#but yeah as the caption said . this is kinda just my backstory lore for them
transsweet · 1 year
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see it's funny bc it perfectly links up to my backstory lore for capn and k_k
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og ^
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fernandaps2 · 5 years
miss x rambling
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OK so this isnt gonna be a real theory or an au or anything serious cause frankly i dont believe that what im about to write is true, but i like the idea so might as well do this
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a while ago i found out about Miss X who is an alter ego of Iori Yagami from King of Fighters made for a silly spin off title called SNK Gal’s fighters for the neo geo pocket. The most predictable followup to this information is that i think Iori is trans and yeah this is going to be about “what if Iori trans tho”
As i said i don’t actually think SNK did the wokest move of the 90s of making the most popular character in KOF trans so this isn’t me giving credit for them for something they didnt do, and its also not me trying to reach that even as a mistake they undeniably made Iori trans (cause they didnt). 
Ive just been getting invested in KOF/SNK lore and happened to notice aspects of Iori and Miss X’s portrayal that just makes some sense when i think about it in the context of Iori being trans (kinda like somehow the Danny Phantom writers accidentally made Danny have a lot of transmasc traits)
im referring to Iori with he/him and to Miss X with she/her. every piece of evidence is gonna be in bold letters
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Iori is not that deep of a character, he’s the rival of the series’ first protagonist Kyo Kusanagi and has a beef with him cause the Yagami and the Kusanagi had always had beef in the past, this story is more like an excuse for Kyo to have a rival so they literally put Iori in the “Rival Team” of King of Fighters 95 (thats how you know hes the rival)   
That alone is a passable backstory for a rival but for some reason instead of Iori being this prideful family member who’s carrying the torch for them, he doesn’t like them at all. Iori’s ancestors, the Yasakani clan, made a pact with the divine being Orochi, causing all of them to gain the power of controlling purple flames but leaving them with the curse of always dying young and having every mother die when giving birth. He doesn’t really give a shit about whatever family agenda he was born with cause its all really stupid.
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But then what’s his deal with Kyo?? It’s unexplained, he just seems to hate him to a point where he gets into the KoF tournaments just to fight him. His lists of likes and dislikes include liking nothing special and disliking violence. He’s not the guy who will turn into a pro fighter just for one person but Kyo just does it for him.
That leads me to believe he really likes being with Kyo. Not as a lover, well maybe, but i think what he calls “hatred” for Kyo might be his unhealthy way of dealing with the immense repression of feelings he lives with.
Another side effect of getting the flames powers from Orochi was that the Yagami have a mental state called Riot of the Blood, which makes them go bersek with power and making them unnable to tell friend and foe apart. Iori lives with “Orichi Iori” inside his mind and that makes him have an identity crisis
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I’m not saying that “Orochi Iori”, the bloodthirsty demon is Iori’s repressed trans identity please don’t get this idea
I believe the Orochi in him makes him lose interest in being sociable, why go as far as switching your identity and looks if you don’t want anyone to be around you?
As main KoF lore goes thats about all the hints there are, but what about the silly spin offs?
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They aren’t canon of course! But i like to see their content as a representation of a dorky “seriousness-free” side of the characters instead of just nonsense bs
Miss X, who again is Iori in disguise, is the hostess and final boss of the girls only Gals Fighters tournament
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Even she’s recognized she keeps it going, she wants to fight as Miss X! in her own tournament!
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This scene is a favorite of mine cause i always caption it with “me coming out with my supportive friends” and honestly thats the only vibe i can get from Miss X doing sentai poses with all her teammates
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These are from a dream sequence that we get after beating Snk Heroines Tag Team Frenzy! A fairly recent game and the second playable appearance of Miss X. In my pov, they were based on Iori’s repressed feelings for Kyo as a friend that i talked about earlier. I thought this could be a stretch, but Leona’s dream sequence in the same game has the same idea and shows her a nightmare that came from her fear of going berserk and harming her friends
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Also this frame makes it even clearer imo:
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Well that’s about it. I wouldn’t expect any of this to be canon and I’m not even sure i want it to cause y’know, mainstream media and specifically japanese video games aren’t the best at representing trans folk
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But it’s a fun little idea and “clone characters but with a twist and a different moveset” are some of my favorite fighting game characters so i hope Miss X appears in more SNK games
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