#but you guys felt the vibe too when she was all like ''come now alastor she's much too young for you!'' hahahahaha
vaggieslefteye · 6 months
I learned about #AceAlastorWeek a few hours ago so I quickly took a segment from another video I've been working on and made this for Day 5 - Friendship: Mr. Scary EvilDudeGuy bleating like a fawn when with his best friend. A small glimpse of him being truly at-ease, content, and, dare I say it? Soft.
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so-this-is-hell · 9 months
Ok I watched the leaked episodes
Let’s start with the positives! I love positives!
- Alex Brightman put his whole Alexussy into this shit oh my god, Pentious and Adam actually sound really good. Adam singing is also really really good. Alex can sing in character and carry things well and I’m glad now he’s part of the project. Because at least it’ll be bearable if I see the other episodes.
-Vox is actually weirdly really compelling? Like I actually ended up enjoying the vibe he’s got and his own voice grew on me, I know it’s not what people wanted but it works well.
-Nifty’s voice is pretty ok, so is Charlie’s. They’re some of the better voices of the cast, Alastor’s performance was uh. It wasn’t bad so there’s that!
-the opening exposition was needed but also a bit hamfisted- wait shit the positives- uh, I love the direction it went? Art wise?
-the songs are pretty good, they get you from point A to point B, and at least wasn’t Poison levels of cringe in writing.
-Charlie actually helping Pentious in episode 2 try to repent and be a better person actually feels nice, like a crumb of what the show should of be-
Ok let’s get to the point.
-the episodes clearly are trying to shove as much of the plot as humanly possible, to the point that you get whiplash.
-Angel Dust, Vaggie, Valentino, Husk all have voices that either do not fit, crack from the pressure to perform, or are trying so hard to mimic the previous voice that it’s actually worrying. The Angel dust one in particular I’ll get to when I get to the point.
-The plot starts with the main antagonist, literally telling Charlie that her plan is pointless and she should give up. There’s no actual “I want” song to counter this, unless you count the song where Adam mocks her for trying and tells her the exterminations will happen twice a year now.
-Pentious at least wasn’t a creep like i was fearing in the script, but he comes off too pathetic? Like I know he was pathetic and that’s the point but why the fuck does he want to be equal to the Vees now? Didn’t he want to rule over hell himself? I know the instagram had him crop himself into pictures with the Vees but remember those aren’t canon!
-I realized I was able to hop in because I had Wikipedia level knowledge of these characters to the point they click in my head (and enough to where Alastor, Charlie, Vaggie and Husk all felt a little off but that’s neither here nor there). But god I cannot imagine being a new person trying to jump into this show, this is bad. None of the characters get actually introduced outside of Charlie, the show references the pilot which isn’t part of the show so new audiences have no idea what they’re talking about, and the staff gets actually introduced in episode 2. EPISODE 2, TO PENTIOUS!? GIRLIE POP HAVE HIM COME EPISODE 1 THEN?
-Animation that’s either too floaty, too janky, too stiff or straight up traced. Which I don’t blame the animators for, Mammon was busy buying 10,000 dollars worth of peacocks to bother paying them more than a dollar per frame. There’s no charm here.
-Where did the fucking cat key come from? No I’m serious. Where did it come from? It just kinda exists now.
-Alastor’s commercial is just straight up MEAN and he’s often more mean than chaotic, which I know is ironic since he wasn’t a good person and I wasn’t expecting him to be but it’s to a point where it’s not even fun mean. He literally called Charlie’s endeavor “Daddy issues”. It felt like he was just there to slap Charlie in the face.
-Angel Dust rant is gonna be so long that I saved it for last.
I have to put it under the read more because of talk of SA! Fun!
I’m saying this as someone who loved him from the pilot and was willing to excuse his behavior as “flaws he can work on” since Addict and everything else proved that there was more under the surface and he was a character that could change and grow and-
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Angel dust, the rape victim… the guy running away from his abuser…
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The Angel dust who has traumatic episodes so fucking graphic that he flashes back to them when he’s performing.
Saying “yeah no, fucking sexually exploit me! It turns me on!”
Viv, I know you’re not reading this but I mean this genuinely.
Fuck you.
As someone who’s family has experienced sexual abuse, as someone who’s family still has CPTSD because men in power decide to exploit them… how fuckin dare you make a character enjoy their own exploitation.
This isn’t me kink shaming a sexual character! He can be sexual and like sex! It’s never been the problem and hell it could of been liberation to have sex he deserves.
But no.
Let’s make the SA victim into the sexual harassment character, let’s make the SA victim the Stolas of the show where he wears down his love interest so thin that they have to give up.
Let’s make the SA victim still work under his shitty abuser, and make that into a joke as the abuser mentions wanting to rape everyone in the hotel.
Don’t pay to watch this show, I mean it.
Pirate it.
Hell don’t even watch it, find something better to watch. I’ve been binging anime as of late and I still like captain lazerhawk.
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nunalastor · 3 months
Guy / Serial Roommates
Anonymous asked:
Goes anyone else get mixed-vibes about Guy? I don't know what he's meant to look like but I always imagine dark hair, dark grey eyes, and tan skin. Like he might be white-passing but there is some Asian in there somewhere.
Anonymous asked:
Vox finds out about Guy and what he hears makes him think that Guy is Alastor's lover. There's no way Alastor suffered through all that for just a friend, right? And that would explain in Vox's head why Alastor rejected him if his heart belonged to someone else.
Guy and Alastor find out about that false impression and do the crazy cross-eyed laugh together.
Anonymous asked:
Serial Roommates Plot Twist: Guy is miserable in heaven (he and Al are friends for a reason) but convinced himself if Alastor is there, everything will be okay and they can fix all the problems together. Part of him knows he is more alive in hell and so is Alastor, but preconceived notions of what heaven and hell are meant to be makes him think helping people leave hell is best. Either way he acts as a therapist to give others the kindness and grace about mental health he couldn’t find in heaven.
Anonymous asked:
At this point, every demon with a brain knows it would be suicide to kidnap or hurt Guy. It reminds me of this episode of Superman of a plane being hijacked and Lois Lane is on it. When she tells them her name they’re like, the one Superman always saves?!
Imagine that with Guy? He just let his would be murderers know his name and they instantly know, they fucked up. By then it’s too late and they hear the screeching of an elk and radio static.
Anonymous asked:
The combination of Guy dying from cancer or some other sickness and Alastor still dying first is so painful! He would need the support of a friend, but one day Alastor never came home from his hunt and Guy was left to suffer and die alone. Any comfort he could have in reuniting with him after death also destroyed when he finds out he went to heaven and Alastor went to hell.
Anonymous asked:
Oh! Guy has a death now! It makes sense for disease to do him in, nobody in the cast we know of died of illness and after looking up images of the Bakers Estate that looks like somewhere someone would get all the diseases, mold cure or not.
Buckshot Anon, your time has come!
Anonymous asked:
What characters do y'all think Guy and Llewella would play in the DnD AU? I imagine the two of them being guest party members who only occasionally join the main group.
Also, Cherri Bomb takes over playing Sir Pentious's character after he dies.
Anonymous asked:
Currently obsessed with the song Albi by Sevdaliza and it gave me of the idea of genderbend Alastor and Guy.
Guy would still work for the police but possibly a matron or secretary. (Who knows maybe still an officer cause I just googled and apparently the first female cop was in the 1908) So her focus would be focused on women. So when she learns her roommate is killing the abusers, rapists and other killers; of course she’s going to support her.
Can you remember when the last time was
You felt safe in the dark?
This world was never meant for a woman's heart
But still, you rise through it all
When I'm out of breath, she's my vitals
When I need to rev, she's my ride-or-die
When I'm out of faith, she's my idol
I just killed a man, she's my alibi
Anonymous asked:
Can we all agree that if Guy were to fall for whatever reason, his demon form would be legitimately horrifying? His base form would probably look mostly human like Alastor (didn’t we say he had some dog traits, like he is to dogs what Alastor is to deer?) but going into his full demon form would tap into the mold he was infected with for months in the Baker Estate and become something grotesque. Shit like his burned away angel wings regenerating comprised entirely of the mold. That, and if he died of cancer related to his exposure to the mold, what is a more fucked up demon form to have than that of the thing that caused your torture, possession, and later slow death? 
Anonymous asked:
Alastor's suitors: *kidnap Guy for yandere reasons*
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sketchfanda · 7 months
A Little Moxxie Love:Morningstar Delights
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Ask anyone in Hell Especially within all of the pride circle, from Imp city to pentagram city what the biggest joke around was? And chances are the more cynical nihilists and sinners would tell you it was Princess Charlemagne Morningstar’s (Charlie to those of a more intimate, affectionate and informal nature) personal pet passion project, The Happy Hotel (or Hazbin depending who you asked). Really a hotel for rehabiltating and redeeming sinners to get them into Heaven? The very idea was to some a bad punchline but all the same she herself believed in it wholeheartedly.
Call her a naive dreamer or a hopeless fool, it was her dream and she felt any sinner could be redeemed. But of course she ahd some people who even if they didn't quite share the sentiments, they were more than ready to be ride or die for the princess of hell. Particularly and especially her girlfriend Vagatha, or Vaggie as she preferred, even if she did wish Charlie would downplay her whole vibe of being what basically happened if Hell had a Disney princess. But Vaggie loved Charlie of course and she was more often than not willing to do whatever was asked of her...but sometimes she wondered if this was a case where she definitely had to put her foot down and just say NO, absolutely not!!
Vaggie:*Blushing up a storm as Charlie was busy adjusting her ensemble. The lacey white lingerie hugging her figure quite generously.*"Seriously, how did I let you talk me into this again? Right about now I'd actually rather be stuck in a room with Angel...and that's saying something..."*Oh she already knew the answer of course. It's because she could never say no to Charlie especially when she flashed those big ol' puppy eyes of hers.*
Charlie:*her ever present energetic grin on her sunny face as she finished, looking her girlfriend and herself over. Her own black lace lingerie really highlighting her alabaster complexion and making for a matching compliment to her lover.* "Vag, I guarantee it, once you meet and get to know this guy, you're gonna adore him. After all, wouldn't you like to rub it in Angel's face if he ever again asked you "if you had to pick a dude?" *Charlie wasn't surprised to find Vaggie mull it over of course, knowing it'd be one of her few spiteful perks just to stick it to Angeldust. Plus this was all on the downlow so no risk of gossip save for a select few sworn to secrecy...under penalty of death, because come on, this is Lucifer and Lilith's little princess after all!!*
Well the death penalty was more Alastor's idea...or a joke, it was ll the same with the Radio Demon host, but he assured any and everyone under the roof of the Hotel would keep their knowledge if any about this secret as can be. Yes somehow even Nifty would be on her best behaviour as the couple turned their heads to a knock on the door, signalling their secret guest had arrived and on time with a few minutes to spare, talk about punctual. Charlie giving herself and her girlfriend a quick look over in their rather stylish lacey lingerie ensembles, snow white for Vaggie and silky midnight black for herself, she had originally wanted to try something like naughty nun outfits but her girlfriend vetoed that option. Mainly because the one eyed girl knew her self control would lose itself at the sight of the princess of hell in such a thing, God help her....
Charlie:*eagerly clapping with excitement as she went over to answer, opening to greet none other than Millie and Moxxie, the latter looking like he'd be walking the Green Mile and the former well as spunky and feisty as ever.*"Hiiiiiii, so wonderful to see you guys here safe and sound, I hope it wasn't too much trouble?"*Greeting and welcoming the pair into the room like the chipper hostess she was as she closed the door behind them, locking it up after putting out a do not disturb sign of course. No uncomfortable silence left hanging in the air as the Wrath imp spoke up in response.*
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Millie:”Ooh not at all though uuuh Angeldust and your cleaning lady did try flirting with Moxxie but can’t say I’m not flattered, jsut can’t get sidetracked now can we?”*She and Charlie shared an amused giggle while Moxxie just blushed recalling that brief encounter. Oh yes the porn star snd the shortstack cyclops we’re about as subtle and direct as getting hide on the side of the skull with a gold brick. The imp of course did his best not stare too much at the princess of hell who was hot as all well,you know, in ehr lingerie. Which was mission impossible of course given Vaggie was in a similar matching set of her own, looking stunning in spite of her own conflicted expression.*
Vaggie of course rolled her eyes at the antics of her girlfriend snd the spunky little imp who she conspired with to make this little arrangement happen. Frankly it was an infernal miracle they got anyone in the hell to agree to a nondisclosure agreement, after all the tabloids especially the Vox media would have a field day about the scandal of the princess of hell and her fallen angel lover having a four way with a married pair of imps!! Seemed even Alastor was willing to look the other way, that grinning radio voodoo troll, so that was a small relief. The one eyed Latino girl clearing her thoughts as she decided to help ease Moxxie of any sense of doubt or discomfort he was doubtless having about this.
Vaggie:”Yeah hey listen I know this might be a weird enough situation but hey best we can do is try and enjoy it, right?” *She had to admit, the imp was a plenty easy on the eyes at least. Not to mention he wasn’t some pretentious blowhard trying to play Casanova in spite of having reputation for really getting around. Seems his wife was one very kinky imp as she and Charlie watched any possible interaction pending between their significant others with eagerness and anticipation.*”Alright you two, settle down and let’s just get this show on the road huh?” *The Hispanic angel quipped good naturedly as she and Charlie went to sit on the edge of the queen sized bed. Poses casual yet sultry as they waited for Moxxie to come join them, the sweet little possum looking nervous but accepting his fate as he began to strip down to his boxers.*
Millie squirmed with giddy delight and skyrocketing arousal as she anticipated what was sure to be a quite the show. Vaggie and Charlie humming and aweing as they took in admiring view of Moxxie’s body, for such a runty guy he wasn’t a skinny twig boy that was for sure. Hell he hand a body that could look good especially when cross dressing, that was a level of sexy few could pull off. His modesty maintained only by his boxers as he joined them on the bed, sitting in between the couple as he felt like a mouse cornered by a pair of hungry cats.
Naturally Charlie felt it was natural to seize some initiative and set the mood to ease their little gentleman’s anxiety,as she and Vaggie slid off of their mattress seat to have their faces level with crotch. Kneeling on the floor as they grasped the waistband of his boxers to tug them down swiftly, eyes widening as Charlie gasped in awe while Vaggie felt her jaw drop. They’d seen plenty of dicks, more than they really ever wanted or needed to thanks to Angel’s bright idea of sharing some of his work for show and tell, but even the few imps on screen hadn’t been packing like this!! If anything they had to wonder how Moxxie wasn’t making a living as a porn with length and girth like this, Christ on a stick even that douchebag Adam would feel like an inadequate pencil dick if he ever saw this cock.
Before Vaggie herself eben realised it, she was finding herself stroking and jerking off that alpha male shaft hand in hand with Charlie and performing a tandem fellatio on the imp. Angelic and demonic lips and tongues assaulting that veiny piece of womb hammering infernal heaven with licks kisses as they sucked and blew on it from tip to balls. Millie shamelessly plunging her hands down the front of her pants as she flicked her bean with voyeuristic relish as the princess of hell and her lover got acquainted with her Moxxie, his groans music to her ears and knowing it was omly going to get better from here. Especially once the duo took off their bras, exposing their quite stunning sets of tits and began to give her hubby a boob job.
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She was right of course as the room was soon filled with the erotic rhythm of skin slapping on skin and the music of moans of rapture and ectasy. The shortstack wrath imp filled naked and playing with herself as she soaked her seat with her sweat and juices but not as much as Moxxie was making on the bedsheets. The imp on his back as Charlie sat in his face, using his horns ago steady herself as she rode on his tongue while Vaggie howled lustfully as she bounced snd rode that twitching cock. Her ash skinned booty jiggling and clapping with every impact against those smooth red balls as she and Charlie kissed, making out as their tongues danced while their bodies were rocked with the pleasure of this lewd round of taboo fun. Orgasms hitting them one after another and it was only going to be wilder.
From Moxxie fucking one of them doggy or missionary while eating the other out to taking turns one on one when the other needed to recover, it was the kind of action Valentino couldn’t choreograph into any of his trashy smut. Which only got more intense once Millie jumped into the fray literally and figuratively as the show before her got her all good and horny. The misfit staff and guests of the Hazbin Hotel blinking as they felt the building shake, the muffled echoes of this secret foursome heard throughout. And it showed no signs of stopping as they went from noon to sunset, then all night long until sunrise when it finally became quiet.
The morning rays of what passed for a sun in Hell cast a warm glow in the room, which itself looks like a tornado had passed through it. A pile of bodies consisting of two imps , a demon princess and a fallen angel basking in the afterglow as Millie laid atop her man and the princess and her lover spooned him, snuggling him like a plush toy. Vaggie thinking that sure, her girlfriend was one for her wild ideas but when they worked out, they worked out. So if Charlie ever asked if she’d uo for a repeat performance like this? She’d down for it as bad as Husk was for a bottle of cheap booze.
Now of course here was hoping that word of this never got around to Lucifer, sure the guy was accepting of her and Charlie together but it could be hard to tell what crossed the line for him. Besides which, no way they were letting a hair be harmed on Moxxie’s sweet little head, you didn’t get an imp dick like this every lifetime. To say nothing of what Millie would do, it was said she had quit the temper. God himself would certainly not want her on a warpath, that’s for sure…
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bob-dude · 5 years
Some Orange Jerk’s Hazbin thoughts, the longer version.
As I mentioned in a prior post, I  thought the pilot was so-so. Don't hate it with a capital H but find everyone's love for this show to be... odd. Though considering the late 2000s Devinart vibe I get from the show’s art style, probably not too odd now that I think about it. So here’s my longer, more rambly, thoughts on Hazbin Hotel by some rando Orange Jerk on Tumblr.  And as always, more power to ya if you do love it, obviously.
Art direction wise, I’m just not crazy about Viv’s color choice. The red and black and pinks give a Valintine’s day meets Wonderland Queen of Hearts vibe that just doesn't personally work for me on a visual level. 
As for hell itself, I thought the background stuff like ‘Radio Hack’ and the main city being named Pentagram to be... eh? Like, that’s the kind of world-building we’re going with here? It felt less like Hell and more like a city with the trapings of Hell, at least for me. 
So, main cast, the trio as it were. Eh. Meh. Like, Charlie is a Disney Princess of Hell... even though no one treats her as one respect wise which just strikes me as odd from a background perspective. And Charlie has that standard Disney nativity going on... even though she was born and raised in Hell? Like, why bother to make your most optimistic and native character a denizen of hell if she’s not going to look or act the part personality wise?
The reason the personality thing confuses me I guess,  is that take Charlie out of Hell and we’ve seen her character a thousand times before: The bubbly sweet optimistic girl that’s been done so many times before.  Is the ‘But in Hell!’ aspect really that much of a grabber for people? Guess it is and more power to em but it just strikes me as a strange creative choice where once again a character's personality doesn’t logically flow from their background. 
Design-wise Charile is fine, red tux reminds me of the God from the 1977 Oh God movie so that gets a thumbs up in my book. Still a bit weird that a princess is wearing it but it makes sense with the Hotel set up and all so her outfit has a logic to it. 
Then we have Vaggie. So, legit question here people: If you went into the pilot blind and Angle Dust didn’t make his ‘taco’ comment would you have ANY idea that Vaggie is supposed to be Latina? Because I legitimately had no idea that was what her design was supposed to say about her as a charchter. Also didn’t really get a moth vibe from her, either if I’m honest. As for her personality, she’s the standard ‘loving supportive’ GF but with an angry side protective side for Charile... and she’s a Latinia/Latinix.  Does... Does no one else think that’s just a bit... off? Making the one clearly marked Latinia character the ‘angry girlfriend’ archetype? 
Also, that weird pink X eye patch bugged the hell out of me when I was watching. Totally petty as shit nitpick, but I had to vent on that bit. Honestly, though Vaggie is also Meh? Like, she’s in a relationship with Charlie, cool and all but she just doesn’t strike me as a terribly interesting character if I’m honest. Gives me a sort of Lisa Simpson ‘stick-in-the-mud’ vibe. 
And then we have Angle Dust. You know, in the words of Netflix’s Big Mouth, “Sassy and Gay”  isn’t a personality. Angle Dust basically has that sort of ‘2000s  Yaoi OC’ vibe and considering Vive once had a DA character sheet where she literally listed his personality is ‘Bitch’... Yeah. 
Also, as I’ve said elsewhere, Viv and crew are doing too much with this guy. So he’s an ex mobster killed by his homophobic father in the 1920s (not mentioned in the pilot but it is a pilot in all fairness so you can’t throw all your cards on the table). And he’s a Spider Demon... even though per Word of Viv how everyone’s designed in hell doesn’t have anything to do with how they died on Earth (then why deign them that way?). And he’s a porn star (being ex Mob shouldn’t he be the one paying for porn stars as a power domination sort of thing?). AND he’s going for a Beetlejuice meets CJ from Regular Show sort of design.
It just seems a bit much, imo. Like, you could make him just a gay ex mob who mostly uses a Tommy Gun and design him to fit that and leave the Spider-Demon stuff out and it becomes a lot more manageable. Something like a simplified Zoot Suit, or the like. You could keep the sexual humor but throw it a bit more 1920s slang and pop culture references for characterization/comedy purposes (Vaggie, for example, has no idea what he’s talking about most of the time). Granted, I’d personally rather they ditch the ‘animal bits slapped on’ aspects of the designs as a whole but that, as always is just me.
For the record, I’m not ‘offended’ by Angle Dust as a character concept, I’m just not wowed or impressed, ultimately.
And then we have Alastor. Now, I LOVE Alastor as a character. He’s got that classic ‘reality warper’ vibe ala Bill Cipher or Discord but with a 1920s radio show host twist that I just think is amazing and the sound distortion they added to his voice was a really cool touch on top of it all. The problem, as always, comes more with the color choice. One one of your own characters can’t take someone seriously because they look like a ‘strawberry pimp’ that might be the time to maybe go with a different color pallet? Like, idk,  maybe throw in some warm browns and brass golds to involve the 1920s radio vibe stronger? Radios of the 20s and 30s weren’t famous for being red, is what I’m getting at.
The other problem with Alastor is that he’s too strong a personality, ironically. He comes in at the tail end of the pilot and basically steals whatever interest a potential audience member (or at least fat orange jerks like me) might have had in Charlie's plight. It's like introducing Bill Cipher in the first episode of Gravity Falls. At that point whatever interest you might have had in the MC goes out the window and you think ‘what’s this dudes deal and can the show be about them instead please?’ Sure, Alastor in all of his pesudo deer (Those don’t look like horns in my opinion but whatever you say Viv) is fun to watch but he drowns out Charile through sheer force of charisma and showmen ship. Maybe the series itself will fix this but for the pilot at least I think it’s an issue.  
Also, Nifty is Nifty and she needs her own spin-off ASAP. That is all. 
Husk is literally Avocato from Final Space with wings and some gambling bits thrown in design-wise. That’s literally all I think of Husk, sorry Husk fans :(
The animation is good, but I do find it ironic that as much as people like the bitch about  SU being off model, Hazbin I thought suffered from so many different animators tackling different scenes that it just felt jarring going from one scene to the next due to the difference in style and the shifts in animation pacing. Now, don’t get me wrong, a lot of it looks great but that switch in animators kinda just took me out of the experience in places.  Well, that and the lack of proper scene transitions. Those are what also made the pilot feel like whiplash for me.
And now comes to Bob’s thoughts on the plot of the pilot and this is where the logical holes of the series start to get to me just a bit.
So. Charlie wants to reform the demons of hell of their sins so they can get to heaven and Hell can lower its population and angles down come down and deliver some righteous furry smiting on their asses. Okay. Stupid question but what the hell is Charlie basing this off of? I mean, was AD really THAT good an actor that Charlie thought going full steam ahead on the Hotel idea was the next reasonable step up?
 Like, the Hotel was clearly a mess and her staff is literally just her and Vaggie and MAYBe Angel Dust. Even if the episode had ended with a horde of demons lining up to get into heaven by way of cleaning up their acts there’s no way two, three people could handle that (Or, you know, six if we throw in Nifty and Husk in fairness now that I think about it).
 And that’s ultimately the thing with the pilot, the demons are assholes as you’d expect the citizens of hell to be but if they are assholes... why should we care if they get redeemed or not when not one of them is clearly interested in the idea? As cheesy as it would have been, the pilot ending with a horde of demons wanting to give this ‘become better’ thing a shot would have at least left the pilot on a better note to end on. As it is it just seems like Charlie is doomed to fail because no one but her gives a shit or belives about her idea for the Hotel and we have no proof that her idea will even work. Which just makes me wonder: Why should I care if no one else does?
Ultimately, the show has potential but the art style and aspects of the writing just don’t click for me. The show doesn’t say ‘adult’ to me so much as it does 'Hot Topic Teen trying to be adult' which works for a lot of people but for me I think Hellevua Boss as more potential concept-wise. And has scenes on Earth which do the red and black and pink and white colors of the demons a lot better visual justice contrast wise but that’s just me. 
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