#but yeah! those were my thoughts daniza! wbu?
retvenkos · 3 years
OLIVE HOW WAS THE HSMTMTS EPISODE??? I WOULD LOVE TO HEAR MORE OF YOUR THOUGHTS ON IT esp after yesterday’s callout you kinda died i missed your chaotic thoughts ✋🏽❤️
firstly, i loved the chaos that was both nini and ricky wanting to do the window serenade (even though if anyone were to ever do that to me i would get soooo upset. idk - i don't like big displays like that. i'm an introvert). but after that.... how they continued to miss each other..... it felt very contrived and was too much™.
i feel like, a lot of the time, hsmtmts wants to parody things while also balancing a sense of reality, but they take it a little too far and it messes with the tone.
like - two examples:
ricky and nini missed each other! haha, how funny. then they call each other and they're laughing about it and nini says something along the lines of "yeah, i've only had three nightmares about that lady in the window." and it's supposed to be for a laugh, but it just sounds.... passive aggressive? like, maybe it's the fact that ricky doesn't really laugh or the tone of nini's voice, but it just sounds like nini is trying to guilt trip him. the script is trying to extend the joke further, and it just doesn't work.
the second instance was when miss jenn was talking to lily. the circumstances and the lines are already a joke in and of themselves, and it would come off as funny with subtle or deadpan (like mr. mazzara) acting. but miss jenn is an Over The Top Character, so she pushes the dialogue, and it really just... made the scene less funny?
idk. hsmtmts really wants to be relatable™ while also being a parody™ and it's struggling to juggle the two. i haven't rewatched season one, so idk if it was a problem then, too, and I'm only now getting a little annoyed by it, but i have conflicting feelings over the genre of the show.
please tell me i'm not alone.
after that,
i love the fact that there are some cute romantic relationships in the show, but when shows add a romance, it always means that the side relationships and side characters get cuts on time because, in the mind of the show, a romantic relationship needs more screen time development.
and when you combine that with the addition of new characters (i love howie, by the way - keep him, please), some characters are getting the short end of the stick.
ej? he had like one (1) line. they introduce him in the episode and then completely sideline him. i........ just don't have him appear in the episode if you're not going to have him do anything?
and that brings me onto another thing!
what was great about hsmtmts season one was that..... the musical had plot relevance. a lot happened in the rehearsals, so it earned its presence. i love beauty and the beast but damn.... it's really kind of unimportant this season.
that rehearsal was largely unimportant - it was just an excuse to get the whole cast together.
the only character who the musical serves is ashlynn and i love her storyline! i think it's important, and it's one of the serious plotlines that is very sweet and endearing.
and speaking of characters i love and adore.... gina is the perfect character for this show. she feels real, and her blunders are totally relatable. she's been dipped in the river of chaos, but just enough. gina's energy is what the whole show wishes it had and honestly? i love that.
(they're also just juggling so much™ plot wise.... they could really benefit from slightly longer episodes. so much is happening. it's a fever dream.)
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