#but yeah the lady next to me knew the german lyrics as well lol
bisonaari · 1 year
How was your EC concert? Did you have a good time despite going alone? <3
Omg it was fantastic I had such a great time!
Both opening acts were amazing, Conquer Divide and Solence were absolute fire, and I'm so gonna start to listen to them!!
Because of the fact that they had two opening acts, EC only started playing at 10pm so I'm deceased today 🥴 worst idea to go see a show on a monday lol
For the show itself, EC had so much energy it was honestly amazing I wouldn't even know where to start lol. Even having songs that I don't like that muth were a must needed break from dancing and jumping so much, and became enjoyable. The tracklist was great!! We even had Fckboi because Conquer Divide was here so might as well and I was OVERJOYED i love that song so fucking much
Nico is usually my fav, butI was mesmerized by Kevin. This man has CHARISMA holy shit. (And he g… he got the m… ov…es… ). I'm always taken aback when I remember that he speaks french with absolutely no accent though, I forget everytime HAHAHA (he asked for the end of concert picture is french and everyone was like w h a t because he sounds native hahaha)
I had a good spot to see the show, I was in a front corner in a slightly elevated place so I could see above the pit's heads and had space in front of me to move and dance! My area was full of boring people though, except that woman next to me who jumped and screamed as much as I did hahaha.
Have some of the worst concert pictures ever taken lol, I only snapped a few pics quickly during mc thunder ii and then I put my phone in my bag to enjoy the show!!
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16 notes · View notes
Dr Stone 13 - 15 | Honzuki 1 | Iruma-kun 1 - 2 | Africa Salaryman 1 | Tokunana 1 - 2 | Actors 1 | Abilities Average 1 | Shinchou Yuusha 2 | Assassin’s Pride 1 | No Guns Life 1 - 2 | Kabukicho Sherlock 1 | Ahiru no Sora 2 | BnHA 64 | Shin Chuuka Ichiban 1 | Stand My Heroes 1 - 2
Tags should be rolled out soon.
Dr Stone 13
Did Senku just Salt Bae??? Now I’ve seen everything!
I remember this puckered face from the manga! It’s hilarious!
Poor Kinro…he’s shocked at Ginro’s words…
Those were foxtails.
Who knew Suika’s mask could look so badass, amirite???
Honzuki 1
I like books…so this was a natural pick for me, y’know?
OKAY, why is the girl drinking wine she accepted from an older man??????
O…kay, so this has nice backgrounds and a pretty nice aesthetic with all the flowers, but otherwise it’s kinda dull, to be honest. It moves at the pace of a slice of life show…and I’m not sure it’s intentional or not.
“Only grownups are allowed to tie up their hair.” – So then, and correct me if I’m wrong about this…why is Turi’s hair in a braid? Or, when they mean “up”, they mean in a full bun like Myne (Main???) did earlier?
I’m thinking either a marketplace might have books…or at least signs to read.
I’m thinking of Maou-sama Retry from last season…because I’d rather a boring slow walk like the one I just saw, rather than a terrible run cycle like the one in the first episode of that show.
What…? Was Urano a vegan or vegetarian…? Or just too much of a city slicker to deal with seeing a dead chicken?
Iruma-kun 1
I picked this one based on the good ratings it had on ANN.
How does anyone remember these lyrics??? How many “ba” and “bi”s do you need???
…Hayate the Combat Butler, basically speaking.
Levy = Leviathan, I’d assume.
Aye, what a poor lad…to be sold off at 14…
Well, that was a fast way to set up an episode. If more shows were like this, I’d be a happy camper.
I-Is Opera…a DUDE?! Hallelujah! I hit Bishonen Jackpot #2! (No. 1 is Seiya, of course.)
You comedies wanna play hardball with me? Huh?! Do you, punks?! Let’s see how many times you can make me (wholeheartedly) laugh, then! (Current laugh count: 1)
Gender-coded uniforms, much…?
Is Catgirl related to Opera somehow???
Well, you do know that Asmodeus represents lust, right? That’s why he’s pink, isn’t he?...Isn’t he??? Update: Oh, yeah, right. Sullivan should probably be “Solomon”, but the name is deliberately different for comedy’s sake.
Uh, lemme guess: Daisuke Namikawa for Asmodeus? Update: Ryohei Kimura. I knw he sounded familiar…he’s Kane-san, in other words.
(Iruma-kun is a master of dodging)…I thought it was because of that spell from before, really.
Da Vinci homage for the win!
Oh hey! 2nd German suplex of the season (I didn’t watch the first one).
By the power of dodging, Iruma wins…one servant! (Just in case Fate/ wasn’t enough for you…so to speak.)
There’s a single heart on Babylys in the ED, it seems…plus a giant bow.
Africa Salaryman 1
If Beastars is anime Zootopia, then this is absurdist Zootopia.
This is some Attenborough s***...until it isn't.
The OP scenes with the characters dancing...that's gonna be in my nightmares.
Oh, it's the pa in pachinko (“chinko” meaning p***s) that’s missing, so they went with glasses/asses instead.
We got Punpun animated (i.e. frightened Toucan)...score.
Giraffe Donuts, LOL.
I’m really pissed now…there’s no adblocker for my phone, so I had to sit through a good 8 ads or so just to get proper subs…I almost lashed out at someone because of it, too.
FireLion, LOL. I like these old computer-style transitions, but I don’t like how many ads I have to live through for it.
Tokunana 1
Is it just me, or did the police guy say "futures" (plural)...?
Hmm...by brandishing a gun at that point, is this man implying he's a saviour, or that guns are cool? I sure hope it's not the latter, considering gun violence rates worldwide. Then again, I might be reading into this one detail too much.
This reminds me of Midnight Occult Sevants…which doesn’t bode well for this show.
I can see this being my next Cop Craft…which I don’t need this season.
…oh, boy…rule no. 1 of detective shows: don’t be a hostage or get kidnapped. Ever. (Inevitably, if the show is about police in some capacity, someone will break this rule at least once. It’s made to be broken.)
Between this and Kimetsu no Yaiba, we’ve had enough “intelligence” (“using your head”, i.e. headbutting) to last us a while…
This CGI looks kinda bad…Africa Salaryman does better with disguising its CGI.
I like how the skull had a bow on it.
Wait, a dog, bird (pheasant) and gorilla (monkey)…this is some demented Momotaro going on right here…
Lookit that lady go!!! Woot!
To be honest, I keep feeling like Seiji’s gonna develop superpowers…or is this not the show for that…? (I mean, there’s dragons in the synopsis! Dragons!)
This show looks kinda off model, which is a bad sign in the first episode…hearing gunshots after the ED kinda startled me, though, and made a killer move for another episode out of goodwill…come to think of it, I’ve been giving out a lot of “can’t peg down this show with one episode, will watch more” this season already…
Dr Stone 14
(no notes, sorry!)
Actors 1
I’m a fan of Masuda, who voices a character in Actors’s 3rd iteration…IIRC. It’s gonna be a while until we get to him, though.
Uh, how does this guy play keyboard with those floppy sleeves of his???
Specifically, according to Hinata, Haruna told him he was being too noisy before she went back to sleep…although I’ve never seen a little girl be woken up by her big brother in these “I’m late! *puts toast in mouth as they run ou the door*” intros, so it’s refreshing.
His name is Otonomiya (“sound temple”, with “sound” being the thing you hear), of course he’s going to be part of a musical franchise…
“Akizuki Kai” sounds familiar…I dunno why though.
UGGGGGGH! If you’re doing a singing anime, let us hear the damn song!!! Don’t make us wait for the Otonomiya version!!!
Kagura…Sousuke??? Classicaloid??? I am so not going to match that boy with this one. (Well, one of the kanji is different, but everything else is the name, right down to the wordplay. A kagura is a type of dance, y’see, and one of the characters matches one in the Japanese word for “music”, ongaku. The other can be found in Otonomiya’s name, in fact.)
What’s up with this white wall business, anyway??? This ain’t Tokyo Ghoul, this is a singing anime!
Archery boy is good boi. Me likey.
I have a bad feeling about Nozomi, yo.
I LOLled so hard…I mean, this pink dude’s name is Uta Outa…it’s so redundant. You expect me to love him???? LOL, as if!
Con brio = with spirit, with vigour. Adagio = slow, by the way.
Stand My Heroes 1
I’m here for Ume, as I always am. Ume’s role is Go Miyase of the Kujo family.
That was a pretty epic opening, actually.
Who scouts a civilian for a narcotics unit???
I am so not going to be able to match names to faces at this rate…
Hey, don’t you go patronising girls!!!
I feel like it would’ve been better (and flashier) to demonstrate the drug immunity by showing, not talking about it.
Takaomi looks like Tenn from Idolish7, man…
Hmm…I saw Ume’s character, but it’s hard to evaluate his voice for Go just by a “Here you go.” (And no, that’s not a pun…not an intentional one, anyway.)
I just realised Aoyama has this tiny plait on the side of his head. It’s rather cutesy for a narcotics show.
(Aoyama informs Rei about Arakida)…yeah, but why are you here, Aoyama? Are you just here to warn Rei???
The stain really is gone, you really can’t tell that it is there…I assume that means she was drinking water in that tall glass of hers (Rei).
This ending song is a bit weird…I never expected it to be English. I expected it to be by the VAs, to be honest.
Abilities Average 1
It’s better if I call this “Abilities Average” rather than the long-winded “Didn’t I Say to Make My Abilities Average in the Next Life?!”.
The scenery in this show is nice, at least…(?) But is that a CGI carriage I see?
Comic Earth Star…that doesn’t bode particularly well for me. The only series I’ve watched that has a series that hails from that magazine is SekaTsuyo (Wanna Be the Strongest in the World!) and I didn’t like it much in the end.
Ohhhhhhhhh…kay. Is it just me, or did I read “Hotel Little Gust” as “Hotel Little Girl”…?
Mile and Myne (spelling pending). In female-led isekai. This season only!!!...this is gonna suck, isn’t it?
Lenny is a boy’s name, though…?
Why is the show’s English tagline “God bless me?”…? I’ve half a mind to drop this show already…and I read the premiere report on ANN, so I knew it was going to end like this. Come to think of it, I don’t think I’ve had a season where I just catch up on older series, even though I keep thinking I will have one on my hands during weak seasons. (This has been a worry since the especially weak summer 2018 season, really.)
The Spain Square…? Really?
Really? You’re gonna complain about Japan’s declining birth rate here???
Whoa, I wouldn’t be surprised if this show were taken for granted by yuri shippers…
The extreme buffering means I managed to spot a redhead who I’ve seen on this show’s promo material…yup, that’s her.
Oh…great. This redhead is tsundere…(If I give one more complaint, I’m getting out of here!)
Oh…so Mile even pointed it out…(probably because this buffering is going so slowly, I can guess what’s happening before it actually happens.)
Okay, so I never figured out why she started calling herself a country girl and I went back and looked (despite all the buffering I was fighting) and no one ever does call her a country girl, it’s just a random misconception she has. Because it was so unclear that this was the case, I’m going to drop this show. (Well, for all the middling shows I have this season, losing one is actually a relief…!)
Shinchou Yuusha 2
Here we are again…and I’ve been thinking about Seiya a lot since last time, which probably seals the deal in that this is going to be part of the final lineup. (Today’s Seiya probably helps a lot with that.)
Ohmigosh, Rista’s panicked face when they almost get caught by Chaos Machina…LOL.
…just as I thought, I go “nnnnergh” under my breath when someone mentions the name “Aria”.
Assassin’s Pride 1
I picked this show because the protag looked kinda hot…but only now I realise he looks like a knock-off Kirito and I really start to regret my choice…
Is it just me, or is this show really dark??? (Not just because of the bloody scene at the start, mind you.)
The side of the train says “Cardinals 26110”, in case you were wondering…(then again, you probably weren’t wondering that…)
Wait-his name is Kufa WHAT?!
This is giving me Lance N Masques vibes now, because it did almost the same plot beats except for the fact I still can’t reconcile the fact Kufa Whatsit lives in a lantern (which is actually a pretty interesting idea…if it didn’t seem rather unviable upon retrospect)…that means it’s halfway to drop city.
Melida is so flat, she doesn’t even fill out her dress…(LOL, that gives a new meaning to “flat as a board”.)
But why is the tutor a dude? Plus an older dude to a younger girl, at that???
Hey, Melida is essentially my kinda catnip…at least in my head...because she’s someone without powers in a family with powers (basically, she’s like Daichi from Crimson/Future is Crimson in that regard). Then again, Charlotte tried playing the same hand by having superpowers and absolutely sunk itself ‘cos I couldn’t stand Yu.
Elise runs reallllllly derpily.
Those CGI alleyways look baaaaaaaaad, man. Like, “looking at grainy footage through a UV camera” bad.
Okay, Kufa. You are not Naruto. You will not see them aliens. Give up already.
The actual frig is an anima???
I like this black/bright blue/purple combo…it’s nice.
Umm…but what is the way to awaken the mana???
I’m currently going, “So why should I give a s*** about Melida???? Ripoff Kirito just chooses to swear his life upon her and awakening her mana because she’s been beaten down a grand total of once…You should’ve killed her already, Kufa. Isn’t that what being an assassin is about???”…and then I realise there’s more to the episode…
Waiiiiiiiiiiiit…one of the maids’ names is Nietzsche??? Like the Ubermensch guy??? That’s weiiiiiiiird, man…
Kufa is a chuuni, calling it now.
The text under the series logo doesn’t quite make sense…
Hmm, this one’s a tough call, but I think I’ll give it a 45 and a hard drop. I don’t think I’ve ever asked myself “So why should I give a s*** about the main character?” before…I think the closset to that would be when I’ve asked myself why I wanted to be subjected to this (for anime that get dropped).  
No Guns Life 1
Now that I look at the title again…why is it called No Guns Life when Juzo’s life will always have a gun in it for as long as he’s like that (i.e. he has a gun for his head)…?
*Juzo smokes* - Oh, now that’s a striking opening scene if I ever knew one!
Ohmigoshit’sKnuckledusterfromBnHAVigilanteswithagunforhisheadand…I…*huff huff* can’t breathe anymore…LOL.
Seriously, I thought I thought up some weird s*** for my old stories, like the girl whose face was missing and Akoya turning into a manequin to preserve his beauty.
“The only ones who can touch my trigger are those who I’ve chosen to accept.” – Is that…a sexual metaphor??? Or an intimacy one in general???
Wowwwwwwwww, chibi gunhead (which was hinted in the OP) was not something I expected from such a hardboiled show.
“…shot right in the head.” – LOL, says you when the guy with the gun head is behind you.
I thought there was seriously a pun there by having the gun head’s name be “Juzo”, but it turns out his name has the kanji for 13. Maybe that hints at how unlucky he is instead. (Same with Inui and it containing the character for “dog” – turns out it’s a different kanji.)
I think this is reminding me of Mahoutsukai no Yome – strong in its core genre at first, but then shows some weakness when it comes to comedy.
I worry about how this show will look during the midseason slump period…it both has traces of CGI and the still camera pretending it’s “properly animating” a scene.
That ED really is something…and hey, I got an explanation for why the show has traces of CGI in it from the credits! Unreal Engine was credited there and that’s normally used for games.
Kabukicho Sherlock 1
Dammmmmmmmn, that’s one sweet soundtrack!
Man, I know I said for Stars Align that there’s no slap to the face like a slap to the face, but…this was a slap to the face in that I did not expect Mrs Hudson to do an entire Coraline-style musical routine in the first half of the episode. I could tell from her (?) appearance that she was a drag queen/trans caricature, but they didn’t need to make her a singer in a bar…and the “sexy” shots of Mrs Hudson’s butt are kinda disturbing…and especially the part where Watson (I think it is?) gets a butt grab for his trouble…
The woman in the blue dress is Diana Oldoini (spelling needs confirmation). The woman with the blue hair…seems to be called Tenkill…(yeah, under the subs, I can’t really make it out.) All the women at Pipe Cat seem to be trans stereotypes, which vaguely annoys and unsettles me.
Kyogoku = Natsuhiko Kyogoku and Sherlock is Holmes, but I dunno about “Michel” or “Kobayashi”.
The Watson from the Holmes books was a doctor in the Afghanistan war…I know that much.
Natsu -> Fuyu (summer -> winter), hiko (“brilliance/brightness”, a common component to Japanese boys’ names) -> to (“person”, also a common component of Japanese boy’s names).
Oh, Michel is this guy (Belmont)! No wonder. Update: So the cats are like placecards, announcing that you’re in the building.
White Rose! I saw it when Watson showed up in his car, so I figured it was going to be important…I just didn’t think it was necessary so soon…
Chili oil…no wonder the woman was disgusted by Sherlock’s burp. Not to mention, Holmes was good at identifying chemicals too. This show is shaping up to be a modern Holmes more than Detective Conan is!
Wowwwwwwww…this show really doesn’t like gay people either (understatement).  It’s like I’m watching a show from the 90s in regards to the LGBTIQ+ people in this…
Moriarty is a thief for thieves, huh? A regular (modern) Robin Hood, so to speak. I wonder if the poor kids are the Baker Street Irregulars…?
This soundtrack is sooooo good! Plus it’s clearly leading up to a rakugo scene, based on the fact “Shibahama” briefly appeared on the screen during that really cool rainbow/text scene!
“What sort of girl takes her clothes off for a man she’s never met?” – A sex worker.
I-Is Moriarty drinking Dr Pepper…? Or Coke?
This is really shaping up to be a modern Sherlock Holmes – with his rakugo, this Sherlock is leading his Watson to the answer!
Ohhhhhhhhh man, these CGI cars look terrible!
H-HUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH?! W-What? Sherlock gets hit by a car in the first episode (I think they wanted it to happen for humour)? This really is a show where it’s neither mystery nor comedy…it’s just kinda weird and kinda there.  
So that’s Mary Morstan and…who? (If you never figured it out, I learnt these characters’ names through ANN cast announcements.)
I…don’t get why Sherlock is screaming because I don’t know what Watson’s bottle-thingy is for, but I’ll assume it has to do with pain for Sherlock’s genitals or something of the sort…and go “ouch” for him.
Okay, so the next-ep preview’s “Why not join the staring at eye moles squad?” is a joke. You see, the word nakibokuro refers to a mole (or beauty spot) under the eye (where hokuro = mole and naki = cry, so it’s as if the person cried the mole into existence). Then it’s mitsumetai, meaning “want to stare”, but then the tai for “want” is substituted for the tai meaning “squad”. So that nonsense English line is just a very literal translation that isn’t funny…just confusing. I don’t get the “Cobra?/ Farewell” exchange though…
This very last scene before the end of the episode seems to be a page of info about the setting of Shinjuku in this series. East and west were split by a wall and train tracks, it seems, and you ned to pass through the gate to go between them…I spotted this omake because of the cat in one corner.
I don’t quite get why the case had to be treated like a gameshow at one part, but that would be a cool plot if someone ever wrote a story about it…(actually, wait. I think I do know a similar plotline from Detective Conan – the one with Natsuki in it – plus the Running Man by Steven King is somewhat similar to it too.)
Ahiru no Sora 2
Essentially, Sora is a reverse Kuroko…amirite…?
Ugh! This slang is so outdated!!! “[T]otes craycray”…the translator’s trying too hard to be a hip teenager…
How does anyone keep food in their afro anyway…?
I…miss shonen protags like Ahiru. The type that are earnest, but not shouty.
I was thinking I might drop the show here, but then I looked at the posts and strangely they didn’t talk about Chiaki (who I expected to be the deuteragonist of this show). Instead, they talk about Momoharu, so I was wondering what kind of twist they were pulling.
Beet red, my butt…
…then again, more Chiaki shenanigans showed up, so I really am gonna drop this. Geesh, Chiaki, you really suck.
BnHA 64
Eyyyyyyyyy, my local sublicensor is back to simulcasting BnHA! That didn’t happen for the stuff affected by the CR x Funi partnership, so I’m happy it’s happening right now.
I heard this was a recap ep but it was handled well…oh well, the new OP is well worth the price of admission.
I like how Amajiki (my boyyyyyyyy!) is like “Don’t touch me!!!”, even in the OP.
Hmm…I see one of the male journalists being scolded uses Windows 10.
Tokuda’s name is literally a pun on “It’s a special (episode)”…good job, Bones and BnHA staff (sarcastic). Update: Maybe the “tane” (seed) means he’s seedy…?Nah, that pun doesn’t work in Japanese.
Good job on recapping Vault Boy (as he’s known). I found his POWERRRRRR! thing amusing when s3 was airing, remember?
I get the feeling (based on the chapters Viz made free for the sake of hyping s4 up) Nighteye is a parody of the Jump series Seiji Tanaka. Update: No, now that I google Seiji Tanaka up and remember Horikoshi was going for a stereotypical Japanese salaryman look, it’s just a giant coincidence…
Tokuda has that “nice older man” vibe going on…hmm…
Whoaaaaaaaaaaa, that quirk is creepyyyyyy…
“…false encouragement to those…”
Selfie for the photobomb photographer!...(or something like that…)
Oh nooooooooo, I know exactly what’s in store for these guys, now that Viz made chs. 122 – 162 available for free for a limited time!!! That ED though…it’s basically torture for someone who knows what’s going on!!!
Shin Chuuka Ichiban 1
This is a sequel to a series I watched ages ago in Cantonese, so…heck if I’ll understand what’s going on, but I’ll try. Even though my memory of these characters should be better than everyone else’s, it might even be worse, considering all the anime I watched in the years between…
All these faces are familiar…but I’ve forgotten most of their names…If I remember right, the blonde is Sanche, the only one I really remember because he gave his all to cutting radish by moonlight so that it was proven it was so thin you could see the moonlight through it…yeah, I think that’s the only character aside from Mao I can really say anything about. (I don’t think he was blonde last time I saw an anime about him, though.)
These chickens are adorable...in this day and age, we know these chickens aren't carriers of misfortune...but just roll with it for now.
The subs don't note it (the visuals do eventually though), but her (Tiya’s) bro is a big one.
I never realised how long Mao's hair was until this series...
Even these men look like chickens...LOL.
The essence of SCI is, like any other shonen, Mao gets underestimated and kicks their asses.
The men even sound like chickens, LOL.
See? Silkies. I've never taken care of one myself, but they are adorable lil' birds with a distinctive look. Anyways, I think what sets this apart from SnS is the earnestness from years gone by (rather than extreme exaggerating). Also, this ep. made me hungry...LOL, that's the sign of a good cooking show.
Yeah...I forgot the reason why Mao wears that blue thing over his arm is because he can dramatically reveal himself as Super Chef. That happened a lot in s1.
...who's Fei again...?
Tokunana 2
I think this is going to be the decider as to where I push the threshold of my rankings, since this how is very middling…also, it’s pretty obvious to note the ep. titles go 1, 2, 3…(and so on).
I’ve watched my fair share of mysteries (Detective Conan gives you a lot of ‘em), so I can tell the covering of the mouth is a tell…the dwarvish man is lying.
The news headline says “Rainbow Bridge Reconstruction”…(It has a particle on the end though…I dunno whether I wanna translate that or not.)
Based on the “dragons” idea, I wouldn’t be surprised if the main antagonist’s surname was Kuzuryuu (“9 headed dragon”).  
Codenames? They even did that in Double Decker and in some senses, that was a parody of the entire cop procedural! (What with “Perm” as a codename and all that…speaking of which, I think Travis was the type who liked “fun” codenames too…he called himself “Boss” as well…and called his rookie “Rookie”.)
The saying goes a painted dragon should have the eyes painted last or else it’ll come alive and fly away. It must be something of the sort for daruma too. By the way, I could guess the politician was trying to be re-elected before Ichinose said due to the hissho (“sure win”) written on the daruma.
I don’t think I’ve seen anyone in anime sit backwards on a chair like that (Ichinose’s pose)…
How does Suga know about the blog…?
I keep swearing Seiji is gonna awaken some type of powers, but…I dunno why…?
“Here it is! My fist of justice!” *whomp*…that’s how I imagined the final punch to be for Seiji.
I swear…I’ve been seeing this Angolmois-style filter over Tokunana…(grr…)
Stand My Heroes 2
Wait, there’s Hattori…and Hatori…? Update: Oh…kay, so there’s Otani Hatori (of Revel) and then Hattori You (of the police). They have the same colour hair…and the same hairstyle…there goes my dreams of even comprehending this show…
Wait, so the English-language song is the OP????
Why does a guy called Maki always have green hair…?
Seriously though…Yui is a cliched scientist. By that, I mean he doesn’t really act like one at all – he obsesses over potential samples and whatnot (emphasis on “potential”).
Where the heck did you acquire a drug like that, then, Kagura???
Only Rei, who knows what happened at the dinner, can say “you’re nice based on what you did at dinner”. The viewer wasn’t privy to such things…
Aki’s tsundere…!
That fight scene was barely animated…geesh.
Maki’s got such anger issues that it’s hard to get behind him…
By the by, I don’t find Jekyll and Hyde cases hot, so Maki is basically a no-go.
Iruma-kun 2
This could be the show that decides it all. Iruma-kun is the 2nd-last show on my prospective shows for the season, so I’m cutting the fat fast by watching a few shows that indicate the quality of everything underneath as well as itself.
LOL, I never noticed there was an “Oh my gah” in the OP, haha.
Okay, so the pun in the title is Mairimashita! Iruma-kun (“I’ve Arrived! Iruma-kun”in formal Japanese because he’s the demon king’s grandson), but it’s “demon entry” rather than the standard kanji…so there’s absolutely no way to make that joke work in English, hence “Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun”. The pun in Iruma is that it’s an anagram of the formal iku/kuru (come/go), mairu. Yes, that’s the mairu I was talking about earlier.
I love how the narrator is just like “akuma deeeeeee~su” with all the enthusiasm of a postman; that is, he’s not very good at covering up his sarcasm.
Oh, so it’s maccha, but macha (demon tea)…geddit?
…oh! I actually noticed Sullivan’s hands were bandaged, but I didn’t think anything of it! So it was plot-relevant…
Hellraiser clock…for mezamashidokei (where ma = demon again)…that is a good pun! I love you, subber!
I assume the series of 5 symbols I keep seeing is actually “Iruma”, meaning the demon language is based on English, or at the very least individual romaji.
Oh wait! Babibabi(etc.)ru…does that mean the OP is referring to the school??? *mindblown*
…don’t tell me it’s Sullivan…? Update: Nope, I forgot about “Severus Snape”. He’s Aizawa from BnHA, but a demon.
Asmodeus stands out far too much in a crowd, LOL.
Whether useful or useless, trash is trash.
That’s…a very death metal snake…to put it one way.
This reminds me of Future is Crimson…how nostalgic…I really expect a cute monster though.
*laughing behind hand* Oh noooooooo…does that mean Iruma summoned the teacher??? (Hahahah!!!! Hahahaha!!!)
So…I was right, but I wasn’t right??? The teacher is a cute demon, I guess. Very fluffy. His Snape form isn’t bad either, but I’d prefer someone younger than him, to be honest. (Gimme plushies of the small fluffy sensei!)
Okay, so sukima appears to be a word meaning “gap, crevice (etc.)”. There’s the character for demon in it, so it’s kinda like calling this section the demonic gap-closer…the malevolent mini-episode…the fiendish filler! Yeah, I like the sound of “fiendish filler” (even though I don’t even like filler!).
Dr Stone 15
…now Senku’s done it. (i.e. married Ruri)
I like how Suika went splat while running. It adds more consistency to her nearsightedness.
Now there’s a cliffhanger!
No Guns Life 2
I always love it when people say they’re unarmed…but truth be told, people (normally) have two arms…not to mention, Juzo has a gun for a head and a fist that can rapidly punch. You can’t really call that “unarmed”.
I just realised Juzo’s jaw doesn’t really move when he talks…
Wait a second, ARAHABAKI????? You mean, Chuuya Arahabaki???? (Talking about that to those not in the know would be spoilers, so I won’t explain what I mean here, just in case there are non-BSD fans reading this.)
So…uh, where are Juzo’s eyes in that head of his…?
Ooh, authentication keys. Sounds like cybersecurity. That…was my jam before I jumped ship – apparently I’m too dumb to deal with modulos (which are important to cybersecurity).
Hmm…gun slave unit? Whatever does that mean, hmm??? (somewhat inquisitive, somewhat sarcastic)
Can a guy with a gun for his head get lung cancer? These are the big questions, folks.
Hmm? His hobby is house-cleaning, but he doesn’t have any kids…? That sounds sort of weird (although my ideas of a house cleaner are probably a bit…motherly, I guess? “Conforming to traditional stereotypes”…how about that description instead…?).
I never realised how short the muzzle of Juzo’s head is until I got this side shot.
“Guess that means I won’t be able to hold back against you!” – Whoa! That’s some effective horror…and this isn’t even a show that has “horror” as one of its genres…
0 notes