#but yeah if true it def points towards them having been working towards an amicable split for a while
tobe-sogolden · 2 years
Okay so I know you’re very wary of speculating in any kind of way and I 100% get that, I agree, but I never see anyone discussing what I’m about to tell you and it’s kind of very important and backs up 100% Olivia’s version of events for everything.
Back in December 2020, Jason and Olivia were seen embracing outside of a clinic called “Be Hive Of Healing” in Agoura Hills. She has her best friend with her and one of his close friends was there as well. There’s video of it as well and they chat for a long time and embrace a few times. Here are some pics.
I know it’s none of my business but it always made me curious. Was someone sick? Why were two friends with them? What had Olivia so emotional? I googled Be Hive Of Healing and found that it’s a “wellness center”… I’m not very LA, I don’t know what that means, but the second link that pops up when you google it is by Gwyneth Paltrow’s Goop (the first one is just a landing page).
The description explains that the founder of the place is a doctor called Dr. Gavin Sadeghi, who’s an osteopath and homeopath. I’m still stumped. I googled the doctor and the results were all about cleansing diets, and I’m sorry but there’s no way they were both emotional and took friends over to a colon cleaning appointment, so at this point I’m getting frustrated.
I know it’s none of my business and I should just drop it but at the same time I feel like I stumbled upon something that clearly has meaning for them as a couple, and since we’re bombarded with information about how she supposedly was soooooo terrible to him, I kinda want to get to the bottom of it, without crossing any actual boundaries of course. I google this doctor and Gwyneth Paltrow, because she’s a celeb and Olivia knows her… I think? So it has to be there somewhere?
I find this article (second result after the Goop one I already looked at), then this paragraph:
Sadeghi worked with Paltrow on the Stand Up 2 Cancer telethon and became a mentor. The Clarity Cleanse was published by her Goop Press, and she wrote the foreword. If his name sounds familiar, it’s because he and his wife Sherry Sami explained to Goop readers the concept of “conscious uncoupling,” which was how Paltrow described her divorce from Chris Martin.
Conscious uncoupling… first of all, that sounds familiar, and I never paid attention to Gwyneth Paltrow before, so where have I heard it? Oh well.
I read on it, it’s basically therapy for ending a relationship. It sounds a lot more loopy than it is. It’s trying to work out the issues with an ex as you separate in order to not leave toxic ties behind. It’s very advised to couples who will have to coparent. The process is long (all therapy is) and at the end of it, you’re encouraged to bring someone you trust who knows enough about your relationship and your issues to the closing session — ohhh the friends!
I would have to link so many sources to actually give you the information that I read on, cause I refuse to buy any books (the only actual book I could find wasn’t even written by the couple that owns the healing center anyway). But they did give several interviews and explained the process in a few other websites so I was able to piece together that… if they were having one of their last sessions in December 2020, there was just no way that they’d started the process in November. Therapy doesn’t work that way!
So, yeah it is speculation but… besties… what else would they be doing with two friends outside of that wellness center? I simply don’t think they were aligning their chakras or whatever else it is they do there. And of course I don’t have exact proof of when the breakup started but according to everything I read this process takes months. I’m talking 6+ months. So no, they didn’t break up in November!
In fact, this perfectly aligns with the breakup happening at the beginning of the year! And it explains why they were seen together the couple of times they did during the summer — they were supposed to be separating SO amicably that they were doing weekly therapy sessions! Of course there’s also the fact that they were coparenting and probably didn’t physically separate (as in split houses) because of the pandemic for a while.
This part leans more into speculation territory, but I can see a scenario where they decide not to announce the breakup until the entire “conscious uncoupling” process was over. But Olivia and Harry start dating, so she decides that she doesn’t want to risk being thought a cheater — because she’s not — and they announce it. Early 2020… because it’s when it happened. This also all fits so well with Satellite.
I often saw those pics used as proof against their breakup… turns out they were most likely proof for it.
I’ll part ways with this… I actually found out why the term “conscious uncoupling” was so familiar. The man himself!
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Oh lord this was a rollercoaster 😅 almost didn't post it bc yes I don't love speculation but you spent so much time on it so...do with this what you will everyone 😆😆
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