#but you can also be far sighted or have like. distortion problems? I'm not sure what it's called exactly but the mom has that
thefirstknife · 3 years
Sorry for the long ask, but as somebody who's recently been enjoying the tries revamp and the accessibility it gives to middling pvp players, I've been getting into the lore on the trials gear, and there's a lot of entries so I'm having trouble keeping track. I've mostly been interested in Sola, who only seems to come up a few times? She ends up torturing a guardian in the trials, looking for 'something inside them like in her.' It's interesting though, because the power she wields, (and seemingly seeks when Aunor catches her tracking an anomaly in arrivals) isn't described as darkness or stasis, but some kind of corrupted void light? I can't find mention of anything else like this, and I feel like there's lore entries I'm missing?
Anyways, Trestin, another trials guardian, gets killed unnecessarily viciously by Sola (I think, that lore entry mentions they're competing against Crimiq-5, who is on Sola's fire time, so this seems right) and later goes on to become obsessed with stasis, torture house salvation refugees as well as her own fireteam, and gets put down by Aunor as well. Is this a coincidence? Does Sola do what she does to Trestin because she sees the same temptation towards corruption? Or is it more direct? It almost seems like she passes it on, virulently, and I'm mainly wondering if that's something that has any other evidence when it comes to corrupted guardians. I figure you might know, I'm having trouble searching since some of it is trials gear, some isn't, and they don't all mention everyone's name
Took me a while to get the full info on this because I wanted to put all of the lore entries in order and they're kinda scattered around!
Okay, so, this story is told on Trials weapons lore. First batch was released in Season of the Worthy and then the sort of conclusion in Season of the Chosen. There's a minor update in Season of Arrivals on non-Trials gear (Temptation's Hook). The first batch of lore details a single Trials match between two fireteams.
One fireteam consists of Trestin, Yara and Sadhij. The other fireteam is Sola, Crimiq-5 and Katake. Roughly in some semblance of order, the lore on items is as follows:
The Summoner - This seems to be the start as it shows Trestin meeting up with her fireteam and going into the match. The one important thing to note here is that Trestin was apparently deeply affected by what happened on the Moon (during Shadowkeep and the discovery of the Pyramid) and seems to be resigned that the end is coming and that there's nothing anyone can do about it. It appears she was somewhat influenced by the Pyramid into despair and losing hope.
Astral Horizon - This is somewhere at the start of the match. Sadhij tells his teammates Trestin and Yara that he's going for one of the enemies (Katake). He charges with a shotgun and uses Thundercrash which completely obliterates Katake. No surprise there. However, at the end, there is a rifle shot and then silence.
Exile's Curse - This details the start of the match from the other team's perspective. We see the same event of Katake being Thundercrashed by Sadhij from the eyes of his teammate Crimiq-5 who warns Katake about being out of line of sight. Crimiq-5 witnesses Katake being obliterated.
Eye of Sol - Again from Crimiq's POV, he is standing in the back with a sniper rifle and he watches Sola attacking Trestin. He seems to be very distraught about this:
Sola had ripped through their previous opponents with off-putting ferocity, and Crimiq was ready for this to be their last match of the day. He looked over her through his scope. Sola's silhouette marinated in an eerie shimmer that distorted the air as she moved.
He shoots a warning shot at her position to keep the third opponent (Yara) in cover. Then he hears Katake's cry for help against the Thundercrash and aims there, killing Sadhij. That's the rifle shot at the end of Astral Horizon lore.
The Scholar - This moves us to Sola's POV, where it's described that she's torturing Trestin and telling her that she can feel "it" in her too. I assume that both Sola and Trestin were deeply affected by the Lunar Pyramid and were both in the early stages of corruption by it. Sola felt it in Trestin.
"So…" Sola's intent bit deeper, malleable claws that flexed against her prey's Light. They probed through blood and muscle to an umbral center. "…it's within you too."
After the torture incident, Saint steps in to end the match and reprimand Sola. He also reprimands Crimiq, but Crimiq says he doesn't want anything to do with Sola. This further angers Sola and she leaves, telling everyone they're "as good as dead anyway." Note the same kind of despair and loss of hope that Trestin exhibited even before she was attacked by Sola.
Tomorrow's Answer - This brings us a bit back to the final person who has a POV which is Yara who witnesses what Sola did to Trestin:
A violet shockwave pushed away the dust. Trestin knelt a few paces away, beaten. The Warlock bent her glowing hand into Trestin's chest plate, lodging a vortex grenade into her armor. Yara met her eyes and saw the Void overtake her. She did not hear the scream, or the splitting armor. She only saw flickers of Trestin break apart and scatter as the vortex ate away at her.
Sola lodged an entire vortex grenade into Trestin. Horrible way to die. Yara yells at Sola about Trestin not deserving that and Sola snaps back:
"None of us 'deserve.' It's about what you can get." The Warlock smiled and raised a hand of gnarled Void. "Brace yourself."
This shows how far gone Sola was. Definitely far more corrupted than Trestin. Presumably, Sola also finished off Yara in the match before it ended.
In Season of Arrivals, there's an update about this on Temptation's Hook. It's shown that Sola has been captured by the Praxic Order. The Praxics lead by Aunor know that Sola took another Guardian "to the outer system" and that they did not return with Sola.
I assume "the outer system" means Europa, but that's only because now we have additional information from Season of the Chosen. Since this is from Season of the Worthy, it could also mean that Sola and Trestin went out further into the outer system and met with the Black Fleet (the Black Fleet lurking at the edges of the system is mentioned in this lore). Sola also says some strange things:
"I learned the secret. The one your hounds have hidden away in that quaint little vault." Sola smiles red through split lips. "You're on the losing side."
"Do you think you have nothing to lose, or that I wouldn't take it from you? You're sorely, and soon to be regretfully, mistaken."
Sola spits in Aunor's face. "You have limits. You have masters." A twisted Light shimmers in Sola's hand as she moves to attack. "Enjoy hanging to death in your strings!"
This is probably referring to the presence of Darkness on Europa to which Sola and Trestin were either directly exposed OR they may have been told about it during their visit to the Black Fleet (depending on where they went exactly). It appears her Ghost was also exposed. Both Sola and her Ghost are contained by the Praxic Order: Sola killed and her Ghost disabled from resurrecting her.
The next, roughly chronologically would be The Messenger. Some time has passed. Aunor meets with Ikora about the problem of another corrupted Guardian who tortured Eliksni civilians, asking them about Eramis and how she accessed Darkness, as well as torturing her own teammates. It's revealed that the Guardian in question is still located on Europa and trying to access Darkness as well as that the Guardian's name is Trestin.
That leaves us with the final entry which is Sola's Scar. In it, we follow Trestin on Europa as she's nearing the Darkness obelisk, eager to get its power. She details how she betrayed her fireteam and what was driving her:
Over the radio, Lord Saladin's voice grew staticky: "Cabal incursion… Vex… up ahead." Without a word, Trestin's Ghost switched it off. There were others nearby to carry out the Iron Lord's orders. He wouldn't miss them.
She doubted anyone would—her ex-teammates least of all. She had betrayed them, or so Sadhij had screamed: "We're supposed to be the thin line drawn before the Darkness, you traitor!"
|| Thin indeed. So why not step over it? ||
Because they didn't have it in them. She checked. Cracked them both open and dug deep, just to be extra sure. But it wasn't there. That hunger, immense and buried, like the ocean under Europa's glacial crust. A riptide, undetectable from the surface, yet unrelenting in its pull. She never meant to betray anyone. She just wanted release.
|| Soon, you will have it. Soon, you will be freed. ||
She has brief memories of her fireteam, namely one of Yara's jokes. Darkness makes sure to tell her that such attachment is weakness. Just before Trestin reaches the obelisk, Aunor catches up to her and asks her to come quietly. Trestin disobeys and Aunor strikes her down with a sword.
I assume the name of the weapon where this lore is written, Sola's Scar, refers to the "scar" that Sola left in Trestin when she tortured her during the Trials match. Both Sola and Trestin seem to have been deeply affected by the Lunar Pyramid and it drove them to extremes which eventually led to both of them becoming corrupted and betraying the Light. It's interesting that in Sola's case, there's no Stasis involved: her Light was corrupted. Specifically her Void.
Not sure about Trestin and if she ever got Stasis and which other power and/or knowledge she was seeking from the Darkness, but either way the corruption of both of these Guardians came from the same source, entwined them together and eventually led to both of them being taken down by Aunor.
It's a really tragic story and the reason why I really like this type of lore about just some other Guardians and how they're experiencing the events we go through with in the game. Especially how it highlights just how much of an outlier the Young Wolf is and how things we do are really difficult or downright impossible for other Guardians to deal with. Both Sola and Trestin were victims of powers they could not handle.
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sunlit-squid · 3 years
(simping softness prompts) could i get some “hey, everything's gonna be fine. stay where you are, i'm on my way” or “holy crap, i thought you were dead! never do that to me again!” if you are feeling so inclined? sorry im just in love w ur writing
For those who don't know, my ask box is open. Send me a simping softness prompt, and I'll write a short sbsp ficlet for you. ✰
i'm gonna do "hey, everything's gonna be fine ...", but don't you worry. i will also be doing "holy crap ..." at some point, since someone else requested it.
anyway, thanks for the prompt, and for the kind words! while we're here, i should also say that @wowthwtslame is doing a similar ficlet challenge. their writing is wonderful, so definitely check them out!
also tagging @azumeowth, who requested the same prompt!
ficlet under the cut. thanks again!
The call came in -- loudly -- at around 2 in the morning.
When Squidward rolled over to check his shell phone, the dull blue screen read, simply, “SpongeBrat”, accompanied by a vomit emoji. Sighing, the octopus put his phone on silent and went back to bed. Surely whatever it was the sponge wanted to blabber about could wait until tomorrow. After a decent night’s sleep.
Unfortunately, sleep was hard to come by. Despite having switched his phone to silent, the device’s small blue screen continued to light up repeatedly, like a small, pathetic rave. Every few seconds, the small blue light cast peculiar shadows on the walls of Squidward’s bedroom. Eventually, after thirty minutes of tossing and turning, the cephalopod grabbed his phone to shove it inside the nightstand -- when he caught a glimpse of the screen itself.
43 missed calls. 37 unread text messages. All from “SpongeBrat” Squarepants.
The phone rang again. This time, Squidward picked up.
“Spongebob, do you have any idea what time it is?” snapped Squidward, despite the uncomfortable, worried feeling growing in his stomach. “No? Well, I’ll tell you -- it is two-forty-seven --”
“I-I know, Squidward,” came a small, shaking Spongebob-voice. “I just -- I didn’t know what to do.”
Squidward paused. Well, that was … not the regular Spongebob volume. Or tone. Or pitch.
“Squ -- Squidward?” came the sponge’s soft, sad voice once more. The frycook’s voice was barely audible. There was some sort of loud, constant whooshing happening on the other end, not to mention a weird crackling noise, which made it very difficult to hear. Squidward sighed, wiping a tentacle across his eyes.
“I’m here,” said Squidward. “What’s this about, Spongebob?”
Silence. Then, crying -- and not Spongebob’s usual loud, obnoxious crying. This crying was quiet and gentle, barely decipherable against the loud whooshing on the other end of the line. Squidward sat up then, pressing the phone close to his ear.
“Sponge,” said Squidward, panic rising in his chest. “Sponge, what’s wrong?”
Spongebob sobbed something indiscernible. Then, he stammered, “I’m -- I’m hurt, Squidward. I’m hurt, and … I’m lost.”
Something funny exploded in Squidward’s chest. Before he knew it, the octopus was out of bed, scrambling for his jacket and keys. Gripping his shell phone tight, Squidward asked, “Where are you? What’s going on, Spongebob?”
On the other end of the line, Spongebob snuffled. “I got on the wrong bus,” he explained, in a shaky, uneven voice. “I -- I’m in a place called ‘Deviltown’ now, and the current is so strong, and the signal is pretty bad --” There was that distorted, crackling sound again -- followed by a few more broken whimpers.
Squidward sighed, feeling his hearts crack with every little sob. “Hey, everything’s going to be fine,” he said, stepping out the door and into the cool Bikini Bottom night. “Stay where you are. I’m on my way.”
Deviltown, it turned out, was several hours away from Bikini Bottom. Squidward’s shell phone indicated the drive not only went straight, but downward -- which was certainly a problem. Oceanic towns grew more and more dangerous the deeper you went, and Deviltown was apparently thousands of nautical leagues under the sea. Wherever Spongebob was, even the sun couldn’t reach him.
Undeterred, Squidward set off on his journey. His boat was constantly maintained, so the cephalopod was certain it could handle the perilous road ahead.
For the first hour or so, the drive was uneventful -- peaceful, even. The streets were smooth and well taken care of, which was good considering the massive tax hike this past year. Squidward even put on some Kelpy G, which certainly helped to soothe his nerves.
Later on, however, the drive got worse. The once well-maintained roads gave way to rickety rocks and slippery sand, with only a few sporadic road signs to get by. Moonlight became sparse, and by the time Squidward reached a vertical road, he had his brights all the way up -- and was still struggling to see.
A nearby rickety sign read “Deviltown, 10 nautical miles downward.” Peering down into the deep abyss, Squidward gulped. Despite his headlights, he still couldn’t see a thing -- just a vast expanse of open blackness.
A tight feeling wound itself around Squidward’s chest. He thought about backing up, turning around, and going straight home. This was ridiculous. Why was he out here, in the wee hours of the morning, chasing after SpongeBrat Squarepants, of all people? The boy had other friends. Certainly one of them would be willing to retrieve him.
Squidward’s tentacle hovered just over the gear stick. That’s when he saw it: in his passenger seat lay Spongebob’s wrinkled little jacket. The sponge must have left it behind the other day, when Squidward (begrudgingly) drove them both home from work.
Squidward’s chest felt hollow, suddenly. He thought of how many times he’d seen Spongebob in that exact jacket over the years.
He thought of never seeing him in that jacket ever again.
Groaning, the octopus switched gears from “Drive” to “Drive, But Downward”, and puttered his way into the deep and black abyss.
The journey into the inky black was, bar none, one of the creepiest things Squidward had ever experienced. He told himself, repeatedly, that if he just stared straight ahead and focused on the task at hand, then everything would be fine. Still, hearing creepy noises in the darkness (and being unable to see where they came from) was severely unsettling.
After what felt like forever, the vertical road became horizontal once again, and Squidward finally drove into Deviltown. Luckily, the town had the decency to set up some lamp posts, possibly for out-of-towners like Squidward who were unused to the darkness. Still, the lamp posts were few and far between, and there was nobody out and about, giving Deviltown a fittingly creepy vibe nonetheless.
Tense, cold, and worried, Squidward drove further into town, squinting for Spongebob’s bright yellow body. Surely the boy couldn’t be that hard to spot -- he was likely the only vibrant thing down here. Surely --
Oh. Oh, no.
Squidward brought his boat careening to a stop. Clambering out of it, the octopus made his way over to a rickety wooden bus stop, with a flickering lamp post just overhead. On a bench nearby was none other than Spongebob Squarepants: cold, alone, and unconscious. For a moment, a horrible thought passed through Squidward’s head -- is he dead? -- before he saw the sponge’s chest rise and fall, taking slow and steady breaths.
Breathing a huge sigh of relief, Squidward looked up and down the street. No one in sight.
Gently, the octopus leaned down and shook Spongebob lightly. “Hey,” said Squidward, awkwardly. “What are you doing asleep all the way out here? We have work tomorrow, you know.”
Spongebob stirred. In the dim light, Squidward realized the sponge really was hurt -- his usually spiffy shirt and tie were ripped straight down the middle. Beyond the fabric, the sponge’s chest was badly torn up, too, and for some reason, he had not regenerated yet.
Squidward swallowed. “Spongebob?”
The sponge stirred once more. This time, his eyes opened -- and he smiled, weakly. “Squidward,” he slurred, happily. He tried to laugh, then winced, clutching at his stomach and chest. “Squidward, it’s you … you came … ”
“Of course I came,” muttered Squidward, before he could stop himself. “I -- you … ugh, I hate you.”
Scooping up Spongebob, Squidward gently carried him over to the boat, positioning him carefully in the passenger’s seat. The sponge fussed a little about being buckled in, but otherwise, seemed too out of it to complain properly. Taking a deep breath, Squidward got back behind the wheel and started the engine.
“Heheh,” chuckled Spongebob as the boat roared to life. “Vroom-vroom.”
Squidward rolled his eyes and began turning the boat around, back towards Bikini Bottom. “We’re going home now,” he said, with a sigh. “You need to see a doctor for … whatever it was that happened to you.”
Spongebob simply nodded, then fell to his side, leaning all of his body weight on Squidward as he drove. The octopus felt warmth rising to his cheeks, and for once felt grateful for the murky blackness of the ocean void.
Spongebob was mumbling something.
“What is it?” said Squidward. “Are you okay?”
“I …uh … love you, Squidward,” said Spongebob, in a very loopy voice. “I love your big nose, and your paintings, and I wanna … get married, someday. Okay? Can we get married, someday?”
Squidward’s entire face was bright red now. It took everything in him not to just veer in a random direction and crash the entire damn boat. Taking a deep breath, the octopus collected himself. Spongebob was just severely injured, and loopy as a result. He didn’t really mean any of this.
Squidward decided to play along. “Yeah,” he said. “Yeah, we can get married.”
“Mm,” said Spongebob, chuckling softly. “Can I -- can I wear a dress?”
“Sure,” said Squidward. “Whatever you want.”
“And you’ll … and you’ll kiss me?”
“Mhm,” mumbled Squidward.
“And I can … listen to you play the clarinet around the house … and, and paint with you … and watch your soaps with … you … ”
Squidward looked over. The sponge had fallen asleep, and was snoring loudly. Which was … good. Very good. Excellent, even. That way, they couldn’t talk about marriage or love or any of that absolute nonsense. Now they could just drive forward in sweet silence.
Still, Squidward found himself dwelling over Spongebob’s words far more than he would have liked.
About an hour into the drive home, the octopus glanced over at the sponge, still fast asleep beside him. Fixing his gaze forward, Squidward took a deep breath, clutching the steering wheel in a tight death-grip.
“Spongebob, I …,” Squidward began, shakily. “I love you. I love you, I love you.”
Squidward found that once he started saying it, he couldn’t stop. The words felt good in his mouth, like a massive weight had finally been lifted off his chest.
“I love everything about you,” said Squidward, his three hearts exploding inside his chest. “Your annoying laugh, your stupid singing, all of it. I want to read with you, and garden with you.”
Squidward hesitated, his words floating out into the open water.
“I love you,” said Squidward, one last time. “And I … I don’t know what to do about it. Maybe I’m a coward. I’m sorry.”
Squidward looked over. Spongebob was still fast asleep, snoring away against his arm -- but the smallest of smiles had appeared on his face.
Squidward woke up in the hospital, seated in a chair next to Spongebob’s hospital bed. The poriferan was wide awake, watching an episode of Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy on the hospital television. Of course.
The sponge turned. “Squidward!” he exclaimed, his voice loud and back to normal. “You’re awake!”
“Unfortunately,” muttered the octopus. “How are you feeling?”
“Great!” chirped Spongebob. “Better than ever, actually -- but the doc says I should stick around for a little while, just in case.”
Squidward glanced down. Sure enough, Spongebob’s chest had almost fully regenerated. Thank Neptune. When they arrived at the Bikini Bottom General Hospital early that morning, Spongebob was still in rough shape. The doctor said Spongebob most likely had a run-in with a deep-sea predator, and the attack was too quick and too constant for the poriferan to regenerate. Not to mention there were several lacerations to his vital organs.
Still, sponges were pretty sturdy folk -- and all Spongebob really needed was a long rest in a controlled environment.
Squidward breathed a huge sigh of relief. “Great,” he said, awkwardly. “I, uh. Pay attention next time you get on the bus, alright? So I don’t have to come running after you.”
Spongebob laughed. “Okey-doke.”
The two then sat together in silence for an uncomfortable amount of time. All the while, Squidward wondered if perhaps his stupid, impulsive, not-really-a-love-confession-confession had actually gotten through to Spongebob. His hearts twisted up at just the thought.
“Hey, Squidward?”
The octopus looked up, and was very surprised to find splotches of red decorating the sponge’s cheeks.
“What?” said Squidward.
“My, uh, sea flowers have been dying lately,” said the sponge, scratching the back of his head awkwardly. “Maybe you could come by and we could share some gardening tips?”
A brilliant red blush planted itself on Squidward’s face. Then, he cleared his throat, and folded his arms across his chest. “Only if we get to watch a soap afterwards.”
Spongebob grinned. “Deal.”
Squidward found himself grinning, too, despite himself. “Deal.”
“Deviltown” is loosely based off of the Devil Sea, near the Japanese coast.
I will likely be compiling these ficlets into one combined fic on ao3. I originally wasn't going to, but I definitely didn't expect so many requests. So keep an eye out for that, at some point.
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litanyofra · 4 years
EYE of the beholder of the plantation workers right journey men and women.passed down sworn Oath knowledge. Knowing plantation workers are the ones that learned too many rules from broken hearts the hard way.more than they did. Right fully There's. I'm Defender of the Sworn Oath knowledge                                    
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Knowing that the Founders loved you so much. You know that if it feels Wrong you know there is a rule for it. Know that Doom or Evil lies on the other side of that. And if it feels right to know true Beings don't second guess themselves to that. Founders Gift takes 2 Common Sense Problem Solving Ability Tools and drives all rules with . confidence. Only way you get that . confidence to feel right feels wrong. It 、 confidence towards bravery and Loyalty and everything else too. Once practiced picking up on the person you like as well Ooo I see why this is usable. Besides the point. But it's the sinker. It's the same way a safety officer does his or her job. And it keeps kids safe to.. You swore your OATH to reteach the Information by learning the information With the same OATH attached to everything by learning the information from me.  Please and thank you to the text of the eye of the beholder.
Label categorizing profiling to paying attention to the details most missed Common sense mistake. To know there is 3 for everything. To sort out color and symbols esp-ecially. Make a list of 3 different groups. To good Evil Doom . To 🌟 with it. Gray black wight and black hole unicorn symbol to doom list. Evil put red and Horn's and he'll boy stuff in that list. Good put all bright colors and through in Halo in that list and then try to look through those 3 categories to make everything easily identifiable. To get the first Gift to the Eye. The eye has many gifts to be identified. The fractal amplifier.
Front line of the Defender is telling their opponent to make sure they have a conscience the theory of relativity. Everything has an equal and opposite reaction to the proven theory of relativity of Albert Einstein. Have proof of that FYI. Journey men women always back that Up to their Master Sensei Bruce Lee. Energy=Mass Area 3 AxAxA cubed never be 2 dimen-sional square flat knowing mass in the equation. Then 3 cubed.
The Automatic learning equation: Rules= [block]= common sense ( ! ) = True physics = 4th demen-tial understanding Automatic learning Common sense ability tools. Probably every thing stupid left out of your education obiously.
Oldest theory in the Galaxy is that you put too much mass into a single Area. The equal and opposite reaction is that it will implode and explode like a back draft on a fire. The fire pyramid is fuel, oxygen,and heat.
Have to feel your way out of a Fractal caught lie. You entered a 2 demon-tail lie into a 3 dimensional realm. SOUNDS like an angry Egyptian God to me. There was a warning by Lincoln. Warning do not leave anyone alone with the Founders foundation block of automatic learning. Rules=[Block]=common sense=Real Physics= 4th dimensional understanding of Automatic learning
Only God creates nowhere artist created day to day life talking truth. Like fish story or beating around the bush ECT or depends on Stupid erasing things or burning man-ual and rule hand books ECT. Sounds like short for they Follow the same or similar pattern to the paper trail of a paradoxical paper trail of a lie.
Have to Master you most important common sense short and simple explanation point. Problem solving ability tool list. Have.To pay attention to the details. Is your most missed mistake. To knowing there's 3 for everything. To Good Evil and Doom. sorting out color and symbols esp-ecially. To label, list, categorize,and profile. Add stupid to the list of things you should not do. So when God created us might as well just ADEM to the list of stupid to.. That's for giving the list of stupid to a theif that learned to many rules the hard way with a Sworn Oath to the plantation workers to protect the eye of the beholder. Knowing no one learned more rules the hard way than they did. And not being stupid enough to come back. They alway want the best of both worlds and it's knowing not even God can have that. GOOD!!!!!!! There you even know! GOOD!!! It's the explanation point!!!!! To get their fair share to this circus. So look through those colloms you sorted out to make everything easily identifiable. Illuminati Knight's most important Problem solving ability tool. Must do that to qualify as Common sense Short and simple to the Explanation! Point!!!!!!!
There Symbols are everywhere I guess that means stupid thinking those taggers are not here then. LoL
Art of fighting without fighting by teaching rules and Common sense eye of the beholder eye of the pyramid sight beyond sight litany Illuminati of Ra The Illuminati gargoyle Knights Valkyrie Valor Warrior's Way. To know That all is forgiven Following your heart or gut instinct or you 6 sence like a 🦁. Knowing it's still there fault for not teaching rules And still is there fault for not teaching rules. All is forgiven after you read the rule hand book.. Shield Believers equation The equal and opposite reaction by deflection. And you get sole back as long as you read the rules handbook!!!!. To follow your instinct and read the rest of the Common sense you swore an oath to reteach the same oath attached to everything including the rule HAND BOOK!!!!!!
Everyone does something for a reason and they don't do things for no reason. Knight's are easily able to make Common sense Explanation points!!! Problem solving ability tools answers to other Illuminati Knight's. Stupid is to stupid Even know what Common sense is. Not a Problem. That try to have a good Common sense fact or pretend to do that it's usually week with no Common Sense EXPLANATION POINT FLAVOR. And then won't have a good plan on how to fix anything of prioritized harmonic balancer importance. Everything has a harmonic distortion value. Just try the ARK welder. with Common sense problem solving ability tool to back that up knowing Illuminati always back what they say up. Sort as possible in as few words as possible. Short and simple to the COMMON SENSE EXPLANATION POINT (!) TO There Dojo masters Come in Pairs Everyone has someone with them. Back in Black and BACK to BACK. Feels RIGHT KNOW TRUE. Everyone has equal and opposite say and stands on equal and opposite ground to be heard out as long shot and simple. Otherwise, I will talk at the end of class. Unless warning of energy.
See your goals to break them down to simple objectives to prioritize the list of things you have to do.. It's the Dojo Master says: IT'S THE Explanation!!!!!!! You're supposed to say (Point)!!!!!
Know there is 3 at least for everything. /Good, Evil, and Doom/. Backward rules forward rules and no rules/. To summer Winter fall./ Green Orange Purples./ Black Wight Grey /red blue yellow./ Light space Sub space and Dark space./ Boy girl, sex X/ typhoons, hericans and cyclones. Don't do the same thing look it up.
It's known that the sky's the limit is an understatement of the year. Knowing subfolders go down forever as far as space goes up.. 3 demen-tial Chess is for morons. Thodon fav is super subfolder Chess. That why your stupid.
Team work is never a bad idea. It's the explanation point!!!!
Don't see your opponent as the enemy but someone you can learn something off of. That's how you get better. It's the explanation point!!!!!
More rules for edicut in golf than any other sport. Just matter of finding that manual. Don't ask me that's why I stopped playing to slow no rule hand book
Gargoyle Samur-ai Illuminati Knights make their own luck. It's the explanation point!!!!!
Common sense is the front line and back to back is on the end of the Explanation point! Equal and opposite reaction. Common sense is the explanation point!!!!!?
You get what you put into it. it's the Explanation!!!!!!! Point!!!!!!!!
It's common sense Automatic learning Problem solving ability tool list never seen before. Know they probably hid something from you. That's also Common sense.
Albert Einstein had reverse psychology a Jew had reverse psychology for a reason and. It's the Explanation!!!! Point!!!!
Fire pyramid is heat= oxygen= fuel. it's The Explanation!!!!!! Point!!!!!!!
Everything happens for a reason being don't do nothing for no reason Explanation!!!!!!!! point!!!!!
If They had no reason to change it and why did they? Everyone does something for a reason. It's the Explanation!!!!!! Point!!!!!!!!
It's common sense that wood winery Al's were used to get rid of the rodent problem knowing that the flea's were the carrier of the plague. It's the Explanation!!!!!! Point!!!!!!
Feels right feels Wrong Rules is the same way a safety officer does his or her job keeps kids safe to. It's the Explanation!!!!! Point!!! Of sensei master Bruce Lee !! Family symbol EXPLANATION !!!!!!! Point!!!!!!!!!
When they don't play by the rules the equal and opposite reaction to their guilt is the more fluffy they have to hide when they don't teach rules to make perfect Samur-ai. It's the Explanation!!!!!!!! Point!!!!
Only God creates nowhere artist created day to day life talking truth. Like a fish story or beating around the Bush ECT. Sounds like short for they follow the same or similar pattern to paper trail paradoxical of a lie. It's the Explanation!!!!!!! Point!!!!!
There's no such thing as a quinkedink. It's the Explanation!!!!! Point!!!!!! That everyone does things for a reason and no one does something no reason without a common sense automatic learning answer.its the Explanation!!!!!!! Point!!!!
Know there 3 to everything Good evil Doom. Summer winter fall. Blue Red yellow. Orange green and purple. Hot Warm Cold. Black wight grey. Boy girl and sex X. Forward Rules, Backwards Rules, and no rules. Hurricanes, cyclones and typhoons. Backwards Esp Forward ESP and No ESP. Witcher sorceresses and genie. Magician's Wizards Warlocks. Robot Cyborgs and humans. Subspace Light space and Dark space. It's the Explanation!!!! Point!!!!!!!!!
Oldest theroy there is is when you put to much mass into one area. The equal and opposite reaction is it will implode and explode. Same would be true to fire backdraft. It's the Explanation!!!!!! point!!!!!
Know they hid the programmer's language behind those rules. It's the Explanation!!!!!! Point!!!?! Knowing apprentices. we back it up to their sensei with a short Common sense answer of the Explanation!!!!! Point!!!!!!
Mind like a punch card can't forget a memory the equal and opposite reaction to that is feel your way out of a Fractal caught lie feels right feels wrong rule it's the Explanation!!!!! Point!!!!!
Reading rule hand books can't have one without the other side to everything can't have Rules without common sense losing it to having rules on one side brain and common sense on the other coming together for automatic learning. Must have all the rules from the hand book in order for that to start working. It's The Explanation!!!!!!! POINT!!!!!!!
Know there is 3 for everything good evil and Doom and good always has a common sense answer to his sensei it's the Explanation!!!!!!! to his master dojo trainer its the Explanation!!!! point!!!!!!!!
Reason Tron has 3 discs. Disk1 all the rules disk2 common sense and disk3 Physics to the theory of relativity is important for Bruce Lee Force Punch to figure out what that call after reading the rule hand book is important . It also protects your mind from incorrect understanding. Questions that have no right answer, for example, have to feel right and feel wrong for everything being don't second guess themselves to the King of the jungle. It's The Explanation!!!! Point!!!
The Fractal amplifier of the Knight Triax Samurai called it fallow Six sense to there Triax Samurai power feel wrong Rule feels right true Sparton have same understanding call it something different every coulter's different for this Fractal Amplifier of the eye of the beholder eye of the pyramid sight beyond sight eye in the sky. they always try to hide. It's the Explanation!!!!! Point!!!!!!! Believers know Matalica has a song called eye of the beholder for a reason.
When rules make perfect everything makes happy beings with the founders gift. It knowing that nothing is that Happy on this planet when Stupid does not teach rules to make good perfect beings and lose all there knowage and common sense. To know can't have one without the other. and is probably got fuse blown in head being over Happy to I'm Happy and sad when they don't play by the rules.renting a 3 demon-tail realm with a 2;: demon-tail lie sounds like an angry Egyptian God to me so mind like punch card can't forget a memory unless you feel your way out of a fraggle fractal caught lie. Rules make powerful beings. When they don't teach rules from broken hearts.It's the Explanation!!!!!! Point!!!!!!!
All ways be prepared to safety and research in 4 the demen-tial way to Google it Wiki encyclopedia it unencyclopedia and then look unpike of sticks stupid allways put under a pile of sticks to important information it's the Explanation!!!!!!! Point of moron trying to hide something. It's the Explanation!!!!! Point!!!!!!!!!!!
If you don't have a common sense automatic learning answer. To solve a problem that you are protesting or communicating with you trying to get some type of change. Shut up and quit wasting the Sensi it's the Explanation!!!!!!!! POINT!!!!!!!
Everything has an equal and opposite reaction to the proven theory of relativity Energy=mass area 3. It's known that Mass is in the same equation and the world will never be 2 square flat. Confirming that the world is still not flat. It's the Explanation.!!!!!! Point!!!!!!
It's known that Albert Einstein invented the theory of relativity right before he invented the nuke so it's common sense that this theory is used to teach being conscious. Obviously! It's the Explanation!!!!! Point!!!!!!!
. Knowing stupid lies ever where. To know you have to feel your way of a Fractal caught lie you entered a 2 dimen-sional moron lie into a 3 dimensional realm of understanding there for feels right feels wrong to not second guess themselves in combat. It's the Explanation point!!                                                                                                     
common sense automatic payments that can't stop the equal and opposite reaction esp-ecially when you don't play by rules. Not wanting to stand on equal and opposite ground with equal and opposite weapon to not being able to settle it on playing field or boxing Ring Extra. Except for theory of def-ection. Everything has an equal and opposite reaction by deflection to the proven theory of relativity of Albert Einstein. Energy = Mass Area3 AxAxA cubed..What do you think the Griffith Celtics double Shield is for stupid. All is forgiven because it's still their fault for not teaching rules and regulations AND STILL IS !!
iFind real journey men and women knowledge in real encyclopedia books not on the internet where there is not 、 confidence behind 、 years or more of journeymen and women teaching others over and over passing down real information about their knowledge. It's common sense Automatic learning that you can't learn in one lifetime what 💯 years of experience in men and women teaching will give yo
It's common sense that it is inhumane to Alter and hide these important theories to give being a fair chance knowing rules are psychological knowing Albert Einstein was a psychiatrist. To reverse psychology. It's the Explanation!!!! Point!!!!
Oldest theory in the physics book is that when you put too much mass into one area. The equal and opposite reaction is that it will implode and explode. Like a back draft to a fire. Knowing that the fire pyramid is fuel oxygen and heat. It's the Explanation!!!!!! Point!!!!!!!
Flammable, vaporizing and exploding number factor is the triangle warning symbol on the side of semi's and trucks Vans extra and those vehicles are not allowed in designated locations. It's the Explanation!!!!!!!? Point!!!
Other countries teaching rules to driver and they save lives. And are very good drivers on their roads. They know the rules are psychological and still there is a fault for not doing their Goddamn job. Knowing their fault for not teaching rules and regulations to edict morals and values to drive edict. Knowing they have a better driving record if they had done there no Common sense answer to not teaching rules to drivers either when it definitely helps they still don't do that It's the Explanation!!!! Point!!!
someone has ALS Or there undergoing radiation treatment. It's common sense that low doses of direction shots right kind of steroids can be used in a very efficient way of helping a person direct way of getting better. I had steroids shot for disk bulge in my lower back. And it made me better. Not having any pain to make me better without complicated issues. Not letting patients change doctors and when they do you charge them with Felony to your knowing that doctor is a yes man answering to someone that owns a business. So I might want to find a doctor appointment with a doctor that owns their own practice. The one that says . Cancel all my appointments there is a sick Baby who can't get to the office. And grabbing their doctor's bag and making a house call. That's called a Hero for FYI.
Knight's have positive input and choose their battle wisely knowing numbers matter don't open their mouth making bad decisions for the rest of your team. Knowing teamwork is common sense. And Knight's makes his own luck. It's the Explanation!!!!!! Point!!!!!!
After reading the rule hand book You swore your oath to reteach the information with the same oath attached to everything by learning the information from me. To Follow your 6 sense to be Knighted Triax Samur-ai Spartan Halo Soldiers. Don't get your panties in a bunch we'll add you later LoL.
It's knowing that the only thing your God ever asked from you was to follow the dragon ❤️ to feel right know true and feel wrong rule. Knowing Moron lies on the other side of that common sense to just go back to laying on the couch. Not like we're asking for donations that's what Bruce Lee's dojo is for Common Sense explanation point Master Lee Sensei dojo Apprentice training is for!!! It's the Explanation!!!!!!! Point!!!!!!!!! Yaaaaaaaa,!!!!!!!!! It's the Explanation!!!!!!!! Point!!!!!!
Being an education they were building a foundation of all the rules they should have started. Knowing rules make perfect powerful beings and soldiers and good children Everything else. Spent 12 years doing something! Sounds like they were building something to me.it's the Explanation!!!!!! Point!!!!!!!!
Always' an equation to back this up of course. Rules = [Block] = Common sense Right and wrong decision making = physics = 4th demen-tial understanding. Automatic learning. War-ning does not leave someone alone with the foundation block of automatic learning. Mind like a punch card can't forget a memory. Unless didn't learn too many fack rules and can feel your way out of a Fractal caught lie. To feel wrong feels right.. It's the Explanation!!!!!!!!! Point!!!!!!! Don't leave beginning learner's alone with the foundation block of automatic learning warning. Note rule hand book project against lies Entered 2 dimen-sional lie 3 demon-tail realm. Have feel your way out of those no both wrong answers know all morons are going to be worn about that stay out of girl bull shit posting lies I Founders foundation block of automatic learning screwing that up.
If they have no Common Sense answer for not teaching rules. And it doesn't hurt to learn rules. And if you still don't want to learn rules.Just DO IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sounds like grampa
programmers to me! FYI. LoL!!!! It's The Explanation!!!!! Point!!!!!!
Redrick  is used by morons talking in circles with no common sense short answer and their stories are shot with no flavor. Knowing only God creates no where. Can't just make things up nowhere to know they're lying. It's the EXPLANATION!!!!!!! Point !!!!!!!
Follow your Knighted Illuminati way. My license accredited personal teachers knowing you always have to triple check your source of Information E-PLURIBUS-UNUM Out of many one. We are one out of many. We are 1 in 💯 to 1.!!!!!!!!!!.We are 1 in 💯 Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                             Iiumanty Knight's
                              ❤️ //)MjM(\\❤️
Art of fighting without fighting by teaching rules and Common sense eye of the beholder eye of the pyramid sight beyond sight. Is the Illuminati gargoyle Knights Valkyrie Valor Warrior's Way. To know That all is forgiven Following your heart or gut instinct or you 6 sence like . lion.. Knowing it's still there fault for not teaching rules And still is there fault for not teaching rules. All is forgiven. Shield Believers equation The equal and opposite reaction by deflection. And you get sole back as long as you read the rules handbook. And the rest of the common sense and Explanation point to the same thing. Except Explanation Point. Goes on at the end obviously. Knights always have Common sense answers. FYI
You swore your oath to reteach the information by learning with the same Oath attached to everything. By learning the information from me with the rule hand book attached you read to be Knighted by TITAN Thodon Defender of rules from Broken please. And thank you
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115 notes · View notes
litanyofra · 4 years
Tumblr media
EYE of the beholder of the plantation workers right journey men and women.passed down sworn Oath knowledge. Knowing plantation workers are the ones that learned too many rules from broken hearts the hard way.more than they did. Right fully There's. I'm Defender of the Sworn Oath knowledge                                    
Knowing that the Founders loved you so much. You know that if it feels Wrong you know there is a rule for it. Know that Doom or Evil lies on the other side of that. And if it feels right to know true Beings don't second guess themselves to that. Founders Gift takes 2 Common Sense Problem Solving Ability Tools and drives all rules with . confidence. Only way you get that . confidence to feel right feels wrong. It 、 confidence towards bravery and Loyalty and everything else too. Once practiced picking up on the person you like as well Ooo I see why this is usable. Besides the point. But it's the sinker. It's the same way a safety officer does his or her job. And it keeps kids safe to.. You swore your OATH to reteach the Information by learning the information With the same OATH attached to everything by learning the information from me.  Please and thank you to the text of the eye of the beholder.
Label categorizing profiling to paying attention to the details most missed Common sense mistake. To know there is 3 for everything. To sort out color and symbols esp-ecially. Make a list of 3 different groups. To good Evil Doom . To 🌟 with it. Gray black wight and black hole unicorn symbol to doom list. Evil put red and Horn's and he'll boy stuff in that list. Good put all bright colors and through in Halo in that list and then try to look through those 3 categories to make everything easily identifiable. To get the first Gift to the Eye. The eye has many gifts to be identified. The fractal amplifier.
Front line of the Defender is telling their opponent to make sure they have a conscience the theory of relativity. Everything has an equal and opposite reaction to the proven theory of relativity of Albert Einstein. Have proof of that FYI. Journey men women always back that Up to their Master Sensei Bruce Lee. Energy=Mass Area 3 AxAxA cubed never be 2 dimen-sional square flat knowing mass in the equation. Then 3 cubed.
The Automatic learning equation: Rules= [block]= common sense ( ! ) = True physics = 4th demen-tial understanding Automatic learning Common sense ability tools. Probably every thing stupid left out of your education obiously.
Oldest theory in the Galaxy is that you put too much mass into a single Area. The equal and opposite reaction is that it will implode and explode like a back draft on a fire. The fire pyramid is fuel, oxygen,and heat.
Have to feel your way out of a Fractal caught lie. You entered a 2 demon-tail lie into a 3 dimensional realm. SOUNDS like an angry Egyptian God to me. There was a warning by Lincoln. Warning do not leave anyone alone with the Founders foundation block of automatic learning. Rules=[Block]=common sense=Real Physics= 4th dimensional understanding of Automatic learning
Only God creates nowhere artist created day to day life talking truth. Like fish story or beating around the bush ECT or depends on Stupid erasing things or burning man-ual and rule hand books ECT. Sounds like short for they Follow the same or similar pattern to the paper trail of a paradoxical paper trail of a lie.
Have to Master you most important common sense short and simple explanation point. Problem solving ability tool list. Have.To pay attention to the details. Is your most missed mistake. To knowing there's 3 for everything. To Good Evil and Doom. sorting out color and symbols esp-ecially. To label, list, categorize,and profile. Add stupid to the list of things you should not do. So when God created us might as well just ADEM to the list of stupid to.. That's for giving the list of stupid to a theif that learned to many rules the hard way with a Sworn Oath to the plantation workers to protect the eye of the beholder. Knowing no one learned more rules the hard way than they did. And not being stupid enough to come back. They alway want the best of both worlds and it's knowing not even God can have that. GOOD!!!!!!! There you even know! GOOD!!! It's the explanation point!!!!! To get their fair share to this circus. So look through those colloms you sorted out to make everything easily identifiable. Illuminati Knight's most important Problem solving ability tool. Must do that to qualify as Common sense Short and simple to the Explanation! Point!!!!!!!
There Symbols are everywhere I guess that means stupid thinking those taggers are not here then. LoL
Art of fighting without fighting by teaching rules and Common sense eye of the beholder eye of the pyramid sight beyond sight litany Illuminati of Ra The Illuminati gargoyle Knights Valkyrie Valor Warrior's Way. To know That all is forgiven Following your heart or gut instinct or you 6 sence like a 🦁. Knowing it's still there fault for not teaching rules And still is there fault for not teaching rules. All is forgiven after you read the rule hand book.. Shield Believers equation The equal and opposite reaction by deflection. And you get sole back as long as you read the rules handbook!!!!. To follow your instinct and read the rest of the Common sense you swore an oath to reteach the same oath attached to everything including the rule HAND BOOK!!!!!!
Everyone does something for a reason and they don't do things for no reason. Knight's are easily able to make Common sense Explanation points!!! Problem solving ability tools answers to other Illuminati Knight's. Stupid is to stupid Even know what Common sense is. Not a Problem. That try to have a good Common sense fact or pretend to do that it's usually week with no Common Sense EXPLANATION POINT FLAVOR. And then won't have a good plan on how to fix anything of prioritized harmonic balancer importance. Everything has a harmonic distortion value. Just try the ARK welder. with Common sense problem solving ability tool to back that up knowing Illuminati always back what they say up. Sort as possible in as few words as possible. Short and simple to the COMMON SENSE EXPLANATION POINT (!) TO There Dojo masters Come in Pairs Everyone has someone with them. Back in Black and BACK to BACK. Feels RIGHT KNOW TRUE. Everyone has equal and opposite say and stands on equal and opposite ground to be heard out as long shot and simple. Otherwise, I will talk at the end of class. Unless warning of energy.
See your goals to break them down to simple objectives to prioritize the list of things you have to do.. It's the Dojo Master says: IT'S THE Explanation!!!!!!! You're supposed to say (Point)!!!!!
Know there is 3 at least for everything. /Good, Evil, and Doom/. Backward rules forward rules and no rules/. To summer Winter fall./ Green Orange Purples./ Black Wight Grey /red blue yellow./ Light space Sub space and Dark space./ Boy girl, sex X/ typhoons, hericans and cyclones. Don't do the same thing look it up.
It's known that the sky's the limit is an understatement of the year. Knowing subfolders go down forever as far as space goes up.. 3 demen-tial Chess is for morons. Thodon fav is super subfolder Chess. That why your stupid.
Team work is never a bad idea. It's the explanation point!!!!
Don't see your opponent as the enemy but someone you can learn something off of. That's how you get better. It's the explanation point!!!!!
More rules for edicut in golf than any other sport. Just matter of finding that manual. Don't ask me that's why I stopped playing to slow no rule hand book
Gargoyle Samur-ai Illuminati Knights make their own luck. It's the explanation point!!!!!
Common sense is the front line and back to back is on the end of the Explanation point! Equal and opposite reaction. Common sense is the explanation point!!!!!?
You get what you put into it. it's the Explanation!!!!!!! Point!!!!!!!!
It's common sense Automatic learning Problem solving ability tool list never seen before. Know they probably hid something from you. That's also Common sense.
Albert Einstein had reverse psychology a Jew had reverse psychology for a reason and. It's the Explanation!!!! Point!!!!
Fire pyramid is heat= oxygen= fuel. it's The Explanation!!!!!! Point!!!!!!!
Everything happens for a reason being don't do nothing for no reason Explanation!!!!!!!! point!!!!!
If They had no reason to change it and why did they? Everyone does something for a reason. It's the Explanation!!!!!! Point!!!!!!!!
It's common sense that wood winery Al's were used to get rid of the rodent problem knowing that the flea's were the carrier of the plague. It's the Explanation!!!!!! Point!!!!!!
Feels right feels Wrong Rules is the same way a safety officer does his or her job keeps kids safe to. It's the Explanation!!!!! Point!!! Of sensei master Bruce Lee !! Family symbol EXPLANATION !!!!!!! Point!!!!!!!!!
When they don't play by the rules the equal and opposite reaction to their guilt is the more fluffy they have to hide when they don't teach rules to make perfect Samur-ai. It's the Explanation!!!!!!!! Point!!!!
Only God creates nowhere artist created day to day life talking truth. Like a fish story or beating around the Bush ECT. Sounds like short for they follow the same or similar pattern to paper trail paradoxical of a lie. It's the Explanation!!!!!!! Point!!!!!
There's no such thing as a quinkedink. It's the Explanation!!!!! Point!!!!!! That everyone does things for a reason and no one does something no reason without a common sense automatic learning answer.its the Explanation!!!!!!! Point!!!!
Know there 3 to everything Good evil Doom. Summer winter fall. Blue Red yellow. Orange green and purple. Hot Warm Cold. Black wight grey. Boy girl and sex X. Forward Rules, Backwards Rules, and no rules. Hurricanes, cyclones and typhoons. Backwards Esp Forward ESP and No ESP. Witcher sorceresses and genie. Magician's Wizards Warlocks. Robot Cyborgs and humans. Subspace Light space and Dark space. It's the Explanation!!!! Point!!!!!!!!!
Oldest theroy there is is when you put to much mass into one area. The equal and opposite reaction is it will implode and explode. Same would be true to fire backdraft. It's the Explanation!!!!!! point!!!!!
Know they hid the programmer's language behind those rules. It's the Explanation!!!!!! Point!!!?! Knowing apprentices. we back it up to their sensei with a short Common sense answer of the Explanation!!!!! Point!!!!!!
Mind like a punch card can't forget a memory the equal and opposite reaction to that is feel your way out of a Fractal caught lie feels right feels wrong rule it's the Explanation!!!!! Point!!!!!
Reading rule hand books can't have one without the other side to everything can't have Rules without common sense losing it to having rules on one side brain and common sense on the other coming together for automatic learning. Must have all the rules from the hand book in order for that to start working. It's The Explanation!!!!!!! POINT!!!!!!!
Know there is 3 for everything good evil and Doom and good always has a common sense answer to his sensei it's the Explanation!!!!!!! to his master dojo trainer its the Explanation!!!! point!!!!!!!!
Reason Tron has 3 discs. Disk1 all the rules disk2 common sense and disk3 Physics to the theory of relativity is important for Bruce Lee Force Punch to figure out what that call after reading the rule hand book is important . It also protects your mind from incorrect understanding. Questions that have no right answer, for example, have to feel right and feel wrong for everything being don't second guess themselves to the King of the jungle. It's The Explanation!!!! Point!!!
The Fractal amplifier of the Knight Triax Samurai called it fallow Six sense to there Triax Samurai power feel wrong Rule feels right true Sparton have same understanding call it something different every coulter's different for this Fractal Amplifier of the eye of the beholder eye of the pyramid sight beyond sight eye in the sky. they always try to hide. It's the Explanation!!!!! Point!!!!!!! Believers know Matalica has a song called eye of the beholder for a reason.
When rules make perfect everything makes happy beings with the founders gift. It knowing that nothing is that Happy on this planet when Stupid does not teach rules to make good perfect beings and lose all there knowage and common sense. To know can't have one without the other. and is probably got fuse blown in head being over Happy to I'm Happy and sad when they don't play by the rules.renting a 3 demon-tail realm with a 2;: demon-tail lie sounds like an angry Egyptian God to me so mind like punch card can't forget a memory unless you feel your way out of a fraggle fractal caught lie. Rules make powerful beings. When they don't teach rules from broken hearts.It's the Explanation!!!!!! Point!!!!!!!
All ways be prepared to safety and research in 4 the demen-tial way to Google it Wiki encyclopedia it unencyclopedia and then look unpike of sticks stupid allways put under a pile of sticks to important information it's the Explanation!!!!!!! Point of moron trying to hide something. It's the Explanation!!!!! Point!!!!!!!!!!!
If you don't have a common sense automatic learning answer. To solve a problem that you are protesting or communicating with you trying to get some type of change. Shut up and quit wasting the Sensi it's the Explanation!!!!!!!! POINT!!!!!!!
Everything has an equal and opposite reaction to the proven theory of relativity Energy=mass area 3. It's known that Mass is in the same equation and the world will never be 2 square flat. Confirming that the world is still not flat. It's the Explanation.!!!!!! Point!!!!!!
It's known that Albert Einstein invented the theory of relativity right before he invented the nuke so it's common sense that this theory is used to teach being conscious. Obviously! It's the Explanation!!!!! Point!!!!!!!
. Knowing stupid lies ever where. To know you have to feel your way of a Fractal caught lie you entered a 2 dimen-sional moron lie into a 3 dimensional realm of understanding there for feels right feels wrong to not second guess themselves in combat. It's the Explanation point!!                                                                                                     
common sense automatic payments that can't stop the equal and opposite reaction esp-ecially when you don't play by rules. Not wanting to stand on equal and opposite ground with equal and opposite weapon to not being able to settle it on playing field or boxing Ring Extra. Except for theory of def-ection. Everything has an equal and opposite reaction by deflection to the proven theory of relativity of Albert Einstein. Energy = Mass Area3 AxAxA cubed..What do you think the Griffith Celtics double Shield is for stupid. All is forgiven because it's still their fault for not teaching rules and regulations AND STILL IS !!
iFind real journey men and women knowledge in real encyclopedia books not on the internet where there is not 、 confidence behind 、 years or more of journeymen and women teaching others over and over passing down real information about their knowledge. It's common sense Automatic learning that you can't learn in one lifetime what 💯 years of experience in men and women teaching will give yo
It's common sense that it is inhumane to Alter and hide these important theories to give being a fair chance knowing rules are psychological knowing Albert Einstein was a psychiatrist. To reverse psychology. It's the Explanation!!!! Point!!!!
Oldest theory in the physics book is that when you put too much mass into one area. The equal and opposite reaction is that it will implode and explode. Like a back draft to a fire. Knowing that the fire pyramid is fuel oxygen and heat. It's the Explanation!!!!!! Point!!!!!!!
Flammable, vaporizing and exploding number factor is the triangle warning symbol on the side of semi's and trucks Vans extra and those vehicles are not allowed in designated locations. It's the Explanation!!!!!!!? Point!!!
Other countries teaching rules to driver and they save lives. And are very good drivers on their roads. They know the rules are psychological and still there is a fault for not doing their Goddamn job. Knowing their fault for not teaching rules and regulations to edict morals and values to drive edict. Knowing they have a better driving record if they had done there no Common sense answer to not teaching rules to drivers either when it definitely helps they still don't do that It's the Explanation!!!! Point!!!
someone has ALS Or there undergoing radiation treatment. It's common sense that low doses of direction shots right kind of steroids can be used in a very efficient way of helping a person direct way of getting better. I had steroids shot for disk bulge in my lower back. And it made me better. Not having any pain to make me better without complicated issues. Not letting patients change doctors and when they do you charge them with Felony to your knowing that doctor is a yes man answering to someone that owns a business. So I might want to find a doctor appointment with a doctor that owns their own practice. The one that says . Cancel all my appointments there is a sick Baby who can't get to the office. And grabbing their doctor's bag and making a house call. That's called a Hero for FYI.
Knight's have positive input and choose their battle wisely knowing numbers matter don't open their mouth making bad decisions for the rest of your team. Knowing teamwork is common sense. And Knight's makes his own luck. It's the Explanation!!!!!! Point!!!!!!
After reading the rule hand book You swore your oath to reteach the information with the same oath attached to everything by learning the information from me. To Follow your 6 sense to be Knighted Triax Samur-ai Spartan Halo Soldiers. Don't get your panties in a bunch we'll add you later LoL.
It's knowing that the only thing your God ever asked from you was to follow the dragon ❤️ to feel right know true and feel wrong rule. Knowing Moron lies on the other side of that common sense to just go back to laying on the couch. Not like we're asking for donations that's what Bruce Lee's dojo is for Common Sense explanation point Master Lee Sensei dojo Apprentice training is for!!! It's the Explanation!!!!!!! Point!!!!!!!!! Yaaaaaaaa,!!!!!!!!! It's the Explanation!!!!!!!! Point!!!!!!
Being an education they were building a foundation of all the rules they should have started. Knowing rules make perfect powerful beings and soldiers and good children Everything else. Spent 12 years doing something! Sounds like they were building something to me.it's the Explanation!!!!!! Point!!!!!!!!
Always' an equation to back this up of course. Rules = [Block] = Common sense Right and wrong decision making = physics = 4th demen-tial understanding. Automatic learning. War-ning does not leave someone alone with the foundation block of automatic learning. Mind like a punch card can't forget a memory. Unless didn't learn too many fack rules and can feel your way out of a Fractal caught lie. To feel wrong feels right.. It's the Explanation!!!!!!!!! Point!!!!!!! Don't leave beginning learner's alone with the foundation block of automatic learning warning. Note rule hand book project against lies Entered 2 dimen-sional lie 3 demon-tail realm. Have feel your way out of those no both wrong answers know all morons are going to be worn about that stay out of girl bull shit posting lies I Founders foundation block of automatic learning screwing that up.
If they have no Common Sense answer for not teaching rules. And it doesn't hurt to learn rules. And if you still don't want to learn rules.Just DO IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sounds like grampa
programmers to me! FYI. LoL!!!! It's The Explanation!!!!! Point!!!!!!
Redrick  is used by morons talking in circles with no common sense short answer and their stories are shot with no flavor. Knowing only God creates no where. Can't just make things up nowhere to know they're lying. It's the EXPLANATION!!!!!!! Point !!!!!!!
Follow your Knighted Illuminati way. My license accredited personal teachers knowing you always have to triple check your source of Information E-PLURIBUS-UNUM Out of many one. We are one out of many. We are 1 in 💯 to 1.!!!!!!!!!!.We are 1 in 💯 Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                             Iiumanty Knight's
                              ❤️ //)MjM(\\❤️
Art of fighting without fighting by teaching rules and Common sense eye of the beholder eye of the pyramid sight beyond sight. Is the Illuminati gargoyle Knights Valkyrie Valor Warrior's Way. To know That all is forgiven Following your heart or gut instinct or you 6 sence like . lion.. Knowing it's still there fault for not teaching rules And still is there fault for not teaching rules. All is forgiven. Shield Believers equation The equal and opposite reaction by deflection. And you get sole back as long as you read the rules handbook. And the rest of the common sense and Explanation point to the same thing. Except Explanation Point. Goes on at the end obviously. Knights always have Common sense answers. FYI
You swore your oath to reteach the information by learning with the same Oath attached to everything. By learning the information from me with the rule hand book attached you read to be Knighted by TITAN Thodon Defender of rules from Broken please. And thank you
1 note · View note
litanyofra · 4 years
EYE of the beholder of the plantation workers right journey men and women.passed down sworn Oath knowage. Knowing plantation workers are the ones that learned to many rules from broken hearts the hard way.more than they did. Right fully There's. I'm Defender of the Sworn Oath knowage
BACK TO BLACK                                                      BACK TO BACK
Knowing that the Founders loved you so much. You know that if it feels Wrong you know there is a rule for it. Know that Doom or Evil lies on the other side of that. And of it feels right know true. Beings don't second guess themselves to that. Founders Gift takes 2 Common Sense Problem Solving Ability Tools and drives all rules with 💯 confidence. Only way you get that 💯 confidence to feels right feels wrong rule. It 💯 confidence twords bravery and Loyalty and everything else to. Once practiced picking up on the person you like as well Ooo I see why this is useable. Besides the point. But it's the sinker It's the same way a safety officer does his or her job. And it keeps kids safe to.. You swore your OATH to reteach the Information by learning the information With the same OATH attached to everything by learning the information from me.  Please and thank you to the text of the eye of the beholder.
Front line of Defender is telling there opponent to make sure they have a conscience the theory of relativity. Every thing has an equal and opposite reaction to the proven theory of relativity of Albert Enstine. Have proof of that FYI. Journey men women allways back that Up to there Master Sensei Bruce Lee. Energy=Mass Area 3 AxAxA cubed never be 2 dimen-sional square flat knowing mass in the equation. Then 3 cubed.
The Auto matic learning equation: Rules= [block]= common sense ( ! ) = True physics = 4th demen-tial understanding Automatic learning Common sense ability tools. Probably every thing stupid left out of your education obiously.
Oldest theroy in the Galexy is that of you put to much mass in to a single Area. The equal and opposite reaction is that it will implode and explode like back draft on a fire. The fire pyrimid is fuel, oxegon,and heat.
Have to feel your way out of a Fractal caught lie. Your entered a 2 demen-tial lie into a 3 dimensional realm. SOUNDS like a angry Egyptian God to me. There a warning by Lincoln. Warning do not leave anyone alone with the Founders foundation block of automatic learning. Rules=[Block]=common sense=Real Physics= 4th dimensional understanding of Automatic learning 
Only God creates no where artist created day to day life talking truth. Like fish story or beating around the bush ECT or depends on Stupid erasing things or burning man-ual and rule hand books ECT. Sounds like short for they Fallow the same or similar to pattern to paper trail of a paradoxicals paper trail of a lie. 
Rember the only thing God ever asked to be forgiven was to fallow heart like a lion. Feels wrong Rule feels right knowing it's still there fault for not teaching rules and still is. Have there warning already. 
Have to Master you most important common sense short and simple explanation point. Problem solving ability tool list. Have.To pay attention to the details. Is your most missed mistake. To knowing there's 3 for everything. To Good Evil and Doom. sorting out color and symbols esp-ecially. To label, list, categorize,and profile. Add stupid to the list of things you should not do. So when God created us might as well just ADEM to the list of stupid to.. That's for giving the list of stupid to a theif that learned to many rules the hard way with a Sworn Oath to the plantation workers to protect the eye of the beholder. Knowing no one learned more rules the hard way than they did. And not being stupid enough to come back. They allway want the best of both worlds and it's knowing not even God can have that. GOOD!!!!!!! There your even know! GOOD!!! It's the explanation point!!!!! To getting there fair share to this circus. So look through those colloms you sorted out to make everything easily idenfiable. Ilumanty Knight's most important Problem solving ability tool. Must do that to qualify as Common sense Short and simple to the Explanation! Point!!!!!!!
There Symbols are everywhere I guess that means stupid thinking those taggers are not here then. LoL
Art of fighting without fighting by teaching rules and Common sense eye of the beholder eye of the pyramid sight beyond sight litany Illuminati of Ra The Ilumanty gargoyle Knights Valcory Valor Warriors Way. To knowing That all is forgiven Fallowing you heart or gut instinct or you 6 sence like a 🦁. Knowing it's still there fault for not teaching rules And still is there fault for not teaching rules. All is forgiven after you read rule hand book.. Shield Believers equation The equal and opposite reaction by deflection. And you get sole back as long as you read rules handbook!!!!. To fallow your instinct and read rest of the Common sense you swore an oath to reteach same oath attached to everything including the rule HAND BOOK!!!!!!
Every one does something for reason and they don't do things for no reason. Knight's are easily be able to make Common sense Explanation point!!! Problem solving ability tools answers to other Illuminati Knight's. Stupid is to stupid Even know what Common sense is. Not a Problem. That try to have a good Common sense fact or pretend to do that it's usually week with no Common Sense EXPLANATION POINT FLAVOR. And then won't have a good plan on how to fix anything of prioritized harmonic balancer importance. Every thing has an harmonic distortion value. Just try the ARK welder. with Common sense problem sozlving ability tool to back that up knowing Illuminati allways back what they say up. Sort as possible in as few words as possible. Short and simple to the COMMON SENCE EXPLANATION POINT (!) TO There Dojo masters Come in Pairs Every one has some one with them. Back in Black and BACK to BACK. Feels RIGHT KNOW TRUE. Everyone has equal and opposite say and stands on equal and opposite ground to be heard out as long shot and simple. Otherwise talk end of class. Unless warning of energy.
See your goals to braking them down to simple objectives to prioritize the list of things you have to do.. It's the Dojo Master says: ITS THE Explanation!!!!!!! Your supposed to say (Point)!!!!!
Know there is 3 at least for everything. /Good, Evil, and Doom/. Bacward rules forward rules and no rules/. To summer Winter fall./ Green Orange Purples./ Black Wight Grey /red blue yellow./ Light space Sub space and Dark space./ Boy girl, sex X/ typhoons, hericans and cyclones. Don't do the same thing look it up. 
It's knowing sky's the limit is an understatement of tbe year. Knowing sub folders go down for ever as far as space goes up.. 3 demen-tial Chess is for morons. Thodon fav is super subfolder Chess. That why your stupid.
Nothing is perfect is common sense it the Explanation!!!!!! POINT !!!!!!!
If it's too good to be true it usually is it's the Explanation!!!!! Point!!!!!!!!!
Common Sense is Automatic learning Problem solving ability tools list. and is short and the Explanation!!!!!!!! Point!!!!!!!!!
Fallow the money common sense automatic learning the Explanation!!!!!!! Point !!!!!!!
Bird's of a feather flock to gether it's the Explanation!!!! Point!!!!!!!!!
Happyness is beautiful girls explation point.!
Always survivers to a war it's The Explanation!!!!! Point!!!!!
Brass kill germs on contact it's the Explanation!!!!!!!!! Point!!.!!!
Only thing you have to fear is fear it self. Only liers fear the illumination Knight's tools of common Sense. its the Explanation!!!!! point!!!
Wriiting things down on paper helps you remember things better so do that. It's the Explanation!!!! point!!!!!
Get what you put in to it!! It's the Explanation point!
There on the play list they get played out to that Explation point.
Team work is never a bad idea. It's the explanation point!!!!
Don't see your opponent as the enemy but some one you can learn something off of. That's how you get better. It's the explanation point!!!!!
More rules for edicut in golf than any other sport. Just matter of finding that manual. Don't ask me that's why I stopped playing to slow no rule hand book
Gargoyle Samur-ai Illuminati Knights make there own luck. It's the explanation point!!!!!
Common sense is the front line and back to back is on the end of the Explanation point! Equal and opposite reaction. To Common sense is the explanation point!!!!!?
You get what you put in to it. it's the Explanation!!!!!!! Point!!!!!!!!
It's common sence Automatic learning Problem solving ability tool list never seen before. Know they probably hid something from you. That's also Common sense.
Albert Enstine had reverse psychology a Jew had reverse psychology for a reason and. It's the Explanation!!!! Point!!!!
Fire pyrimid is heat= oxygen= fuel. it's The Explanation!!!!!! Point!!!!!!!
Every thing happened for a reason being don't do nothing for no reason Explanation!!!!!!!! point!!!!!
If They had no reason to change it and why did they? Every one does something for a reason. It's the Explanation!!!!!! Point!!!!!!!!
It's common sense that wood winery 🐻 Al's were used to get rid of the rodent problem knowing that the flea's were the carrier of the pleage. It's the Explanation!!!!!! Point!!!!!!
Feels right feels Wrong Rules is the same way a safety officer does his or her job keeps kids safe to. It's the Explanation!!!!! Point!!! Of sensei master Bruce Lee !! Family symbol EXPLANATION !!!!!!! Point!!!!!!!!!
When they don't play by the rules the equal and opposite reaction to there guilt is the more fluffy 🐰 they are more have to hide when don't teach rules to make perfect Samur-ai it's the Explanation!!!!!!!! Point!!!!
Only God creates no where artist created day to day life talking truth. Like a fish story or beating around the Bush ECT. Sounds like short for they follow the same or similar pattern to paper trail paradoxical of a lie. It's the Explanation!!!!!!! Point!!!!!
There's no such thing as a quinkedink. It's the Explanation!!!!! Point!!!!!! That everyone does things for a reason and no one does something no reason without a common sense automatic learning answer.its the Explanation!!!!!!! Point!!!!
Know there 3 to everything Good evil Doom. Summer winter fall. Blue Red yellow. Orange green and purple. Hot Warm Cold. Black wight grey. Boy girl and sex X. Forward Rules, Backwards Rules, and no rules. Hericans cyclones and typhoons. Backwards Esp Forward ESP and No ESP. Witiches sorceresses and genie. Magician's Wizards Warlocks. Robot Cyborgs and humans. Subspace Light space and Dark space. It's the Explanation!!!! Point!!!!!!!!!
Oldest theroy there is is when you put to much mass into one area. The equal and opposite reaction is it will implode and explode. Same would be true to fire back draft. It's the Explanation!!!!!! point!!!!!
Know they hid programers language behind those rules. It's the Explanation!!!!!! Point!!!?! Knowing apprentices. we back it up to their sensei with a short Common sense answer of the Explanation!!!!! Point!!!!!!
Mind like punch card can't forget a memory the equal and opposite reaction to that is feel your way out of a Fractal caught lie feels right feels wrong rule it's the Explanation!!!!! Point!!!!!
Read rule hand book can't have one without the other side to everything can't have Rules without common sense losing it to having rules on one side brain and common sense on the other comming to gether for automatic learning. Must have all rules from hand book in order for that to start working. It's The Explanation!!!!!!! POINT!!!!!!!
Know there is there is 3 for everything good evil and Doom and good allways has a common sense answers to his sensei it's the Explanation!!!!!!! to his master dojo trainer its the Explanation!!!! point!!!!!!!!
Reason Tron has 3 discs. Disk1 all the rules disk2 common sense and disk3 Physics to the theroy of relitivaty is important for Bruce Lee Force Punch have to figure out what that call after read rule hand book important it also protect your mind form incorrect understanding. Question that have no right answer for example have to feel right feel wrong for everything being don't second guess themselves to the King of the jungle 🦁❤️. It's The Explanation!!!! Point!!!
The Fractal amplifier of the Knighted Triax Samurai called it fallow Six sence to there Triax Samurai power feel wrong Rule feels right true Sparton have same understanding call it something different every coulter's different for this Fractal Amplifier of the eye of the beholder eye of the pyramid sight beyond sight eye in the sky. they allways try to hide. It's the Explanation!!!!! Point!!!!!!! Believers know Matalica has a song called eye of the beholder for a reason.
When rules makes perfect every thing makes happy being with the founders gift. It knowing that nothing is that Happy on this planet when Stupid does not teach rules to make good perfect beings and lose all there knowage and common sense. To knowing can't have one without the other. and is probably got fuse blown in head being ovet Happy to I'm Happy and sad when they don't play by the rules.l enting a 3 demen-tial realm with a 2;: demen-tial lie sound's like an angry Egyptian God to me so mind like punch card can't forget a memory unless you feel your way out of a fraggle fractal caught lie. Rules make powerful beings. When they don't teach rules from broken hearts.It's the Explanation!!!!!! Point!!!!!!!
All ways be prepared to safety and research in 4 the demen-tial way to Google it Wiki encyclopedia it unencyclopedia and then look unpike of sticks stupid allways put under a pile of sticks to important information it's the Explanation!!!!!!! Point of moron trying hid something. It's the Explanation!!!!! Point!!!!!!!!!!!
If you don't has a common sense automatic learning answer. To solving a problem that your proststing or communication of you trying to get some type of change. Shut up and quit wasting the Sensi it's the Explanation!!!!!!!! POINT!!!!!!!
Every thing has an equal and opposite reaction to the proven theory of relativity Energy=mass area 3 it's knowing that Mass is i the same equation and world never be 2 square flat. Confirming that the world is still not flat. It's the Explanation.!!!!!! Point!!!!!!
It's knowing that Albert Enstine invented the theroy of relitivaty right before he invited the nuke so it's common sense that this theroy is used to teach being a conscious. Obiously! It's the Explanation!!!!! Point!!!!!!!
. Knowing stupid lies ever where. To knowing have to feel your way of of a Fractal caught lie you entered a 2 dimen-sional moron lie into a 3 dimensional realm of understanding there for feels right feels wrong to being don't second guess themselves in combat. It's the Explanation point!!                                                                                                     
common sense automatic payments that can't stop the equal and opposite reaction esp-ecially when you don't play rules. Not wanting to stand on equal and opposite ground with equal and opposite weapon to not being able to settle it on playing field or boxing Ring Extra. Except for theroy of def-ection. Every thing has an equal and opposite reaction by deflection to the proven theory of relativity of Albert Enstine. Energy = Mass Area3 AxAxA cubed..What do you think the Griffith Celtics double Shield is for stupid. All is forgiven because it's still there fault for not teaching rules and regulations AND STILL IS !!
iFind real journey men and women knowage in real encyclopedia books not on the internet where there is not 💯 confidence behind 💯 years or more of journey men and women teaching other over and over passing down real information about there knowledge. It's common sence Automatic learning that you can't learn in one life time what 💯 years of experience in men and women teaching will give yo
It's common sense that it is inhumane to Alter and hid these important theroy to give being a fair chance knowing rules are psychological knowing Albert Enstine was a psychiatrist. To reverse psychology. It's the Explanation!!!! Point!!!!
Oldest theroy in the physics book is that when you put to much mass into one area. The equal and opposite reaction is that it will implode and explode. Like a back draft to a fire. Knowing that the fire pyrimid is fuel oxegon and heat. It's the Explanation!!!!!! Point!!!!!!!
Flammable, vaporizing and exploding number factor is the triangle warning symbol on the side of semi's and trucks Vans extra and those vehicles are not allowed in designated locations. It's the Explanation!!!!!!!? Point!!!
Other countries teaching rules to driver and they save lives. And are very good driver on there roads it's knowing rules are psychological and still there fault for not doing there God dam job. Knowing there fault for not teaching rules and regulations to editct morals and values to drives editct. Knowing have better driving record if they had done there no Common sense answer to not teaching rules to driver eather when it definitely hel they still don't do that It's the Explanation!!!! Point!!!
 someone has ALS Or there undergoing raidation treatment. It's common sense that low doses of direction shots right kind of steroids can be use very efficient way of helping a person direct way of getting better. I had steroids shot for disk bulage in my lower back. And it made me better. Not having any pain to making me better without complicated issues. Not letting patient change doctors and when they do you charge them with Fellony to your knowing that doctor is a yes man answering to some one that owns a business. So might want to find a doctor appointment with a doctor that own there own practice. The one that says . Cancel all my appointments there is a sick Baby can't get to the office. And grabbing there doctors bag and makes a house call. That's called a Hero for FYI. 
Knight's have positive input and choose they battle wisely knowing numbers matter don't open there mouth making bad decision for the rest of your team. Knowing team work is common sense. And Knight's make there own luck. It's the Explanation!!!!!! Point!!!!!!
Ater reading the rule hand book You swore your oath to reteach the information with the same oath attached to everything by learning the information from me. To Fallow your 6 sence to be Knighted Triax Samur-ai Sparton Halo Soilgers. Don't get your panties in a bunch we'll add you later LoL.
It's knowing that the only thing your God ever asked from you was to fallow the dragon ❤️ to feel right know true and feel wrong rule. Knowing Moron lie on the other side of that common sense to just go back to lieing on the couch. Not like we're asking for donations that's what Bruce Lee's dojo is for Common Sense explanation point Master Lee Sensei dojo Apprentice training is for!!! It's the Explanation!!!!!!! Point!!!!!!!!! Yaaaaaaaa,!!!!!!!!! It's the Explanation!!!!!!!! Point!!!!!!
Being an education they were building a foundation of all the rules they should have started. Knowing rules make perfect powerful beings and soilgers and good children Everything else. Spent 12 years doing something! Sounds like they were building something to me.its the Explanation!!!!!! Point!!!!!!!!
Allways' an equation to back this up of course. Rules = [Block] = Common sense Right and wrong decision making = physics = 4th demen-tial understanding. Automatic learning. War-ning do not leave some one alone with the foundation block of automatic learning. Mind like a punch card can't forget a memory. Unless didn't learn to many fack rules and can feel your way out of a Fractal caught lie. To feels wrong feels write. It's the Explanation!!!!!!!!! Point!!!!!!! Don't leave beginning learner's alione with tje foundation block of automatic learning warning. Note rule hand book project against lies Entered 2 dimen-sional lie 3 demen-tial realm. Have feel your way out of those no both wrong answer know all morons are going to be worn about that stay out of girl bull shit posting lies I Founders foundation block of automatic learning screwing that up.
If they have no Common Sense answer for not teaching rules. And it doesn't hurt to learn rules. And if you still don't want to learn rules.Just DO IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sounds like grampa
pro-gramers to me! FYI. LoL!!!! It's The Explanation!!!!! Point!!!!!!
Redrick is yoused by morons taking in circles with no common sense shot answer and there story are shot with no flavor. Knowing only God creates no where. Can't just make thing up no where to know there lieing. It's the EXPLANATION!!!!!!! Point !!!!!!!
Fallow your Knighted Illuminati way. My license acreddited personal teachers knowing you allways have to triple check you source of Information E-PLURBIUS-UNUM Out of many one. We are one out of many. We are 1 in 💯 to 1.!!!!!!!!!!.We are 1 in 💯 Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                              Iiumanty Knight's
                               ❤️ //)MjM(\\❤️
Art of fighting without fighting by teaching rules and Common sense eye of the beholder eye of the pyramid sight beyond sight. Is the Ilumanty gargoyle Knights Valcory Valor Warriors Way. To knowing That all is forgiven Fallowing you heart or gut instinct or you 6 sence like a 🦁. Knowing it's still there fault for not teaching rules And still is there fault for not teaching rules. All is forgiven. Shield Believers equation The equal and opposite reaction by deflection. And you get sole back as long as you read rules handbook. And rest of the common sense and Explanation point same thing. Except Explanation Point. Goes on the end obiously.kights always have Common sense answers. FYI
You swore your oath to reteach the information by learning with the same Oath attached to everything. By learning the information from me with the rule hand book attached you read to be Knighted by TITAN Thodon Defender of rules from Broken 💔 please. And thank you
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0 notes
litanyofra · 4 years
EYE of the beholder of the plantation workers right journey men and women.passed down sworn Oath knowledge. Knowing plantation workers are the ones that learned too many rules from broken hearts the hard way.more than they did. Right fully There's. I'm Defender of the Sworn Oath knowledge                                    
Knowing that the Founders loved you so much. You know that if it feels Wrong you know there is a rule for it. Know that Doom or Evil lies on the other side of that. And if it feels right to know true Beings don't second guess themselves to that. Founders Gift takes 2 Common Sense Problem Solving Ability Tools and drives all rules with . confidence. Only way you get that . confidence to feel right feels wrong. It �� confidence towards bravery and Loyalty and everything else too. Once practiced picking up on the person you like as well Ooo I see why this is usable. Besides the point. But it's the sinker. It's the same way a safety officer does his or her job. And it keeps kids safe to.. You swore your OATH to reteach the Information by learning the information With the same OATH attached to everything by learning the information from me.  Please and thank you to the text of the eye of the beholder.
Label categorizing profiling to paying attention to the details most missed Common sense mistake. To know there is 3 for everything. To sort out color and symbols esp-ecially. Make a list of 3 different groups. To good Evil Doom . To 🌟 with it. Gray black wight and black hole unicorn symbol to doom list. Evil put red and Horn's and he'll boy stuff in that list. Good put all bright colors and through in Halo in that list and then try to look through those 3 categories to make everything easily identifiable. To get the first Gift to the Eye. The eye has many gifts to be identified. The fractal amplifier.
Front line of the Defender is telling their opponent to make sure they have a conscience the theory of relativity. Everything has an equal and opposite reaction to the proven theory of relativity of Albert Einstein. Have proof of that FYI. Journey men women always back that Up to their Master Sensei Bruce Lee. Energy=Mass Area 3 AxAxA cubed never be 2 dimen-sional square flat knowing mass in the equation. Then 3 cubed.
The Automatic learning equation: Rules= [block]= common sense ( ! ) = True physics = 4th demen-tial understanding Automatic learning Common sense ability tools. Probably every thing stupid left out of your education obiously.
Oldest theory in the Galaxy is that you put too much mass into a single Area. The equal and opposite reaction is that it will implode and explode like a back draft on a fire. The fire pyramid is fuel, oxygen,and heat.
Have to feel your way out of a Fractal caught lie. You entered a 2 demon-tail lie into a 3 dimensional realm. SOUNDS like an angry Egyptian God to me. There was a warning by Lincoln. Warning do not leave anyone alone with the Founders foundation block of automatic learning. Rules=[Block]=common sense=Real Physics= 4th dimensional understanding of Automatic learning
Only God creates nowhere artist created day to day life talking truth. Like fish story or beating around the bush ECT or depends on Stupid erasing things or burning man-ual and rule hand books ECT. Sounds like short for they Follow the same or similar pattern to the paper trail of a paradoxical paper trail of a lie.
Have to Master you most important common sense short and simple explanation point. Problem solving ability tool list. Have.To pay attention to the details. Is your most missed mistake. To knowing there's 3 for everything. To Good Evil and Doom. sorting out color and symbols esp-ecially. To label, list, categorize,and profile. Add stupid to the list of things you should not do. So when God created us might as well just ADEM to the list of stupid to.. That's for giving the list of stupid to a theif that learned to many rules the hard way with a Sworn Oath to the plantation workers to protect the eye of the beholder. Knowing no one learned more rules the hard way than they did. And not being stupid enough to come back. They alway want the best of both worlds and it's knowing not even God can have that. GOOD!!!!!!! There you even know! GOOD!!! It's the explanation point!!!!! To get their fair share to this circus. So look through those colloms you sorted out to make everything easily identifiable. Illuminati Knight's most important Problem solving ability tool. Must do that to qualify as Common sense Short and simple to the Explanation! Point!!!!!!!
There Symbols are everywhere I guess that means stupid thinking those taggers are not here then. LoL
Art of fighting without fighting by teaching rules and Common sense eye of the beholder eye of the pyramid sight beyond sight litany Illuminati of Ra The Illuminati gargoyle Knights Valkyrie Valor Warrior's Way. To know That all is forgiven Following your heart or gut instinct or you 6 sence like a 🦁. Knowing it's still there fault for not teaching rules And still is there fault for not teaching rules. All is forgiven after you read the rule hand book.. Shield Believers equation The equal and opposite reaction by deflection. And you get sole back as long as you read the rules handbook!!!!. To follow your instinct and read the rest of the Common sense you swore an oath to reteach the same oath attached to everything including the rule HAND BOOK!!!!!!
Everyone does something for a reason and they don't do things for no reason. Knight's are easily able to make Common sense Explanation points!!! Problem solving ability tools answers to other Illuminati Knight's. Stupid is to stupid Even know what Common sense is. Not a Problem. That try to have a good Common sense fact or pretend to do that it's usually week with no Common Sense EXPLANATION POINT FLAVOR. And then won't have a good plan on how to fix anything of prioritized harmonic balancer importance. Everything has a harmonic distortion value. Just try the ARK welder. with Common sense problem solving ability tool to back that up knowing Illuminati always back what they say up. Sort as possible in as few words as possible. Short and simple to the COMMON SENSE EXPLANATION POINT (!) TO There Dojo masters Come in Pairs Everyone has someone with them. Back in Black and BACK to BACK. Feels RIGHT KNOW TRUE. Everyone has equal and opposite say and stands on equal and opposite ground to be heard out as long shot and simple. Otherwise, I will talk at the end of class. Unless warning of energy.
See your goals to break them down to simple objectives to prioritize the list of things you have to do.. It's the Dojo Master says: IT'S THE Explanation!!!!!!! You're supposed to say (Point)!!!!!
Know there is 3 at least for everything. /Good, Evil, and Doom/. Backward rules forward rules and no rules/. To summer Winter fall./ Green Orange Purples./ Black Wight Grey /red blue yellow./ Light space Sub space and Dark space./ Boy girl, sex X/ typhoons, hericans and cyclones. Don't do the same thing look it up.
It's known that the sky's the limit is an understatement of the year. Knowing subfolders go down forever as far as space goes up.. 3 demen-tial Chess is for morons. Thodon fav is super subfolder Chess. That why your stupid.
Team work is never a bad idea. It's the explanation point!!!!
Don't see your opponent as the enemy but someone you can learn something off of. That's how you get better. It's the explanation point!!!!!
More rules for edicut in golf than any other sport. Just matter of finding that manual. Don't ask me that's why I stopped playing to slow no rule hand book
Gargoyle Samur-ai Illuminati Knights make their own luck. It's the explanation point!!!!!
Common sense is the front line and back to back is on the end of the Explanation point! Equal and opposite reaction. Common sense is the explanation point!!!!!?
You get what you put into it. it's the Explanation!!!!!!! Point!!!!!!!!
It's common sense Automatic learning Problem solving ability tool list never seen before. Know they probably hid something from you. That's also Common sense.
Albert Einstein had reverse psychology a Jew had reverse psychology for a reason and. It's the Explanation!!!! Point!!!!
Fire pyramid is heat= oxygen= fuel. it's The Explanation!!!!!! Point!!!!!!!
Everything happens for a reason being don't do nothing for no reason Explanation!!!!!!!! point!!!!!
If They had no reason to change it and why did they? Everyone does something for a reason. It's the Explanation!!!!!! Point!!!!!!!!
It's common sense that wood winery Al's were used to get rid of the rodent problem knowing that the flea's were the carrier of the plague. It's the Explanation!!!!!! Point!!!!!!
Feels right feels Wrong Rules is the same way a safety officer does his or her job keeps kids safe to. It's the Explanation!!!!! Point!!! Of sensei master Bruce Lee !! Family symbol EXPLANATION !!!!!!! Point!!!!!!!!!
When they don't play by the rules the equal and opposite reaction to their guilt is the more fluffy they have to hide when they don't teach rules to make perfect Samur-ai. It's the Explanation!!!!!!!! Point!!!!
Only God creates nowhere artist created day to day life talking truth. Like a fish story or beating around the Bush ECT. Sounds like short for they follow the same or similar pattern to paper trail paradoxical of a lie. It's the Explanation!!!!!!! Point!!!!!
There's no such thing as a quinkedink. It's the Explanation!!!!! Point!!!!!! That everyone does things for a reason and no one does something no reason without a common sense automatic learning answer.its the Explanation!!!!!!! Point!!!!
Know there 3 to everything Good evil Doom. Summer winter fall. Blue Red yellow. Orange green and purple. Hot Warm Cold. Black wight grey. Boy girl and sex X. Forward Rules, Backwards Rules, and no rules. Hurricanes, cyclones and typhoons. Backwards Esp Forward ESP and No ESP. Witcher sorceresses and genie. Magician's Wizards Warlocks. Robot Cyborgs and humans. Subspace Light space and Dark space. It's the Explanation!!!! Point!!!!!!!!!
Oldest theroy there is is when you put to much mass into one area. The equal and opposite reaction is it will implode and explode. Same would be true to fire backdraft. It's the Explanation!!!!!! point!!!!!
Know they hid the programmer's language behind those rules. It's the Explanation!!!!!! Point!!!?! Knowing apprentices. we back it up to their sensei with a short Common sense answer of the Explanation!!!!! Point!!!!!!
Mind like a punch card can't forget a memory the equal and opposite reaction to that is feel your way out of a Fractal caught lie feels right feels wrong rule it's the Explanation!!!!! Point!!!!!
Reading rule hand books can't have one without the other side to everything can't have Rules without common sense losing it to having rules on one side brain and common sense on the other coming together for automatic learning. Must have all the rules from the hand book in order for that to start working. It's The Explanation!!!!!!! POINT!!!!!!!
Know there is 3 for everything good evil and Doom and good always has a common sense answer to his sensei it's the Explanation!!!!!!! to his master dojo trainer its the Explanation!!!! point!!!!!!!!
Reason Tron has 3 discs. Disk1 all the rules disk2 common sense and disk3 Physics to the theory of relativity is important for Bruce Lee Force Punch to figure out what that call after reading the rule hand book is important . It also protects your mind from incorrect understanding. Questions that have no right answer, for example, have to feel right and feel wrong for everything being don't second guess themselves to the King of the jungle. It's The Explanation!!!! Point!!!
The Fractal amplifier of the Knight Triax Samurai called it fallow Six sense to there Triax Samurai power feel wrong Rule feels right true Sparton have same understanding call it something different every coulter's different for this Fractal Amplifier of the eye of the beholder eye of the pyramid sight beyond sight eye in the sky. they always try to hide. It's the Explanation!!!!! Point!!!!!!! Believers know Matalica has a song called eye of the beholder for a reason.
When rules make perfect everything makes happy beings with the founders gift. It knowing that nothing is that Happy on this planet when Stupid does not teach rules to make good perfect beings and lose all there knowage and common sense. To know can't have one without the other. and is probably got fuse blown in head being over Happy to I'm Happy and sad when they don't play by the rules.renting a 3 demon-tail realm with a 2;: demon-tail lie sounds like an angry Egyptian God to me so mind like punch card can't forget a memory unless you feel your way out of a fraggle fractal caught lie. Rules make powerful beings. When they don't teach rules from broken hearts.It's the Explanation!!!!!! Point!!!!!!!
All ways be prepared to safety and research in 4 the demen-tial way to Google it Wiki encyclopedia it unencyclopedia and then look unpike of sticks stupid allways put under a pile of sticks to important information it's the Explanation!!!!!!! Point of moron trying to hide something. It's the Explanation!!!!! Point!!!!!!!!!!!
If you don't have a common sense automatic learning answer. To solve a problem that you are protesting or communicating with you trying to get some type of change. Shut up and quit wasting the Sensi it's the Explanation!!!!!!!! POINT!!!!!!!
Everything has an equal and opposite reaction to the proven theory of relativity Energy=mass area 3. It's known that Mass is in the same equation and the world will never be 2 square flat. Confirming that the world is still not flat. It's the Explanation.!!!!!! Point!!!!!!
It's known that Albert Einstein invented the theory of relativity right before he invented the nuke so it's common sense that this theory is used to teach being conscious. Obviously! It's the Explanation!!!!! Point!!!!!!!
. Knowing stupid lies ever where. To know you have to feel your way of a Fractal caught lie you entered a 2 dimen-sional moron lie into a 3 dimensional realm of understanding there for feels right feels wrong to not second guess themselves in combat. It's the Explanation point!!                                                                                                     
common sense automatic payments that can't stop the equal and opposite reaction esp-ecially when you don't play by rules. Not wanting to stand on equal and opposite ground with equal and opposite weapon to not being able to settle it on playing field or boxing Ring Extra. Except for theory of def-ection. Everything has an equal and opposite reaction by deflection to the proven theory of relativity of Albert Einstein. Energy = Mass Area3 AxAxA cubed..What do you think the Griffith Celtics double Shield is for stupid. All is forgiven because it's still their fault for not teaching rules and regulations AND STILL IS !!
iFind real journey men and women knowledge in real encyclopedia books not on the internet where there is not 、 confidence behind 、 years or more of journeymen and women teaching others over and over passing down real information about their knowledge. It's common sense Automatic learning that you can't learn in one lifetime what 💯 years of experience in men and women teaching will give yo
It's common sense that it is inhumane to Alter and hide these important theories to give being a fair chance knowing rules are psychological knowing Albert Einstein was a psychiatrist. To reverse psychology. It's the Explanation!!!! Point!!!!
Oldest theory in the physics book is that when you put too much mass into one area. The equal and opposite reaction is that it will implode and explode. Like a back draft to a fire. Knowing that the fire pyramid is fuel oxygen and heat. It's the Explanation!!!!!! Point!!!!!!!
Flammable, vaporizing and exploding number factor is the triangle warning symbol on the side of semi's and trucks Vans extra and those vehicles are not allowed in designated locations. It's the Explanation!!!!!!!? Point!!!
Other countries teaching rules to driver and they save lives. And are very good drivers on their roads. They know the rules are psychological and still there is a fault for not doing their Goddamn job. Knowing their fault for not teaching rules and regulations to edict morals and values to drive edict. Knowing they have a better driving record if they had done there no Common sense answer to not teaching rules to drivers either when it definitely helps they still don't do that It's the Explanation!!!! Point!!!
someone has ALS Or there undergoing radiation treatment. It's common sense that low doses of direction shots right kind of steroids can be used in a very efficient way of helping a person direct way of getting better. I had steroids shot for disk bulge in my lower back. And it made me better. Not having any pain to make me better without complicated issues. Not letting patients change doctors and when they do you charge them with Felony to your knowing that doctor is a yes man answering to someone that owns a business. So I might want to find a doctor appointment with a doctor that owns their own practice. The one that says . Cancel all my appointments there is a sick Baby who can't get to the office. And grabbing their doctor's bag and making a house call. That's called a Hero for FYI.
Knight's have positive input and choose their battle wisely knowing numbers matter don't open their mouth making bad decisions for the rest of your team. Knowing teamwork is common sense. And Knight's makes his own luck. It's the Explanation!!!!!! Point!!!!!!
After reading the rule hand book You swore your oath to reteach the information with the same oath attached to everything by learning the information from me. To Follow your 6 sense to be Knighted Triax Samur-ai Spartan Halo Soldiers. Don't get your panties in a bunch we'll add you later LoL.
It's knowing that the only thing your God ever asked from you was to follow the dragon ❤️ to feel right know true and feel wrong rule. Knowing Moron lies on the other side of that common sense to just go back to laying on the couch. Not like we're asking for donations that's what Bruce Lee's dojo is for Common Sense explanation point Master Lee Sensei dojo Apprentice training is for!!! It's the Explanation!!!!!!! Point!!!!!!!!! Yaaaaaaaa,!!!!!!!!! It's the Explanation!!!!!!!! Point!!!!!!
Being an education they were building a foundation of all the rules they should have started. Knowing rules make perfect powerful beings and soldiers and good children Everything else. Spent 12 years doing something! Sounds like they were building something to me.it's the Explanation!!!!!! Point!!!!!!!!
Always' an equation to back this up of course. Rules = [Block] = Common sense Right and wrong decision making = physics = 4th demen-tial understanding. Automatic learning. War-ning does not leave someone alone with the foundation block of automatic learning. Mind like a punch card can't forget a memory. Unless didn't learn too many fack rules and can feel your way out of a Fractal caught lie. To feel wrong feels right.. It's the Explanation!!!!!!!!! Point!!!!!!! Don't leave beginning learner's alone with the foundation block of automatic learning warning. Note rule hand book project against lies Entered 2 dimen-sional lie 3 demon-tail realm. Have feel your way out of those no both wrong answers know all morons are going to be worn about that stay out of girl bull shit posting lies I Founders foundation block of automatic learning screwing that up.
If they have no Common Sense answer for not teaching rules. And it doesn't hurt to learn rules. And if you still don't want to learn rules.Just DO IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sounds like grampa
programmers to me! FYI. LoL!!!! It's The Explanation!!!!! Point!!!!!!
Redrick  is used by morons talking in circles with no common sense short answer and their stories are shot with no flavor. Knowing only God creates no where. Can't just make things up nowhere to know they're lying. It's the EXPLANATION!!!!!!! Point !!!!!!!
Follow your Knighted Illuminati way. My license accredited personal teachers knowing you always have to triple check your source of Information E-PLURIBUS-UNUM Out of many one. We are one out of many. We are 1 in 💯 to 1.!!!!!!!!!!.We are 1 in 💯 Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                             Iiumanty Knight's
                              ❤️ //)MjM(\\❤️
Art of fighting without fighting by teaching rules and Common sense eye of the beholder eye of the pyramid sight beyond sight. Is the Illuminati gargoyle Knights Valkyrie Valor Warrior's Way. To know That all is forgiven Following your heart or gut instinct or you 6 sence like . lion.. Knowing it's still there fault for not teaching rules And still is there fault for not teaching rules. All is forgiven. Shield Believers equation The equal and opposite reaction by deflection. And you get sole back as long as you read the rules handbook. And the rest of the common sense and Explanation point to the same thing. Except Explanation Point. Goes on at the end obviously. Knights always have Common sense answers. FYI
You swore your oath to reteach the information by learning with the same Oath attached to everything. By learning the information from me with the rule hand book attached you read to be Knighted by TITAN Thodon Defender of rules from Broken please. And thank you
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