#but yes she wasnt in the OG series cause she didnt exist yet
sholangagaga · 2 years
Why didn't we see Felicia in Security Breach Glamstars? Was she just not there, or did you not account for her at the time?
Ah yes, a loaded question. I've been putting off replying to this because it was such a good question and also you uppercutted me with it out of nowhere
Felicia has existed for a long while now (I basically decided to do an anthology series early on, but still after the original Glamstar series had already ended)
Legitimately and time wise, Felicia isnt in the original series because she didn't exist back then. I wouldnt have introduced her as a major character then anyways because she would have taken away from Momo, and I didn't want a too-many-cooks situation in a series with a bunch of main characters already (anthology its like who cares, cause theres gonna be so many here anyways)
Lore wise, Felicia isnt there because she really had no reason to be. As you'll see once Legacy comes out, she has her own shit to deal with so she wouldnt have had much of a reason to go the Pizzaplex in the first place
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