#but you’d be hard pressed to convince me she was masc or butch
puthyflapps · 2 years
Thots on the upcoming Tatum/Leighton/Alicia love triangle? Who reigns superior?
Maybe it’s because I have common sense but I don’t understand how you can watch the show and think that Tatum and Leighton will last. The show has one character tell Leighton that she’s clearly in her “twincest phase” - phase being the operative word here. The show also had other characters pointing out that it’s weird/unhealthy for someone’s type to be themselves.
Do I have beef with Tatum? No. Do I think she’s hot? Yes. Do I enjoy watching her and Leighton have sex? Also yes but, I just don’t think it’s built to last. When you’re dating someone who is identical to you (looks and personality wise in this case) the relationship can become boring. That’s why I think there’s a chance that Alicia and Leighton could end up back together. Their relationship was more interesting to watch because they had that push and pull. They challenged one another’s thoughts and beliefs and became better people for it.
I think people have amnesia and forget that Leighton wasn’t out at all when she was dating Alicia and they villanize Alicia for trying to protect her own feelings and mental health. Tatum doesn’t get upset at Leighton for not wanting to come out to her dad at dinner because, as she said to Leighton’s face, they’d only been dating for like a fucking week. It would be strange of her to demand Leighton come out right then and there. Tatum also gets the benefit of being out with Leighton on campus and around peers. Alicia was being treated like a dirty secret for months. Leighton wouldn’t invite her to events in case they were seen together and someone got the wrong idea. Leighton had a full on melt down when a quarter inch of her purse was in the background of a photo. Alicia had all the right in the world to set boundaries and tell Leighton that she needed to work on some stuff because it’s one thing to be closeted and it’s another to try and drag someone else back in there with you.
My final thots are:
- I have no beef with Alicia but I do have beef with her shitty haircut
- I have no beef with Tatum. She’s hot 🥵
- I think the show might have Alicia and Leighton get back together because s1 was giving right person-wrong time trope. S2 with out and proud Leighton might give us a right person-right time scenario where the two can finally be together like a normal couple
- if they don’t proceed with the romantic relationship between Alicia and Leighton then I think they’re gonna make them friends (bc hello lesbians! Friends with their exes!!) and all that’ll happen is Alicia will basically just give her a little pep talk where she says she’s proud of Leighton for finally living her truth
- in the grand scheme of things, I don’t see either relationship being endgame. I think Leighton will end up with someone completely different by the end of the show (if it doesn’t get cancelled bc jfc hbo max). I think it would make sense and be kinda healthy for her to date more than two people. She doesn’t need to end up with her first gf or the identical girl she dated when she was fresh out of the closet
- I’m rooting for her next girlfriend to be a hot, dumb jock. Maybe a basketball or lacrosse player. Just absolutely no thots up there in that beautiful head of hers. All she knows is that she loves Leighton 🥰🫶🏻
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