#but yeah i def am way more active on miamis rn
grandprix-ao3 · 1 year
user grandprix-ao3 i must ask if u still write for grandprix on ao3 or if ur on miamis now !
i have not like Officially left grandprix behind or anything i have just drawn the line between which ships i post on what account and the ships i post on miamis are the ships i have more motivation to write atm... so it's not like. a move that means grandprix Died or something it's more that i really like writing loscar and all that goes on miamis
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cipherr · 7 years
1-26, 37-45, 70-92, 94. :)
OMG THANK YOU sorry it took me so long to get to this :’)) I WAS PLAYING STAR WARS LOL
under a cut bc... loNG....
Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora? i actually don’t use any of these and never have LOL
is your room messy or clean?it is...incredibly messy....-sweats-
what color are your eyes?i always say they’re greyish blue? like def blue but not BLUE blue, so i dunno. depends on the lighting of course.
do you like your name? why?iiiii hate it :’) i just think it’s not very pretty sounding, and no one ever pronounces it right for some reason even though yOU’D THINK IT’D BE PRETTY OBVIOUS. so it gets mispronounced and misspelled all the time and i’m just over it tbh
what is your relationship status? single as fucc my dudes
describe your personality in 3 words or lessfriendly, shy, weird??? idk :’D
what color hair do you have?naturally it’s kind of a medium brown but i have the bottom half bleached blonde, i’m hoping to get more blonde tho
what kind of car do you drive? color?a pearl white Subaru SVX c:
where do you shop?i don’t really have any specific stores because there isn’t anything in my hometown lmao everything i wear at this point in my life was either given as a gift or t-shirts/hoodies from high school/dance class/college/etc, idk i’m a mess
how would you describe your style?Comfortable Depression(TM)
favorite social media accountas in like, a famous person’s social media account? or social media in general? i love Mark Hamill’s twitter and tumblr is my fave site, so :’D
what size bed do you have? full
any siblings?two half sisters, a half brother, a step brother
if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why?i just want a cabin in a forest on a mountain, i literally don’t care where, that’s ALL I WANT
favorite snapchat filter? i always like the kitty ones c:
favorite makeup brand(s)i’m not really into makeup lmao i use whatever i can find at walmart basically, i’m a cheap bitch
how many times a week do you shower?3 unless i’m actually doing stuff and getting gross
favorite tv show?i haven’t watched tv in a long-ass time LMAO i guess i like Say Yes to the Dress? and also those stupid paranormal investigation shows, i don’t even remember what any of them are called but i always get a kick out of those lol
shoe size?like...5 1/2.... don’t lauGH AT MY TINY FEET
how tall are you?5′1, which explains my tiny feet :’D
sandals or sneakers? sandals
describe your dream datepicnic on a mountaintop somewhere and it’s not too hot or too cold and it’s peaceful and relaxing and aaaaaaa
how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment?two bucks, i wish i was kidding but that’s all i got :’)
what color socks are you wearing? none at the moment, it was hOT today
how many pillows do you sleep with?uuuuuh six :’DD
(sorry for the formatting weirdness lmao)
37. do you read a lot? whats your favorite book? no i don’t ;w; i haven’t read in a long long time. i can’t even pick a favorite because it’s just been so long.38. money or brains? tbh, call me shallow, but money. brains are all well and good but what’s really important is neither money nor brains anyway so i’D RATHER LIVE A CUSHY LIFE WITH SOMEONE GOOD AND SWEET AND DUMB THAN MEAN AND NASTY AND SMART LMAO39. do you have a nickname? what is it? don’t really have one anymore, but for tumblr purposes just ‘cipher’ will do :’D40. how many times have you been to the hospital?as in, admitted to the hospital for my own health reasons, just twice i think41. top 10 favorite songsthere’s no way i can pick my top favorites of all time because i just love so many, but ten of my recent faves in general, in no particular order;Edge of the Blade - Epica; Ghost in the Mist - Lacuna Coil; Mechanical Love - In This Moment; Gasoline - Halsey; Green Light - Lorde; Black Magic - Little Mix; Wilson - Fall Out Boy; Oh Lord - In This Moment; Peace of Mind - Boston; Miami 2017 - Billy Joel42. do you take any medications daily? no but i probably should be on medication tbh43. what is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc)i don’t really know? i’m not exceptionally oily OR dry44. what is your biggest fear? being alone in life :’)45. how many kids do you want? none, ugh
70. what was the last concert you saw? Epica and Lacuna Coil!71. tea or coffee?coffee72. Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts?STARBUCKSSSS73. do you want to get married?yeh ;w; i’m really worried it’ll never happen though dlkajsfslk74. what is your crush’s first and last initial?don’t have one rn75. are you going to change your last name when you get married? it’d have to be a really fuckin good last name, i’m really attached to mine and i can’t see myself changing it :’D76. what color looks best on you? baby blue or red tbh77. do you miss anyone right now? not really78. do you sleep with your door open or closed?closed, i’m not a FOOL79. do you believe in ghosts?i wouldn’t say i believe, necessarily, but if something weird were to happen to me that i couldn’t explain or seemed like something commonly associated with spiritual activity or w/e i would probably believe it tbh. like, i’d have to see it to believe it, but i would if i did :’D80. what is your biggest pet peeve? i guess immaturity from people who are REALLY supposed to fuckin know better81. last person you called?@seabunnii!! =^~^=
82. favorite ice cream flavor? MINT CHOCOLATE CHIP or just regular chocolate83. regular oreos or golden oreos? regular84. chocolate or rainbow sprinkles? chocolate, i am a chocoholic :’D85. what shirt are you wearing? it’s like a sorta seafoam green hoodie from Topsail Island86. what is your phone background?.....Lana Beniko LMAO at least one of them is, anyway87. are you outgoing or shy?i’m shy as hell :’)88. do you like it when people play with your hair?yesss as long as they’re careful about it and not tangling it up *~*89. do you like your neighbors? yeah they’re nice c:90. do you wash your face? at night? in the morning?night usually91. have you ever been high? no, i’m personally against drugs myself. idc what other people do with their lives but i don’t want any part of it and i don’t want to be around it, that’s just me92. have you ever been drunk?a couple of times, but i can’t drink anymore anyway :’D
94. favorite lyrics right nowgodddd i can never pick favorites...so the first that come to mind:The shot you took was overdueIt’s a good thing I am made of scar tissue
thanks for asking!!! :DD I LOVE DOING THESE LOL
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