#but yeah there's this thing where in the short term sol can be seen as an optimist whereas the si is often a pessimist in short term
finally got around to cleaning o.m nigh.tbringer's 17th chapter, and oh it's giving me thoughts about the si + solomon dynamic again.
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yanderegrizzsworld · 3 years
I'm making yandere Sonic headcanons and you can't stop me
Considering what Shadow has gone through it comes to no surprise that he has his weak moments and just needs a shoulder to cry on, also you're like the only one that's seen him like this. And that says a lot.
Imagen the Sonic crew taking care of you while you're hibernating, like obviously Sonic, Shadow, Silver and any other hedgehog or animal that does that is gonna hibernate like Rouge or Knuckles. Do you know how fun it would be to just hang out and chill before going into what's basically a coma for 4 months straight? Watching movies and emptying the entire fridge, you will eat entire boiled eggs if you have to “in the terms of survival” as you put it. And at the end of the day you end up snuggling. Just imagine the maikshist piloforts and pillow nests. And considering that Shadow is a biological constructed entity he might have the ability to growl or even pur, “sigh” that would be heaven to me. But knowing Shadow he'll probably make you go to a hidden bunker with Rouge to sleep in while Omega is guarding the entrance because you know Shadows has a lot of enemies. I bet Rouge caught you both fast asleep on the couch onec. Also if the reader is an animal with fur then it's gonna grow a lot, believe me i haven't gone to the barber in almost 4 months either. So one of the first things you do when you wake up is go to the barbershop if you can get a reservation. But there's plenty of mammals who need the same treatment so if you don't get a chance then expect shadow to groggily offer to cut your hair for you, Rouge is quick to protest though. I Bet the barber is used to this. And imagen those who can't hibernate and just wait for you, like Metal, he would make sure your house is neat and clean until you wake up. It's also a great opportunity to (eliminate your rivals) investigate what you like through your decor (and even your phone) for educational purposes only.
And now that we're talking about animal behavior, think about the bihaver the reader would have depending on the animal they are. If they were a bunny then they would stomp their foot when they're mad, or if they are a deer that's super sensitive to loud sounds and jumps whenever someone shuts a door too fast. Or being forced to put up your feathers every morning because they get in the way, btw i'm referring the reader to a silkie chicken.
An interesting scenario between Knuckles and the reader is a damsel in distress kind of situation where the reader is kidnapped to distract Knuckles so Eggman could get the master emerald. Oh how delightfully evil it is to think of his worry over your safety while the emerald is obviously being taken away. A bubble appears over his head of you in great distress until it pops due to Knuckle's growing anger and he lets out a roar of pure rage and runs in the direction the robot took you. (like that one scene in the Sonic mania animation series)
The only situation in which Mephiles would be kind to you is if you were a being similar to him, or maybe he just wanted to see if you could be “fixed” if he just acted kind enough. His way of showing love is by sharing the universe with you and letting you destroy it with him, material things mean nothing to him so expect no valentine gifts. Or christmas presents… or anything really, man this guy is a drag what do people see in him… oh wait i'm one of those people.
Now remember in that one poste you made about the difference between final yanderes and bizarre yanderes? And how i meantun on my second blog how it reminded me of a dream I had? Yeah I've got some insight on that, basically to make a long story short you're struck by a disease in your heart and after your death Shadow can't get the words you told him on his last visit out of his head. So he makes it his mission to find a way to bring you back to life much to the dismay of his “friends”, blinded by determination and the thought of getting you back he sets off to find a solution, which he does but the outcome can be catastrophic. But he doesn't read the warnings, before leaving he silently whispers to you that he's coming and smiles.
Now this is optional but my idea of what happens next is in the perspective of the reader, as a blinding bright light wakes you with a vision that flashes before your eyes. Starting off bright but then takes a sudden turn and becomes dark with an eerie undertone, but you don't get to inspect them for long as you suddenly see the sky but its absence of any clouds. You try to listen for the sounds of life but only the sound of nothingness fills your ears, as you sit up you see that the world has succumbed to being an endless wasteland of ash and dust. And before your eyes stod the monster Shadow had become, a hulking mass of limbs grasping for something to kill, his mouths dripping with a craving, empty eyes full of anticipation staring down at you. He was pining you down with his gaze alone, you stared back in unforetold horror as his mouths started moving, mouthing something you can't hear but it didn't take long for you to figure it out.
I missed you…..
Now that i think about it i forgot to mention that i have a spotify account and i've made a yandere playlist and a “Shadow” playlist, it's based off of the ongoing Sonic destruction series on youtube. So if you haven't seen it then the playlist won't make sense but to put it simply, an AI wrote a Sonic movie script and definitely all of the OG Sonic fandub voice actors are there to reprise their roles, also 26:10 minutes into the second video is what inspired me to make it. Btw now that we are on the topic of youtube i feel obligated to tell you about the “Shadows mind control (sketch)” vid cus its great, love ya bye
Yandere playlist
Shadow playlist
Keep making them yandere Sonic headcanons!
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Shadow's Vulnerability
Shadow's probably very cold & distant with others since he's afraid that those close to him will end up suffering the same fate as Maria. But y/n makes him feel like that's not the case, they make him feel like it wasn't his fault for Maria's death. Y/N just lays Shadow on their lap & embrace him telling him that it's okay to be sad, that it's okay to cry & to feel fragile. By those words he breaks, he's quietly sobbing on your shoulder as he apologizes but you tell him not to apologize, that those tears are a reminder that he's real & there with you. (The amount of angst/comfort, fucking unparalleled)
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Lowkey wanna draw this to see how it turns out
Having Sonic, Shadow & Silver spend the while time with you would be so fun. Sonic & Silver are a chaotic duo while Shadow is the "straight man" but is just as chaotic as the two. I can imagine Rouge definitely joins in on the fun. & the everything ends with snuggles, feeling everyone's fur brush against you so softly. Shadow has prepared the bunker with lifetime supplies of food, water & heaters with Omega outside the door with no complaints, happy to be securing his buddies. & yes, Rouge has seen Shadow & y/n fast asleep on the couch...on more than one occasion.
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Also y/n & Rouge needing to get a cut after they hibernate can lead to some funny scenarios like,
Y/N: The barbershop was full of others wanting a cut & I forgot to book a reservation.
Shadow: If you want, I can cut some of your fur-
Rouge, rushing into the room: No!-
Metal makes it his personal duty to make sure your home doesn't have a speck of dust when you return. He also takes the opportunity to eliminate any rivals check around your home & phone to see who you've been chatting with & who was that goat that asked to go get some coffee. For educational purposes, of course. I mean he could also just have you turn him off so you could "hibernate" together.
Y/N & animal behaviors
Y/N as a rabbit & stomping for foot down when either mad or excited makes characters like Sonic, Amy, Rouge & Silver smile at just how cute you are! While y/n, being a deer who's sensitive to loud noises, has Shadow, Silver or Knuckles cover your ears as they put your head on their chest to calm you down. But y/n being a silkie chicken is just– Sonic definitely has layed on top of you before because of how fluffy you look & he uses you as his personal pillow. I don't make the rules.
Yandere Knuckles scenario
This idea for a romantic/platonic scenario is so brilliant. Eggman using you against Knuckles to get the Master Emerald, you trying to break free from the robots grip but to no avail as rage builds up in Knuckles. But the moment you scream for his help, he snaps. Pure rage as he runs up to the bot & demolishes to bits, ripping each part off for every second it held you captive.
Me thinking of how I’ll execute the story 
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Yandere Mephiles w/ y/n being similar to him personality-wise
When I read he wanted to see if you could be "fixed" if he just acted kind enough, it made me cackle cause it almost gave off a "I can fix them" vibe. If y/n was similar to Mephiles, then that might the one way he'll choose not to kill you...as much. Y/N & Mephiles just being the ultimate power couple in a fucked up way as buildings crumble & all that can be heard are screams of agony as the scent of smoke lingers in the air.
Shadow quest to revive Y/N
@fluffymintz That's you!?
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I'm shocked– In a good way. As for this scenario, I can sense the suspense of this. Rouge & Sonic attempting to reason with him as he doesn't bother with their presence as he strives to bring you back. He already failed Maria, he won't fail you too. He caresses your cheek whispering "We'll be together again, I promise" before he smile & is off to fulfill his promise to you.
I've heard of Sonic Destruction a lot before & I've seen a few clips & snippets of Sonic fandub, I should revisit it. & love ya too dear! Now if you'll excuse me, I have more writing to do with your brilliant ideas.
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malkumtend · 4 years
Thought I'd do one of those Warriors Questions things just to get it out of the way. I won't make this too detailed as there are a lot of questions:
1) How'd you get into it?:
I was aware of the fandom for a long time but I never actually got into the series until last year. I finally ended up watching a short skit video about the three and Breezepelt stuck in the caves and I ended up hooked. Then I bought the first arc of books and the series consumed me.
2) Favourite character?
Squirrelflight. I've loved this cat ever since she was a scrappy little apprentice. She's just one of those characters who I love because she knows she's usually right and hates being told otherwise XD I'm so happy it looks like she'll finally get her nine lives.
3) Least favourite character?
Blackstar. I can understand why people like characters like Ivypool or Bramblestar (both I'm not fans of) but I have never seen what I'm supposed to like about Blackstar. I think he's to me what Breezepelt is to alot of fans, a character who is borderline evil and is just not a cat I can see any natural good in.
4) Favourite arc?
I love Into the Wild. It just has the best protagonist for me, also it was the best thought out in terms of a story. But... I am loving where The Broken Code is going!!
5) Favourite book (series):
The Darkest Hour. It has my favourite battle of all the series and it just gives the best story arc for Firestar. (And then he became boring as mud after that...)
6) Favourite Super Edition/Novella?
I'll answer both! Crowfeather's Trial - love the development for my angsty boy. Pinestar's Choice - I genuinely love this novella! It has heart, a genuine relatable situation, and I find myself reading Pinestar's interactions with the kittypets over and over again, I just love it.
7) Least favourite book (series)?
The Forgotten Warrior. SOL WAS WASTED AS A VILLAIN.
8) Least favourite Super Edition/novella?
Squirrelflight's Hope - I hate this book with every fibre of my being. Don't get me wrong I love my ginger queen, but I hate the sisters, I hate how Squirrelflight is treated, and I HATE BRAMBLESTAR SO MUCH!!! Kate Cary, I know you hate Squirrel but this was overkill man! This is my favourite warrior and you put her through an abusive relationship only to shrug your shoulders and forget it ever happened! You are seriously harming the chances of children knowing what to do if they encounter these verbally abusive relationships! At least Spottedleaf's Heart had its heart in the right place.
Speaking of which. Yeah, Spottedleaf's Heart sucked. Again, I do give Vicky credit in that she clearly TRIED to present the themes of pedophillia in a respectful light. But she failed. It isn't even Thistleclaw's manipulation of a child that presents him as a clear villain to Spottedleaf, that only happens when he kills in the Dark Forest. Again, really mixed messages. Still, I respect that the book had good intentions, it just got muddled up.
9) Least favourite Arc?:
Vision of Shadows. I hate the protagonists, I find the story uninteresting, and the only interesting part of the books (Darktail) feels underdeveloped. Seriously, he had SO much potential, I love the guy but he doesn't make up for the rest in this borefest.
10) Saddest death?:
Cinderpelt. It's like Vicky said, the moment in the beginning of Twilight is heart wrenching for me. The poor desperate cat just has to deal with the unfairness of reality. It hits me in the feels every time I read it.
11) Favourite ship? (Canon):
I love Firestar and Sandstorm - love my enemies to friends romance!
12) Favourite ship? (Non canon):
I feel most people would already know this, but Squirrelflight and Crowfeather. I just think it would have made an amazing, fun dynamic to see these two bickering kids from other clans slowly fall in love.
I also really like Ravenpaw and Barley :3 my two farm boys deserve each other xxx
13) Least favourite ships?:
I'll just put em all in.
Clear Sky X Starflower (IT'S F***ING CREEPY)
Firestar X Spottedleaf (They literally spoke like three times... She was alive for ONE book)
Lionblaze X Heathertail (sooooooo boring.)
14) What would you change if you could?
I would make Spottedleaf a villain. I'm just in love with the idea of her slowly plotting in the background, with hints of it shown through interactions in each arc, until it is all finally revealed in the battle in Omen of the Stars. It would certainly be more fulfilling than her kinda basic guide role in Firestars dreams. If she was trying to cause chaos due to her feeling that Starclan abandoned her by letting her die so young, making her use false prophecies in order to manipulate events in the real world, it would make a pretty interesting manipulative villain. It could have been the end all of plot twists! I don't know, I like the idea.
Okay I think that's enough. Hope you guys found my opinions interesting (you probably didn't) and if my opinion goes against yours, please don't think I'm trying to insult you. It's just my silly two cents after all. Keep on loving and hating what you like.
At least we all agree that we're Warriors fans!
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comicweek · 5 years
Rolling Up Some Inspiration: An RPG Conversation With Kieron Gillen & Tim Sievert
Kieron Gillen: I should have sent you the other ones, I’m sorry. We’ve got issue up to four done now. I suck. The Wicked + The Divine was my turning-forty book, essentially. Here is goodbye to all the youth culture, and that weird obsession with pop music I have. And not even goodbye, but I’ve written about it all the way I can. So, Die is explicitly, “okay, I want to write about something which is obviously still me, but like, ideally involving stuff I haven’t written about before.” It was quite interesting. And since I wasn't working with Jamie again, and Stephanie is much more about mood and emotion than second-to-second precision, it’s going to be slightly more text. You know, it can’t be as clean. I’ve got to challenge [my methods] a bit. And issue one is just as clean as we get. Issue one is pretty slick in terms of mainstream comics I think.
Kieron Gillen: And a bit like that was I wanted to do something responding to that and to some degree it’s like I’m also writing about people I haven’t before ‘cause it’s like – I’ve said like Phonogram and The Wicked + The Divine are drawing from that period of my life, but Die is on some levels me thinking about the sort of people I knew as teenagers or even before and where are they now. None of the cast are people I know per se, but there’s definitely stuff I’ve experienced with people from that and that kind of – the fascinating knowledge you get from seeing somebody across a period time, it’s the only thing I really like about being older [laughs] is the idea that – oh, no. I remember when John Lennon died when I was a kid and can look across my entire life and see how people responded to John Lennon at different points and that gives me more perspectives on that one event and that’s the same of every single event in my life and that’s fascinating and bewildering and interesting. That’s kind of what I’m trying to do with Die, I guess. Just take these people and where their lives started and where their lives ended and the idea of D&D as this fantasy machine. I mean, Die is about – Die is about a lot more than the D&D stuff, but the idea – D&D, it seems a really interesting weaponization of fantasy [laughs] D&D, you know what I mean?
Tim Sievert: Yeah
Gillen: That approach of how we approach stories that’s so addictive in D&D and so interesting in D&D, that’s sort of infected society – infected sounds like a loaded word, but kind of that post-modern approach to story, which you see in D&D is something we see in a lot more places post-D&D. So, I kind of wanted to draw [from that so it's] hopefully a personal story on the other hand, you know, this big piece of wanky, pretentious bullshit, which is how I roll.
Sievert: [Laughter.] So, are you – are any of the characters in Die you? [Gillen laughs] Or more you than not you?
Gillen: The classic standard answer is that they’re all me, said every single shitty writer ever.
Sievert: I say that, yeah.
Gillen: But if I was being honest, yeah. Some of – which ones are mostly me? You sort of definitely separate the strands. The caricature of who is this utterly shallow monster who’s like – oh, [Garth Marenghi’s Darkplace], have you ever seen Garth Marenghi? It’s a British – oh, it’s great. Short version, it is pretending to be a 1980 sci-fi series, which was produced by this writer –
Sievert: Oh! No, no, yeah, I know what that is.
Gillen: But basically [Chuck] is very clear in my fear that I might just be Garth Marenghi. [Laughs.] And the idea that oh, no, you’re literally one bad day away from just being that guy. So, that was the kind of – so, there’s definitely that awful portrait of what I could be. It’s almost the Joe Matt sort of approach. Ash is very me, Sol – Ash and Sol are kind of like this push and pull, I guess. I mean, Sol especially, the reason I decided I wanted to do this book is that I kind of realized, okay, did part of me disappear into a fantasy world at the age of 16 and how has that emotionally stunted me? I fell in love with hard with fantasy and fiction and all this stuff not just games, but the whole wider idea of fantasy and how much has actually being into this stuff removed from my life. And Sol is me really going for it, the idea basically, it’s kind of Peter Pan a [serial killer] is kind of what Sol is – I suppose the characters are more questions than portraits, I guess. Ash is [lot about the sexuality and identity stuff.] The other characters are definitely me thinking more about friends, I guess.
Sievert: Yeah–
Gillen: That was depressing.
0 notes
jhopesforehead · 5 years
I realized a while ago that I have a lot of nicknames for my biases / wreckers, and depending on situations I call them different things so I thought I’d list them all for fun. Read if you wanna or not, I just thought this would be funny to maybe later compare with people who bias the same idols. 
More under the cut !
Hoseok (bias): 
Hope / Hobi / Hoseok - To be honest, I can call Hobi three different things in the same sentence without blinking an eye. These three are the most I use. It also depends though on who I am talking too. If I’m talking to someone who knows his name, but isn’t into BTS / kpop, I’ll generally say jhope / hope and just use that so they know. If it someone who knows bts well though and is into kpop, i’ll use all three sporadically. 
Jay - I dare you to find a hope stan who doesn’t use this nickname tbh. Generally when he’s being rude and kind of giving off that american vibe? used a lot / is the only name i use while he’s in the states but once he goes back to korea / somewhere else it’s back to hope / hobi. 
Sunshine / The Sun - This is pretty self explanatory too. Can only really be used around my kpop friends who know bts well.  
Jeong Hoseok - Used when he’s in trouble or is being disrespectful like in those bapsae fancams we were all blessed with. I see you, Hoseok. 
Taehyung (wrecker): 
Tae - To be honest, this is really the only nickname I have for Tae and it’s the nickname most army use. Sorry about that. 
Kim Taehyung - Used when he’s being RUDE which is a LOT of the time to me tbh. He really wrecks me to the point where it’s unbearable sometimes. 
Minseok (bias): 
Minnie - Generally only used if he’s doing something cute, or if I have time to say the whole word before whatever im watching switches to a different member. 
Xiu - My most common nickname for him mostly because it’s quick to say and quick to type. 
Kim Minseok - Only used when he’s in trouble (by either being really disrespectful or otherwise)
Chanyeol (bias): 
Yeol - The easiest / fastest to say / type and so I generally use that when I’m talking about him. Sometimes used in verbal conversation. 
Chan - Also very quick and easy to say / type but used less than Yeol.
Puppy - Generally used when he’s being cute or doing aegyo / acting like a big dumb Labrador or something. 
Long Legs McGee - I honestly have no idea how this nickname started, but I think it came from just watching so many Chanyeol fancams and noticing how fucking long his legs are (plus I’m really short so I feel like it’s slight jealousy). Whenever I use this it’s generally accompanied by my friend saying, “You’re so mean to him” but like ... it’s true. Have you seen the man? 
Park Chanyeol - Once again, only used when he’s in trouble or being disrespectful. Generally when he’s flexing / poking his tongue out / or being unnecessarily / unexpectedly sexy. 
Kyungsoo (bias): 
Soo - My most used nickname for him because it’s fast / quick to say / type. Used really no matter what he is doing, whether it’s him being cute or I’m just talking about him. He generally also gets this name when he’s being rude / disrespectful. 
Do Kyungsoo - not used a lot at all, only when I’m feeling particularly attacked by something he’s doing. Fun fact, the most I’ve ever used his full name was while watching 100 Day Prince. 
Baekyun (wrecker):
Baek / Byun - Most used because they’re quick / easy to type / say. Baek is used marginally more though. 
Bunny - Used very rarely and only used when he’s being cute. 
Byun Baekhyun - This is used when he’s being rude / disrespectful / sassy / joking around. Tbh I use this a lot because his existence pains me. 
Mark (bias): 
Mark - I generally just use his name when talking about him. I only have one other friend who is into nct so it’s not like he’d get mixed up with anyone. 
Baby / Sweetie / Sweetheart - Because Mark is younger than me I often use these as long as (if I’m with someone) they already know who I’m talking about. I use this a lot when im by myself and cooing over him. However, as he’s getting older, they’re really only being used when he’s being baby. 
Sun / The Sunshine - Because he makes me happy. 
Lee Minhyung - Used when he’s being rude / acting above his age. He tests me. 
Johnny (wrecker):
Johhny - Yeah, Johnny doesn’t really have any nicknames either. I think it’s because it’s already an american / english name that’s short enough that I don’t have to change anything. Plus I can’t call him john because that’s how i identify another idol from another group (who I don’t bias or stan actually). 
Twin Tower - Used when he’s being a tall fuck. 
Youngho - Once again used when he’s being rude, but only when he’s being REALLY rude. If it’s when he’s just teasing doyoung, it’s Johnny. 
Lucas (bias): 
Yukhei / Lucas - Used mostly when I’m talking about him to friends. 
Lu / Xuxi - Also used when I’m talking about him, but oddly less than Yukhei / Lucas despite the fact that I love calling him xuxi a lot more than any of his other names. 
Puppy - I use this when he’s being big and dumb just like a puppy, or when he’s being cute / using puppy dog eyes. 
Twin Tower - Seeing as he’s pt.2 of the twin towers. Used when he’s being a tall fuck. 
Wong Yukhei / Xuxi (!) - I use this when he’s being rude / disrespectful / or he’s doing something that causes so much second hand embarrassment I literally cannot handle it. 
Winwin (wrecker):
Win - Generally used because say ‘winwin’ takes way too long and i could just say it once and be understood. 
Sweetheart - I really adore Winwin, so I honestly just call him sweetheart whenever it’s just me watching something. Or, I’ll use it when I’m around friends but only if they know who I’m talking about. 
Sicheng (!): For when he’s being rude. 
Jungwoo (wrecker):
Woo - Mostly because I’m lazy, but also because I think it’s a really fucking cute nickname too have because he often woo(s) me off my feet. 
Jungwoo: For when he’s being rude. 
Renjun (bias): 
Renjun - I really just call him by his name seeing as I never really got into dream as much as I did the others. But I adore him a lot, and I adore dream. 
Haechan (fond):
Hae - Easier to say than Haechan sometimes. Quick and simple. He’s not even really technically a wrecker (as I said before I never really got into dream because I was uncomfortable with the age difference but I adore them all a lot) more like another member I am very fond of. 
Sunshine - Pretty self explanatory. I think most people call him this anyway seeing as it’s true. 
Ten (bias):
Ten - I don’t really call him another else than this. Apart from maybe ‘Hoe’ but that’s just a term of endearment. 
Xiaojun (bias): 
Xiao - Mainly just because it’s short and easy to say. 
Woozi (bias):
Jii - I refuse to use Woozi at all in verbal / text conversations and only rly use it when searching him because often ‘Jihoon’ doesn’t work as well. It’s cute / short (like him) and simple and easy to type / say. 
Lee Jihoon - Generally used when he’s in trouble. However, it’s quite a mouthful ( ;) ) so i’ll generally just SHOUT ‘Jii !’ when he’s being rude / disrespectful too.
Vernon (bias): 
Hansol - I also refuse to use Hansol’s real name at literally any point, even when I’m searching stuff but if it doesn’t work then i’ll use vernon (for like fancam and stuff). 
Sol - Used rarely but generally used when i’m just trying to shorten his name. I like how it means sun though because he’s like that to me, the sun :) 
Puppy - Because he really is, most of the time, just a dumb puppy. Love him though. 
Chwe Hansol (!) - Used when he’s being rude, which is very often to me so if you go through my text / message conversations you’ll see his full name a lot. 
S.Coups (bias):
Seungcheol - Not really a nick name, but like the other two I refuse to use his stage name at all costs unless searching for him. Long ( ;) ) so I generally only use it when I have time.
Cheol  - A lot more common than using his full name, but I switch between the two a lot without really any reason. 
Choi Seungcheol - A mouthful but I will honestly somehow get it out SO fast when he’s being dumb / rude. happens a lot whenever i watch one of their concerts and a rap stage comes on. 
DK (wrecker):
Seokmin / Dokyeom- Once again, hate his stage name. Prefer to use his full name even though it’s longer. 
Seok / Yeom - I’ll shorten his name to seok if it takes too long to say ‘Seokmin’, or yeom if it takes too long to say ‘Dokyeom’. 
Minghao (fond): Minghao was my first second bias (jihoon was my first who stayed my first) but I’m forever fond of him and i adore him. 
Hao - Generally just a lot easier to say than Minghao ‘cause it’s faster / easier to say / type. I’ll use it no matter the situation, whether he’s being normal / cute / rude it’s always just ‘Hao’. 
Jaebum (bias): 
Jaebum - To be honest, sometimes I just prefer to use his name over nicknames. It’s not that long / hard to say and I can get it out reasonably fast. 
JB / Bum - ‘JB’ used when I can’t be bothered saying his whole name. ‘Bum’ when he’s being a little shit. 
Lim Jaebum - I use this when he’s in trouble / being rude / being disrespectful. tbh out of all of my biases I saw his full name a lot because he just riles me up in ways i can’t explain. one time i was watching stages of him with a friend and he did something and i went and yelled at him / about him for a good ten minutes. 
Mark (wrecker):
Mark - Once again, I really just use Mark’s name when talking about him, no matter what he’s doing. sometimes it does get confusing for other though if i just start talking about him, seeing as I bias another mark. 
Yugs - because it’s quick and easy to say. 
Kim Yugyeom - When he’s being a fucking thot (which is a lot)
Jooheon (bias):
Joo - Used when I just want to talk about him, nothing else. It’s quicker / easier to say / type than his full name. 
Honey - I only really started using this recently because he changed his stage name to ‘Heony’. It’s quick and easy to say. 
Bumble Bee  - When I’m feeling overly amorous and want to use a cute name for him. I don’t know when it started, or why, but I definitely feel like it has something to do with the fact that his name sounds like ‘honey’. 
Jooheon - For when he’s being rude / disrespectful. Oddly happens a lot. 
Changkyun (wrecker): 
Kyun - This is the only nickname I have for him and it’s just because it’s quicker / easier to say / type. 
IM Changkyun - For when he’s being rude / disrespectful. this is up there with the names I say a lot because he is often being rude. 
Ravi (bias):
Wons(h)ik - I really have a thing against using stage names. so, although it’s longer, this is what I will call him. 
Bumper Bar - Started because of his ass. Only really used sometimes. 
Kim Wons(h)ik - For when he’s being rude / disrespectful. 
Ken (wrecker):
Jae / Whan - I’ll use either quite commonly. I really don’t like the name ‘ken’ because of reasons, so I’ll do most things to ignore it / call him otherwise. 
Lee Jaewhen - For when he’s being rude / disrespectful. 
Wonpil (bias)
Pil - Purely just because it’s short / easy to say. He’s my happy pil(l). 
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