#but yeah rip once again bared from romancing an old video game woman
however of the non main companions...jah.eira if you're out there I am available.
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newcaptainofsquad9 · 4 years
I Can’t Handle You Being Back~Chou Tzuyu x black! fem! reader {1}
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Pairing: Tzuyu x reader
Parts: 1 2 3 4 5 
Summary: Five years after your elimination from Sixteen, you remained in the United States, working on music, writing songs, dancing here, and there. All of the memories and incidents from the reality show still burns in your memory, you all but let them go until you get a familiar call from the man who sought out your talents in the first place, Jinyoung Park. The man had an offer you should have refused, but you longed to see your friends again.
  Genre: Angst, Idol-Verse, Romance, Slow Burn (not too slow), Hurt and Comfort, Best Friends to Lovers
Warnings: The reader is a Black woman and there will be parts when she has to deal with racist and close minded people(aka fans, netizens and others). If ya’ll read my Yoongi story, or unfinished Suho story, it’ll be a little bit like that.
  Word Count: 1, 831
Writer’s Note: More Twice fics are coming! Along with a masterlist of all my K-pop fanfictions! It’ll take a minute but it will be here and pinned on my blog so you guys can access it. Also! I want to point out that this is fictional and fictional depictions of idols and figures, just wanted to put that disclaimer. Here is another fic that will take me forever to finish like my others but regardless of that, I hope ya’ll enjoy!
I never thought I’d set foot in South Korea again, let alone JYPE’s building. The long, stress-inducing ride up the elevator didn’t ease me as I inhaled and exhaled through it. 
“You didn’t have to take this meeting,” Brittany, my assistant said. “We can just site see here in Korea, you need the break anyway.” 
I caught Brittany’s smile as she moved to put a hand on my shoulder. 
“I know being back here, it’s got to be tough,” she said. 
I nodded, yet she doesn’t know the half of it. Being a military kid had some perks: at childhood I couldn’t stop dancing, and at seventeen, people other than my parents began to notice. Those people being K-Pop scouts. They didn’t only come from JYPE, but other companies as well, although the smaller ones didn’t grant the biggest opportunity. 
JYPE was fond of my dance moves, and the man himself, Jinyoung Park promised a shimmering future. Most of the promises fell short: I didn’t get to train for very long (only a few months) before I was thrust upon the spotlight and cameras in the survival show, Sixteen. I wanted to be a star; JYP wanted a laughing stock, a black woman for views and to show his trainees how to accomplish, “ethnic hip.” I tried my best to be as creative as possible, to last with the competition, but it didn’t please JYP. Nothing I did could please him, I wasn’t the standard. I didn’t even come close. So I left, I played a game that many foreigners couldn’t win, let alone a Black woman. 
The elevator dinged as it opened, breaking me out of my mind. 
“We can turn around right now,” Brittany said. “Your call.”
I shook my head. 
“No, let’s just here what he has to say,” I said. “He did pay for our flight and all.” 
“Yeah, but that will never take back what he and that staff put you through,” she said. 
I smile as Brittany put a hand on my shoulder. Her worrying along with me solidifies this; my nerves are warranted. 
“I know, but maybe it’s just the old spirit from back then,” I said. “As if I have a chance to prove myself again.”
I don’t have to though. I told myself over and over again that I don’t. Yet, why am I here? What’s so important that couldn’t be discussed further over phone or video call?
“Ms. Y/L/N?”
My head jerked up once we stepped out of the elevator. A woman with a Bob and suit gave us both a grin.
“Mr. Park’s office is this way,” she said, leading us down the hall. 
As we pass, people murmured and stared. My name was even mentioned underneath breaths and gasps; I nod at them and only bow halfway as we pass. 
We stop at a door, the woman opened it for us and stepped aside. 
“Thank you,” I said.
Once inside JYP’s office, the dread returned. Just seeing Jinyoung Park slumped against his chair brought back more of the horrid memories. Brittany took my hand, forcing me to take a breath as Jinyoung rose. 
“Y/N! I’m so glad you could make it!” he said.
He threw his signature grin on, as he held out his hand. I took it. We shook hands before bowing respectfully.  
“You look well,” he said. “I’m glad to finally see you again.”
“Thank you Mr. Park.”
Jinyoung chuckled and gestured to the seat adjacent to his armchair. 
“Please, sit,” he suggested, he turned to Brittany. “You could take my chair if you’d like.”
I successfully didn’t shiver at how nice he was being, yet Brittany couldn’t: she twitched a bit, but hid it well with a quick grin. 
“Thank you,” she said as she plopped down. 
I leaned back, crossed my legs and got down to business. 
“Why’d you fly me out here, Mr. Park?”
Jinyoung chuckled. 
“Well, I’ve been keeping up with your progress as an artist and well, I’m extremely proud of the growth,” he said. 
Brittany and I traded looks of confusion. 
“Thank you,” I said. “You could have led with that over the phone.”
Jinyoung shifted on each leg before hopping up on the edge of his desk to sit. 
“Y/N, I might have made a mistake about you,” he admitted. “You’ve gained quite the following, and shaped into a fine dancer and vocalist.”
“Thank you,” I said. “What is it that you need from me? Did I not show that potential five years ago?”
Jinyoung frowned. 
“Well, yes, but the world wasn’t ready,” he said. “My colleagues weren’t ready, I wasn’t ready.” 
“What are you suggesting?” I said. 
Jinyoung bared his teeth in a mega-watt smile. 
“I’m suggesting a place for you as Twice’s tenth member.”
My heart quickened at his words; Brittany gasped. Did I hear him right? One of the biggest girl groups in Korea--the world bringing on a tenth member? Another member is already controversial enough in the industry(with the likes of Red Velvet getting hate for adding another a year after debut), but an American? A Black woman? The netizens tore me to shreds once, I couldn’t handle that again. 
“What’s the catch?” Brittany asked. “Out of all the contestants eliminated from Sixteen, why Y/N? This is looking rather performative Mr. Park, welcoming back your only black trainee who dealt with so much racism.”
Jinyoung’s eyes softened a bit. 
“I’m still learning from my mistakes,” he said. “You have every right to decline Y/N, but I need someone to ease Twice in towards the west.”
“Why not Somi!” I said. “There’s your westerner, half white! Very digestible to the western world.” 
Jinyoung nodded.
“True, but K-Pop is changing drastically,” he explained. “And I know Twice can hit the west hard, they can adapt to America with someone who knows it. You played against the American entertainment industry and I know you can with the girls.”
“How are you so sure?” I said. 
“You catch onto choreography quick,” he said. “You’ve done almost every Twice cover online, you’ve been Grammy nominated for songs you’ve written it’s a perfect match.” 
“What about stylists?” Brittany asked. “Have you even notified Twice about this offer?”
“I discussed it with their leader, Jihyo and she’s open to it,” he said. “I’m sure she can ease the others into it, I’ve already explained it to them that we’re working towards the west and they understand that.”
My mind spiraled at the thought of Jihyo; she’s come so far, they’ve all worked so hard. Me joining would just throw a wrench in all they’ve accomplished. 
“All of this sounds great in theory,” Brittany said. “But I change like this could make you lose popularity here in Korea, with the Korean public. You’ll lose fans, they’ll drop like flies.”
Jingyoung shrugged. 
“A risk we’ll take,” he said. “Y/N?”
Brittany gave me a sympathetic stare. 
“If I do this, will I get legal protection against hate comments,” I said. “I would be one of your artists officially, you should treat me like one.”
“Of course,” he said. “Will you take these terms, Y/N?”
Brittany shook her head as she gave me a hard look. 
I shouldn’t accept the terms. It’s just like five years ago all over again; I was tricked into becoming a prop of the industry, but somethings different. Jinyoung could go about various ways of doing this, I know I’ll have more benefits this time. 
“I will, if I have a stylist of my choosing,” I said. “And an American manager.” 
“Done,” Jinyoung said. “We can discuss this further, but I want you to meet up with the girls as soon as possible.”
My body shook at the mention of meeting up with Twice. They were my competition at one point, hell many of them I thought hated me. All except one,  Chou Tzuyu. She and some of the maknaes and I were close due to age, but Tzuyu opened up to me the most. She’s been through so much, they all have. 
“Is there any way I can practice and get to know them again,” I said. “Before we start promoting?”
“That was the plan,” Jinyoung said. “You’d be new to the public and fans, but not to Twice. Like working with an old friend.”
Yeah, an old friend who’s forgotten about you and moved on with their life. This would benefit Twice and I, but is it worth the risk to see them again. To see Tzuyu again.
 *     *      *  
“You’re sure this is the right move?” Brittany asked while our black car rolled down the street. 
Right after the meeting with JYP, he insisted I settle into the dorms and meet up with Twice before training. Brittany and I are now in the back of a car with my new manager, Miyoung
“I’m sure.”
Brittany nudged me. 
“You don’t owe him anything. Why are you doing this?” 
I leaned against my side of the car, letting the rapid speed of each car flash and rip by while my eyes slip close. The memories from five years ago swarmed me: Tzuyu and I practicing from night to morning with sweat clinging to us like newborns; the constant words we’d trade about debuting together and visiting each others countries. Tzuyu’s distraught during my elimination, begging me to stay in Korea for her. Maybe I’m doing this to help her and be there for her, if she accepts me. I can’t admit that to Brittany though, relationships that form during adolescent years don’t really last anyway. At least from what I’ve seen. 
The car came to a halt; we’ve arrived at the dorms. 
I sat up, but sunk back down in my seat as I spot all of Twice standing outside, waiting with their managers. 
“We’re ready when you are Y/N,” Miyoung said. 
She and the driver already stepped out the car with expectant looks at me. 
Brittany took my hand and rubbed my knuckle as I composed myself with a few deep breaths. The moment I stepped out, all of Twice cheered and hurried toward me. Sana was first of course, embracing me so tight that I couldn’t breathe.
“Y/N!” she squealed. 
Nayeon hugged me next, then Jihyo, Chaeyoung, Momo, and Dahyun.
“Finally my fellow ‘98 liner is back,” Dahyun teased, making me chuckle as she lightened my mood.
Joengyeon embraced me a bit too tight as well, pulling back with a tiny grin. 
“You look healthy, that’s great,” she said. 
I nodded and glanced over at Tzuyu, who kept her distance. Our eyes met, yet she didn’t smile or come over for a hug like her fellow members. She only perked her lips and waved. I wanted to scream; I felt like crying but I managed to hold the tears back again. 
Mina must have noticed as she wrapped an arm around my shoulder. 
“Are you OK?” she asked. 
“Yeah,” I lied. “It’s great to see you guys again.” 
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