#but yes this is intended to be jnnn bc they have consumed by brain recently
urlocalwhumper · 1 year
Puppy & Kitty (pt. 1)
CWs: pet whump, literal animal people, physical abuse, multiple whumpees, female whumpee(s), male whumper
Word Count: 1036
Abducted at a young age, Puppy couldn’t remember a time when she wasn’t Puppy.
Animal hybrids like her were a hot commodity among the world’s rich and famous. They had the intelligence and lifespan of a human, along with the desirable traits of whichever animal they were mixed with.
Puppy was a dog, if you couldn’t already guess. Floppy golden ears atop her similarly blonde hair, her entire lower body covered in fluffy golden fur, a long tail jutting out from her lower back.
Dogs couldn’t read, write, or speak, so neither could Puppy. She barked, whined, and growled, like a dog should. Though Master would get mad if she was too loud, so she tried to keep that to a minimum.
Puppy had a name, it was engraved into the gold tag dangling from her collar, and it was usually what Master’s friends called her, but Master himself just called her “Puppy” most of the time, so Puppy she was.
At night, or simply whenever Master didn’t want her around the house, Puppy lived in the basement. It was cold down there, and Puppy’s fur didn’t cover her whole body, but she had her doggy bed to protect her from the freezing cement floor, so she made do.
One day, Master seemed unusually excited. Puppy stayed out of his way, curling up in a corner as small as she could get. If Master was excited, he probably didn’t want his stupid mutt getting in the way. Puppy’s stomach was still bruised from two days ago, and she didn’t want to risk throwing up on Master’s carpet and making him even angrier.
Around lunchtime, the doorbell rang. This seemed to be what Master had been anticipating, as he practically ran to answer it.
On the other side of the door stood a man holding a large pet crate. Puppy continued to stay low and out of Master's way, but she couldn't help being a little curious.
"Here you are, sir." The delivery man said, hefting the crate onto the ground, where it noticeably shook and hissed. "This one's a fresh catch, so it's not been trained properly. Hope you like the challenge."
Master seemed positively giddy. "I love a challenge."
Master signed a few papers, and then the delivery man left, leaving only Master, Puppy, and the crate.
"Now, now." He said. "Let's get a better look at you."
He opened the crate, and immediately a figure darted out, taking up an aggressive stance and hissing at him.
Puppy's nose twitched. Master's new pet was a cat hybrid, she could tell that almost immediately. She had the same physical makeup as Puppy, but was quite a bit smaller, and with feline features instead of Puppy's canine ones.
Master almost completely ignored the show of aggression, instead picking up and leisurely leafing through the file that was handed to him alongside the crate.
"Let's see - cat hybrid, female, age 18, impaired vision, fresh capture, and your name is…" He closed the file. "Interesting, interesting."
The cat hissed again, then opened her mouth and spoke.
"You're a sick bastard." She spat.
"Ah-ah-ah." Master tutted. He stepped closer to the cat, and then kicked her square in the ribs. "Pets don't talk." He scolded as she sputtered and gasped.
He knelt down to her level, roughly grabbing her hair and forcing her to look at him. "Whoever you were before means fuck all to me. You're Kitty now, and I expect you to act like it. Understand me?"
Kitty looked up at him for a moment before giving a single, fearful nod.
Master let go of her hair. "Great!" He stood up. "Now, you aren't my first or only pet. I'll leave you two to get acquainted now."
It was only then that Kitty seemed to notice Puppy, jumping back in surprise and raising her hackles.
Puppy, undaunted by the attempt at intimidation, trotted up to Kitty and nosed at her ears, pulling back when Kitty seemed to cringe away.
Puppy tilted her head from side to side, pondering, before leaning back in and licking Kitty's cheek, hoping to communicate friendliness.
Kitty didn't seem to be particularly pleased with the lick either, but at least she stopped being so tense. She took a tentative step towards Puppy, still a bit defensive, but seemingly recognizing that Puppy didn't mean her any harm.
Puppy wagged her tail, jerking her head forward to try and communicate to Kitty that she should follow her. 
Kitty followed, but kept her head bowed and seemed to squint every time she did look up. Puppy led her through the house all the way down to the basement. Kitty winced at the cold stone floor against her paws, something Puppy could very much sympathize with. 
The basement was dark, only lit by a single lightbulb hanging from the ceiling, which Master turned off at night. In the left corner was Puppy's doggy bed, and in the right corner were her food and water bowls, sat atop a small rubber mat. Puppy assumed that Master would bring in a similar set for Kitty in the following days.
Seemingly worn out, Kitty flopped onto the doggy bed and curled up as small as she could get, shivering in the cold air. 
It took Puppy a moment to realize Kitty was crying, shoulders shaking and heaving as she muffled her whimpers against the bed, tears flowing down her cheeks.
Puppy stepped forward and whined in distress, licking the tears off of Kitty's face until she pushed her away, using the side of her hand to wipe away both her tears and Puppy's saliva.
Taking note of Kitty's continued shivering, Puppy came up with a different idea. 
As gently and carefully as she could, Puppy climbed into the bed behind Kitty, curling her larger body around her in the hopes that sharing body heat would help quell the trembling.
At first, Kitty went rigid, not daring to move a muscle. But as the moments passed and the warmth from Puppy's body started to seep into hers, she relaxed, burrowing further into the bed and letting Puppy snuggle her closer.
Exhausted, afraid, yet oddly comforted, Kitty drifted off into a restless sleep.
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