, 10, 21, 22, 24, 50, 54, 66, 74, 80, 81, and 84?
A lot of questions! A lot of questions require a lot of answer, and so they’ll all be below the cut, dove!
4. Is trust a big issue for you?
Yes. I don’t always have an easy time trusting people, and me saying I trust you is beyond a big deal. The list of people I honest to God, truly trust doesn’t even take up all the fingers on both hands.
6. What are you excited for?
A lot of things. I’m excited for hopefully finishing the first draft of my novel this summer, and being only a year and a half out from finishing school, and potential future plans I’ve been toying with, and that I seem to entertain you all with my itsy drabbles that I use as an excuse to write but not work on my novel.
I’m just a very excitable person, really.
10. What is the last beverage you had?
Coffee. I drink a lot of coffee.
21. Are you in a good mood?
I’m tired (an introvert at a pride event gets very drained very quickly), but overall I’d say I’m in a good mood.
22. Would you ever want to swim with sharks?
Hell. Yes.
Stick me in a suit tomorrow and I’d dive in without a second thought. I love the ocean, I love the creatures that live there, and if I could swim with them? That’s a bucket list item right there.
24. What do you want right this second?
More coffee. And some quiet. I have the quiet, and I really should drink some water instead of more coffee.
50. Ever used a bow and arrow?
Just call me Hawkeye. I’m actually pretty damn good with a bow. A bit out of practice right now, but I have excellent hand-eye coordination.
54. Ever eat a pierogi?
That’s the one with the potato in the ravioli type thing, yeah? If yes, then yes.
66. Cheetos Or Fritos?
I will always choose the white cheddar natural Cheetos over almost anything else. Unless I’m in the mood for salt and vinegar chips. Then I’ll always choose salt and vinegar chips.
74. What is your favorite book?
Now this question just isn’t fair. I’m going to have to break it down into my two favorite genres: fantasy and horror.
Fantasy: this was really hard, but first place belongs to The Hobbit, followed VERY closely by the Owlflight series.
Horror: The Stand or Hemlock Grove are tied for first. But if you hand me any King book other than Pet Semetary, I’ll probably be pleased (Mainers stick together y’all).
80. Hot tea or cold tea?
I really love plain iced tea. I love all iced tea, but if I can get plain iced with with frozen fruit in it? Especially peaches or blackberries? I’ll swoon and possibly profess undying love for you.
81. Tea or coffee?
Coffee, no contest. I will drink that shit all day everyday if I can get away with it.
84. Can you hold your breath without holding your nose?
There are people that can’t? I honestly didn’t realize that was a thing. Yes, I can.
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