#but yes between being a boss fight and stopping another you've died twice Hatter
thevalicemultiverse · 2 years
(Scene: Hatter, March Hare, and Dormouse are having tea and Hare is reading the newspaper)
Hare: Well, I'm dead!
Hatter: Hm?
Dormouse: What?
Hare: I'm dead! Says here, I'm definitely dead.
Hatter: What else does it say?
Dormouse: How did you die?
Hare: I forgot to drink water! Ha!
Hatter: What about us? Does it... what does it say about me? Am I dead?
Hare: Nope! Just me!
Hatter: Aw, why do you get to-- that's-- eh, it must be that's a mistake or some--
Hare: Eh, somebody's jealous!
Hatter: Pfft, jealous.
Hare: Jealous of me being dead.
Hatter: Yeah, you don't even know what it is, so why would I be jealous of--
Hare: Yes I do! As far back as I can remember, I always knew I deserved to be dead!
Hatter: Just, I'm more the kind of guy that would be dead, that's...
Dormouse: You're jealous!
Hatter: It's just my kinda thing, y'know?
Hare: Well, I'd better get changed into my Sunday best!
Alice: Hatter, you have been dead. Twice, in fact -- once when you were the evil genius behind this realm and I had to blow your head up, and once when you were the person helping me against these two and got crushed by the collapsing domain after destroying their mech. As far as I know, Hare and Dormy have only been dead once, so let Hare enjoy his second time around.
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