#but yeah I'm endlessly swapping words in one language for words in another
threadsun · 1 year
JDA Asks: "OH FUN FACT !! Completely off topic ask btw just random convo—
-JDA here sorry for the random conv LMFOA-
Spanish is actually one of the fastest languages alongside Japanese I think, apparently it’s words can have many syllables it makes the whole language sound fast, ok idk if that makes sense—
Also THIRD language??? Fancy oooo, I’m also learning my third language (the other two being English and Spanish obv) it’s French and I have very basic knowledge of how to speak but it’s fun and sounds nice !!
I thought it would be easier tbh, cuz I was understanding pretty well how to connect words and how to mush them into a sentence,,, then I decided to look a mini movie in French to practice my listening and never understood what it was about—"
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Oooooh that's really cool!! And yeah, it's always so much harder to understand shows and movies in a new language for some reason. Something about the way actors talk make it much harder than language learning apps and stuff. I guess it's more natural to how native speakers talk though?
French is a fun one! The spelling is a lot to process at first, but once you figure out what sounds things make, it becomes more intuitive from what I've heard.
My first language is uhhhh... Yinglish, which is a mix of English and Yiddish. I grew up in an immigrant community that included a lot of Jewish USSR refugees who only spoke Yiddish (and sometimes Russian) as a common language, so a lot of their kids generally spoke Yiddish and English interchangeably until it meshed into one language and that a lot of us speak now. My grandparents and their whole families were fluent in Yiddish, but my immediate family only know Yinglish now.
So like my primary language is probably about... 90% English? But then a solid 5% is Yiddish words thrown into English sentences and another 5% is direct translations of Yiddish phrases into English in a way native English speakers don't usually do. And no one ever taught me which words weren't English, so I can't separate the two languages from my speech now. So Yinglish it is! Though I make a conscious effort to keep my writing as fully English as possible.
Then I've also been speaking/learning Hebrew (ancient and modern :3c) since kindergarten, so that's my second language. I can speak and understand it pretty fluently, but my reading and writing isn't great. If you've ever seen the Hebrew alphabet, especially the script, you'll see why lmao
My mum is fluent in French and German, so I have a very basic knowledge of both of those. As I said, I grew up around lots of Russian speakers, so I've got a bit of that... But nothing really fluently. It's fun though, knowing bits and pieces of different languages!
I'm trying very hard to learn Spanish so I can talk to my partner's family in their native language, but I've got dyslexia and aphasia so... yeah, the Spanish learning ain't going great, unfortunately 😔 But we stay silly! I'm gonna keep trying!
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